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Show or,ii v HIRTY.8XTK COXaUESS pfc ?i , Till- UNlTiiD STATES, VirW We fitii tMittitMcb ifai bgun fj nW fW o Cijr T Wthtfi, i ir At JDurirf tif jCuhmUf. 0. MontlA$t w thtiflk,ht if Dtnmlit, AV.toi and ttuhd on fevdaf Mi tvrfntf fifth w UafitJMt Ai I 1810, 2( lkrfvtHeiriti' ftwI-Ktat, Johsf t5. tiartat ' iKdiixit, Vkrf-l'rrnweiitt ntii I'ratMent ,of 11 tlm Stiwlm AVumm l'wwxttru,. Speaker w of lb iQu? ffiWl'togntalUt. ca n Florid. Iuib n aJ. MiHtotrtf ind fr . l tit U tnmui tuUi aitii llnai tf Vfi' 6' iBirMirt.liWSiisr.-t(l Omhim imtUd,TM r prjn perjoiii. Aiicfjld J ;l'tt;rttiWivtUeif nny pttnoii w riton, j io cUim nnr MmU ljinc njlhln thrt Hltc Of orlda, IxutUh'4 or HUoiirl, f vltlno of f nit, wncinloti. otder of (nifrci, pcrtnl!on f tllli-l' Mtj.t,Wti9 CI tltto, tnriAUiig from, any foKign gorornmenl, Vovr 1,1 t dtto prior to thcnluri to I he Urltcd 'J iiaiuf th urritory t,of whrchnid $ltf " r? forinrJ.or ilurini; lb' pcilot when, unf P :h government (Inlroed otetetgn(jr or Irnd, fcctunl pjlut) itf Hie tlldtifet bt ferj'Jtorj1 '" wblcl tl Arfd iii cldlmed art ulluntetf. V ll V9;Bditlirnr;herijbyV 'RiiJltorlid te ; ike r)IcilJon for the. tonfitm!lon,of Uilr c tetd Jb J4hd urt.lcWmed.J'i ilo miinner. " lottl&tf, to'wH: 1bey Miall fllo notice Jif l HIdcv topelheftTilU Ufa evldehca Io iuopoti their rblm, beforu Die coinmlinioneri licrp- Sl Uttr dljftiiteI, flttiln whw Ulttrlct the W idt.cUlweA " l).;i(ttleil, lugether nlth "J irfefaUtrwt.of .Uio title at the fcllun.; d cpleo( tnptU 6t ttirTjy.tliorro(, nbt n. D r uch trtrver he been Wis1 "and arc thin tbo poMcsiion 0 tho elalmafit, nd no- t tunft td nlllt Awotn Ulnmtit by-bft "J ilttiruit ef th'e JWi'jijpiMSid to b corercd j 'Ida cUlm.aeootdl.liff lg the legal dtttl(Vn ?' (i lnlM!i(rioii.6f the nrrT mado ly1be ' ilttdfiUteUtlie lamt clluit U Included At ny..iurejointiitoiihd thenahl hotfet n drtcc..and (hajloclriOdiof thfcoirtinUwIpi)- 'n I tht'reon.slUII Mfeeanled Inn book kept ; Ptrpoo,ft.kwmptt)t.wilcli b, JJ m llmo Ia t m, be trannmltteil la the Com Ul wionerofthtCtfoerillABdOfficoi 11 !liter AM rrvoljfert.cf. b ovril. laud 5 rwri'h,Stte'Df notrd'ttnd JnWnr., C (blfjUboir repectlo Jnd dlj trleta, And th ' tSfiet ol IiuSif Htlo foMbo city of Saint ?t wor jr. ;Tfc5KlJibei Aisl Ibiyiir. bireby, polrttisl commllonr to ha Aiid decide, y1 itf aUth tnitructlonajaa mijr,be.prCTlbeil fQ conformity nltlt tblaiiwt. And Accordlh'iili HfcftAnil crtalty.And. fbti prtntfjitea hfrtfiiS :ac wtablUhftyittfta tttmutiry nmnriei', oil tW.reptttlng inch eudmrwliblH the-tJIav CtajAfortaaM juicomenltbtn th lifililoii JJ llilmct; thcyalmll'hava powtr