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Show At about EPHRAIM oclock last uight. Deputies Franks, Yandeicuok. Sprague and others visited the residence of Mr. George F'elt, in the Seventeenth Ward, DEPARTMENT. and arrested Rebekah Langton, the .! Weekly Newspaper, alleged plural wife of Dr. Ormsby, of Jos. F. Dorius, Manager Logan, who, it was supposed, had been ! to Devote the general interest of arre-te- d at tlia. place for unlawful All butincts matters connected with the peopie of San Pete and surround- cohabitation. 1 ne lady was taken bere- thin fore Commissioner and Norrell, counties. ing paper in Ephraim n rut be quired to furnish $300 to secure her transacted throvgh the manager of apearance as a witness before the Mulcrf ptleui this department. trald a. m. U n hie year, $2.00 Six months, 1.25 June 10. June 12, iSSS Three months, .75 Secretary Blair, of the Board of Com- Ephraim, Utah, missioners on Capitol Grounds in Salt L ! " Lake City, w ishes us to publish a letter AdTtrtlHinit Uatncn Application. from him. invitin . owners of stone quar IION. S. M. STOCKSLAGER. o ries to forward to him specimens of Address communications to the stone These will then be tested and who lion. Strother M. Itt.iE entinei. Company, the specimens that prove themselves was recently appointedStockslager by President best adapted for the purpose will be Cleveland to succeeed Gen. P. O. Box 57, Manti, U. T. Sperks as recommended to be used in the Capitol Commissioner of the General Jas. T. Jakeman, Land Building Samples sent should be addres- Office, is of German origin and was Manager. sed No. 40, Mam Street. Salt Lake born at Manskford, Harrison County City, and sir mid be 6 or 8 inches square Indiana, on the 7th of May 1842. He and nicely dressed. The letter itself received his primary education in the TilK FOURTH JUDGE. has failed to reach us, lent the above common schools of his native place and It is good news which comes from will probably sene all purposes. taught school w hen seventeen years old. in Owners of should Fete San Washington, telhiig of the passage by notice the quarries as the Sail Fete Young Stockslager finished, his education above, in the Corydon Seminary and the Stake the House of the Senate bill providing stone fora fourth judge for tnis Teiritory. tation. has already a well deserved repu- University at Bloomington. Then he enlisted in the Federal .Army as a privaie The bill did not go through as it passed the Senate. The original measme At its session Monday evening last, and was mustered out a Captain in the assigned the judge to the First District, the cilv council resoKed to celebrate Thiiteent Regiment, Indiana Cavalry. Alter the war fie studied law and was we believe, but through the efforts ot Ilia com 4th of Jslv in an appropriate admitted to the Bar. Mr Caine, was amended so as to gi'.e manner ng Upon the recomand appointed the following mendation of M. C. Keer the assigning power to the Governor, Committees on an Congressman Kenner F.R. augments, Fiesident jouson appointed him Assessor who is empowered to cnange thejuJge F. F. L. c. Albeit Tuttle, Ivjar, of Internal Revenue for his district. Dyieng. from one d. strict to another as the pies-- , Jens F. In Laisen, Andrew Neilson, and litigation may demand. It is undeistood Fred Alder. On Finance, lames H. 1S71 he commenced tire practice of law at Corydon, Indiana and continued at it that the Senate w,ll accept the amend- Lowry, V. V. Billings, Geo. Scott jr., F. up to September 1885. Ali.S M. Stockment, and the bill will become law as it F. A. E. and (). Jollev, coobdge slager is regarded as one of the best passed the House. It is also under The comma tee of lawers in Southern Indiana. I11 1874 he stood that the bill makes a change in will meet at an ear ly date arrangements and app )iut was elected to the State Senate the rule, in this: that in the Supreme the From necessaiy in the Judiciary Committee and serving will review not in 1880 sit Court tne judge our know ledge of the gentleiiren