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Show THE UOEXIXQ aw riiE Geo. Staler of Chicago la in town C J. Spout of Salt Lake City OBSERVED It Took Four and Off Pull Frank Lloyd and wife of Salt Lake City spent yesterday in the ity. Life Farley expects to leave today for a visit to the St. Louie fair. Fivo Ons-Ha- Hours to lf Racoo Too Long Waite Are Disagreeable. The races at the fair grounds track Asgiven by ths Weber County Fairware sociation, yesterday afternoon, the liest given by tbs association Ibis year regardless of the great length fin-of Urns between events. The close ishes of several races was very exciting and many times the spectators in the grand stand would rise up from their seats and cheer the winner. The race of ths day was the S2.2 irut and pace between Nigger Boy, Pooly Gerr end Nick H. The race at ell timee wee between tbe two first named horses. In the first heat, Polly Gerr broke at tbe quarter ndie post end she fell three lengths behind, but tbe plucky iiltla mare soon gathered herself up end quickly closed up tbe gap and at s mile she passed the Nigger Boy and came down the home stretch and crossed the wire e length ahead of the black horse. Tbe work of the mare ia this heat was greatly appreciated by the grand stand who cheers. Ihe give vent to deafeningGarr took but other two heata Polly had a close finish wilh Nigger Buy. The last heat they both came down tbe home stretch, neck end neck. The time on tbe three heats was X: G2, 2:28 and 2:23. The first race of the day was tbe 2:35 trot end pace which wee won by Queen R. in three straight heals. Isulg Dana, second and Pear R. third. Each of the heata were very Interesting. 2:3(5. The time was 2:38, 2:34 The other races were as follows: mile dash, won by Little Waif, Pert second, Time, 38 The quarter mile dash between these two horses wea called off on account of the former horse running away. Half mile dash wai won by Sleepy Tom, John Mackey, second. T ime, :C3. Quarter mile dash for saddle horses was won by Dolt. Mage, second. Time, cut L. Spears from the Ogden-Luel- n oil la in me city fur a few days. Have you met Madame? Carhaugh and daughter leave today for San Francisco where they go to Join Mr. Carbough. Mrs, Vic John Meyers, who is handling the short line for Scocroft & Sons Co., in the Southern part of the state, left yesterday for a sixty days tripi Madame is delightful. three-quarter- Corporal" esse Drowning, driver of Ihe police patrol, arrested John Falk aer last evening upon the charge of fighting. The victim of the asear.lf was B boy. Henry A. Davis and Wn. Llpslr, (barged with disturbing the peace, were arrested at Riverside Park last evening by Officer R. Burke and 8myth. The dislurberi were trying lo Mart a ll tight la the saloon. free-for-a- T. M. Schumacher, traffic manager of the Oregun Short Line, returned from the Pacific coast yesterday afternoon. street A runaway on Twenty-fourt- h yesterday afternoon at five o'clock made thing! somewhat lively. The hone was attached to a light buggy and dashed down the hill and (truck B telephone pole demolishing ths rig and cutting the horse. Three-eighth- Do you want a visit from Madame? Madame will visit you every month. :27. The officials of the track were Job. B. Dana, Jamea Rune and Alex, liuss. Judges; John D. Murphy, starter. Attendance 600. Ed B. Baker, Jr the genial young representative of his father's millinery house, ia in the city from Denver. "The war cnrrespondente greatest difficulty. said Richard Harding Davis, "is the censorship." He smiled. Then he resumed. The brilliant end unfortnnate Stephan Crane was one of the reportwar. In ers of the Graeco-Turkiscertain skirmish ths Turkish forces turned, tail end fled. Crane wrote the story of this skirmish end the submitted bis manuscript to the Turkish censor. T he censor read it gravely. T his will have to be toned down.' he said. And, where Crane had written that the Turks had fled the censor Hilda It that they had retired in good order ; where Crane had said limy had turned tall, he made it that they had fallen back steadily. Finally the censor rams to the expression routed and be frowned intently, unable to think of a euphemism for 'rout.' 