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Show EXAMINER, SATURDAY MORNING, MORNING Z. C. LUMBER 1.1. 1. IS DEFEATED COMPANIES ir sere Pullman ,edent at tbe tor ogden. J hto visit eas. a 21 l2i. E '? paibiaad huwnj Mr. '''? Cha-es- 5 a NITURE COMPANY A Large Crowd of COMBINE rlure lr,P and relative at hie 1 Ohio, and spent tn at rulSa Headquarter old the little three month' juhn nd Mr. known baker and Icheert' thewell dieJ yesterday afo convulsion iuU' The babs was during the morning y Wri ith convulsion about w Inddird before the aid of ae uld be secured. The par-thsympathy of many service over the J The funeral held at the home of Siren.. Mr. end Mra. Will- 1. hoia Jefferson sventie it k. p'..--. today. cemetry the Ogden City t' Ln ... legal holiday all Vondiy being a closed. Do your be Jm'ilinaVfore Baturday night, a tho ?Aim5 be open again until Tuesday morning. of examination Andereou. Kid" Austin and charged with involuntary Ser ffuSaughter, ha been continued un-t- il 19 o clock. Baturday morning at The preliminary -- MT. HOOD AND OREGON ORGANIZATIONS JOIN HANDS. Capital of the Combined Companies Will Reach Nearly 2,000,000. One of the latest and largest deals in the business world la tha absorption of the lit. Hood Lumben company by tba Oregon Lumber company. Tbe consolidation of these two companies makes one of tbe Urges! lumber companies in the United States. Tbe transfer papers will probably be recorded within of tbe next few days. The capital tbe Oregon Lumber company is f 1.000, -000. and of tbe Mt. Hood Lumber company la ItOO.OoO. Mills are operated at Baker City, Vienlo. Hood River aud IngUs. Oregon. David Kcclcs and William Kcclia, of thU city, are the presidents and largest stockholders of tha Oregon respective companies. The Lumber company with tbe four sawmills. will have the largest daily output of any company in the United State CANDIDATE drunk occupied the attmunlci-- i of Judge Howell tn tha ention A. Harry Conley, court today. names Aiara and Joe Martin are the All pleaded of the offending partiea uilly to the charge of drunkenness, nee in ml u It was their first appear to be inclined wa (he Judge court, sentence during and suspended mint SWALLOW NOTIFIED Ha Delivers an Address Expressing Condemnation of the Liquor Traffic; jood behavior. ' landing penult have been Issued t the following named parties: Main B Waters for a on and a half story barn on Jefferson between streets, and Twenty-sevent$400; board of education for a twostorv and basement school buildibetween ng on 'Twentieth street, Washington aud Adams, coat $13,701): y frame build-laC. Stuart for a os Royal avenue, between Twenty-fir- t street, coat and Twenty-seconbrick h h nt g one-stor- MOO. The North Ogden baseball team and the Eden team will try concluEkma at 23rd, the Hermitage Baturday, July sad an Interesting game of baseball 1 The game will be the promised. occasion of the gathering of quite a crowd at this popular canyon resort. Everything possible will be done to assure those going np, a good time. The North Ogden team la a strong organisation and la making an effort to Keep abreast of the timei. Their end uf the receipts from Saturdays game will be used to pay for the natty, new suit which hare been ordered. When the luita arrive the boys will present is nice an appearance aa any other team in the county. ' MARRIED. MARRIEt THE VICTIM OF CCUPLE s BROWN HIS WILES. b a Result Ha la Relieved cf Answer ing a Criminal Charge. Chas. Mason Brown, 23, of aged Hamilton, Missouri, and Gladys Chrls-'isnsr- e, aged 17, of Newton, Cache minty, were granted a license to wed wsenlay morning, and the ceremony performed by Judge Howell lathe ihwlff's pfllce In the presence of the irl mol her, Sheriff Rigby of Cache Sheriff tnunty. Bailey and deputies of this county and press representatives. The marriage Is the sequel of the of the young lady and tsfctng er to St. Louis by Brown, the story of Vhl'-the readers of this papnr are familiar with. When the rouplt were brought hack from St. Louis, they atat-J- d that they desired to be married. Rrown