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Show TIMTS PAROWAN WEEKLY PUBLISHED by Ih PRINTING CO PAROWAN PUB. (Kiuo cl February r iiuuuiiAS sc:lv;;c.v lia:: NATIONAL (DITORIAL--n.r is MSOCIATION - Twenly Years Levo Orton. Claud 24. 1926) s i.i the i I as Him hi d Cliamhi r of a . 27. 1915. et.di. OitolaT dle 1 t re 1' to color the r.c.v haul ainl hltlci rad if in'i of mcii t .in i nati hi- - with loin. iic c ai. i:lani-,,iiWith mot c than .1 rintaiy am! a h.i'f i palatine OUT da.V ami lh d.lfo lit Ann nail liosi'lntion it tin .ti a.i f t f, ' o illy loii.jiichcivl and thci: Colonihta the of gl, Tin ,h.i. fat a d, 1. i . like Mm h Cr.n ye Waidunytoii is being obM-ivccount y, knew tins' hnthday tins mil' on a one ss'ay road in then fight f '! mdependenrr fioni the Hnti h Cmssn They knew their ss.d n t ii mm: hai k. and that at the end of th. t load tiny must either ai vc sates- or face a finny .squad or ham'ioan". iojie as traitors. "I. ibis ts in Iiiath', ss as no meio eateh pin a e ssith them. It meant just das' ti III I h-- i. SS hat it aid -- hut den as command ii ill r'm f ssas doubly bal'd. Not only had he the enemy to fight but he had to eonti ml ss ith the jealousy and rut il tie of those Amci leans ssho s myht to di e. edit and it move him That lie u.h aide to ssithstand the diM oui agi ment and despaid that so fiequmtly confronted him, and at the same lime inspiu- his men to e.iny on, is in itself a tubute more i loquont to the man than words could csor express. With a less launtless leader the colonies could -- s the Paiemaii A Co iiffmi'd to install the sy-- s mi rei t to th city for lus lab n. Mi Chilton f e . Tssmty id Paiosv. mV be t lillldel'S, With alternates and Il ft that luoinilig foi Mt. Pi' to hunt lahhits ssith a like of men fiom that city The otn A ssi id fiom heie wen: Roy im K ga: Ren.son. P. A. Cl.il k. J. M Wa.d Ktx C. Waul, Alma Hyatt, A H Hinson, Don Skoug.ud. CD eiu Kn h.iuL, Mont Henson, Phil l.m on, 1! I Adams, () W Ad. in , s', d Hi non, Kd Matheson, Free ih.dt, F.iwood Moltrnsen, Donald IVndh' toil, Josi'ph E. Ward and ITank Mu kelson to hunt Albeit Adam, went as an alternate, and I. J Thomas Davenpoit, J o. R Hint ley and Win E. Thornton and captains. It for miration Use mio'ii a 12 m SM 11, 2oi) ft drip .it a point S 12.7 It .md E 82 5 ft, from NW Col . se. 21. T:us, RHAV. ami I :. Ap. a i i f to ( )ct .51 to lrri-- , inIn .Hie-- , of land in s, , v i, 14, 25, and 21. T34S, IUOW. I't, I .M2 f : 1 . - i r Sam K.o C. Ti'iil, (Tme, M.itoid. I't 2 see, ft for svell bet n r (.mu a Jon an 2 in ft do. p at a point N. 50 I7o7o - 14-i- ft .md W. ai. T.iis, 1 hm ft fiom SF. Cm. Sec. Dt-pa- : Agn-lul'ui- 15 - Pur-cha- pie-wa- oi ble. unemployable and aid to depen car-iiiun- At a meeting of the Ramhoudlet 17n?l - Kay C. Teirel. G Sam Sheep Hieedius Association one ev- Cl.ni', Mdfoid. I't. 2 et ft for the dates of this u so fiom a well bet ening last svci-kfo: I'M ail sears show and sale sveie 2i ft dei p at a point N Si ptember 8, 9 ami 10. .Vi it ami V. 26,ti it fiom SE Cor. Si e. 36. T34S, R17W, and used from The- 75th biitlulay of Iron county's fust boin white child, Ncsv S. Whit- Ma' 15 to Ot t 15 to inigate 80 of land emht aeed in WRSED ney ssas to be celebrated oil the 1st Sic 56, T34S. R17W, and foi year-- . Reof March with a program in the dumr-ti- i' mind and stock wateiing lief Society hall under the ihui tion 17o72 of the Daughters of the Pionceis. Kay C. Ten el. G Sam Milfmd Cline, It. 2 sec. ft. for irri hardly base attained the eventual Almost five cai loads of alfalfa a well bet. f'om atioii tnumph at Yoiktosvn. seed had been shipped out of the loo ami 2oO ft dei p at a Rut this Nation owes to George point N. duiing the past year at a 50 ft. and V. 