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Show She Pushed gwwfo? 0gf every ti L...H. Aduhkss.i linero- enrresnonol matters on communications connected with the O.t.K.S business, &c, U'C S,"Ue Will P1""6 a'l'heS!i J,S(TI.N Ouukx of Office to, fur the present jrsctios. Officii City. to receive corresWe will be pleased concontributions other pondence and fr0,U in,ereHt of "" taining New the Territory t our friends throughout dellCe or In the mornwas addressed by the congregation ing, President F. 1. Richards, on the first principles of the gospel, the mission of Joseph Smith, to prepare the way for the second coining of Christ, by sending the servants of God to warn the people, and gather them to .ion. lie said there are now people of fifteen different- nations, or languages in this valley, aud the gospel will unite aud make them one, in all things, if they live up to its requirements. In the afternoon, Miss Garrison, addressed the juveniles teaching them to believe iirJesus Christ, to repent and be baptized, and keep the Commandments of God. In the evening she addressed a large audience. After singing, and prayer by Elder Burton, Miss. G. read several passages ofthe Scriptures, then delivered a discourse on the efficacy of faith as k saving principle of the Gospel. President Farr, also, addressed the meeting oh Celestial Marriage. Miss. G. has been the guest of President Farr, during her stay iu town ; she left on Monday for California. Tabernacle and abroad. off on Saturday Tub Coniebt came The programme announcement. as per consisted of "Tancredi," an overture, gjenbyrds ..Hail the Queen," is sparkling," from atar high Little jiv," Bear" quiJfillea," (Galop," "Klak "Pot pourrie on serio," comio songs. -- Glad saasom fogeln," "La Marseil"Evenlaise," "The heart and nature," other and niany pieces, ing prayer," rendered. The v, . were which 811 of v,.,iii;i ai Uv? !vf -- neore of the audience eviuoed their appreciation of the F.xtracts of a letter written from Lou-do- n to liisFatber.aud he members of his quorum of Seventies, by Elder Lewis. W. Shurtl.ff of this city. Dear Father and Brethren i "Ab the winter se.tsAu approaches, and the evenings begin to lengthen, my thoughts are often turned towards you, aud the baud of brethren in our mountain home. I think I see you as I once saw you there, when a prayer was offered up for those who were. on, missjous iit,ii'ign lands ; and I now fuel tliat, I have confidence and prayers Krmy succi't"' the Ministry, and for my safe return to my friends at home. The position I am now called to till, is calculated to give we much experience. It teaches me to depend upon that Supreme Power, which rules the destinies of all men, for stength, aud for wisdom to aid and to guide me in my labors. Altliough I lore my native land, I can assure you that this country is not w ith out its charms. All that education, art and science can do, is being done to make it the garden of the world. The Midland counties, is a lovely part of England. It was there I took my first lesson iu preaching the Gospel I warned many thous in this country. ands of tb people torejieiir of their sins aud be baptized for the remission of their sins and return to the Lord. The foints there treated nie very btlsp'itably, 1 they were generous even to a fault. kindtheui their for God to bless to pray - entertainment. Called. -- ness to me. y. .' Respectfully. lIiiMK-Mrlt.niTN. ' On Monday, . Joseph E. Tavi.oh, Mr. John C. Thomson showed us two pir of fine boots whicU were uiude Citorr. Ifnallh and llume contains an his shop. One pair was sewed and the elaborate article under this heading and other pair pegged. Tho materiui and as Die cold season has arrived a few sugworkmanship were excellent. t gestions in relation to the proper treatK St-xio- opened south of Public Square. They Lure on hand a good supply of both dressed aud undressed Truckee and Valley lumber. The very kind courtesies extended to the typos and attaches of this office, at our commencement, by our worthy townsman, Mr. John Hong-lanarc duly appreciated. Go John, and success attend you through Appreciated. d, life; ON Strike. IV c were informed- vrstnrrinv w I v Tupiuluvt jthat a strike was likely .to occur among the operators. of the Western Union Telstated that, egraph Company. It providing the Company did not come to terms by 1 1 a.nC all the managers nnd operators of iiii; ovlptit efflees would ie..vc. A n;.iber Lave already let), the following offices: San Francisco, Sacra-meut. Virginia City, Nev., Cormne. 