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Show i. MercolizcdWax News Review of Skin Keeps u (t Current Events the World Over Young j ilirtd ouor and im im Kins ptrtirira kin peel off until all dMm u mrb a pm (.In liver pot tan and fmrklna lnuippnar Sm u,n l and enlvnty Your fan )H.k yarn youinr Wm hrtnr ut lh tuiiiiein of ur akin. T remove wrinkle unn on Lcmily mine I'uwilerM hueolit iwolvod in pint witch hazel. At Ju 8 Lous. l!trbIUt Almnmir' wUh l!.iiIr H k l're for Or hI ufiMr n iMbiii1 ,n ' dt in in HvL'eii Int oiI Kv.rtH th FEW FISH ESCAPE PURSUIT OF OTTER 1 V , ( nil nmm.tU th it lire Aiming there is prob.iblv good Ilotie more eiipnbb1 tli.in the niter. You run nfleii loi.i'e li'tn hv llndin ; brok n sin !ls of fi 1. of u.'i.fih lie .seems to In- - esic fond. Me d fi.ignnnls of Ms lenws the meil on the of tri'ims um! bikes mid among ihe rm The coat of Die oiler is f brown fur, imd it Is so valuable Dial, In order to prevent men from liking It rein him, ns lie prel'i rs lo wear If himself, he bides avvav near secluded Jukes or water courses far from unv place where men live, lie Is almosl twice Ihe sie of Hie mink, being often 40 Imlies long, and looks something like a seal vvlnn he Is partly out of water and Ills wet fur gleams In the sun. 'I Ills clever fisherman Is the champion of the fishing vetcans who wear fur. No h is too swift for him. Whereas the mink prefers to take Ids I i k- i ti-- fishing easily, the otter dives, swims or floats after Ids prey, lie Is an expert swimmer and can dart about under the water with wonderful speed, so flint no fish has much of a ehanre when he goes fishing. lie always catches his fisli. Another water dweller who sometimes get credit as a fisherman, lint lives on a vegetarian diet, Is the heaver. The heaver builds bis borne out In the water nnd there stores tip his winter food, lie likes the bark of frees and these lie cuts down when they are succulent and tender with the sail, lie gathers enough to tide him over the winter time, and lives on his hoard, leaving the fish, strangely enough, strictly alone. Consiipaied J Instead of Irritating purgoar critrong, REMEDY N ATURB take Nl tbesafe, dependable, all laxative. Mild. j kwn IU'NICjHI gentle, pleasant W to- - 7 night tomorrow alright. Ciet a zr-- The box. TO MOBIUIW ALWOHI All Vegetable Laxative for U'n!C.uV0 0C. wnUtCWi Shooting Merely m Bluff Some countries resort to revolutions ns a simple form of election uuil regard It ns the best method for making a political change, Charles If. Cunningham, former United States commercial attache at Limn, Peru, said at St. There Is a lot of Louis recently. blank shooting done in some of the revolutions, with shots being tired mainly for effect, Cunningham said. "During some of the revolutions In leru foreigners were allowed to transact business ns usual In downtown districts, but were warned to keep off of certain streets where fighting was going on. 3 KEEP HEALTH IN GOOD ...WARD OFF COLDS Salt Lake City, Iierce s Golden Medical Ut.ih-D- r. Discover)', in my opinion and also in my husband's opin- - fn ion, is by far the best and most re- liable general tonic for a debilitated p s ,v 4 .sf of condition saitl Mrs. health," j. M. Harvey of 122 West 4th South St. "We take this medicine during the winter and spring months to keep our-selv- es in good health. By keeping in general good health we ward otf colds and spells of indigestion and various other common ailments to which all people are subject more or less. medical d'ice write to Pf. I'oP f re jMervVa Hnle, HuITmIo, N .V. DruftRiaU eoU Dr. Pierces Discovery Ducks a largo (lock raised mother Mary's of w k ducks this year. One windy day they all look to the air. Mary never had seen them on the wing before and ran to her mother, saying Our ducks all "Oil, look, mother. 