3910 ft. fiom SE Cor. Washington more that what he con- county ice averaging 16 cents per pound 51 e 36, T3iS, R17W, and used from tributed as a military leader. Even pi Mar. 15 to Oet. 15 to inigate 80 ao-- i after victory the Colonies might It was intimated the first of the is of land embiared in EDSWD have uttcily fallen apait had it not week, by those ssho aie in a posibeen for his great influence at the tion to know, that the Parosvan See. 36, T31S. R17W, and for domestic and stock watering. Constitutional Convention in bring- - ward was to be divided t the com- G - W. M. Walker, 17079 Sam of out shaip ing agreement n';ing stake conference to be held 2 sec. ft for irriCl. finds ne, M.lfoid, It. 13th March and 14th. e well bet. fimn a So, in observing the 214th annigation 100 2oo a and ft. at his a of the American At birth a deep point N versary quiet wedding few days Miss Arthella Decker, daughter 50 ft and W. 1300 ft. from ED Cor. people honor him as a soldier and statesman, and as a man svhose cour- of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Decker See. 36, T34S, I117W, and used from age and vision gave strength to the of this city, became the bride of Mr. Mar. 15 to Oet. 15 to irrigate 80 acres of land etnbiaood in EDNED faltering steps of this great nation. Duard Evans of Minersville. See. 36, T34S, R17W, and for HAVE YOU THOUGHT J. Lowe Barton, propi ietor of the domestic and stock watering ABOUT THIS? Paragonah-Ceda- r City Stage Line, G 17(130 - S. L. Whaley, Sam had been awarded the contract to Cline, Milfoul, Ut. 2 see. ft. for be It may just human nature, but carry the mail between those two e from a well bet. for the past four years we have rav- points, it was announced by the post 100 and 200 ft. deep at a point N. ed about the mass slayings perpe-t'ate- office department, with Barton to 50 ft. and W. 2600 ft. from ED Cor. on the roles, the Czechs, the tase the eonti act over from Asa Top See. 36, T34S, R17W, and used from Dutch, the Belgians and Fiench. We ham on Julv 1st. Mar. 15 to Oet. 15 to inigate 80 achave ct led for the lives of the lead-o- i s of the Death March on Bataan, Dr. and Mrs. James Green had res of land embi aeed in WDNED for those who condoned the pillage gone to California for a month to Seer 36, T34S, R17W, and for domestic and stock watering. ard rape of Manila, and those who take some post graduate woik in - A. W. Kails, G Sam Cline, 17031 rusticated our prisoners of war. We their professions. Milfoul, Ut 2 see. ft. for irrigation h. ve raved about the treatment of well bet. 100 and Parowan basketball enthusiasm use fiom a the people held in the German camps, against their be- took an awful set back during the 200 ft deep at a point N. 50 ft. and ing burned alie, etc. And then we week when the high school team W. 3920 ft. from ED Cor. Sec. 36, R17W, and used from Mar. 15 fi'opped an atomic bomb on Iliro-s- i took two defeats, losing to Beaver score and to the B.AC. to Oct. 15 to inigate 80 acres of by a :nm, Japan, a city of several hun-"escore. This just about - land embuced in EDNWD Sec. 36, thousand civilian population. by a hminted local team fiom anv T34S, R17W, and for the to and Killing, maiming causing fuither consideration for the divis- domestic and stock watering. s', a vo a total of 506,000 people, 17090 - Golden Ba les, Parowan, being kilkri outnght by the ion championship. last. And we felt we had pulled a 665 sec. ft for irrigation use Ut. Parowan people with new cars re- from a i. ulster thiust at our cncmv. well, 200 ft. deep at a cently were Arch Benson with a point X SO ft. and W. 231 ft. fiom Dodge Sedan, H. D. Baxles with a SD Cor. See. 13, T34S, R9W, and Shower Curtains All types of shower curtains new Studcbaker and Jess