'I esn't think he said, of a mild er expression than this one here, T&e Turks were routed." Can you help me? You ere e writer Crane answered gravely: If I were you I'd simply say that the Indomitable Turks changed front and advanced. Representative Wade, who humorously at,vies himself the solid Democratic delegation in Congress from lows." by reason of the fact that he la tbe lone Democrat from the Hawke.ve elate, while serving his first term, es tabllshed a reputation as n story teller which makes him a worth success of Private John Allen as the wit of Ihe House. This is only oneof his volume of funny stories An Irish picked up sn inebriate in the streets and carried him to the police station. The next storning he took his prisoner into court. The effect of prolonged Jag" had apparently affected the man's powers of. speech for all that he could say when brought before the court was What Is your named asked tbe eourt. said the prisoner, struggling to talk. Where do you lived" Again, days John L. Pierre, manager of the Brigham City canning factory, was an Ogden visitor yesterday. me-sa- ge of agents for the State Life Insur-inc-e Company of Indianapolis, Ind., yesterday, delivered to Mrs. Julia Etta Shupe, the company's check tor 15.000, in eettlement of policy carried by her husband, D. W. Shape. REEDHOTEL The following are arrivals at the tor the pest twenty-fou- r hours: C. E. Landmeaeer. Omaha; J. E. Bradley, St. Louie; O. W. Nichols. St. Imta; A. F. Richey, city; Johe L. Pierce. Brigham City; Miss Duke, Brigham City; B. 8. Hoatetter, Denver; Q. Dutton, San Francisco; Kd B. Baker, Jr., Denver; Gurrle Jnnee, Denver; H. Nickerson, Denver; AV. Driver, city; Nick Gilbert, city; 0. R. Broughton, city; Mr. and Mra W. V. Baruet, New York. Reed Hotel SERVICES OF MRS. WATSON Southern Pacific Employee Attend Body Many Floral Offerings, In a ' Services were held over the remains of Mrs. Wm. (1. Watson, at the family Twenty-fourtresidence, No. 142 Street at 4 p. m., July 23th. Ihe Southern Pacific employes attended in n body and preceded the funeral cortege, marching in separate bodies comprising different trades. The floral emblems sent by friends were many nnd beautiful. The Soul hern Pa-flemployes presented a beam if ul wreath of cut flowers, resting on an easel. Among other floral tributes were n beautiful star mounted upon pedestal presented by K. uf I, lodge No. S and several beautiful pieces such as rlllows and banks or cut flowers presented by friends of the family. Mrs. Watson made for liersolf many friends during her resilience in Ogden who mourn her loss, and sympathize deeply Wilh ihe family and in their aad bereavement. "Bhe-she-sh- ." How old are you? Samee effort te reply. "Are wiu married?" Ofllcer' exclaimed the eourt in disgust. shat Is this man charged with Falih yer honor, aure." replied the I don t know, sur. unless policeman. he is charged with soda 'waier'. New York Press. o She-shes-s- Poughkeepsie, New Yoik, July of the auto simvIs-tlo- u of Amerb-- arrived here today from New York to St. Imiis. this city being the flrt flare o. the run. Seven autotar London. July 26. The Daily Express understand that the engagement of Miss Daisy Lelier and Major Craw-lehaa been broken off. y Lins, Pei u. .Toly 23. The United slates cruiser Tacoma, which is searrh-- g for the missing American merchant tassel Conemaugh, several months verdue at New York, arrived nt Callo on her tas'.erday and rroreeded s ay around Cape Horn. today London. July 23. In the cricket match today between Boston School snd Haverford, ths former made 190 runs in their first innings nnd the latter at the close of play had made sixty runs for one wicket down in their first Innings. KENNEDTS DAIRY LUNCH BAKERY. AND Individual lunches and Ice cream tarred from l:S0 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. Washington avenue. Cant. Heigh an. laura M. Melghaa. 