wa held here while Miss Cbria-he- n lo her home by fchnff Rlghy and her mother's wishes ascertained. m ab-ludl- MORMON ' MISSIONARY DEAD f Never Recovered From Self Inflicted Wounds at San Francisco. f Indianapolis, July 22. Silas C. Swallow of. Harrisburg, Fa., and George W. Carroll of Texas, Prohibition candidates for president and were formally notified of their nominaof tions today. A. G. Wolfcnbarger Lincoln, Neb., delivered tbe address to Dr. Swallow, and Homer L. Castle of RePittsburg, notified Mr. Carroll. sponses were made by both candidates and Chairman Stewart delivered the closing apeeclL The occasion brought many Prohibitionists of tha country bare. The meeting of the committee lo discuss campaign plans was also held today, la accepting Dr. Swallow aald: It is with profound pleasure, and with a corresponding sense of responsibility that 1 acknowledge the honor you have conferred upon me, in making me your candidate for the preeldency of the United States; tba highest office In the gift of any people, because the head of the greatest nation of the world, now as In 1778. In regard to your nomination, even if aesured of defeat, while 1 am not, 1 feel more honor than In an election, from any of the parties subsidised and controlled by the liquor traffic. It la a principle of the common law that an individual may not ao use hia person, properly or liberty, an to Infringe upon the rights and privhe ileges of others. Or If ao using must without foil indemnify the Injured by making good the loan It is a fart, unrontroverted by all, save the partiea In Interest, that the 250,000 through liquor dealers In America, their business, constantly and ferociously Infringe Upon the rights of all our eighty millions of people, and that they do not indemnity us for the damage Inflicted. "For every one dollar they pay Into our treasury, municipal, state and national, It coats ua In providing for tha insane, paupers and the criminals which their business produces, $16.50. But suppose tbe liquor business could and did Indemnify us In the matter of dollars and cents; can It meet the social and moral aspect nf the case? Can it unshackle the Intellect It has bound and burled and hurried Into hopeless IdlocyT Can It bring bark the dethroned reasons, and give them again their now broken sceptres? Can It, in place of the pallor of the prison, still paint with the blush of Innocence the cheeka of the hundred thousand boys 11 annually chains to lt car of juggernaut? Alas it cannot Who la responsible? The voters are the real culprits. They are the principals In the business In which the 'liquor dealers are but the agents. The Informed voters, and especially tha Christian voters, who admit. In their church relations that no Christian should vote ' for saloon partiea and then does so vote, admits that he Is not a Christian, though professing to so be. We leave it to you to determine. vice-preside- SEPPUKU. Sen Francisco. July 22. A. C. missionary who madn a wuble attempt to end hia life by drink-- I. 461,1 n1 alaahlng hia on Tuesday last. " 7i- showed signs of Improve- Pcter-M"rm- A rir RUSSIAN 8ep-pnk- DIPLOMAT SUICIDES 2P' S5&. pant JIT.,' Gams. One Hundred Thoui'-.- Psed. BURNS TODEATH TOUT i tration at Bonrjtrti CHILD Crazy Mae Takes Poxxeasion of Cupola of Court House and Police Fear to Approach Him. Six Other People Meet With Senoue Hont'btcel. H. D. J.iy jj. 'today A guid blued crowd of t'prctalor ii. , (l saw (he Z. C. M. I. aggrcgaituu of opened calm aud i ball tussore go down lo defeat before coutraxt with the t ii llag-gaiiIJlierty. Mo, July the Ogden Furnitmo Co. team at lari night. Jbe g.n r, hwr U iu ai, iiixaue mun, took Odens uod 1'ark Thursday afternoon abeyance, at leas! .',u;l. Two of the dome of the county ihiihoxiou litnuw. men aitcmptej to a by the rcore of 3 lo 0 inday. The ilnnv i:; Kid foei from the . wui-- ' There were no very startling .it or in from of tbe and the hUvi In attempt Lou. Mr. Lxh w;i,i io the as- giuiiii.l stiectacuinr plays t utile, although tn rapiiiiv Hit' mau, lulii-vmlit-- may Olhicr me of the