toadinltiW. H r oatbi,:cMtJpl ttbo'ndnneo of Artd fit ''I jliio.wllnsnf.,dWAn1l 'n obtain front the' " opcr oftlrcni 1 public ,;reofd' fn -which u ntff luttdi!arraftt, order of aurrcyor n berl otrdtiit8f ilatnia to bn,t ,IcrIrel from ? pfrnljan jtovrnbii)nti,iy htTe'ttfon-iWenl. rAit olur.lt. mXko a rHHt to. tb Cwmiril ioer.oCtiwfO(ntaltftndOflIcSBn ihi'cWwa titeacfttcd ta them for dedalon, UirldibeitJ Pi tint into ,nrattf'claM In ib'n jbxAnncr rclnaftit pr6ri.lo.,r;iih(l.'ltibs thcltirl)Ion lUlict tlH'ii calin.0!5li( tbc cobfiruied or m. icttcd.j.'- v -;-'..) "- j ifec. Z&MM AJ!&ir rnatbat'thh ?i itma io printed ftwt;pn6d tipon;,l.y the ill mraMoncfi nBforrM!it;biill;Cc .y.lb'em ea rlded,4n rtUcif j-rcpal ilntoi luto,. Jlttlbet an "MhB.,wa all clatmi-'whicfi, In tli Pln-poiotttl't l Vc connrmd;Mheraltie- !,i njfcklinut havo, le dp in omclon add cul- .1 icAltobytbOiprlratolalmantaot tlioMtini r wl.ijni.UlieyjlcrJfe. tltl. lot ?. period of.at tt aat twetttr yaa"pKpedhii,tb dr ofcnUojs 4 er!tniJ!.Vitttt,of.tn8 grAttt,oncei1on; if ;vrder'X'urrVlrmiJon to' toltle; or. it; ber wrjlfmerMtricc-o title :mAnaHni trora f n.aJCor.eJKu gJvcrnmniljfclf held or claim. ' aDverelgntyocJurladkllanoverJbotertltory ci which the Jand!Cl.tImi4 50 Htiwted. oli,! lre the tlllo einntiatlnc from- aueb forclfia vernmcnt Uafa ilalu anterior to tbo ccitlon nld tcrrlterr lo'the Crjlied Statet. AuiiiWhro shall oitraliialf clalmrVrlil cll ItA , lr oprnlon,-vglit to becanfirmhl, where Iho ' rtd r-clalmml under wrHtett evidence of ? I( ATwc prot Mt 4 ta tlasa nmtlxr on, hot ?' teju there . bail beii-o attuaj povUewlrm and " Hh'atlotibf the land xdattntd for rerfed iif lat twcbfjfyeart trtft.ttltbdtlliirrof.'th . dm., ' " ( ' ayvjUflhtt ahall. contain ait claim nblcfri J" tblr optnltm,'iHiffht.Uk bcrtjectwl, whether V im defect of proof, amplclon of frfttid luised '3 s probabto ifrouo luftncertalnty of location;. 01 'i'-'f0 dy6.rny-0'ber rau 01 ifflcfenCfif tlietr 6pTnl6n, to lustlfy anchrcA i cUpurTrttfoVJ, Thnt:fn- nor ci abalt Hltf cl pnimliilodira; MibrAco" aaM tlaMei nuUtr. 4 and' MMfr M ntiy IaiiS w1jiCh- ha 'bdn ' i'otoforo', pi"ntBl,,f6r,cohBrmatloa. before J1 if Urd;of inrijlsloncra,oi' other puMlc " Haiti Cl!nff Widef;aiithUilty',i,r Giiligrtea, idejectln belhfifrAndblcut,:or'itbcureddl 1' atntalncd .byfndutenrn tmMrpr'4ntanV ' r- hH-wij4iHci,'cJaii4 -W'tecclvcd'orlcort- f lered by tho rmihrwldneri wHch1 liat tpn' f ready t"tccreJtfctcdon tbwcilWpreVl.ou' jj Sta. -. AnJ it it rtrfrc,-eiL That -when, f rer the iblOumn.iiaionerlial approve the ! iwMV-PmwIwIonWAjttMto-ewbrMO ' 1 Uaiaea Aurater & imWerffaV Itoaball ri.' ? rt tbe rtwicuiCoagtvJiirii.fAtlon; and boaeter