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Show c n,wi m Iht city o U, " tht Mfvico. boy ,oui hJf tt y, PAROWAN TIMES hPPa-bou- t of H NUMBER XXX! 1 V0Bl'-M- PAROWAN n'tst j mud Pfca-n- Utah Symphony PIONEER Scrap Book Irtt- -j e yj toW tit AT . tod "Ltoy Orchestra To by Epii Evers wsiei that the Old tawas wxcdto see about something . pjttt !udul ten imnw thro; tick ip er hit jarely is leaning j muttering 1 ltne if expected ; ! to visit with to see that he got rd .T. off his chest, so I u. .j'.i'wr jt I asked him w ork. to ai right he felt tiilay. Fane, he said. but he kept on fx and dandy, I sat down in his chair, tabling. rawhide bottom, fe one with the waited. and back kntd I heard today?" You know what Pick haw- - 'M on -- head, :aJtuf oof, Kintia Whfl. ton t J feed ft !Ie was walking stick plant- ir. front of him, and he forward on it, scowling t'00111, in 6lt s I with uked him. the That trouble with folks, said, entirely ignoring my own treat to talk about my troubles, so blamed little, and always srathn away at themselves." Folks can't help what size they I mused, "except maybe the cou.it-J- r Je. She thmks she can, by But my old friend calories isn't thinking about the caloric-uof people, apparently. they It aint only the whittlin folks other its on theirselves, t) want to cut down. He stopped l:k;ng at the knee of his faded Leeches, and directed his keen look t: me from under two shaggy white Hws. Hevy ever noticed, Eph, you can always tell the size of t feller as soon as he opens hi r.oath? Oh, not his size up and he said, c;wi," waving his old talking stick dangerously near my tse, "er around the middle neither. It's their size inside you can tel! ft e Raw- PPT er o5d sskt Eet to nonfc e itives, tt off," his chair and above the fireplace at a looked up x jpictUJ e. Taded ' - remember somethin my old once when I was young He says Son, it dont matter none few big yare measured on the door dime, it's how big yare when you'I jad told me the other guy that re up against counts." are always Folks takin their the other guy some is littler Them that are little you can tell cause they to cut down he big ones to their size. Its them that whittle away at the big people, cause they know they are little, .theirselves They say a mean thing here, a little gossip there, dig a hole for their neighbor-acause they don't wrant nobody around that is bigger tha.i them. You know the kind I mean. The little folks, with souls all shrivled up inside their bodies even if theyre big strappin people outside - are the ones that go to work on the real big folks. They talk about the Bishop, or the Stake President, or the Mayor, or the President or some movie star, or maybe jist their neighbor, like a measly little hummin bird tryin to measure up against Some is bigger, and ll -- Peek He away a sawlog. shook his head yu can always slowly. Yep. tell the guy 'N1 Hie little old wrinkled up soul, .kause kell be whittlin away at the ones. She works tother way, too. . n tell the people with souls healthy, and big, cause theyll tryin t build up the little guy. : s De PALOWAS. UTAH FEBRUARY 7. 1947 II U.illllU'x Dales t'-- H Sept i to . i 13 Imn County Fair at Itnw.n, Sept. to 8 10. 2 Give Nitional Broadcast i Jh()0, Will UTAH R.ihj:i M Rowley be olio of fom t J dents, lep:vs- The Utah Symphony under tile dutvtioii uf W:n-- r J.m. tmg Hi whom Young Un.veis.ty , to ben, will appear for m..t in- ar. j pivsent the in xt m a sira-- s of Op.nion Plea no luiMdoasis over evening concerts in five :n the southern part of Utah, it was the CBS Amerin Kohim) of the Air The program w:!l orig.n.ite at announced t od.,y by Gu- lUk-man- , KSL and w..I U n leased on Si.it.on Ccnenn-a- l dniit..:. the ea lot 11 nelwoik .r. 3 15 P M. The first appc.imm e will he on the waste: n and at 5 0i, on Maieh 10. Ephraim The f. RowFibruaiy 7. ing day the orchestra will W "I he Ruhfield. on tlie 12th at subjut of dza iiss.nn on the the 13th at St Gouge, and the Hh initiofi.il hook up w 1! be "Ihi Young People Have Tor Much lelsUle at Beaver. I)r Alonjo J Mo: ley, pro It was also announced tiiat j concert will te played at Ogdi n on fes.aji of speech v. 11 act as moder utor, March 19 Mr. Rowley is known at the Y The inaugural ci neerts of the Centennial tour were held befoic an for his outsland.ng wo: k in foren enthusiastic crowd at Hcbcr City-las- t sics, having been one of the repre week and these were followed m r.tiitives .d a debate eonfei ence held in San Jiim, California. by successful appearances at $2 5u A YEAR PRESTON H. PETERSON PAROWANS NEW DOCTOR READY TO START PRACTICE Lgan and Vernal been aecoixied tlie orchestra because of the unusual features of the tour. Lxiwell Thomas, noted eotnnu ntator, ) devotc-several minutes of