sistance a::, un it eulier harm llit-ulhc O. P. r. boys made two tu ilio jump ir fled. latter tbe Uu i..u i.iuiiicJ ground. I ho baggers. The texture of the game ciiUTed the court was ibe strong work of the O. F. C. aud tired two sho.: ;;i j... . through liniiKC at lining util on the The railing duyhieak. Un boys wiih the slick. At no time dur- tbe window, but dome, he pullxuiroumling ing the game was there auv chance men escaped. ed Himself to the bae of the Goddess The one hundred tl.. of ihe Z. O. Al. I. bunch scoring. maik iu id Liberty by mean uf tbe lightning 'There is considerable enthusiasm the registration will ln.ui icu pb&-e- rinl. before the day ei:i-"and the one manifest over these commercial league will swell games as so many people are directly renmiuing day undmi'i:-mr proportion connected wiih the big buxiuess houses the lisle to much that hare teams iu the league. from Brownluga have withdrawn Boucateel, 8. D., Jidy IZ. - The fedthe league and Ihrlr place has liern eral troops have been asne.i for amt are taken hr the 'Jessico'1 Boowcroft's being held in reediui's iu l sent here team, who are ready to meet all com- pending a promise !y the gamblers ers. The rub appeara to be between that the grafters leave ihe city the O. F. C. team and the Josslcos. today. The latter hate been given un- No Possible Chance for Hi Recovory line-up of jester til 4 p. in. to leave inwu. Following la the Foroooon. day's game; Last night the ma.iin-- . in a signed Z. C. M. 1. O. F. C. statement to Bupt. Mrlanl uf the regisc Williams tration office, state.) ihai lie was unCasey..'....' I'etsold able to cope-wlt- b p Flygare tbr lawlessness, and Sweet Spring, Mo., July 22. Tho 1 st Naishltt Gerhard asked that troops 1 asked tor. Two death of Former Senator ijeurge G. 2nd J. Watson Lamoreaux hours later the request was withVest, who bas been dangerously ili 3rd Poll Iter drawn. At night the request was rel Watson at hi borne here for mime time. Is exs Brautwell newed by the city authorities. Today pected hourly. Tho patient bas freWardlelgh rf Compton Bingham a meeting of citizen was held and Mr. quent sinking spells. Tbe family phyIf Williams sician said uidsy there la no possible McKay McPaul Issued an ultimatum. Bell cf Mr. McPaul Isanrtl an ultimatum chance of his recovery. Btepbena to Ihe city authorities saying that the INCREASE IN SUPPLY rioting and disorder of last night posiAT ALEXANDRIA. tively will not be permitted again, BRITISH FLEET CF GREEN CRGCERIES ami that he would remove the regisAlexandria. July 22 The ' British tration office from Iluacsteel to another point If a repetition of the riot- Mediterranean fleet has arrived here. RESULT IS A DROP IN PRICES OF ing occurred. MOST OF THESE PRODUCTS. Today Mr. McPaul uutilled the authorities that the town was IN MEMORY OF MARCUS DALY. out control of the local authoriof the Eggs Take a Midsummer Jump of Five ties and recommend the New York. July 22. A scholarship sending of Cents Per Doxsn, in ihe Columbia university school troops. oc- or mines has been established in memAbout 10 oclock today a buld-ucurred In front of the Mi liens' bank, ory of the late Marcus Daly of MonThere are a number of changes in whereby a man was relieved of $30. tana by bis daughter, Mrs. James W. prices of products $his week. An in- Shortly after that another bold rob- Gerard of this city. It la to he awardcreased supply In green groceries has main ed oa a competitive lMUtia. The recibery was commitu-- on tha caused a drop in price in those street. pient is to receive $1,oiM) per annum. products. The scholarship Is open only to those Utah new po La toes are still on the Montana who have worked in the tumble end ere now BANKRUPT FIRM SETTLES. quoted at 15 mines or to their descendants. 