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Show CHIFFONS DAINTY AND GAY fV S V i as Particularly now that he growing old. It didn't seem a dignified thing for an old bear to do. After the man had gone to sleep MARY GRAHAM By BONNER and tfc bears were supposed to be asleep, too, they would talk over T TSDALLY a man who takes bis bears nice things to eat the day's work. around a performing bear only 'But the other bear did not like They had to whisper very, very has one bear with him, but this man doing tricks, lie was tired of per- gently, for If they really talked It had two, and this happened quite a forming. would wake up the whole country He was becoming old and he felt around and they would be most unlong while ago. lie would sing songs In a queer It was a great strain for him. popular. sort of voice and in queer sort of He particularly disliked having "Well," said the second, the oldwould he eud but at the to climb a pole, and that was the er bear, "I am so tired of being language, made to dance. always say: "It Is so silly, too. Tlease, ladles and gentlemen, boys and girls, give pennies, nick"People like to see bears dance on two legs because they have four, els, dimes and quarters for the work of my fine bears. and we don't ask them to dance on one leg because they have two. "Fifty cents are nice, too." "It would be Just as sensible If The bears had always performed we asked them to do this!'' many tricks when the man said The first bear laughed In a low this. tone. One day a little girl said: "The trouble Is 1 am old. And "How about ten cents?" these things seem very silly to me. Hut the man didn't know what I wish r didn't have to do any ten cents meant, he had only heard more." them called dimes, and In the coun- And the bear's wish came true. try from which be came they had He was given to a too after this quite a different name for money. and he never hud to do any more At any rate he stayed In this work I town for quite a few days and It was really time for him to made a good deal of money for bis rest, lie had worked hard and bears did very fine tricks and the long and he was too old to be asked people enjoyed seeing them. to dance on his hind legs. Now one of the bears was quite 1931. Vestrn Nawspapar Union.) happy walking around the streets Doing His Tricks Every Day. and doing his tricks every day. Save Invalid S, Ui 1 ? A 111 V i'?' I A Fable for A Bear Story the Children (. Ills master was kind and he gave him plenty of food. And he got better food than ever on the days he did his tricks best. Of course you can understand that for on such days the man got more money and be liked to give ' i y i .5 -- B YOUlt prettiest and you will lie chic Is the message to which Dillon's followers are 'listening 'l i" for summer. As every woman bo more effective jnows there Is out this order than vy of carrying 3t wear 3dil!Ton. fluttering, This summer these gay sheer weaves which we tj utterned love so weU are more than ever In ithe picture. parties, the tones j'andThetintsgarden of these airy fairy prints compete with the gorgeous colorings of nature's own flowers ahout them, and when evening comes they g V dancing In the moonlight, and floating about to the strains of sweet music with a grace all their own. Many of this season's most frocks of chiffon add yet mother note of beauty In that they ore trimmed with very lovely lace which Is a sheer and delicate as a niliweb In order to tune with the 'X(Ulslte texture of the dainty materials which they trim. A perfectly charming Idea Is that of trimming with lace which Is to Mend Into the color scheme . - dyed J the frock. For Instance, the (tonre frock for summer eveulngs ! ere pictured w hich Is made of a flower-printe- d flut-Trln- trick that always got the most money and the greatest amount of praise. He wouldn't have minded climbing a tree, but he did dislike a pole. And how he did bate to dance on his bind legs. Dessert and Things mwwM mmmm h By NELLIE MAXWELL i1 Nature Is man's beat teacher. She unfolds Her treasure to hli aearch, unseals his eye, Illumes his mind, and purifies his heart An Influence breathes from all the sights and sounds Of her extstence: she Is wisdom's self. Alfred Street. printed In a fern deand white. Is enhanced with a yoke and hemline of matching blue lace, the chiffon and the lace being one as sheer as the other. For the most part It Is the color of the background which determines the color of the lace, although the rule may work both ways, for If the motif carries an outstanding color that same tone Is apt to be repeated In the lace. We cite, In this latter type, a very lovely gown of chllTon with a gray background (gray Is very smart In prints this season), its flower patterning done In pretty wisteria, larkspur blue and rose tones with a prevailing use of green for the leaves and stems. The lace which was .selected was In a delicate green, thus achieving a delectable coo) chlfTon