4l THE MEIGHAN ABSTRACT COMPANY. ter Tel eg bona UtlKuhlih New York, JuJly 25. A very determined effort was made tonight to stake Senator Gorman chairman of tbe Demsev- ocratic national committee. After eral conferences among Democratic leaders Senator Junes and William F. Sheehan called on Senator Gorman at his room and urged him to his determination not to accept tbe chairmanship. The Maryland senator remained firm aqj suggested that Mr. Sheehan take the place if it waa necessary to have an.Etaaiern man for the position. Mr. Sheehan stated to Mr. Gorman and others to whom the suggestion was communicated that it was impossible for him to take the place. He pointed out that he was the one men who resigned from tbq executive committee in 1MC because he could not support (he pisiform end candidate that year. Several of the leaders agreed with evening. him on that point, but the effort has Tbe management of ths Utah Hot not been abandoned to bring about Springs had a ejmclOlly prepared proan arrangement which will place the etc. Hares rarea. of n number of gram of the campaign in the were new and very interesting and management hands of Senator Gorman or Mr. Sheetwenty-fiv- e about thoroughly enjoyed by han. hundred people. The other attracConferences were carried on in Forand tions at this resort were bathing mer Senator HHl'e room at the Hoffdancing. man Ilouae and Senator Gorman's At ths Hermitage, the Second Ward room at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. While Sunday School held forth with an exno definite conclusion was reached, cellent program, given In the grove. hope Is entertained by those who do Judge Henry H. Rolapp delivered an not want Mr. Taggart for chairman adof abort oration and a number some result will be accomplished that were givdresses and musical numbers tomorrow when a number of en. Dancing in the pavillion both New York morning business men will call on afternoon nnd evening. Attendance, Mr. Gorman and state reasons why about 2.000. they want him Instead of Air. TagVlahaa Park was visited by about gart. The impreaaslon prevails among A In the evening. people tbe strongest supporters of Mr. Tag new bill at the theatre end dancing gart, that, notwithstanding the efforts were the only attractions, made tonight he will be elected. atGlenwood Park was very largely Former Senator Hill will take part tended, both afternoon and evening. In the proceedings of the committee Dancing and eimctal musical program, tomorrow aa he holds the proxy of Arrendered in a fine manner, were the thur Dulaney, member from Alaska. features of the day. There has been much talk about the The Lyceum theatre had n special election of the secretary, the candl bill of rlever artists, and played to a datei C. A. Welsh, of Iowa, the crowded house, both afternoon and formerbeing secretary; Try Woodson, of evening. This pioneer resort gives an Kentucky, and Edwin Sefton of the exceptionally strong bill each week. District f Columbia. Walsh and Woodson are members of the committee and it has been the practice to choose a member of the committee for the secretaryship. Sefton for many yeara served for clerk for Senator Jonee while the senator waa chairman of the committee. Members of the committee tonight expressed the opinion that Woodson would be chosen. Ths Fifty Sevsnth Annlvsrsary of the Arrivalt of the Pionssre in Utah, ie Fittingly Observed. Pioneer Day was fittingly observed In yesterday at ths numerous resorts end about tbe city and la many of the near by towns. Special features and programs were arranged and carried out and attracted targe crowds at ths different celebrations. llsrrisvllls observed ths dny 10 an iff appropriate manner, with a program tor which amusements and sport events suitable prizes were given. Speeches were made, the orator of ths day being Joseph Cbex, and musical numbers rendered and the day closed with a dance in the school house in ths -- 25. 25.