25c. pounds for Summer squash at 5c per head and New York, July 22. Hill brothers, WILL REVISE CATECHISM. Utah sweet corn at 25c per doxen ears, one of the oldest Arms In the wholeare new arrivals In market. sale millinery trade in this city, haa Utah apples have put in an appear held a meeting of creditors for Uie New York, July 22. For tbs purpose am and are quoted at Sc per pound. purpose of arranging a settlement. nf revising the ratechfsm, Methodist While the hens are not exactly ou a This Wa agreed upon st forty cents Episcopal bishops, clergymen and laystrlke,they seem to be taking a vaca on a dollar. Liabilities are expected men have convened in Ocean Grove, lion, and as a result eggs have taken a to aggregate $58,5U0 aud assets $C7,-60- N. J. The non hern and southern secnow tions arc represented by seven delejump of 5c per dozen, being quoted at 25c. gates each. It was decided to give With the exception of oars, prices in certain paris'of tbe common catechism A 22. from Chicago, July dispatch There Is cereals remain unchanged. uaed by both sections to members for Ban Francisco to the Tribune practically an oat famine. Very few Directors of the Ban Francisco says: revisions and thb meeting this week Is Jockey for Ihe Of considering the rebushels are to be had. They are quoted and Pariflc Coast club have filed sults of purpose the work prepared by them. at $1.80 now. New oats will be har- club certificates with the county clerk that The Rev. Dr. Rdval acts for the vested in about two weeka. Tbe following are the markets rul- the capital stock of the Ran Francisco northern branch and Rev. Dr. Tigart rlub was reduced io I1.O01 and of the fur the southern.1 Among the northing prices: Pacific Coast club to $1,240. Both clubs ern delegates ape' Bishop B. M. MerDewberries, 10c per cup, of 3 cups for are now merged with the New Cali25c. rill of Chicago; Bishop John M. Walfornia club. Jockey 4 den. of Cincinnati,' and J. W- - Jennings Utah raspberries, rups for 25a of Omabs From the south are Bishop Utah currants, $1.00 per case. WORK TO BElilN AT ONCE. A. Cokesmlth of Norfolk, Vs.. Bishop Utah fresh beans, 5c per lb. W. W. Duncan of Bpsrtsnshurg. B. C, man strawberries, 10c eup straight. Utah aprfeota and peaches are In Chicago, July 22. Work is to begin the Kcv. Dr, - F. Blackwell of at once on tbe new terminal and storVa., and the Kcv. Dr. John O. market at 5c per lb. New Utah cabbage la In market and age plant of (he Illlnnia Tunnel com- Wilson uf Greenwood, 8. C. pany, to be constructed on the duck la quoted at 2e a pound. CHINK HANGED. Utah cherries are In market at Co property Just purchased along tho to 10c a pound, the price depending up- west side of the river, extending north Ban Quentin, Gai. July 22. Clie from Taylor street. It probably will on quality. New Utah potatoes are In market be tbe largest structure built for sur.li IsnOng, who murdered purposes, being twelve stories and Gen Do Hing hi a basement at 828 and are quoted at 15 pounds for 25a Utah cauliflower is in market at 10c covering a ground space 440 feet wide Washington street. Ban Francisco, in and 699 feet long. July, 1903, was hanged in the prison a head. The building will be constructed yard today. The drop occurred at Fresh gooseberries are quoted at 5c live stories below the street level and 10:29 o'clock a. m.. and Ihe man was a pound. Utah fresh peas are selling at be seven stories altove It, The floor on pronounced dead ten minifies later. Before mounting the scaffold, Ong tha street level will bo a vast covered a pound. Utah cucumbers, 2 for 5a freight yard tor tbe receipt and ship- protested his Innocence. Huger Is now $6.45 per sack, 14 lbs. ment of goods over the stnani roads 50 feet below will In the for $1.00. A GIANT TREE. Hooper cheese sella for 17 2 oeata be the freight, yard for the tunnel serloadwith vice switch tracks lines and a pound. Chicago, July 22. A dispatch to the ing underground to every part of the Tribune Swiss cheese 25c end 39a from Fresno, Calif., says: W. business of tbe section city. Eastern cheese, 20 cents. lumber mill II. a wall-knoHart, Eggs sell for 25c a dosen. to have found a giant claims man, BARKED. PUSHCART PEDDLERS lemons, 20 to 35c per dozen. sequoia measuring 36 feet In diameter California tomatoes, 20c per IK and )00 feet around the bass This la 22. Final York. New steps 2 July a cents pound. Rhubarb, said to be