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Show ! I. ) I 1 r THE PAYSON .GLOBE - r K ' . , . rAYSOlf, UTJLII, SATURDAY, MAR 28, VOLUME 4 Dull and Bilious. INDEPENDENT - 1806- NUMBER 8. - Imr. bayabd is censured. BIMETALISM DKXIKM THE AITIIUHMIIIP. UNEASINESS CALMING DOWN Hammond Knrr finite Lrltrre aa support any candidate whose past feuari Charged. Addresses the London, March does not give assurance that' he WIH he His Recent ai. The Evening true to that principle. Standard uiblUhe a dispatch from JoCause of Action. the SImpIim nights, backache, weak-n0a- ll An Enthusiastic That we carnesllyfiquest hannesburg sa; lng: The Diggers Newt France will Accept what She Meeting at the theResolved, Unltrd States senators and the represult from a disordered announces that John Hays Hammond, Itrawrati the American engineer and member of resentative In congres from .'Utah to How lhe Votro Miss Can't Prevent. 1 heatre, Monday Night, condition of Liver or Kidneys. Mtaad In With the Brpabllraaw-Hail- ey th reform make the free coinage of sllvcrthe parcommittee, now on trial, reTo be strong and vigorous your amount Issue end to labor at all times (democrat) of Teaaa, Usn pudiates letters to American newspaMw Far sate May Thai Bayard la end in ell cases to bring about the com Liver must be healthy. Wonderful pers purporting to emanate from prisbat la a Paoltlaa ta Flgbt ladalgea restoration of silver to the position oner. 1 plete to tho ailed Keprrsrsl Adapted Deter It success has always attended the lrss( Is added a fresh outcry Is being lathe Uape that Kagllah VppaalUaa It occupied prior to 1873. Mtatea Aay whero or at aay Time. lined te Mappart Ke Caadldate The chairman then dismissed the of raised against the alleged Americanisata Mallobary'h Talley af Aggroaaloq tion oi the Rand by mining magnates wheae laattlaa aa Ike Mesry (fare large audience. Will Lead ta Hla DawafolL Washington .Marsh aa The house who, It appears, have been placing matlea Is Unblfsl aa fa Mllver. PrsrrfSI Srltlrwest Beal I today, after three hours of debate, chinery ordrr In the United State InLondon, March 19. A letter edikeed adopted a resolution censuring Thomas stead of England. Directors of English - It cures thoroughly all aliments of Liver, Kidneys by Justice Brewer of the United, State F. Bayard, of state and now mining companies are also directors of Paris, March 18 Egypt has continued Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and supreme court and president of th Ven--1 ambassador to the urt of St. James, American mining machinery to be the chief topic of discussion all day at sale For 1 1.00 per bottle. ease. Salt Lake City, March a 3. The cause euzelan commission, to the peac Bsso-- 1 jor utterance delivered In an address to by Druggists In the lobbies of the chamber of depuI hope the Boston, England, granimer school, TNI Oil. J. N. MILIAR MEBICINK CO.. 8T. LOUIS, MO. of Mmetalism and the Importance of In- elation, In which he expressed ties end the statement made by the minfor the peaceful settlement ofthpVcn- - nd bt.(ore lhe EJln. ister of foreign affairs, M. Berthelot, action of silver the upon dependent part euzelan dispute, Is published hent TUK UKAI HKPOMTKH ALIVE. add abundant fresh material for disburgh, Scotland, philorophlcal ln.llla-Thadvocates the at were election, News an editorial ensuing Daily THE KORTH. says in j tkm U(t faM BLIIUID cussion. The general feeling la that M. R S. WIM.VIIR, I forcibly and earnestly expounded by on Justice Brewer letter: "Th tetter The vote stood 180 to 71, In favor of Was. Crawford, Formerly af Evana. Berthelot' language was moderate and I is aa welcome of evidence an A. General peculiarly J. Warner, president of the ehwnera ia Fertl aa the Ltkr- iIm, Heard Frem. resolution, and 191 to $9 In favor cautious, and that it has served to disNational Bimetallic union ; Hon. H. F. the spirit In which the commlltjeq wl$ 0j u,e iKond. Five republicans broke A special from pel anxiety of the moderate politician Crew FroafMttrB. March it. Chicago, conduct Its labors. It ought to , have I Bimetalof from party lines end voted against La Forte, Ind., says: William Crawford, who were consumed with fear that Cleveland, O, March 19. Abput noon Barline, editor the National suitable recognition. nonofiY OWN! IH BAI It could uotl) lwly S. and Hon. L. of list, Johnson Virginia lines" the resolution of censure, and six and formerly of this city, but of late years France was rushing to an open rupture today the Aching tug Jessie eultably recognlxcd than bf KlVtlocraU voted for It. All the republican a Wyoming cattle king, has been with Great Britain and the drelbund os Helene" vent out on the