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Show g —Page-3 Volume 1, Issue2 "‘ 1lot Saved bY Ed en Famlly SOV by Shanna Francrs | afe to try landlng Glen———fi fied andtthey sent cars for the ~Fuller, son of George Fuller, fliers.”. Eventually the plane upon hearmg the plane crrchng was drsmantled and hauled to’ for some time, realized the. plane Hill field by trucks.- Orrgmally A headhne in the Ogden Standard Examrner dated Informatron taken d1rectly from was hard for thepeople to make - “A History of Ogden Valley, -‘._;;._',_f-—"'that long 20 mile trip [to town] ~must be in distress. He had the- November 7, 1945 reads, “Fliers Saved By Eden FarnrlyA mil- and “Echoes of the Past, ~ Zella Chard. ~ One of the earhest ~ stores in Liberty was run in - 1899 by Mary Atkinson, who o - had been left a widow with ten ~children. -She made her 11v1ng by doing nursing and supplyrng ~a few groceries for sale in one ‘room of her home. The chrl- Jitary AT- 11 plane on a fhght S " acknowledged that he could 'se from Boise, Idaho to Hill field Commendation was accorded ‘became entrapped within the - ~ the flares'by flying in’ 1 ‘the’ drrec- * the Fullérs for thelr act whrch ‘canned goods plus bolts of | valley skies, around six p.m., o tion that'Glen would pornt the “aided the pilot in makmg a safe glngharn and calico to make [ during a heavy storm. Ice began brrght s1gna1s “The Fullers'ceven— - landing. Although the country dresses, lace, buttons, thread,” forming on the wings and statlc ~ tually placed the flares at each ’ there is quite flat, it is spotted - gloves, mittens, button hooks - | interfered with radio srgnals ~ end of their field: Lieutenant o with numerous farm bulldmgs, TR shoes overshoes ~ | The pilot Lieutenant R. F. * Quiring landed the plane safely homes fences, trees and cattle 1t ‘boots and stockrngs These "Quiring of Lincoln, N ebraska without injuring any of the other ‘was: pomted out.” . were not the type of stockrngs ' | Airfield was unable to deternune ~ four officers aboard’ the plane o o i Several years ago, ' worn today-—they were long the formation and height of the -The field was level; ‘except for | ‘black knitted stockings to keep - mountains surrounding the 'val-'z . one ditch bank Wthh the plane ley. The pilot said, “I'circled . Plowed through. © - ¢ 5 ~dren enjoyed the visits to the - the legs warm during cold winAtkinson store, as an egg would ters. He also sold shovels - geta lucky child some penny - candy. There were herbs, . thread, gum, popcorn, and, of - course, the candy The govern— around the valley for about half iy ‘rakes hoes forks buggy whrps,_ etc., that nught be used on the - ' the store shelves boasted on the squirrel that were | - destroying farmers crops Mrs Atktnson would glve a penny i and throat gargles | "The report in the Ogden Lleutenant Qumng returned to ‘Eden under more favorable circumstances to relocate and» | family ‘wh;Chf the n, thank, agai - contributed to the pilot’s safe an hour, debating upon the best Standard Examiner stated that ‘enough to determine if it were . officralsat Hlll Freldwere notl— communrty ‘course of action. I couldn’tsee farm For accidents and illness, ment was paying a small bounty .:_;castor ndaids,oil, asplrrn sterilecough gauze,syrup,. salves< - ~ it was thought that the plane ‘idea of hghtmg flares.” ‘He began ~would be able to be flown out ‘signaling to'the pldne. The prlot The report' contmues, L Liberty Ward” by Lysle an ', ‘so'Chard’s country store carrred d ~all kinds of* groceries and - Y N “After the plane was landed - landing in the small mountarn | sback throughtlme to, another . | -:_era. | The storewas bullt in- An 1ce house was burlt gncg bVQned b, _}‘@figha of Eden wrth the town square “in the middle. Adam's wife, .in addition to workrng inthe fields takmg in washmg and bhanrla Frarrcrs Vilbur; a Wealthy merchant runnmg ‘the store servedas B dren broughtm She would ;'j__ ' store The Soathwrck brothers ’by . take the tails, wrpe ‘her hands " would ¢ut'a large block of ice by the standards of the com- postrmstress in Edeni"A" 7 off on her apron, and give ~ from their pond and store it in Ben Toone of Eden . munity at that time.