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Show pwaatTiasihttoa3tas8aacsiftj8iMgaga t THE BLADE. I csqd-xa'IhurDCl U subscription bates: &2.00 ALF Per year ; : (Payable in ad ranee), ; Publisher. on&u will b eventually solved there is not i r Application has been mad at the Nephi postfor transmission through the mails as t?cond-c- l ass mail matter. il dice the slightest doubt in the mind of the writer; aad further, that the Omniscient Power, manifested to us in every dz detail of nature, so intended it from the beginning. as Every new discovery but adds to the garding speculative possibilities, outlined by investigators, with doubt, unavoidable conclusion that God destined thi oearth to be an eternal there is aj sentiment of credulity abiding place for one branch of nis among the people that amounts to cer- children. Not a detail is lacking to tainty that electricians will be able to insure mans infinite progression. Afaccomplish seeming impossibilities. ter man has progressed to that condiAs soon as c ne man completes his lifes tion where h will be perfect socialof and physically, some mentally, morally in labor special department of his wonderful mind and virtue and younger ly by human discovery, another man takes up the investigation and the beneficent provisions of the Alcarries forward the discovery in its ap- mighty, why should not his progress plication to'other uses and all for the continue unbroken by a mastery? of progress and betterment of the social that baneful mystery called death There is nothing in the thought that the human family. Bencondition with! the belief in the jamin Frau dm was the first man to comes in conflict confine the subtle electric fluid. It resurrection or that does any violence was a grand, achievement in its rela- to the most tender memories for those tion to social progress, but was a lat- tbathave gone to the other side. ent force uiitil that grand man, Pro- That man must go on in the path of d natural progress and work out his own fessor Morsp, applied the factor to the electric telegraph. Forty destiny, and create from the crude m of his environment all things years ago, e yen electricians denied the to make of this life a heaven' possibility (if applying the electric force necessary llsion of machinery. The and this earth a fit abode for immorMison not onlv demonstra- tals is the only solution of the probted it to be a most valuable motive lem of life. It is a deliverance of reapower but ti conveyor and conservator son and common sense, and adds digof the most delicate sounds. There nity and majesty to man and the highwere many even among electricians, est possible reverence for Him who, in who doubted the feasability of dividing the beginning, revoked the inertia of the electric1 current from a single .wire matter and invoked the mighty slumand produc ing more than one light. bering forces which have wrought out That from the dark aud formless infinitude solved the problem. of a of matter the wonderous suas and end is nearing the and wonderful career and worlds that wheel in the blue depths for the sake of mankind there were of space, and who has lighted the unimany who wished for the sake of pos- verse with the warmth and constant terity thatj Edison might live' on to glow of myriads of resplendent suns. In the doctrine of mans advancebless future generations by the exercise of an unimpaired and incomparable ment to immortality through his own genius. Yet, the world can now spare efforts In a sphere amply provided with the immortal Edison, or Nicola Tesla every needed gift by. Divine wisdom, has taken lip the line of investigation there is no room for skepticism. On that will scon be surrendered by his the contrary the thought at once satgreat predecessor, and is carrying the isfies faith and appeals to reason and chain of discovery forward bo rapidly will, when generally accepted as it will as to be simply astonishing. In be in a future age, Imbue man with a e energy and ambition Teslas hands the electric fluid has be- new and come a plaything; a harmless, pliant to compass the object as speedily as force that dimms the fame of Biblical possible by guarding his health and miracles. With Tesla the. impossible elevating his moral nature. Dr. Brown Sequard failed in dishas become! possible and in another generation Iris achievements will be re- covering the elixir of life. Others will also fail, but in time, nature will yield garded as commonplace. In addition to Teslas new applica- up