the-wtd Conimteronerhai aiiprore ' iAs report In. rw .embraced, iu claai mmUM ill.ba tloal and .'iluire; ariil Ihe land em" edwUb.1t'thBullnl!aK ticonnlclereiland f lied St 0W,'r ,1U(,Ue Un" '"""B11 ,J tu ntrtehtAdedy ithtn Aiqr of tbo li(e 'clAae !' iieuldjon Wl C't lliersr ahall U dlMpprotat 8 lb,Cynnlloncrof tjie report mail by ibe t irda of coninilf ajoser afore Midi ah'alf "be'rai ? rtJ loCou"rcM;foif;ili AcU6dTandnal d lon'tfiereon.,' " r f Iball appear that Jsndttlilinril.ahd lhi J1 Is to vthfch mw be conOt wed under the prdi F lonaol tbU 5CifWe be4vM in whole or f tArbtbflJURltMlatr-Jirtb fc, iol;h i msilon. or where the urynr-frenltflo'f th'el f itilet !ihU Aicortalo.tbat, the aame tiiniiorbe f rvcyratand lcarcl, tire imrty.ln whw.fi.rcr. I1 e titr It cvitflnurd Abatp bnv jthe rltthtJo. 0 ter upon my of tbo put.llelniufot theUiiiied ttet a quantity of land vmial Irl titent to ' at aold:by;lbh eoefn'trterit: V4i(11ft d entry bo made only on Undt anWect totwCf J" teWrytniedollf aluhtwenty UTC'ccnt ?' ,i",-?'S?J f. 'V M Pl'!bl' 1 lEl driora tnd ntbiU WnK aivri(lng to tbe'tur- 1 ya wad by.tliaJolUd.SUUsj ' ,t idV"i ' I " Te"ntcrft("r wi'nfmatloil rtWpiv-?'w"ntf4 Vijffwen Ward!?? minlwlontia UHdcrautbotlly of CongrcM, the ' tyilWl"1 - P"" UXih former board .11.1 ,UU a 1 m ru-jTjmayit. and.tbo ffc ftce Oorcil Jvfiiro u(;h fornilr board, and ri alnlrtg' of nvord, afttl) b a.finltfct on tile ;4,tt,S'itJSn?t ,b." lnn made.under the pro- e BtO. ,iJ;fi iiirf tvxttJ, Jhat no Uid H diaeil urulettb proytaoni of thlaact bal t ' woed for labs, vjr o.tbt'rw'Ue dupoaril of.br I . iflWr6f MH-lTrftcj guiej. nntiUboioal S cJlou kbttU benrude on (lie taliaity or ijeb I aim; und In no r-ua where land la isoed ctittWated uyfptlrata peiaurja aball tl be en- v rrdjipon or uryed a public Und. or of t red f"rlwltUout p-atlom ooHceghta.to c lOHS ln iHMaetUia. rwintring Ibenii p'reWnt t lelrcWmtfotwufiouatlon; AtSdlfwltblalxty ay rronx tlie datffof auA notfce auth claim I wnotbYeen.filedftbithproperofflei ru government may proceed to tl.ei.uTtrOr 1 Brc. 0. And W i( fnfUtr tAaaixt, -niac beror j it board of cummlMionr ahall ba rniolrf d t 1 recelte: (oi record jmy liot, pAper, ett g rnce of title, or twtlmonyi In auppot; o' f aim, tbAClaMadl ahall pay tottld board tb t m of twentytfire Cent for tery hundred f ord rxiulrwt o be reorJed, which ahall U t I fal( cim'ldcrktlon fur' the teccrdlnj and tbe. j anacrfpt reitiilrnl o bo forwarded to tbe Com t tutloner of the Oenehil laud UOlrc; 1 6C; lk.AtdHUfurtUr tXKUj, 'fbatnt the 1 tmwenccm'ent vf each rtjutr newlcn of Con- t c.i, Uabnlf.bt tli duty of the Coiimilintoo'er t the (Ventral lAhd UftfCe to mivke report Of tthatbfl-eri doiW under" the proMoffa 6r 1 il net by the several oUicrra el larked with It tccutlon. 