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Show -a- OGDEN - THE vMORXIN'O EXAMINES. BREVITIES OPERA numbered es being with Katie Putman in The Old Lime Kiln, several years ago. Dacey and Chase are good art. Henry De in i heir high Greau and wife present an amusing sketch. Little Kosaciia. the child ts a clever liule performer. reThe Misses Hayes and Gordon their laughable making a hit in sketch. The Actress and the Maid. Toni lleffron, the remarkable dancer with bis wonderful crutch, dues an unequaled dance act and high kicking, vbirto is clever. J. S.'iaw the baritone. Las a strong and rich voice. auu-hreii- Mr. li. Hand and daughter a:e in the city trom mine. C. .visiting OLIVETTE James Nelson, the popular young a Salt Lake visitor this jeweler, week. H. E. Dunn, the popular pauengw penl of the Short Line, was au visitor yesterday. ' GIVEN ui Ug-ie- a OGDEN, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SCALE JUNE 15, 104. defendant in a eult filed today in the circuit court, by Pal Sheedy, a well known sporting man to recover $30.-0ob an alleged promissory note, which he aver Kerens gave to a man named Arthur Pierce, now dead, at cutA dispute at the Dcnaby-tai- a Oat cud. Belgium, July 3U, loo. Jo u Males, has resulted la a his petition Rbeedy elates that tha leries, of nearly l.uou men. note came imo his possession "In tha lock-ousual' course of biudnesa. New York City bricklayers receive of Kerens admitted the genuine the note, hut declares the paper was 65 cents an hour, carpenters uii centa, and painters 50 cent DISPUTE n been able to bnng ab0mV,x taw wages of 65 pm ment now condit ions generT and Ifnded to the n to? Tha' ut one-legge- Masters of Lake Boats Will DICK WILL Take Owners' Wage. Columbus, Ohio, June !1. The Recentral committee met publican here today and selected an executive commitiee of 48 members, of which Senator Charles W. Dirk is chairman and John R. Malloy secretary- - Tide is the second year that Dick will have entire control or the campaign. the executive committee being bis advisory body. Clmwood park has an exceptionally la bill which being strong given this week. The program ia as Mae U Beno beautifully follows: renders an illustrated aong, Down MaWhere the Swanee River Flows. bel Is and Irving, refined comedy sketch artists, are clever In their act. Baby Marou does a neat ragtime song and dance stunt. The Wonderful De Moin-ioking and queen of the Seven Silver Circles Encircling their bodies with rings of such small dlmenalous, have n remarkable act. The five I.a Kcnoe present a laughable farce comedy, which la greatly enjoyed. The lauirelles. Otis and Jeanette, are very good In their "Le Ciel act. Rusu tionay outbreak Formation of unions among women will bo encouraged ia lows. During the post year iese organizations increased more than lot) per cent. CAMPAIGN. MANAGE rVswarj' uC ijfe day aome a.ooo la a total membership of tu Tied J. Birger, one of t he Statistics collected in Germany of Salt Lake, is liquor Six Week' Strike Hat Bean Moat Sahave shown that 28 per cent of the Factory legislsthn, iBd in il'o city. th. vers One in Recent An Excellent Muelcal accidents caused by machinery usod lice system Program la . Yea-aGiveh fur industrial purposes, such as man- at tbhand of by Willard Weipe, Bquira 1 ies Francis Gorman will leave this Coop and Hagbort Anderson. ufacturing, were uue to the delects iu pan. morning for Speucei, Idaho, to epend the machines and to lack of proper from twelvV sixteen hTx, he rummer. A large and appreciative audience wages are small safeguard to country. In j.pn J. A. Petznld. Giand Page of the was present last night at the Grand weeka aix 14. After Cleveland, June electrical workers over females employed IDENTIFY HIM YET. THEY'LL (Tenn Memphis ) v.SL lira ml Council of the Cnited Commei-ria- l Opera house at the rendition of the tie-uha mat p on the Great of are out. They quit work when the dustriea