the great secret to one among the tion of the jelectric force, he haa out- thousands who have faith In its ultistripped all jpredecessors and competi- mate discovery. At that time another will tors in its uses as a curative agent. of the impossibles a not become have only possibility but Upon that a aud tinuesi glorious reality, and anothgreat Such a oia appears to be Nicola Tesla, er of the Divine determinations will the electrician. It is said he has invented have been accomplished. an apparatus by which it is . possible to well-nig- h SATURDAY MORN., FEB. 1, 1896. BLADE ACJEKTS i Below i a list of out agents, who will receive subscriptions and receipt for Payments: , Wra. Chastain, Ibapah, Tooele Ob. KILLARD Cd01?TT, ' ' Joseph A. Lyman, Oak City. Christian Andersonj Fillmore. Thos. Memmott, Scipio. Chris. Overson, Leamington. Oeo. Crane, Kanosb. James Hatton, Petersburg. Virgil Kelly, Burbank. Hvrum Adams. Meadow. James S. Blake, Hinckley. new-foun- j 1 , 'THE POSSIBLE. v Commtinlc&ted :j The Salt Rake Hefald in a recent bumber had the following, which is an bxcarpt from an editorial under the beading Electricity in Medicine. That man will ever n nd the fountainbe-of youth or discover thejelixir of life, is Dr. yond possibility. A few years ago Brown Sequard claimed to have discovered the latter, but his discovery only de traded from his great fame, for It was hot what he thought lit and was of no Value. Life in this world can never be blade immortal, but he who shall discev-f- er some method by which its ills may be lessened, by which many deadly diseases inay be cared, will be a benefactor of tnankind. It is in no purely critical mood that the writer hereof takes issue with the -- J Herald on its declaration of the im- possible. There are but two chan no 1 through br by Which men jean obtain knowledge. One of them is by revelation, Or inspiration, anti ihe other is by ex: ))erienC8 which includes the deliver- ances of human reason. Whatever revelation may become in the future, at the present time it is certainly not an absolute science It is believed by millions that the Bblejis compiled revelation. There are also millions who Bo not believe the Bible to be an infallible guide. An impartial and intelligent verdict declares the' Bible to be4 pretty well sprinkled with errors dhe only method by which the truth Contained in the Bible is separated irom the accompanying errors i3 by the application of mortal reason. Reason tolls us that declaration is true and the other false, Thiis, in the absence Uf revelation which mdst come to us in j a form we know, absolutely, to be from the human family must depend Oq our reason for our conceptions bf what is true and what is false. God, we In the domain ori purely human knowledge tnere is one division termed the absolute sciences, while another is termed speculative science. The for-ludivision embraces those sciences Which are absolute .in the relation of 'cause and effect; p e., given a certain quantity and quality 6f force, where bonditions are constant, the effect, or result can be determined in adyance with absolute certainty as, for instance in Chemistry. Astronomy is also regarded as one of the absolute sciences?. In tbe speculative sclence3 as for instance Sociology, the speculative results are Vredicated on certain well known social forces proceeding in certain directions. Tha reason why Sociology is regarded as coming within the speculative division is found in that results are dependent an the uncertain quan-lt- y which may properly be termed human yolitkm. The current of a hu- n loan life, like the aggregation oE lives, is like that of a river and toay be' turned out of an apparently b'ertain charinel by some slight obstruction that cannot be forseen. But also like that of a river, the aggregate of human lives or social force has a certain general direction which is ever upward and onward in civilization, and progress. History teaches that the entire human family has eniergedt from primitive barbarism to' tbe present condition of History Ulso speaks of epochs when it seemed hs if the people were destined to re- th rir steps and return td b'arbar-tr- i the universal law of evolution, the people recovered their lost ground add proceeded on the upward joilrnty. In the efforts of tifs Ifiim-id- ' family to 'iscend to higher planes of civilization It has availed itself cf the elements j rovided by Gcd dr natiire; as the tender may prefer. Each succeeding generation hia discovered