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Show TRI-WCLKL- ?' ,ff vl :; Y The Walking Was Bad. ,bn; Larson & Jolley of Preston; And there was a hot Providence Co-othe 'E. R. Miles time m of Smithfield, and progressive mer-chants everywhere. of Logamlea WehVup.for the Deseret Machine Oil Co.,' i C. J. Gnstaveson,iMgr. h in or con- easing Mp-walkin.teettvv Tbey.-we- nt van single and FOR PRESIDENT OF THE Arc 6 .Uggiee a,t0y8 a&d backs. is they et&rled that way; Trlends ef Fref. Geo. Thomas Bring before rfeaching Hyde Park on His Name to the Front. the way to Smltbfield, most of the m.eri.were;walkfhg, 'knd the walk-in- g news regarding the wa badj verybad. In fact, The latest the .mud . waa. apE-lof the Agricultural Col-eg- e deep. The residency operator at the Hy.de' Park crossing is that the friends of Prof w&S absent; so that neither ef them eorge Thomas have taken up the could telegriphn theiYT jSt fortim'in ?ieal earnest, and either funds'bf extra ; undone ire .going to leave esujt iris tK&Vthtfy eim ply yv.walki1 to Becure him thenotning appointment. ed, 4nd but few pf .them .rtaybq4. A the hall. in.. Smiibfi'eldr ontU ften iid these friends comprise some of the .most infliientiaLeducatprs in Oclock. V 7 .j;,t (W? the State,be8ide a lot of. Cache -Here, for. ?B.?iiipe? ihey-f6rgtheir troubles; In, the dfeligtjtsbf tbp countys business men. Mr, Thomas had not thonght jof dance. ..When the i fafiiOTislfSike-wal- k the race, as he announced entering "two i occurred ?f there; some months ago that he would couples; Mr. T. C.' Lewis f nil Jdiss leave for to finish his. eduAlta Humphrey, ahd Mrflharles cation Europe soon as the present school as Kbbinson and Miss AliceLewis, upon year should end. p , ' the Whom, the. lnr'est judges His in have was centered.:- - Sa.4 elo8e lwa ;vthe sisted friends, however, allowed' to? use upon cpntestthat these.?cpupfes'f had-t- d his name in connection the with dancej then " dance; then ; datreb presidency of the big again - izr all, five timeBlillTbe lion, hence the work statejnstitu being done in judges could not deoide, andEqally his behalL It is generally known if that all,' not'ail,of the "nearly https; betWeerrthem7 C.L'.. members of the college faculty-ar- e Remembering - theirs experience in favor of Mr. Thomas on the way up, the Logan visitors heartily appointment, and they of course started for home at about one a, exercisecohsiderabTevnfiaehw Shd tbey" had all 'Hnds: bf "trouble.' Mr. Thom&s is quaL In some cases even the Iidfcs;hkdto ified to fill' the'undoubtedly He has position. walk, and they had to change' cdn acquired a broad, comprehensive veyances four dr five timeaTv :H education, and is an Lewis, T; C. Lewis, other .Lewiss, original thinker. In independent, addition to J. R. Edwards, Sam Quinney. Al this, he is . possessed of much adbert - Jenkins and la - number i of ministrative ability, his . record as others who wished they either had of the city board of edupresident web feet or wings, , walked,- - and cation a good Illustrasix tion offurnishing walked, and walkedy-unt- il' the latter quality. He is oclock, and ever since have been energetic, careful and able, and thp busy scraping and brushing off college would do well under his mud, and the mud is sticky; very p, 'f i g a 'they Vc ncYcrc able to inuUt t6 .Tat i . Continued from' Jf L : , lad lit page, -- i 7 itt: been driven Into, Pare 7 ; 7 ; The storm broke out again at oclock in the evening and continued until 2 oclock the next pered the retreating'Boers.'Tha British gunners kept a sharp watch to prevent any further attempt to remote the Bui wane- gun. - was fired te - ANOTHIB BJLTTLI BAaiBG.' r tlFineT KeyWeeU cky: j. , V, ; I I bidslor the parcharirj : .. 