-1- Washington, July 25. A fact de this afternoon which might have led to serious complications had it not been announced earlier in tbe day that the Russian government had given orders for the release at Sues of the British ship Ardova which had on board a large quantity of supplies being Bhipped by the War Department to the Philippine government, includ lug about 250 torn of powder and much other material that would fall within the Russian definition of contra-band- . Tbe stores were being shipped through the House of George W. Peabody of New York, and the Orient, who today telegraphed the War Depart meat that the Philippine stores were aboard the Ardova and naked the department to exert 11 self to secure their release. The application waa taken at once by Acting Secretary Oliver to the State Department, but in view of the intended release of the Ardova it la improbable that any action will be taken by the department. The case of the Knight Commander 1a regarded here as complicated and difficult of treatment, although a more complete statement of facta la expected to simplify the problem. It ia ap prehended that if tbe contention of the shippers agents that the cargo contained no contraband 1a correct the . Benernl doctrine of neutral flag ear I m haa been violated neu,r1 by the destruction of the ship and veloped Rolls Will Be Circulated immediately and Effort Will be Made ta Secure Several Hundred Signer Membership The Workingmans' Republican Club a as organised last night and will begin work immediately in preparing for the tall campaign. Lists will oe out ia a few days and a targe membership will be secured, and before tall it la expected the club will have several hundred names, on their roll The following officer were elected to serve during the campaign: Isaac F. Farr, President;' C. Osborn, First Vice President; N. F. Boyle, Second Wm. Barr, Secretary nnd Treasurer; G. O. Haynes, Serjeant-at-arm- s. At an early meeting an executive committee will be elected to act wlih ;h officer of ths club to outline the work for the cdinpalgn. ANCIENT WITCHCRAFT. Florence, Thursday, July 21. Th csbdrlvera of Leghorn who nightly 'stable their horses In a large courtyard situated in the suburb of San Jacopo, have been perturbed by uye- terkius noises proceeding from sn old tf!" well near by, The well, they maintained, was bewitched, notwithstanding that the police explained that the noises were cansed by escaping carbonic add gas To reassure the men, however. It was decided to make an investigation. Yesterday the well waa emptied, and to tbe astonishment of those present a number of very curious articles were discovered. Among tbem were a heart-shapeleal her cuahlon, inside which waa a lamb's heart pierced with fifty needles. The heart wm wrapped in a stamped addressed envelope, upon which the address of a young girl living in the was written. Further, they found fragment of a marble tombstone, bearing the inscription. Here repose the ashes and a small glass cylinder, with a parchment stopper, and containing a dead toad, While the production of beet sugar which was also neepierced with has decreased about 13 per cent dur- dles. the tend being tied wilh fifty a lock of two or the last from ing years, woman's hair. metric Ions to 5.900.000 metric To all appearance the matter reurns, that of cane sugar has Increas- solved Itself Into an ed during (he same period from method of withernft metric Iona lo 4.437.KU0 metric the girl whose name employed against appeared on the tons, or about 9 per cent. envelope. A curious point ahout the affair is HEIR TO RUSSIAN THRONE IS lliat two days before the discovery COMING. was made tin; girls relatives received a fetter from San Francisco, whether St. Petersburg. July 25. The eye of the girl bad recently emigrated, statiall Russia are now turned toward the ng that she was on her deathbed. A Jilted lover of the girl is suspectAlexandra Villa al Pclerhnf where the court and royal family are assembled ed of being the originator of the affair in anticipation of