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Show v ,dS? ill' 3 hs Homs Ssntinel! .vrAAV.n D r yia.r. j. month-- 0 advertising xj MANTI Vol. I. ri c , ,!. The Pol-ygtAt- iateon application Ml i. nt plea-a- uM. S't-- ea-n- Xo. I 1 Asy-creat- ing , 1 5, y , I of ! m ! that even in this Territory f'andhtnu. heit It lain, avid 1SS-- The attendance at the 15. Y. Aeadamv is very slim this the last arbitration In u liaJf ,.0nistinS of about fifty hnand and hussia, Denmarek Htu,i'utll ouiy. A full attendance, will probably act us ar ntratof. j ,howeyer jg anticipated next year. R is said by some that the In kase of' arl.Rrutmn Utweim and 'England' Rein re- - t,r 1,1 Provo River reaches as high at present as it did on the sorted to, Penimuk will of June j last year, while about m t as arbitrator: 12th the of the same month it 0 " tfie rendered GlrvoLitidbridge unsafe for J'aLinet President by, passers with their' jmrtfolio'sl accepted the understanding that it is to Owing to tho depression of busihe a four vears term. ness, and scarcity of money here, resulting from various causes, Roreman drew' his gome of the principal niauufacto-- , Jmlgo' cliargc to tho (I rami Jury s.w ries have eloped their doors, formild this terim of court at ilea: tunately fof a short season otilyj ver as to excite comment. and others are open merely to milks an outward shv,arknow-- ! The steaiuers chartered to con- leiloing that wages are scarcely vey 2JXX.) tritisli troops to India ifiade by the workmen. were in readiness fo sail wlu?h : their orders were canceled. , o I .oho-ni- 1 PROVO POINTS. O.ar has issued a decree' The Doctor's office in the re- - ,lmu is elegantly furnished. two serve butteries. iy - Repuu-Kthr;d- FRIDAY, MAY trans-Caspia- n - , .in-o- n, - Kitiroi; '..ii:.i.: Many anl t variou- - are the oliiti:i ot the i. rexvd Mormon al jmii-e- r eurn nh tinthen divided, Teriitory would wv mh:,!i huleviu) days as mortal man never saw. ! rmn the tank' ot the we h;uc learned the Kc.in Jriy i of doctrine spoils, emoluments. ri In", etc. 'Sneh is the tenacity now evidenced Ini the Republican ,Uo.-tiui- UTAH, XF.WF ITEMS. VARIOUS. i -- or:: .Kihsrs. nr.un ulip A N ivd-politi- moot . MANY SAX PETE COUNTY, CITY, , ', . wa-Russ- ia ltl"t , ; to be Re- they ale not Tiie political puoliean outs, ilm lnxn, d solver' here say gie us E', would we and oiliees the ot : T. Kenner. SjejliUi e usual :le' erv enough, is ' this-thiti.ithau Midtil v, a? ins to "out the of the Wat tv u mi Green R. I.ewcllvu, Ko ;; ' fact- - transparent tlie not Are per.-o- n wi'hiug to that even down to the otliec anil r the SKNiivi i. u: tun-acof a county registrar the tin- - ufiiee v. .her i:!; anil recommeiida- ointments an ioijI'I mil on tli- - above gentle-,O- i he of the element must ., tioiis . town.-at their i Is there a i tori ii tjirt I . iii Jm. T. Jakkmw, can - lulL drum pur crumb that Manager. -ies table ti.at will ie tin- Mormon fall into to buildings in mast i m The Chilian Consul General aevevuluagnitieient baslitt? Hardly:, Tin;--- i this City, prominent among which t Orc-go- y lmuse $1.50 per ewt jtet Yor Federal pap.. you must for California, Nevada, anJ .aieDr.HunnburgT is Don Enshjuu BarroilheU after the German dwelling the op pvr n le ultra as agam-'- t the Mormon. fahion, 7' per cut' And tliese pap suckers though ot He has received his appointment. grand ure of which no, one can To Republican appoi,tine..t and and Dr, Fixes mn dwiT TO Call atteiuio; B Since looking into the affairs dispute; to hope 20 per hn )eiuocratie continuance house of the same isworthv " Utah a little the President has ing ' I 15 per' tb retain the soft thing by hading of before the Chiet decided to fill all Federal ollioes praise. h per dor the brethren Phari- with parties from ..abroad. as o (u 10 per 1h Justice, the j Scribes and Messrs. Camion, Musset and Y G soon of sees 10 were the recipients of a. Watson tai on. in violation of the election Corrected weekly by goodly number of isituf on Kcily has been object d to by Hunday, all of whom were furnishand Tuttle ft: to Manti. law which provides for Deputies as to Registration, presumably Baron Yon .MialTer, Austrian ed by Marshal .reland. and economic lly so at least, who Minister at Washington.1 as Min- Thepassports i were found three flit tIM MAliKKCS. gentlemen wl should he residents t of the pre- ister to Austria. It is supposed td be cheerful