lake and, In the 5alt Lake theater last evening. I Owing to the fact that the speakers lng the work wholly fn the Itsfi ot anj jlie democrats voted for the second mourned as dead for three years by his a result of the after gathering the net act out the announcedid not reach the city until late and that those engaged on both sides In effecting 1 resolution. e mother and sister in this city. ment of the remonstrance which had night before, etarted back. When 1 settlement." I Mr. Willis, a republican from Mr the breakwater the bliuard struck it was Impossible to advertise the meetCrawford disappeared from Evanston, been conveyed by M. Berthelot to the H. EVANS Bayard's state, made a speech In oppo- Wyo., In 1893. He had amassed a for- British ambassador, the them, and they were coon hemmed in ing properly In the limited time at the merqufe of sition to the first resolution, and Mr. tune and the Impression became so by dence packs of floating ice that were disposal of the committee on arrangeAs the situation present Itself, DENTIST. driven la by the north wind. They ments, the attendance was not as large CLEARANCE PIPERS REFUSED Bailey (Deni. Texas) not only endorsed strong that he had been foully dealt and the Intention of the different parties the resolutions hut declared that a man with that a receiver was appointed for to the were eoon Imprisoned end In danger of as It would have been under more favorbalance begin to European r sere. Km Inking, and they whUtled for help. Two able conditions. Still, the lower part of who delivered such utterance as Mr. his estate and his aff.drs adjusted. Soon War Dna.l.H k.rf emerge, It becomes more evident that Bayard had at Boston was unworthy to after Crawford powerful harbor tugi forced their way the house was crowded and the first disappeared Harvey France Is not prepared to take any exto the reacue amid the blinding snow, gallery comfortably filled, with leading represent the United States anywhere or Booth, an Intimate friend, was mur- treme measure to evert the Nile camat any time." (torm and one of them also became representatives of the business and A man named Crocker was paign. Not that she like It any better dered. There was a report about the house arrested and convicted of his murder, thaa when It wa first broached. It wedged fact. The other releeacd her financial circles of Salt Lake City, BEST SETS OF after the resolutions had been adopted and the theory was advanced that Cock- would be hard to find Frenchman who and they returned to the river. Just many of whom were accompanied by that Ambassador Bayard would resign, er had also murdered Crawford. It Is see In the proposed campaign anything before nightfall they again ' made the ladies. And whst was lacking In attend- The Irasli Mag ha rnfonanata M prises wltfcU rmll ml all. Vrsnsels, aa Well am Ixpesdtt-s-j but close friend of the administration now learned that Crawford is in British but a plan of aggression on the part of attempt, and thla time, after a hard bat- ance was made up in enthusiasm. Will Follow Bor PrasMlest. . - t asserted positively that there was absoGeneral Warner and Mr. Bartlne, both tle, brought the "Helene" in. The hands Columbia, where he is said to have Great Britain. They all deny that there Is need for It as a measure of protection of crew end whom In of well her Salt are feet all known lutely no foundation for the rumors, amassed a second fortune. Lake, werp badly O8BP KI.CIKWK of Egyptian Interests against the Derwhich they did not hesitate to ridicule. frostbitten. They put back the third were enthusiastically applauded as they New York, March at. A special tor vishes. The resolution adopted, after reading time to rescue the Jessie Enas," but the appeared upon the stage, accompanied mtJLaw World from Bridgetown, Barbadoesj the the They protest that France's Interest In effort was finally abandoned, and the by Hon. Joseph L. Rawlins, Richard objectionable portions of Mr. BayWest Indies, says: An Iron mine' In ard's MEN the welfare of Egypt Is equal to or WANT TEN THOUSAND craft will probably be dashed upon the Mackintosh, lion. Thomas G. Merrill, speech, were a follows: on the southern hank of the greater than Great Britains or the other Resolved, That It Is the sense ot the breakwater. Colonel M. M. Kalghn, John J. Daly, Venezuela, Coroslmo one of the affluent ;bf house of river, UH Thomas that powers. It Is argued that a large maliJMl, OIn over Bank. G. L. representatives Allen Williams, Campbell, the Parley Is owned by n London syn-- , Orinoco, e of all the Egyptian jority ni the United ambassador F. Bayard, Henry W. Lawrence, and 1 number of dlcate. In the interests of the