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Show I Shortest Nominating 1 Speech on Record Made By Jenkins Convention Breaks Loose When Dr. Burns Jenkins of Kansas Kan-sas City says: "I Nominate William G. McAdoo" Police Called to Get Jam Untangled. IAI IMToRll'M. San Kranclsco. June 29' William G. McAdoo wa plan-d i.i nomination for the pn xuleticj late this afternoon at the Democratic nn-iliunal nn-iliunal convention In ont of the short-ip short-ip nitrating speeches on re ord. by I 'i l-iurrl? Jenkins of Ku.n Cltj After Cox. I'almer. Gerard. dimming, dim-ming, llltchrork anil others had been I'lacerl In nomination. Jenkins took tbo platform nnd told the convention lhat In view of the jjersistent and Insistent In-sistent demand fr.m McAdoo that no nbrnlnatlng ;e.iri be made for hlni. )r wnulJ cde to thai rC'jL'i-sl. hut that it might he necessary to "draft him fur the service of the nation." I Rumors that McAdoo would not If nominated. Jrnkltm told the convention, could be dlamlasOd a the f'hork of enemies." Jenkins merely aaid: I I nominate 1 1 1 . jh ; McAdoo," hftd the pent-up enthusiasm of the Mc- Adou force broke loose in a noisy lemonstrailon 80 great did the crush become! around the assembling point that the poller trere called on to set the Jam untangled nr.ii to kcap ihe d monstra-tors monstra-tors from breaking down tha little I platform need h the speakers. This jutted out from the front line if Hostage Ho-stage and convention officials set-mod' 10 fear that it would be stripped awa ; entirely. 1 The eimd of thlrt -fi minutes of demonstrating uiv another attemj)t to, get the shoutera Into unison, and for a, little while a, man with a megaphone cot eonslilera hie harmony behind a re-)ftitlon re-)ftitlon of ".We want McAdoo," We vyant McAdoo." ! It was not for Iouk, however, for the sathualaata preferred lo I r-ep tn- demonstration dem-onstration in their own h inds and to; keep it up from their own diversified I ways Port) minutes from ihe atari of the-; noise, Senator Robinson mad" nil ft rati I attempt for ord.-t. It was up, an nl j that the demonstration was dlng out.) ! bUt there "till were many who w anted j to keep ll alire a Utile lonq r, and thO) paid ti" attention to the Civel. j John W. I 'ax is, ambassador to' Great Britain, as the only man on , the li't of those for whom nominating speeches were to be made x ho was not reached on the day's program The candidates placed In nomination were Senator Owen Of tiklahoina. Attornc ;-rii-rnl I'alnur Siitntor Hitchcock of Nebraska, Homer nmmings. chairman chair-man of tho I 'einoeratlc national com- ! mltiee, Wllllum G. McAdoo, Governor Smith oi New York. Governor Edward- of New Jersev, Secretary Mere-1 dilh. Governor Cox of Ohio and James; W. Gerard, former ambassador to l iermaiiy. The h's demonstrations of the day came at the preacntailon of Palmer,1 Cox and McAdoo. also there was a spontaneous outburst with the pre-aenutlon pre-aenutlon of Governor Smith. The COX and Palmer demonstra-; Hons were full expected, but the Mc-. iloo nomination, oniing alle: ds of unccriaintN as to whether a noml-' nallng speech was to be made for him. add l ,iu element of inierm and sui -1 prise, ll enil was the loudest, longest long-est and most tumultuous demonstra-l tion of the lot, and kepi 'he convention conven-tion In an uproar for the best part of nn hour. Dr. BurrU Jenkins of Kansas City, who was ready to place the former secretary of the treasury In nomination, nomina-tion, finally decided to yield to the wishes of Mr. McAdoo and not makej a nominating spei-di for him. He simply sim-ply explalneu ihe situation to ihe con-' ventlon If) one of the rhortest apeeche1 on record, ntnl announced ho had1 placed Mi. .McAdoo in nomination,! fully assured that "If drafted for the service of the nation" he would not refuse the nomination |