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Show ft h it it If peed lew pcf e try, to hud. W, D. ' 8 on I h Tp ini1 p'AfiCy Lei at ' CJ M;,?il$ My,; "Then 'youll jtest id Jttfe I Styles - a-d- i - Limit JVffccs. and figtreb.JoitW than, ',Qf.y6iM,Vm fVii. JjVff! ' have V . ' (T1.'i4 nJ " i hear mny' eiilfiti pf vhyayyfpvmenti 'kicn an extensive assort went of Inricy yddersignod-jhavo.'rtaArriyod Of many rare kvndi; .Tlie for working jnatf reused uy jriaustri-ou- a from Om fnrni Vilh.'a f r ehG supply of Tve frefiyjH'arribiirgh I'siRs i,;, rci of andiclefiliiiablc . lodges And purDtaVSVinesj.;;.ji!f queens , phoice Goods of 'lhttstiityler. ; rank; Good atylheriHes state,' th&f, jbyr itiisnresf. iy l .s v IlY Let all Who have purchased .AD FANOr, fore the lx?h ettrtury allsilk material k Look i 'chMe for sbowingWi STAPIJE ,1 , r 1 f,ri I, r V f.Uy BooJs;iveititora5 . were brought to Europe bv the Sere ChrldsitUsi,'' Matte, iV ancestor pf 4he..: wcient rBokliari;in 'tv lt" ...vr If theres an unsettled score. coupoBxn M v whence it derived its nanie of Serica; pUo it rok''bin.:Q149CjLpokft , r-- a 1 (.1 j Gr;p.'j;;qati, 1 t' 1 n-- s ho -- 1 jU - t ; 5 . In into ContunUnople. by two monks (' jxx vyere, introduced u&l, silkworms and many other vnxi eti cs a pd bortsi and1 wiUell at prices far, lelew unv liffto-for, ft tlltiie;fniriUgj in. tlisTmiirkei ' will show; 1 Complaints, stimulate ihaLivcri'rdieY Dys'pcpiiia, break up. ltillious and other rovers, ptop the IIoVdfTcbeidrt ve away Flfttulejicy !aV Lois of Appeti te, aelp a .Bad ilpldj'eare tha r JatodUaad prpve, t he (ha best family Domestics! riinis. -- ' r. O :""i to 4-- 'l l i ) Tj i f 4, :. 10 ; 1 1 'j Pill'ih-eSis-tence- . 1 ; . 200 - 0 rOU J '.datg oa -- .3 idndSBVa oaxwan..-- , . Tanner, a6d 'Curriers," St.: Qeofgtli '"'''IWahjIr-- ; - l. ! . . i . M i SADPLE J j: liAKER. ilAKNE. r r a.y ' itv-'Wl.,,.- 1 Cali-fftVii- ia ! . chiy-alri- c women are more 'protected by fiction than they, need bo,. and that they sometimes find the compii-menpaid., therex irksoino. not wish to say any tliis phurlish, but e tU-E- S ls I.-d- t D i . a i ; 1. Upon buiiescjuing cf gallantry to seen small sender. gentle- jt really borders 4 i - man giving his arm to a stout stout longlady across p room, There is positively no danger of talking ten feet along plain surface, wpll car perted, wiia ridges of aula andhillochg of ofaman. The foir traveler ' is far less likely to fall if she i left alone 1 do delight in a pretty fiction but 1 alwiivs feel that the joke-- being push too far when I- see a sweet but strong and healthy creature, toyrtfccUd by a weak and s:ciy nan. ' t: a-eo-?S- j. Family Medicines va Sold at the St. George lea n : 1 BROOMS! wire-fastene- vy d I satvp fi busn-- n e ti'; nien AppU toi vs ir. BRANOFI. i . :,lu Ed.) JAMES CKAGON : Joiner r.nJ Cabinet Maker. S.f George,' wants; " : -- ' WHIPS : . .V " ' GRAINl$nS, t . ? ' : 4 . was the reply, wfist dllrence It makes to n man.wbs.hasnt got a dollar in 'the wqrld. wliich'sfde of tbo river ks'a oap. V. , ,l"Vr'I ,.l f ' rp. PENDLETON, liUtftq wyit(ie. haito say, 'I , AV f siTHER; ( in ,. . I For last two jveeks Jiave had raln. snqw, damp weather, k nirfa hehira" frot, fog, we mold, ore than ever seen 7 TTwM!' f f'j j- - - ; . Dont forget your old promise ' St. George, Utah,1 ... Will eceivc and dispose of, as But bring in tlie pay. '; For work done quick snd. strong, vjUst-bring- s ihrt pay: along. fc.r ; ofix. ij aii$ en j George. All work in .briyins. 