the largest, tree on earth. wanto taken eradicate been iho have Belli $2.85 flour for per High patent Hart says the tree is In Eabotu valley, foodstuffs of peddlers pushrart dering for hundredweight; straight grads Tulare eounty. In a secluded gulch noar Bust Bide, from the the Through $2.75. one of the mills The mammoth, h Coal oil. sells for 25 cents a gallon. police and street cleaning departments figures, is 400 feel in height. of the peddlers, consisting entirely Ranch butter, 20a for five foreigners have been driven In tha Green onion i, 4 bunches ASSOCIATION OK BLIND. street and Battery to Fourteenth cents east of the Bowery. California dry onions, 5c per lb. 8t. (.Oulu, Jnly 22. At today's sesA stretch of asphalt four blocks Oranges, from 25 to 60 cents a dossion of the convention of the Associashaded work tin structural under king es. diof the New Williarvsburg bridge was tions of the Blind, films. L. Mulot, Bananas, 30 cents a dozen. rector of (lie school for the blind of were small and lota into divided spaces Eastern spring chickens are selling drawn for them. The peddlers will bo Paris, demonstrated some of the methfor 22 ',c a pound. Hens, 17& cents. of a compelled to remain there and no long- ods in vogue there with the aidread Ulah spring chickens, 25c a lb. a little blind boy. The secretary allowed to roam at will. er be and soles flounders, Halibut. 16c; will paper written by H. 1 Finer of Austhe Is that authorities It likely 2 12 cents a for smelts sell pound: Include in the 'scheme ped- tin, Texas striped bass, 17 2 cents; salmon 17 2 ultimately kinds and will establish all dlers of cents. NATIONAL HOME FOR HIBERthem at Intervals along Crabs 25c and 30a Lobsters 15c per markets forEast NIANS. Bide. the entire Injures in the Burning of a Chicago Store and Apartment COMING House. ih'ilx-tma- a fir fel-ui- LEAVES LONDON FOR HOME JULY 28TH. ON g i d A DEATH OF VEST EXPECTED ioi-ji- p 0. Ash-land- fifteen-year-ol- , d 1-- Comes Back for a Short Visit With Every Premiss Fulfilled. own Nannie Tout will leave Ogden laMidon Juiy 2Sib fur her home town, after an slwenee of several years, dur- ing whiib time her magnificent voice haa snug her way Into palace halls, where she has been feted aud hunored by roalty. Her borne coming will be a triumphal entry. Hhe left here with tha promise in her voice of becoming a prims dutiua; she comes back with that promise fulfilled. Honor have been heaped her; she haa been Ihe recipient of iira valuable gift and adulation aud praise enough to turn the head of one less modest aud retiring, have been showered upon her. And yet she Is still the unaffected Nannie Tout, more cultured than when she left Ogden, but always the loyal Vtah girl. Her father. Edwin Tout, will accompany her to Utah, but they will he tha only one of the family to cross the water this senaon. Their visit in Utah will necessarily be a short one, as Miss Tout Is anxious to complete her musical education. Irving Kinmett of this city has received a iRiotograph of Mias Tout, allowing her in the beautiful dress pie-se- n ted to her by lbs King and Queen of England. Not long slnca aba sang before tbe royal couple, and made a very favorable Impression. In appreciation of Miss Touts singing, they presented her with this beautiful gown, of which she is justly proud. It is extremely probable that tha people of Ogden and Salt laks will have the pleasure of hearing Miss Tout sre sing. Preliminary arrangements being made for two grand concert ooe here and one In Balt Lake City. PIONEER DAY CELEBRATION Park Present Strong At tractions for That Day. Glenwood Chhagii. July 22. Edward Schempp, Kars old. has been burned to death, aud hi father, mother, three brothers and au uncle severely burned la a fits that dimtruyed the grocery and living si'artnuUis of Wm. Schempp. It believed that lioy playing behind the grocery with matches accidentally sec the building on fire. The four boys were aslrcii In rooms above the grocery when the fire began and before they could lie rescued all had been overcome by the smoke and flames Their mother