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Show . , V. ' ' f , . 7 A LOGAN CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, MARCIIr23, 1899 VOL. XTIIX. munication to the Pennsylvania remember their kindness, and louse, announcing his approval Bhould the occasion ever arise, will of the resolution designating May do my best to return it. Thomas C. Lewis, 189, as Dewey Day and a ....... al . eg holiday. NO given at the home of the bride's SIR ILOILO parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Han sen, and afterward a dance in the meeting house concluded this pleasant occasion- .- Joy and prosto theryoung-- folks. perity Sources Desperate Engagement Foaght ' With the MOCK TRIAL. all , From Specials joarnar' Last Mr. Wm. F. Wednesday FIRE HORROR'IN "OMAHA. Filipinos on Thnrsdayr Received Last Evening. Jensen Jr. and Miss Jenny Barker y Omaha, March 21. Compara-ivel- $100,000 Damage' Cao in Logan. made a trip to Logan, returning insignificant in material Thursday night. When thy left destruction, but' appalling in its An estimable young lady of the theF were two5 when they came L. TIJ Eignteenth Infantry, 8ixth Artilact Granting larvest of death and Buffering, was B. Y. were On the Wells Approves oQeH?ack they has commenced an night College Refire and a that partially destroyed the action in the District court of the Pftheir return a reception and lerj First Tennessee Nobly Sen' Forger Preference Eghts-- A block Seventeenth tterson at ' of Insurgents Beautiwere an Attack home of the at given pel ' tanced Jones Stontt Case Revived Philomathic Society of the B. Y. 8aPPer the Hon. J. ,C. Wal ful Behavior of U S Troops. bridegrooms pareuta, Mr. and guyjaldios PipeDreams Italian Twoot its victims have already College before the Mrs. Wm. F. where a Jensen, a large ers, Judge, against b' very highly jymands Ignored by OSinese. jassed away, one more is not ex friends and relatives of that numer respected gentleman young jecfed tcrlive-an- d re abouWtwenty Iff present and seeined to, enjoy institution to recover damages from others-ar- e' few York March 21. A I themselves suffering from broken him in the sum of $100 000, very much-.- A large upon imbs and burned, and lacerated iis breach of to the Herald from Iloilo, presents, both orna (Special to Journal.) promise of marriage. numer flesh. mental ; and e useful, were presented Island of Panay, says: . A Attorney Frank K. Nebvker will the governor approves. the happy couple. Wewish irosecute the case, and the defend- --Eighteen thJnfantry, -- A. ; District Court;" mfwill he represented by Attorney them a long and a happy life. Love platoon of the Sixth SaULakefMarclr22.The last artillery and Jane A. Jorgenson was appointed George Q. Rich. The trial is setJ i9 .the sunshine of home; may it the machine bill passed by the recent Legislagun battery made a or Friday evening, at 7:30 p. m., shins in theirs forever, of of estate the Governor administratrix, the was by ture signed Mrs. Lila Bowen, of Logan, is reconnoissance in the direction of and will be held in the B. Y. Col-eg- e It is entitled Theodore Petersen. late last evening. Chapel under the auspices of visiting with friends and relatives. Mandurriao and Santa Barbara In the case of Smithfield City vs, An act granting preference rights he Philomathic Society of the Col-eg- She came over to attend her sister Thursday. While they were rejogan, Hyde Park and Smithfield lands. stale to purchase Jennys wedding reception. Public invited. Canal Co., the defense was allowed Uncle and Auntie Charley turning the insurgents attacked C. II. Skidmore, o file an amended answer on FORGER SENTENCED. Fletcher also came over to see that the outposts on the right. President, M. R. Tuesday. 