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Show IN The Home Sentinel, V f andered through the Commercial Cemetery of a certain city and was I ft L'unJtUtl uU N, ,1 RAILRu; COGITATIONS. THE CAPITOL. la. hpin head-stone- Otla r Capdol Devoted to the general interest of people of San Pete and surroundin' counties. 3 P struck by s ime prominent 'Ihe frst ti at struck my attention was d r t. ii- -: O. K. A. 'n tli s. eminent artist who was too early Washington. July 30, i&SS Editor Sentinel- The Sscretary of in art and taste, he departed this City the 1 reasury. in response to a Senate in for pastures! fairer and more appreciaquiry as to property to which the United tive. TO. TEACHERS AND THE States has a valid claim, but which isa JNO. C. held in adverse possession, has sent Than whom no one could make CornI HI ENDS OF EDUCATION. most remarkable document to that wall commodity assume more useful and body, m the shape of a report made by ornamental shapes. He tinkered at the H. B. Lutlepuge, an agent of the Treas San then disgusted went to Athens Pete rH tilings considered, our coun-l- y ury department, who was formerly in Little Chicago.' in material progress is fully uj the Confederate Government. Accord NO NAME. to this report there are many million the with her fiery furnace there was co unties, and should mg Through dollars worth ofpropeity still in exist no need Am I blovved out.' so to go, al-- o he even with some and in ad- ence, which formerly belonged to t lie left. So. So, government, and to which D HOUSE. THE P vance of many of the counties in conlederate the United States is entitled. The Small myself, this huge house vet regard to educational matters. Not property consists of vessels of various did beguile tne, and I thought too prekinds, machinery, money, real estate, vious a Ry could have been here. 1 because we exju-e- t s two etc. Some ot it is in European hands sickened in waiting and died hard. iu the m ar future ; not because the and some in this country. Just why Mr the s thou l.knowest as valuaLittlepage should have kept this Lord(Subscribers) Temple will draw thousands of in- ble information all to himself for all it now looks, it is a tight squeeze telligent visitors here, but because these yeais, is not mexplained, and I left the Cemetery and these buried tire notion logo Uncle Sam ever gets I was startled at the stillness. it is the impel ative duty of the hopes. askhunting atler these mythical millions, said nevermore. the Then lriends efedtnation to do ali in am afraid he will tmd it a wild goose ed the bird,bird shall these wanderers reiuru? Shall these marts of trade be rehabitat-ed- ? their power for the thousands of chase 'I lie House culminate on agriculture Shall the dear Sentinel giow and boys and gn Is growing up all has reported t ivoraOly a bill to regulate enlarge, nerald the coming iron horse the manutacture of compound laid. around us. piuject? Shan the leit tor I'tiinslyvania pnow a bdetermined Mr. Kaudall on Metropohunairs House That true progre-- s may he made put morning. He iS still very and try if it can outdo the liopse like it is iu ee'.,r for the teachers to Saturday u eak. w house its hard of the S meet monthly or quarterly in teach The House bill to create boards of snuggery to do. ers conventions or institutes, and arbitration tor sealing controversies and Shall the G. E. A. return to its domain between railroads and their of art revived and bring back the belle? with all who ire interested in ed- differences has been favorably reported Yes, for tourists by the thousands will employees, ucation, intelligently the to the Senate. come to see and be photoed, So said A bill providing for tolls on Canadian the bird. Shall the man great prints oles which lie at the of stone rush foundation of the teacher's calling. vessels, passing through the St- - Marys from the too premature Little Chicago We believe this county has a corps and St.Clair tbits canals m case ot dis. and chisel our beautiful OuL.e? . 