u hose on he was elected Eepresentive to the on the rase tried by him in the Distiict names the Committees, we appear to Court. Congress, arid may certamlv exnect that the national the Utah has long been asking for this day Congress in 1882. In of American in Jependance will be relief, and now that it has come, will be celebrated in a manner that will make Congress lie was regarded as a nfm of miely grateful. By alteiating the fourth eerv American heart beat with pride skill and as an indefatigable worken. At judge between the First and Tlmd Dis- artd 'satisfaction. W'e hope the people the close of Mr. Stockslagers term in trict;, the courts should soon be able to will respond liberally when called upon Congiess the Indiana Congressional clear their calendars, and thereafter by any of the members ot the committee delegation together with keep vp with litigation. Herald on linar.ee that we may have a grand Hendricks and some other distinguished politicans united in presenting his name old time. to the President for commissioner of tlie TE The Home Sentinel, 12 at :: . '. Mer-rian- r. e. Forty-Eight- h Vice-preside- nt LET US CELEBRA PROGRAMME The Celebration of the gth of July is the theme of the meditation all over for Young Men and voting Ladies Mututhe Teiritory, now. What is Manti and al Improvement Association, Conjoint .the other settlements in San Fete going Session (lily 3rd 1888 to do? In view of the lact that our Address bv Bp. William T. Reid. most prominent men are hunted down Song by Miss ixjrihea Westenskow. like criminals, we ought to celebrate the Recitation by nora Lowiy. national day with no common feelings Music by Mr. Clare W. Reid. of joy. The day of national independence is no sarcasm in Utah. ment of Gen Sparks'to that office he was appointed Assistant Commissioner, which positron lie held until liispecent promotion to that of Commissioner. In politics Captain Stockslager has always been a Democrat and Ins appointment is very generally d.s.gnated as the right man in the right place". LOQAL ITEMS. A CHALLENGE. The feeling of a discontent with the working of the present French Constitution seems to be growing m France. It will be remembered that the demand for revision of the Constitution was one of the features in the programme of General Boulanger when he ran for election in the Department du Nord over a month ago. He did not at the time specify what his plan for revision was, preferring to leave the matter to the future. It is of course a much easier thing to criticise an existing system than to construct a substitute for it. At any rate the critical feeling is just now uppermost in France. Tlie latest expression of opinion is from the groups of the Right, who have declared that a revision of the Constitution and a dissolution of the Chamber is necessary. They are not going to content themselves with this declaration, however, but have appointed a conitniilee to organize an agitation throughout the country. The net outcome of these movements nuy be great or small; one tiling is certain, namely, that the discontent with the 'lulus quo is w idespread. LOCAL ITEMS. The City fathers are sitting board of Equalization. GentralLand Office. After the appoint- Jubilee aStli of this month at Ephiaim Geo. P. Jensen, of Ephraim, is taking Notwithstanding some of the humiliat- a trip south. ing defeats suffered by us last season, we wish to announce that we are still alive M. Rasmussen has secured a car load and are ready, willing and anxious to of binduig-twraSee his card. meet you oh the grassy arena to contest for honors, due to all sport loving Ionic again Brother Soien N. Sorn-se- n people and especially to the lovers of returned Monday Evening from the our national game. We boldly assert Utah Pen. Welcome home. without fear of contradiction, that vve have the best ground South of Salt There was a meeting held on Sunday Lake City, and although vve cannot con- the loth in behalf of the Academy, scientiously say the same in reference to The iport will follow