his ' broadcast on January 2!) to the tour, Never before has such a large and i well known musical organization been enabled to appear In such' small centers of population. The admission to the concerts will Mr. A Mrs. Haycock have be at popular prices. All tickets for i m w baby boy born to them at the evening concerts, for both adult3 he Iron County Hospital on Tucs and children , will be $1.20 indud Jay February 4th. ing tax. This is just of the $3.60 price charged for the same Mrs Betsy Haycock has been conconcert in the Salt Lake City Tab futed at the Iron County Hospital ernacle. At the childrens matinee for several days but has improved the admission will be 25c for chil- enough to be returned home. dren and $1.20 for aduUs. Mrs. Floya Hyatt has just returnfrom Klamath Fall, Oregon ed Iron County Residents where she has spent some time visiting with her motner wno, is Urged To Collect Relics seriously ill. i Personal i j 1 News Notes one-thir- d It would be well for the people of Iryn bounty to be collecting and arranging their Pioneer relics preparatory to a big display to be mode next fall during Iron County Cen tennial week. These exhibits are to be housed in the D. U. P. Old Rock Church relic hall; will be under con stant supervision at all hours; and are to be judged for many valuable prizes which will be awarded by the Centennial Historical Committee. Mrs. Mary Crowther of Manassa Colorado celebrated her 79th birthday this last week. Mrs. Crowther was formerly Mary Mortensen, she was born at Parowan in 1868. Attend State Farm Bureau Convention Lon County repieientatiM-attend. ig Uic annual Stale Faim Bureau FideraUon Com entioti .it the New House Hotel, January .U, 31, and Febiuary 1. Mete prei.di Kami n Gardner, Va-president Walkin' Flannigan. Auxiliary prrsidi nt s After the ei American legion Basketball Tourney epr Set Three Di W Day Meet At B.A.C. . .11 a ! Pnston H V ' e son M P hae he o!:e. a!, o e the All.id Mr Til. 12 ill! 1 . u i.ii u-- I a O I !'i in s p V - d i Robinson Jixl j - j j basketeers it rolling. NEWS City-spen- family. Adams Imm:. . C. 1 Kav Paragonah, Mrs. Mis. Kuim-Guidcr and Hu: low County Agent of , W.ill.ui-Flannigan- n PAROWAN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Reported By: LaVonna Guymon i The students of Parow-aHigh School are rehearsing for their of the three-ac- t comedy-dram- a ALMOST EICIITEEN which will be presented at the Auditorium on Thursday and Friday evenings, February 20 and 21. Tony Dalton will be Eddie", whose ambitions, hopes and romance furnish mid-wester- Babies were cJiristened in tlie East Ward Sacrament meeting last Sunt day as follows. Gerald Mitchell of Salt Lake Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pattens baby a few days here last week was christened Peggy Ann daughter "with his people, the John visiting Mr. & Mrs. D. Robinsons son was S. Mitchell CYda:, Maude Reeder. ex t'llegi a lit! 11. kh school., stJ.s and include a lot of big names in Utah basketball news. The Cedar (Tty Amei lean Legion Post and the B. A. C. w dl act as hosts to tlie visiting Veterans, and game bchcduhs will be set for 4 games Thursday 27th and 4 games Friday 28th, with the championDr. Peterson wa born in Brigham ship and consolation set for the final City, Utah, raisid in Salt Like City. night. l training at Utahs Tournament has attracted He obtained pienu-dieaof the and Utah received University a gnat deal of national interest as Dix-to- r his of at Medicine Degree tins is the first such touijney ever of Maryland Medical the University n held. Many states aiej Received I1? now laying tournament plans but it Schxl, Baltimore. Bon Secours Hos- at years training .ok the hustle and bustle of the 9 months at Balt more in and pital " mountain CHURCH f Mi's Pres-ide- M-- f git all t Cedar City. Mr. Larry Branden convention guest speaker emphasid the importance of balance between production and demand. Dr. Franklin K. Hams iviMirted on his recent trip to the near East State Form Buroar George L. Hobson and Mrs. R eider state Auxiliary president w ere ill charge of urrangomnts. The special awards for 1946 for outstanding work in Form Bureau were giv-to Mr. Noble Hunsakcr and Mrs. ' time the eight deparliiicIiU of tlie state Legion or- gan. ration ate running off theft own racts. and eight teams, one fiom each Department will nut t in the1 Bronco Gym the last week of Ft b Southern Utah devotees of the scant dad game will have a clunce to some real basketball talent whin the Legion boys meet. Ixeal post teams are eomiosed of many 'race-horse- NYLon Movie Bel yl, Harvey si v i Mim-- to Emma fmni Auxillaiy vice number of Parowan Delegates TL Arne: tr.in Legion Tout!.!! lilt fo the State Clumpcmsh.p of Utah will be played at the Bramh Agricultural College m Ce- dar City February 27 and 28 and 1st. At die present pet ,od of tone w .'