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Show THE MORNING EXAMINER, 4 vises fumigation, with fonnaidehyds gaa when condition are notably bad but this would not be xeosssary lu the average school that Is well kept THE EXAMINER WONDERFUL PROEREM. Export of Manufacture fro th l uted States anal their Wetrlbotiou, and Conatrt, 1IM I bT Amotoe lfM," is th tKl of a monograph Just ih Department of 0 iMued if pons of 8M per how hru Moji tHi and has if-1- - TM Net ely has the nf naoedaoHiMe dowblod shae vhloh prod-aela a deoade, ef the factory deM la the total 1 T Is 14,9 nip no is elindWr muufaatwoo formed but ll per cert demesne r of th toted note: ta MN they tarraed 11 P oeot; 40 !, aad ia UN, N par I Iliinifli hat to U TM th ia the United Statee, and therefore of th coaeamptioa of nataral raw graduate. th quutity of food and distribution for atarkl reaiaid to other parte ef the world has not inUoa creased pregortlanntoly; and with the fal-ltta- e dsirtnpraaot of meoufneturing to the of aad tho trend population of centers, production mnaufaetoring has rapidly tarreaeed. menu fade r and the surplus of the manufactures which nay ha pared for forslgn mar-kehas alas Increased. s In the decade ending with 1806 United of nanafactarea from the per cent, while Mats increased thoee fton Germany Increased 7S per cent, thoee from the United Kingdom 40 per cent, nnd those from France 88 per cent. This rapid Increase fat the exports of manufactures from th United State haa brought her to tho third ruk ia tho list of tho world producers ef manufactures f?r exportation aad tho value of manufacture exported hy each of them in 1906 are as follow: The United Kingdom. 1,400 million dollar; Oenneny, 1,000 millions; the United Siatre, 700 mllllona; and Fiance, 500 mllllona These however, are approximate only, eiace the figures of the exporta ef the European countries ere not yet at hand in eulflrleat detail to render possible an exact statement of the value of manufacture exported In that year. The growth of the manufacturing Inocdustry in the United Slates ha curred chiefly In the lset twenty-fiv- e years. Slated In round terms, the' census figures of the gross veins uf manufactures In the United Slates are; For 1850, 1 billion dollars; I860, t fig-are- 1870, 4 billion; 1880, 5 billions; 1900, IS bu1880, the figures for IB billions, ttons; 1908, I hUHons; i; being exclusive of neighborhood industries and hand trade Included In previous years. The increase fn the production of manufnctarM lx the United States, fkr in excess of home requirements, bee forced our manufacturers to seek market ia other parte of the world for their auiglug product. The result has been a rapid increase In the exportation of manufactures. The total valus of manufactures exported from the United Statee haa grown from leas tbsn 8 million dollars In 18Z to IS million dollars in 1880, 48 8 millions In 1880, 70 millions In 1070, 1M muttons In 1880, 171 millions In 1890, and 498 millions la 1900, since which time the annual total ban not fallen below dollar line, while la the 4 the calendar year 1106 the total ex' ceeded 700 million dollars. Ia the fiscal year 1900, th latest period for which detailed figures of th exports by the countries are available, the exports of manufactures were valued at 86 million dollary. 1808 HEALTH OF CHILDREN. Hi result of Inquiry by the state board of health of New York aa to the spread of contagious diseases by the public schools la a report which places upon the authorities of cities towns and villages the duty of safeguarding the public against the dangers Incident to the congregation of children under the compulsory school law. The report says that In guarding the state against the evil of allowing these children to grow up In gnomnre we expose It to other evils which every health officer who he to deal with the filthy. Ignorant nnd superstition! foreign element which ere are now taking into the body politic ought to appreciate. The dutr of school sanitation, eaya the New York Run, is one that cennnt be safely Ignored. Where n thousand children are kept under one root dally tor five or six hours, the beet possible ventilation should be maintained and absolute cleanliness established by careful sweeping of the floors In the class rooms and the corridors, and daily dusting of the furniture The New York board of health ad- - Extracts have been given the preference and are now used and appreciated by millions of housewives who have used them for half a century. it ni -l y r . . i well-know- Pure Flavorings flavoring & Zenda fla-iah- 1-- MS prisoner r of popelar rapid tooieae cbe la ether respects. Tie foot AA atWedaaoe at school is mado compulsory imposes reepoa-ihliitleupon tho school authorities as to tho conditio of health among : the pupils, aad thus in a measure aadoress the pollay ef medical inspra ANTHONY tree which haa ben established I New York city, where coedltiuas are HOPE mere daagerous tbaa elsewhere UML W Himt Halt CofMP ' 1 of tho osageetin, not only ia es tho school, but in the tenements ia CHAPTER XXY. (Concluded.) two months, and there Is reason to bewhich many of the rMMren reside. lieve that he waa last sees In Zenda. Although bappfly there eondMoxa ere Flarla was paying little attention. 