some dew lenient or force, or the application to .ew industries or li'.rs of elements or forces i reviously discovered. Tliat '.Inch la regarded a a marvelous dis-er hu-ina- senii-enlighteanie- 1 4. ivory in tm century will no doubt b'e- -' : i coin! .or piece during tbe twen- - - :h - 4 menu .oill .tui That which, century. V. the cl Uric Faience for ! . . t n ir the t, ;ardcd in- - r.3 ffit'cnth -- al8 f cure any organic disease, including consumption. As would be expected, his curative agency is electricity, currents of which are passed through the body. The apparatus administers some sixsohundred shocks per second, which are evenly distributed throughout the system that a person scarcely perceives any alternation in his condition. The Herald then describes how Abram S. Hewitt of New York sat down in an ordinary looking chair in Teslas office and unknowingly received electric treatment for a disordered liv er and was relieved almost instantly. The foregoing is a brief state ment of only one department of human research in which there ha been comIn tbe paratively only a beginning. science of chemistry which is inseparably allied with that of medicine the most remarkable strides are being made.Smallpox that used to be regarded as a scoxirge is no longer dreaded. By the use of antitoxine dread diptheria is being brought under "control and another generation will see it become submissive to the discoveries of medical science, It is reported a remedy has been discovered for cholera, a remedy which prevents people fromcatch-in- g it. We might proceed to discuss other beneficent discoveries, but hus been painted out to con- enough vince the reader that the word im- possible is fast meaning. Old age and final death is the result of causes. The digestive organs become Weakened with age and refiise to properly digest and assimilate the food. Deprived of the raw material the blood is decreased in quantity and quality and cannot continue the pro cess of building the' tissues which are in a pro'cesS of continual decay; At that period when decay df the tissues becomes more rapid than the process of the flesh shrinks, wrinkles take the place of plumpness; palor succeed the bloom of youth and health, and in time the body yields to dissolution. Whenever any cdilsa cad be removed or rendered inoperative by the introduction of a counter-actan- t, the effect necessarily disappears. The first etep id arresting discover the cause or causes, and the next would be to discover sonfe ageut that will remove the cause when the application of the" Teniedy becomes a eimpla affair. There has deter been & cause, nor will there ever be one, which cannot be made passive, or removed and its force coUnter-balance- d by other forces or agents that certainly exist. That which is necessary to arrest the ravages of advanced life is to discover an agent j Kotlce far Publication. Utah Land Ofilee at Salt Lake Citr. 2nd ) liA January JTrflsician and sur(((,ilf ) folIovUnsr-name- d Notice is hereby iven thatof the his intention settler has filed notice of his in support to make final proof be will a said claim, and that the proof Court of made Juab County before the clerk of on Febru-ar- v Utan, at Nephi city Utah, County, to, 15, 166, via: James Adams Jr. u. hec 23. for the SE NL'i, and NU6i SE Tp. 15 S. It- 2 W. lie names the following witnesses o proTe his continuous residence upon and cultivation b. Memmott of, said land, viz: William Thomas Moroni Monroe, James Allen, Co. U tab- - Memmott Jr. all of Scipic, Millard Any person who desires to protest against of the allowance of such proof, or who knows ana tne law the under any substantial reason, Unequalled Service. why of the Interior Department, regulations should be given will be not allowed, such to proof is Denver Chicago via Kansas City time at ethe above thementioned an oi witnesses givw via the Union Pacific and Chicago andopportunity to place & Alton Railways. said claimant, and to oifer evidence in rebutThrough Pullman Sleepers, Pullman tal of that submitted - by claimant. BtrOx Groo, Register. Dining Cars and Free Reclining Chair W. A. C. 8 Cars leave Denver daily. The Union Bryan AtVy for claimant. Pacific is the great through car line of - - orncE: At Residence Lecond iuor HOURS: 2 to 4 p m. . ttsh The Llissouri Pacific Ry If you : 2797. Notice for publication. Land OfiLce at Salt Lake City, Utah, January 23d, 1898. f Notice is hereby Kiven that the following-name- araf going to , Kansas City, 30-3- the