sign In blue DESSERT does not need to be either eluborate In Its prepara tion or expensive In cost to be apMany of the simplest of petizing. desserts are the most popular. Duchess Cream. This delightful dessert serves fifteen, so It may be cut Into half for the ordinary family. Cook six tablespoonfuls of tapioca la boiling water until clear, cool, add a little salt, one cupful of sugar, the Juice from a can of pineapple, the Juice of two oranges and Cook until thick. two lemons. color symphony. Cool, then add the pineapple, one ISIark lace Is particularly effecbroken nuts and a tive with flower prints which flaunt cupful of finely cream beaten stiff. of whipped pint high colors but It must be exceedthe Take Dessert ingly line and sheer to look Its Juice of two lemons, the finely handsomest. mashed pulp of two bananas and (a 131. Wtrn Nwfrpr Union.) two cupfuls of sugar. Add a quart of thin cream, a pinch of salt From tli Lti The word "Episcopal" means gov- and freeze. Dainty Dessert Cut with sciserned by bishops, and Is taken from sors dipped Into cold water, one the Latin eplscopalis. A Two-Tw- pound of marshmollows, add one cupful of cut pecan nuts, or almonds If preferred; add enough whipped cream to make a mixture to stand up well. Serve in sherbet glasses with a spoonful or two of orange and pineapple Juice poured over each. Top with a maraschino Basket! To aid In transporting Invalids from burning buildings, the Berlin fire department has been equipped with life baskets which slide down the frames of extension ladders. Popular Mechanics chopped, one cupful each of pecans cut fine and celery, also finely cut. Mold In Individual molds and serve with blglJy seasoned mayonnaise, unmolded on nests of lettuce. Cherry Ice Cream. Use a cupful of rich cherry Juice and one pint of cream with a few drops of almond extract Sweeten to taste and freeze as usual Serve In sherbet cups and garnish with a spoonful of minced cherries and a spot of whipped cream. . cherry. Spanish Pepper Salad. Dissolve one pnekage of lemon gelatin In one and cupfuls of boiling water, add a teaspoonful of f salt, the Juice of a lemon and cupful of mild vinegar. Mix with six canned plmlentos finely one-fourt- h one-hal- I'll. Western Newspaper Union.) Birds of Florida The biological survey says that the following are among birds In the Florida everglades: Snake-birds- , curlews. Ibises, cranes, king fishers, herons, wild ducks and By H. Inex-pllcal- I Nmw SAKE'Z OH, HE JOVE?, you mm UkE THAT if; FOREST DALE POTATO CHIPS ask : Itecipe for Happiness Ij. APEX OLIVE OIL AN INTIfKMOUNTAIN Military Reservation The Canal zone, a United States military reservation, has an area of 53 square miles, including land and waU-r- . ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO. 1 rmiil ArtiSdal Limba Arvh Support ( rulrfi Elaitle lluiarry tUteoaisa 8hoa F.Ubli.hd la Rait UU Id 1S0S fit. Waa t:ei HatMxtton Gaaranlr4 lit W. Taltd Sa. I Ball Lata tltr. Vi. ril'E maize-colore- fr C1IKHIE NinioI.AH. SALT LAKE PIPE CO. I7t Waal 4th So SVnJ Uila ail and ft lilt. Wlr fitWIMtwf I I tt a Bait Lsk City 10 s'iarount Karly Congresses Conirrcss moved from New Ifork to Philadelphia, December . 1790; and staved there until May It, 1800. THOMAS ELECTRIC CO. The Capitol at Washington it WHKKLS rUMPH MOTOHB WATF BOl'I.HT iil.t K1IAISK0 Wt:T 14 soi l II Ml SALT I.AhB CITY, I'TAH Uncovering Hrrculaneum Ruins of Herculancum, buriid during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A. V., were discovered In 1719 when the ruler of Naples began digging a water reservoir, at tha site of the old city. Utah High School of Beauty-CulturThird PWr. nifl nidt. Ball Uaf Dir. I'L If fas sra I'lannlnt 1'arlns Hattaaas Palarr. luminal liar t'laa Wrlla Par Catalan e Life Life is the sum of our attainment, our experiences, our charac- ter Chapin. Spend Your Vacation at IDEAL BEACHBEAR GASOLINE Tacked With Power MascuKne Vfo To some men "equality" fed right to Wsyne News-Sentine- IMS B superior. NEON LIGHTS M.m Salt Thy yesterday today is thy is a Secret. LAKE OCT U f trwli h r la sail Carta Itll ikmik 111 fcrtna iH "Double tresming' Doctor VUctrlly says that a New York boss in the early 'KOs testified before an investigating that when a constituent sked a favor he made a record of tha name end fact and if he intended to grant the petition he marked a cross after the name. Sometimes he would change hit mind, in which rae he Bil led second cross. In his testimony he wouM "I crossed Smivh; i double-crowe- d Jones." Possibly this I the ori;:in of the expres"double-cross" as used today. sion iy: thy Paat; thy Future; thy tomorrow fin w w"l use Intrrmnitnisin Similar to atove. Send your story in r vera to Intrrinnun-Uipro Column .P. O Prndurts .. I'.ot 111.