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Show EXAMINES, lfOiSXIXG THE EXAMINER Published every day la the year by the Standard Publishing Col WM. GLASMANN, Manager. Delivered by Carrier, laclulln Sunday Homing Examiner, par month Single copies SUBSCRIPTION eta S cli RATES. By mail one month (Including Sunday) outside of Ogden ....SO eta Telephone No. 60. Subscribers will confer a favor by informing this office of failure to receive The Eisminer before their break fiat. MEAT FAMINE IN THE EAST. As has been already suggested In these columns the 'most dire consequences of the sirikc ol packinghouse employee will be fell by the people of the larger eliiea of the east and the direct suffering will be endured by lire laboring classes of these cities. From ell ihe leiger cities of the East come pessimistic forecasts and predictions that a grim meat famine la those cities la closer at baud than has been generally believed. V Bless the differences between the big west era packers and their employes shall be swiftly adjusted the effects of the strike will begin to make themselves more actually felt in these cities. , The reports given by tba dispatches that the packers are increasing their output to normal la manifestly untrue as It is Indicated that a swat famine ' has virtually begun lu the eastern . citiea already. Even, it Is claimed, if the atrlke should be ended today there necessarily must be a scarcity of meat tor toms time to come. The people of the west are not affected in thia way by the strike but they directly feel aouw of the negative results through Ihe dullness of the stock market although tbla has not boon noticed to any appreciable extent an far. The indications from Iasi night's dispatches are that the strike may be a long me and la effect. GREAT CURES IN PORTO RICO. Captain B. K. shford, a Junior army srgepa on duty ia Porto Rico, is mat log a same fur himself on the Island. ; He and an officer of the Marine hospital Service, Dr. King, have been engaged la the treatment of anaemia; have hold to the Nailyq' physician theory (hat the disease wee caused by starvation. The American doctors have shown conclusively that It can be treated by medicines which will kill the germs, end that the supposed lack of food has nothing to , do with the case. The surgeons have had great success. At one place where they have hen for six weeks they treated hundred rases, and lost only four, sad those were too far advanced to admit of say treatment at all. The news of the success of tbs doctors has spread like wildfire over the Island, and the native physicians have come to Urn' conclusion that the Americans ere right, and that It la possible to do something for the afflicted. The mortality la the Island has decreased 20 per cent on account of the Investigations of the doctors, who are anxious to remain and continue their work, and accumulate further Information. They will make a report on the subject. flf-tee- WEDNESDAY MORNING, UTAH, OGDEN, goodly fame and credit flow Abroad throughout the land. Then take a warning from this bard, And knock the knockers good and hard CHEAP RATES VIA OREGON SHORT LINE, PIONEER DAY, Jnly 24th. You want to sell a piece of laud. Develop oil or ore. one fare for the round ised between alt station lines. Tickets on sale July 33th, return limit July to earn the daily bread Fur those you bold most dear. With heart and soul, with band and head. Yon toll a home to rear. There la for you Just one winning card Just punch tbe knockers good and bard. You try RCT0gyi . Manufacturers of Trungs Leather Goode. Repairing q able prices,' oa short notice. ca see us and we can save yon y trip la authoria Utah on our 23rd, 24th and cent DAVID L GALLACHER 222 25tti WtrweL 2Sth. March Of by tha thousands of buyers whs bought during that famous sale. We will give another Cost Mark Sale on everything In stock and will include all Fall Goode arriving during Sale. Domestic suitings and all Cotton Geode bought since drop in prices of these goods are included. No article in our largo otock will bo reserved. Tha mannor In which' New Merchandise will be sacrificed will be food for close, careful buyers. not sue-- . They'll strive that you-maceed. Then sneer if once you fail; True to their dirty, reptile breed. Your' name through alihie they'll trail. Now is your time, be on your guard. And slug the knockers good aud hard. An envious, mean, inaflckms throng. With cruel and coward thrust. Can oft inflict a deadly wrong Upon the true and Just. Their lira will scorch