1 For w seemed to bav him. He had dared not general In American center id not look at Sapt. Ms hand. My men What reason? population, school authorities every- only hla sword Is him. Frits and Sapt "A friend of Ms to Faria, a certain tho alert to pre- were hot opes where should bo were running up. 1 had outstripped M. Feathariy, haa given ua information vent tho spread ef diseases. these, but if they got riore enough to which makes It possible that he came fire he met die or surrender. here, and tho adleial of the railway THE DliYIUBUTION OF WEALTH. At laser 1 cried. recollect kin name oa some luggage." tts th play actor cried ha, slashWhat was Me nameT The eoloasal ing at my cudgel He rut It deem la Pueblo Chieftain: BeeeendyU, rim. he answered, nnd two, sad. Judging dlsrretloo better I new that the name mrent nothing to fortunes of Aarerioaa mUUoxalrr should b considered the reeult uf than death, I docked my head and kin But, glancing at Flavia, ha lowblush ts tell) scampered for my ered Ms voice aa be went oa: It to great natural wealth and superior (I life. Th devil wee In Rnpert H outthought that ho may hare followed n ns the rather than general intelligeuee, sail, for he put spurs to hie her, aad hare. Has your majesty heard of accomplishment of superior mental 1, turning te look, saw Mm ride full alady certain Mm, dr Meubant" individability on the part of some gallop to the edge of th moat and Why, yea, said L my eye Involunuals. leap in, while the shots ef our party tarily trxveUxg toward the castle. Whatever wrong there ie in the ac- foil thick round Mm Ilk hall Wltk 8be arrived la Raritanln about the cumulation of great for tunes should ao gleam of moonlight we should Mm time as this Rareendyll. I caught th prefect's glance. He be charged rather against the faulty have riddled Mm with balls, but ia the controls distribution the darkness be won to the corner of tho was regarding me with Inquiry writ system that of wealth rather than against th incastle nnd vanished from our eight large oo hto fasn The deuce take himr grinned Sept dividuals that hare taken advantage ilapt, sold I. 1 moat speak n word If n pity," said I, that he's n vib to tb of that system to their own profit 1: prefeet Will you rid on n few lata. Whom have we gotr Is true that in many cates, great forpaces with th prinaeMl" And I addWe had Laueagrem and Krtfstela. ed to to prefect Tnu; sir, what do tunes her been gathered together lx They lay stiff and dead, aad, reocral-meu- t yoo meaxf violation of the laws, and where punwe ne being longer possible He draw cloee to met nnd I bent ta ishment has been measured out to flung them, with Men,' Into tbs moat I tb Hfldlt. I uoh lawbreakers, it has been fully and, drawing together la a compact If he were ta love with the lady? deserved. But In other cases there body, rede off dawn tb MIL And in he whispered. Nothing hue been went our four midst tbs bodies of galhaa been no violation of the legal And heard of him for two months. Thus we traveled tola time It was the eye ef the prefect code, and the ledlvldual has profited lant gentlemen. hornet heavy at heart for 1b deeth of which traveled toward tho castle. by the opportunities that have com Tee, the lady la there, I said quiet to Mm only as every other energetic But I don't suppose Mr. Raaaax-dyll!y. American would like to do. that th name? la." The enormous richness of the nstn The duke," ha whispered, dose not ral reaouraee of this continent nnd the like rivals, airs." Intense energy with which our peo"Youre right there." said I. with nil But surely yon hint at a sincerity. ple have applied themsrlvea to the invery grave chary." crease of wealth hare made this the Ha spread Me hands out 1a apology. richest country In the world. But I whispered ta hie ear: while the average wraith of our peoThis Is n grave matter. Go back ta ple is far above that of other naBtrelsaa tions, the distribution of that wealth