later. Itauived our players, yet vve can say, that if vve loo late for this issue. Ed. fi'l to defeat you on the Diamond we Mr. II. Wood, of Noble Wood was in will not fail to furnish you with comAlso Messrs. Goldfortable lodgings and a goodly suppl) of town last week. food to satisfy the cravings of the inner smith, representing tlie Seal of North man Let us hear from you on this sub- Carolina Tobacco, and Fairbanks repject and if your inducements are better resenting Delands Baking Powder. than outs piobably vve can give you a AtsfRtA. The budget to be subcall Respectfully, to the delegation shows an inmitted Shimmin Captain W, J. creased expenditure of 5.000,000 florins. Nephi Athletic Association, P. O. II0.X346 Nephi. 4.225,000 is absorbed by the war budget. 13,000,000 are asked for repeating rules and 4,000,000 for army organization. TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES. CENSUS. The extraordinary special credit for the war department amounts to 47,250,000 A few items in regard to the method of which 15,000.000 have already bean of taking the School Census, may not expended, and 13,750,000 will soon be be out of place. used, the balance being reserved for 1st. Trustees must take the number urgent necessities.and names of children between the ages 'There was no Y. M. Mr 1. A. this month of six and eighteen. Have the Young Pres2nd. That they should include in what's up?. their report all children that are absent, ident and councilors fell asleep, or did attending institutions of learning, but they forget it was every month. The whose parents are guardians dre resi- Mutual Improvement is one of tlie best works that vvCav can dents of the district. 3rd. Tliat they should not include in be engaged in. We should be contintheir report children who are attending ually progressing and improivng in the school in their district, but whose par- wor k of God and not let our meeting's dwindle down to nothing. There is a ents do not reside therein. 4th. That they should visit each habi- fault somew heie, but let the fault be cortation, residence, domicile or place of rected. Our meetings should be kept abode in their district, and by actual ob- up regulary, and they should be made servation and interrogation enumerate instructive and interesting. the Census Children ot the sarfle. Another item of interest is that in FOR RENT OR SALE. giving the per cent of children actually A well furnished lro.'ise suitable for attending school, the percentage should be based on the number of childien in business situated on 'Centre Street, the district shown by the last years side of the P. Office. Tvvb rooms and census report. A duplicate copy of the No, cellar. For. full parfiCulars call census should be kept on file in the and see John Nielsen,- shoemaker, trustees ofl'ce. Any person stfcrngthis Ephraim. notice in tiie colums of the "Sentinel", ATTENTION! and bringing it to the attention of the trustees of Itis district will confer a favor. Eor good honest work and at Will. T: Reid. figures call on Sorin Oviatl, of Ephraim. Manti. June nth iSSSAll kinds of work in the harness line, made to order. I will clean and grease your did harness for r. E9TKAY NOTICE. At the Farmers Exchange, yoUCan J- HAVE In MY fOSSESSIOit; buy good nfachitie oils for 20 per1 cent than usual. Cali and see their One soriel yearling colt, white spot in less fresh and stock. w : face, hind feel bite, branded j, p on Neats Foot oil..Castor, Laidoleum left shoulder. If the above described animal is not Maimed and taken away J. P. Meilstrtrp has shipped from within ten dafs fiom date it will be sold Ephiaim. about two Car loads of; lumto the highest cash bidder on Sauudav ber June i6tli lSStt, at, ten oclock a. m.,- at muchjust lately: lfe intends shipping nime. tlie Spring Precinct EstraV Found Hans Nielson, NOTICE TO FARMERS. Fotmdkeeper Spring City, Jube 1st 1SS8. Order your binding twine cjf M. Hasmusen, Eplidrft in, within the nSxt four weeks. doing so you, E stray Notice.citiY get it delivered at Ephraim 12-I have in my possesaion One brindle tti Salt Luke pricessteer about 18 months old, small star in forehead, white inbutli Banks and under belly, branded teserfibling t WB (combined) on left lr:p. If said anrimal is not claimed and t 0 rhrgespaid on or before Monday June the iStli 18SS, he MRS L, L. DALTON j will be sold to tire Inghist cash bidder, on that ddy, at 10 odoi ft. nr. at tlie id pfepaed to do dressmaking and Moroni I.dtray Pound. . . C. .'