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Show our StGGKFaisers' uo umn. PTIACTICB. THEORY BETTER THAW ' .'. In each naabt Tkb Bladb will oootlnne oontraou at Results under brand Disastrous Following yearly publish fUse of a. Honseholil Prescription.' nominal price. ta.mli of ttockrafser the van to t ad The aire A German town mother, reading in Urlzln? the publio with hi brand and mark 'tho columns of a household journal are to well known to need attention. It U :. ; I eH (Has. F. Lower- Serier and - Blnk ox tJeaverr t Address : Jno J.. m UUh. - Oaili. iXZ?sJrkt?:':' Deism tipper slit 1 In 7 right, under allt la left ear Range :Crloket Mountains and Addreia, - Vvt'-'- " i - Deseret, Utah. Jos Dew sunn Under slit It .right, under V - Vyj Vi I ; ,tm'm, tl ali in leic ear. Range: Crlek Mountain Sexier. a. iJ,,JFf'f;4jaLower Deseret, Utah Addre, JoUtt I 8DUQ Horse Grower and DeaLtet RANGE: Houp Mountain and Lower Serier. Oasis, Utah. Address, urerson Bros b4 Breeder dealers in Short horn Durham, Horses brand Dn left thigh. Cattl-Upslope is each ear. Rang is Svier per rivM and mountains between ilills' station on the U. P. Ry and Lean tngton. Address, Leamington, Millard Oe., Utah Parley Mini same Horse brand on left thigh. Cattle-cl- ose crop in left and slit in rignt ear. Range, Lower Sevier. Des Address, eret, Utah. L on left thlskf fl same brand oa lafi hip of cattle. Raage Willow Bprtaga. Address, F. J. KeiriBj. Flak 8prings, Juab County. Utah. Ton left thigh, double swallow fork in left ear. O Range, Lower 8e Address Tier. .. -- not long ago about a novel method of quieting a noisy youngster, put it In practice with a somewhat unexpected result. The scheme, as laid out in thei consisted of smearpractical magazine, of raw cotton with ing numerous bits to the crythem molasses and giving ing baby. Theoretically, the child could then be left to itself for about four hours, while it was engaged in th interesting occupation of removing the sticky cotton from Its hands. Wishing to give the apparently feasible plan a fair trial, the credulous, mother procured a small bale of cotton and a pint of molasses, mixed thoroughly, according to the recipe, and served in a dry footbath. Then jshe plunged her babe's hands Into the mess and went about her business. iWhen time was called, the astonished child toed the scratch and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. About to decide on the latter, it occurred to the youngster that the stuff smelled good, and might taste good. At this stage of thegame the experimenter meas-- j inches just below the ured twenty-on- e waist. When the intelligent mother returned in about an hour her progeny had disposed of the entire mess, measinches in circumferured thirty-thre- e ence and was in imminent danger of exploding. The family phycician was hastily summoned and managed to afford relief, and advised the fond parents to quiet "the child with matches next time and' to send for an undertaker. Philadelphia Record. IT COST 8,000,000. THE CROWN OF PORTUGAL FERED FOR SALE. OF- The Royal Treasury Is Scant Just Now and Must Be Replenished Even at the Cost of the King's Headgear The Countess' JLIonora. HE crown of Portugal is for sale, according to gossip in L on don, where Carlos, the owner, and wearer Dom COUNT TAAFFE. The Distinguished Austrian Statesman Who Is of Celtie extraction. Mark, slit la aad two silts right in eft er. Sanse brand on left shoulder on horses P. N. Petersen, Oasis Range, Law er Sexier. Same left on Horses. thigh Upper slope and one under silt ta left ear, and two under slits in right ear. BANGS :Oak Creak. PAKKs, SAMUEL A. KING, LAND and MINING Attorney at Law. Count Taaffe, who is suffering from serious illness, is both an. Austrian statesman and an Irish peer. He is the eleventh Viscount Taaffe tin the peerCollections Proutly Att iM ts. age of Ireland, and Baron of Ballymote, the but for the last five generations His Taaffes have lived in Austria. was Princess Amelia, daughter mother Office, First Nsxionsi bank Bllg., von Brezenheim of the late Prince of UTAJi Regenz. Count Taaffe is only sixty-tw- o rKOTO, years of age. He married, when he was twenty-thre- e, the Countess Ezaky von Kereszthszegh, and succeeded to the family honors in 187a. After holding Bourns 4 and S Eagle Block, 8 ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH FRANK WHITEHEAD , Preff m or Music Will Kive leei.ru.Q Piano, Oman to., and teacb Eai.d at lovitbl prl reason aMe urcis. many high state offices, notably the governorship of the Tyrol and Vorarl-ber- Ho he became prime minister of Austria in 1879, and In that office, which he Gold Hill held till 1893, he displayed an extraorthe dinary adroitness in managing comwhich nationalities heterogeneous pose the Austrian and the Hungarian Tks Oasis and Fish stage learst policy, O as is and Ibapah at 8 Springs states, holding; to the cast-iro- n a. m., each Monday and Thursday, and arrives at terminal point! but showing himself an ideal opportu52 hours. within of the and a nist, master of compromise art of controlling conflicting interests. Oasis to Detroit, " Fish Spr'ngs, -- j!' - i $3.00 His laughing remark, made in a sitting " Gold Hill and ipabah. 