Ja 8 per wnt. b Trarelera. leavra this morning for opera, Olivette," by the tugn bebooj involved a couple of ihouHaml men The program was ar14. George W. Hendbosses refused to sign the new wags Juno Omaha. Burlington. Iowa, where he will enter Opera company. hundred and indirectly more than a The International been scale. The men ask tor aa advance of ranged ia two parts, the fust being a have to was ricks. .'lie employ of Chittenden A EaNlman who thought thousand men, who have been Idle Glenwood 6u cents a day, making their wage union, having formally jSrpfcl at killed robber the traiu Furniture rompnny, one of the largest musical one, in which the principals was and of Its existence, a cessation Jurisdiction over the houses of it a kind in the United were Willard Weiba, Squire Coop,Paria-fColo., is In Jail ia thia city, scale $3.5u fur eight hour brought to the strike tonigiil by the Springs. branch of the printing under a penitentiary sentence for forgStates. Several years in the furniture Hagberi Anderson. Wagnera . with who acof masters, surrender Mr. the was rendered by tleiha, The Northern Pacific management understood that the imt?'11 and upholstering business in thia city ing express money orders. He was ara for oul been have Mr. elite's Mr. holding the s Coop. pilots rested May 28th, and on trial pleaded at Livingston, Moat, has shout deend Salt lke has made Julius a val- companied by beautiful union aeiectlon was & A. R. STATE ENCAMPMENT AT more uniform scale of wages. It ia rendition of the cided to inaugurate a change In the charter direct from the AmrrJre uable man in that liae. guilty. asso21. rePARK JUNE the CITY, understood that his end f magnificent and inspiring ermtiou of Labor. number of hours constituting a wok ciation will be goiten under way with WANT TO COME TO CALIFORNIA. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Marble of Cher markably clever and artistic work hass . constiton hours Heretofore day. Pacific. Union vin train Special in a few days. won for him unlimited praise and The machine industry enue are Ogden visitor. tuted a days work and this is to be The strike has been the moal costly as the foremost violinist in the Leaves Ogden at 7:30 a. m. 14. The Hawaiian was never in worse June Honolulu. wndiiiL Cm. nine. to changed Fare fl.60 round trip. ia in wages and time lost and stagnation M. J. Gorier of Malad, Idaho, la in elate. The violin, under hta touch, puba newspaper, Two present. Japanese Shinpo, resWarol?,, recent to business that has occurred in almost human and the strains of mellished here, says there are 3,500 JapIhe city. International Longshoremen, Marine the decline: First, the E years. ody command the utmost sUence of an .l'1 anese in the islands who want to go. and Transport Workers association ston in Industrial life all the after aeconda several for audience to California, but that they are unable will hold its thirteenth annual conven- plre, and, second, the Bdgar Carter la up from Mllburu, last note la Bounded. A storm of apto secure paaaage mi tbs regular lin- tion at Milwaukee, Wis., beginning in th. ure or g., I'tah. wee Mr. it and Welhe plause greeted ers to the coast. They are trying to July 11. Over 1UU new locals have turbines within the last more two to him render for fcwj W. Tl. Gourlay, proprietor of the necessary charter a steamer in Ban Francisco been added during the past year. Anderson's Mr. liagbert to come down here and get them. The Pennsylvania Bute FedetiB Tnique theatre and Utahns park in selections. the On." from Salt lake City, and Utahna park in beautiful solo, "Slumberrendered In hie Twenty-sevehundred actors are of Labor is now Fortune Teller," was Mamain of Division Dgden, is in The city. Superintendent said be of to NOTES out TELEGRAPH was work, due largely to thrnclto than in the Mituisf same efficient manner which the Idaho division of the Oregon Short on buildings which have