1 , tiutf. l, AnJUii fttrtlitf inqttctl, 11iai in' nj 1 ila'of tucH a fhilui to7a6d o1 liturltibcfore . Hie fint section of tbla act mentioned, wlirr 1 ie land cfaimeil liare not iieuti In poWaloit 1 and CuitUatisI by the Original .claimant or 1 almanta, or those hoMlnj title under blra or , wm, for the txirlod of twenty "year Afite4!itd 1 id whero tuck land are 'claimed' by completer 1 int w conceaalon, o. order' ul turret dnly I :.u(rd, or by otlur mode of inrejtllurB 0 letltle tbertto Iri 'the otlglpal eUIinAntdr altnantt, by tepnintfoti tbvtec) frem the mam the public domain, either by actual oney drflnltlon ofi titcd natural arid asocHaloallo lUodAilAf; pr Initial. ,p9lnf,cture and dunce, du-nce, by tli competent ulbrfy, prior i 7 ie fce1ori to the UnUdd. IJWW of the fettlta , in whltb tatd land Were iicladl,vr "here reh: title tnut created artd perfected detlng tb , :rlod while ifm-foreign ttetefnnieM from 1 hlch It ciipiiald cl,iiuied totcrefuiity orcr or , l the: actual poMfMlort of inch tertlloryj t'hrj srorterjieroublathcr(6r'lhclr UetreVde t cc legal reprufhtntlrea of grontcea, a 1 Aiming tuth land, mAf, at their option. In- eJ of tnbmUtlrig their claim to thcoDicet ( officer hereinbefore: nicntfoiK-d, proceed by Stltion lit nny diatrict court of tho United ate within whoa Jurlidictlon tholaridibf , ry part of the land claimed rnay Iii; Unliw ich. claim come within tbo purrlew of the drd tectlon of thl Actf td which petition the nlted Blninr" artall'bii made defendant, and H lall bo verified b the oath of the party or 1 itlleeVAad conform, td , tho pforltlontofaeo, an o;e of tbl act, and the practice of 1 ich court Tn Lliaacery, And the attorney ( the Vhlted State for audi dljtrlet ahall de c nd -aRnlbit the ame for the United State; I id the court balt decide the claim ralid or c TAlid according, to the- principle entaUbihed -1 (hi act, and, decree occoriliugly. If the f rco "be nffallilt tbb TJolted State, an appeal mil bo entered to the Supreme Court of the. I Ulted State; and f lt.b. againit Uie claim- it or clajmnut, he or they fjay. jAke an ap- ' at directly, to that court, a of right , and e ttreowlthbttt affidavit or kecuritjr other tliitri t rcostui and the same ball'bti adjudged 'it il In tht'fiuprtmir Ooatt u In. ptlrer coaeOf ffr "'welM 1" cbrjer;y, and a multy ont , stloinntj.fherlhcJpteaAforesnldmerjulfc d blflr dedrforj jhalr. bo' final, nhd patent aboil fi krcupWlMDV, if the claim beadjudged valid",' I t d mirdr .bfitue land claimed aa remain-Jotditnd.(qi!,j remain-Jotditnd.