Guymon used fiom Ap:. to Oet. 31 to irriwith a new Ford. should be spread out to dry. gate 320 deles of land embiaced in fabrics may be cleaned by See. 18, T34S. R9W. with or sponging brushing gently Develop Better Eggs thick soapsuds. Rinse in clear lukePiob.ts uMsting the granting of Scientists have developed chickwarm water and press, protected by ens that of the imegoing applications to the suit at.', eggs a cloth, with a warm, not hot iron, customer. produce Hens from one l.ne lay with the.efor, must be in while damp. Transparent and coatthat their goetd table qualJ. it l"im with extra copy and ed materials should not be ironed at eggs about keep twice as long as ordiity led with tiie State Engineer, 403 all. nary eggs. Hens from another line S; te Capitol, Salt Lake City 1, U- lay eggs fhat poach and fry better on oi before March 25, 1946. ah, Wash Cement Floors than the usual run of eggs, eggs Cement floors of the garage and that have more thick white and Ed H Watson, basement can be scrubbed with a stand up better. Another lire lays STATE ENGINEER. broom or long handled brush dipped eggs almost entirely free from blood (Jan. 25 - Fi b 1, 8 15 22) in a pail of thick soapsuds. Use a spots. Still othor lines produce eggs garden hose for quick rinsing. This with thicker, stronger, less porous Rubber Gloves use for partly shells, eggs that stand shipping and is an economical In many forms of housecleaning, soiled suds from the wash machine storage muti better than ordinary rubber gloves furn.sh a convenient or tub. eggs. protection for the hands. After each -- ' 14-i- 1. - ac-!i- - 14-i- o u-- ", year-loun- d 16-i- u-- vear-loun- d 16-i- u-- d ycar-loun- d nqulrl Stop S Vhlcl: v- , -- v : READER ADVS. Public Assi.stance payments totaling $11,038 for December 1945 were authorized by the Iron county boaid of Public Welfare, Mamie C. Eck, Director of the lion county Public Welfare depai tment leports. These payments benefitted 232 needy individuals and families in the county. December payments icpiesent a of $741 from November, and the number of cases decreased four. dent children programs showed substantial gains over the previous month. Employables increased 37 cases to 73. the highest point since Febiuary 1944 Since economic conditions are readily reflected in this d program., and aid to dependent advanced 46 cases, reaching 1884, the largest number since May - .1 chil-dre- 1944. NOTICE TO MILK PRODUCERS Wanted to Buy: Pine fumitxt Pioneer Times. Merrill Mitche2 J1 t '- -: 4 an: i-- t 'J WOOD In the stick or sawed, COAL for sale. See Clair Lijte - ji- FOR SALE: A city lot on the . side of Parowan. Karl 0. M.kit t fT. i Pj' k COAL FOR SALE in ton or lots. Harrell Dalton, phone r e it? I- - 1: Load of WOOD for sale, in the c. Anyone interested pleast J r. jj j- as e s .md used from to e ligate 80 ae-!i- of Dm! acod in KDSED d DEC. WELFARE PAYMENTS Sic. 3i!, TilS, R17W, and for d"!i.i'.tie and stink watering REACH TOTAL OF $11,033 JilTW, Me li t.. (tit. trathT The driver of ev,ry 1.., transporting school ditver of tvety motor vchiCvi! porting i jrilB a. Passenger for hire, t b. Explosives, c. Corrosive liquids in d. Flammable lujuaR, flr9, ip e. Empty V.:J raigo tjr.k Ui ' transporting flammeU i; r before crossing at r-- ' track or railroad, shall stop n vehicle and shall mg proceed he can do so safely. 9 :t The driver shall not ,ji J change gears while traversing t crossing. No stop need be made at y t crossing where a polit e off,e4 traffic control signal d.rect tg 4'-to proceed. - ! : tv-ei- y t!V-in- g I t Sub-walk- i Hop-kin- , ne-s- GEORGE WASHINGTON pro-duetii.