.FIs Nielort plain sewing. , O116 door NcVtlr ct the Te FoundkeJper. M .iron? Preemit, June 2n if Lazar. To the Base-ba- ll Clubs of San Pete County and Southern Utah, e. 1 Mrs. Eliza Lee will pay cash for comb and strained honey in quantity. Call one door north of Temple Bazar, Manti. France. The Fiench government has consented to allow the Brorcge factory to supply Russia with cannon projictiles and melinite. In the article on Prof. Rask ttie Word Spanish should be Lappish, tteaties should be treatises, and mountain should be monument. P. O. H. Died at Moroni City; Monday Sanpete Co., Peter Olsen Sen. deceased was second Counciler to Bp. John W. Irons, was well respected by all who Ijnevv him. 11. Litter-Day-Saint- s 1 Mr. S M. Parry brought a young lady with him from Sprmgville to Moroni a week last Friday, much to the surprise of the S. F. V. boys. But iiiimagine their greater surprise when he introduced her as Ins wile. We extend our hand to friend Sam. - Due Ho non to the Old Hero. Delegates io the National - Deputies McLellan and Norrell during their last recreation trip through S.111 Fete arrested twenty-fiv- e persons, all charged with the fearful crime of having too many wives. They visited Mt. Pleasant, Spring City. Ephraim, Manti, Chester, Gunnison, Mayfield andSalina and wound tip their noble business at Nephi. There are two Lynx running below town and children will be in danger who ar permitted to wander ffotn h'onie. Several diys ago one ot them attacked a couple of large boys and pulled 0116 of them named Robert BraithWaite, from his horse, but the other boy attacked it with a large club, and together they succeeded in driving it oft. Ttie Mayor is ottering a reward for the scalps ot either or both of these animals. j Conctn-tio- n s, Elr. , Washington, June 14th 18SS. comEditor Sentinel: The graceful Presipliment paid by Congress and the offident on Friday last to the gallant cer whose struggle with death the w hole nation has been watching for a week, was one of those acts which raise human nature's estimate of itself. The events of the day in the Senate on Tuesday was the passage of the bill to make Gen. Sheridan a full General. But in the House there was delay over the measure, even after Representative Mills demanded, on behalf of Confederate soldiers living and dead, that the bill be passed at once. On Friday, however, about one oclock the bill to icvivethe rank of General of the Army passed the House, and an hour and a half later the bill had been signed by the President, the nomination of Sheiiddii for tlie office sent to the Senate and confirmed, and the commission made out. It was the one thing which remained for the American people to do to testify their admiration tor the stricken General ; and tlie merit of the deed itself was exalted by the circumstance that both i luiiscs t Congiess contain so many sold.ers, who voted, almost to a man, in f rvor of this tribute to their opponent of a quarter of a century ago. If never before, w e can trticly say that tlie war is now ended, and that there are no politics in tiie reward ol faithful service to the Hag that Boats over the united nation. At the present writing General Sheridans physicians are a Jittle hopeful. He sleeps some and occasionally takes a little nourishment with comfort, still relapse is probable at any moment. Tlie news of his promostion was broken to him gradually. One t( his attendants lint told him that tire b:!l had been passed by the House; then in a few inmu es ire v.as t fid that the President had signed it, and so 011 