(qi!,j much ."M may bare been! 1 !1 the provlaftn; orcctiofi (x ef'thta aCI f albpplyarldVfrf forvo. ' 1 VWVl AaiU U -ptthtreiuiettdl That tb! itpilwll be and remain. IriiJ'tfrce, during the nrt.of ireyearunicta, aooper. repealed by igrest ftud all' claims presented or Ucl Kin, according' to tbe.provlalot) 6t this 'act;- Ithln the aafd frni of five yehr, tnny be pro' a ctited to final dotermlnAtioH Awl' de'cUjoni itKlUi.ftudlog: ahe.'aafil tyai of firejeat ay ibava expired bforo tiiclj mAt detcrmtna. Wand'decUlen. ' " I iArtotrn. Jude23,,l800. . ? I 1 t t-rj''i- 'I'-r '' " '-'" a Mf, ClXXXlXi-An Ac,lii rrfciffoii t, jfi r ",f Sfult'jStt iifrfcWiVAyai, i JU'&fa&idit i Scnati W th'rf jkptti mt.tili Tliattlio iTfilwIdnaryVlaJma "referred f, fa theionrth"'"ectlon orthe'aet'of twenty i PttSh irundrcd nml flftr,' h llUWfAnoet1irovWlng'fori!mtxAmloaflon b ,l K'ty'SS?1 ditna Jo(:l.nt thn" ?5iult v e, fAtiei'Mlcblganjmlitefiertod' upf-n'by u regUt.ernnd yctelvcr 'AtlSA'nlttii JdrrleV r. irunttaAtarM.t,-hAU tnUfledto:tccoB:v i lion and onOrman In tbo tnruo manner i vd on4he tame term m ClalmVbf l(jlldui I lerela provlddJ for;valid. nibn" tbo filial ap.; , 'oral of the atd chilm,a 'proVbled Iri tbe gbtU ectlort'bf.tbe'(etlaforaild,J patcut i lAlt bebwued therefor..- ,, j MrtovtD, June a4. 18C0 - --, , -. , iivi CXCXAn Act fa' nkfron il MaUch'ai f Injuria frnd Ttitpatui upon Ftttie and I irie Vroftrfgi uHMn "rt OittritiM Col t yvMa.:. . J Heittnartaiip l'ht Senate Bad Haute ef llrprw limtj tti lHittJ ,$1410 Tnf America. mSmrtu 1 rriitfiTii, That every pcriion wio stfall wilfu(l)'1 id majfdoukly, or. waiitdhly; aricj wlthbut iue, In tbo iJiafrlot oLCpIumfcli, fcut .dowff tdta'roy.or'by filrdllng,.lopping, or otbe. ; le Injure anyfrnitor eUr treej pot lil own," ' iviidlnjC.xir growing tor'tliade; lmame ot; or ther uceful purpose, or ahall matldou.lt def oy.'mutllaie, oriitUdrnl Inlurtf'Rnyatftfuai rririCnUmcijt6r,;otber work'of att. alnndlng r belnjori land not li oyn( of 'ahsll jnalicK ' inly break dowr r inlote any fence" eocloaipe r .beUustngtoABJthr't and, r ilitfll biall- 1 laaaly.Kvee tram.tlto frecitpiilDi anothfir any i redact thereof, cjanytliiujattaclifd tltcrcte, 1 hall .punished by SmprhomnenV "InfAtt not 1 V0, .Jan' thtce moil tin, or; by llrtendteicceil- ' igarta-hundreibMolUfa. " " v "- .v I .&i:2,i Andlt it: rfAt i ehe.