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Show i Tiiey Might Sing BRISBANE ME IAYSON CHRONICLE. PAYSON. CTAH From Atlanta to the Sea this week biiijclinl jti AlfM'ly Oot Him 'I hey t.ijiiiii, ami Nonsense Onler forf?t Mailc to l!"UouiH-er monopoly t l.,-- ;r na-- lir mmi'les ulul As It tMi tin moiioi'olie.s Sj.'s fi.in-- s since 1929 have !. i; Min'po'.ies fairly well. r ,.,P(1 1"t r a Dou'Tol.v f'ut joa ,l' ll,is if any eau get It at a ,uld Lie to oo n, you 13 lf 011 "tie J,wp bargain. feilern! agents, all to get" Dill.ntior. And F, got limi by surprise, thanks to a ,oiwn3 "tip Unit he was to he In a r.an the i! r," a tip suppored to Jebeiu we.l paid for. it was no IS ,t tl)0k Ddhnger was killed kuled others, without a bid be js . hie a trapped coyote, cUEce of s , If he knows any-tiitknow no"' ,Ld tint as a profession crime doe deteetn e xx, tut pa.'- department's special avia-e,ee s.ijs tlie army should coi. j ,e 2,'.-- o dine, with coyesponding men. It also says CriWMS In tlj.ng not he one department ),ere fhoulil all air forces, which Is coatmll-nn in ,f,jl id icy. rul'd remeinher what he was secretary of war and the Hying machines of this country sent to I. mope were a joke among our llymg men compelled to hor-uranee and England planes from that would really fiy. Dd or Mr. na-;m- n 1 the big men In the army feel that Howexer, isil navy are not flyers, and they should luxe their little fy.rg units to day with. separate somewhere In the Pacific Present Roosevelt sends an order that f'5 OOO.Cf'X) he set aside now, $75,000,-(- 0 in ail, spent on a "made to order" across tills country rest, stretching t'rouzh the heart of the drouth area from the Canadian border to the Texas Frnm Ianhamlle. Planned as an experiment counteract the drouth by eneourag-- g rainfall, the nexv forest will be ito mules I 10 long, miles xxlde, 100,-- 0 of forest surface. square miles time before any-- b about the plan's success, 'e President and those around him tx.il haxe disappeared, will not see the and before It amounts to 5 forest, t.ch men may have learned to pro-r- e rain xxlien necessary. It Is an wciing experiment, costing only 5,000,000, a mere nothing in these It be a long xx 111 knoxxs uly Ford late-piant- VO. A Annual Wheat Style Show at Walla Walla b C , f,0 H- y 3 V Or L lives some American tuoLslinC'S, gives his fellow citizens tredit for too much of the old Amerl-ta- n I'erhaps Henry Ford, wlio iotance from the fringe of lf ' (z.f LA spirit. read that 3,000,000 of schooling In the folted States, that this country spends w luxuries" twice as much as It Mends on education, you think that yssibly something has happened to at pioneer The Talmud spirit. tys, "Jerusalem was destroyed the schools were neglected. chll-1'e- n are deprived $Jzjr - w e Conditions in Vienna are bad, with t'ire dangerous riots expected as Nazi hrronsm continues Its bomb explo-ns- . Austria declare that In de-ar- ter-r.s- ts Ihests Mr. as hostages. held and Mrs. Peters (he was night WMn a small Hoboken, N. J., lunch-m- ) won $25,516 in a sweepstake er7 and felt that they should show at winning, in a lottery, Is a good D?. They drove to collect their ey In a rented car with veripd ,, chauffeur, and "opened The radio-- i urried voice ot his daughter, born after he had left on the P.xrd expedition, was heard l.,v Alphonse Carbone, the expedition's cook, as the child reached her half year birthday. Maria P.yrd Carbone is shown with her mother at their Cambridge (Macs.) home during the broadcast. How Imperial Valley Gets Water On August 2, 1M52, in u skirmish near Memphis, Mo., during the Civil war, N. I.onton Yackey was shot (he times. He still carries two of the halls in his side. Now, after 72 years, YacLey has been decorated for valor and devotion to his country. He has just received the Purple Heart medal from the War department. Yackey ll ninety-twyears old. Is vice commander of the G. A. K. In Colorado and Wyoming, nnd Is commander of the Pueblo post. o MANUIWA WINS Epagnp, eTrPrt accountant can show per cent on $25,510 will stand that strain. Some elrtrt "HI probably show them lfD'V jm that specialists of the United States De It Is probpartment of Agriculture. able that many desirable variations In some of our fruit crops have been lost through the pruning knife merely because they were not marked for pres ervation. These bud sports or variants are of scientific Interest and may prove of commercial value if preserved. It Is probable, scientists think, that the Washington navel orange was a variant on a Brazilian tree. The marsh seedless grapefruit variety may have originated as a sport. Rome of the deciduous fruits have also produced variants of value. Decently members of the department on the Pacific coast Inspected a variant of standard plum which ripens a superior fruit about six weeks later than the main crop. In this case the owner of