11 lme airplanes !" Um f' :i "Is the world getting better?" "I thing so. People no longer break up your home to get jour flat." NIP CHEST COLDS, QUICK WITH HEAT OF RED PEPPERS Relieves Almost Instantly To break up congestion, to restore free circulation and stop chest colds ... to alleviate the circulatory pains and achcsof rheumatism, neuritis, lumbago . . . Nature has stored up in red pepheat that per a marvelous therapeutic without penetrates deeply into the skin blistering or burning and swiftly brings relief. Now this genuine red peppers heat is contained in an ointment. Row lee Red Pepper Rub. As you rub it on you'll feel better. And in ) minutes relief comes. Drug stores sell Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Try it. (,,,v. weie t..e returns and ROOSEVELT of Oklahoma in Dm DeiuuciutThe of North Dakota. D. H oMt-ndei- II,. iresa le Murray the rural di'tr.els were of n, but on tue basis it uppeiu ed 1,,1'Ul, co dug r. tu-- slow that the sMtes del, gallon ins' rm ti f'.r tre New York Hove.er. A :..P.i RM had tne la ,g e o ", of many of ers at. i ,s I, is ng a ta-1 Test Vote in IIoue Encourages Wets Sales Tax Meets Two Famous Men Strong Opposition Take Their Own Lives. vv , ' ing ,r ja, liy EDWAIM) W. PICKARD XXTT leaders encouraged In congress, greatlv by the test vote in the house, have started a vigorous campaign to compel the major parties to place In tin tr platforms planks del luring for rc.suhmlss.on Die of prohibition question to tile people. The motion before ihe house was to j charge the Judiciary committee from JurU-"'- '' diction over the Iteck-- ' I.lnthlcuin resolution '$ r2F for amendment of the i .A. ...A eighteenth amendment, w Idcti imd been defeated in the mittee by a vote of 1 t to fi. The test vote was forced under the' liberalized rules by 14.1 petitioners. On call ef Die roll, TJ7 members voted against the motion, 1ST for if, and there werp IS not voting, following ttie custom, Speaker Carrier did not vote. The strength shown by the wets was greater even than many of them had expected nnd they were corTheir cause respondingly Jubilant. had gained 59 votes since the house voted December 17, 1917, to submit the Eighteenth amendment. Beck nnd I.InDdeiim, co authors of the resolution, declared the tight was all hut won and that nil that was needed wns cue more election. Mr. Beck said: This vote makes it plain that If the Republican party ndopts n dry platform tn June It will court disaster." He predicted It would not be necessary to wait for the meeting of the next congress for action to modify the dry law. believing that this congress at the session next winter, as a direct result of the November election, will submit the anti prohibition amendment. Lenders of the drys, for their part, though admitting wet gains, declared they were undismayed, calling attention to the fact that the wets were still fur from having the necessary s majority. Both sides. In the Republican party, have been hoping that President Hoover would declare himself, but there was nothing to indicate that he would depart from his neutrality in the contest. A close associate of the President was quoted as saying Mr. Hoover lias not changed Ids belief that the country is still preponderantly dry. Representative Fred Britten of Illinois Introduced In the house a bill for repeal of the Jones "five and ten" law which stiffened the penalties for violation of the Volstead act. gj dis-Aj- ATE on the billion dollar revD KBenue bill continued In the house throughout the week, and the opponents of the sales tax sought to form themselves into a bloc. Their determined fight against this big feature of the measure at least resulted In changes, for the ways and means committee agreed to accept an amendment omitting certain canned goods and press telegrams from the list of articles upon which a 2.25 per cent sales tax Is proposed. The committee also was exempting considering amendments cheap clothing, electricity used for irrigation projects and radio company leased wires. Prospects for adoption of the sales when tax were lessened In leaders of organized labor and of the farmers came out In opposition to If. William Green, president of Die American Federation of Labor, dev hired "labor will call on Its friends In congress to defeat that section of the taxation measure"; nnd Fred Rrenek-nmof the National Grange said imposition of Die stiles tax would meet "the unqualified disapproval of the 27.tkXt.