-frf,, TJiAt every 1 eraonlicvliraald-pistrlct,, without, colorof I fht, tjiall wllfutiy; commit riy tifpa!"b 1 utilng down 6rttcatr,ojtiig' any limber or wood iaiidlujon the laiiiJif.arioth"er, or;bT'carry. ugawoy any Jiind of iimberor.wood cnt'donn f, lyloounfb,lAiid,or.bydlglng uporcar-ylug uporcar-ylug Away Any atoho, ore, grateU. clay, sabd, urf, or, mould from such, land, or Any root, rult, or plant thcrebelrig, iir oy cutUngdown rratrjlng AWAftrwy.tfrata. hay. Rraln or corn Uudfng, ortbetngor tucblttd,l)aJl be pirn-ihed pirn-ihed by imprlawtment ,n.itUj)ot more than ellar'' "0t h""1 lxt' Bce, Anilt ilfittihtr. eacud, That every eraon who, Iri.tald PUtrlct. witliout color of IgJit. aball wilfully, commit ,auy ticspaaiby nterlng upbri'the garden, orcbard, other mprptedtandjit AHolbr,;wlth Intent to cut. ' ke,carry away deatroy, orlnjura fbe tree. tAln, grwj. bay, rroif, or vrgUWe. Uiere I ruwUig or being, Jhall be puqUbcd by linp'rt. nm.cnt in jail not were than forty day, or by fianeticcedlng"flftydolIr. y 1 Stft'4: Ani le UiJUrairthadeil, That Ju I kf of tlio'neyce:hallbAvatiive:oilCTiiil ridict.loa In all ca mcntleiieil la- the Tire 1 cdlngacctlohj; faying, however, to any tarty ' omrlcted before tich')uitlcB; the tight io' a i tlatby jury on KM Appeal to "tba .criminal P"fV i-yW- 'J'- " ' ptcB. nJ.t'..yiirrtr,Mffo'er; Thatevcry ton wnVlctey beforea jualh-ij. of the pcaee f anyftiBceiiamfcd In Hilt act, and arwaU agjtb,eretoiu;.'alajbb eownUtted to nMdtr hefltensw.cif,,tbe cilmliial.couVtijntlUti, ''jHlnJV!'' autetlea, Iniucirrruon; Wa turn atthe jiwtlcoitball rctjnlre, wltHcbn-Itiwft wltHcbn-Itiwft appear at sald tcmrt. tHcro- to proae-Kfe proae-Kfe lit appearand toablde entq-!Oj;thieon, i mauchappualiclng takea.andibond filed, J he Jtistlcealiall.tUAk i, Ciipyf,tbe'couvU'tton nd otherprofctillng In the cam and Ttrtn, ult the fmie, togftbef vr IIU tho rotognitinco, a the tleik ot'llm criminal court. . .Vi-rovjJunB33f IfW. filar. CO. AHAetpfnfJiiJiJarat ErMta if VH Offut fa tUCitivfl'MhMphia, y Di ilnbirtni fr Uit Small end Jfiknef )!rPm. '( (' .? (Arfnf Stufatf Aan'tcg u fangtw UtaiLUJ, ThaUtliaptovIaaof tbe tliJrdkeitlOn V, F-t aft entitled ''AnActmak'lpgappxoprlatlona' i ir auridry civil expenecaof tbe government for ,1 ho year emllng the tbitleh of June, Anno loiutnl eighteiin hnudrud Aodrtatty,"" paed I larch 'lbmlf eighteen buuJitd and Cfle .nine, 1 , and tbeaamo ate hereby repcaTed,'1 few. fr -rind ft.r ifrrrowrtaf,TIiAttbe If ' tetulv. agfeed tqrt punbaoed by the United itnteafiom lb American fbli-opblral So Icty a a itte'fur a court-house, mentioned in besatd third lectkKi. abogld fall to a-ll on 1 woitnt'pf any defect or quAllficiillou iu Ue 1 llle thereto, that then tbe um of aerenty- Ight thouaand dollar, npproprUlod by -tbe' LCi."lnl!,'lt e-ehteentb. clgUttcn lrtnuVedi-md lrtnuVedi-md finy.alx, entitled "An act inaklnc "pppro. f nr, elghteeo hBndtfd twl IWW, wr he puah and paymtnt of the aaine, to-:;- with the onetVndc4,b'a ""n fflfty tbouannd ddllnftapprdprtAtetl