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Show Saturday, May 25, 19 PAGE EIGHT C) LTVA this morning 'wenLlo the long wharf where the OBITUARY Grand ball at the auditorium tonight. Tickets 50c, wardrobe free, Jeppesens full orchestra. f of the missing man could be foun After a vigilant "search maintain, ed throughout the night, invited The Spande Furniture company Everyone has received a car of Tanges and services.' a car of tables this week. 0j bod? was found. Mrs. Sophia L. Jensen, a high: lady of the Third at her home on The crowd will be at the Audi- ward, passed away n5P' ' (' partiej ly respected The heavy seas were threshing it against the rijD and life had been extinct many hours. Mr. Dunning had evidently eluded his searchers last and slipped out on the wharf where he had tied the rope about his foot and leaped into the sea Ilis health had been failing f0f many months and it is believed that it finally had driven him sane, ne was about 50 years of age. some torium again tonight. Grand Ball Wednesday, after suffering time with pneumonia and dropsy. with the Opera House Orchestra Mrs. Jensen was in the 49th year in attendance. of her age and she left two chila noble, true wofiinest dren. Shg-waThe new auditorium, dance hall in the State, floor per- man and faithful Saint. .Funeral fect and lots of room. Grand ball services were held in the Third ward meeting house yesterday afIS?X tonight. Thatcher opera house )V ternoon. Addresses were made by band will make the music. Tickets -w Elders .Thomas, Morgan, Andreas 50c. Petersen, Richard Yeates, J. W. The Old Folks committee of the Crawford; Pres. . Jos. E. Cardon Cache Stake is preparing Tor a and Bishop Evans. big reunion on June 14, to which INSANE AND A SUICIDE. will be invited all the hand-car- t veterans of Cache Valley, from Alum few ROYAL Phos or CJ costs you a cents more per, can than Prominent Lawyer of Los Angeles Oxford to Avon. of difference than is Lime far the more worth but it powders, phate Seeks Death When MentalThere will be no track meet in to keep your biscuits, cakesr and pastry free from the injurious ' ly Unbalanced. Salt Lake City today, the wet effects of these cheapening substitutes. weather compelling a postponeContinued use of Alum means permanent injury to health. Santa Monica, Cal., May 23. ment. The A. C. boys went down The body of Ebert T. Dunning, a yesterday ,morning .so made the well known attorney of Los Antrip for nothing. The B. Y. C. geles, was found today at th$ end boys were to have' gone this morn- of the long wharf at Port Los A-- n ing, so are not out anything as a geles, suspended in the water by result of the postponement. a rope tied around his fpot. DunComning committed suicide last night. There will be a memorial ser- He left his Los in home Angeles vice at the Metholist church toa few days ago and yesterday . . Lesmorrow evening. Theme, wrote a to his letter wife, telling A Mr. Benjamin Ilyinas, of Treas-ureto- sons from Soldiers graves. We 'sell the earth and loan 1 her to end his he that intended Idaho, was in town money on it.II.A. Pedersen & Co. special invitation is extended to life by drowning'last hilght. His business Thursday. ' all old veterans and alsq to the wife immediately pot,ified friends TUESDAY.THURSDAY.SATURDAY Mr, V K. Burnham, one of young veterans of the late war. in tins city, among them Rev. Hon. Moses Thatcher is still There will be special music, both Richmond's pioneer citizens, was NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Benj. Fay Mills, who was an old in Logan Thursday. confined to his home by illness. instrumental and vocal. Let us friend of the family. Mr. Mills While his condition is not alarm- honor our heroic dead. Other employed watchers who, togethIF YOU DO NOT GET YOUR and Mrs. S. W. Hendricks ing, he is nevertheless a very sick services as usual. er with the police, patrolled the PAPER REGULARLY, REPORT from Richnrtmd man. down beach and all piers, but no trace IT TO TIII3 OFFICE. A barn owned by. Mr Erick Thursday. Services will be held as usual Larsen and located on th river IF YOU MOVE FROM ONE REtoschool of TO at the Presbyterian church ADDRESS ANOTHER, The $10,000 worth bank at the head of First South PORT IT TO THIS OFFICE OR bonds issued by Newton precinct morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Street, was swept away by the PAPER WILL CONTINUE TO have been purchased by Rollin Rev. Dr. Day, of California, will unusually high water in the river THE OLD ADDRESS AT YOUR and Sons of Denver. officiate. yesterday. All sorts of rumors EXPENSE. have been in circulation about DO NOT GIVE ORDERS TO A change has been made in the Mr. R. C. Bassett and his wife, the city dam being in danger, hut DELIVERY BOYS TO START, mail schedule between Logan, who was formerly Miss Jennie (they are without foundation, ac-Fran- - cording to the. members of the STOP, OR CHANGE TIU3 AD- Millville and Hyrum. The mail Wayman, left for-SaPAPER. now leaves here at 8:45 a. m. and cisco DRESS OF YOUR Mr. and Mrs. electric light committee, who say Thursday. THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY returns at 2:45 p. m. Bassett were married last Decem- the dam is safe, but is being conSEND IN SUCH MATTERS. ber, and