(HH) people upon the farms of this country." Should the hill substantially ns It stands get through the house. Its sales tax feature will face strong opposition in the senate. A group of senators Is ready to junk it, these Including the men who are classed as progressive Republicans. Some of the more liberal Democrats want a substitute bill providing for selective sales taxation and possibly for Increased surtaxes The above $UXt,tXX. Incomes on ) house surtax Is 10 per cent from well II, had I, some estimated at $75,)hiohM, were scatteiod over the world, the recipients including universities and schools am! dental clinics in many cities III this nnd other countries, lie was seventy-seveyears old, a bachelor and a lover of music and art. Mr. Kastmans many friends mourned his death hut none was found to eiiticise his decision that it was time fur him pics, man Per, $100,-tHH- up. TpWO of the worlds fatuous men deelded that life was no longer worth living and so committed suicide. George Kastman, Internationally known as the developer of the camera nml the plio- - OTSf! film nnd tographtc also as one of the country's greatest philanthropists, put a tds ti bullet through V ""''T heart at Ids home In & Rochester, N. I . be- Vyf ' cause be was In 111 s' , sst health ami. ns h's farewell note s.nd: L", k A'-p- ' work Is done. A M.v Why wait?" Mr. l'.i-- t Vico Eastman man, who founded the any and was Kastman Kodak chairman of Its bo.rt. h id nude a vast fortune but hii g.un uw.iv all but about $20, txxt, ism. m, pMbir.thro- . t ' -- HI , f ,, ,, it (jin. y a new eongiessti e term of the late lie is L. ItU'-e- ll a It. super, Iltv lelellt of D e at V, vv , - vvphdr.iw :1 Meanwhile the I.ytton commission sent to Shanghai by the League of McNations, with Maj. Gen. I' rank Coy represei ting the United States, of the began Investigating the doings Wu Mayor about Shanghai. of the Chinese and In Japanese Teh-che- municipality was guide and chief formant of the members and after committelling them of the outrages on them took he Invaders ted by the a tour of Inspection through many miles of devastated areas where, as lie said, you can see for yourselves how thoroughly the Japanese war machine tuts accomplished its mission of wanton destruction. " Thnt new Manchurian state of established by the Japanese and headed by Henry Iu yl, is In trouble already. Dispatches from Tokyo said there was revolt In the province of Heilungkiang which is ruled by war mitiNter of Gen M.i Chan-slian- , Iu yi s government. The Chinese tr ops there deelintl to transfer their allegiance. From Changchun, capital of the new state, word came that a strong Chinese force, equipped with a city artillery, had enptured of SO.OfiO people 100 miles southwest oY Ilatldn. platform which would serve to conciliate t tie wets in- Fu-yt- t, - nvention at first until April 11 ADJOURNMENT the international disarmament conference at Geneva. Correspondents there relate an Interesting Incident during the discussions in the thought It would be well to have Charles O. Dawes for temporary chairman and "keynoter," but It was said be was unwilling to accept the honor. For permanent chairman It was virtually agreed that Rertrand II. Snell, congressman from New York, would be the best man available. He Is one of the partys strong men and a skilled parliamentarian. However, both posts were left unfilled, the final choices to be made at a meeting In Chicago naval booths should be iut In the Chicago Stadium. It also named Dr. A. M. Harvey of Chicago chief of the staff of physicians and nurses, and George L. Hart as official stenographer. Democratic managers also are slow- completing the details for their convention, but have made no announcements. In general, they will take over the Stadium as the Republicans leave it. ly and more rumors, RUMORS, rumors, fal-- Clews leading nowhere. Theories swiftly exploded. Investigations and negoti.it mis thnt have no result. Such has been the course of the Lindbergh tuby kidnaping ea-'- e tip to the time this is written. Toward t tie dose of the week the authorities were inquirii.g into a story told by Charles Oliver, a prisoner mi Welfare Island, New York, to