ly, he aid net or Match third, elghtem buadrrd and iftyrdne, for the tmivt of mAklnrf aitenw lone to; the bfllWirig tbciely utboriml to be mrcbaaertof the; lUnk, of ftnnolwIif.And he turn Of Crie bonded titouaand dullrtr, Ap--rOpitted"by the act ef Mrel fiftd,igbleen tundtal. nmt ifftytMn,.for aompletjog : nd urnililn-r the tadd bttfliiirrg har.'led U the tld lUnkof 1'et.ntytvatil And to Adapt I t to the ,0f poaWfrice, At tlllefpM,bAl " V ipplled locurr tint out the; pfovWoii' of the ourth acctlert of She ealdnet of March third dghlaenondred And aftttc, W th follow, tig manner.. v(i s llr for ihe purcliMe f the oWthentlonct wl JearrtiwiIIn thewdd fourtlt: leCtldh 4 the IWieyatrt Jy lo- t tHc ml tJieccdlng theintn fir te id foattlt Mft too Wenoml,AiKtXlrtttff the wmttrnctlotf fat building on the; taid lota wlM .far ot-offlce ami coiiit.liou; J'mphl, Thal'the kld property pimbaeil from the! Itink 'Of EVBnaylvaiitA.be aeld At A pflr. not Ie tlian m'e fitindred Ami ten thnn-and dellarA, - AtrftovinunejW, J$Ot; ', ' v JnA CCf, jJn' ffcf" autlitrttiiiVe liier-ejf a litpUltrfir lUi ITrfy vOtUt ILJurdoni!'-H ILJurdoni!'-H U'trimtiJby thi XfiuYt mi fwit ofRtptatii-itthaofUp ofRtptatii-itthaofUp Uniifil Slaltl if vteierifca1 '" Unnrlti tteaiifeif, That tlie kieaetArv ;of the,Treury tArtd be j hereby, Apthorlred fo lrte. a' regfeter; for l.rlg,'CbrfeU. Jordan' of V-on: V-on: Vore.1. that It ttll be proved to th tatiafactrnn of itatd tlecretry that ,Mbt brig vaa found derelict on 'tlie btch. wa, without 1 nahie. nl hlicliie!itiy aofif by ordr of the Jotted Stale dl tr'ui court Ma'tachrrrett, ind purchaitnl by Cbatlet VY. Adam, 6f 1W, :dn Mnchuetta. ."""' ir '- Affaoytt., Jbne Wt'JSCO, . - k .-(- . (- H 7ltll'. CCII Atl Att It anlhorif tie Tx-atih if certain Viartazlt ftr Bounty tandi Juntoart (ttutft. . ' ';' ' " v . Si il tnaHtJfv Oit Smalt is J Aa ef Rtptt; tntalivtt tf.tht L'mift Slttli eitrwrfra fa Cmyrttt utmhUi, 'TIlAt, "warraaM. for 'bounty land icretofote lutied htidcr the nbthorlty-of "tbe net entitled "'An net to prdrlde. fur satrafytng! lalni for boonty landa.fifr military aervicc a tbo late war with Great lir!ta!n, and for itberpttrpoict," approved the- twenty "seventh Uy of July, to the yearelgSleen hundrcd; And orty two, and pf the aercml ActAjevlvfrts the atne, appiotcd tbo twenty, sixth dAy of Junej rttheeArtlghfeenbundrfdand forty eight md the HgrilluUr of cbruary4 In the year ighteen hundred, and fifty foar,;may bo Ich Udt)ln coaforSilty with tbe general law fh arceat.any time within three year," from" the lattfof Ihliitttt Andjthat all enfrlei" anit.'loc-v-IOna,teade ltrt Aueb watranbralnce the twen.. y llth day!of Junev