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Show OC.DEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1690. TO Tj bat ltd a A j.nmmr tT (.t mil iinrt.pwil , X towfc H 0aA a la grwa set tb kviia wtaAaa. fcanjced if it waasX "Stouter what the"!! say whes sh waket and ixlmegooe. Shell be mad eaoBgfc. Bat itll teach bet that I i BO djuU. But to b thwarted. It isat that I car Both for tbefatrty. I'm tirel and sleepy enuogh to rtay at borne, but Hit arm west ap over his bead, be yawwl fearfully, and said to himself: "l nwt b cartful not to yawa at Mrs, Vaa Horn' ball, and 1 will if I doat hak off tin drowsiness. rr beea kav isg too much alerp of late and" Ii yawited again and again. The paper b had takes ap fell from Li hands, and his arm dropped liaUaaaly at hi POTATO. tfc An twvnm M. avrraaf) wl hctig mf emcrr fcawd to InaUfW a limit i far a thy afaauf Kay, tad a aut la avcA rial ' Tu bi;e to bfc aad pruM Lhjr f ! TJTgs it Outat fiiaatitm A GAME FOR TWO. aide. IhMmi littl ebony and gold clu.k oa tb mantel waa tanking 10 when Mr. Brown yawned and opened ber eye to find ben If lying fully dreawd ua the uf a ia th dark. She rose alowly, groped ber way onateadily to the mantel In the darkness, found a match, lighted the ga and said to herself aa ah did so: "How queer my head feebit Just lik it dot after Tve taken an opiate. Merry t if it iunt 10 o'clock! How could I have Mr. and Mr. Brown wt-- r thua slept o loug? And Gibson? I feel like Thry wttted bo time in uDoigtiifixd and a guilty wretch for doing it, but 1 waa nnproCubl wrangling over their difft-ooe- a determined that be just should not go to of tipimon. lint neitbtMr of them that party, and" "Louiaer yifkkl one jot or tittle to the other "Why, Gibaunr Tbey ainijJy kept uleac on all topic on His voice sounded thick, and he had which they should dutagme. Happily also for them tlMir difference both fiU thrust into his eye and was of opinion vre in regard to the minor rubbing them a ha leaned back in hi thins ot life, and, although it ia the great easy chair. "What time is it, Louiser "little foM that ilt troy the vine," tbir little difference did not dwtroy "After 10, dear." "You've been atJeep all the evening?" thwr worldly happineta, each of them "Yes, have your being bltwud with bnmiant good nat-- nre in spite of the firmness of opinion "I I gueaa so, and why, it's time that made them decline U yield one to for th partyr "It's long past tiui. It would take the other. Mr. Gibaoa Browne was a high yon an hour to drew." Browne sat for a moment staring church Episcopalian, while Mr. Uilwon Browne wai inclined toward Unitarian-inn- , blankly at his wife. She had dropped bnt Mr. Browiie did not become a suddenly into a chair and was staring a Unitarian, nor did Uibaon renonnce his blankly at hint. faith and become an Episcopalian and j "See here, Luniae." , "See here, Gilwon." yet they were happy aa married folks go. Mrs. Browne was decidedly oppoted j "Did you dare to" "Did you dare to" to all operas in which there wax a ballet, while Mr. Browne was fond of a IwJli-- t j "Give me an opiate?" "Give me an opiate?" pnrely becatue of the artistic effect it "Yes, I did." Kave to operatic acenea, and he went to j "So did I." the opera whenever be felt like d( ing so, For a full minute they stared at each and ho did not annoy his wife by telling other, and then both hurst into a ringing her anything aliout it. And when Mr. GiVjty'wihhV"to & laugh. "But don't you dare tell it to anybody, anytlung she feltr'it was perfectly pf'per for her to. even though Gibson did not Gilison." "And don't you breathe a word of it, approve of it, she simply and quietly did Louise." it, and GvMon was none the wi-r-. There weie times when Mr. and Mm, ' "I? Never fear." "I shall keep mum enough about it." Gibson Browne exemplified the old ad- f NevertheloNS I know all alxnit it and aW, "Sllenee is golden." Our morning at the