1 St. &c.; done with dispatch,. ;; CRAWFORD-:1I0USB,myasbin jton, v"Utsba j ;T ,e. Travelers and . khc beafi.-'- Doardersiacyotnmodafedlth Jas,eatev h-- v-:;h.- i p instruc-te- '. f i r -- I,i ! - , - Gc title inen troubled with deficientUwler?; , -. f landings, pan havs them dissected, aaj- , , , lysed anJ rectcatedort the ihorteft-aotlfeOil go an their iftay with tbeiy pedUtxtj;T inities secure against :kb iniumalvigjiafla-- 1 ence of wster, mud, sand, . eicii pepqr soles restored,::,:-.- - The' various il abyrintU an? v eylauons, f graturtously;':d. - ijtiyJ -- - be jf. V C5P Between City Hall andifyjnting ' ... Ofiicc.' tiooiks,.)Varqs, ilerchinidize, Grain, .Stock, Ac., upon liberal terms.' t -- '.h . ; Then ha'll serve ypu without delay. J, :'W,' NIXON, Agency lor Findts''1 SV'.lV111 fiinoary 0, l!CS, Coi3?r.of Gentle and first street copper, Tia -- and Sheet Iron Worker. Matches, wholesale iiiid yetui f ?at rm of Herff p hf ' porili, frtmsof Jos. Birchs,1 S'IV5 EopCE- Pf i (. George Utah.! y ltf ; LbtsTOrsleyr .:;,o -- :r. ..'.iv.i t :i ' . .... ' i . if -- 1 T ,r . ; . 4, ltf table comforts the market affords. AV. II. CIRAWFORDJ lif ; y fic .need io longer groshhnderfbiaicf teroustefibcfs7of had fits u Adyie Jiictidn...a?iJ'GommUfiion Merchant, ' iV, 1 L.thajun- J. E. JOHNSON, , D, 1 ; AND jLaIUATS; . . r - I !,b1 . - i 1.- . L will execute orders in Ids line wul) ' ! . , dispatch. . . - i nc-S- BIILIVE& UUSSELL, I... ISRAEL- IVINS-,:.l cy. Dotnnio Pliysician. Alsp .survey and Engineer. St. 'George, ., lTla- - . (Says he has more business than h " .V' - Mastr !. - - . the-maso- "Vr. i . iu-- 'A1 number of tqjiyfe ypurg ALL-HEALI- i ' VANT?Eb, prdy Store;. Ac. The St. Guorge Gardcncis Club ' q BALSAM,' to1 Seeds, Cuttings Exchange propose For Goughs, Cold Restlessness ami all and Plants of native Flowers, Shruba Affeuiions . of the Lungs, ,, and Trues, for Seeds, 'Cuttings and OF LIFE, Plants of giro, choice, beautiful or valCholera Morbu, Choi uable Plants, Jjhrubs, FlOvrcrg or Fruits Fqr DiurrliuDn, ic, WjiQpping Cpugh, Pain m tlio of other couutries the cxchapg to be or face, and as a Sodthrng tiordi 1 fur ... mado by rnajl. iofunts gives immcdiaie relief; Address St.' Qcorgo' Gardimers Club. CANKER- SYKPP. . 'P. J. J6UXS0X, 1rt.r. For Canker,. Sore .Mbu;h, or Ulcerous Afadrim, at what price per yard do Wm: I sell-thiU Drancu, &ec. Humors. broadcloth?' asked. you William Pennington of a fair miss NERVE AND BONE LI$LMMT, Five dollars, sir. ,Youre a little For Rheumatism and nil. diseases re- dean Yes, replied tho blushing Tho Yncrtrigned offers a superior arti- - quiring outward spnlicntion for Man or maiden, so all veung men tell me. host Horse LUirpcnt. eic of double-woun- d Beast. Tho Broome, at wholesale or retail; Grain vvfr JSixii , Produce received ip payment. Tiiccsrth is. a tender and k pd moFor, wwJ intlauicd or troublesome Eye ther to the hufbsndmap; und ypt at also Lids, Sore tfyesifco. one season lie always harrows her boA cubicE LOT or ' .iTONICiPILLiP, som, aud at another phiok her eirs t IT ill curs the Ague,' Chills and intergood size and bcstlvsrjeth; ulso.omai mittent Ferors 'immediately, . Cod certainlv hears whnt we speak: miital Trees and 2? Jobbery , and other hut we nun.r times do not hear whet plants. 