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Show (WISEST : ; 3322 So. 3rd. -East-. Salt Lake City, t. 1 84U5 fork City's Only Locally Owned Newspaper Volume Two Wcdnoaday, October 6, 1976 Numbcr Thro t, , ' - " - '' '.., ' - ' i " ' - I v " ' m ' ','' " ' ' 1 t , . I miMnm m n V '.'' ' r' ' f - ' "" , . ' 1 iVk 1 ' ; . . . . $&asaSKiitt&&. TV ' : . I I" . 11 i s" -Wt - WtOi ' ' fj; - v. ' ' " r'd I r . , . fVv --"r . .1V fKji' , - -'.f ' - -I ! 11 ; p'i " - ' - - ' : ' A: - rJ-rr- -"tx fi?7' . -r. v . I-''' . .- W?jtyS& . : - ' - 1 ' . '.. s - T V-V " ; , - ' ! v ; . " ' ! ; ;V . Lr ' . ' - - j - "s Park City Recorder-Treas-nirer Bruce Decker announc-j-d Monday he will actively :eek election to the Summit jCouniy Commission as 'a write-in candidate. ;J)ecker, at the Republican count) convention held in Junt;, was unsuccessful in a ibid for the nomination to fill the seat being vacated by Kelvin Flinders. Decker was defeated by Bill Wallin of Snyderville who was backed by the retiring gicumbent. 3 "Give It A Try" Decker was rejcted by the county convention despite the support committed to him by the majority of Park City delegates at the Republican Repub-lican mass meeting held here . in May. ' "I've decided to run mainly because so many local residents and merchants have called or approached me on the street and asked "What are we going to do now?"Decker told the News-: News-: paper. , . - :. "It looks like a long shot but the stakes are so high for the future of the county that we can't afford not to try." Alternative Decker stated,"I want to give the people a rational alternative to the other three candidates." Along with Republican Wallin, Democratic nominee Bob Burns and- American Party candidate Bob Trepan-ier Trepan-ier are vying for the commission post. "I also feel it is vital that someone who is capable of analyzing the country 'sprob-lems 'sprob-lems and is able to work out detailed solutions be elected rather than someone who will rely on cliches and general-ities,"Decker general-ities,"Decker said. "Bob Trepanier is the only candidate who has presented his views to the public. If he wants to attack problems which can only be solved on a Date Set For Water Bond Election The Park City Council at a special meeting last Friday night voted tq hold a water revenue bond election on November 2 in conjunction with the general election. The outcome of the water bond election will determine if the city ' can accept a 1500,000 water system im provement loan from the Farmers Home Administration. Administra-tion. The loan was previously approved by both the FHA and the city council but court rulings which have come down since work on the loan application began two yean ago require that a bond election be held before the indebtedness can be assumed. assum-ed. ;:. ' The special council meeting was originally scheduled for Thursday evening but only Mayor Leon Uriarte and council members Eleanor Bennett and Steve Dering were present, causing the meeting to be recessed until the following day when Councilman Jack Green provided the necessary quorum. Resolution ; The council unanimously approved a resolution calling for the bond election for the cont.on pag4 national level, he should run for a national office.' Problems Asked what he considers to be the county's major problems, prob-lems, Decker responded that the county method of revenue rev-enue allocation is based on a "guess-and-by-golly system" whereas it should be a "get-what-you-pay-for system, nothing more nothing noth-ing less." . He said a more equitable system of matching revenues with expenditures should be incorporated. Decker also asserted that Summit County should "stop trying to perform functions that county's were never intended to perform. "In the Utah State Code, cent, en page 3 Dry with temperatures near normal. Highs In 60's, lows In 30's. mm Park High's Homecoming Queen Shelly Flinders, flanked by attendants Shcrrl Blair (r) and Kirn Roland ((), leads Friday's parade. EMERGENCY NUMBERS Polk Dispatch 649-SSS1 Park City Police Office. . . . . . 649-9381 Fire 649-9311 , Questions concerning water, sewer, garbage, streets, etc., please cad: CHy Hall ......... . i . , .... ; 649-9321 City Recorder ............... 649-9321 City Manager and Building Inspector . . . . . . 649-8474 City Justice of Peace. ......... 649-9321 (Above are open Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. till 4 p.m.) After normal off Ice hours Mayor Leon Uriarte 354 Main Street . ...... .... 649-9396 Councilwoman Eleanor Bennett 911 Empire Ave. . . 649-8028 Councilman Steve Dering 16 Homes take Condos. ...... 649-9786 Councilman Jack Green . 421 Park Ave. . 649-9695 Councilman Richard Martinez 187 Daly Ave. ... 649-9836 Councilman Jan Wilking 328 MarsaC Ave. .... 649-8866 OFFICE WHS Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9to4 INSIDE CITY GOVERNMENT SKI NEWS SCHOOL NEWS LOCAL SPORTS EDITORIAL COMMENT REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIEDS PUBLIC NOTICES TELEVISION LISTINGS HOW ABOUT IT? IT'S STILL OUT THERE STAR GAPER PUZZLE MUSIC NOTES HANKERINGS |