the orchard had realized that a fruit ripening after the main crop had been sold might have special market value and had propagated from the limb variant so that the variety may he preserved. Grain Fed to Weaning Calf The amount of grain fed to a wean Ing calf will depend upon the condition of the Individual. Each animal should be kept In medium flesh and a good growing condition. The amount fed before weaning should be Increase to take the place of nutrients formerly supplied by milk. As a general rule three pounds of grain fed before weaning and this can be Increased to four or five pounds during the weaning period and Immediately after the animal Is weaned. Little or no grain Is required, however, when the calve are on good pasture. 1 4 "get-rlch-i- Tomatoes grow reddest If not posed to the hottest sun. ex- "night ms renl trolltllc9- some - New York set the pace In 1933 when dairymen of that state proved 109 sires. fac-- f .c 0sin'' hours reduced, because Is f niW materia,sIt Isnt that r.hw t,iatCtU!'tri0S rebuse to sell raw Germany, but that Germany aml creait Hundreds of 'I sald t0 ba aHed to the ft unemployed. bean-growin- g Lj I Mi . che-udca- s spread malaria and also fox or. Malaria Is the rxa f,. C txxo. for It makes life e:5. Aei ording to scientists, the IMrutixs coming up from " Sf Hons ts n"t rude barbarians from Pr 'he vces of tt i, the lnhabl-- I s the power of ancient "-- r " ",ure U ynaiot. lav Brvi44p. Removal of oxide coating, soot, and carbon with the AC Spark Plug Cleaner snaps up the speed, economy and performance ofc-.- y car. Registered dealers, gara-- $ and service stations have t! e AC Cleaner now. Why not have your plugs cleaned? Replace badly worn plugs with new ACs. Tun in. RAYMOND KNIGHT and th CUCKOOS Saturdayi, 10 p.m. East-r- n Daylight Saving Tim. MC THE QUALITY LOOK FOR THE SPARK " PLUS ' B eHiiA Ymiclmina ... and youll want a room at Great the you Northern Hotel go ran see Chieago as well av the Worlds Fair. Convenient to shops, theatres, depots and all of Chicagos great rivio attractions. Right in the heart of everything. Nearest loop hotel to the main entrance. 400 ROOMS ... 400 BATHS homelike. Friendly service, personal courtesy, delicious food, reasonable prices, venient location. No eon-- , parking worries. Makm your rrvotioni now, JACKSON BLVD., DEARBORN, QUINCY fTS, CHICAGO, ILL. EARL L. THORNTON, Vice-P-.-- t. Cukiita l wlrexxorin. & 7 g x, Ceach by the AC METHOD, only The elkk beetle Is the parent of the , MlKq SAVE GAS . . . RUN SMOOTHER .. . . . SPARK PLUGS CLEANED Many cattle now are branded painlessly with a that removes the hair and leaves the skin white. um'aria Is spreading In reported at Santl-I'- i lrt) Intelligent Cubans iI, ,V U,'unl i.Cw an energetic fight tha , ,ai rous malaria-bearin- :'ad INCREASE SPEED START EASIER . THE GREAT NORTHERN HOTH, beetles are reported doing considerable damage In the belt of North Carolina. ,'Vh Jre - , Mexican - - CLEAN PLUGS WIN! Large, modern, comfortable, Farm Notes o w change $25,516 Into $10,000,000 r' 1eters will be man Hr111 New Powerful Poiion Heavy water, a newly discover d substauce In England, Is a deadly poison, consisting of hydrogen atoms twdee the normal weight and oxygen, and the one quart known to exist Is valued at $150,000, says the London Dally Mall. Fruit growers should always he on the watch for limbs of their trees that bear unusually desirable fruit or that bear at unusual times, say fruit the Catholic priests led Chancel-P- r Dollfuss in his campaign against 5 Nazis," and a Nazi spokesman that Nazis "have determined to tlnap the Human Catholic priests as vages. As soon as any Nazi are senttneed to death, and anged, tlie.r friends will kill the L'-der- on ns. Xa.s -- Valuable Bud Sports May Be Lost by Not Labeling spirit that isn't afraid to anything, will save this nation Its economic and social afflle-- When you OVERPLAYING OP i INSANITY PLEA3 Byrd's Cock Hears His Baby's Voice oncer 1jin The American people have long been convinced that the Insanity plea In criminal courts Is decidedly overworked. It Is gratifying ami not a little surprising, therefore, s.i.v s the St. Iaul Dispatch, to learn that the psychiatrists, whose science h n contributed most to the furthering of the Insanity plea, are now making an attempt to close this loophole lu the law. At a recent annual meeting of the American Psychiatric association in New York a committee report v.as read advocating radical reforms in legal and penal procedure in capital cases In which a plea of Insanity had been entered by the defendant It xva recommended that the Jud shall eliminate all evidence of t' a mental condition of the defendant except such evidence as makes the mi n tal disease so obvious a lay Jury cm Time and agile understand It. Juries have been mystified by the clinical subterfuges and technic ties of Insanity pleas In crimi-- a trials. On