- d J 'Die tie sv Paiow.iii City Coir peeial meeting ha agreed I" n s stmt lightii pl.ris fo: a SSIth the St.iit tern fo! main stle-can I committee to gi t .n foi mntion as to costs, matin id, it,e favorable. Food supplies in the U.S the soli While fa iintinui at reemd levels with above the about suds of the lit Xt War Will g.' ' r and bed.' said J Yiin llopkin, stall A average per capita con A A i 1. aim. all, m an appi al Id !'" sumption exceeding that of any pre f.u mi's alld le if Utah t".. ve us year. t Wmk to coupe! ate ill the make llloi e food d a.lablc fir to-- ' President Atk Aid President Tiunian has called for luingiy people of Euiope In the w holeheaiteti cooperation ot on the situation. Mr. said while then Is tin ui 1u.il man. woman and child, as well Ilia's st.II atlon, food 'tjppl.es u'e as the food and tiansportation inveiv shm t and tints way In low dustries to help prevent mass starhealth equi! eluents "We aie vation in the world, Inconveniences to pieveiit staivatioii," he Said whuh will result from this emerHe explained that the fu t SIX gency program, President Truman months of 19)6 will Le the ciiUi'.il pointed out. "will be a small price pel lod with lattoiis in m ver.il mun-tiie- s to pay for saving lives, mitigating near stjivatmn levels. suffering in liberated countries, and helping to establish a firmer founSituation Critical dation for peace." Although the shooting war is over Cuban Sugar peopi,- m many countnes are still fighting a ih'speiati battle against Cubas 1946 sugar harvest is now tment of starvation. The reaching major propoitions and the lets these thiee chief c.uis-e- crop is expected to tatol 4,700,000 of the wot Id food situationshort tons, raw value, compared in 1945 of total wmld food with the 1945 crop of 3,900,000 short e production by 12 per cent per capi- tons, raw value. While the 1946 ta below concent! ation of contract with Cuba is pendthis reduction chiefly in countries ing. Cuban raw sugar, as produced, mutually dependent on impoits, and is being shipped to the U.S. to the disruption of didi lbution in vvar-t- account of the Commodity Credit n Nations. Corporation at a price of $3,675 per The United States and Canada, the cw t. (free alongside), Cuba, comparBntish Isles and the Middle East ed with the price of $3.10 per cwt. are the only Luge ai eas where food for the 1945 crop. production in 1945 was lelativelv pie-wa- -- i Sis uni I Chv J Mail Mat .jltilid i, r at till port Office at iDrowun Cpcll Certain iL one-thir- . 05 KNOW YOUR fammi m$ 0 Si Jflsf.Ill ss is at Cun," if M n iv noi.n to gi t a much i. d fi. .It tai t"d foi Pal oss all. a loinn.ittie consisting of tin 1'. mg mm weir naim d ti) to ti, ,te t!:e possibility of suc h . John H Pendleton. A ' tiiiiii J' eph, Anthony Paxton. J.m Roiunson and Gouge Chilton e i UTAH. FEBIR'ARY 22. !'46 NOTICE TO WATER USERS This Week THE PAROWAN TIMES PAR07AN Chester white boar in ma call service v. i B : Ji : Hyatts place, if v ; f ? Chester White boar In service tr place. Roy Benson, Parowan. For Tha la All Beat Kind t INSURANCE LIFE AUTOMOBILE February 28th is the deadline for FIRE SURETY BON? ee 1, R O WLET ! I A' f 21 ft 5 C h. . Vc e 5 th - Y-- a if be: -- Of the total. Miss Eck said, $8725 milk subsidy payment applications ratk e L A 1 W, was paid to 227 cases under the old for the months of October, Novem1 :ece, $1361 was issued to ber and December, 1945. If you have age so 23 families with dependent children, not already signed up please do so afir.g $95 was spent for two blind cases; before the last of the month at the and Aflorney-Al-La1 short $692 was for 20 cases classified as Southern Utah Dairy Company. an if Abstractor Licensed unempoyable; $78 was for three dewith affiliated Elmer Mitchell made a trip to Salt pendent and neglected children; $80 Title Guaraatj Cl w as for the care of two adults in inLake City