pre- fields, and has affiliated withtt ,k2 strikes with applause. prolonged greeted Geo. Thomas, traveling auditor for 200,000 men. returned to Idaho alter mak- Ovar $5,000 Art Taken by Members of The work of Mr. Coop, as accomp- lJue,a has Honolulu, June 14. Samuel Parker vented needed .repairs on theaters Ihe Singer Manufacturing company of abort tour of tha auutUern part ing which are now closed. Gang Who Hava Made $8,000 dele in of the director is who Gov. anist and to opera, cabled has Carter, of the road. In Past Month. Jienvrr, la in the city on busines The organization of tha i- the United States, to attend the Reserving of unlimited praise and credit Union Label league haa In manmost fecivilized countries to the le due success E. E. of assistant the his is and national the opera Calvin, general convention, publican The trout law vai out last night at Butte, Junql4. A Miner special from proxy male population, on account of unfav- fected at 8L Joseph, Mo. TheowJT who drilled tne cast and ager of the Oregon Short Une, passed as 'national committeeman. J3 o'clock, and the enthusiastic an- Mr. Coop, of east miles form orable economic conditions, has to ! league whose membSS!: chorus In an excellent manner. through Ogden last evening on an offi- Pipe Stone Springs, fifty Burk-harglers were el) on the ground at that of the high school cial trip to northern points on the road. Bulls nays that the aafe of Ihe this members The New York, June 14. The obligations contribute in a large degrecT to the will include the mothers, wIwTt? at linea to the raat their hour, ready hotel was dynamited early ciaaa'and of tne school of A. N. Weatorvrlt whose suspension support of the families. In Italy the daughters of union labor me A rumor la current that the SouthAlthough graduating Stroks of the midnight-bellmorning and over $2.71)0 belonging to was announced yesterday on the Con- percentage is 40 and ia Austria 47. and standard usual ling the women to their to were up adcont-.the i, J. to n It, little Jt Is expecta plates early the hotel management and guests was solidated exchange, were today paid in manner that ern Pacific company a in out their vnnring tha interest carried of orzaeC parts or flsh that got away" Is the "big at and stories ditional says Sparks, bandita. Improvements secured Jewelry labor. exby 'The Builders and Traders' Exchange full in the clearing house of tne great credit to our leading operatic the Journal. One ia to he a car shop Will be along soon. i watches were not molested. There le performers. change so that he now stands in full of Columbus, O., has decided to make 9(iu fret long and 800 feet wlda and fitrobbers. clew to the no Is the cast of ebaraetr an counThe the At a following open of fight against the city membership. Stable meeting and isk Mine Jennie Hughes has returned ted up to build can similar to any now Advices from Laurel, Mont., 260 miles cil and city officials to enjoin dlscrim- - flags Owners association at 8u IsL in use on the system. In this event the eaat of thla city, iell of a aafe robbery visit with friends era: , from n t Eman14. Woolley MemIn men. Victor nation union favor Rome. of Ralph cisco. June Marvejnl King Cal., the members inii JL will be employed at that place In which about $2,500 were and relatives at her old home, Span- Valentina Howard Greeawel) number iff men who handed to the British ambas- bars of the union say that they will for the open shop, it was anted ttS ish Fork. at title place will reach taken. Sara crackers' are believed to uel hasand Zeddle Evans by the company his Duke Des If minister court Brazilian of to Ihe last the carry it well-knoappeal many horses have been sent to railroad man con- lie members of a gang which cracked sador Graham Cross 2.500. A rumor. in order tc secure a decision that will lure and thst carriages will ha iu is understood that safes of the Bllllnge laundry and lum- derision as arbitrator