west. As& your nearest ticket agent for tickets via this line. E. L. Lomax Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Omaha, Neb. Co op Nephi, cross-examin- t St, Louis, Chicago New Ycrff Or any other point East sec that your ticket reaas . vj settler has filed notice ofofhishisintention claim, in to final make support proof The Llissouri Pacific IJ3QO.OCOJ and that said proof will be made before the Millard County, Countyon Clerk at Fillmore, March 9th, 1896, viz: H. JS. No. 8895, Utah, Coaches, Quick Time and Superb 9, EVfc Elegant Jens Jensen for the SE SE! 10,of section Road-be- d make this lie IheTeoples Fair, Tp. 15 S.R.4W . SWH and SWJ SWi of Sec. rite Route, to witnesses prove names He the following RcuftUi4Kr9VKnart-nm&K..,u-...4his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: George Lovell and Co. William Dotson, of Leamington. Millard Leave Ogden.., 8:25 p. Utah. William Helman and David E- StevLeave Pueblo 7:00 p.m. Co. Utah. Millard of ens, Holden, 6:4I p. Arrive Kantas City to who desires against protest Any person St. 6 55 a! ml Louis Arrive of who knows or of such proof, the allowance Money to Loan. Arrive a. m. ..9:30 the and law Chicago. the any substantial reason, under why In any amount Jrom one hundred to regulations of the Interior Department, will be givten thousand dollars. On improved farm such probf should not be allowed, mentioned time above en an the at opportunity or on water stock. property e the witnesses of and place to T. C. Winn, County Recorder. said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebut- Call upon the nearest ticket agent or address tal of that submitted by claimant. H, B, KOOSCR, 3 Commercial Freight A Pas. Agt. Btrojt Groo, Register. .nniTr.l ! d ity i nmvtSTr - cross-examin- , 33-3- S.III.bSTINSON, NEPHI HOUSE Traveling Pass. Agt. Salt Lake City, Utah. Or;n.C. TOWNSEND, General Pass, and Ticket Agent, SECTJBE THIS Good Sample Room for CommercialTrav-elers- , ! . Hack Meets all Trains, Free to and from the station. u tcf Patro a H. GOLDSBROUGH, li St. Louis, Mo. COURSE lUiliHWi Mic;mTili To advertise our Collage we wil 1 give a thorough course of instruction in Douz and ble and Single Entry Book-keepiCommercial Arithmetic, by mail, at n Proprietor, Regular Price One-Fourt- h i THURMAN & WEDGWOOD, This io a limited number of persons. course will be completed in 40 lesson s . No charge for diplomas. Address, 3f god-lik- so-call- ir.O.G,0jinov. 2775. Ayer's at the worlds Fair. enjoys th exttra Ayers Sarsaparilla distinction ef having been the ordinary only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the Worlds lair, Chicago. Manufacturers of other earsapafillas sought by. every means to obtain a showing of their goods, the but they were all turned away under enrule forbidding the application of the try of patent medicines and nostrums. The dicision of the Worlds fair authorities in favor of Ayers Sarsaparilla wa in effset as follows: Ayeris Sarsaparil la is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. It is here on itsmerits. Hone But Attorneys - at - Law. CAPITAL COMMERCIAL College Room 1 and 3, 116 First National Bank Building. t UTAH. PROVO, West Sixth Street. TOPEKA, r - - KANSAS. i j. O PicTOfU , i mi i '' rT THOSE APIEeTED WITH ed LOCAI, TIME CARD. " In effect, Nov. 17,1894. Train arrive and depart at various station daily as follows : ! Stations. South-botin- North-bound- d. ' Leave cm WOMEN AS JURORS. Leave Arr. Arr. , 2.15 am .... Ogden .... 8.00 pm 3.15 am Ar (Salt i Lv 7.00 pm 7.45 am Lv f Lake) Ar 5.50 pm 8.1Iam ....Sandy.... 5.20 pm 9.42 am .. Fairfield .. 3.40 pm 11.35 am... 2.00 pin Eureka... - S 8.45 am .Lehi Junct.. 4.45 pm" 8.55 am Amcrn Fork 4.35 pm 9.62 am Pleast Grove 4.28 pm 9.25 am .i..Provos... 3.05 pm t.44 am Fork 3.49 pm it) .02 am Spanish 8.32pm .v.Payson.., 11.05 am 2.40pm 11.45 am ....Nephi.... " f5S?:8S2 12.30 pm .2.05 pm Leamington 11.55 am 4.05 pm Oasis.. . 10.25 ant 4.50 pm Clear Lake 9.37 am 8.t)0 am Art Mil- - ) Lv 6.35 pm am Lv) ford ) Ar 6.15 pm 10.40 pm t... Frisco.... 