1m A choice Ut of IlARDV (SHAPES, ATorm Medici j Skives, Ointments for fpejtks, though be speaks peace tS us. Odd ftlwftA Clears the- ppayer.nf each a stand this northern climate, and j Itch, Piles, Ac. Hits 3yrup, CoijipQi- faith, and answers it, dut.we do nut al Fruit abuadaiatly, tion, Syrup Sarsaparilla, and mbit ' what hear ! ollier that answep 11. F. JOHNSON ways . popular Family Medioincs ll , Spring Lae yillNjiUtab. - T ; An elderly gentlemen bein' ill. nk or PAVID MJLNX, J. lt. t. RUSSEL. FrcnCU lvilli a liis friends sent a mraienjer, wltn theuvusl 1. inquiry, which, however, he had not pyp. The Lund 'rsignedf having. lately arri-- ; nonneed with dn einnhais-ibas- k ved from Parift', is now ready to give ORNAMENTAL BOUSE, SIGN you tWtake mv compliments, and ask hkw f tlie Lessons in Preach language. oW Afr. T. mr wenger 'departed on his errand,ia.Tlje and speedily returned, ssy-H- e .'Tkiivs: v is just sixty-eigh- t, air! : G lass lessons, twice' a week, 50c. ' PAPER HANGERS GLACIERS, Sl.UO. Private Mv friend.? said a seedy individual to Classes will 'be formed two weeks a waggish acquaintance st a frrrr; "I 3 1. George, wish you would loan pie two quarteYs fa from date, rrqe the fyrry ; 1 hevnt: fet a dollar 'in ltf tns world.' Wfh Ir.would liks to know," s !. ciiTm svi rX'iis atf It has pfish. struck me that nowadays - up- - f . 1 - . 'T,e best of Work , done boat. door We have a yerv e y t i v o : ncl eicldlput south of lh'intipg Office, St. Mgurgy. assQrtluont, .whiyii We w ill fttrlf at prices,. wih freight added, ,v yr: CCTTON M1I.L ANI) STOKE,?; ' In a abort .time,, on ja spou 'as the 6. G. HIGCilNS. ir.euther is iqoro Kiittled, we vrjlj receive ,,i Cltoil,"Grivinr,BuUer,:''0ol Chaese,, A . I I V E EBS7$0GDASJ, good inarutiNUtahltt .neat Stbc in ' cx the norlh part of the Cityj uhiinge fur (ioods: IteniftoT'-'- " Gom and geo twn flocks west of Clark1 Tannery, our very low prices Wiile thaiikiog iuy patrons fop tkair favors tn 'the pust,v i wish tu. inform complete, ' liUHDIOI then)l ss well as the pulilip Renerally , . SMieorgUulinJah-y.w JlAY! HAV! who pi ay need niy services, that I have ., l v.J r. ,i 1 laborFor Said. tBircbV;I1ointlj.KanarrRt just received from tba ifevf York atories a good ussortipeui of Eclectic YALUAHL12' rUkib. ltf v Medioinps, mHCiL1 S'- ; jCljiYAIilES. CUSTQJJAVY . . some. of. 4ci :V' I . I will fiVVardseaby;mwJ the beat hardy Grapes, viz: yd ! 1 r. .fit) (id.35 . them at Paler nicujwhfute the Irude r. plaines, the was dissemiiialcd jover ltaiyi" In' S ripeii and CljecC 'iVas'the iJruiei thirteenth century Twfletf. Cal. Flannels; known' stuffs silks. for The mart . ttlym ' were velvet, satin (co)leb sorpiie), and ilRUG STOftp. taflVta all of which- ?were 'stiched Sold at ST. 'UEjjfcGlJ i with gold orisilver thread; The eypent s?Mcney refunded .when , satis fasti qji of working maierbili'wali therefor is not given. glen's and oys Hats, condescenlhdies and . very great. rpvl wayds . UfiXiir rLpxrp'K , ded to superjhtehi sewitig-schoo' ,(1.V ; Will cleanse tiiii Bidod,JTtThovaBillipui bat monopolised Ahe;wjtpracure un : r " A ; -- ' |