5 es on Canadian canals against m the near future; for this city of good to.n hers and we fuitlierbe-lievthe- y crimination our vesses or ports, has been introduced shall be on the direct route to Vineyards, are ambit ions of becom- m tlie louse. and another Temple. wine, honey the coThe Senate bill to ing fetter by taking part in a Shall this fiery furnace blow in ? Yes late freedoms lored the depositors in Teachers Institute., An Institute and the patent soul shall see its glare has been favorably reported m lUiimair the sky while ducats jingle in Ins will not only promote harmonious Dank, the House- Shall some man heie with pockets. and fraternal feelings among tin CInef Justice Fuller has been in tiie business prescience take thethelead to teachers ; but meeting as men and city several das He came to seethe prepare some name, hospice worthy ved r President. He has needs of the hungry and women, eog.ig, d in the liobltst and deal times fame, ot attention. thousands sure to come? And the Bird most elevated calling there is. The President very unexpectedly went answered more. Up and they will sympathize with each off on a. yati hng trip last hursday, and Main Street? yes;Amongnothing the crowd was toto Washington other, ami he mutually inspired to unless he returns a hostot the creamofthe cream the Civil labor on more wisely and zealously morrow in time to sign the joint reso- Government class, I asked them what extending the appropriation bills beautmil city and of for the spread of intelligence the lution tor thirty days, several departments of they thought Tuttheir let it come," tne Atty Rypotents ot Such inconwill held be Government gloty god. the seriously meetings her go on Galager, 'Ihe Dr. at certain intervals in the dilferen' venienced, as the appropriation bills said "let I am but a probate(.ioner) but I said, towns will help to ereate a healthv not vet through, and the first extentioii ant cushioned on tins city on a rock, The bills not yet beexpires whohvas pruned to look interest among the p ople in these come laws are the Army bill, the Navy The gentleman but now of pills and mouth down tne in wlieie mattei and is important bill, Sunday Civil bill, and Deficiency lotions was jubilant and be saw arniiA, the te idler who does not t omplain bill, and the River and Harbor bill. and leathers in increased dc Senator Palmer lias mtroduded, by plumes that tin1 parent s and people generniand. bullion bill silver a substitute to request, The Commodore of her Majesty's ship ally do not feel enough interest in for one half of the one hundred millions for lus hospital now Pinafore the schools? gold held by the Treasury lor the re- out to grass pined wished it located at the and But better still, the teachers demption of U. S. notes. Sp tings south and had foregone The Oklahoma bill was up sevetal Warm meeting ,s laborers in a common times of a war and lus recall, w hile the hope no in the House last week, but Saiise will educate and refine eaoli-O- t A. S Prof promises a Buttercup vote was made upon it. the S. P. V. Ry. when he-- ; arexcellence will become better and fishSeveral Senatois spoke on the more skillful teachers ; will have eries treaty last week; one of them Mr. conts to town. I looked and saw a pot, millet and better secoois ; tonuuaml higher Morgan advised the President to with- camera,anda asoldering ol coine trooping iron pig chel, the until after draw election. the treaty inkWages and exert stronger influence to komefiom tiie North and the littlel Senatois say they Republican expect once with or gootl, elevating and ennobling vole said. er Im you again, I upon it this week. D. C. of kind She communities nepenthe. in which thev An attempt to get the Dependent pen- piaffed is bill be labor. House the made to in sion up, We are told that organization this week. Representative .McDonald, ot says he intends to revive is tin result of life. The teacin rs theMinnesota, resolution .introduced iu the last La Sew. r. Utah, Salt nk.-- Davis, Cougiess by W. K, Moirison, providing HtHar, Cache and dlnr counties that an income tax shall be levied to any increase of pensions. ire alive and n a result of that life meet I he Senate has declined to prohibit lire they organized into working the use of the steam plate V We la In v our te tellers machines now employed u. the pruning meietie-- . Bureau ire alive and thmk they should ot Engraving and Printing. The House committee on nranufac-tuieiV like steps , rn ht mvay to stait a j' has been tiying to get at the .eachers ( 'oiiveiitiou holme the winl: of 'i the whiskey trust, bottom hey are der work begins. Bit the teachers not hkelv to find out any mqre than the fie. t, diseius inMhods ot teaching, whiskey men want them to. The .Senate committee on Pacific Railolopt p.ai.s for their work in every roads lias postponed further consider.!