and uncle received their Injuries In attempting to go to their aid. The father also was severely burned. X 1 greater skill. But there I another source from which help comes; that Is. that eases requiring the services of surgeons are not delayeJ until the last minute, whoa tha patients are no exhausted or they cannot aland thn shock they must necessarily sustain. Today it la appreciated by all at dentn of the Ills to which flesh is hell that if the knife is to be used tha sooner It la done the better; just ns everybody known that if a disease is la be checked the sooner medicine la administered the better. And to this view of the matter the doctor and surgeon have gradually educated tha people This accounts for the popularity of surgery and for the materia) diminishing of the death rate of person passing under tba knife.' Bab llmore Herald, Tha following was written by a teacher In oaa of tba Salt Lake schools, to his pupils at closing: "Sum one will be guiding the Ship of State; will 1! be you; will It be you? Boms on will be wise, rich and great; will It be you my boy? Some on tbe exploring among stars; some one peeping through .Iron bars; some one oiling electric cars; will it be you my boy? Some one singing the sweetest songs; will it be you; will It be you? Borne one's voles will be thrilling the throngs; will It be you my girl? Some ou bending o'er needle and thread, striving to earn her daily bread; will It ba you my girl? Borne one will be leading the hosts In war; will It be you? Will It bo you? Some one applying his know, lodge of law; will It be you my boy? Grant, Bherman and Blaine nil gone; Dewey and Hay are passing on; who will be ready for their unlforai? Will It be yon my boy? Borne one's smile will be sunshine aud joy; will it be you? Will It be you? Lifting some wayward and thoughtless boy; will It bn you my girl? Borne ones hand will be lender and true, raring for those who are sick and blue; some one doing tbe best she can do. Will It be you my girl? Home one exploring unknown nraa; will it be you? Will it be you? Borne one unfurling our Flag to tha breeze; will be you my hoy? Borne one striving the world (o endow; some one liraring n laureled brow; soma on standing where I am now. Will It be you my boy? Utah Odd Fallow. Celebritera of Pioneer day this year should not overlook Glenwood. Never liefure since tbe opening of the park ban ao much arauxeuieut been offered pleasure seekers at ao low a cosL The park will be open at an rariy hour and no admission will be charged to those riding on tba street cars Patrons wishing s cool retreat from the heat of the city ran find no better place than coni, shady Glenwood. Buroly an ideal place for a picnic. At 3 o'clock In tbe afternoon a grand, free open air band concert will be given at the park by a picked band nf fifteen pieces. A program of merit bss been prepared and will be well worth hearing. In the evening Ford's full orchestra will furnew nish music for (lancing on the hardwuod floor In the pavilion which is now In Ihe finest condition sml acknowledged by old time dancers tha finest In the slate. ' The admlsaion la only 10 cents apiece. On Sunday afternoon at 4 p. m. the management will give another one of those free Sunday afternoon concerts which are meeting with such popular approval. These concerto present a very al tractive pastime for Bunday afternoon and aa they are entirely free SHEEHAN SLATED FOR NATIONAL ahould lie beard by all. CHAIRMANSHIP. 