6.00 7.5C of the reichsrath in 1892, "En somme de tout avant il importe et Tare for transportation out asd return on vivoter," sad fares, Address, of his serve as well the epitaph might for Detroit, Fish Springs, and Ibapahl v'i , of the bauble, is aa now visiting. The For further particular.' fddrees treasury is royal very scant, it seems, FRANK WHITEHEAD, and the king, ' who HINCKLEY. little relishes the distresses of his people, is willing to realize on this valuable piece of portable property In order to supply the deficiency in the revenues under existing 'coiditions; It was stated when he left home that the crown was taken for the pvrpose of repair. But the fact has COPYRIGHTS. out that it was for the more pracbe or sold tical reason that it might answer an honest &IU15N & CO- -and who have hsd ffll?flr5 lfldged. The crown of Portugal is the F. DAVIS, Proprietor, In the patent business. CommnntoL experience ttons most valuable in Europe, or, for that strictly confidential. A Handbook & J formation bow concerning Patents matter, In the world. It consists of a tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of ffiechT leal and scientific books sent free. solid gold band completely covered with Patents taken through notice in the Scientific special precious stones, many of which are histhus are brooeht widely the prtiicwISS cost out toric relics of Portugal's former greatto the inventor. before This splendid WATCHMAKEE, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by ?thi ness. They were procured when the of any scientific wnrt in i2! largest circulationUTAH. NEPHI, worta. ,$ a year. Sample copies frc mines of the Indies and Brazil were p.t Building5 Edition, monthly, i50 y?ar Watches and jewelry promptly cents. Every number contains bSSj the disposition of that valiant littfce PROPER HAIR CUTTING. copies, tiful plates,; in colors, and otSSZ paired. Mail ordrs solicited. houses, with plans, enabling photographs country. Among the jewels decorating io show u2 and secure contracts. latest designs i1tpi The Duties of a Barber Set Forth 1t the band are four enormous diamonds MUNN & CO.. New York. "qadwat. an Expert Craftsman. and four rare rubies. From the band The Intelligent barber looed pityrise four heraldic oak leaves, each of man had who a at ingly young just which is studded with precious stones. ot a shave, and was taking his de- From the leaves issue four arches which come together in a point above the parture through the door. . crown. The arches are decorated with "took at that gentleman's head," the conventional to balls usual gold he remarked, with indignant fempha-sicase the interstices in XTVAJEL. but this crowns, F A.YSON1 "Every bump in the back and are diamonds. filled Above with the in his . every scar he ever got therenose MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF on point of the arches is a jeweled ball, as as the is plain boyhood and this is surmounted by a Maltese your face. The trouble is that he has cross. Harness, Saddlery, Buggy Whips. Nose Bags, Collar The crown weighs three pounds had his hair cut by some barber who and five ounces troy. This circumdoesn't know his business. Pads, Hardware, Leather, etc. "There are dead loads of barbers," stance calls attention to a country that continued the speaker, whacking his has played a great in history, but Wholesale and Retail. Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. razor on the strop, "wiio sing, 'Johnny, is now comparativelypart obscure. It is out COUNT TAAFFE. git your hair cut short., and don't of the way of the average tourist, and Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and hM know anything else in their trade, until within twenty-fiv- e political career. When he left the office roads years cut. A more to hair there isn't any were unknown there. The entire area in 1893 he received an unusually warm given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. They cut a man's hair as long's the is letter of thanks from the Emperor only 368 miles long by 100 miles in Francis comb'll take hold, and don't stop until of was whose youth he Joseph, HEATED BY STEAM. ELEOTRIO CALL BELLI barber should Dever cut a customer's width. It is separated from Spain by the cherished friend hair short .unless he is ordered to do social and political rather than by Count Taaffe was a and companion. politician of the so. Hair should never be cut so as to natural divisions. A few years ago of school Lord Melbourne, whose fadisfigure a person. A barber should Spain attempted to seize and annex it, be something of an artise. He should since which time an intense enmity has mous, "Why can't you 4et it alone?" feel a customer's head and find out if existed against her among the people he would heartily have echoed." it has any pronounced bumps, and the of Portugal. ruler, whose hair should be raised to see if any full title is The present of Shipping: Shelled Egrgs. Portugal and the King scars are concealed. If either of these now imported into England are seas Eggs blemishes exist the hair should be cut Algarves within and beyond the so as to hide them as far as possible. in Africa, Lord of Guinea and of the from Russia shelled, beaten up and pre- The razor should never be used, except sparingly on the neck. The hair should be graduated gently from the L. crown and shaded down on the neck with care and patience. It makes me tired to see the work of some barbers. Next!" Washington Star. Men & . g, '. I 1 lea-ke- one-ha-lf j G. A. Gardner, AineS' - Harness W.and Saddlery WILLIAMS, G-EO- s. HOLBROOK, Prop. so-call- ed Headquarters for Sheep, Cattle Mining PROVO. UTAH "HOW DO YOU DO. GROVER. What She Said to the President and Utah. Address, Utah, ' : CMS. Thospsci Oasis, Mfllara Ca. ' . j tka etookman as raluable aa an fcdvertUem i to the merchant. ' - . G.'-W- His Reply. A lady who is now visiting friends n Washington recalls a very amusing experience which happened when she was here, several years ago and Mr. Cleveland was serving his first term In the White House. She, with a large humber of others, was at one of the presidential receptions, and, jlke others, when she come to shake ands with the president, got a trifle attled, and forgot the pretty speech he Intended to deliver. Instead, she tri-week- THREE BAKING CROWN POffD Leads All the Rest- - ly AWARDS. asped the president's hand, and, Sims Walker ooking earnestly in his face, said: 'How do you do, Grover?" She is a Address, Oak 3ty, Utah. retty woman, and the president is THE CROWN OP PORTUGAL. not quite averse to looking at a pretty woman, and even squeezing her hand. He held on to that hand and looked navigation and commerce of Ethiopia, served in hermetically sealed tins, from ntd her ffi.ce, which finally became Arabia, Persia and the Indies, owes his which they are drawn oft through a scarlet, although she could not refrain succession to the wholesale poisoning tap. Eggs in this condition are prinSALT LAKE. from laughing, especially as the presiwhich carried off so many members of cipally used by bakers and the advantdent was laughing rather heartily him- th royal house of Braganza some year aged claimed for the system are freeAfter waiting a few seconds, These mysterious deaths have dom from damage in transport and General GommissionMerciiant self. Which seemed an hour to the lady, he ago. never been fully cleared up, and the qualities. The tin or J replied: "I am very well, indeed, and of Dealer la in Lisbon them is drum explanation given packed in straw in a wooden very happy to have met you." With a forms a V. of Pedro holds the contents of 1,000 and case, strange story. bow he released her hand and FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUTTER, courtly siswas to married Staphanie, to 1,500 eggs, the white and yolks being ?he passed on. "What on earth was Portugal Hohen-zollerof of ter the Prince the mixed together, poured into the drum, to hereditary president saying you?" Inquired Sggs, Poultry, Game, Veal Pork ant a lady who was was to who Lisbon conducted and the aperture closed with a bung Beef, Smoked aad Fresh Pisa, she just behind, but Hour, Hay and Grain. iever told not for a long time. Wash- by her brother Leopold. Within a few and sealed. Great care is said to be months she was taken ill suddenly and necessary in selecting the eggs to be It will pay you to ship your goods to aaa. J ington Star. 10 as died In less than a week. Soon after- preserved, as one bad one will spoil the per eent. for handling aad remit eharg Orot Murphy, but O'Morehoe. s soon si