this is the first oppor- stantly watched, so that no surYOUR ORDERS TO THIS Mr Ed Petersen of the Fourth tunity they have had of taking a prise may occur. ward, but who is spending the wedding trip. Mrs.. Bassett resummer on his ranch near Frank- linquishes her- - position as teleMr. V. S. lVet, the noted lecKEITH'S KONQUEROR SHOES FOR MEN sold beer All kinds of bottled and in detown was O. S. L. lin, turer and friend of the Mormon Wednesday graph operator at the are recognized as leaders in style, fit, comfort and econoff the ice at Ititer Bros. D.rug Co. part of Thursday. pot, as she and her husband may people will visit Cache valley omy. They have behind them the workmanship which 36 years experience alone can giva. . remain in Frisco. next week with his illustrated Our Stag Shoe, here represented, is sure to please. It Fonnesbeck wanted. Agents Is a Patent Colt Oxford, light, dressy and serviceable. City. Engineer N. M. Hansen, lecture, How Utah is Misrepreto amused Knitting Works. somewhat was The band concert given by the sented. h , Jr., The illustrations will PRICE, $3.50 learn that the city council didnt Thatcher Pavilion hand on Wed- be reproductions of those being Preston B. Keith Shoe Co., Makers,-BrocktoMass. Bergener & Co.Undertakers and care to accept his resignation un- nesday evening afforded more exhibited in the East by the licensed embalmers, Caskets and til he had finished the map of the real pleasure to the general pub- Presbyterian Board . of Home Coffins, 149 N Main, Bell phone. waterworks system, in view of the lic than any event of the day. Missions, and are entitled: The I fact that he, had completed that The pieces played were new, and Utah Devil Fish, The Mormon Elders Peter Olsen and Niels Mr. months some two their rendition the big Home, ago. The Mormon School, map during Niekeu will address the Scandina- Hansen expects to leave here ear- crowd The Red Star on the American present was held in pleasvians next Sunday at 10 a. m. ly in June for California where he ant thrall. It was a glorious treat Flag, etc. He will lecture in IS LINE has a good opening. for all and scores expressed a Providence on Monday evening, Mr. John A. McAlister is at fervent wish that such concerts in Logan Tabernacle Tuesday evAND home again, after a trip to MexiSchool officers The Sunday may continue during the summer. ening, Wellsville Wednesday, PIANOS ORGANS co, made to inspect the properties and teachers of the Seventh ward Hyde Park, Thursday, and ny-ruBaldwin, Knabe, in which he is interested there, tendered Mr. Orson P. Thatcher Miller, Mrs. Q. W. Benson has filed Stake Tabernacle on Friday Hazleton, well Schoff, found lie Hamilton, everything looking a farewell reception on Tuesday suit in the District court against evening. There will also 'be ilHamilton Thompson, Edison and enjoyed the visit greatly. Mr. conThatcher was Phonographs, the Oregon Short Line for dam- lustrated songs. evening. Jacob Doll, Oliver, nected witbt he 7th ward school ages in the sum of $647. In SepEverything in and others. The big poplars surrounding for a time, but has SHEET MUSIC, St. Johns Church. lately moved tember 1906 Mrs. Benson deliverLook this beline over and are then house court will grounds know who has the .the you into the Second ward. A large ed her household furniture to the and finest line of biggest instruments when 'you get ing cut down, and Janitor King number of Sabbath school work- railroad company at Butte, for Tomorrow being Trinity Sunredy to buy. We have just sold the Preston Opera nouse ,& is rejoicing. With every wind ers attended the function, which piano En day there will be a celebration of transportation to Logan. where all the other dealers figured and the the lawn was littered with thou- was held in the meeting house, route it was on house biggest badly damaged or the Iloly Communion at eight fftA AAttef sands of twigs from "these trees, and a very pleasant evening was destroyed and she demands that oclock, a. m. Morning prayer and in consequence they became a spent in social recreation. Re- the company shall make her loss and Litany at eleven oclock, and veritable nuisance. freshments were served. good. evening prayer at eight p WfffBI.IMl Wi im nit K Lhefo from : V- ? PorG&apsCreaBisrErtor The only excuse for buying anything but a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking Powder is to save a few cents in price; Ladies Spring Suits Avoid Alum Ailments Say plainly ROYAL BAKING POWDER 25 PerCent Off for Ten Days, THE JOUltNAL mencing . May 8th, at n, vf-r- e j - j n n, DUNBAR, ROBINSON CO. THIS OUR OF PIANOS ORGANS m HOBBS MUSIC COMPANY At A Howell-Cardo- n Cos Logans Greatest Store FOR ONE DAY ONLY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, WE WILL PLACE ON SALE 400 YARDS OF - iW SU) MHM1EK1 SILK' Event of At a Price that has Never had a Parallel in the Happenings of this or any other Store, 29 CENTS PER YARD Cardon f importance amass These Silks arTof 50c quality, 27 inches wide, and in any color desired. We do not want one of our hundreds of customers to miss this opportunity. If it were in our power to offer such a Bargain soon again we would not urge your attention so strongly. . - saang'- - "hi THE BUSY Co oCORNER 1 ?S |