owners, are French cltlxens and that If Egyptian States to Greet Brlta n, In publicly RPAIR HAS FAILED. the members of the legislature. Turnbull of Boston visited 'thlf Army to Invade the Soudan Interest were threatened by the Derusing the language above quoted haa The meeting was called to order by Georgechartered Now Has 6,000 Troops the British schoom committed an offense against diplomatic island, vishes France would have aa much conThat la Ike Ossnsl Iaspecaalaa at Richard Mackintosh, and Hon. Joseph New Day," and sailed from this poi propriety and an abuse of the privileges In prelecting them at Great Britcern as was selected chairman of Rawlins December aoth for Venezuela, with! of the exalted which would ain. R. 0. W. Ry. Waahtactaa. position, the meeting. about eighty laborers and a mlscellhaa make him the representative of the OI here The only purposes which any one In In accepting the distinction thus conHarry IngForward Dervlahr Chicago, March ao A special to the Evening Train ous cargo. Nothing further wes heart) whole country and not of any political will consent to see tn the BritFranc Tlmet-Heral- d Hah ao At lark ssd are Krpalnr. from Washington says: ferred upon him, Mr. Rawlins said that of the New Day" end her frdght.'Cap-taiSach utterances were wholly ish plan are, first, an excuse for prolongL caving Spying The party. the been had called for the official In purmeeting Impreeeion strengthens by a Tenth of their Xowber Lord Baxter arrived here from Yenexuela Inconsistent with that prudent, delicate ing Indefinitely the haled occupation of Till at 8.00 pm circles that Spain has made a failure of pose of listening to the distinguished via Trinidad, on one at Iff 8XIVICI Rnval Mill end t. Mallxbary Admit that Hr ISealrro Egypt by British troops; and, second, a he which reserve scrupulous It In Cuba, and that the rebellion cannot gentlemen who had recently been deHe reports that the vmeT reoccupation of the Soudan with the Insecretary of state,) enjoined Arbitration. Connecting dally witlx be suppressed other than by wearing It voting their time and attention to the h ed discharging her cargo at Imgtla Upgn an diplomatic agents of the United of barring the future designs of tention out. That the campaign In Cuba is near- great cause In awhlch the hope of the January 17th. Mr. Turnbull, with f Stale n he ,ffronU the France for a prosperous colonial one ln ipeech of centered. were this conU people country toms officer to clear the vessel, retuftieA ly at an end, so far as this winter beM. Berthelot who flle. of of his the body upper aa. has countrymen, The March Standard great London, cerned, ! now apparent. The rainy seaThey do not come," Mr. Rawlins con- on the 19th, stating that the clearance which lieve In the policy of protection. In the to discuss the question, but had been obtained, but afterward' dispatch from Cairo, which says: referred today to the danger son will set In eoon and then military tinued, In all his from offends result would he ' other countryat arousing speech Wady-Haifare There In V east." 6,000 the troops already . called. operations of a serious nature will have rather to report progress Americana are who the that believe men, premises. but there Is no intention of inarchMr. Rawllng then Inquired as to to end. Four armed Venezuelan soldier ckme capable of self government. Therefore, ing upon Dongula until they have the further pleasure of the meeting, and from Bolivar with Mr. Turnbull to General time to has this Up Weyler , Tram No. a at D as the Immediate representative of the troops. made no eubetantlal progress from a mil- It was moved' and carried that a com the goods landed and the manifest American people and In their name, five The French embassador, Baron de on of be resolutions mlttee Kaatera Mnsafortarera Afraid. appointitary point of view, end there is little of the New Day. The examlnaftbu we condemn Omaha, Xanana City, . and censure the utterances Courcel,had a long Interview with Lord March 19. A conference reason to hope that he will accomplish ed. s Washington, was declared satisfactory, and the St. Louie and Chicago of Thomas F. Bayard. Th.; com.nlttee appointed were as folSalisbury at the latter's residence on was held In this city today between the anything In the short time remaining directed Capt. Baxter lo goV Resolved further, That In the opinion Sunday. The conference Is supposed to Through Pullmam Blaapaaa, . for field work. Moreover (and this is a lows: John J. Dally, Henry W. Law- Bollvtr to clear the vessel. On . the republican silver senators who voted of the house of represenatlves, public have dealt with the subject of the Nile M. M. G. Allen