broa.ltf.trt table so do yon. Zenas Dane iu Yankee Blade. Mr. Browne said: Whva a Man Apara a Fool. f 'My dear, don't forget that the Van How foolitth a man appears when he w night" lorns give their party "I remember it," replied Mrs. Browne is arguing with a railroad company without lifting her eyes from her plate, alxmt something that cannot he helped. For instance be has purchased a ticket "What drees shall yon wearf "I am not going," replied Mrs. Browne to, say. New York. He intends to travel at night comfortably in a lower berth calmly. "Not goingT Mr. Browne dropped on a Pullman palace sleeping car. He to the window of the bis knife and fork iu surprise. ( steps jauntily up Pullman office and says, in an offhand "No, I am not" ' way, "Give me a lower berth on the 7:13 "WhynotT for New York." as he lays down a five "I have my reasons, Gibson. Best that they are good ones. And Ti dollar bill "Haven't a berth left, sir." "WhatT It is impossible to describe rather you didn't go either." the awful emphasis with which this "But I think I shall go, my dear." monosyllable is thundered forth, but we Td rather you wouldn't." have all heard it and know how, it "I don't see why I shouldn't go." "Let the fact that I don't wish you to sounds. Then follows a long tirade by the suffuse for this once." For the first time in their married traveler, who cannot understand why lives, Mr. and Mrs. Browne engaged in some one is not to be turned out of the a heatf d dincuNsion. Mrs. Browne firm- berth he has paid for to make room for ly refused to give her reason for remain- the laie comer: why there are not more ing at home, and as firmly inxiNted on lerthx iu a car; why there are not more Mr. Browne remaining with her. There sleepers on the train, and, above all, was, in fact, a good deal of firiuiifwt on why the iniperturlwhle clerk in the ticket office does not hold a conference both sides. Mrs. Browne did not resort to tears; on the instant with the superintendent fche never did. Mr. Browne did not rage of the Pittbnrg division of the railroad and fume and use ungentlomanly lan- to "fii it so that he can get a lierth." guage; he never did; but their voices grew There are experience of this kind for harder and colder every moment, and as the clerks every day, eHpecially during busy season. This is the reason they they roue from the table Mrs. Browne the are not diturled each time the ineviraid decidedly: o man comes foaming up to "You shall not go, Mr. Browne;" to table the window. And then the too-lat- e man which Mr. Browne replied with equal who will not accept the inevitable decision: alwavs looks such a fool. Pittsburg "Indeed I shall go. Mrs. Browne." Bnt he went down town in a more un- Bulletin. comfortable frame of mind than he had Au Academic Joke. ever experienced as a married man. Census Enumerator How many chilNever before had he seen such a look of dren hsve yon? firmness on his wife's face, and he knew Lady Two. Mrs. Browne time this was verv that a by Enumerator What is the age of the determined woman. But he was dog- oldest? gedly determined to resist her opposition. Lady I have no oldest. Ho would go to the party. Enumerator Well, of the youngest "I guess she'll hardly hide my dross then? Knit," he said. "But hanged if I feel Lady I have no youngest. like putting it on and marching off bt- Enumerator What then? Are they fore her very eyes. I'm afraid there'll twims? be trouble if I do. But I shall go. all Lady No. the same, if I I know what I'll do! Enumerator I ask these questions of111 do it, and we'll have a big Yes, sir; and must have a correct answer. ficially laugh over it afterward, although it Before I was married I was a Lady wouldn't be much of a laughing matter school and I .teacher, pupil that if Mrs. Browne knew I intended doing the superlative degreetaught should not be used it. But I'll do it, sure as guns!" in comparing two things. I