.hunt u e of a 1h.i1 doeto: t lake of the - T and DJilU'd. I.oo-waw.ll n w Si.Ae U c..pabl. , A nn v on a need h h r t rate 1 e Iron County Members j leaned back in He J TIMES. Parowan Man To Be On Concerts In Cedar City t hjYf ) 1. , wn-ta- i T.l REMEMBER c1Un yur it AfpfK lp .11 tub times 1 Salt Like County General Hospital. For 3 years he served in the U. S. Army Medical Corps, where 114 years were spent doing neuropsychiatry at Mason General Hospital in Long Island, New York, and at Fort Lawton Station Hospital In Seattle, Washington. The remainder of his time in the service was spent as Transport Surgeon, aboard an Army troop transport in the mid Pacific area, Phillippilnes, China and Japan. After his release from tne were spent in service 5 months in Lake Salt City till movpractice ing to Parowan. Married to a native of B:llings, Montana. They have two children, and are members of the L. D. S. Church. the laughs and tears. Glenria Holy-oa- k will play opposite him as Ann Sherman, his ideal. Other members of the cast- are: , Spt-n-t- f Marion Lemon; Decke, Shirley Rowley; Marilyn Topharn; Beulah Mortensen; Gordan Halterman; Oreon DeMille; Mary Gao Lvman; Gene Benson and LaJunn Orton. The production will be und -the direction of Mrs. Jean Hendrickson with LaVonna Guymon as student director. named Norman Reed Mr. & Mrs. John S. Dalton Jrs ALMOST EIGHTEEN" is one of There is an interesting display of Jeanette. the cleverst plays brought out in the Emily daughter, the pictures taken on Pioneer Day last few seasons, a delightful comin the Mitchell Variety Stores The East Ward Relief Society bination of pathos and laughter and window. Those desiring prints of Officers wish to encourage as many promises an evening of youthful them should see this exhibit ana to ladies as attend work possible enchantment. then place their orders immediately. meeting next Tuesday, February 11 clipped nigs will be made. Mr. R W Hulet has been confined CARD OF THANKS D.U.P. Camps To Meet Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Ladies get Each member is requested to bring to his home the past couple of weeks a date, Its Sprihg, Its ow-old wool pieces her scissors, any We wish to express our thanks yourselves The Elizabeth Camp of the Daugh- recovering from a minor operation that will be suitable for the Sweet Heart Ball Its clipping and to our friends and neighbors who Valentines, ters of Utah Pioneers will hold their performed on his back. choice. Its ladies for be used any denims which can helped us so much during our rc- meeting February 17th, at the home In the spring a young mans fancy backs of rugs. sorrow. cent f Mrs. William J. Lovvder. Mr. Horace Miller of Panguitch turns to thoughts of love and lightly To everyone who helped us ii Sister Edna S Hatch will give the here visiting with his 14 the ladies are all ready 11, Next February night February Tuesday sinanyway we thank them very lesson on ghost town. A good attend-inc- e and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Jed Orton. Dan to a good tiine. show them Crawford wijll be tlie speaker cerely. It has helped us very much is desired. The Girls of Parowan High School at the West Wadr Mutual. His sub- to know that we have such wonder- Mr. & Mrs. Dalton Meeks are and tongues arc working fingers will be, "The Book of Mormon. ful friends. The Paulina Camp Monthly meet- making tneir home here at present ject to make the Sweet Heart over time The M. I. A. officers are very & Mrs. Arvilla Day Family Ball a success. ing of the Daughters of Utah Pion- in the Olive Burton residence. desirous of a good attendance. Mrs. Oscar Lyman. eers will be Thursday February 13 Our Girls Day starts February 14 at 2:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Albert E. Adams is spending at 3 oclock with an assembly which Members of the East Ward M. I. a couple of weeks in California visit- A. under the direction of Jean Hen- Alton Merrill Phillip Benson. promises to be both interesting and Buys Mrs A. C. Hatch will give the ing with her sister, Mrs. Gene Wood- drickson will At the close of the assemonc-adifferent. play, present a lesson. will be the voting for the bury of Pasadena, and with her husthere Debt of Honor, over radio station bly band in the Imperial Valley. Albert K S. U. B. at 8:00 p m on Tuesday-night- , War Photo Equipment king and queen of the Sweet Heart is employed there this winter by February 11th. An enlarger that Ripley could say LITERARY CLUB Meets one of the Stockmens organizations. believe it or not is now in operaEast Ward Sacrament meeting tion at Parowan. The cold light enThe Parowan Literary club met Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Halterman next Sunday should be especially the war, is Wednesday night, February 5th, at left Sunday for Los Angeles to spend interesting to everyone. The Bishop- larger, developed during to be kind its of of one first the .he home of Edna Brown with 14 a few days with their child en who ric announces that Karl O. Mitchell of Salt South into operation put TWENTY YEARS AGO nembers and one guest present. live there. will be the principal speaker with Lake City. lesson Hu Ida Hulet presented the some special music to be furnished Cold light as a light souice for an Utah and the Centennial which Mrs. Harold Rogerson and her by Claude Ortons family. Part of is an adaptst ncluded a brief history of the Pio- baby of Fillmore are here visiting the time will be turned over to the photographic enlarging At the regular fast day moetm-laof fluorescent the ation light prino babic-neers from the time they left were chrtden'.l with relatives and friends. Sunday, East Ward L. D. S. Girls organ- ciple. The lighting element was deuntil they reached Salt Lake In the East Wa d- . " as follows: a talk will be given where ization, and extensive through inciveloped were & v Elwood Mrs. up by Mr. Page Valley; and also interesting Joyce Guymon representing the thorough research in an effort to and Mrs. L. J. Adams daughter end week Pioneers last with St. Mrs. connected and from dents George Alpb girls and a response by a mather eliminate many of the disadvan- named Beverly: Mr. was named schools, dramatics, music, industries. visiting with their people here. Lowes onso daughter Nevada Adams. tages inherent in the ordinary Mrs. Wm F rrt1 and medicine in Parowan history-incondenscent Betty and Mr. and Decker will present the tungsten filament Rosaline recoFor UTAH their special to give (PROVO, The group voted tons daughter was named Mam to the lease to PAROWAN TIMES) In girls elegible for awards and the lamps found in other enlargers. In the West Ward: Mr. operation and assistance be presented by The "believe it or not part of the 19 students who certificates will in to the Commerce addition of putting Alma Stubbss, named Joseph M' Chamber Stake Secertary, lone Bradshaw. enlarger is the light itself. The light leson Stubbs; and Mr. and M- over some of the special entertain- registered at Brigham Young UniThe girls who will be eligible for 'is a spiral tube coated internally named Horn' ment features which are to be se- versity during the fall quarter from and receive the individual achieve- with a special phosphor film. The ace Davenports, O. Kendall is and vicinity Parowan cured for the community. ment awards by having completed tube is filled with proper mixtures ant Davenport. The next club meeting will be in Gurr, who has regstered for the the of inert gases. When the switch is rigid requirements are: the form of a Valentine party to be winter quarter. GerAdams, Mr. Mont Benson came Imre t Blanche Joan turned on, the light instantly proAdams, Mr. Gurr is the son of Mr. & Mrs. held on February 19th, the place to ha- - be trude Ann Adams, Joan Adele duces illumination whose color day from Tooele where he d Peter Hansen Gurr of Parowan. He month-habe announced later. :th V several Elrea for kclvili. is 3100 degree wot king Adams, Amy Lau Adams, is a graduate os the Parowan High removed a1 Maxine all this light there is NO HEAT. MARRIAGE LICENSES his tonsils Eleen Davenport, Clark, as served presSchool, where he is of and LaVonm resting up the with week The only marriage license issu.-does ago just This danger away A veteran Dalton, Joyce Guymon, office so far ident of the senior class. of f effects of the Clerks from Halteror recover Jean Hulet. Karla the warping County buckling, blistering, Guymon, 2 by World War II, he served for of Thomas MortenHalbert to Janet his month was Adele the negitive. operation. inonhs m the United States A. my man, Elaine Holyoak, The process uf making prints in Lund of Modena and Gwen Cooley sen, Whitney. Air Forces. of Cedar City. Society ' son-in-la- w Post ct This MM !, -- card of appreciation e appreciate far more than we Vn exPress in words the kindness at Has been shown us in the death J our brother Claude, we especially ! ' thank the men who so will-"i-- 7 went in the night to hunt for mericain Legion. The reaHn composed and read bv vf; ntle Burton, the Prayer so -cerely given, also the kind neigh-- o rcnds who contributed eunch, and all other help or all these thifngs we are an ,Je than grateful. Bis Sis! 'er daughter, Claudia, and brothers Meeks and Carlyle Florence Nau-va- s a- -d TT 1 tem-peratu- ie Rabbit ad !ftl0,n rr j.- -, 5 ' a u,U A. M ia hunt called to Gun who are in 1)16 hh Hunt at the Conoco Station .ib Members d I |