rence, Campaffairs for which Kalghn, condition the consideration of the house af President against Fraa Kadinlng Chair Oara, New Day" arriving there, the captain speeches by our diplomatic or consular espedltlun. A visit by an embassador Mil In the senate and a number of manCleveland has been welting) there are bell and Richard Macintosh. was to clear, but rrfusedjOii officer abroad which display partisan- on Siting Oara Ala Oarta. At the conclusion of Gen. Warner's requested Sunday to the private residence of ufacturers, principally of Pennsylvania, many Indications that the Spanish authe advice of the acting consul, xpfc M. ship or which condemn any political the prime minister of foreign affairs Is (or the purpose, if oslble, of arriving M. of Jeoura Tiekats at read the Kalgn report thorities ere despairing of success. It is address, Baxter then took passage for Barbados. committee on resolutions, which party or party policy or organization of an unusual occurrence, and this leads to al ail understanding on which sliver ad freely predicted by officials here, famil- the He reported lo the government, R. Ot. citizens in the United State are In dere- the received loud with and that the subject of vocates and protectionists can unite. applause iar with what might be called the Inside Immediately sent to the Imperial liction of the duty of such officers, im- Baronsupposition call was an Impor- The conference wa de Courcel's preliminary to r.r.MoUILLAM of the eituatlon that President Cleve- adopted. The report was as follows: X. r. NESLEN, authorities in London, and he fwzs their usefulness as public servants tant one. pair In Lake citizens of will Salt The which others probably be held, end City, land will Intervene successfully within MM. directed to return to Ciudad Bolivar and and diminish the confidence which niT. rm. zee. they members of all political parties, await the action of the British March aa. A force of while It resulted In no joint declaration Massowah, eluding of United interests The the sixty days. govern- should Room llo,N(ii 10W 2nd.Sa States always command at home and (no Dervishes attacked Sabderat lass on those present expressed themselves ts and of humanity require that the placing the caifte of silver restoration ment. The captain left yesterday for abroad. March 8th. It was defended by eighty satisfied that the result would be to proin assembled, Venezuela. SaltLaVe City, Utah' struggle be not allowed to continue an above party, native troops, and the enemy were de. mote both Interests, and that an imand reso the following preamble other winter, after another summer of adopt H. M. & Cordelia," which hae been killed. The portant step had been taken In bringing feated and fleJ, leaving lutlons: industrial paralysis. sail. to "..Uis is lying here, preparing killed. was BUILDING Italian loss LAKE three We them nearer together. with alarm SALT note THE the Whereas, The American citizens of Cuba have aid she Is ordered to Bolivar to demand Mat Inflect lea la Mpala. The meeting resulted from a corresOn March 18th 1,500 Dervishes reIn price of all property constant falling with claims United been their the and New of clearance the the filing Day New York, March aa. A special to newed the attack, but they were re- pondence between Mr. Willielin and States consuls during the last few measured by the gold standard; the mil indemnity for her detention.' ' The govthe World from Madrid says: The propulsed with heavy loss. Three thousand Senators Teller of Colorado, Dubois of and they have been coming to Hons of able and willing workingmen ernment, It is believed, will follow thq It Cost Three Hundred and Dervishes are still threatening the pass, Idaho, Carter and Mantle of Montana, tracted debate In the United States sen- months, and idleness work enforced in seeking at one of state rate the tie department precedent set by the Unltrd States three ate causes evident satisfaction In finanand reinforcements have been dispatch Cannon of Utah and Jones of Nevada. r two a day recently. The claims are not finding it; the government borrow, years ago when the "Kearsarge" was Fifty Thousand Dollars. cial and political circles in Madrid. SevThese senators were all present at toed from Kassala. for all kinds of damages inflicted on the lng money and Issuing bonds In time of sent up the Orinoco lo I ladsd Bolivar eral newspapers even augur now that hi ordered has Menelik day's meeting, as were Representatives The of both failure the Negus and crops of the American profound peace; to Investigate the alleged outrage by the resolution recognising Cuban bel- property meet him at Makalle, where he Hartman of Montana, Allen