between Great firms this It Elka excursion to Provo, June 15th. Coquellcol kxu fronDoyle De Merrlmsc Ashby Britain and Brazil in tbs Guinea settle the question forever. up until the trouble la settled iotZ SacramenThe Rio Grande leaves Ogden at a. Cept. ber company during the month, getting tier Van Fatten the report ia also current at Irvin Mount satisfaction Ique of owner question. the commerre of m. Fare, $3.40 for round trip. Salt over $8,000 In cash and diamonds. Alice Flowers to and that the chamber Cincinnati, O., Employers' AssociaLake Elks will Join tboae from Ogdon. Olivette Welt ha Relnap at that place has endeavored to use its Countess New York, June 14. U. H. Hackett tion will amalgamate into one organthe to have Influence Striking woodworkers of company change n.. Everybody invited. Frances Joyce Veloutine Tha latter will aggregate en. Conn., have returned Nsv and Rolit. Leroy won the double cham- isation. to voit. its plana BTC. PEASANTS, BAILORS, in here the is metropolifor and formed 5,000 the members, today pionship Their demand for increased CUMMINGS COMMISSION CC. tan lawn tennia tournament, defeating purpose of putting a slop to boycotts will bs submitted to a board uZ Argument. In the first act of "OlivBROKERS. METHODI8T CHOIR, BALT AIR, of Ihe people of the village of Performer the ette, strike champions snd t ration. JUNE 17TH, Continuone quotntlona on Mew York pignan are excited over the approachR. and B. Alexander F. of Princeton, Via Oregon Short Lino. Stocks and Chicago Grain. We buy ing marriage of the Seneschal's only 4, D. Little, ia three easy sets, Six hundred Providence, R. I., maSpecial train 9 n. m. Fare $1.25 The mscantils agencies report tku gad aell Blocks and grain on margin daughter, Ullvett with an old sea chinists have been laid off, snd workor Air cash. Our private rooms en- captain De Merrlmac. The young lady round trip. wages of 8110,000 industrial en plots Are ExonOffice of others reduced time in Patent ing Examiners onenrixth, have been reduced 10 per ettL'v able our enstomere to come in and has just arrived from a convent, where Manchester, England, June 14. A owing to dull business condition erated from Chargee Made by Elks excursion to Provo, June 15th. more and preparations are nakfaw a 'transact business (wlth the ulmoat she has fsllen in love with a young the of of mass representatives Inventor. meeting Great' The Rio Grande train leaves Ogden at , effect a similar reduction wllk row secrecy. resoa offleer, Valentine, nephew of De hers cotton trade The adopted American Glass today ManufacFlint Fare $3.40 for round trip. Salt to 300.000 others in various linn n v Write for our Bonk of Information of The young Countess of Housii-lo- n g a. m.Elks the continuance matter of favor in 14. lution the turers In association have announced a about will Join those from Ogden.. Washington, June July J. Prospects fam Ns (System of Speculation'), free upon has, however, fallen In kive her- lake of charges of Tltumaa A. Edison the short rale until the first of the reduction in prices of their products reductions . with regard to xtlll m application. 2483 Washington. self with the young Soldier, and cornea Everybody invited. . to As the employes work the two examiners in the patent year. trade. against Tha twk a to Perpignan to See him. In the house on a sliding scale, this means a reduc- thousands of other the grant of with connection office in characterized by further nlactom of the Seneschal the Countess has her June an electrical tion 14(Noon.) of for Pekin, in engine about $1 letters per wagepatent day industrially, and by spreading ioJoi solitude invaded by Valentine, who bethe province of Szechuen, is by Earnest W. Jungner, the secretary of viceroy of to on the part of manufacturer! has lieves he le climbing the balcony of an opinion arranging open a medical school The has trades unions in New interior approved building the