Ihe pleasure of greetwhich has crested a considerable sening an heir to the throne. The emper- sation in the neighborhood. or haa excelled all engagement a Ardennes, France, July 25. Mr. DIO NOT TENDER RESIGNATION. Heath, an American, won a six hun23. The RoRome, July dred kilometre race here today. Osservstore mano, the Vath-aorgan, denies the reSint Zla Tin. Seventy Miles East of port published hy the Trtbnna yesterday that Cardinal Merry Del Vai, the Vuhilrn. Manchuria July 23. Accordpapal secretary of alate haa tendered ing to reports from Chinese 'sources his resignation. Sigow pass. 10 miles north of Salmat-sza.i- s held by more than 5000 Japanese Ta Tche Kiao. July 2 Friday. infantry and artillery. It ta believed Rain has been falling in torrents here that thts column has engaged the for two days and movements on both Russian force proceeding from Sal m a a Russian and Japaness shies have been westward. The Japanese are movThe real rainy suspended. stason ing up their reserves to reinforce the seems to hare set in. Sigow pas column, which is expected On tbe westward matters are quiet. to push forward upon the arrival of th riiitforpomont. PI. Petersburg. July 2 Admiral Heavy cannonading wn heard July Birilcff. in command of tbe naval Hth. . Cron-(dtforces at baa stsrtcd on a Rcjxirla to the effect that 20.000 tour of the Ttaltic port. This is re-- j Japanese have appeared a Hualycn-gardeas indicating that the first rib fliip. four miles to the cast, arc bcliev-visinof the lla'tic squadron is prac- - ed to be invention spread by the r computed, aace w ith the aid of the Chinese. 2 d , Jap-ticabj- the Russian cruisers of defenseless merchantmen instead of taking them into port. It may lie stated that the general naval opinion here Justifies (hat course in the event that the Russian warships, ps is suspected, have not enough men aboard to furnish prize crews to conduct the captured ships to their nearest prize port. This is a desperate course, and, according to the naval view here, ia full of risk for tbe Russians who must.be prepared to pay in full and in cash for any maritime property belonging to the citizens of a neutral power able lo demonstrate that bis goods were not contraband and that bis ship was not subject to neizure under the rules of a prize court Yokohama. July ?6. An officer from the Russian fleet who boarded the steamer Tsinan raid that tbe officers or tbe fleet had received instructions from St. Petersburg to treat the British flag with the greatest respect, hut if the Tsinan had raijway material board the Russians would either capture or sink her. The officer said that the officers concerned In the sinking of the steamer Sado had been severely censured hy St. Petersburg for not positively ascertaining that there were no people remainir.s aboard, lie said the Knight Commander would not heave to until f.uir shots had been fired. The shipping of the coast is now generally restricted. The Vladivostok fleet was last reported at the mouth of Tokin Hay and developments are momentarily expected. Great indignation ta manifested over the sinking of the Knight Commander. VOLUNTEER FLEET WILL BE RECOMMISSIONED. St. Petersburg.' July 25. Tbe correspondent of tbe Associated Press was Inforprfd at the Foreign Office today that, the Russian volunteer fleet steamers Smolensk and St- - Petersburg while refraining from the .right of flopping or searching neutral vessels, will noi return home at once, mm will remain in the Red Sc until relieved by regiilarir commissioned warships, against whose rigut to atop neutral -- -- R.H.E. 4-- 2-- the 4-- tablet today winning the last of tbe series with SL Louis,' an eleven lning s. game, due chiefly to tbe visitors Attendance 4,900. H.E. Score 4 9 0 Boston , 8 8 4 St. Louis . Gibson. Farrell and Crlger; Howell and Kahoa t SL Louia, July 25. Fair Grounds summary: First rare, four and a halt furlongs: La Princess won; Cernova second; Stella M. third. Time :56 5. Second race, six furlongs: Marquis De Carabaa won; Hubbard