of Utah, to chiefs scheme to check the Venezuelan and free trade tariff deare for the authorities on '.the They ligerency will ultimately be defeated er struction of and to afford aa Ur Kldr Track -- Allen, will bid them farewell and return to and Wilson of Idaho, and also some United Stales consul at llyd place. crops, machinery and build' the decline of prices Satisfaction Is also exabandoned. Slioa. thirty representatives of manufacturing Ings, and the seliure of horses, cattle relief; the subserviency of the leaders llawrser, Warkrt Hard for Our 1 with Interests. The conference wa organfurnished pressed over the recent decisions of and all kinds of domestic animals and of both the democratic and republican been has Adigrat XriKhbar Oar al the Many Hrsrtls American courts against filibusters and uutl ized by choosing Senator Dubois as last of lo water plentiful supply fowls, which have been taken by the parties as well a of the metropolitan Murdrrer Arrrsled. ' I Wa Kaasaaakly the end of That nialrhaod the attitude of the American exccutlva af of mononietalist the to chairman, and Mr. Wilhelm as secreEng. gold April. one side or the other. The press oldleis of Welch, W. V., March JJ. Fletcher and other authorities toward fillbuster-- . die Hie March Vienna Wall A street and land their 13. allies; London, tary. Expert. Spanish soldiers have, It Is said, com Coalgrove, who murdered John (joet-In- g Brief speeches were made by all the tng expeditions. mltted at least as many of the minor persistent attempt to mislead the people patch to the Times ssys: Russia sup In Iasi and feelJoseph Hering August There is much senators of They defined their view present. the the French declarations, Dongolz ports depredations as the Insurgents, if nut by ambiguous platfonn the coal field, was arrested today near In such manner a to make it arch an. The expedition. , 1J. ing, but It Is suppressed, the public more. The an honest expression of position ! thus Washington, of claims amount the preventing larger Vivian. 'y demonstrations subsiding. lee on public huMd house The Paris correspondent of the Times, plain to the manufacturers that there has resulted from the destruction of their political sentiments; the Indiffer : ia on no protective tariff leg Wat Ion decided The government haa succeeded in ob- ; j ings and grounds Unlay -T ence of the moneyed east to the neds of commenting on bogus telegrams In the could be cane. session of congress or the rec at this and either Salt tor t ining $30,000,000 from bankers in sugar intended Lake, stead are the which French the west; ta Death. Fear Usrsed United bill which building will public newspapers The the State, pioneer producing war Cuban the rehabilitation of sib without of for $3.VV the expenses. an next, on unintended of the Egyptian Spain the volume of currcney appropriation lo excite public feeling be called on to render on behalf of Its contraction Bayfield, Wi., March sarjulla Bird, File bill as in question, declares France Is repeating ver, and that bimelalism and protection, citizens against Spain will be a heavy while business and population are in an old squaw, and quite a character & oou for Its construction. from their standpoint, conone. So long as Spain persists In main ereasing, making the load of the strug this section, her daughter, Charlotte Iruduccd by Representative Allen pro the mistake she nude In 188a, upon the as regarded Kwalaad aad Italy Rwt Alllf. issue before the country. Lake an Salt at both occasion of the bombardment of Ales stituted tainlng It as an Insurrection only that gling debtor heavier and heavier with Bird, an infant daughter, of Charlotte, vides for buildings manufacturer themselves of followed Some the committee London, March 19. There are Indica- exist in the of the but and by andrla the manufactur and the occupation Egpyt Ogden, Island, and not a state of each succeeding year; and C. IHqucttu, an Indian from, tjie In this Indorsed tions today that the government Is not of congress proposition as being the logic the British. war, It Is liable for all damages Inflicted era of the country threatened with de Bad Klu-- reservation, were burned lo the uniform practice necessities and politithe of at country's prepared to accept, to the full, at least, by Its own troops or by those of the in tructiun by countries producing on capitals fur buildings public death this morning at J; o'clock In 'a viding I o'"an of the President condition. cal one phrase contained In the statement silver basis and enjoying an advantage house on the outskirts of .'the town. and commercial centers. urgent. M hlpolwa a Prrarbrr. Manufacturer's club of Philadelphia