Olivette. Meanwhile the uncte, whose Thirty stu- Hampshire are trying to have it de- lo reduction of cost of product! rendered by as lit ant Attorney Gen. with French instructor The following are the arrivals for ult does not prosper with Olivette, have termined that nil public buildings in Chinese from the troops dents Campbell. Geo. writes the Countess a letter demanding hours: Ihe last twenty-fou- r holds that nothing been designated to receive medical In- the state shall be constructed by union The opinion conB. N. Valentine Parnell, Thomas, Denver; tha young lady's baud. in Mr. Edison's petition lhaf In- struction. returning eventually to their labor exclusively. C. R. Broughton, Ogden; M. J. trive! to pass himself off for the real Merchant Nurses Unelo Till Death and shown We wire houses and wire cause for the exercise of su- resiiective regiment volves any D. H. Jones, J)a Merrlmac. and accordingly marries iirkMt, New York; When Complications Arise in Esthe hands of the at them fine authority pervisory The Hertof Workingmens club, Dinahs: W. I). Burgees, Rochester; Olivette at the request of the Countess,' e Farmington. Me., June 14. Mrs. Hel- ford, Conn., tate, He Attempts to Kill secretary and for that reason the tec-rmakes a It feature io U. J. Gorley, Malnd, Ida.; J. kl. GoodWith the best ol give deand whose Coffin en Himself. Bendy, ability t ary la advised that the commissioner receptions to capitalists aa well as to win. Denver; K. O. Bains, New York; Women of Woodcraft. Ogden Circle own dis- votion to temperance work was recoghis to left ahouldTie the Electrical line. in of patents I. P. Iladley, New York; F. M. Car-de551. dame at luter Park pavilion, M. cretion in dealing with thla matter. New York. June 14. Samil nised a year ago by her appointment labor leader DaThe 17th. Gordon. Short's Grain June Chicago; Burbank of Arizona, a retired merFriday evening, The transfer of the examiners from as a national organiser of the National llas. Ore.: Dr. Gordon, city; The headquarters of the American DONT FORGET THE PI ACE Edgar Orchestra, all pieces. W. C. T. U., and who wan president chant, attempted to kill himaclf to- one division to npother la recommendE. 1). Manuel, Tarter,' MUburn, Utah; Flint GIshs Workers Association are day by cutting his throat in a law ed by Acting Commissioner Moore of of tho National Dorothea Dix aaasocia-tioto be removed to Toledo, O., the asThicago; N. L. 8 wart wood and wife, an In of ofiiee. opa ia aa result office. now LITE MEN a the He died PERMITS today prisoner BUIUIHC the patent Balt lake; Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Stan-- . sociation which has 5.700 members, , with attempted suieration performed last winter. "Incotnpetency, Mr. Edison snspital, charged charged Ion. Auburn, N, Y.; W. T. Caryl, New has so decided by a referendum vote Hava Baan Issued for Stores cide. neglect of duly and mil administration and Pittsburg COMMERCIAL EECIilC CO. York; A. N. Marble and wife, Chey- Savaral Mr. Burbank is 55 years old and a of office hi connection with tne grant Ran Francisco, June 14. The mana- In which Allegheny, and Residences. enne; K. T. Dtiffny. Cheyenne; Dr. F. Ernest W. gers of the Yoeemlta At li Idle club, be- were considered. hrot her of Caleb A. Burbank, the i to Htatca patent United of I'., rarhe. cut-ofJ. P. Iratt, Salt aid nary legatee of thn lute Ambrose for reversible galvanic hal-ta- fore which Jeffries and Munroe are to STEVENS Building permit a have been Issued Brackett Burbank, n millionaire, who Jungner, lake. Dock laborers have been more sucdated Bcpi. 8. 1903." 