second; Bob Curl third. Time 1:15. Third race, five and a half furlonga: Loretta M. won; Braden second; Kings Trophy third. Time 1:07 4. Fourth race, mile: First Mason won; Old 8tone second;, Just So third. Time 1:39 4. Fifth race, mile: Six Shooter won; Ban DOr second; Light Opera third. . . Time. 1:40.. Sixth race, mile and seventy yards: Klnga Court won; Lemon Girl second; Second Mate third. Time 1:44 mis-ptay- n Rus-aion- s. t'xni-tanx- 8-- 2-- BOSTON VS, ST. LOUIS. Boston, July 25. Boston turned Hamburg-America- 1-- Chicago. July 25. Hawthorne luminary: First race, short courae, steeplechase Creolln won; 8weet Jane second Golden Way third. Time 2:48. Second race, five and a half furlongs The Belle won; Monico second; o third. Time 1:08 4. Third race, mile and a sixteenth non-- ' July selling atakes-Annna- ls Huzxmr seond; Warte Night tliir i 1:47 Time Fourth race, mile and 70 yard. Sweetie won; Freckmnn second; Edward Hale third. Time 1:46 Fifth race, seven furlongs-Viol- a won. Tapiota second; Wenrick third. Tima' 1:28 5. Sixth race, six furlongs-Th- e Crista won; FTonteeac second; Skillful thli.l. 5. Time 1:18 .... a 8-- NEW YORK VS, CHICAGO. July 25 In a pitchers battle between Orth and Owen, New York defeated Chicago today. Orth made him Initial appearance in the box for the local club. R- - H.E. Score 1 New York New York, Chicago a ' Sullivan. 8-- 8-- 14 ieaiii4tli1 040 and Orth Kleinou; Owen and 1--8. CHICAGO V8. CINCINNATI New York, July 25. Brighton Beach Chicago, July 25. In a ragged field- summary: ing game on both sides, Cincinnati won First nee, mile 'and a sixteenth: in the tenth Inning. Attendance. R. H.E. Score 8 J13 Chicago 4 8 Cincinnati Lungreen and ONeill; Walker and Champlain won; King Rains second; Nine Snot third. Time 1:49 Second race, steeplechase, about two miles: Good and. Plenty wop; Mystic Bhrlner second; Trek third; Time 3-- 6. .............i SchleL 80 . 8-- 5. Third race, six furlonga: Britisher PITTSBURG VS. BROOKLYN, won; Gloriflfier second ; Torchello Petersburg. wno third. Time 1:16. Pittsburg, July 25. Pittsburg Fourth race, alx furlonga: Graceful games with ease. The pitchers CAPTAIN OF SCAlfDIA WILL RE- both work. Attendance. 6,600. won; Marines second; did good Possession SUME COMMAND. First game third. Time 1:15. R.H.E. Berlin, July 25. Director General Score Fifth race, handicap, mile and a furBallln of the Hamburg-Amerlcaline Pittsburg . IM'lMIIMIfltH 2 9 long: Keynote won; April Showers 0 7 aaya orders have been telegraphed to Brooklyn . second; Himself third. Time 1:55. the captain of the Scandla to resume Sixth race, five and a half furlongs: Flagerty and Smith; Cronin and his command after lodging a protest Berger. Meadow Horn won; Golowln second; against the seizure of the vessel by the Sportsman third. Time 1:10. Russians and to continue the voyage R. H.E. Score to the Far East 4 6 Seattle, July 25. Summary nt the laststiMaiaMM At the Foreign Office today Herr Pittsburg 1 4 Meadows: e e e a a e Brooklyn Ballln filed a statement affirming that and . First .race, four and a half fnrkmgs: Case and Carisch; Garvin the few munition on board the Scan- Ritter. Trap Shooter won; Georgia Black see. dla were destined for the Chinese and opd; Cayucaa third. Time, :55 German government. seven Second race, furlongs: This statement was formally filed Mountebank won; Chief Aloha as the basis for a claim against, RusProfitable third. Time, 1:28 sia for Indemnity. Third race, five and a half furlongs: Eldred won; Almoner second; Alice London, July 25. It la stated that Carey third. Time, 1:08. the British government has declined Fourth race, one mile and 50 yards: the British ship Maacotte at Hongkong Detroit, July 25. Barqn Grattan, Canejo won; Fnndo second; Phy'i' on the suspicion that she haa been pur- driven by Ed. Geers thia afternoon at third. Time, 1:44 chased by the Japanese government. Fifth race, five furlonga Nonle won; the Blue Ribbon meet of tbe Detroit Driving Club which opened the grand Bummer second; Ulctma third. Time, The