thi effect that the plot to steel Die child was hatched In a luil, being pro. posed to him by one Will, am Gle.t-.oThe latter was of Oil Aside, N. J. taken Into custody ami denh d eviry thing Oliver said. An ingenious theory In that Philadelphia originated henchmen of A1 Capone stole Die bahv for use as a levir to pry Diat gang leader out of Jail. D. P. R. w GEN'ERM. W. F. memorandum submitted to Die special economy committee of ttie house of representatives, pointed out many wavs in Inch the cost of the postal service can he reduced hut said all of them require POSTMASTER vv main PUI. bis IUNDENBUIb; place us idol of the German people in peace time ns well as in war In the Presidential election he soundly beat bis chief rival. Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazis r Fascists. But the aged President failed by one half of 1 per cent to get a majority of the total votes east, so there must be a run off election on it Is admitted April 10. At that time, will triumph. he everyone, by nearly iHH) votes Ip.txH) nearly As against e for Von Uindenbiirg the-- were about Theel 11. 500, (XX) for II tier. Ernest almost 5.ooo, tnann, Communist, polled Nationalist, got 00Duesterberg. and Winter. In h'petdei.t. oooO.tX'ii, so Ill ixx odd. Hitlers voteIn was reh hir V 'ote N.rl ahead of the IVIO that he dot h of election tag to remain In the eon'eToward the close of tl e v ' . Prussian gov emmet el"" 'd 'o v r d.seovered plans for a he h;'t ft then fore ra ded N ; throughout the state. VON - te i r commission. Vice Admiral Pound of Gietit Britain naively proposed that they eliminate from the draft convention of the conference an nrtlele In the Washington treaty providing that a nation engaged In war shall not seize a war vessel another of country being constructed In Its own yards lie said It was not logical to expect a country at a moment when It Is straining to the utmost not to lay Its hands on all available material. But our own Senator Swanson was on the alert at once, declaring this would not do at all. Ships constructed in time of pence for another power should not possibly he considered available to the builders in time of war, lie said. Otherwise, there would never he a clmnee for the govern- ments to agree on their relative strengths. Mr. Swanson ex, hiimed. Other delegates supported Senator Swanson's argument, and later the British admiral smdtnglv Intimated that his proposition had been misun it. derstood, and withd-e- on April 0. Tlie arrangements committee decided legislation. He admitted that the postal service is overmanned for the handling of the present reduced volume of hush ness due to the depression. lie sugthat economies gested could he achieved by reducing the force, reducing pay. consolidating rural free delivery routes and providing govern-men- t build. ngs for post office stations, branch post offices and girages which under the law are now lease, J Such economies however, sabj Mr Brown, would not h.inncp t1 e Bos; of fi ,..,n the department Midget ,f, effected only by iner, is rig rates also Mr Broun sub", ,!'el for o the pro;,, s p eolisnie-.- i' ,itor v I, erv W II r, Briefly Told for Busy Readers -- ASK TAX CTT TO BAY DIVIDEND ELM) 300 NEW JOBS KK TUMPED fishing soon IIAII.EY, IDA. In effort to help relieve the tax burden, the ILiiley Soho,, board has decided to cut (Alt the office of suiierlritemleiit of schools and substitute a teaehing-prineipin the high school. Teachcut 5 per cent in sal been ers have ary. PROVO, UT. Plans for the annual encampment of War Veterans of Utah nnd Wyoming, to he held June 11, were Kpanish-Amer-ica- n at a meeting of Mt. Timpan-ogo- s Camp No. 4, recently. Wyomings CHEYENNE, WYO. fishing season will (qien April 1 and close November 5, a jieriod 24 days shorter than heretofore, the fislr and game commission announced a few (hays ago. LOGAN, UT. Request for a rein assessed valuation of duction Logan city business property of not less than 25 per cent has been made to the county commission by a group of Logan business men. Remodeling of SAI.INA, UT. the old Uominereial house at First West and State Streets has been started. The