'heyenuc, ' Omaha, St. Louis and Chicv" ago. ns o, ' Cottoswooij Cvnai.. rWe. learn from a genUvmau juft in fn mKalt Lake City, that this'nndertaktiig is 'under headway, under the able supei in tendance' of JJish-o- p John Sharp. , The' present calculation is to complete the canal th s winter. When completed it will be a great benefit to the section ot Salt Lake County, where it is located. Thousands of acres of land will by this means be brought tinder cultivation, that are now lying unfilled and unreclaimed en account of an insufficient supply of water for purposes pf irrigation. . We expect to see the time w hen nearly all the land in the territory, susceptable pf being cultivated, will, by the indomitable perserverance of this industrious community, be mide available for the support , of man. That "perseverance pvercometh many difficulties" is a truism 'hat has been time and again demonstrated by the Utter in develop-ln- g Saints, Day the resources of this naturally sterile nd forbiding region. ment of children when they are taken with this alarming desease may not be out of place, but may prove valuable in guarding pareutsand othersagainst that inveterate enemy ofythe young, we herewith give the gist of the article. The vital element in the treatment of croup, is the confinement of the patient to a uniform temperature of abont Summer lrat, ranging from 72 to 75 Fahr. The nir should bo kept moist. This medicates the respired air with heat and moisture, and renders it soothing to the irritated membrane of the air passages aud relieves the congestion or inflama-iiIn order to make this treatment successful, it is necessary to keep it up until all traces of hoarseness disappears, without intermitting for an hour night or diiyl' The greatest danger occurs at night .but Ween midnight and five in the' morning wlicn the air is coldest. If the thermometer falls below seventy degrees, to the aliove' Irfcatnienf slioi'ild'be' uilded rubuing the neck aud chost with camphorated rT, and the application of several folds of flannel o the throat nnd neck! and oiled silk to the chest, Occasional doses of ipecac, when tlie "cough is dry, ' . will be found usefuf. f. - . , Vice's Catai.oote asp Floral Gcipe. ?od thi$ cal for 1870. If Is'n ally and elegantly deal of gotten upf and ntams matter of utility to pnifessioiiul and . . . amateur floricultur.alists. . We I twr - rtttf - THE ONLY PAPER IN WIIOLESAll&RETilll THOS. OCDEN! ieful-Periodi- c The reduction of Fetter postrfge between this country and Great Britain and Ireland to six cents per half ounce to take effect on andafter January 1st, 1870, " will be an important event. This is one-ha- lf the present rate, and only that which existed for many years prior to last January. The postage must be prepaid under the new rate, as all letters not prepaid, or insufficiently paid, will be charged double postage at destination Dry Goods, Groceries, G Only , LIBRAEY Oc.kkh, Jun. 3, 1870. den Ji'nctiox: Sir: Allow me to congratulate you on the issue of the "first number of your journal. I find that it has already made a good impre.'.sioH on the minds of the people of this city aud its vicinity. Aud no wonder, for rt is another home enterprise. It is an excellent sheet, and is well gotten up; the present number contains a great variety of useful matter. As it is devoted to the interests of this a doirbt commiinity, I do not trntert.-tiof its success. 1 believe the morch,nts,o "this, place will find it to their advantage to make its columns the medium through which to extend their busiues. wbile'putrr-familia- s will 'see that it is an excellent family newspaper. ,lkifV I have observed that our citizens enthe festivities of the season joyed Christinas and New Vekf--i- n the diflr-ei- it districts of this city, in the dance, the concei t, aud 'otlfcr balthy and innocent exercises. But I am happy to say that 1 din1 not see a drunken, or hear rowdy indivfihial.' '"AlF was peace and quietness; in fact, Christmas and New Years', lay pptard more like our Sabbaths than days ofgcneral festivity. Wishing you success iu your enterprise, and that the Jtsction may soon reach the hearts in every home in this section, and extend its circulation alirottd. I remain, yours, respectfully, 0ua Puily Ix'twean Ilia liniiin uf in 2--1 Merchandise. The Vcople'ii Vqn l'aper for till A sWindow , .. r! CUisne! thk 0GBEN JUNCTION GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. UOi nS The Latent Tvteyraphic Seira 8KSSKIN: Iy nM ASO Vsjii. lull 2 l.m. l'i i p a Ninlit dona ArtiiUn on till the' T i.m. .,. m,t m. A't i. .i. ii, TRUCKEE. RIVER. AS AN LUMBEft YARD, ADVERTISING MEDIUIVI THE. JUNCTION Freight Depot. 