But, sire, If 1 have n clew barer is unscientific and unsatisfactory. Oo back to Rtreireu, I repeated. One of the twit evidence of the Tell tbe ambe sea dor that you have n clew, but that you must be left alone faulty system of wraith distribution Is the fset Hist some of the wealthfur aweek or two. Meanwhile I'll iest men of the United 8talea are decharge myself with looking Into the matter." voting much thought to the problem The ambassador is very pressing, uf bow they may dispose of the sursire." burden a has become that plus money You must quiet him. Come, air; to them. , you see that If your suspicions are corIt la undeniable that th Carnegie rect it la aa affair In which we must libraries and the Rockefeller colleges move with caution. We ran have ne will do n vest amount of good la the scandal. Mind you return tonight" world, and it la certain that the doHe promised to obey me, nnd I rode nations could nut have been made U our friends, sore uneasy concerning on to rejoin my companions, n little these greet fortunes had not been ac- tho king end cut to the quick that easier In my mind. Inquiries after me young Rupert had played yet another must be stopped at all haxarda for n cumulated. week or two, and thin clever official But would it not have been belter if winning hand with us. For my own part I waa vexed and had com surprisingly near the troth. th surplus share of the product of 1 had killed no man la Hto impression might be useful some national induetry applied to national angry thathot open only stabbed n knave In day, but If he acted on It now It might fight resources had been distributed among hi sleep. And 1 did not love to hoar moan th wont to the king. Heartily the humbler workers Instead of being Rupert call me a piny actor. did 1 cures George Fratherly for not dlrerted to n few great fortunes? holding hla tongue. To some extent the aggregation of CHAPTER XT. Well," asked Flarla, hv yon your b us I u are?" wealth la neebsaary for the success of irRITANIA Is not In England "Most satisfactorily, said I. Come, or the quarrel between Duke Were the national undertakings. Michael end myself could not shall we turu round? W are almost wealth of the country evenly divided, have goo on, with tho re- trenching oa my brother's territory." large undertakings In commerce, in Wo wore, In fact, at the extreme end markable lnddenta which marked it In manufacturing and transportation more public notice being di- of the town, Just where th hill begins without would become impossible. But even rected to It Duols were frequent to mount toward the castle. We cast so It la far better for tb general among all the upper clauses, end pri- our eyes up, admiring tho massive welfare that the wages of Industry vate quarrels between great man kept beauty of the old walla, and we saw n should be more evenly distributed the old habit of spreading te their cortege winding slowly down the MIL Ox It came. then they are at present The value ftieuda and dependents. Nevertheless, Let ua go back, said 8apt after the affray which I have Juat reof the gifts of Carnegie and of Rocketo such lated circulate "I should like to stay," said Flavia. reports began defeller and of others should not be that I felt It necessary to be on my and I reined my horse boride here. in child earners bat tb wage cried, We could distinguish tbe approachguard. too many cases needs food far more The death of the gentlemen Involved ing party now. There came first two than tho average college student could not be bidden from their rel- mounted servants In black uni fonus, need n higher education. ative. I lee ned e stern order declaring relieved only by a silver badge. These that dealing bed attained unprecedent- were followed by a car drawn by four NOT GUILTY, SAID MISS SHONTS ed license (the chancellor drew up the horses. On it under n heavy pelL lay document for me, and very well he did n coffin. Behind it red a man ta plain Characteristic American Reply te a It), and furbidding It save la the black clothe, carrying hto hat In Ms gravest cases. 