through the process, each step of his nomination and confirmation being announced to him at intervals, and finally his wife carried in his commission complete, which Senators Hawley and IManderson, brought to the House. The General soon fell asleep, but a few minutes he awoke, and not forgetting the proprieties, dictated a letter of thanks to the president, signed it, and dispatched it to the White House. There will be a large attendance at the St. Louis convention from Washington. O11 Saturday evening enough tickets had already been sold to fill four or live cars, and the demand was increasing. Tne Press gallery was almost de serted that morning, fully threefourths of its occupants having left for St. Louis. It is expected that about sixty democratic Senators and Representatives together will be there. But lor the pending debate on the tariff' bill there would be more. Members of the House do not like 11 5 REWARD. Having been informed that a of Lynx have taken up thdr tersin the brush on City CrtekV low the City, I will pay th ul.' reward for thir s alps or either of them, p- -' J. H. Hoi gaard Mavn. LIME! LIME! The undersigned has just bu;s a kiln of good lime which they tp dispose of at 40 cents a bushel i. - Tithis Land. Final proof, for J uh'ieation, Desert y0.u Nv, 2977. at 5nU Lake City, 7th, that An Irt w hereby ,e l'eie Co, I tab. bno KonuUiu Cireeu, uuucftof inltutiGH to , makfc proof us heir hiadecfr&sttl sou Amlrt-wFLeghc's druttt claim No, lS'l, ter thr N E '4SE of l S, It. the I4 lore Jmlwt or ia L., Tp. at.5tice the h'lei k of the Count? Court of " l te our.iy at Manti on Saturday, ibe ! tli1, lie uMi.t tn e 'tollouin? uL JUv to i rtTinc coiut'itte irnttion.rtUd .rlev Allred, .Lfotu Ofr of Mud land: C nMan Jobu L ur.aifcii-eUorueiioua t Pete Comity. Vuh. all Laid a, fn Pi E BBf V -- in which he was himself hc..v Ul: interest- CAIID.J 1 Arrive Nephi, 11:00 Going South lean-12 :00 m, Nephi, $50 DOLLARS REWARD will be paid to any person finding and delivering to T. J. Farnsley at Scofield Emery Co Utah, the follow mg described animals: one bay horse 9 years old bian P on right thigh, one Brown horse dedj 6 years old branded 1)E on right thigh. They strayed from Pleasant Valley Sept. 1S86. FountaiuGreen,l :20 - Coal-Mine- p. m, 2 :00 Moroni. Arrive Chester. 2:6'J Stages connect at Chester parts of Nan Pete and Sevier. s ail. S. GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Theo. Bruback, guaranteed cure for all nervous diseas es, such as Weak Memory, Loss of ltram Power. Hysteria, Headache , Pain in the Hack, Nervous Prostration, Wakefulness I, encorrhoen, Uni versalLsssi tube, Seminal Weakness, Impotency and general loss of power ot the Generative Organs, in either caused by indiscretion orover exertion, and which old age, insanity and ultimately lead to apremature consumption. $1 box or six boxes for 15, Sent of on receipt price. Full particulars in by mail pamphlet sent to every applicant. e guarantee six boxes to cure any cnee, tor every $5 order received, we send a written guarantee to refund the does not effect a cure. money if Address all communications tothesole manufacturers. A for. AI a n- General S'upt. Kerr, Utah Murrays Specific. Central, Time Card. Passenger Trains leave Nephi cL as follows : 5 :48 a.m. & 2 .25 p' North Going 8;18 South 11:35 Arrive Salt Lake 10 a.m. & 6.04p Leaves Salt Lake City at 7:20 a and 4 p,: Passenger Trains leave SaltL daily, for the North. Jo con: The Murray Meillctae Co., U.4 Kansau City, Mo. with the U. P. Ry. and the Call on or address Hyde & Whitmore, sole agents Ry., at 8.20 a. m. &4.10 p.m. z Nephi. arrive in Salt Lake City at r- -a. m. and 7r 20 p. m. leave trains Nephi Freight the North at 6.25 a. in. and for: south at 7.20 p. m. Francis Cope, Gen. F. &P.J SOOT DEALERS IF ? rfoiix Sharp, Gen. Supt. General Offices, Main Str Sait Lake City ourt-pecitl- 11 I Wool, Hides, Pelts and Grain. H&SBST SSia- iTHU be paid for the above articles in will ship WOOL on QASH H. R. SLOA1 T MACH1N1S and make liberal advances on all Consignmenss. They also carry the famous Commission, BLACKSMITH. , Blacksmithing in all its bran. SHOING AsPECIATT Prices to suit the timC, an work guaranteed. Two and a naif blocks ts Store. Manti. Bain & Mitchell Wagons And Co-o- the Wood's Mowros and Harvesters Which they will . Machinery of all kinds repaiie new parts made to order. or they p. STAt MOWERS tmitcra: BeticeenThistle Station andbvi g l at Salt Lake Prices. 