practice And when Mr. Browne went home to what I taught. My older child is 10 and next , tea the evening there was tucked my younger one 8. Journal of Educaawuy in his vest pocket a little phial tion. a colorless liquid he had jmt Vaccination I r China. the fiurcbttsed at druggist's. The Chinese, who reject scornfully "She often puts a few drops of this in a glass of milk or of water, and takes it nearly every application of western when she can't sleep or when she has a medical science, are, according to the ' toothache," he said, "and it never fails governor of Hong Kong, firm believers to send her right off to sleep. Now I'll in the advantage gained fro vaccinamanage to put a few drops of this in her tion and submit to the ordeal with a She always lies down for cheerfulness and philosophy which are tea a little while after each meal, and she'll characteristic of this wily oriental. Protection by vaccination is especially rebe asleep before ten minutes jid I can dress and be off without those quired in Hong Kong, owing, as Sir keen eyes of her upon" me, and without William Des Voeux points out, to the any disagreeable arguing of the matter, frequency with which smallpox is introduced by steamers coming from all parts for go I will." of the world and to its fatal prevalence Browne found it easy enough to "doctor" the glass of milk his wife always when it has once obtained a footing. drank at the tea table, and according to London her usual custom Mrs. Browne lay down Area of American Cities. on a sofa immediately after tea, and, as Beginning with the largest in size, the Browne had predicted, she was soon fast area of the country's chief cities is this: asleep. "But hanged if I don't feel mean over Chicago, 172J square miles; Philadelphia, it," aaid Browne as he sat in his big easy 129; Washington, 72; St. Louis, 62T; New chair looking at her and picking his teeth Orleans, 60; San Francisco, 42J; New with the gold and pearl toothpick she York. 41; Boston, 87t; Baltimore, 82; Brooklyn, 26 J, and Cincinnati, 24. Travhad given him only three days before. "It waa taking a mean advantage of eler and Hotel Record. Th Mr. toad Mn. Gibaoa Brown, Althocfc Ainonvlj fond of each rtber, fuond er tlat-had Wa moeth navmed thX there vera Tarioo thies aboct they did not mgrte. linadmU of oUmt yoacg named tb unite diitnovery, rorjji Lav MJti aJIdtoaxh it nurpriand and ttbui'ld them tltt-- hare Iwn too iW to allow it to wm k the happiuera of their BiamoJ y kut bk nil k o "J , J f -d too-lat- J I con-tsiui- Tit-Bit- s. FRESH KVHSE GIRLS AND AND FINANCE AIR. Tkr Hare Wriakla fee Untimt rkMr of lb Tb aan giri and babie of New mod all tbeir own of setYork bar ting away from th scorching beat oi th city. Other people may think there is no escape from the stifling air of theii room and the blaet furnace atmosphere of the street except by Bvur or lea exenrtsiona; but th nurae girl and some mother who ar not able to spend the rammer ia the country know better. They know how their pale faced children who are big enough to walk, and their babies, who rid in perambulator, may go for aa outing, perambulator and ail, at the cost of a few pennie only. The np town ferhe f urnith them tb cheapest excursion facihtio oa record. For two or three cent each way they can get on a boat for Jersey City, Weehawken. Long Ldand City or Brooklyn, and enjoy a trip across the waters of the North or Eat rivers, with their constantly changing panoramas of marine scenery, and inhale enough ozone from the breeze that blow up off the aalt water to last them U twenty four hours at luaat. An interesting sight w presented by the small army of excur-ionin- n, liiTU-B- Stw Tubs. Oct. IM anaarwhit of aw Mock ZZ.