1 rent n public tad hand. Rapt uncovered, and we stood Noble Italian Suitor. stately apology to MIcbaeL and be re- 'waiting, Flavia keep! mg by me and Theodore P. Shunt has been elect- turned a deferential nnd courteous re- laying her head oo my arm. ed prratdent of the Interbocough Rapid ply to me, for our one point of union It Ie oue of th gentlemen killed in ead ft underlay all our differ- the quarrel I expect" she said. Transit Oo., In New York City, and w on that aeoount the 8 bouts family ence and Induced an unwilling bar I beckoned to a groom. will leave th capital to take up thnlr mony between our actions that wo Ride and ask when they escort" I residence la the Manhattan metrop- could neither of os afford to throw our ordered. olis. The two Shonts girls were card oa the table. He, as wen as X, He rode up to the servants, and I n figures around Washing- was a play actor, and, hating one saw him pare on to tbe gentleman who ton. we combined to dupe public rode behind. It is Miss Theodora, says the April another, however, tbs Ita Rupert of Hentxaa, whispered Broadway, who has furn lotted th. opinion. Unfortunately, Involved the capital with the most amusing roman- necessity for concealment Sept tic incident which it hen enjoyed In necessity of delay. The king might Rupert it waa, and directly after many a day. Incidentally, she gave die In his prieun or oven be spirited ward, waving to the procession to off somewhere else. It could not bo stand the Duke do Choumee et do still, Rupert trotted up to me. a lesson in the American way helped. For a little while 1 wee com- ne wee la a frock cast, tightly butThe t Mng things. Duke. It eeems. pelled to observe e truce, and my only asmet Mies Shonts In Europe, and be- consolation was that FIs via most toned, and trousers. He were an bowed and he with of pect redness, coming enamored with her western, warmly approved of my edict against Yet suddenly he breexy meaner end superlative btoud and when 1 expressed delight profound respect. too, for old I smiled, aud smiled, hair, derided to make her a Duchere. dueling, at having won her favor prayed me, If The only formality be In left breast pockbis was head Itapfa lay tu acquaint the young lady heiwdf her favor were any motive to me, to et, end Rupert and I both guessed the practice altogether. with hla decision. He forthwith per- prohibit ley In the hand Inside th pocket "Walt till we are married, said 1, whet mitted hie family to announce hie enYour majesty auks whom we esgagement. which Miss Shonte read smiling. It Is my deer with consider tile surprise one mornNot the least peculiar result of tbs cort" said Rupert Laueogram. truce and of tb secrecy which dictated friend Albert of no A reing In a Washington paper. one regrets the unHie, uld I, porter followed on the heels of the It was that th town of Zenda became more affair thaa I. My ordifortunate news end asked the young lady hertrustlu tbs daytono-- 1 would not bare self if the Indictment were true. Her ed far to Its protection by night a sort nance, which I mean to have obeyed, . reply was immediate and character-Irticof neutral non, where both parties la witness to It" ' Poor fellow said Flavia softly, could safely go, end 1, riding down oae "Not guilty, she said, and retimed and 1 saw Rupert's eyes flash at her. nn enbed and with Fieri SapL day further Information. Her father wee counter with an acquaintance which whereat 1 grew red. for If I had my (on suited in Panama. My daughter presented a ludicrous ride, but was at way Rupert Ifentxan should not have i acquainted with the Duke, he redefiled bsr so much aa a glance. plied in answer to the query, but not the earns time embarrassing. As I rode Yet he did Itby and dared to let admiraalong 1 met a dlguifled looking person engaged to any one. ' The Duke's family immediately driving la a two horsed carriage. He tion be seen la hla loek. Tour ninjnetys wards are gracious." ulthdrew the announcement, stating stopped his heroes, got out and aphe sold. '1 grieve for my friend, yet that they supposed that an offer of proached me, bowing low, I recognised sire, others must sooii lie as he lire narrlage from the anojent house of do tb head of the 8treiaau police. Cboulnes et da Plcqulgny was equivYour majesty's ordinance as to de- now. alent to an acceptance. It 1 a thing we all do well to realing to receiving our beet attention, be assured me. member, my lord," I rejoined. A LESSON FROM THE WEST. If the best attention Involved bis Even hinge, sire, said Rupert la l presence In Zends, I resolved at once moralising tone, aud old Rapt swore ua some Is The West good to dispense with It giving softly by my side.