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Show I(aa jV.V.S, 5 fe&isixi THE PAYSON CHRONICLE, PAYSON, UTAH t SOUTH UTAH DAY Scenic Road is Planned i AGGIE COLLEGE FETE PLAN I CHOICE OF DAIRY SIRE IMPORTANT J i Hhl OKI (ROB OF VHIKVT SEEN FI OOI) CONTROL IT I I INCOME T.W RE(EIU.I) I T II I.VMI1S SOLI) Tooele- Greater Need for Using Bull of Tried Ability. felre Is Selection of the dairy-herto factor most tlie Important perhaps he considered in the development of a high producing, economical dairy herd, says C. A. Smith, extension dairyman at tlie Colorado Agricultural college. Cow testing association records so far tabulated throughout the United d States show, lie sajs, that about of tlie pure-bresiies are lowering tlie production of their daughters in comparison with the production of the dams of those daughters; about one third are raising the production slightly; but the great increases are coming from only tlie remaining third of the sires in use. Tlie higher the ' production ot the herd, tlie more diihcult it is to raise production through the sire, und the greater the need for using a hull of proved ability, it is pointed out. Economical production of milk is an important factor In profitable dairying, Mr. Smith emphasizes, and cow testing association records are showing the way to such economical Continued practice of production. close selection, coupled with better feeding and management, will raise tlie average production of out dairy cows with a corresponding Increase in the economy of that production But still greater improvement may he made by pajing close attention to the quality of the herd sire." d one-thir- d : m 1 VIow of the Riverside (Rockefeller) church In New York, Just completed and opened. 2 Registering the unemployed in Detroit, under the regime of the new mayor, Kraut Murphy, so that relief measures may he taken. 8 Refugees from Changsha, China, tloeing from the threat of massacre by the Communists. NEWS REVIEW OF J4 CURRENT EVENTS Bruenings Reform Plan May Put Germany Again Under Dictatorship. EDWARD W. PICKARD to a GERMANY is on theis way what Adolf That Hitler, leader of the Fascists, wants, but the dictator, if any, will not be of his choosing nor of his party. He "probably will be General Von Seeds and will be appointed by President Yon Himlenburg. This situation comes from the determination et Chancellor Brueuing to By t ) straighten out the republics financial tangle. He presented to the reiclis-ta- g last week a sweeping reform program calling for great economics in the public administration, and the legislative body was toid it must be adopted promptly and in its entirety. Should the reiehstag refuse to pass the program, Chancellor Bruening has President Von Hindenburgs authority to declare It law by decree, in accordance 'with article 48 of the constitution. Among the proisious of the program is a 20 per cent reduction in the salaries of the President, the chancellor, federal and state cabinet ministers, and members of the reiehstag and state diets. This reduction is for a period of three years as from April 1, 1031. The salaries of all other of German states and municipalities, the Reichsbank and the German Railway company will be cut 6 per cent. This also applies to pensions. The cabinet estimated that the 1930 budget would close with a deficit of $220, 000, (XX). This deficit will be covered by a special fund over three years. The budget for 1031 will be cut by $250, (XX), (XX). The reduction in officials salaries, it Is estimated, will sne more than $30, (XX), (XX). Higher duties will be levied on tobacco to bring In $40, (XX), 000. There will be no Increase in public expenditures for three years, federal payments to state treasuries will be cut considerably, and the taxation system will be simolii-cia- plified. K It was believed the Fascists would be solidly against the proposition and that it would be rejected. In that case the reiehstag would be dissolved and another general election would be in order. Hitlers dispatches say for u putsch" are already made; that lie intends to sele power on the dissolution of the reiehstag, Ids deputies insisting on continuing in session as a legal parliament; and that "storm troops" of Thuringia and other localities will he ready to march on Berlin. Intercepted reports to Moscow from Russian agents in Berlin are said to show that the Soviet government has directed the Communists of Germany to turn moderate and, when the time comes, to help crush the Hitlerites. The German Communists, however, seem to he badly split just now. LONDON that was new was NOT much during the week by the investigations Into the short selling of wheat by the Russian government. However, the directors of the Chicago Board of Trade, after finding the sales were legitimate hedging operations, barred such operations in the future because they believe there Is Inherent ev II in any foreign government's competing with private traders In the open exchanges. Wheat prices slumped badly la the early part of the wepk because of continued liquidation in the world markets, and then recovered considerably with persistent buying by big commission houses. Experts said ttie feeding of wheat to live stock would reach to 170.000 (XX) bushels. 