-- TW that the Twenty-thir- ueaiege a itk pocaa ajaia kria4 tw pirrkaaea. Ttat great liquiiatau Uftt arkiefc Cuatly Living at n A Home fur Writers. Miss Fisher has been instrumental in the establishment of a home iu Brooklyn ' J NT ttE E - It CTORSA'.D BUILDERS. a v .i "" 4 TMt4Adrd sUHrta. COXIR n4 r. a. & Wki t..t At naaauwa. ARROWS i . a. Ur. I ta- bus r ud.faruJd RENT-FRO- at k a. LrvAu GRAzTAaf. -- New earUanre. yuH,-; ueaaaud . Unad. tkixtr-da- Atl bom. ing 1XI teterhbg (aija, j brferk at-- rw.ia aud baifc. oa X wsn-rIa4w Wall annua, twud luratiua f Tor; Mooar. aa elta ew. KsToci.Or.2.-fue?Baercaatii Pruu 144 rvP EFVT.l i bat firs. boauk dull GovarajDrat KENT ruuai tu k I 'J??buti roma ". a fear Xi- - PLtASANT I'fcFl'HSlSHEU A tut Uglit tMiMr.aMng ; 4".i Said COXTRAaORS ASD BUILDERS. Ptaa aaJ spenficatana aad aad tiaut givrai ua apt iruuau t riaitr's iobtau aka rc guaranteed. Ail Uf Kfetrajc and asjon, tint street, brtvan Aiaa ahi Jr eraua aveaaa. Ki Potaia. no. liwu rtagi. (7 iv. s litHa 4T. la. THOMAS. WOOL'S A CO, AR'HITECTS, BUrer. Copper, Load and Tin. FOR SALE. Vra V... rir Rr siUar tl IVmtMW. POE SLE-t- M tLL iHUl Kk SHIKEOS r. . fit ".; Lead. raiW dull: Lake, (irtob-oflw. tvVi. I taA. UajBottcb; f t rtteap Nu. 471 Cd wirfj dumeatar. U 1 m. Mra-J-J , Wfcu, O. WHLELtR A CO BCSIErSS. MIODGKOCERl tIX-A XR U (int NaUuaal Bank lixiuin- - at r sag Standard r r Bond. Nl VuK. a fulii 1. S. t'.h. buadacktked a: re'd t'euuua V. K. Building, Oct- - '.r-g'- d V. K 1M V,' eoupua .... I'aritic ...1J4 ....lu4 Ameriraa Fx Tauailian faei&e . . l au. Southern I 'Mitral I'aritie ... . BuriinTtoa . Stock. lit S. V. Central 1Rluu ia 8ALE-LANI- IUE.U Frie t 'ak 45 OsrVu- - Lou ivW tu t itf bt fur land 4 tuimiwaoui. mbubiIl A. J. aiuutii. iuoa and lot Ibii. at U per Cropaey, ri Point. IVK RALE CHE.1P- - NEW COTTAGE. FOl'R V ruuwa. bath nun. pantry and clutlw A W Hi :', (mno SU.rt Parille MaU a'i 31 41 ' Ulaad 16VM. Paul.- -. 1X)R TRADE - A CHICAGO FIRM SENT Mh m fine Utek uf tr mud, invotcin jiMM, Jo exchange ft Ogdea rml eatate. Letofme kntiw anal ou bar to traite for it. or part it. 4. li. r S S a.u. ..IU7S Paul A Omaha, fi'i Lake Slxtre IiHii'e A Sah .. . TVS Tesa Pacitte l nitm Paritte ... . SI "rh'ea" Central . . 6" WeUa Fat Wo. Pacific Exp'a 4U Wwtern I nii.n,.. H't Nurilit ru l'aci&e. . N. P.p d .. Am. Cotton OU.... V. & Exprea ai i North area tern p'd 1 !'. R SALE On easy term. Sew five mom IX) frame biHwe. with cellar, front and back Tweuty- ( all oa J. V Warekaina, be. port brut near Van Buren. wtrn F1FTT cloaed aa New ToB. Oct. : follu 1 00 3 Standard Horn Siler 4 tti Bodie ' n al A Va t M' 3 ft 10 Con 3 Kureka Mftxiran 1 20 1 SU Sutter Creek OociuVnlal mXocVt Boston Stock. atock market RoTm, Oct. tl-T- he .ft . 25 eloaed a Mex. firat mortgag IT San Diego Petroleum. C Petroleum eloaed Pennsylvania spot cloaing W. New Yotx, Oct. Chicago Produce tedj : J1? Chicago, Oct. 12. Wheat opened lower, but waa immediately followed by good ti le, but the adbuying and an advance of vance brought nut free offeringn, nnder which off c, thon recovered aome prima eaaed and eled 'iH'ic lower than yeaterdar. Kye-Fir- B. YYuikey-$1.1- 76? 7S. 4. $5.24rrS Short rlear Short riha-- ta 45. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 232 75. St., Twentj-Firt- h i W. k CO, Tuk. Ogden. pAIXTER AHORNEYS-AT-LA- Offie. 417 y WHITE. R-- Washington avenua, Ogdea. Ctak. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Practlrea ia th District Court and all tba eonrt. Peraonal aiCenUoa given to eollertinna. Remeenber the place, in Peery 's wooden buiid-inv- , n.--r meat shop of C. H. ttreenweli A lira. Sf.l Twenty-fourt- a street, Ogdea, L'taa. P. O Chicago Cattle. C.3 1 Ifogs-Kecei- pte, 75Mt 4 20. Sheep Receipts, t.000: active, steady, lower; stork era. SCJ'ml 00 ; western, $3 WSJ 4 30 ; 00. BANKS. for work-wear- y authors, writers and newspaper people broken in spirit and health. Substantial aid has been received from Mrs. Channcey M. Depew, Mrs. Whitelaw Reid. Mrs. Russell Sag-and Mrs. Mary E. Bryan, Among the OK OGDEN, UTAH. patrons of the Home hotel, as it is to be railed, are Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge, Mrs. Saadi Johnstono. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, : $200,000. Mrs. John M. Sherwood, Mrs. V. Batta, Mrs. Martha J. Lamb, Kate Sanborn, DIRECTORS: Rev. Morgan Dix. Rev. Drs. Eaton and u. T..l.n L'ul, tn. A. t trim, mmu Marnru n f nm., Rainsford. The Home hotel is intended Thos. C. E. WurteleJ M'.Robinson, Cshoon, to be a refuge for brain workers, who s. s. &cnrnmm, aa. nunn, i once admitted will have the same freedom they would iu a hotel. It. is expect5N ed by Mins Fisher that regular contributions will le made by the Press club and the various associations of authors, writOGDEN, UTAH. ers and liernrv people. New York Letter. ugton avenue OKDEX, UTAH 1 HOUBI AMD 8IGB t CITIZENS' BANK PAINTING AIM CAPITAL, PAPER .rj, HANGING CALSOMINING AND HARD WOOD FINISHING A SPECIALTY of the "Vie gnnv STnnts rvtl and ftlaa nm. No. 6, 7 and 8, No. 2439 Wa PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. J D. VAN W1CKLK. U. U. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN. Treats chronic disease and diseases of children. General practice will receive prompt attention. Private disease a specialty. Offers an experience of 25 years in the practice of medicine. Office 309 I4th St., up stairs. Residence JS3B Lincoln ave. CIVIL ENGINEERS. II H. HOLLIDGE, (Late Ass't City Engineer) CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Plans, estimates, irrigating ditches and subdivision". Special attention given to the laying oat of addition and city lot. Office with Ogden Abstract Company, First National Rank Building. C. A. TCSH. ''USH A PARIS, w. wl rjut. CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, Plans, specifications and estimate prepared anil work superintended. Maps, plats, tracings, blue print, etc., etc, executed on short notice. Office, 241S Washington avenne, Ogden. C. L. WAOOKNER w r, J. D. GILL'S Arintorratic King' Daughter. Society at Newport has developed a Incorporated Under Territorial Whatsoever Circle of King's Daughters. Banking Mrs. Frederick W. Vanderbilt and other H. r. BIQELOW, President. fashionable women belong to it, and it is JOHN A. BOYLE. Vice President A. P. BIQELOW, Ass't Cashier. supposed that the terms of their league are found in the injunction, "WhatsoA General Banking; Business , ANT OF WHICH I WILL DELIVER. ever ve would that men should do nhto Transacted. yot, do yon even so to thorn." The mem $1,000- - Two S0xl37 Knob Hill orchard lots. bers' line tneinseives when they break Lot ZixlW. near Thirtieth and $300. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: any of their self made vows, and go Jefferson Avenne. about nrivatelv "slumminc" Thev have S. M. Preshaw, T. W. Jones, John A. Botlb, $ 1 S5xUB. Twentieth and Lib;250. Corner, devotional reunions among themselves, Taos. Harmnk, E. A. Reed, H. C. Bioelow erty, frnit and shade trees, a. J Lombard. Benj. between Twenty-fiftand are said to do a great deal of good. and $2,200. Monroe, Twenty-sixt50x132. choice. Exchange. . 50x132. Van Twenbetween Bnren, $650. INTEREST PAID OX TIME DEPOSITS. . I. mrtA TW...... for a Home. between Twentieth and Kelectlng$2,100. Madison, Twenty-Srs8x8 rods. Sell Exchange on all the leading cities of Not one woman in ten, given the priviNew Per on 10x10 Omaha also York, foot. Chicago, 200 $ rods, corner Wash- Europe; lege of selecting the chirs for a house, and inton avenue and Twentyighth ban r rancisco. will make a sensible purchase. WTatch throe street, good houses, renting $112 month. Bargain, a man' enter a room, and nine times out On Twenty-fiftbetween Monroe $2,400. of ten he'll scan it in a jiffy and pick out andQuincy." Choice. a comfortable chair, if it's there; but a between and $1,400. Adams, Thirty-thir50x137, frame woman, nevcrl The first thing at hand house, new. Cheap. she drops on, and there's an end of it. Quincy, 140x13!, with $2,500. Corner A man wants a place to put himself adobe house, well, city water. UTAH. and plenty of it. Over eight hundred Oxl32. with OGDEN, adobe house, $1,200. well, city water. patents have leen got out upon reclining I have on Washington avenue. $1fNO.OOO. "Snrplns and Twenty-fourt- bargains chairs, and yet a woman everlastingly Capital, and Twenty-fift- h streets in busiUnvitvidod Profltai, 50,000. ness properties, also all kinds of acreage- - It is buys a spindle legged rocker. Exchange. a pleasure to show la8. w. ACSTTK BOSS. AUOENER A ROSS, CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS. General engineering practice. Consultation invited. Office, room 3 Kay block, Ogden City, Utah. SHOP. 443 MAIN ST. $100,000. . ATTORNEEYS-AT-LA- M.TEAHEN Wm. V. HitrificB. Warekn W. Corbt, Cashier. President. Thko. Kobinhon, Vice-Prand Manager. KAKSrOKO SMITH. M1TH A SMITH. Office, rooms Havi? the only building pr perty at the Celebrated Springs. rarties wishing to get a beautiful and healthful suburban residence can do so by addressing us at the above number. 17.000; Cricaoo, Oct. 22. Cattle-Rece- ipt. steady, higher; ateera, ti 00$ i 00 ; Texas steers, 70i native RIMjIUS; range steers, butchers' stock, $1 00 :i 75. i,on0; falrljr active, lower: 4 13fc4 25; best mixed, packer. K4XA4 10; Jrime heavy and batchers' weights (4 25tj CAPITAL, Washingtoe Aw, MURPHli t' Real. Estate, Att.OiiObu ; aliipmenU 271,000 bu. at 67. Barley-Fir- m, CASH F. STEACY m Shoulder JJ LAWYERS. . S. WOUTllMAN. K lrt hnnd arript.... V Mex. IKILUKS tn . : Atrh.ATnp Kurlington Mex. Central com - box 816. Cullrer Hill Addition And I 5 a MoDtb-ll- Iir . SIMatLL. JAMB DWakD at. AX.LIBOB. This beautiful reeidVnce addition ia situated ALLISON. I M BALL hi-i- i the iMt Methodint I'niveroilT and the It is ouly aquarea from the center of citj. ATTORN ttte eitv ami itfv hum mmmfto i or ihwiiipo. from which a mauiiitloent irw ii obtained of over I'tah National Rank, on mar of OfTipe, Oirilen, it unrivaled surrounding and UieUreat avenue and Twenty-fourt- h Whingttn Halt Lake. street, I'tah. All proiKMtitions for electric lines include thif Ugden. ioiwill a in value aecUon. anil rapid ailvance low. 1 lie I niverkity alone will make tnut localJACOB 8. BOREMaN. of tH.vl'n. ity the hon too rexitlenos For a brief time only the opiniriunity is of - ATTORNEY-AT-LAfered to nrocure tbee loU at to f&O each ; er month where a pair i K4) cah and IC& a, No. t406 Washington avraa, Office, taken : ded and abstract vhowiug perfect title Ogden, I'tah. ami unincumliered free of charire. This property is very desirable and the price HETWOOD. is undw the market. Y lor further particulars call on or address . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. H. Hakvet. Iiwn-rRoom 4 hay Block, np ftairf, corner Washington avenue and 1 wenty-n- f tn street. OfTice. X Twenty-fourt- h street, Ogden. Ctah. MlnirttT B toe Its. follows ARCHITECTS, Offire. moB K. IT aad 11 Katiaul Bu.v building. ( Vrdvau I tab. aa: good VK (lrtme linpnnm't Lut . 17 iHra-l. Z1S Rurk KanaasATeza.. .. AND THE i lirt-t--- i W water in kitWn. ali nicel lur"V-- , Saiucatiun Kv, nuhed. lnquir of Mr. Palmer. lniruenth (rwn U .Sortii Aiuertcan. .. I" street, four door from staUuo tiftecn. anolur .44 lju'kaanua Newport. There is everything here to make life beautiful if ah, there it comes if you have pleuty of money. To keep up an establishment and entertain as you would wish is quite as expensive as having a similar affair in any large city. There must be as many servants, the table must be as well furnished, and dainty fod, no matter how far it has to be brought, mnht be served your guests. Gowns that will pass under gaslight will not endure the bright sunshine, and a wardrolie requires and because of the gayety in Vanity fair the gowns must be many in numler. Still, the jteople who have money and who spend it are helping those who are trying