250,000 Shingles at $4 per , FEW EQUALS, -- Tuonsand. IK THIS WESTERN of AdvcrtUing ar . ndl 'I Kind' of Bnis4H iVslled,, All ' . Mimtdijil sash, uiB-- of C. 1. Nitiirttod Aorlh I.ikI HAS ; , .;;".;?.r- DOORS, & windows! . reason- and Olf . " ... M IJCuildln lrHMMl IL.uiilor. ' Evry IWrlpHoa ut Lumber fawx4 ob thr iikortwit nutirsi their (JooIh will do trtt to Ailvertitw in the Junction, to. Or.Jer . . , d. w. parkhubst; irattt to Sell who Mechanics can 8oUbtlH . t in-- ", erratic their JiitsincnH by A in the Junction. .' Vroirwtor. Ogiten, Jtiiuary Ut, TSTOv , , - tXOTIIIXO, . , fi,I B. XcORL'GOR C. BOOKS, Ik!.ni iiAtn, v iu Pauline Lncca is one of the tiful women bri thc fp.e.rtie gtajc;in Eu-- 'j rope. ' Lopez is called the Cat of Paraguay. He certainly seems to have as many as " nine lives. ' It lifts been frequently demonstrated that judicious Advertising is the road to We invite the public of Ogden and else- ; . PeceilH, Prnltoldens ' InkM, etc. COOKS FURNISHED TO ORDER. GOOD WR1TINO PAPER EN N ELOPES AND -- " kept constantly for sale cheap, for insertion in the Junction. " OC)ILsr,TJT-AJH- : AT THE POST OFFICE. All orders for Hooks, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, etc., will receive prompt attention, aud be fumiehed Prices. Y., integu- H 8uperlntnUmt. 4 Pens where to give us their Advertisements '' Napoleon has received for a Christmas to 8. P.TEA8DEL, present, a diploma as honorary member All Orders addressed of the Archaeological society of the Ogden City, will have prompt provinces. ;l attention. A heroine in .Middle! N. re- I MAGAZINES, , success in every department of Trade. 1L B. CLAWS ON, u .to NEWSPAPERS, Etc., Etc. Etc., Kto. & Co STATIOIIZY, JIOOTS, I KIlfl DKALKK In ALL ..... duv ;ooin, tf li. m. Iu l'ltl.MAltY KT17IKXT L'iuUnfi Topii of tfo Day. a variety of other Items in , EX II Call iiikI Ho tli Hliool Merchant gist 8TVDKST8 Iiiiprovlnx flic I'rcNont Sugar, ' ;1 Would MAKE MOXKY b &i ' Cflire conn or weuee 100 Sacks A : 41 l't ygJ-- T1IE YOUXG M AM rACTl'KEK ' at COMMERCIAL COLLEGE able as cwuld be desired. ... f ' a.iik find 6 18 SOW I'EKPAHKD TO BKCKIVK The Tei 'And i. K McOHKtiOK, OGDEN 500 Gals. Coal Oil J. , C. . . tc. ' , COUNTRY. On if TERMS: ., Life Memlersuip ?5.0a s 10 cts. per vol. per week. , Glass, fkrrMioiideii'e. , ' : ruiaro, l'twtirul tt orkx, M'averlpy Xuvrta, General 50 Box ....,. III CdntitiiM Mrvernl Hanlrwl VoIuiihm, rtHii.tint Staiiclnrri Work of wiuuonl ph. m il riilks tiou Titcr mi lliflory, S ii'iii-- hikI Art, I'uliln tit- - 50 Ho. 7 Rock Admiral Porter is going to ILtyti with cently assumed the bifurcated evihis flagship to look alter L'nuie ,S;uu's ments, ami hired out rs a teamster her'tslf view ' o a accustom with - i dently ' to " holdingr-tf- e tbe "'f reins," Mrs. James Fisk. jun., the wife of the good time coniuig. . ul when net colJ-- J Advertise. The Oodks Jiwctiox is "King of Erie," a Boston paper informs blooded employer found out that be was n excellent papr for. all classes to ad- u-- has in her possession $400,000 worth bossing an angel unawares, he turned vertise in. her off. of diamonds. , . ' City Jleeordcr. M CIBOUIiATING-;- ' per Year. . t- , S'JSMI-WISEKL'- Y ' own, ODF-LL- .it AND most b'oau- - one-quart- er C,e. The Office of tho Citf Ilreordcr is at tho Olhice of the "Ogdea auction,'' Heventies' IlaiL near the U. 0. R. H. S. .' Station. . Howrt 10 w. till OJict front Ap.tn , "London is th gwat emporium f the world, the grand centre of Assortments of which are constantly civilization. London, wkii its jlces, mansions, parlamentary uildings, its being replenished with all the 8Uple churches, and other public 'edifices, Items necessary for Families aud make a grand ami magnificent appearance. Hero also, reposes