| ~small 10 by 20 foot’ alcove in TN candy in trade. It isn’t hard to . sawdust. Large pieces of ice i. vhasbeen preparing to launchi e Orrgrnally, an’ old dance hall the front ‘east corner of the - imagine the line of boys,and a ‘were cut in sufficient quantrtres fa new enterprrse with an’ old -| Was located as a second floor store served as thts post e or wrth the.;\ - girl or two, eager to trade squn‘to last all summer and chill the - I even antrqu flav “above the store wrth an open ~ office.” Mail service to the " rel tails for candy. e ~.cooler to store the cheese ‘meat, grand opening of a lrfelong ‘wooden stalrway on the east peaceful little farrrung com—. _ + William H. Chard - butter, eggs and other perrshable dream. Mr. Toone has suc- ~side of the store leadrng up to i munity began somewhere | bought a store he ran from the ‘f"”-products before selling. | cessfully' recreated an oldthe . gay arena where great ~around 1860. i . Penrod brothers on August 19 M. Chard had a spe:-‘ fashioned malt shop, featur—“metal records or live flddlers " InFebruary of 1920 the 1911. It was located across ~ cial wagon made for his trips to | and musiciansplayed waltzes Fuller famrly bought the busl-": s from the old Liberty Church on ~Ogden. At first, farm horses - | ing an authentic soda founthe west side of the road and - were used to pull the wagon.. faced east. ‘Mr. Chard took the Later, the horses.were replaced “ness and his- tain. Banana 1 splits, ice’ toric home | ' ) - ranchers’ butter, eggs, fresh . witha span of mules to pull the -| cream wrth pork, beef, veal, mutton, fresh rhubarb syrup, - whitetop covered wagon. It peas, corn, fruits and_ berries to drew a great deal of attention ~the store to trade for ;grocerres | - from the people as he drove to | and other staples. PR _and from Ogden each week. | In horse and buggy The Chard family left days, he made one trip a week - Lrberty in 1942, selling the ‘sometimes less than that. In store to Rulon Shaw. This typr-; - for $3.75 a case (30 dozen eggs) neighbor, and discuss politics or “along with and chocolate. = week, bnngrng home a brg load _meeting place where mail could ~ The Eden ‘General Store ~on his ton truck, of groceries to be picked up, news and gossip~ sell to the people of the commu- ~ exchanged, or where one could | ‘¢ not only provides a wide nity. He sold or bought eggs “have a friendly visit with a good - " Leonard, ‘marshmallow - | malts are justa -} small scoop of | ¥ -selections from ‘| which the conlater times, when the berries and. . calcountry store, with its well1 noisseur will be - small fruits were on, he would - kept yard, had been the hub of | able to choose go three and four times in a .- the town’s activities, a popular ~ tothe east. ~his brother “ownedand 'operatedthe ~grocery * store, - | Leonard . later buyrng " outhis . . § =3 brother' s .~ share of the ' business. Y ’_.Leonar‘d 3 variety of old- and butter for 12 cents a pound. ~conditions in the world. | fashioned sodas N »The “General Store”m 1943 ~ acted as He also paid as high as $15.00a - Additional early store and creamy i ""'-"»,,postmaster ‘ w nes Ladres caseof eggs and60 cents for owners in Lrberty 1nclude :_;dehghts to satrsfy the sweet- .._tor hveher tu -‘:‘}‘?i"-““-“«'fl'lm_.thlbtime, until his wife butter. The first case of salmon ‘Bishop Judkins, Samuel .k est tooth, but also features @ _ -Phylis was appomted post— -bought lasted one year. Later, a." Hrgglnbottom Joseph. Gardner | sandwiches, soups, and other. .~ fTee¢ and,g ¢ ‘mistress in 1936--a posrtton case would sell in one week and the Penrod brothers i | main drshes If you feel like - charged 25 cents The dance _In:t;h,e-.ear_ly,da;ys, 1t, " EDEN GENERAL STORE 35m East 2200 North Eien, It (sunnsgrun % | e “she held until her death in 1964, At this time the store | i -aJ’floor was later removed - going out for breakfast, f‘fimornrng meals are also on the because of safety concerns menu. Breakfast is served Monday through Saturday from 7:30 a.m. How does a healthy stack of sour dough pancakes sound? ~~ The novelty of the | and post office closed until The current wooden floor m - the mercantile was reopened R . the Eden General Store iis- as the General Store fora | »constructed from the old ~ short trme in 1970 by the cur- dance hall floor, accordlng to'f;fi.f rent owner Ben ~ BenToone. .; x'?-c"?fother leasees. { Later Adanl and pidkady o Eden Generali Store is found - | Anna-—-who was also called in its early 1900's atmosphere . Eve--Petersen owned and ~ T oone and " ke The: Toones have been working very hard in X )preparatron for the store S : - operated the store in Eden a ‘recent reopening. -- So make R malt shop doubles as a grft - town named after the brblrcal’ i plans to step back iin tlme by and antique shop. A recent f-*-'s:garden by Washington “coming by the old Eden Jenkins, a surveyor from “tour through the Eden - General Store, and’ catch a J»»Ogden who was hired to sur: f}'fiGeneral Store courted me “taste of our own bit of htsto-‘,.;.v_,___.:,‘..,',_'_,vey nrne blocks1n,the center. fi;,fij-'f;';;;ltii.',;,.ry in:theremalong' and decor. The restaurant/ % ey ; |