like burning Populist Party By ginger, this is what I call tough luck. Here I'm dead and so blamed dead that there's nobody to go to my funeraL lard the knockers good and bard. CHARLES If. STEVENSON. So crush PITH OF THE are in evidence early this year, and the epidemic promises to be a severe one before tba election la over. The political bee le beginning to sing In numerous local bonnets, and despite the low salaries there Is likely to be no dearth of takers. Iron County Record. Hid a Tragedy. ks How It Served the Weighty Smith in His Need and Why He Wore It A. BREATH AND SQUEAL, ALREADY. If Balt Lake shall erect and maintain a meet packing establishment where every part of a steer Is saved but Its dying breath and nothing le lost of a pig but Its squeal, then will it have accomplished that which will tend to build up the. community and promote the general prosperity. Salt Lake Telegram. ACCOMPLISH REPUBLICAN'S EVERYTHING. SOURCE t OP KNOWLEDGE. Politics In Southern Utah seems to President Roosevelt and Judge Parkhave been the best Irrigated crop. er will both know, before the campaign la over, that the other baa been nomi, It was really cruel to throw tha nated. Deseret News. shadow of defeat over the last days of AFTER STOPPING TO THINK. Grandpa Henry Gassaway Davis. If we had only stopped to think of On March 4, 1906. 6,000 red men their common eignifleance we might In the Indian Territory will give up have felt confident from the first that American become tribal rule and a man with Judge Parkers rad hair, clti-ten- s. . square Jews and high cheek-bonwould never prove clay ia anybody's bands. Providence Journal. , es Bee rotary of Stale Hammond I sprung a shock on tbe Republican parly by announcing his gubernatorial rand'idacy so abruptly. It was so THE CHIEF SUFFERERS. . audden. Still another fight between the trusts and the labor unions, while the not believed that tha resump- Innocent, hungry public receives tha tion of killing In the parking plants brunt of the blowe right In Ua tummy. la a material diminution In the ranks of the office seekers. will make One result of the alliance la that the gardens of many Buddhist temples In Japan have die plays of English flowers. o lkietoa Herald. AT LEAST SAFE, SANE, SAGACIOUS Tha Democrats seem to be slowly waking up to tbe fact that they nominated a World editorial for the presidency. New York Mail. When Smith assumed his London coat its skirts fell to bis knees hut far from his body. He looked even more than bis 800 pounds In Its draperies. He realized this with disgust as be stepped Into the hallway to put on his hat before starting out on his round of Sunday afternoon calls. Tbe second of these brought him to the house of a woman whom be saw oftener than any other that winter. He wandered there on week days aa well aa on Sundays, and he was there occasionally In tha evening for dinner or email parties at the theater. So hie mind turned for a second to the little thought that he had never looked fatter In his lire than he did la this particular afternoon In his London coat. When ha entered the drawing room, which was dark except for the faint light that came from a gas log lit to drive out the chill of the early spring sound In tha day, he heard a alight chair behind him. ' He seemed to hear It again as be droppeu Into the large upholstered chair in front of tbe tre. At his back was a silk pillow, that made the roomy rhair even softer. Smith stretched out hla feet aid awaited the arrival f the hostess. 11a could scarcely hear a soft algh that seemed to come from behind him in the room. He turned to look, but aa nobody waa in sight he derided that the noise must have been reused by the crush of his weight on tha pillow as he settled in the chair. I waa mistaken, sir," said the butler entering the room with a card In hia hand. I'm sorry, but Mrs. Jones Is not at home. But she Is likely to come In, sir, at any minute now." Smith said he would wait. And you haven't seen the dog, elr." said the butler. Mrs. Jones's little dog. I can't find him high or low. Smith said he had not seen tlie animal, and the butler cessed to peer nnder tbe chairs and tables. Smith spoke with indifference, as the animal was his particular aversion. He did not care Jf !t was never sc-'- again, lie rose after a few minutes from the chair to examine a photograph on the other side of tbe room. The pillow against, which he had been leaning fell forward. He looked back and a ghastly sight met his eyes. Lying on his back, four diminutive pawn