-- Salt UU City. If your story appears i this should msde J. W. Kiel Garden City, Utah tar,riaaala nt paid for the bet article on "Why yon Reasonable Trices a tv Driefly- Told - Good Cabins and Meals WANTKDt Stasia Fort Pawns Cofonon CfJ.UVJ erlnin Is a l. CLAUDE F.urtiuci M tr lr (r Snail, aa4 arklrk rraalaiatvMiiint n4awi'art tihik4 isla By Cliarlcs Suiihroc KMbla. Wrtlt rStanUnf stn farterto. w H v -- r o ni iw. an uu t.u I and RarlalmrH a for I'llr Writ was first used by congress when reconvened in October, 1S00, yoke-shape- perl-winkl- o AND FITTINGS N Brsm wearing frocks of durene cotton mesh with net yokes, The cauien caught them "all dressed up," but not In the sense of being starched stiffly, and told not to sit down. Modern little ladies of very young years have a much better time of It being all dressed np now, that their dresset are made of soft cottons. As to the frocks which theyonng-ste- r to the left Is wearing. It Is made it "pineapple mesh," the deep collar Is white. Inverted pleats both back and front achieve necessary fullness. The elder glrl't dress Is of blue dureen niesli with t yoke of dureen net Just two shades darker. Contrasting shades this year may be either two entirely different colors or they niny be two tones of the same color. This Is a "color" season, and mothers ire encouraged to Indulge In bright r delicate shades the more their little Mk't wearing apparel, now that modern Ingenuity snd Science have achieved boll fust colors In wnslinlile material which Is especially true nf the new and vogu'sh mercerlerd cotton. PRODUCT One Point of View Good taste rejects excessive nicety; it treats little things as lit- GOLD" "GRAINS TOE WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL "Makes Cream Taste Better" tle things. Western Made For Western Trade At Yor Cranr ra? QoaUIr K.nlnlon An. riir Tl. Mr 1741 "Loco Weed" The Marihuana plant is a species of plant which grows in Mexico and is prepared as the tobacco in the United States, wrapped and smoked. It is extremely intoxicating. Its manufacture, sale or transportation is forbidden and punishable by law. 47 Kartory Ball One of the secrets of success In Ak Tear marriage Is knowing when to keep Diaiflal your mouth shut. Woman's Home Far com-mit'- OUT OF Final Par Crlipnraa and Ka Good" column you v. ill receive check for tmm yx ip HardwafcCo. History "Stringing" UsT We cling" to the notion that Nero's greatest achievement was that of fiddling before the fiddle was invented. Duluth Herald. B4 aiali The "Cave Boy" Stuff NICE ;if.f. The, OF Mc-Ke- yj'M Fruit, (train, and cucumbers Are raised by us too. Then support your home producls, And they will help support yea. MRS. WM. J. GREENLAND, American Fork, Utah. BLUE SEAL CLEANSER Companion. -t . Crown-Princess-B- Iue ASK YOT'R PEAI.FR H ii Bird" If you're commencing to worry, And your money doth roam; Then buy all your products. Resharpcned Saw You can fool some of the people Manufactured at home. all of tha time, and all of the peo- On "Intermountain products ple some of the time, but the rest You ran always depend; of the time they will make fools They are richer in quality From beginning to end. of themselves. "Silver . y ii THIS WEEK'S TRIZE STORY Br Nans COTTON RETURNS TO FAVOR o 'OVLD LOV Ak Toar Dralcr For Intermountain Made Brooms Sanitary Hootfhold snd Water Knftenar SOLE DISTKiriUTOUS 1 irZl)i4MCE Lime These Brands Are Intermountain Made And Deserve Your Support Clnnwr When 1 entered the house of mys-- nerve taut, I finally reached the from the tery there was the black cat and he step which was the I tenth held the light me strongly, particularly top. Bending over Interested a bowled 10 wind the and flanged nn arennnr nf ih ammosed secret ! close to the eleventh and there mournful serenade. he held In bis brain. For the third partly I solved the double murder lislower Alone I sat In the hnll, I watched him skip up the mystery, although the horrifying time tening to the kerchug kerchug of a moment threatened the old fashioned registrar of time stulrs, wheel at the landing and re- discovery for blood In my body. and matching the antics of the cat trace his steps. Suddenly my con- to congeal the The rest of the solution was In Wlihlo a few feet of where I tat scious mind grasped a fact with two meo bad met death mysterl-"ii-l- which my subconscious brain had the big clock. I had all along beEach time, in as- lieved, apparently without reason, during the last six months. been Juggling. the cat had that the huge timepiece had tome-thin- g and descending, cending a naturalist John Simon had been to do with It, and the revelaa bachelor. He had rented tlx leaped over a step about midway ind boose for a home, but on the morn- - In the filcht the step against which tion on the eleventh step sent me -J lug following the day on which be the big clock teemed to lean. hurrying to the clock, which I pro- ,1 It was about time for me to get ceeded to dissect with the aid of moved In, bis dead body wns round 1 t the foot of the stairs. The coro busy, so I picked up the smoky lan- tome tools I found on the premises. THE brand new things which are