6.00 am Arrive Leave Trains Bohh of Juab run dally xxciriSciff' d ATS a- , ; Communicated:! I Of the Sidneys! bjections of the womans suffragists rwas that women v r would be compelled tef serve on juries. Had there been anything tangible in of the Prostrate Gland, Enlargement scare head paraded by opponthe ents of equal suffrage there would Stone in The Bladder, have been more women than men opposed to the full citizenship proposition. The ladies are certainly more Or any kind of Urinal troubles! averse to sitting on juries with men Can seedre immediate, than the latter would be to having And a permanent cure by using thB women occupy the jury box and room with them. As a- rule women have a keener and clearer conception of propriety of what is proper and improper than do the men, and for that reason r may always be relied on to decide as to the kind df civil duties they can properly perform and those they could not perform without a shock to their own self respect. The Creator knew what He was doing when he metamorphosed that traditional rib into a woman and endowed her with charming gentle neesj grace and purity. And while she perby the fills niche the assigned fectly especial her in the eednomy of sentient exist(Geheral LAgents,) ence, and is not fitted for certain civil SALT LARIS GlT;, tJTAit. duties, the right to cast her ballot for better government and purity of lifd in officials and in politics cannot be justly denied her. Thefe is A wide and deep gulf between the ballot box and the jury room, and 99 women out of 100 will be gratified at the action ofUtah& legislators in relieving her of the res1 ponsibilitie?, discomforts and afchoy-ance- s of jury service. The act will al1 so roll from the shoulders of thousands of sensitive and jealous males the lias bben tested frit more than fite years in the abovd-bame- d cases, Seemed to fear that Oppress mighty Bb't hnd there has bebn a cfiSd of failure rebdrded against the watef. them lest in the future their wive or sweethearts might be locked up in the same room with a lot of horrid males IT HUS GURED 111 EVERY IIISTAtiCE. grinding away bn njutty evidence. Good for the legislature. Happy males, contented females and grateful A case of BHght.s Discdsa that had been prououheed incurable by leading judges salute the Utah so Ions. physicians, was cured in less than three months by the use of DESERET LtTniA WATER and the patient is how persuing his Senator Miller of Salt Lake; haS inregular employment; troduced a bill in the Legislature on the law of libel. . The provisions of the During pregiidiicy, and Ohforiic Constipaiiorf, the Ladies will find id the DESERET LITHlA WATER ail invaluable remedy. hill arc very fair and just to all parii ties, and while making the newsjpaperri Pure and tasteless, exercise great caution in regard td it Is a hoirie wdter, Free front Sulphur; Absolutely Soft, Free from even a trace of Lime and is a proddet df what they Eay, it will tend to free repDeseret, Millard Uounty, Utah; utable newspapers from tbe attack of characterless and Address all correspondence to unscrupulous bill The scamps. cert?.inly ought to law. become that will maintain the strength and r t purity of the blooli, end when that is Salt LakoCity,' Utah: Location blanks 16 cdD ht TI accomplished tha problem of perpetual An utiLf LlTHIA WATUE COMPANY. Tenth will iuve been solved! That It One of the J -- - mmm r IHDI j WXWISI: I For sale The ' .1 SMITH DRUG ' Two through trains from Lake to all points East.dally Saif" Through PiiUman Palace Sleepers from Sal Lake to Chicago Without change Improved Tourist Sleepers. Free Reclining Chair cars. Elegant day coaches. The only line operating dining car service. The shortest aEd fastest line to all point 1 east. E. D. WIOKINS, Agent, Nephi. E. Burley, Genl Agt. Passgr. Dept., City Ticket Office, 201 Main st., Salt Lake. E. L. Lomax, Genl Passgr. and Ticket Agt. E. Dickinson, Genl Mngr., Omahg"4-SH. H. Clark, Oliver W. Mink, E. Ellery Anderson, John W. Doane, Frederick R Ooudert, Receiver, Ds 7 G SAN PETE YALLEY RAILWAY LlTHIA W ATIiR TIME TABLE NO. Effective Sunday, Novenlber 18. 17 tb, 1835. j i ; 'Iie n DDsrulgi?' Co J 1.45a 12.10p 12.40p 12.57p 1.15p 1.320 1.42p 2.22 p 2.45p 43 0 35.0 ", 23.0 23.0 23.2 19.5, 16.0, 8.0 . tv. Nehpl An 5.0 Salt Springs o niolloway, .. ro Fountain Greed H O 19.5 Draper Moroni , ' 23.5 10.46a 43. Q 3.15a Chester Ephraim Ar. M&ntl Lv. 27.0 35.0 1027 10.10V a 9.25 A, Trains leave Manti for Sterling, Funks Lak and Morrison at 3:CJ p. m., Monday, Wdn days and Fridays. Returning arrive Manti at 6 p. in. Direct connections at Nephi with Unio PadISc Railway from and to Salt pake City, Ogden, Butte, Provo, Milford and Intermediate points, and all pninte East arid West. Stop on signal. The Company reserves th right to Tat, rom this Time Table at pleasure f Theodore Ekub ace,( - lres. A Geal Manager, alt Labe City. II. S. IfEltR, , ffi'pt; A'u; i & i Afcsat, lufi . |