-to'ranch they expert to teach anil o the Outhwaite bill for the present, J Hiey will then feel at h mie in the but the indications ate that it will ii St bool loom and some of their in- eventually be favorably reported, The Senate bill for the enlargement terests and nthusiasm. will surelv of tne Yellowstone Paik lias been favoroe impaiUtl to their pupils. reported in the House. In tins month many eftho teach-v- s ably Commissioner of Pensions, Black, will perhaps meet at Mt Pleasant vehementtv denies the rumor that the quartet ly conference and it would President h id asked for his resignation he a good idea for each one to think?" immediately alter the eli etion. The Senate w ill picp.ire a taint' bill as seriously about this mathr before a substitute ,oi the Mills bill '(his is he date, for e.ieh to think of a official, and it is expected that the bill ffutable man for piesideit of will be readv to icput in two weeks. and the internal revenue will !t-The institute, of a proper time for Sugar the principal reductions. the liist meeting and then talk furnish I he lee bill to picvent the tale, those pointc up on the day above m.uuilac tine, or of adulunnspvntntion ffientionoi 1. 'I'li.' teachers should terated ;.i!u es ot It od, dnuk, and Will be favor blv lepoited m the be oaii'lr1 a president dices, House. CAlMipi I a to get i a, t interest in this nu ' r work and ui( TARIFF BILL. One w 4,n A u leader ;'l t w ploll v.a Ina Die gallerte'S were crowded to witness w i ia .'.our te dc-- the final vote on the bill. t i vs bother a y cony ni d lie Senate now have ih? pid and " ill d .t ,i a i range for probably Hatite a i" the msUi.ig on a certain dab t v, mi h piesuii bill. sTccc- - can ht tic lasvr Mis. Clove! ind and her mother uetc among tne select m the ltfeivnd galleiy ..t thv-- pa;sn;eof the Bill. - Denver and WESTE Scenic Line of EAST EOCXd No. X si-t- , 7 7 1 ars Ft I di-ru.- Nu j BINGHAM 0j S I Gr CA S lAv s ! : n $ : LAftDS K1INES - ) , c"', i , Ull and twu Kcpu shows tn a tne at era. ' as .a cans fat n. . , agu.i-i- v u ktl. Ii p w a 1, South I 12.i 2 2 Moroni, Arrive Chester, 2 j Stages connect at CL parts of San Pete and ii II. S. Brubv; General 5. Kerr, CD H Utah Ct U1 Tuna Card- - Passenger Ttains Fait' i!S follows Going Notii 5 :4S a.n, South 11:35 Arrive Salt i ake It) a a Leaves ."tt.! LakeCz w Y Passeng r Trains Ft daily, for the Nonh with the U. P. It an . Ry., at 8 20 a. m. it 4 arrive in Salt Lake c a. 111. and 7. 20 p. o Fieight train- at 0.25 the North south at 7.20 p. John ' u i' &Son 7 am supply Hiiusr, Bealers in iTi a n in. ro- - fST0VEH, u John Sharp, . si, 'I STOWE-cu- ; U Tombstones, M onunienn, TaG , Manti o ; ; General Odicis, Salt Lake City mature, Etc. street, Gi-n- MANTI, 1 S oTOVE FURNITURE, F L Gin Parian .sc jrDuv hoods, tO UTE TIUMMINGT, CEIIIES, ALL worn- - Neatly and Promptly h on Very Iteasonabl- - SSrJ?00LlT;' For Salt iAtaiaMiriaaui This Beautiful he furnished Buildup in will bed-td o any point a Territory out or J. W. SU'viiIERHAYS &CO. Best 1st N. St.' i ve block SALT LAKE CITY AND NEPE1I, . . Ojjltc u-il- wool the people in its curative that (Jo-e- p ' The many cases ef cured by Chaberlaios during the past Aw given BOUGHT AND HANDLED ON COMMISoiON, Fin ure Co., Xephi, Represented by JOIUY F. LEE V gh! propefi-show- tion cat: be depended''' painful a.id aggn Mr, Geo, C. Davenpo leading retail drugg-- - Tn Mainstys:I tedicine5- berlins m a ihat I c.u! with esuiide:.' to F"y i as me h Ur a in ho m irk id eased wifi Balm. mais rl No... can e For i ale at 10 XKjnPJES, $1.G0 mrcBT cn t avoirs, ccutssts, j;., $3. :: la eu die shubov "t V vindu tiv. c . t. jy 'Tow - " V a u - I t 'id d . y del t n.u r 'tn. i it i TO TIIE PtBt Lvrd Palants I'.t.ng Argarr.er.ts, and Condurtirg Lo itcsts, on HiJera.e Terms. Send lor circuinr to " . a "it at - 11:1 r and hi dde ! "is! I ATTOR5ET 7 -- ; I it uil k ; v 7 by i 1'- P,) n.M.uy - m cjj'.i Ttf VivLi aud UerConi nl ur T7 v I n Will tr fi tq uh sweet hrrth jietlv; Ttuq &J cti if Hcul Hy 1 g I nine) Mtir- he ltb Cstanah v- . K !n will keep a Supp. times at the Snon The higbrff P!i: kinds of Eider. Call on M- - iW' Street, Math . .. . i'! . wUi. A , AT LAW. Oil' friends Will please tememcer tiai ue want wood, hay, what, potat-1ASKlRCTCfH, Z. C. oes, liair, cabbage; store orders and trrn ,tl 7t ihouM lirc Tiro's fcettW3 25 cenfh 8aii ip) afh at Bus otfiee. ' J I - u-- M. NOTE1 AsSUl "rottiring ? rf ? - XV t J?. .j"- v - i -- x' n is there 1 I r litis f Fa. Francis tne j 11 Nephi, 0 suh-tiuit- voted g Green, 9 fioiivj 1 dezir-i.uimr- 'Pour Demount 3 Fountain Green, 1 ii ; cap dail- - (.' 1,01th Fountain CO J : ME Arrive Nephi, - Dijip, a JBUTE JO-TI- 00 Ot -- 7 T Trins leaye cepted) going Chester, Moroni, to-da- y. , v JH 1 1 . cu-D- 1 I ALT Lake cn Returning. Arrive Salt Lake C. Doiwe, General 2o -s AXd Salt Leaves rd 1 BOUND Ti. Provo Lv. 4.10 p Salt Lake Lv. 5.55 n tj Ar. 7.15 p Ogden D C rail-road- t . WEST er j, w Lv. 9.2oah Lv. 10.50 an Lv. 12.50 p' Ar. 8.45 p. Ogden Salt Lake Provo Denver 1 1 R 1 |