goods are sold. Caa giro two brothers of the king were whole cask or drum. London ward eeuatrr references if desired, England has done many wrongs to similarly attacked, one of whom died. Ireland, but one of the worst of them The king was the next victim. After has only just come to light. It seems that the cook was murdered in the Balfour Behind Prison Bars. that we have stolen from the Irish the kitchen; another of the king's household Balfour has been senJabez ancient name of O'Morehoe and sub- was subsequently attacked by the mal- tenced toSpencer a prison at last. He has stituted for it a base English counter-wi- t ady which had carried off himself and robbed the British public of fully In the shape of "Murphy." At wife, and three princes of the royal and his sensational and last one of the family, the Rev. house suffered but recovered, and capture are well known. Hisflight orncsi powerful finally it was concluded that the bad relatives intend to get him pardoned, CQ W. 2nd, South; SALT LAKE OfTY Thomas Arthur MacMurrough Murrector of Tilternan, has deter- drainage of the palace caused the phy, mined to have back; the ancient fam- trouble. Some time afterward, howp. o. BOX I i ily property. He now j advertises ever, an old scientist traveling in the ' through the press that he has, for and east arrived in Lisbon, and, learning , Hand Sample i . . 01.00 In behalf of him self, his children and Iron Assay declared the victims the 1.00 descendants, renounced, relinquished werecircumstances, a vegetable poison .Oopper Assay ..... 1.00 and abandoned "my said newer by poisoned Anor Bottle Samples 3. CO glicised, but hitherto always by me known only to himself and one other used, name of Murphy," and that. In- person, a lady who had been his pupil stead thereof, he. revives his ancient in chemistry. The description of the and true name of Morchoe. Long may other person identified 3 her as the he live to rejoice in the recovery of nis Countess Lionora, daughter of a duke lost property! Probably when once (Late Better U. S. Land Office.) whom with the king was deeply In love they realize that they are only Anglibefore he ; cized O'Morchoes, ve shall have the married, who ardently loved Land, and; Mining Attorney. Whole of the great Murphy family him in return and sought that means CorrespondeDce solicited. Twenty-tlire- " throughout the United Kingdom, to of revenge against the queen and the say nothing of the colonies and the royal family, which had prevented the years' experience. United States, following the lead of that the young people desired SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. the Rev. Thomas Arthur MacMur- marriage to contract. ' rough. There Is an humble article of diet (also Anglicized) which I have heard spoken' of as a "Murphy. Slavery In the South Seas. Ought we to call that an O'Morehoe " Slavery is not permitted by Germany, too? London Truth. but there. Is a traffic in human; beings JABEZ SPENCER BALFOUR, by which black people sell themselves and it remains to be seen how iuccess Different. for three years in Germany's South Sea ful they will be. Land Agents Does you wife sit for you islands. It is called the "labor trade," Attorneys, Wilkins when you paint those "altogether" and is the life's blood, not only of the Held by the Enemy. German FItz William How does it happen great pictures? company, but of all the but sometimes she sits planters of Fiji, Queensland, New Cale- you stayed all summer in New York? Artist No; SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. on me when I paint them.- - New York donia, German New Guinea, the Solo-raDusty RhodesThe blamed thing ifl World. islands and the New Hebrides. surrounded by water. N, Y. WoridV Support Home Bute Fair 1894, Gold Medal. Industries G.I S. MARTIN, e- - long-keepi- and Medals. ' Keep CJtowW ng n, ; Three Cream Baking Powder Gold i Superior Quality Flavoring j THttr rwax I CRCwH jCRaw twhes Ota nira !(WCWN Your : Extracts Gold Medal. Money first-elas- W.jq. M STEWARD, at Beit Quality and Display of Boda Water. Home, . $50,-000,0- 00 . j MANUFACTURED BY j ' 449, r ............. V -- 9 SALT LAKE .CITY, UTAH - . . BOX , V:. - Frank D. Hobbs, j ' BIRD & LOWE, h ai Spices Pure and Ground Daily. JOSEPH A. LYMAN General Merchandise, -- Has a full line of- - And is selling down at Panic Prices for Pay Down. Either for Cash or Produce at cost. k Travelers and Sheepmen will find me supplied with HAY, - GRAIN - AND - STABLIN& .- Highest cash price paid for liides and Pelts. JOSEPH A. OAK OITY, MILLABD COUNTY, . 'i Don't forget LYMAN, . : : I OT-8-, |