ia the air, was the dog the butler had lieen seeking. Smith stared at tha orpw with a certa.n atisfariloa mingled with horror as he thought shat the feelings of the dog's owner toward him would be. It waa plain that the body must be removed before Mrs. Jones returned. Whatever tier emotions toward him might be when she knew. It was certain thal they would lie intensified by the eight of the remains. A plan of action quickly formed Itself in bis mind The former owner of the dog need not only be spared tbe eight of him, but there was no good reason why she should know that the creature had met his end under Smith's 200 pounds. To take the remains out of the bouse would solve both problems of this tragedy. Smith put his hand ou the spot In which he supposed the heart of the animal muxt reside. There waa no movement His life had passed away la the algh that Smith had heard. But It was only tbe trouble of getting rid of him that worried Smith. Small as he was, the dog would attract attention. Tbe sight of a gentleman carrying a dead toy terrier oh a Sunday afternoon was certain to attract attention, however small the dog waa. As this difficulty clogged the progress of Smith's plans, be caught a view of himself In a mirror. The sight drove the thought of the dog out of his mind. It seemed be bad never looked fatter. Certainly this new frock coat was too n the Kearns supporters have not refuted the charge of tbe senator's As yet connection with tho reservation graft, made by the Vernal Express. JUST FOR FUN Little Elmer Papa, what la a Shy-locBecause of bia alienee. It Is IntimatProt Broadhaad A Shykvk, my eon. ed that former State Senator Owen Is a man wlio Is called so by the people Smoot, of Provo, la aiding as umpire i to whom he lends money, be In tbe imbroglio. IT JARS' HIM. siecte them to pay it back. Town While the production of beet sugar Topics. "It depends on whose ox le gored," derressotl about 13 per rent durhas ia an old snying, but a true one. Yon can't take two from two and ing Ihe last two years, or from 6.760,-00- leave one, you know. Councilman Davidson about two metric tons to 6.900.000 metric No," replied the South - Dakota weeks ago laid off Bam Fenstermaker, teas, thal of cane sugar has IncreasJudge, "hut I've often taken one from a Republican; who run a sprinkling ed during the Mime period from ton to 4.4:!7.80 metric one end left two." Chicago Record-Heral- d. metric wsgoa in the Fourth ward, and replac- tons, or alout 9 per reut. ed him with till Belknap, a DemoDoctor What are yon by profession? crat, for no other reason than that Statistics appear to confirm tho conPatient Oh, gentleman. the latter voted for the Democratic tention of trolley promoters that the Doctor I should try something else ticket. It was done without the con- density of populstkm is directly de- then It doesn't agree with you. New sent of the mayor or city council. pendent upon tbe facilities for cheap Yorker. The Street and rapid transportation. Yet, last night, ia all his Innocence Review adduces some figure Went to merry my daughter, do end purity and with an air of "1 am Railwayon this questkin. According to yon?" hearing holler than thou." he arose and accused this of Yea, elr, responded tbe frightened authority, the last census the mayor with doing Just, that of Glasgow, 1901, shows that there were young man. but she's as much to which he, himself, was guilty. Oh, then 91.300 persona, or 12 per cent blame for it as I am.M Chlcago-Trtb-un- e. thod foolish elf. Out of thine own of the total population, Inliving from one room, three to twelve persons mouth dost thou convict thyself." and 194.600 persons, or 26 per cent, 1I1S FIRST EXPERIENCE. But, it seems that Max Davidson's living three to twelve in two rooms. After being rejected by all the other brother-in-law- . Bail to as condition the this appears Republican in town, that young lawyer, as a Rudolph shows an i i: intense Im- girle last resort, has begun to pay court to Kuchler, who bolted the Republican American. It conditions ten over years Miss Oldish. nominee last fall and nOw Is Senator provement ago when the proportions were IS Well. 1 ran say this for hjm, fta Kearns' mauager, lias been bard hit and 47 per cent, reiectivcly. In other the only court of last resort he's had lately through the exposure of his spy word the density of population now anything to do with elm beginning cent less Is was than "0 It per fully la the Weber county camp and the practice!" New Orleans ten years ago. saintly and pure Max