done with the now-sner pronounced It heart disease, out tern and mounted the stairs. PausAn Intricate device, which In wlu-i- i Alfred another tenant, ing on the tenth step, 1 examined cluded a strong spring asldo from modlsh cotton weaves are simply Materials which have a met the same fate three mouths the eleventh, but It looked no tllf - jthe one that gave power to the amazing. Inter, the owner of the property, ferenl from the others. At the top hnnd. whs deltly concealed from deep toft luster through perfected Frank Judson, called on me to In- - of the flight I turned right and en- any one winding the time machin- mercerizing processes, In the final Vecountered a doorwhlcii admitted ery. In a way this device was like analysis often reveal themselves to 'rale My quest led me to call on Cud-lw- , me to a bedroom. that of an alarm clock, only Instead be every thread cotton, although bell It unfolded a thin one would never have thought It the curetaker of the old house Ths room wat partly furnished, of ringing cotMini occupied a shanty a half mil and I lay down on the bed after Heel trm, which extended Itself possible at first glance. Being the glass face ton means that they arc not only and sway. rnpped against and lantern the placextinguishing "Mire, I know who done It" tnld ing my flashlight and automatic of the clock. This occurred every durable but though their looks may belle, they can be twenty-fou- r (Judlow, decisively. "Judson knows, conveniently near. hours, tt midnight tubbed to look ss good as new. t'Hi, only be won't admit It Them the The glass rapping tgnlnst When the midnight hour began to two men were killed by the old InSeeing that these are the very served as the lure to get the dead clang 1 tat tip. possessed of an ventor McKee or rather, by qualities which are desired In mato eleventh Inventor's the victims that conviction something The same device controlled terials for the making of little ghost McKee lived In the step limine t year ago, and be seemed was about to happen. mechanism under the step, which folk's clothet, their wide popularScarcely had the twelfth stroke an oil right sort of a man until be thrust twenty needles ity with creators of Juvenile fashmidnight loud, flopping it died twsy when Is self explained. be tnken and the rows In sick, way two gt through tiny holes In ions One of the newest trends In fabraved then made me think ht must nolso csme op from the first floor. the step, causing thera to rise about rics Is that of novel mesh effects. te crnxy. The day be died bt called I sprang from the bed, with the a third of an Inch above the surNow that these lary weaves, some finshlight In one band and the re- face. fe to him and tnld: had of w hich look almost like coarse net, "Cndlow, I'm going to die; but volver In the other. The noise exrow of double This needlet, so pronounced Is their openwork III haunt this lnc forever. I'm ceased, but began ansln at I passed pending tcrost the step, comprised patterning, have teenme so vital a taking a secret with me a secret iiit.i the upper hnll. It lusted only I demade while bad style topic, dressmakers and detlmt tuny mean death to many. Hut moment then til wss quiet except the discovery scending the stairs. As I suspected signers are expressing no llttJe enand the wind. I tii lnmn knows the secret md the clm-I found that the needles were holthusiasm for the beautifully merlit' H never tell." The flashlight found the explanalow snd contained a virulent poison cerized quality-kindurene mesh 'lhe rsrrtaker then explained tion "f the hiss. It showed the black which wot Injected Into the veins cottons which are as smartly atthnl 1 lemon was his black cat rat stsndlng on the bottom step, bis lit m who chanced to Step with cf tractive as they ar thoroughly lih had been accustomed to bsrk arched, his lull standing bit bare foot on the eleventh ttep prnctlcal. ri.nsloVrnble time with the straight up. hit eei blsMtig tt me at the midnight hour. in. The wee maidens In the picture Id Inventor and who even now fre- like fiery emeralds. BtrSdlcale t IA Med"' herewith know "style," for they ire Culded by lb flashlight tvery quented the house. SUCH IS LIFE patronage. Wonderful RAY WALKER THE stairs scampered the UPblack cat as the ancient clock An aviator is one man who is "up In the air". Another is a man who thinks he can mn an industry without local support. Intermountain industries appreciate and need your geese. Eleventh Step Held the Key The Weekly Short Story Sally Sez (JC O ff VU Deing Happy Fahtonalle Saying one la nappy seems to be the proper thing in China, according to Dr. Randolph Sailor, psy chnWist at Yenching university. Of too workers qutionel, enly lmilted that their happiness was below par, and none was complete pess mist HappincM is njt affected by rsnnr), education cr jobs, Doftor Sailor and his Smnksrs and found. both were happy. And married men were happier as a lule than barbclois. 60 B |