150,(XXl,fX)0 PRESIDENT HOOVER went to Phil fur the pu- of giving tile world's seties a s' 'lit. ami lie sai through the game rple at S'uhe park without munife-tin- g any great on! liU'iaMii. watching the Athletics turn the St. Louis Cardin ds The Chief Executive then journeyed to Cleveland, wliefe he spoke at the com lading session of The annual convention of the American Bunkers asMrs. Hoover, sociation. who had Been attending the convention of ttie Girl Scouts of America in Indianapolis, joined the President at Bedford, Ohio, and slotted in the warm reception given Inin at Cleveland. Mr. Hoovers address was deliveied Thursday evening and was listened to witti intense interest because it dealt largely with the economic situation and the etlorts of the administration to relieve the business depression. Filteen thousand persons in the hall and millions throughout the country heard him, for the speech was broadcast over two national hookups. FA F.MOCltATS of New York renom-Inate- d Franklin D. Roosevelt for governor by acclamation and adopted a platform that urges repeal of the Eighteenth amendment and demands that all public officials and politicians waive immunity when questioned by grand juries concerning their official acts. The latter plank of course alludes to the scandals in process of being aired in New York city, which are used as ammunition by the Republicans. In presenting Governor Roosevelts name to the convention, A1 Smith accepted the challenge of the Republicans, and demanded that any official faithless to his trust he driven from the party and punished. Mr. Roosevelt In his speech did not refer to the Tammany scandals with any such directness. At the end of his address the governor asked of Mr. Tuttle, Ids Republican rival, this question : "If you become governor and if a state enforcement act is passed will you sign it or not? When the same question was put to him by reporters after the convention had adjourned Mr. Roosevelts answer was, Emphatically no ! Bone dry Republicans of New York state are carrying out their threat to refuse to support Tuttle because of his wet platform. They have organized the Law Preservation party and selected Prof. Robert P. Carroll of Syracuse university as their candidate for the governorsldp. Various dry organizations are expected to support the professor. NYE and three other of his senatorial committee on campaign funds last week served notice on the newspapers of CHAIRMAN the country that further publication of Ruth Hanna McCormicks charges against the committee will be regarded by them as willful and malicious libel. Senator Patterson of Missouri refused to sign the statement. Senators Nye, Dale, Dill and Wagner still Insist that neither the committee nor any of its agents was not responsible for the wire tapping and rifling of her persona! effects which Mrs. McCormick charges. Nje says the lady may present her evidence, if any, before the committee after ttie election, but not sooner. Rhode Island Democrats in state convention nominated Peter Goelet Gerry for senator, Thedore F. Green for governor, and adopted a platform containing a very wet plank. KARL VAUGOIN, who brought the downfall of the S holier cabinet in Austria, has become the new chancellor and formed a cabinet in which several leaders of the Heim-vveh- r Fascist military organization have accepted portfolios. New elections will he held In NiAember and the Fascists hope for a landslide like that In the recent German elections. The and Agrarian parties refused to participate in the Vaugoln gov eminent. n GREAT BRITAIN and France failed Joint effort to have the League of Nations harmonize the covenant of the lengue with the Kellogg pact this year, and the anomalous situation continues of ttie members of the league pledged not to go to war by the latter treaty and authorized to go to war under certain contingencies by the covenant. It was dei ided at (ieinva that the proposed amendments to ttie covenant should not lie piesenteii