to earn it, so nobody should complain. Given youth, health and wealth there is no place in the world where li?c is such a dream of delight aa tlat sunshiny bit of land called Newport. Ladies' Home Journal. COXTRACTCRS A5D.EUILDERS. kaa drives attack faua tke krukan' uftca aa 'KStSHEl fcOU. IV.K ET-- A into tk kaari of aUuac paruea, a, i J t i ktam law. Ul oraat tfaa atncC War sarcttr of lueg stack KOO. WITH BAT 1XK ftaerica waa aspariallf weak thfoagboal Xi jr tfunitoKl ; at nd tk Mretigik ia tk inifii lu wa at aJuuigtua arc to kold it aa. la tba laat koaf a iarjl OH IXril EENT WX'BI-r meUum from tk tut priee uf tk eUl . .i . . . . t Fir! aataacM. bf r)natii Bpuat . ar alaana iarvbl aV I or uJurutd. iaqtur at E3 MM,rvx kiamt, uiil li Mua4f. II fraction, twat Sugar is T IV. iiMN fur ft tz itXGEJt. AT BOAtlEKS FOR RENT. ia Wall Mraet d the rt& TO I ttDOOlOJUli aw. r ibjM AAt U street ferry hou on afternoons of every hot day. There are women with infanta in arms, other with liabie in perambulators, and till other with litt le toddlers of all ages. They go to the forward deck of the ferryboat, where the brtV ze ia strougext, and with the baby carriage drawn up in a row, often exteuding clear across the boat, they enjoy the trip to the utmost Many of them remain on the boat for several trip, and some are daily patrons of the line. Other ferries, like thoe to Staten Island and Bay Rl'lge, carry many excursionists for solely the sail acroea the bay. But though women and children predominate, the rate of fare limits the patrons to more plentifully supplied with money, and, besides, the perambulators are not admit ted free. Therefore the nurse girl brigade holds aloof, and only the up town ferries monopolize this peculiar excursion butane. New York Mail and Express. wi VTElTHaXS k waDawUrf aarpna f If ailnueeilJoa. Kew Tore Btocfca. 4u BUSINESS CARDS. WANTED. COXMEBCE. List of Properties DENTISTS. Q R. SNOWDEN, DENTIST. Office, 2427 Washington avenne OTer Horroek A Sons store. Teeth without platns and saving natural teeth a specialty. No teeth or roots too had to be saved by filling or crowning. Special attention given to children's teeth. C. H. Greenwell & Bros. WHOLB8AXI AMD RBTAIJ. h rilrt t, COMMERCIAL National Thirty-secon- A Pretty Washington Girl. Yon ask the name of that pretty little brown eyed maid just passed? She is Conrtenay Walthall, the daughter of Senator Walthall, of Mississippi. She is one of the finest types of her style of She has the beauty in Washington. wonderful coloring of a Creole: brown skin that flushes in waves of red as Bhe talks, dark and dreamy eyes and round dimpled chin. Her hair is dark, and it waves back from alow forehead and rose tinted ears. Washington Or. Pittsburg Press. Would Resinnie Specie FaTnients. Wiggins (who has obliged his friend with a five) What would you do, Jack, if you had a fortune left to you? Borrowit Why, I wouldn't have to "do" anybody then! Texas Sittings. O. E. J. C. Abmstboso, President. W. V. Helfthth, Hilii. Ass't Cashier. Cashier. Active Accounts Invited. solicited. DEALERS IN , Meat, Poultry and Fish d Bank, . BUTCHERS. Try onr Pore "Lard, manufactured by ourselves and you will never use any other.. Mail orders and wholesaling a special businesr with us. Twenty-fourt- h street. ' h property 2404 Washington . J. D.GILL, Ave., OGDEN. Correspondence PENCIL & SCRATCH UTAH NATIONAL BANK, Ogderj, Utah. United States Depository. CAPITAL, SURPLUS, lOP.OOO, 0125,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposit. L. B. Adams, J. E. Doolt, President. Cashier. W. N. Sim.Ltvo ' Vice President. TABLETS; Hard and Soft Paper, RULED AND UNRULED. AT thb COMMERCIAL THE OGDEN OFFICE, Washington Avenue, TRUNK FACTORY Carries the best line of Trnnks and Valise hi the city at Manufacturers' Price. All kinds of Repairing done. Call and see ns before purchasKLINK A OPPMAN, ing elsewhere. No. 270 Twenty-fiftSt. h |