-I- t lessons these day. Minnesota has n I that what brings you to Zends, Ie true, said I. Hew farce my new law making It .manslaughter for T" I asked. prefect lord?" brother, my man a the accidental shooting of a by Why, no, sire. 1 am here because I He is Iwtter. sire." hunter. This Is a law that ought to desired to oblige the British ambassa"I am rejoiced. be promulgated by every state m the dor. He hopes soon to leave for Rtrelss'i Union. The Whet the British ambassador do- when his hralto la secured.'' kiud of and the ing dans rett galere? said I careaccident should be cured by the jell. lie Is only convalescent then?" lessly. Outing. There remain one or two smal A young rouutrymaa of his, rire- -a troubles.'' answered the I nee lent fellow Miners at WUuna, W. A., ere on men of seme position -- Is missing. His hi the mildest tone In the world. strike against reduction ia wage. friends bare not heard frees him for Express ay earnest hope." reld n Pi par Mat Flavin, that they may soon cease to trouble him. Year royal highness wish is humbly my own. sa-- Rupert with a bold glance that brought a blush to Flavta'a d lt mutton dollar doubled in wale MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1907. HttMH4t98MIM8dHt4ml4llj By... uksr. It shows that caaim ug maoetaceure fro th United OGDEN, VT.KTL thought-lt-wae-a-de- cheek. I bowed, ead Rupert bowing lower, becked hie horse and signed to Ms party to proceed. With x sudden imrode after him. He turned pales swiftly, frartag that even lx th prae-euef tho deed and before x ladys eyas I meant mischief. Yon fought ns a breve man tb other night I Mid. "Game, yen are young, air. If you will deliver year prisoner alive to me you shall corn to no hurt Ha looked et me .with a mocking exiile, bat euddealy he rede Bearer to me. I'm a named." he said, and our old Rapt there ceuld pick me eff ta a ineijpifireyr ins mraems 0 REAL. ESTATE BARGAINS o jism 4 Are rather scarce at the present time, but I am offering you an opportunity to secure some choice Og. den property at reasonable figure. Whether you want a houae to lire in, or something as an inve.i-wenthe price, location and terms will suit you. Let me tell you about these as well as the many other properties 1 Lave for sale: 7 flue lota on the corner of 20th aad Quincy; sewer tax paid; fl50 to 300. 263 ft. by 165 ft. Cor. 26th St. and Jackson Are., c t, only fl.700. 2 lota close in on 21th feL, 44x140 ft. to driveway, (650 each. 165 ft. by 132 ft. on llarriaon Are., bet. 23rd 24th and 8t., (550. 2 lota near Cor. of 22nd 6t. and Adams Are., (1,060 each. 50 lots on So. Washington, at (200 and upi. 7 lota on Adams Are., (275 to (500. 165 ft. on Grant Are:, at (15 per foot. 1 acre of ground near the Deaf and Dumb school, suitable for building; make me an offer. 8S ft. close to Wash. Are., on Slat, only (10 per minute." nos afraid, Tr No, cun yonl here, I Auk ' said L ho answered. Look mad you n proposal from th oac." I'll hear nothing from Black Michael Mid L He towTbe hMr one from me. Attack ered Ms voice to a whisper. tbe castle boldly. Let Sapt aad Tartoa-heltoad." Go on, said L foot Arrange tbe tic with me. I have each confidence is yen, my lord!" "Tut! Im talking buriueM bow. Bapt there end Frits will fall; Black Michael will fall-Wh- i i A big bargain in 21th Bt. business property; it (lays 8 per cent net now. house ou Nob Hill; ban (1700 for a nice 2 lota, barn and fruit trees. two apartment house; flue (2500 for a location, good 4enn. (850 for a goQf frame house and large lot; well located on the bench. Call and see me; you are always welcome. m at!" t 12-roo- Black Michael will fall, like th dor ho to; the prisoner, ea you cell him, will g by Jacob's ladder oh, you know that? Two men will be left I, Rupert Hentuu, and you, th king ef Rurttanla." He paused, and then in n vole that quivered with esgrraaae added: leaf that a'band to play-?- throne aud you pr lace! And for ma, any a competence nnd your majesty's gratl tude." Get ont of my reach! said I. and yet In a moment I Iwgan to laagh for th very audacity of It Would yon turu against your mas ter?" I asked. He swore at Michael and said to mo ta an almost confidential and apparently friendly tone: Ho gets lu my way. yon know. He's n Jealous brute! Faith, I nearly stuck o knlfo Into him last night He came moat cursedly mal apropos." My temper wee well under control now. I was learning something. A lady?" I naked negligently. he nodded. Aye, and n bounty. But you've area her. Ah I Was it et a tan party, when some of your friends got on tho wrong Bide of the table?" Whet can you expect of fools Hk Detcbard and De Gautet? I wish I'd been there." Aad the duke Interferes?" Writ" sold Rupert meditatively, that's hardly a fair way of putting it perhaps. I want to Interfere." And she prefers tbe duke? "Aye, the silly creature! Ah, well you think about my plan," and, with a bow, be pricked his bores nnd trotted after tbe body of bis friend. I went back to Flarla and Bapt pondering on the etrangenare of the man. Kicked men I have known In plenty, but Rupert Hentuu remains