was prevailed on to spring tbe sensation In the city APPLICABLE TO OGDEN. TOO. Hiram Marla, this paper says the council, but It failed and. when Davretired In confusion. idson's motion could uut even get a The Salt Lake Tribune finds it neces- Russians Marla Does It say how they slept? a to screed second, tbe council adjourned with sary embody against Pennsylvania runch Bow, tha horse langh on the Democratic knockers" In rhyme in a recent issue. advice tendered applies T)te Kearns support in tbe Ogden equally to some In Ogden. Nut only English tourist I suppose there is a white liatldsun, ai n sheet, does It apply to those knocking" the great deal of work attached to the tad trembling from head to foot, stood Improvements made ly the present presidency of this country. hut also to the politiAmerican There is when you are gating into blank space as the council administration, cal knocker'- - who home looking for renomlnat ion. Town Top adjourned- - and thus fails Senator men and borne interests swap'' for lea. Kearns' second sensation engineered The vrrses are as follows; alien gold. by Democrats and bolting Republi- KNOCK TUB KNOCKERS Postmaster Yes, sir, an that marGOOD cans. Next. AND HARD, ried Mrs. French was watching me with one eye an flirting with Zeke (mm SHEEP OF THE WORLD. Crosabys hired man with the other. Of all tbe pests that plague a town Farmer Ryetop Do tell! I swan, Sure knocker" are the worst : The wool aunufecturers ere now When others build, these scrubs throw these post office scandals are getting worse every dsy. Philadelphia Telecage for more wool and arc disputed down. graph. to advance prices to encourage shetp And Hie by them la cur.d. tie Then, I on the la citizens, as all your guard, breeding be sheep states, Do you know about the And knock the knockers breeding countries hare to greatly g'd and haul Mormons, Tommy!anything asked Ilia teacher tbelr flocks at sheep as lu be You lesm. replied the Imy. With the want to see your city grow. Mormons a wits u sometimes isins. now thurl of the supply of wnul Its eeterpribe expand, t'hicHgO Porf. k? bet-am- King-Itoylanc- o 0 2 I'ra-er-e- r-a Tlmes-Demo-cr- at. Hour of at His Wedding. . HAVE The Tertns of Sale Are Positively A Coat That PRESS BEE IS SINGING. Poly-tlc- 1st Will be renumbered But In national affaire there Isnt really much else to talk about Emery Coun-l- y Progress. It seems even Republican gold oan make a Democrat speak. Angto-Jupanea- TRUNK Are you a man of gentle mood, Who 'mong the knockers fell. And soon the lying, slanderous brood Made life a deadly hell? Your faith ia man is sadly jarred? Well, knock tbe knockers good and hard. Democrats are being unfairly criticised for devoting so much discussion to wbat the Republicans have done. It GALLAGHER'S iwrsifioa an open rate of For above Or introduce a novel brand. Or start a little siure. Then don't "stay ia your oan back yard, But fight the knockers good and bard. tier-man- -- 20, 1001. lu for the Increasing markets of the world. The English Live Stock Journal gives thia view of the situation. , If the price of wool should continue to keep up and tint advance in the quotations 'for sheep at the markets also continue, there may be some compensation for the disappointments of the season. It may be that if these two circumstances should be maintained and enhanced, the numbers of sheep that expansion will again display which la so greatly to be desired. It is a curious fact that throughout Europe there has recently been a decline la the number of sheep with 63 per cert decrease, Belgium with 61, Austria with 18, Norway with 43, France with 3ti, Sweden with IS. and Holland with 17. With these large declines, the loss of 6 per cent in Ureal Britain Is comparatively mod erale. The causes of the abandonment of sheep breeding in Europe are evident, difficult to discover. It Is however, that these variations are due to somewhat similar influences all over. The cheapness of wool received from abroad, and the huger outside contribution to the wool supply, hava the with do bad soiiacthiug to mutwool and both Where change. ton can be produced in distant countries at a less outlay, which practical ly abrogates tha natural advantage due to proximity to market. It is onlj should to be expected that prices fall; unless, as regards wool, fashion should change in fnvor of clasues that can lie grown at boms. Tbs question Is largely an economical one, and If low (viced land and other advantages enable the colonist and foreigner to place their goods