tn thetear eighteen lion, red and fifty etehtha! b; yilid nnr. f. L-ctnatrui If the several acU.aftirtiAtd bad . not hen expired. ' ' ",, V" ' ' V " Atwovao, JuejJi 18C0.; .v'J. -. - ' 'ffK CCIII. .teefffu aaHiirii tU JliUtxit of Xanrf n'arraaf fn crrfeiA CoM, iadsr ett'ir I'ereai; f - MUitJlydiSenait nat Mutt r Xyrt-wWhet Xyrt-wWhet iUf taftof Statc Arictttn.CbajrttM unnbM, TM.wheaatecH tljalf appear that ny cetlificata or warraet.ljsucdtn parsiiance' f any" law f:'ih Utvltnl, State irariiIrB ounty. land, Jiaa ln lost or dettroyCd;.-retheetbe,iamewd dettroyCd;.-retheetbe,iamewd been wWaitd ,A1g6ed y tbe-WAmntee brflot,the fJccritary" ul the nierleraUlilt bi'apd hob hereby, aufWixed ndrerniryorcAUerine"ccrtlfleateo'r war ant, of, like. tenor, to be IttUSdln lleitttfhe'reof: 'hlch Uw cerliflcato or warrant 'jnay be Aa Igned, located, tnd patented In H60 mariner lotlior Certificate or warrant for Iw'u'nty nhd Are uewAuthortii-d by lair to b4 al3tietlT JCftedfandpnteaUd nnit tn-lall caam'where rirraht bAYe bccej or. m.ny? lie, teitmed, the tlglnal warrant,- In whw'a ever-hand' It may of ,ball be deemed ud held to Imj null and old, mid the aaainmcrYt'thcrcof, If any- there e,ffaHdeUol5;BftCrTiratvlitiibnH etcr 'Uu jt;any land located there-lth,,Tinlesil mi reaumptWe ot freiid.lrt'thi'asalgnmenf U te. aotedby, duo proof .that, the.' a&mo - wiU vxqt aitwl by tbe warrantee In good Uttband.foirA aluablc conisldcratlonj -, -. - etc. -!r ,vtd U (tfuttitrtnKia Tlial tlienaW letretarrof the Interior ahall tie, and lie ta ercbyi Autborlaed nnd required to prewrilbo iuch'tule and rcsnlatioft for .'cArryiDg, jtUU ict lute elfett rw h may deem 'necessary "npd irone'r In rderi ta protect th& -gorern'ment iguluat lmp!tloit and frAUdbypcv-oiiA claim. nsrtheWttU.fef tbI,nctsinod itll'lnwa indp4rto(h.wforthe' panUhmonl of false Heiilninnl fraud AMlliU llio.ynllcl Stfitca, irtfbereby rnailo opplfciblo td faIseJwearlg' indfraddtihderlbiittct; ' " , movtyon2a,,48i5ii;; ; vvf' 4 " , . -J fi-ii' '- , 2tiat. CCf. An AH la autherUt Hotarui lu&. Ui ia Ikt phtiXcl tj GJunihia ta' taU AcUow MsM'ntirDtfaofCoMwntof fetfZ nnd Krfonattittate thinln. -' " " ? tnadtit li) Ut Smalt and lttutnf 'jterittunA Wire e X'M Stilt, Amtricol in Vbnjrta mtm!A.-4, .Tint All the power conferred uponrt lyalM" JWtleea.oMbe peace 4fJbeWlitrctof j-olwnt.u by thecxlatlng iaw, iti tho'Acknow. Iwlgmcrit Of deed for the cqnteyanceof real or pertohaf entatemay liercafterlbo tx'crcUed -bv mynoiary-pabllcduly appointed 'wltbtn a'aid Jfctlikt of.UilunWa And whefr certified, under He hand Atld offlealscat;of ucti..notary,pub-lift ucti..notary,pub-lift bAlt.haVe the aanve.forco and effect aa' If |