lmildirig,was recently acquired by I). M. Anderson, i and is to he converted into an apartment house, the first In made vv fANAGERS of the Republican party are busy making the ar- rangements for the national convention In Chicago, and many of them in their Informal talk In Washington felt certain that Hoover nnd Curtis would he the nominees, on a e. - i ' ' t L thnt four radio broadcasting ' -- vv losses were If JIT S. supposed to have been heavy though tiis remaining fortune was He Imd very large. Just faded to obtain a $ i,t h h i,t h to loan in New York, where be bad always been aide to obtain vast sums for the asking, Tai lie sailed In Baris and there ended his life wit a revolver. lake Kastman, Kreuger was unmarried. Mis deatli created a sensation in (inamial circles, especially In Europe, and the shares in his companies declined sharply. The Swedish government obtained from parliament in special session permission to declare a moratorium on the debts of those concerns to prevent a raid by creditors, and the Stockholm exchange was closed for a time. - vv-r- e bet veen Japan and NI'i"TIATT"NS it lid i a al of Japi anese troops from the Shanghai area were r, potted about to open, after convcr'.it. ons etig'neered by the representatives of the United States and Great P.r n It was understood the withdrawn Japanese for.es should he should grndu ,"v an that the Chinese unnot eii'r t , evacuated territory The reached. was til tn.il agreement a comopeiat on will he supervised by members. h neutral r mission alum- Umh r P's agre uncut China dons the pm! that Manchuria must he consul, red simultaneously with the abanShanghai problem, and Japan of status the that mint dons tie her Shanghai must he fixed prior to his without outraging the drys. The members of the national com- mittee charged with selecting the presiding officers of the co- - Lll.v, Ivar Kreuger, head of the great Swedish match trust and one of the w orlil's most noted dustrialists. was the other notable suicide. "r mouths his numerous interests had been hammered on t lie exchanges of Europe ami ' coll, to go. , the fannonlest. Sail y Spz Intermountain News HORSES SHORTER -1' si v M would governor can Sole jlc- -e seekvotes f the i I r a., e of M u land and was I tame H, of "he, name Hoover's Mr. e had l;.;.: , e j mid-wee- !" W. piri.d two-third- I.ntln-Amerleu- n 3 D In i vegetable pii.V vK I. IN t K r es 'u ,e D let r t t i , ,, Salina. PRICE, UT. Leases have been drawn up by Ihe County Attorney for the rental of farm lands taken over for hack taxes. The property will he rented to applicants for the amount of the current years assessments, the plan being designed to aid the unemployed. UT. Immediate piy-nieOGDEN, of a seven jht cent dividend to depositors of the closed Ogden State Bank was authorized by district judge George S. Barker up,n petition of W. II. Iladlock. sttfe hank commissioner nnd It. S. Jores, examiner in charge of liquidation Bhecp may be 'dumb" but in oneZI7" 7 They re quite as wise as kings- Where eer they are they ala a,. Good, nice, eoft woolen thingaEveryone likea IntermounUin made'woolem. 'f CHICKS CHICKS CHICKS All leading varieties. Don't Buy Them Blind folded when it is so ea-- y to see the chieki the eggs and the flocks from u they com,' Brother, protect that dollar as never hef- -i White Leghorns, now iy i0c eaTh. BROODERS s The Coal, oil or e'oelric FEEDERS AND W TERERS The Pride of All America Klondike, Chick pullet and hm iw, RAWSHAW HATCHFRIVS. Salt Lake ft TIMPANOGOS HATCHERY, Provo I. Write Wire or Call. Ask Your Druggist For MILK 0F APEX AN MAGNESIA INTERMOlNTAIN PRODUCT nt proceedings. TltOVO, UT. Preliminary grading work on the Lake paving project has been started. A contract for the paving of the basis strentch on a has already been signed by the state road commission and the Utah County hoard. PROVO, UT. More than 300 jobs have been pledged by Irovo residents for unemployed as a result of the Irovo American Legion Tosts drive on depression and unemployment. LOGAN, UT. Logan will sponsor its first state hand contest April 29 nnd 30, M. R. Ilovey, secretary of the Logan chamber of commerce announced