788.110, No. fight on June 30, declare that there will to the billowing people: Jonathan R, died on June IT MANAGER. three he no fort hrir postponement. Unless cessful in bettering their conditions several for with the chargee connection last, In apd Women of Woodcraft. Ogden Circle Brown for two residences, brick and months tip to the time of his denth Mr. Edison complained or I he declar- Jeffries la In condition by that time he than workmen in any other line. In 827V Wash, avanus.. Foughn 514 X, street and was corner Twenty-thir511. dance at lasier Park nursed by Hamttnl ' M. Burbank. ation of an interference lirlweeji one mum lose his forfeit of $3,500, and the pavilion, stone, Bhort'a Idnrolu avenue, cost $3,506; Thomas It Is believed Bsmm-- M. Iturbank's of his applications and the parent Friday evening. June 17th. Wig of champion. y cot frame a for Williams and asserted Hist mind ass affected through bis done of Orchestra, aix pieces. Jungner be.on second street, take, Twenty New York, June 14 Although the rare of Ilia and for some time Ihe declaration of thla interference was tween Wall and Unrein, coat $7ito; his brother uncle, outan such and assists In showing that sellers of the famous "Peacock Room," has feared. PRETTY JUKE WEDDIHC improper Charlotte E. Driver, for a He of the late artist James Whistler retort come an that of today. the examiners were Ineomiietaut. business block on Twenty-flf- i h street 11 him to divulge the name of the American that from deprived is Mr. Burbank complained Minnehaha, further Were Preminsnt Ogden Yeung People between Wall and Lincoln, coat $8.(Mm; Ariz. There was of the opportunity of showing that purchaser, it has been 1 earned accordpending In the y ' hrlrk Married Last Evening. Samuel Vanford for n show Jungner'a Invention was Inoperative, to an order DONT MISS ANYTHING court ing to tbs lamdon correspondent of tbs today cottage on Ogden avenue, cost $40): ratine why Caleb A. Burbank should The findings of Acting Commissioner Herald, that fas la Charles K Freer, of Life is too short to worry along One of the prettiest June weddings Rudolph Van Dyke for a not an alleged second will Moore were alwolntely no evident of Detroit, Mich.. Reports that the Gainst, with Imperfect . missing of the season took place last evening brick and stone dwelling, on Wash- thst produce would not have made him the malfeasance or Intentional wrong do- borough portrait, sold last Saturday for some the best of things K. Mr. Mrs. J. and Fifteenth and at the home of to Tzmdon ington avenue, between the examiners. Its from sent the Samof nor on Ihe have $3.5in.wtH gi f,i We guarantee to fit your eyes perpari residuary legatee, ing when (Sixteenth street, cost $7WI. Brown on Jeffereon avenue, United Stales were denied. uel M. Burlwiik $35,000, Coiiusd for fectly and give yon a'fmme which Miss Wilhnlmina C. Krause and Mr. ihe contestants had asked whrihr will greatly improve your appearance, CROr CONDITIONS. Women of Woodcraft. Ogden Circle Samuel M. Burbank as the rontdant Frank C. Kimball were Joined in wedThe Dyspeptic- - From what you any, rather than make you resemble your lock. Park pavilion, The parlors were beautifully 581. dame at I eat any-mustn't seems that or the testator, might kudo doctor, it grandmother. Washington. June 14. The weather Short's companion about decorated in antleipation of the event Friday evening. June 17th. a later will. Whether bureaus weekly summary of rrop con thing. Come to us when you decide to wear something six which occurred at. 5 o'clock. pieces. sure must Orchestra, be The Doctor And yon this has ever reached the cars of Sain-lt- diiions saye: glasse The bride was attended by Mina M. Burbank and had an effect oil In live central and western gulf lo chew i! well.New Yorker. Elizabeth DcLong and the groom liy FUNERAL OF WM. E. STORE bis attempt to take lit life J. S. LEWIS & CO. pretoday, nr slates', favorable temperatures bis brother. Mr. Arthur Klinhall nf Pedestrian Yen acted aa if you whether the attempt was made solely vailed during ihe week ending June Jewelers Mont. and . Opticians. Anaconda, Afternoon because his mind was temporarily un- j:!tb, but elsewhere east of the Rocky wanted the earth. Will Be Held Thursday About twculy-flvof the