the dust of JOBBING TRADE, many of the mighty dead, whose deeds their echo while living made the world glory at the same time that they filled the hearts of many with fear. I have walked over he fields where great battles were anciently fought, and which were crimsoned with the blood of Kings, and groat Captains, the sight of which awakened in nic many reflections, and many reminiscences, llow brief is human greatness aud human glory. I have no time to tie "home siek," for I am constantly cngagoU proMchiug the gospel, and tecching the Saints their duties; though when I first arrived in this land my mind naturally reve.ted back to my home. I prayt-- nd wept aloud (Assorted Sizes. The Lord hea rd ( ityy. I flyers, have '.had much joy iu my labors and have bon blessed. I am now prc4 ling over the London Cwituiuitc.- - Many attend our som and been hvve meetings, baptized, this iHaJtcs me feel grateful. Brethren, treasure tip wisdom, knowledge and understanding while you are at home, it will be very serviceable to you in your Ministry abroad. to pray for me that I may be faithful, to fill my mission with honor, aud then ; return to you in peace. love God the toall brethren bless My remain I you. yours faithfully. Lewis W. .Siuhtliif. Editor of L0R1N FABR, Mayor. j island Plows, w TelRRBAPII Ol'KKATtHIS JOTICE IS IIEKF.M GIVEN, TIfXf all Persons en mured w Business Ogden City, (for which the fnf Ord?- nances provides thiit a license Cst w )btained,) without hrst procuring ? , ict use are liable to be taken betore any . Vldesinan of said City, Mid bu subjected to ft Fine. ii . By order of the City Council, f . . 4 OGDEN CITY. 300 Regs Hails, r Uatii Lfmbkr Company have their business on Broom's lot, JUNCTION. OGDEN Arrived this irce ur - To all tolMnn it may cofilft'm yit Bishop W. Thompson called in to see us the other day. He expressed The Tabernacle. The floor of the himself well pleased with the results of Tabernacle in front of the stand has our first efforts and gave us much enteen raised two feet. The rise extends couragement. east about 33 feet, to where it strikes the of floor in that the part the level of PnofinKssiso. Track laying on the Louse. This is a decided improvement, Utah Central, is being rapidly pushed as it seems to bring the speaker nearer ahead. The track is now completed as the people, and enables the congregation far as Centrevillo, at which place the to hear more distinctly. stage will connect with the cars Three beautiful new chandeliers nave It is confidently expected that the road been suspended from the ceiltng. Two w'.ll be finished within a f w days good stoves will also be furnished, whieh from now. The completion of this road will add much to the comfort of the will he hailed as an epoch in the history congregation. of the inhabitants of this territory. It is a Work that would reflect credit n a Hon. L; KuTi'u.M.n fuom Wn.i.Aiu. richer and much larger community than Fxrr returned yesterday from AV ilia rd, to onrs. which place he had accompanied J;"orn- Facts and Fioi res. ?fhe Salt Lake ning, Esq.; Asst. Geul. Superintendent of the C. P. R. R. The object of their City Sexton's Report for the year 18H, visit there was to decide upon a suitable published in the Jknrrtt Krnriug Newt location for a side track. They were of Jan. 3d. has the following foot note assisted in the selection of the ground appended, which speaks for itself. by Ills hop A. Cordon. It has been de"Having been often asked the quescided to commence on this work immetion: Whether the death rate was not condiately. siderably greater among pulygamic families than moTiogamic? I will answer: It is currently reported by epicures, Of the 202 children Wied from Salt that Joe Simmons iicports the best Lake City, last yenr, (ViH sixty-foImmds of A. DnothV Oysters. Jndjros were children of polygamistM. wliile 228 to liny shipped say they arc sup'-riowere children, of monogamists ; ' ntnl furfrom the Eastern market. ther, that out of this niimbur there was JSee Joe's advertisement. not one case of infant icide." Thk t. c. ns. i. CITY 'LICENSES.- THE The Circulation of the Junction is ttlreaiiy large and is constantly increasing. Pitrtirnlsr pain, paid to and evprjr article rvquired Ki'ading J'uhlii, if nut un Luuti, will Bliurtmt uutk. at the tf fcy 1 th. Great furuisliMl " t |