Mnecotte sailed from Sunderland, trotting circuit, won the 95,000 Cham- 1:00 Sixth race, mile and 100 yards: KitEngland, May 18 for Hongkong. She ber of Commerce stake for 2:24 pacwas reported to have been sold to the ers. It was the fastest race .In the ty Kelly won; Glen Rice second; J. Japanese government. history of the stake, the former record V. Kirby third. Time, 1:47. of 2:06 4 made in 1902 by Direct London, July 26. The British cab-- . Hal, being broken in the first heat, Inet will meet again today to Consider which was won by Morning Star. The the case of the steamer Knight Com- record was placed at 2:00 4 by Morn, mander and the general situation aris- Ing Star in thia heat and this mark Grab-taning from the action of the Russian wan equalled by Baron heat. second in . the warships. then Grattan equalled The London newspapers this morn- Baron ing consider that Premier Balfour's Direct Hal'a record in the third heat, statement in the House of Commons An equal feature of the day with the the yesterday proves that the situation Chamber of Commerce stake waa famia still exceedingly grave and they appearance that Lou Dillon, the insist that the government shall act ous trotter in an attempt to break the promptly in ihe Knight Commander Groaae Point track record. Driven to incident, which ia characterised by the a wagon by her owner, C. K. Billings, Daily Graphic as An outrage of the Lou Dillon succeeded only in equalling The time by u tost gratuitous and barbarous kind." the record of 2:05 1:34 1:03 The Morning Post In an ironical edi- quarters waa: 30 in this talk of sanitary surtorial aakn to ybat purpose Great 3:05 roundings. We mean It and are trotting, purse $1,500, Britain maintains a large navy If such think our market place bears three in five heata: Alexandeer won out the assertion. Remember things are to be permitted. well-fe- d three straight heata in 2:11, 2:10 our foods are well-breand slaughtered under propLiverpool, July 25. Uneasiness 1s Bonnie Russell, John Caldwell, Leta felt here for tbe safety of the British Snyder, McGregor, Gov. McCauley, er unitary regulations. steamer St. Hulbert, Captain Wardal. Enchantress, Miss Leo Rex. George E. which aniled from Caleta. Buena Del and Checkmate also started. The Chamber of Commerce stakes, Sur, Chile. May 27 and Honolulu July WEATBERBY A. 85,00 for 2:25 pacers Baron Grattan 2 for Yokahama. The vessel la now ovthird fourth heata won and have the second, she la OGDEN. may erdue and it 2458 Wash. Ave.. thought 2:09 34. Morn2:06 been captured by the Vladivostok In 2:06 ing Star won the first heat In 2:06 squadron. n acc-on- d; RACES 1-- 3-- 1-- 1 NO HOT AIR 1-- 1-- 1-- Two-twent- y 1-- 4. L 3-- 1-- cargo. As for the Knight Commander her self, the State Department probably will leave to the British government the dJustment of any iuue wilh Rue- sla growing out of tier sinking. As some surprise has been exhibited nt the reports oNthe sinking by nelghbnrlMKMl heata lu 2:04 2:06 WinlieM Strait'. Captain Sphinx; Baron Rodger, anuJtraighting also started. 8 12 0 Lake sseeaeeea 8 17 8 Spokane . Hogg and Stanley; Eadck, Toxlet nnd Hausen. BRITISH BUSINESS MEN AROUSED Premier London, July . 25. a Balfour received deputation of the . House of Commons shipping conunit tee today with reference to(the seizure of the British steamer Allenton. Ttya members alleged that the grounds for her leisure were untenable and that her immediate release might fairly be demanded. After hearing the arguments Mr. Balfour said the facta laid before him seemed to constitute good grounds for representations to the Russian government, but whether there wne a right to demand the instant release of the Altantun waa another matter. There waa no analogy with the case of the Malacca, which was seised by an unauthorised vessel. Mr. Balfour promised to make representations through Sir Charles Hardings at St. (Continued from Page 1.) n CC2-Y- three heats: Sar Hal won two airaiekt SALT LAKE VS, SPOKANE. Salt Lake, July 25. Spokane took both