most intino: die Oh. Autoniohlliet you ns keep a result nf the long siege mountains mid on Ihe north Pacific balanced from the Mount Fort Meetmate friends of the young people were roads. of nursing hta nncle la not known. coast complaint a of heal, are quite sidewalks and we'll lake Ibe in attendance. ing House. Journal. north-crlIndianapolis while heard. generallv The crrrnionv was performed by winds have caused further in The funeral services over the reKcv. E. J. Ridings. There are st present about fifty Jury to nearly all crops In California. A pretty and iisinty lunch was serv-rd- , mains of Wm. 8. Stone, will be held Frosts on the tlth. In the middle and strikes of machinists throughout the after which the bride and groom Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the replateau districts and In eastern pop country some caused by attemptsr of departed tc spend their honey muon in Mound Fort Meeting house. The Washington employers to return to the Hons of Oregon and New England, where the parents ol mains may be viewed at Larkin and day, others by orders lo resist reducafterinjurious. this proved Sons undertaking parlors both contracting parties live. and central tions in wage and many were devalleys the on 3 and S m.. nntll Throughout noon. from p. The bride hae been one of the most made has corn on account of refusal of memstates clared Atlautfc 674 middle No. Twelfth the home. at Hearst and Parker Men Will Have at. tiie Sia.v Thursday, able and popular Neand Kansas the craft to sign individual in 1 bers of and m. slow 10 a. m. until growth, p. street from School for the Deaf in this city durHot Fight in Arkansas Convention. braska much of the crop ia 1111 contracts which require that they ing the past two years and the groom ia In an improved sever their connection with any orThe G. A. R. commitiee have ren is one of the prominent and llol Springs, Ark.. June 14. The weedy, although it ganization that Joins In a sympathetic reived excursion tickets to Park City, Democratic state convention to nnmin state of cultivation. railroad mi-- of Ogden. strike. Ail A a whole, winter wheat continue After spending souip two months for Tuesday. June 21st, 1904. ate a full state ticket, and select delewill ia Rome tickets to those procure to advance injury wishing favorably. friends in the slid visiting gates to the St. IjOtiIk convention met The information has been given snd east and New England, ihe pair will call uimn Uis committee. 8. L. Ives, today and effected temporary organ reported, however, by fly in Indiana and by overflown in Kansas and har- from a very reliable source, that an t' Ogden and be at home to secretary. lust ion. Gov. Davis controls the conSTRICTLY A TEMPERANCE RESORT ffccir friends at 23 1 Madison avenue vention and he and Senator Clarke arc vest has liccn interrupted bv raina in equalization of the wages of employes of Circle Woodcraft. On Oklahoma. Women In and Ogden Texas is certain departments r being plan to Senaior Berry's election as northern .tugiist ixtu. 5S1 . dame at lister Park pavilion. opposed the Farific coast winter wheat has nod by the United States Steel corEntrancs n 25th street, Opposite Reed Hotel. delegate to St. iaitiis. 17th. Fhori'a In June California, where poration: At the recent meeting of Kiiday evening. The contest for control nf the con- done well except aix pieces. Orchestra, It has suffered from hot winds. In the presidents of the constituents provention by the Hearst and Parker e!t the last named state harvest has meats will be spirited and the nltimal perties and sals agents of the rom-liin- o AMUSEMENTS. with generally light yields. held in New York, the derision of the convention is ta doubt WE WANT of wages was one of the main with the chance Spring wheat cominnra to make strongly favoring The actors brnetH week at the Parker. The selection of a stale ticket satisfactory progress and is in very topics