unique ta my experience. And If there tw anywhere tot him be caught and banged out of band. Bo say L He's Tery handsome, Isn't be?" uld Flavin. WeU, of conns, aha didn't knew him I did, yet I was put out for I thought hla bold gleucu would have mado her angry. Rut my deer Flavin was n women, and oo obe wu not put out On tbe contrary, she thought young Rupert wee very handsome ae, beyond question, tbe ruffian wee. "And bow ud he looked at bln friends deeth! uld she. non have better res eon to be ud nt bis own, observed Bapt with n grim smile. As for me, I grew sulky. Unreasonable It wee, perhaps, for what better business bad I to look et her with love than bad even Rupert? And Bulky I remained till ne evening fell nnd we rods up to Tarlenhrim, Bapt having fallen behind lu cau any one should bo following ne. Flavin, riding dom beside me, uld softly, with n little half ashamed laugh: Unleu you smile, Rudolf, I ay. Why are you angry? It was something that fellow uld te we mo," uld I, but I wu smiling reached the doors nnd dismounted. There n servant handed me a note. It waa unaddressed. Is It for mer I asked: Yes. sire; a boy brought it" I tore It open: , Johann carries this (or ma I warned yon once. Ia the name of God and if yoo are a man. rescua mo from this den of nother GEORGE A. HORN HEAL ESTATE FIRST NVTL IJANK. BEU 'PHONE 1316 ItaBMgmggBai'BgrearBiJiAiraAipijiwri stopped ud Inoffeualve negrura were thrown through the windows or dragRay Stannard Bakers wonderful ged out and beaten. They did not stop brokt description of the Atlanta riot in the with killing ud mnlmlng-.theApril American Magaslno read like Into hardware store and armed themthe story of a Russian massacre. selves, they demolished not only When the fury of the mob (racked negro barber ehops nnd restaurants, the highest pitch, the ruling passion but they robbed stores kept by whit to kill conquered reason, and men men! gave themselvea up wildly to murder. The right negroes were net OUTHEROMNG HEROD, punished at nil, but Innocent men la their steed: Mr. Baker report: A lame An American visiting Dublin told an inoffensive, Industrious negro boy, nt that moment some startling stories of tbs height actually nt work shining a man's Of th New York skyscraper. Ye haven't seen our newrat hotel, shoes, wee dragged out aad cuffed, kleked ud beaten to death In the have ye? asked Irishman. street. Another young negro wu No," replied the Yankee. chased nnd stabbed to death with Well," said the Irishman, nt'g so in the most unspeakably tall that we have to put the two top horrible manner. The mob entered stories on hinges. barber ahopa where respectable negro What for? asked the Americas. So that we can let em down while men were nt work sharing white customers, pulled them away from tbalr the moon goes by!" uld Pit. Tit chairs ud killed them. Cara were ate. MURDEROUS FURY OF A MOB. y boot-blac- u Jack-kniv- BBSS YdSlLES u u A. DR M. murderers! I banded it to Sapt. but a Ilshat the tough old soul ssid u reply to this piteous appeal wu: Whose fault brought her there? Nevertheless, lot being fanltleu myself, I took leave to pity Antoinette do Mauban. (Cuntlnued Tomorrow). Milas Hire Klk. Why, when I was your age I didn't have ae much money In a month ns you spend In a day. 8mh-We- ll, father, don't scold me abont It Why don't you talk to grandfather? Father WE HAVE THEM AND THE DEBT National and we Our machine shop is complete and ALL KINDS OF HEPAIB WORK. e, w 2528 Washington Avo. OPPOSITE CITli HALL. Electric Display Improves Business .Write your name with el'-tri- e light gainst the blackness of the aw night. Your name with incinde-- ' cents signed Jwat the Reverse. d Mix. Naggx I understand your la unable to meet hie creditors. Mrs. Wegge-Do- oY you belirve it He can and dou meet them much ofteuer than he cares te. Will burn into the hue-ban- Every Swedish girl not bare to wealth idtaugbt n trade of boom kind. . H. Ga Hansen a man today who bad trouble ahead of him. Mrs. Jou How wu did yea know? Mr. Joex-- He pushing a baby carriage containing twins. Washington Star. Joex-S- do Full line of Dicycle Supplies and Cutlery. Bee us before you buy or hare your repair work done. Tvrahle Ahead. Mr. Hudson and - mind. pnhU , We Supply the Current m ECZEMA AND PILE CURE FDFF Knowing what it wu to mfl j vin ,,,,, FREE OF o positive lure for Eecema, Bait Rheum, Eryelpe Ins. Files aad Skin Diseases, lacteal relief. Don't naffer longer. Write FJ w. WILLIAMS. 400 Maahattaa Aral Nov Yarik Engines lUap CHARGE, to nay affltotod ut Utah Light & Railway JOfik 8. WELLfl, General Mgr. Co. E.W. WADE, Agent |