recently. This contest will be recognized by the N'a tonal Bureau for the Advancement of Music. View-Vineyar- d two-mil- 50-5- e SPRINGVILLE, UTAH The pioneer monument committee o f Springville is making plans to launch a campaign soon, to raise $500 for the completion of the monument to be Morality, when vigorously alive, sees farther than intellect and pro- vides unconsciously for intellectual difficulties. F roude. sk Fr FOREST PLEASANT GROVE, UT. Heaver Ljan-pet- of representatives of cantdng tories and growers recently. fac- Electrical Products $(0-O'H- ), the near future. PRIt E. UT. Ri pairs to the citv an expenditure n 0i , have tvn authorized by ,ity council, work on the i to s' art immediat'ly. $t!00 of t R, a, amount will he spent on lab, r. pro-Jec- Corporuion Salt Lake 1046 So. Main City The Pharos, near Alexandria, one of the wonders of the ancient world, was destroyed by an earthquake in 1303. NEW' nco MOTOR OIL Guarante Sold with a Money Back Utt Youth New Yorks Scnsauonal New Miracle Cosmetic 4 Creams in 1, Absolutely xU Cleanser, tissue builder, powder base remo'J and prevents wrinkles. Write for returns. Big wanted of Return everywhere. Agents WON SUE FUN. 423 Judge Sait Lake Cily. Utah Bldg. YOUR WOOL FW BE EXCH ANGFD FOR WOOLEN MERCHANDISE WRITE Woolen Mill Original Utah H4IT I 4KP CITY CAN Ask Your e.roerr For TWIN PEAKS BRAND - TOMATOES BEANS PEAS to. P.rk.ng Mountain Rocky t "" til', Silt Lake twilight There is little dawn or in the tropics. The sun pops most instantly. Kp. nir exp this in Mandalay. P J PLAN SPUING PLOWIN- G- with use of Caterpillartrack-5- T oldest and leading tractor. Prominent farmers success to these machines. Write for descriptive catalog J CaterpSU 1'"!J A. Salt Lake Citv and in Cay. Ltih, NEON LIGHTS CLAUDE Landes Tractor I AKO AN, UT. Iron County Commissioners have decided to laumli a road building program, which Iia hides the grading nnd oiling of six'een miles of state highway between Reaver County line nnd Iarago, inah, nt a cost of STORY Send For Free Seed and Nurer G'tide Book Address Salt Lake City, Ltan. Work g Chips Value lies not in price alone, nor in quality alone. But when you find exactly the same quality at a low price, that value. Value, multiplied a will aave millions of dollars j early for the families throughout America. As we look at value we find it in buying Inter mountain Made Good'. MRS. Kt'Tn ANDERSON, erect-t- d ed. ROCK STRINGS, WYO. Many score of range horses were trapped and perished in Clay Iiasin. a deep canyon located near the line. Heavy snows set in ai 1 the canyon's deep sides became clogged with deep drifts, making it impossible for the horses to climb out. IDA. Organization PAYETTE, has been made of the Southwest Idaho Chamber of Commerce, composed of twelve cities in southwestern Idaho and eastern Oregon. A board of directors will lie selected for the different organizations POCATELLO, IDA. Thousands of range horses are dying from starvation in Fremont nnd Clark counties, due to the fact that all range grass has been buried by deep snow. MANTI, UT. ,Y delegation from the Sanpete County Taxpayers association lias asked the South e si 'tool hoard to reduce salaries of the teachers for the coming year by twenty per cent. (.IIKYLNNE, WYO. All officers were at the close of a two-daconference of the organized 1alor council of action of the Rocky mountain states. Pocatello, Idaho, was selected as the next meeting place. OGDLN, UT, Approximately $10 a ton less for peas will be paid to farmers this year by canners. It Is announced, following a meeting toe THIS WEEKS PRIZE here this summer. has been started on the setMing tank, near the mouth of Battle Creek canyon, in order to give work to the unemployed. Many city roads are also being graded and gravel- DALE-Pota- TremmU - accor ilrtg H tekor no dig with a spado you 1. tL. Ft. Wayne New Si"it:i It iauui S V'l ek 5.06 bnuld q- .l nr l1' t rtlf le rn ue X Whs ' fitirHinUP!'"11 S.noler t n .,-r-r t" . or your store in pro1-- S , .urn. Ptermruntnin irodu-'Jf YOU? Hoi 154",, Suit uke I 1orv appears in tn ')(! dl ie t column ya . for cheek ceive j. Goods v,n.i-- s. i u |