1 t j., of lands belonging to Logan City cr for leasing that not already ? leased will be received by the committee on pnblia grounds at the office of the City recorder up to 12 oclock noon on Wednesday, V 7th March 'fv.V 1900. The city. reserves the right to ject any and all bidds. Moses Thatcher1 Jr., I re- ; - Chairman Committee on Streets, t? , woes Can Always Depend on getting Their Wants Supplied for Anything in the?-- - ' ? Drug, . . . Patent Klodtcino, or Point .. .. . andlOil.kino j i JA1 . J- . ?;i ?.u: . ?- Together with the purest of Wines arid Liquors DrAtthoLowcotrilcrketPricesat j - R1TER BROS. t - . A Logan, Utah; Franklin, Preston andMootpelier, Idaho. ! , presidency.?;?., Forget , -- Will Open . Campaign Hers? I?' Judge W. N. Xing will fire -- the first gun of the campaign' in this f r city tomorrow evening, when i meeting will be held in the Thatch er opera Eouse. This was announced on Snnday, but the Noble Dram atic Co. having secured the opera About house for the entire week, it looked like the rally would ?have to be A the1 . - r? , ? - ;:--s,-- ( . ; ? rL GREAT SHOE BALL . . Obituary;' Mrs. Ellen Reese, one of Logan's old and most worthy V residents passed away on Sunday, aftei; being ill but a brief period.. The .de ceased lady was a natiye of Sweden, and was born ' Oct. 21, 1835 - She married while in Sweden, but her husband died within a: feV.'years after their, marriage. Ulrs.Reeae came to Logan in 1863 pne year after embracing the Mormon faith, She leaves two daughters? and, a son. Mr,Watkin Reese, who was acquainted with his mothers .death here on 8anday,and will likely-b- e v r . Dordrecht, Cape Colony, Sunday, March 4, 9 a. m. Gen. Branbants colonial : division, after? a night march, is now attacking the Boer in a strong position at La Bnchag-ne- s Nek, on the, road from Dordrecht to Jamestown. ' The engagement Is - proceeding with great vigor and the Boers are gradually retiring before the British shell fire from three positions, i A heavy rifle fire is being exchanged where the .British are en? gaging the Boers on the right flank, this morning. bo far the Boers have had no big The funeral services; will, .'take , guns in action. v place in the east basement, of the Evening 4ien. Branbants ad- tabernacle today at 1 p. , m;: All vance today was most satisfactory. friends are invited to attend;? After marching and bivouacking Mrs. Reese was loved by all who over night, the force reached the knew her, her life being spent in a strong entrenched positions which quiet effort to benefit those around they occupied and now hold, the her. Her genial, presence ?an Boers being on the opposite bill. ?, charitable deeds will be 'missed by The British will remain tonight a host of friends, in the captured pssitions, although the Boers brought two guns into About Oil. tttion and made determined efforts Almost any oil will make leather toVetake'them. The British losses .. are - six killed ; and eighteen Boft, bat it adds to it no qualities of toughness or firmness, and the wounded. , . heat of the sun, or water, isoon ' f STABBED BY HI3 MI3TBXS3 draw it out and leave "the" leather and hard, and it soon becomes Washr March4. Du-s- ar. dry and rottem cracked Costello, a French wrestler . n; t Sesled rX-Kentu- VlClty tLsads.V : . out to look after gun and occu' '?, py Bulwana. Lord Dundonalds force went after the retreating BoerB, while 4000 of the best men of 1 the garrison went toward Elindslaagte in the sticky. hope of being able to cat off the . : ''1:: A, t L -- at intervals through the night, and in the morning a force was sent enemy. ( ' . morn-ingr-Tt'mDflth- navat-gu- n vi. f f Whiskies I aud Domestic A Spesialty Cigars. 4. . A complete line of choice i ?! ; Uqupr and Wines carried in stock, , 7 r ' AU goods guVranteod - the best b on the market. A, N. McLEOD, Proprietor. tldivid'lbejte')1.tw;yer - The British II' M-- i 'f && the etormand- didrodt'jleariL lT good news, until later I n THEPARLOR.RESORT ut t -. e . BELIEF UNEXPECTED. ' V JOURNAL, LOGAN, UTAH, JIAECHG ,1C00. AT- er ? .j U . ... .! 