games of the double header with Salt Lake today. The twin victory waa chiefly due t0 the remarkable pitching of Willie Hogg, who stayed in the box for the entire 18 Innings. First game R. H.E Score A 7 1 Spokane 8 10 2 Salt Lake Hogg and Stanley; Titus and Score-S- alt 116 Port Said, July line steamer Scandla which was released yesterday by the haa resumed her voyage. She entered the Buex canal this afternoon. RUSSIA WANTS AVENUE WORKINGMANS CLUB LAUNCHED LA8T NIGHT, AT LARGELY ATTENDED MEETING. Jap- ed IS ORfiANIZED The nearest Mukden, July anese outposts have shown no change for several days past and there are no signs that they contemplate advancing. New branch societies of the Boxers are appearing among the Chinese under the titles of Paguatuank" nnd Khunuanmln." number of the leaders have been captured and pun-tahby tbe Chinese governor. REPUBLICAN C.TtiO.-(Mi- rel-ktiv- Me, Wcat Angus, Pointer .China Maid and Judge Denny also starred 2:07 pacer, purse. $1,200, two iB BASE BALL HEAVY ARTILLERY FIGHTING. London, July 25. A dispatch to a news agency from Liao Yang reports heavy artillery fighting there all yesterday. The Russian casualties, it la aUeged, were thought not to exceed 400 while the Japanese are said to bare 'lost more men. The Japanese, ho were attacking the southern detachment according to the dispatch, were forced to ' retire precipitately, leaving their dead and wounded on the fiehl. The "dispatch gives convincing details and names of places. h Mr. Arthur C. Burgees, auperintend-m- t FUNERAL Judge Parker yesterday saying that he would bold his notiflatlon meeting on August 10th and he planned to have his own notification meeting one week later. AT RESORTS. CLUB SHORT STORIES. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. V. Barnes of New York, nre visiting in the city for a few Madame has a monthly for you. s 2a. Senator Bedford, Pa., July Davis told the Aaaocia'ed Pres that he bad received n telegram from HELD NO SPECIAL CELEBRATION IN THE CITY, BUT SPECIAL FEATURES Madam: has man friends. Ethel 8-- for a brief stay. She is In her 80ih year and enjoya good health. la an FEATURE OF THE DAY WAS THE RACE BETWEEN POOLY GARR AND NIGGER BOY. 26, 1904. (Continued from Page L) Ogden visitor. John Quisle and wife of Evanston. are visior in the city. JULY ships and search them tor contraband no question can he raised. Later the volunteer fleet vesbela will be ALLBSYAN DAY IS SUCCESS business. OB POPES, UTAH, TUESDAY MOUSING, PIONEER RACES WERE A You will Like Madam:. EXAMINES, A ) Free Offer to Readers of the Morning Examiner offer Having contracted at considerable expense with the publiehere of thle high grade Magexlne we beg te ONE YEARS SUBSCRIPTION FREE OF COST Te all and any reader ef our paper who eigne and unde In the coupon below at once. MADAME bring a monthly meeMge of culture to your home and contain all that ia beat In ture and art.. It ta endorsed by OVER THREE MILLION OF THE MOST CULTURED WOMEN AMERICA, being adopted by the National Council of Women of America aa their official organ. With the August month starta a beautiful aeries of color covers by HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY ... , liters-- ' OF . V The Greatest American Living Illustrator, entitled, "A Christy Courtship." This first aeriee consists of four beautiful color pictures: No. 3 Tho Tiff. No. 1 Tho First Meeting. No. 4 Mated. No. 2- - In Lovo. Call at tho Examiner office for a free sample copy eo that you con see exactly what a beautiful mega-ain- e thia is, or sign and return the following coupon for five months and we will mail you the magazine free for six montha er aign the coupon for six months and wo will mail tho magazine free of chargo for twolvo montha Sign and send thia coupon today. TO THE EXAMINER: Gentlemen: I agree to subscribe to the Examiner for three months at tha regular ratca on condition that you send mo MADAME poet paid every month for six montha ' POSTOFFICE .... NAME.. 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