16-- 9 fc Tuesday eafch r Friday of Stages leave Fairview for Thi.-tl- e at 5 Arrive at Thistle at 1 :00 p Every Dealer in s,. Id T ablets, Etc.- OXX-frfiiuO.g- Style of Safi Pele. AfAltf SffiEET, the beautiful MAfi. Wednesday Rv. at - bOIO.D and fron and Connection is made with Monuments, Head-stone- S. : Thistle for Fairview 8 arriving at 5 p. m. and co. with the Mt. Pleasant S;i - Executed in the Neates jTtVhite Oolite tone ,33? theE-G- Thistle. DEALER IS - arlor, Heating, Cook, St( and Ranges, All Kinds of Extras an! Outfits, Grates, Crosspi ect-Fronts, Backs, Etc. w kind of Stove nwde." In ordering be sure to and exact No. of Stove. I. 0 LOXr ! made 20 below S. - P1'1',' fore purchasing elsewhere s" call. Satisfaction gnim'1111'" ,, Spanish Fork, UTAi f- I. 0. Box 69. , Tka B try EES issued March each year. It 1S. clopedia of 9 matron for all chase the Ihxurj , necessities ol by , can. clothe you and furnish ill the necessary and &f)piiances to ride, walk, eat, fish, hunt, work, e ( or stay at home, and in vatic , DRESSMAKING . Geo. B. Crawfoe; West of the Gi frocks Ollice . . The 'first' et News of June 9, contains a lecture delivered by Elder Jno. Nich .fisc n at the General Coherence of the young .Mens Mutual Improvement Ass aeration, recently held ih Salt Lake City. The lecture should be carefully read by all our vdiing ftfiVs It touches upon a subject on uhicff considerable misunderstanding exists among us and should be taken ad tlolam by all whose duty it rs to speak: tn the edification of others'.- " Manti. Tlie result, according ed was tried fiTSTTiME to tins gentleman, was a veid.ct for Mr. Trins leaye daily (und:iv Fuller, and tne consequent recovery of he coma large tract ol swamp laud going north mittee nas telegraphed foi a Uanscirpt cepted) 8:25 a. m. Chester. of tne lecoids, and will awsit their re9 :0U Moroni, Capitol. ceipt. Fountain Green, 9 :40 111 - as a to leave whfietuat measure is under discussion, and they find that the Republicans are not anxious to pair The pairs which have been arranged are nearly all between Democrats who are going to St. Louts and Republicans who are going to Chicago, and they are in every instance of the ironclad order, applying to divisions and roll calls alike. At the Capital there was but one comment on the Paris letter of Mr. Blaine published on Wednesday, and that was that there is no longer any doubt or question as to his absolute w ithdrawal Irom politics. The letter was thus accepted and construed by men of both political parties. The republican Senators say that Mr. Blains positive prohibition of tlie use of his name clears the political field on their side of the only element of uncertainly that existed, and that now they will proceed to ascertain who is their strongest man and to nominate him. lire nomination of Mr. Fuller for Chief Justice still hangs fue in the Senate, Fite delay is said to be due rather to a fear that the committee Will be accused of haste and want of thoroughness if it ne.. ,ects to examine and weigh all that is lard before it than to any special charges against the nominee. A Chicago gentleman has asked ior delay 111 order t g.ve him time to put certain things m shape for presentation to the committee. He alleges tint the clerk of the corn t and Mr. Fullei were jury 1881, ;n.n that Mr. conuiu st.aiers Fuller drew u Jury before whch a case FROM WASHINGTON. - . styles and quantities. what is required to do aU COMFORTABLY, and ycV.Tl.Birt5 . estimate of the valuo of , be will which GUIDE, " receipt of 10 cents to P&T i MONTGOMERY WARD' Ul-l- ll Michigan Avenue. : |