8URGERY NOW IN FAVOR. New York, July 2!. If Senator Gor man will not take the chairmanship oi the Democratic committee, the men who have been pushing him for the, place will turn their attention lo Will lam K. Sheehan and try to secure election. The reason why either Gore, man or Sheehan Is preferred overt Thomas Taggart of Indiana, Is under-- , stood to Jie because of the belief that either of them would be able to command attention of eastern men and secure a large campaign fond. While the Judge' advisers say that Taggart will he amply provided for In an advisory capacity they think that either Gorman or Sheehan with Ibeir wide experience would be better able to conduct tbclr campaign. so many years ago ' surgical were generally' regarded operation by tbe public aa a meaua of last resort, and were submitted to only when tho patient or bis family was advised that no olbcr escape waa open for the sufferer. Frequently the sick man waa In extremes when lie went under tho surgoon's knife, and It Is asserted by utedinal men that the large mortality in a given number of operatkma wan due tn (hia fact. In thin way tho popular fear nf going through these ordeals Increased, the rnrgnnns generally being held responsible for tbe fatal nut come. Ihe Today there la less fear of the knife, and statin! lea show that WILSON BARRETT DEAD. mortality Is far less. This Is attributed advanced hy the profession to thn views now held and what may be London, July 22. Wilson Barret termed the greater popularity of sur- the actor, filed this morning. He ungery. Of course, a most potent con derwent an operation for cancer, July trihutlon to this condition of affairs 2ith, and tha doctors thereafter Said Is the more extensive knowledge pns that after a few weeks' rest Barrett sessed by the modern surgeon and his would be all right. Not .. " E-- g , 1-- i LI i s U k'. TWENTY FIVE YEARS HENCE. hi, 1-- nn vast amount of misconception prevails in Europe concerning what is vulgarly termed haraklri. This word la never used by any other than Illiterate persona in Japan. Among - tbe educated classes tbejerm employed is seppuku. It la wrong to suppose that Japanese soldiers and sailors are prone u. to throw away their lives vainly. in ancient times, waa an honorable death, but it la only resorted to In extreme cirdumatances. Aa the Japanese proverb has lt, Set wa katashl, Shi wa yasushl Lire la difficult, death la easy. For any person to commit suicide merely as a way out Hf Wa Secretary of Legation at of a difficulty was esteemed, and is Pekin. still, a cowardly act To take ones own life is easy enough aa a means of c- - Roudanov-th- e procuring relief from trouble, but to kyflrt'ridU'jr live on, despite difficulties, being a Russl,n le- - harder matter. Is the more creditable, h n' r. emitted sulrid b6lWeeB Ma and this is tha meaning to be attached . and to the proverb, which bas quite as much, fores today among Japanese as It ever bad. The cause of so many soldiers and sailors taka the case of the Kin Shilu Maru as aa example preferring death utab-n- a to capture was something widely different from that which haa been assigned. The people of Japan at large, soldiers and sailors included, had heard- - so much of the Russian atrocities at Blagovestchensk, of the Rus"E sian treatment of tbe Chinese at the UCI time of the Boxer troubles, and of Ar-t-55General. Mitchenko's famous utterance that the Russians had no ropes, but T" arms, significant of the short shift would be given to captives, that Soas n(J D"ee Artists. that the prospect of foiling alive into Russian hands came in reality to be rev garded as for won than death. It AN TH08- - HILTON, was the firm belief that barbarous The treatment would be meted out to them that Jbd ao many, despite the Inconveyed in the proverb, to w"eh junction mtmcouJ shoot or stab themselves when rapture was Inevitable. Musical Cases of seppuku, as a matter of fort, GOURLET-Utahns-Scop.- " were extremely rare, and cases of orr,t,nfl Moving Pictures. dinary rait-idethough more frequent. - lM. set-cral- Three plain Twen-rysKt- i, l, William, Snd FUR- TEAM. Spectators Sea an Interesting -- CALM AND UNDER NANNIE PEACEFUL THE DOME TEAM ARE BEATEN BY THE OGDEN JULY J 1: i, H t I ;:i j i ) V i 1 ' - if p 1-- . t pound. Lard retails for 14o a pound. Pickled pigs feet, three pounds for 35 cents. Pickled lambs tongue. 40 cents a do an. Beef loin, 11 cento per pound Beef riba, sets 9c per pound. Rib roast, 13 3 cento. 