discussed. . . YOUR TRADE Pastime theater ia dtawing very well Is purely routine, as the various ran promising condition. AMON A WHITE perform-anr- e .Presenting the Chappies music to0" this meek and a high-rlai-dldates have already hern named in Nearly all reports respecting oata The Northern Engineinen a associahevt local. iho IhjsI service and ia being put on. Itnh Kenyon is primary election held outlook A LAMBERT for tion. on the northeast coast of EngWEAVER Female Impersonators Ihroiighout the indicate that the present ib lowest prices, in town will in-- i up to his iisual standard with illus- state. The first, fifth and sixth con this rrop is wry promising. land. has sent an application to the Sam Wllsw ILLUSTRATED BONG IIKlllllMIlllflSIll crest you. This is a market where trated songs. The Milton sisters do a grcNsional district convent Ions were for a lo jtcr cent advance employer and your rirdlar buys a good one hunHoward dance ael. Ariel Artiste good snug held today and selected delegates said WOMEN'S GOLF SULLY A PHELPS CHAMPIONSHIP. in wages, showing that, a decided 1m eaoevaaaaeBsaaeaeea dred cents worth and you still have Morris, the whistler, is pleasing. Ruxl-ar- to lie favorable to Parker. act in trade has in. espeprovemeot. Irish Oratom DEHAUS DEVINE a little thangc coming. and Wilson give a very good The other districts have named deleMiiiiHittifiisn New York. June 14. With a find cially in all sections of engineering Mamie entertainment. Norris, gates who are thought personally lo nf twenty contestants, the Womans and Jean Wile fl BALLAD shipbuilding, on the northeast BllY YOUR MEAT contortion'!!, ia very clever, ami her favor Parker. Golf Artists Metropolitan championship was coast. MILLER AND HIGGINS.......,..' Song and Danes The Hearst forces claim they will he ring feat are unexcelled. Sawteile on tli links of the Apawantia and Sears. Ogdens favorite singing ahle to prevent Inslnirtiims. If they do begun P UTAHNA-O-SOOPHERE REGULARLY WJ clnli. near Rye today. E. R. GOURLEYS '...Moving strikers of the ir. K. a. At. Chicago. HI., Iho nine-houand dancing artists. are very good. not capture thq state delegation. who won Maire has this r Jewish championbakers for ihe workour and take advantage of I pr Howard and Campbell execute some ship twice, is again defending the day have relumed to work in the rent dividends. remarkably clever feata on the traPRICE OP ADMISSION. title. .1 shops controlled by the Jewish Bakand the AdUltfl peze ring. IlilMIMll ISSIIS le ers' Association, without winning the Children SOCIETY MANS PROMISSORY etsMtess l Bsesssi strike. At ihe Lyceum theater tbl week, NOTE. hill, to open today. No statement of the .Manager Young has a strong Pod E.WEATHERBY. Eva The woman's labor associaI th Dancing in ths new pavilion each evening except SundayA Thatcher, ibe Irish Lady. hank's condition was obtainable, St. Louis, June 14. Vincent Kerens, tion in largest Dominion the of la Canada inA branch the top liner snd is wry giant In her of the Commercial, 2458 Washington Av. OGDEN. the son of Republican National Commit- Garment Workers Union of tively tha finest floor in the stats. Montreal. terpretaiion of Hie lady from the Em- Peoples' Sating hank al Byeswlle also teeman Kerens, and a r prominent This union is progressing Quebec. emld laic. Miss Thatcher will o ic-- closed if tioor today. man of St. lxiuis, is named j rapidly. well-know- HIGH SCHOOL OPERA COMPANY GIVES SUCCESSFUL RENDITION. I al thfuwfik'?' ni aTroSU, aa E"' Photo-Engraver- lake-camer- a - auc-use- TWO MORE elneT3?S: SAFES ARE DYNAMITED n bTZ dt . rt two-week- EDISONS KICK NOT SUSTAINED inter-collegia- 6-- 3, (-- 6-- Mer-ritns- WORRYING REEDJHOTEL DRIVES TO SUICIDE OK-le- n, THOSE P, STAN. S. rv d I one-etor- one-stor- y . 'a one-stor- one-stor- eye-sigh- in-lif- d e DAVIS HAS TEMPORARY CONTROL ten-hou- well-know- . ie-gun The Week of June 13th s nut-de- J i E A. !! Mil" i sH-ict- it |