and 45ets Wheat,-lo.i- t comfortable; cincts to be served but in this to he because his wife ifj To each lias a bed to himself, and all s. . county, a Mr. George Quinn, a $1 40 vFhmr are quartered with the trusties., It ip said that Reil, the Cana- or those harness maker, resident of Eph12 v. ho include the more Rutter I raim, must travel eight miles to dian half broed, is an American S etrthlei element of the penHiggs serve Manti ; Mr. Crane, of Mt citizen. Whoathein naturalized resjH 10 N. h Jit rol l Pork trr liaenn inmates, itentiary Pleasant, to serve Fairvtt'tt' I Mr. Republican or a native born deII. N. .artcr, notary public and scendant of Pocahontas j not DKEICIAL DIRECrORY. - - 6 ft. ytANew IlAinp'bifo paper pays justice of tho peace within awd stated. A stated that Fir thaf when unions seem to run io for Moroni precinct, must travel dispatch I'SDKRAJ, OKKU I AI.S. eight miles to serve Fountain Peter Lumsden has resigned his scullions, and the tops continue Green: Mr. Ercd'C. Jensen, it position as, Afghan Boundary green and large, it is a very good trovemor, Eli 11. Murry, of Ken- furniture dealer of Mt. Pleasant, Commissioner, and has been or- plan to break the latter d wn by tucky : salary, t2,R(K); Term must travel twelve miles to serve dered home, as also Colonel rolling a barrel across the rows. .. r. MiHLsrinn iWj,r;.urt 4 expires as soon as Cleveland Wales ; Mr. V. Zabriske, an em- Ftewait. o Thi partiaby stops the growth 'an und another man. At Newark, New Jersey, an in- ot and leaves onlben J0JI. Y F. IkRl LF', Sal naan inent lawyer alsoof Mt. Pleasary. Arthur L. Tlipmaft, of ant, must travel Twelve miles to sane woman siezed. her baby get the fertility of the soil. When ! I ,1 Pennsylvania; salary, $l,N00j serve Chester, and so on six months, and chopped it the onions are hs large a. a silver aged ttrmyxpirpg. May 1, lSST. It is safe to say that in all to pieces. ;Hhe said the spirit dollar one can judge whether thry f liief Justice, .Judge Zane of tliese places served by outsiders, told her to as it devolved upon need the treatment or not . The Florida, salary, .fd.(XK). her to save Ireland. She was suggestion seem-- , to he goo ail j there vvere residents of the sever V. Associate Justice. Orlando ' ; ' al towns qualified to till the taken into custody. timelv. Powers, snhirv d.tXK). but the people must subAssociate Justice, Jacob S. Bore- - places, - A British officer at Winnepeg Aim toll e so well that the world mit. Dr.Tft05fard KX). man ; salary, d Riel will demand vour services wliile Yet they talk of a division of says that the !itriot Attorney, W. II. Dickson, the spoils of olliee MANTI LADIES Republican claims to be the El Malidi of the liveing and learn of your de.it u of Utah ; salary 250 and fees. u li. j A.j M . t on for the Democratic west. That being the ease, it with regret, v hangers i)ea)nr tn E. : A. of trtali Marshal, Ireland, will be in British for order the t U Fnrn'i-- in) (ytmlf, (flnun- j f.iut A pap. Suppose we surrender the salary. (X) and fees ; term exMen must be taught as if you to withdraw bud declare troops tie. paramount ipiestion polygamy iure, Urn e pires, March, 1SSR, Physcian & Accuocheur the rebellion a failure. them riot. ,. what Your next? excessive taught 1 v'eevas low ns the lowest. Ibgister, II. ileMaster, of New And .! And tilings o Guaraiiiine lljysiei' proposed property as per Poland bill ; then York. for Mhhii eax, sKC. of to Herat India' t the as to cease for will forgot. Pope. being ings Key the of God pray t und Ohiliften a rtperialty, i'i putv Collector; O. J. Hollister, A to be done on earth as it is dtine cannot be too highly valued bv IH III" UtllAM, Sl'IT. Telegrams promptly resjsmded to. of Iudiana, ' is to a hook a in Russia either index What or the an heaven in a then clincher as ; England, to Mfrit P.Mi ivuvevor-geuer- a F. luiiiimn. ot event of war between these two school-hoy- s character is to his of all these surrenders Us give Missouri ; salary. I2,."))); term d or onc-haof great powers. Fhould it be oc- future life. M. M. Farnsworth. just now injures, January, 1S(. the oflices and merge your politi- cupied as a military stronghold 1. H. H U UN K if we always do tfie dutiesof the , (glisabctk graithuaitf, k, cal identity into one of the po- by Russia, England would ! r0lM!loNKUS. , j In newer a we can hour half ' without litical present firing whipped