exmade in the house of commons yesterfor hard a Og. made Mr. Allen of fight about cent In 100 known Is President It not whether per exchange by Biquetle was quite that tariff duties day by Mr. Curann, the under secretary Cleveland's message will offer any sug' reason of the unjust appreciation of den and was asked by the committee to Szroii, Texas, March aa. Rev. J. D. pressed the opinion which to each city Thornton, a preacher living near here, could not he made high enough to profor fur foreign affairs, bills epecial sigIntroduce as separate course to of future this gold; the hhat Her Alleged prdsrrr. unIn speak- gestion towards nificance has been attached, was warned to preaeli no more In this tect manufacturers of our country Resolved, that the one hope of relief ", Bertha' but refused, staling that all UtahIn asked Spain and Cuba, country Marc basis. Fa the der In , i:. advance these Coatesville, gold r was that buildings be erected section. He refused to olicy the order ing of the whether he will content himself with and the Issue, of jthjs city, shot the upper Nile region, Mr. Curxon aland last night he was taken out by the correspondence. The lng all other Issues, before the Amerl McConnell, aged ao, twq cities. transmitting Mr. Fitzmaurlce, British Harry Thompson at ahjtel la Lancaster luded to the Italians as our staunch documents will be submitted tu the cab- can The committee, however, said that mob, who whipped him severely with people Is the free coinage of silver eh the After Utah sboutinrf for has returned from Urfa, report yesterday. one allies." and the who friends ha He building 1 16 switches. an some exact time It on be of inet to many at the ratio ,heyonlyfavored today, and may then equal The words quoted do nut appear In determined whether It Is necessary for ity with gold without reference to the turned to her home in this tyty and shot njr declJeU lo glve ihxt to Salt Lake 3,000 people massacred in the recent affair has wrought the community to the Times' parliamentary report to- the president to express xn opinion on action of any other government, and herself. The double crmq.i alleged disturbance. high pilch. day, having, It is alleged, been omitted the Cuban resolutions or to outline the the increase of the volume of money In Kunnla la MUggered, to by request of the government,- which attitude of the administration. circulation. New Yoik, March 19. A dispatch I to the nut accept prepared r seemingly Resolved, That neither high tariff nor Herald from St. Petersburg says the Highest of ill in Leavening Power - -- Latest U. S. sentiment they esprrsa at Its face v alue PrlaMrra In Egypt seems low tariff, protection nor free trade will move Englands rapid here Rome, March 19. A dispatch from bring any substantial relief while we to hive staggered public opinion Two Trampa Hilled. Massowah to the Tribune says: Prison attempt to maintain the gold standard. Drrvlanra Ordered le I'ssreslrsle The Vedomisil admit that England Resolved, That we are utterly opposed Jacksonville, Fla., March i.v A bro - ers who have escaped from the Aliy London, March ia A .Vienna ,dU seems lo know the pulse of Central ken truck caused the wreck of a freight j sinlan camp declare the prisoners there to the attempted maintenance ui the gold patch to the Daily New ' says': New I rope belter than any one else, and hadly fed, and that standard, tiihrr by burrowing money has been rtitlcd that a!l of the Der train on the Florida Central St Penlnsu- - are The Novoc Vreinya is silent, except Twelve cars numbers of then) had been giirrutctl an-lzr railroad near Mission. on tl.e right bond, or by forcing down the Nile, Ifor the remark that we now have a real were thrown off the track and much ; The Dervishes are within an liuur of prices to the level, and that in liom Old Diiiigulz to base been I ,,r in iro- - ed, and that If ibe Kgyplian Two tramps were Kassala, the garrison of whh h have Inc the campaign of we will give our oidered to cross tbe Nile aud'o coliccn damage was dune. juuopsprjve insufficient, Indian troops killed and another seriously injured. doe no to not that stand New around Irate necessary. prisoners for four months. will be party support Dongula. - the la-wort- Re-alall-ese Dr. J. H. McLeans Liver and Kidney Balm. re. - the 'vl Brights e II Notary Public. dem-mor- e semi-offici- ' out-eld- J. Duf-ferl- 1 TEETjl Attorpoj fund-holder- TAKE n hlm-llner- le n; BURLINGTON expan-pantlo- ROUTE I i a, io,-00- 0 lira effi-cer- W. Oflict. linui mass-meetin- g a A A T xi -- n C-- r well-tp-il- Anglo-Egyplla- ovrr-towe- l, 1 tc j ' 11 'Is" l.f t M 1 Baldly Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE I |