1-- crate. breasts, 13 8irioln steak, 15 cento. Veal 1-- 2 and porteriionse steak, In the convention of tbe Ancient Order of Hibernians today a report of the committee on resolutions, favored a national home fur members of the order, and denounced the rarleaturing of the Irish race upon stage and In tha comic sections of Hawley and Capitalists Get Control the the newspapers Road. of Fort Dodge RAILROAD REORGANIZES BL Louis, New York. July 22. Edwin Haw-leand his friends have, says tbe Her aid. been put In control of the Dee Moines A Fort Dodge railroad, which forrierly was dominated by s group of Wall street capiialists known as the cents Rnmp roasts 19 to II syndicate. RepresentaLola and rib pork chops 15 cents Hnoley-BtoWhole pork loins 11 crate a pound. tives of this syndicate, who owned the roads prior to tbe lallure of Edwin 8. Veal nerke, 10 cents cents Hooley and company, and W. L. Stow Veal cutlets, 15 2 to 17 ft Co., and w ho acquired It again after Sliced ham, 20 cants Messrs Hon)' y and Blow had sotliod Boiled ham. 30 cents with their creditor, resigned and tbe Breakfast bacon, 20 cents cents following new directors were electSausage, 13 cento. ed: Dry salt bacon, 13 Edwin S. Hawley, F. H. Dsvi. L. K. Pickled pork. 12 3 crate a pound. Day, IL Huntington, George Crocker Home cured breakfoat bacon. 16a and L. C. Weir. Chopped suet, 12 3 cents The new board elected the followPork rausege 13 2 cents ing officers: Hamburger. 12 2 cents President, Edwin Hawley; The price In each Instance la by the L. V. Day, treasurer, F. H. Dapound. W. 8. Crandell. Timothy hay, looae sens for $12.04 vis. and secretary,also la president of hundred. 70c Edwin a Hawley baled, ton. Timothy per tba Minneapolis ft BL Louis and Iowa Alfalfa haled. COe a hundred. Central railroads. Alfalfa hay. loose. $3.00 per toa. Wheat. $1.85 per hundred. Upon the termination of the lease of tha Des Moines ft Fort Dodge to Oats $1.80. the Rock Island K Is expected that tha Whole corn, $1.60. road will be operated in connection Cracked corn, $1.55. with the Hawley system. Barley. $1.45. ' Rye, $1.60 per hundred. New York, July 22. Charles M. Bran and shorts per hundred. Collins once prominent on the AmerShorts alone, $1.80 per hundred. ican stage, is dead at' his home after Collins were the expression of a widespread an Illness of four months. his professional caconviction that only In Ibis way could appeared, during an Ignominious exi.incc be avoided. reer In the support of many leading acton. Ion don Morning Port. v 1-- 2 1-- 2 w 22. TELEGRAPH NOTES IT 12 cento. cents. Sound steak, 13 Chuck steak, 10 cento. Rib boiling beet 7 cento. Beef shoulder clods, 10 cents July Newport, R. I., July 22. Word bas been received here of the serious Illness of Rear Admiral Henry C. Taylor, U. B. N, fn Sudbury, Canada His daughter, Mrs. Walter R. Gerhard, who was al the torpedo atathm here, has been called to hia bedside. 1-- 3 1-- 1-- 2 1-- 2 Louis, July 22. Jerry Hannigan sad Charles J. Denny were today sentenced to serve two years each IA the penitentiary for the participation in bribery deals BL 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- $1-2- Amsterdam, July 22. It is underHr. Leyds former agent of the Transvaal in Europe, is trying to arrange with Premier Kuyper for the conveyance of the body of Kruger to South Africa on board a Dutch warship. stood Hamburg, July 22. The steamer Bambla pawed Perim at the southern entrance of the Red sea yesterday evening. thus disproving the report of her capture by a vessel of the Russian volunteer fleet. Wn., July 21. Lieutenant General Chaffee, chief of staff and commanding the U. 8. army, accompanied ty Genera! Humphrey, quartermaster general and their aides, arrived tills afternoon na a tour nf Inspection of fort In the system of defense on Puget Sound. ! THE .1 SILK SALE IS STILL ON a il Hundreds of yards have been told, but there is plenty left. Beautiful deiigna in Fancy Silk, Plein Taffetas etc, comprise ihe collection, which tflers broad and templing c hoice, displayed cn several counters for ycur inspection. f.1 I. . ! f jj.ft iV, 90c, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 values, your choice, while they 65c last, per yard Come early and make your m 4 jt i se- lections. r 'V Port Townsend, . W. H. Wright & Sons Co: $ |