until next year, opposing tlie liarunminfion at this tune neie .lap in and Sweilm, who thought it would increase t he obliga of signatory nations to apply sanctions; and Rumania, speaking for tlie little entente, because of the latent question of treaty revision. Foreign Minister Briand, whose position in the French cabinet is considered shaky, strove to postpone his downfall by assuring tlie petqile at home that he would be prudent and by making an ardent appeal to Foreign Minister Curtius of Germany not to let tiie Hitlerites undermine those Frenchmen who stood for reconciliation with Germany. Curtius in reply agreed that the only thing to do was to work in harmony with Briand. tion approval was given naval treaty by the privy council of Japan, and acting on the premiers petition the emperor signed the treaty, completing its ratification. The treaty also has been ratified by the British government, but it must be approved by the Irish Free State and India before the king signs it. UNANIMOUS Cow Forced to Depend Upon Pasture for Feed Spring and summer are the seasons when many farmers "put their cows in the milk pail. They do this by trying to keep cows on either too green or too ripe pasture. Green grass carries better than 85 per cent a cow cunnot consume AYORA ISIDRO of water and PRESIDENT to provide tlie substances it of enough Ecuador tried to quit his job last week and failed. He submitted his necessary for milk production. For it would be necesresignation to congress with the re- the average cow, 1(H) pounds consume to her for sary quest that It be acted on Immediately, On the ordinary farm of daily. grass he that considered it in the saying best interests of the nation since his pastures, it would require approxl efforts to curtail expenses have been mately four acres to supply her wlfb her foiled. The congress refused to ac- that much. It Is Impossible for bulk. this utilize to cept the resignation, and after a day When the cow Is forced to depend or two of doubt, Ayora consented to upon pasture for getting the entirely continue in office. nutrients necessary for milk making, Economic depression has hit Ecuashe is compelled to use her reserve to dor, a chiefly agricultural country, make up the deficiency of the various harder than most other South Amerisubstances. This praccan nations. The government, unable In a loss of flesh, which results tice to get foreign aid, has been faced with will eventually decrease the lactation increasing expenditures and reduced and lower milk flow. period revenues. milk-produci- CHARGES that certain oil companies are trying to obtain possession of public oil shale lands In Colorado to which they have no legal claim are to be Investigated by the Department of Justice, according to Attorney General William Mitchell. The charges were made by Ralph S. Kelley, chief of the Interior department's general land office in Denver, and Secretary Wilbur, after refusing to accept Kelleys resignation and suspending him, asked the attorney general to make the Investigation. Kelley declared the Interior department had granted concession after concession to the oil interests because of "great political and other pressure brought to bear on tlie secretary. Senator Gerald P. Nye, chairman of the public lands committee, ulso is planning to inquire into the Kelley charges. HENRI GOURAUD, the "Lion of Champagne, came on his third visit to the United States to attend tlie annual convention of the American Legion in Boston. The veteran soldier who commanded American troops in the Argonne offensive is mighty popular with the "Yanks and was welcomed with enthusiasm when he landed in New York. He said tie brought to the tlie message of Legion convention peace Hint our statesman, Briand, has expressed to the world. GEN. According to Prof. Henry Morrison of the University of Wisconsin, It costs around 22 to 24 cents a day to feed a milk cow on dry concentrates Todays cost Is higher. Lets see what It costs to feed her on grass. Taking an average of $175 an acre for your grass land, $25 a year an acre would give good returns Including the cost of proper fertilization. On the basis of 200 days or seven months grazing a year, and only one cow to tlie acre (just half of what Europe does). It cents a day to will cost only 12 keep the cow. Even If you use some concentrates it will not cost over 15 cents a day. or a difference In cost of bntterfat of ot least 5 cents a pound, as a good cow should produce at least a pound of butterfat a day. 1 tlie dentil of tlie earl of Birkenhead. Grandson of a miner and son of a barrister, he rose, as Frederick Edwin