1,500 Pairs yet Remaining, Which Must bo Sold Before April 30th. ' ? , ???' postponed. ? . ? Satisfactory arrangements have been made with the company how THEY MUST ever, and the meeting will come off as at first announced. Mr. be ' will accompanied- by his King late rival Mr. D. bar, who accepted his defeat in a way that attests the soundness of bis Democracy, Both will speak from the same platform, The itinerary of Messrs King y t; and Dunbar will be as follows: to Move fromjny Present Location, Cannot find Mendon, Tuesday afternoon at IamCempelled 2 oclock; Logan, Tuesday evening Another Suitable one, Therefore have Concluded to ' : r ; " at 7:30; Wednesday, Providence, r;- Seliputrrf 77'T.77r.'; at 11 in the morning;' Millville at 2 in the afternoon; Hyrnm. and MY GREAT STOCK OF Wellsville in the evening. Thurs day, Lewiston at 2 in the after Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, Oil Cloth, Curtains, noon, and Richmond in the even"Window Blinds? Glass, Pictures and Picture Frames, ing. Friday," Hyde Park? at 2 in the afternoon and Smithfield in the evening. Clarkston 10 a. m Sat -- Estab-' ndjEwrythtog??Pertid urdayrNSwton,' l prm. same day, The Judge and Mr. Dunbar will be Jlishment,---assisted by Jocal . speakers-amo- ng ? Goods Must go ; Quickly. It is a Spot Cash v .ana habitue of -- the denderl6ln7 was -- The Oil ofNew'LtfeforIeather? others H. J. Mathews, Joseph C. Thoreson - Deseret and K. L F. Moneon, the manufactured by The! Proposition with JPricQS to Correspond. . stabbed to death by Victorina ' Nebeker. Co. of Salt Like, Oil Machine Margonett, his mistress, in the ;f Cootlo no Consideration with us. C.-D- un -- Genuine Closing Out Sale. v -- ' . - r . , , , 7JJ ' -- included, as water does not affect it, and even the heat of the snn cannot draw it out. .. .... , 17 ... We admit' that" it is more difficult to secure a thorough penetration of the leather, but olaim . that it will last for months after every other oil has been drowned or ; burned out. ? ; We assure our patrons that there is not one drop of coal oil or other at wsertion she inf00,0" lacerated throat. She says harmful substance in the Oil of soon as she saw she was New Life, and that it; will not heeized a large bread knife gum. In Salt Lske, whereit ia well stabbed her assailant.' known we sell it for $1.25 a gallon, The stabbing occurred-aboclock and Costello died two hours later. The woman Is in the 11 charged with murder. There were no witnesses to the fatal affray; Before Costello died he stated that the woman stabbed - hun while he was asleep, but the : ckinisbefore she stabbed him he slashed her with a razor. ? ' ut ft o -- . , 1 . fJQ while competing oils, neatsfeot In: -cluded, "sell for 75 cents;7" la Closing1' tat1 -- c ? famthis In order to introduce, htire stock of furniture, ous oil in Cache . county, it will, must be sold put with-v--3 until further announcement, be tm geing out. cf Kld as cheaply as other Bad inand will cell at ccsWE-- C Cidcsy Etsvcus ferior oils by-t- S5r r s he gtj Lc;ia; T. II. Lstti s. r Is. Closing Out.'? , , -- V - v My entire -- stock of "furniture, Main Street, carpets, etc ' must be sold, out within six weeks. I am going out and will sell at cost. ?, Main St., Logan. ; I. H. Liwis. fOpposite Tabernacle V JUST ARRIVED! , : 'ex-ibit- sa V i ' I Implement Co. at.Lcgxa and r Pres- - ? Y.- II.. II. I. A. Conferences. k , . -- Prov-idsnC- . - .. i.. . .- Conferences of the Y. M.M. I. A. will be held as follows: For Richmond, Cove, Lewiston Smithfield and Hyde Park, at Smithfield, on March lltb.'at 2 and .7 pf:m.; for Wellsville, Hy rum, Paradise, Sterling and Avon, at Paradise, oq March 11th, at 2 and 7 p. m.; for Newton, Trenton, Clarkston, Mendon and Benson; on March 18th; at 2 and 7 p. m. at Newton: for Milleville, College and Greenville, at Providence, March ICth, at 2 and 7 p. n, 7 3, . ' 01 ms flaurcood Babu Buooles t AND f - jwl?l SfkI? - ?' . -- .. Go-Ga- rts: . . --?8ometKiiiff?Newy ' AT V. W k. V 4 k- w b ws v r v k.. |