and parties, prosperity the r.ihiKiail'it . nl f.it'i '' Hityboab , it would smile on Zion, perhaps, shot. India has been conquered 'behind time. i y Liui 000 cn ch. Solar if, ill six times has and Herat Said : tho to Eve through the fly spider Alexander Ramsey, of Minneso-- . .i-- t Hi the prettiest little parloriyiulne) the conquering invader each ta, President. time is t hat ever you ,did When war finally gone. if and spy but A. B. Carltofl) of Indiana, t FELT BROS.,' r ' like the fly we venture we would declared the nation will probably O. L tlodfrey, of Iowa, pKOVO NhWS Dtl'OT. ,, find urselveX .inextricably en- witness an interesting military i. A. SPaddock, of Nehraskai "y . Books, Stationery; ' " which race to Magazines, that unless meshed, point, A. R. Pettigrew, of Arkansas. !h would lie quite in keeping with Periodicals and Newspapers of td inform her friends and Drvtm; kt Impkka. IthV their policy Russia- occupies it all kinds... puRVtc of Manti and' vicinitV, TLftntTOKIAI, OFl'tCKHS, The Rest Supply Umwc uth fh will on the Above' by stealth of treachery before a' Manti gity. Utah, On Sunday a terrific hail storm declaration is made. uperintendentofDistrietSehools of Fait Lake, fitv. hurdtitW in all it branches, in'1 1. John Nuttall, Salt Lake ; visited portions of , Orders by mail soliciteil. Virginia and ahwrdiop lately occupied by. K. North Carolina, totally destroy-in- ? salary $1.5UO, .. i CENTRE FT., PROVO Braithwiutc, shoe maker, and NY phi Vuditor, salary, $1,X)A i grow ing cotton, corn and vegeinby prompt atUntion and If ft man empties his purse hqer. Recorder of Marks and Iw, Clay tables, so tliatthe farmers in 'Icitii' ext I'.'iCteij Rvifhddi j efirn to many give, satiefactioii lo all j. localities will be compelled to to bis head bo one can take it II., H, Gi.ufk. Brands, salary, fees ton, E, Bdotr, who mu favor her, with a call.-N'tii from him. Franklin. by M.iyiiJ )Y Pi pcc.-'J hibrarian, salary, $2(X) J Fait L. dant again. Ilail fell to the .Manti Uiiv. Alav h, StUy rci. Treasurer, Jamig Jack, SaltLakt ; depth of twelve inches and ft whirlFOUNDRY iRoYo salary, .flXX). wind prevailed along the line of learning by must he won ; ani New Tutii.the centre of the storm, blowing Twas neer entailed from son P20 to,.Riii MACHINE COMPANY. prM' SAN t'ETlv 1'01NEY OFKICllRS. down barns; fences, and sheds. to son. Gay T Wm. Anderson In some planes hail fell to the of fehidge YMulfgatur-, i'herk Boi!'!'-.Finder''. of g. eighteen inches and pump4, John Reid depth ' ' Impatient peupls Water their gin4., Cii"!- -; . recorder j accumulated into drifts four feet miseries Brax?: a lid snd hoe up their eomfots. I I James Aletealf deep. (kbjen Herald lToitt'.'Ji!! Ftofc Work.,. tju iilgx Spurgeon. SUctmen John Carter ' ?! Itotl Mors :!' .ails. Budges . d jjjjj ,,f(.,ari'i to do all kinds of t tttu find Building4" Pc neb: g a nd .Modi , untoo. nutV. in tle iiue of 1janinir, giiy.OittiUI (..larlin MeFarlane The best teachers of humanity Assesar. Col. .A. E, Merriam Weidits, Mmldnert for Lull, Moulding and rawing on the According to Zane, DickXftii. are, the lies of irreat men. Treasurer F. V. Cox ft , it is not the crime that des i law. in.; ritf James P. Larsen serves punishment, but a failure Fowlefi Mills put up to .mier ' a ' ,'1!l pt.VMjMi,,lM,IKHiidevi-rytMingto report ytUr Prosecuting Atty. ) un to intentions uot paired. It is Well lo think well, it id the majesty of god jKipt. Dist. feboolsi the court, RHg-oWnrksh'p: - r L md of t!i. N:d YU Wl I d niVp ME A TRIAL. Coroner vine to act WclL Horace Mann. L. I. Christensen r.rmerlv anmviv y y Ummulmthin' at UnilwaU. ldf strips Praia f Purveyor., .John 11. Ilougaard It in thought Gladstone will cvny HoxH Pete VrtirPiX 'Mihist, ML VWnt, V Jieb Johnson, United States resign, It scents a poor time to leftth the thildren ; it is paint4 Mm day, from ti.m. 1 Commissioner for Fan Fete. Lr t. Wilt III KAO, u make goverinental chahges-ing irt frescotEmcrewn; di-H-- ed I one-thir- ; Mih-rri- he ' t. hu-inc'- 4- j ;( 4 i1 I,-i- per-iiiitt- ed .ilJ.I'RThSTRir?, I the n jrrio. 1 ?n roinfl wish . to-da- y. i j ? . . D D . 4 . I th-.to- 1 3 ! ! 1 ! n half-bree- .: i ,C0-(T)- p. 4 . h . - uu-uow- n E , 'll. . , . . one-thir- loofjs ! lf 1 1 . mii t D'eaT io-- DrsDsmaksr. T j , - r, , ; , vr. t ! ; U - T ! , Ca-tirt- S, . , p..; or ii,.r. ( iiiis-fiumho- . , . m . a' . .... . ; . . UAn, M-ro- ni, . '1 |