Smith, from comparative poverty to eminence at the bar and considerable He was a fame as a statesman. prominent figure during the World war and took a big part in the negotiations that resulted In the creation of the Irish Free State. He was also a brilliant writer. Among others who passed away were Daniel Guggenheim of New York, copper magnate, philanthropist and friend of aviation ; William Pett Ridge, English novelist, and Prince Leopold Maximilian of Bavaria, who led tlie German army that captured Warsaw In 1013. well-know- n morrow, nominee from New Jersey, re signed last week as ambassador to Mexico and has started in on Ms camIt is believed his suci essor paign. will lie J. Reuben Clark of Salt Lake Citv, who hn- - bet n alt. ii lied to the etnhassv . Dwight ls'oO, w. estwru NW4iALtt I l"l I Dairy Notes one-arme- Britain lost one of her Great eminent Tories last week in U4y. Cost to Feed Milk Cow on Dry Concentrates For young calves, mold Is desirable. hay free from Good pasture grasses simply will not grow without plenty of plant food; therefore, fertilize the pasture lands A good dairy row probably consumes more water than any other domestic animal. The more feed consumed, the more water the cow requires. The richness of a cows milk is a of inheritance and not of feed Certain factors do influence the test such us breed, stage of lactation. matter study recently completed showed there was very little relationship be tween the records made by a hull's daughters and that of his own dam while there was a very close relation ship between the records made by his daughters and those made by his sis ters. A Records show that fall freshening cows will produce 13 per cent or more fat than where spring freshening Is the rule. A temporary surplus ot dairy pr d ucts caused by low buying power on tlie part ot the consumer makes nec essary a dairy program that include more rigid milling of ttie dairy heids feeding in proportion to production reduction or saving ot Inhor on Hu cart of the dairy herd, and veiling of all calves except those from the best cows. - Rec-oi- crops of wheat av- bushels to Iho acre on dry eraging faun land raised on Hickman bench nc ar in u tliis season. l'rccvu A proposal to purchase filings held Icy the Provo Reservoir Go. on storage water at the head of l'rovo liver lias been made to reservoir company by lrovo city. Farmington Special flood control committee recommend construe! ion of flood control basins at mouths of Parish and Ford creeks ill Davis count v similar to Hie projects at Willard ami Farmington on which approximately $20, OdO lias been expended. Cost for tlie proposed new project will he a similar amount. Bids will he opened Oct. Thompsou 17 by tlie State Komi Commisinu for the $100,000 road project from Thompson, toward the Colorado state line. Halt Lake Federal Income taxes in Utah for first three quarters of 1030, $1,19(,275. Promptness with which payments were made cited as evidence of improved business conditions in state. New $!)(), OiX) Junior high Hmithficld school building dedicated, the first junior high school in Cache county. Murray New pipe line for municipal lamer line plant is to be dedicated in a few days. Halt Lake Utah lambs bring 6 3 4 cents per pound, to buyer for Los Angeles packing company. Midvale At a special election cab led by Mayor L. A. Porter and city councilnien, voters will decide whether or not they wish negotiable bonds in the sum of $125,000 be sold for financing needed enlargement of city water 30 system. of the OgOgden Reorganization don Union stockyards corporation 1ms been announced, the reorganization being the result of the death some time ago of the president and the recent death of the general manager. Aggie Home Logan The annual Coming at which U. A, C. graduates will return and once nyore view the familiar campus, will be held soon. Lehl Entertainment plans for the district Federation of Women's clubs convention to be held here were laid by the Lehl Athenian club, local literary organization, which will be hostess to the visiting delegates. Spansh Fork Beet digging hug been started In tlje Spanish Fork district, and the mill will commence slic- Doctors 3 RULES Big Help to Bowels What a Joy to have the bowel 9 move like clockwork, every dayl Its easy, If you mind these simple rules of a famous old doctor : 3. Drink a big tumblerful of water before breakfast, and several times a day. 2. Get plenty of outdoor exercise without unduly fatiguing yourself. B. Try for a bowel movement at exactly the same hour every day. Everyones bowels need help at times, but the thing to use is Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin. Youll and It get a thorough eleanlng-out- , wont leave your insides weak and watery. This family doctors prescription is just fresh, laxative herbs, pure pepsin and other helpful Ingredients that couldnt hurt a child. But how it wakes up those lazy bowels! How good you feel with your system rid of all that poisonous waste matter. Clean up that coated tongue, eweeten that bad breath, and get rid of those bilious headaches. A little Syrup Pepsin will soon free the bowels from all that waste matter that makes the whole system sluggish. Youll eat better, Bleep better and feel better. Y oull like the way Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin tastes. The way It works will delight you. Big bottles all drugstores. Da.V. B. Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIN A Doctor's Family Laxative Acid Tet "And you claim to be a for Take Boschees Syrup stops at ronce! Reheveswhereothersfail. Contains nothing injurious but, oh, so effective I GUARANTEED. and coughing Bosdhees liighwny. Panguitch Snow fell two and a hnlf inches deep here recently, greatly relieving the dry situation. Ogden Good results are shown In the treatment of 70,nH) trees for bark beetle In the Teton, Targhee and Wyoming National forests, It is reported by C. B. Morse, recently returned from a (rip of Inspection, and 15, (XK) trees will tie sprayed next year. Logan Fire breaking out a 2 a. m. just 230 feet from the fire station, did $8500 damage to a monument works. Neplii Finances have been arrunged for an egg grading plant here. I'i ice Pol It e are searching for a firebug who is believed to have started four conflagrations in this city In one night. ML Pleasant The annual state Huntsville druggists 5yi-u-p Some Say This and Some That Witness, do you know Hie Judge Witness meaning of an oath? Depends oil who's cussin, sir." European statesmen provoked and carried on wur for centuries until at last in 1014 they got a tummy full of it. Many a young man vvlm thinks be Is a girl's intended is only her pretended. Every timid may have a silver lining, but every overcoat hasn't a silk lining. con- vention of the Christian Endeavor will he held in tlie first Presbyterian dim ill in Ml. Pleasant, October 17. Cedar City Soul hern Utah high schools will hold high school day at (he brunch ugi ieiiitaral college, April 10. More than 20 contests will be held in practically every department of high school work. Mi. Pleasant R. Olson, 12, suffered a fracluied left leg above his ankle, when kid.ed by a lior'C. Price L. Fowler, 15, was accidentally shot in tlie .stomach by a boy companion on a duck hunt. Provo 15 boxes of shells, 2 rifles, and a box of tools were stolen from a hardware store by house bieukers. .Silver City Bids will he opened on October 14 for construction of three bridges between .Silver Clly and the Millard county line ,nt an estimated cost of $9,(X)U. 7o days to he allowed for completion of the work. At tlie Uintah county Roosevelt fair, held at Vernal, the Duchesne Farmers of America county Future took tbirtymie ribbons out of thirty-si- x given and took away the silver cup presented by the committee. Explorations for a sec- ond damsile on the Ogden river pro jeet, below Huntsville, has been shifted to the vicinity just above Wheeler creek. Logan The Agricultural College Is making a special exhibit of a model farm on a large sonic at the State Fair, a feature of which is tlie and service lighting. Nophi Prospects that an appropriate n of $750110 for a pot office here, will he on Indisl in the federal building lulls to come before congress in Dcccmbei ure bright it is reported. orna-menl- al ? Absolutely." Well, you must be a coward, then. A brave man would kill me for vv hat Im thinking about you." ing soon. Bingham The proimsed new scenic highway from Bingham to Tooele, which would shorten the distance between the two cities 14 miles, cume under discussion at a Joint session of the Tooele Lions Club and the Bingham Kivvanis Club. Committees were appointed to solicit the cooperation of oilier organizations in sponsoring the mind-reader- I was nervous and rundown and weighed less than a hundred pounds. I felt tired and weak and often had to lie s down. I took Lydia E. Compound Vegetable because 1 saw it advertised. Now I eat well, sleep well and have good color. In fact, I couldnt feel any better and I e weigh one hundred pounds. I am glad to answer letters from any woman who wants to know more about the Mrs. Vegetable Compound. Pink-ham- fifty-fiv- Bertha Stephens, 2 1 R Ross Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. |