at a lower rale on Ute markets, It le impossible to sucClicessfully combat such Influences. itmakes that a le factor mate, also, self felt though the enormous losses in recent years in the colonial flocks show that agricult urisle there are no more exempt from anxiety than are our own farmers. Whether tha competition can be maintained is a problem that can only be solved by time; but there are Indies lions that the game of cheapness of production is one that the cannot be played forever, and in the regions of population growtb that have formerly bad large surplus for export will, in Itself, tend to bring about start ling changes In a future thal ts.perhaps.not so remote as sometimes appears. . JULY full. But the skirt, unbecoming as It was. that toy terrier. He thought with a burst of gratitude of that tailor whom only a short time before he had held ia anathema. He picked tip the diminutive corpse, bold It uudrr his coat with one hand and with the other put on hls bat and hurthe house, escaping tbe noriedly tice of the butler. "How king will I have to carry this be asked himself. thing around? Ought 1 lake ft to the Morgue or the dog pound? Forrnne favored him. the street was empty. Half way down the block stood an ash barrel, opportunely covered with a newspaper, into that dropped fhe deceased pet. The paper seemed to shield him from the vulgar gaze. Smith breathed a sigh of relief. Flushed with the thought of bis success in coming out of the predicament, he ifcriiiH to turn bark and finish the tall, lhil he was prudent enough. would cover up even In the hour of victory, to walk around the block. "I stepped out for a few minutes," he explained to the surprised butler, la Mrs. Jones back?" She was, and looking for the missing pet. So were the butler, the 9econd man, the maids and even the cook. He always comes to meet ne at the door, said Mr. Jones, who by this time waa almost In tears, "and now w cant find a trace of him." Smith was silent The search fin-- 1 ally ended. It waa derided to advertise for the animal, and after composing a few well chosen words. Smith promised to take them to a newspaper. Hla call ended pleasantly, although It had begun in tragedy. .No trace of the animal was, of course, found. Mrs. Jones was reconciled finally to her lose when aha acquired Mr. Smith as her permanent possession, and tbe bridegroom although not sent imental as a rule, wore at the wedding the frock coat that had done him such a service, even though It did still make him look stout. Ladies Keep Your Watch In Sight! Make your do double service, by hanging It on one f time-piec-e New Watch Pins pretty ornament, as well as keeping the time in eight New designs and stone set pins are her from $13)0 up to $3&ML Less chance of losing your watch, worn in this manner, as you are always conscious of It on your waist It will prove a J. S. LEWIS & CO., Jewelers. 30C IOC AS A MATTER OP PUBLIC Vacation Sale Interest and Information ae to Train Service to Eeopua, tho Home of the Democratic Presidential Nominee. To Close out All.Our Summer Eeopua is on the River Division of tbe West Shore Railroad, slxty-on- e miles from Albany, and all the great through trains over the New York Central make connection with West Shore trains at Albany for Eeopua. And in addition to West Shore local trains stopping at that point it baa been arranged to stop all through trains to land or pick up passengers. Clothing A man or boy can DRESS UP bow from hat to hone very little expense. Anything from underwear. at , PRICES MELTED Casa. Melghaa. Laura M. Kelghaa. THE MEIGHAN ABSTRACT COMPANY. 2408 Wash. Are. Telephone 62-Y- . Itemize what you need. yon a bargain. Give us the list and we'll give Outing Suita, Coat and trousers from $5 to $12.00. Negligee shirt German, French, English, American patterns. All prices. Every time yon want CLOTHING remember Does Putnam Clothing House 2345 When death is chilling the blood and Washington Avenue Cooling And Healthful Just the thing for extremely hot weather, when the system needs a cleansing and strengthening tonic, the stilling pulsef does it pay to know that it' will IDAN-H- be financially well Keeps you well, by allaying internal fevers, and aiding the process of digestion. The ideal table water. Makes delicious drinks. with our living HERRICK A WATER . F. J. KIESCL ldved ones? JOHN L. UTHA 6 CO.,- - Distributors s&t u. G G Rcbcrj, x r STATE MANAGER Des Moines Life CENTRAL HOTEL AND BAR Insurance Co. BASEMENT REED HOTEL. 0 Under New Management 'Phone 135-- k j |