the first of the week to Intermountain stitutions and $8 was for six tran- investigate the chance of getting a Office at Court House. Parovn sient cases. new truck to replace his old one. He Payments for all types of public reports that there is little chance of assistance cases in Utah amounted getting one in the very near future. to $731,700 in December 1945 accordChas. F. Bentley made a quick bus ing to a report released today by the iness trip into Salt Lake City last Public Welfare' Commission. This was $21,100 or 3 per cent more than week. "All th big bIbm id Dial vm one imal) prospects, n il nm was paid under all programs in Deto mo thal tkoro aro plenty ol sp Mr. and Mrs. Mrs: Lloyd Crawg cember 1944. Number of cases portunitieo hero iot young ford enjoyed a visit from Mrs. Crawline industry who want H I from these payments dropUtil deeper. brother-in-lafords and sister, Mr. ped from 15,113 to 14,896 during and Mrs. Grant Bowers of Salt Lake this same period. City for a few days over last The upward trend in public assistance caseload which commenced in October 1945 was continued with 84 Mrs. Thelma Wilcock was a visitadditional cases receiving payments or here over last week end from in December over November. While Fillmore, coming down to visit and the increases in number of cases re- look after her home property here assistance and aid to which she rented to Mr. and Mrs. ceiving old-ag- e the blind were small, the employa- - Floyd Hyatt. METAL MINING INDUSTBY OF Dll; : H. C. Parcells ' ben-efittin- H w 16-i- n THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... T3-t- 38-2- d 24-2- 9 2 e- year-roun- d 78,-(m- o 1 12-- 1 Water-repelle- nt iiu-on- s . using they should be dipped in a basin of suds, rinsed thoroughly in clear water, and patted dry with a soft cloth. Dust them inside and out with talcum powder before putting a wav. of this Clean, Family Newspaper ( Free v The Christian Science Monitor from crime and sensational news . . . Free from political bias . . . Free from "special interest control . , . Free to tell you the truth about world events. Its own world-widstaff of correnews and its meaning to you spondents bring you and your family. Each issue filled with unique features to chp and keep. e self-hel- p The Christian Publishing Society One, N ore ay Street, Boston 15, Maas, Name . Street Ciy P.,-- Please send sample eopnes of The i Monitor. " Zone State. j Please send a trial snt'scrtptam. close $ 1 Airplanes Over Counter One of Chicago's largest department stores has agreed to open an airplane department" and will of-e model for r a popular, s. 'e fiom a conventional display roi m ft tvio-piac- If I en- v, c ti vv.ii tie ,:t rt t ci r t r. t stippled u- t.: e OR IIENR Y: Ive heard that same thing several times lately . . . that alcoholics are really sick people. It was news to me. Do you agree with that statement, Judge? OLD JUDGE:" Yes, its true, Henry. Its no notion of mine... its a statement made by scientists who have studied the subject. HESR Y: " What did they find out. Judge ? their medical research, they found out that apOLD JUDGE: Well, as a result of proximately 95 of the icople who drink, drink sensibly. 5 do so unwisely, at times. Stipple Spray t rff-- w ou do paint u.M through a Included in that 5 is the small percentage known as alcoholics. HENRY: But why are they called sick people ? OLD JUDGE: Because it has been discovered that, in many cases, excessive drinking is a symptom of some physical or emotional maladjustment... Kof the cause of it. HENRY: Now I understand it, Judge. I am glad to hear of the modern approach to this problem and that so much is really being done to help these folks. Thu adtntiirmeni tponsortd by Cvnftitnct of Aicaholu Bnoiog |