too many occasions the twelve good men and true have b m overwhelmed by psychological and have permitted justice b he cheated. To the ordinary run of citizen1' who make up Jury panels then nr mentally only two kinds of pooo, the normal and the crazy. The ., clous grades and degrees of re ml nnd nervous disorders which I ' t e psychiatrists field he coinpreu i s not at all. When an Insanity plea l entered the Jury merely wants to know whether the accused Is or Is not responsible for his acts. Keep Ing such evidence In an underftand-nbl- e form will help the juries and put a limit on the abuse of lnsan'tv pleas. Ten years ago the Idea of Irrigating their gardens would have been seeded at by Illinois farmers, but the unusually dry weather of this season has Irribrought home the possibilities of gation In a convincing way. Not all larms, but a very large number of them might have Irrigated gardens at small expense. During drought seasons a simple, homemade watering system may mean the difference between a productive garden and a total loss. Likewise, having sufficient water at the proper time Is particularly Important to vegetables. In a majority of cases the farmstead Is built in a slight elevation with the garden laid out on a gentle slope a bliort distance from the source of . . , water. Generally, too, there Is a lieie aie yuungMws Horn uoniinent families In Ceotgiu and other southeastern states dashing lutothe Iacifle ocean pump powered by a windmill or gasoat Santa Mono a, ('alp', a ti r a crn-- . eountry tr,p from Atlanta in a caravan of deluxe motor camping trucks. There ore line engine that Is capable of supply34. of them with a chaperon for e.nh ing far more water than Is needed for party of six. household and live stock consumption. All that Is necessary on these farms Is a line of pipe running from the live stock or storage tank to the upper edge of the garden, and a piece of hose that can be moved from row to row as needed. If the storage tank Is below the upper level of the garden, the pipe may be attached directly to the pump and the water forced up to the higher level of the garden. Ily using either a cultivator or hand hoe, rough furrows can then be placed at the upper end of a furrow and the water allowed to make Us way slowly to the lower end. As the furrow becomes soaked, the hose is moved from row to row across the garden. It will be necessary, of course, to keep the windmill or gasoline engine running to maintain the water supply, but In most cases the method Is Inexpensive and does not require constant attention. Different farms will, naturally, require different adaptations of any type of watering system, for the problem Is more or less an Individual one. HowWuH.i Walla, Wa-l- i, has held its !ir annual wheat style slioxx lili great success. The young ladies shown above ever, If farmers will look over their own were an attractive feature, all of them wearing costumes made entirely of wheat. situations, a great many will find It entirely possible and practical to Irrigate the garden with but little expense TARDY RECOGNITION and labor. says: Americanism, p Possibilities of Irrigation Are Favored by Farmers in Drought Sections. L. A Somerv Garden Extension Specialof AKrlculturv Unlvarailjr of ist, ( olh-irVV NU Bervlca Illinois i..vs, Henry MOVE TO CHECK Hr ..V.V. Tie War Watering System Is Simple Matter a r- in ( airiornia are facing their v.nr-.- t nnd last water imperial vailev ran hi The photograph shows domestic water being Culnrado river. on the shortage d.strilinted to rural reMdints ol tie valley by hEHA olluials from one of the carloads shipped into tins gnat ngrb ultrral area. Millions of gallons of domestic water will h.axe to fie shipped ml the valley during the present drought fuini-'e- l by the Southern lacific railroad from period, the water is being its wells. WVIItiiiiW.. mH with somewhat less than our population, has over fixe million farm proprietors. France, U.ipt. Harold DJI nghama si homier Manuivva, Honolulu en'ry in t u Tian Iacific yacht rai e, was deelnred the winner over eleven oilier enn'estant In the Los Ang( It s Honolulu rate, "Ho.i Scn.e Betti n on a hos," said Uiede Ebon. "Is Bumpin' dut you kin most olteu show boss sense by not doin'. one-tldr- d Beekeeping nnd honey production In Rnskatehexvan have been increasing at the rate of 10 per rent a year. Seven central states are combating the effects of erosion on once rich land by planting over 26,000,000 tree tbl year. Protect your skin with a powder that at the game time fine, soft and smooth as silk. Fragrant, oriental balsamic essential oils comprise the medication of Instantlyupon (aticurntheTalcum. skin these oils start their touching and you are work soothing, healing protected against irritation. Is mildly antiseptic and Pries 25c. Proprietor : Potter Drug & Chemical Corporation, Malden, Mass. WNU W si GvV |