22. March1 Salt Lake, Although fatigued from marchNephew Willies wedding went off An order was issuedTuesday for who B. 3. Rowan, alias all right. ing in the broiling sun for two Carsy, the drawing of sixteen jurors to Clarkston Clippings. We are sorry to Jearn that Mrs. two hours, the entire command pleaded guilty on Monday to doing serve at the April term of court. over Funeral services Petersen has been quite ill proceoded to the assistance of their the Sarah re of the Republic, the National Bank of mains of late. James were ' That Dance Trial. Josephkeep the artillery pouring this city, out of $365, by means of held in our meeting house on the Miss Kate Petersen, who was comrades, eenten-ce- d check-Wa-- a forged today s, JT.heJrial of George Nielsen and seventeenth. The old pioneer was considered to be improving nicely, shell and shrapnel upon the to three n t a w h o were stronghly en Alma Olsen on a charge of dis- ninety-fou- r by Judge Norrell, yeara.old, andwas re is againbleeding fromlhe nose, trenched in large numbers. Comat two of State prison. girls turbing the peace siding in Lehi at the time of his and is in a weak condition. years in the the dance in the Parry amusement decease. His remains arrived on panies C, H and K of the EightScribe. CA8E REVIVED. eenth deployed to the right, drivhall last Saturday, was held on the sixteenth accompanied by his Newton, March 18, 1899. Salt Lake, March 22. The trial before Justice Knwlee. daughter and grandson, Mrs. and ing the insurgents back, and then of A. B. Jones on the charge of Tuesday was a big crowd of young Mr. Turner of Lehi, and his grand There wheeling to theT left made a juncis set " ' shooting Joseph M. Stoutt. with companies B and I. A. tion witness to " the Mr. Davis of Salt Lake. ' Obituary. proceedings, son It was men for tomorrow morning, ensued. and what with the occasional bits Brother Keep was an honest, hard Died at her home in the Sixth heavy engagement M stated today that Judge Powers of and I of the Companies B, C, testimony, and poetical working man, and was highly res- ward on Monday evening, March had been retained by the com- andracy philosophical quotations by pected in the community. He was 21st, of puerperal fever, Margith Tennessee volunteers, Maj. Cheathplaining witness, and would assist the lawyers, it was kept in excel an earnest Latter-da- y Saint, thor Kezia Johnson Lewis, beloved am commanding, arrived later and The rumor in the prosecution. humor. lent oughly convereant with his. re- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -- Peter formed on the left and two more could not be verified, however. of the Eighteenth Keeler prosecutec ligion he knew the Bible from lid Johnson, and wife of Thomas C; companies City Attorney Iloilo to act as supmarched from IMPROVING. SHERMAN and George Q. Rich defended. to lid, and could preach the gospel Lewis., Deceased was born in the to other the From the evidence introduced it for hours at a time. troops. Col. Van Ytteroen Co. port Santiago de Cuba, Marsh 22. 1C ofTrondhjeim, .city n Schiff-maBy his previous request Bishop Norway, August 6th, 1877, and Valzab and Maj. Keller commanda. m. Mr. Sherman at this hour appeared that the two girls, by name, who it is allegec Jardine called upon six of Lis j cameT with her parents to Logan in ed the battalions of tho Eighteenth continues to improve, and will be disturbed in their peace, were friends to speak at the funeral. i were regiment. moved from his cabin on deck this July, 1880, where she has ever for various reasons were: Counsellor objectionable Wooc Gen. hour. Heggie, GEN. millers NARROW ESCAPE. They afternoon for an eince lived. With the exception who attended dance to the Elders William B. James people to Mr visit was on board paying a Sparks, of a short period immediately folGen. Miller was ou the scene and Olsen took it upon himself to Jardine, Ole Peterson, John E. Sherman. her marriage, she has re- early and directed lowing thperations The City i3 full of touristB who give them a little friendly advice Godfrey, and, in closing, Bishop sided continuously in the Sixth from behindtSe fightimmediately to leave daace them the of Jardine. Six bis grandions ward, where she was an active have landed from the American urging He had several narrow line. ing The girls thanked him and left for were pall bearers. liner. member of the Sunday School and escapes. a short time, returning again anc The meeting house was crowded Y. L. M. I. A., and had the love AGUINALDos PIPE DREAMS. The lnia advanced by rushes engaging in a quarrel with a young with relatives and' friends, and a and esteem of all who came in con- 3000 under a hot fire, pour' Manila, March 22. According lady named Mortimer. lengthy cortege followed the re- tact with her. She was of a kind- ing inyards deliberate volleys upon the to a prisoner captured . by our One of the Schiffman girls be mains to the cemetery, where Eland will be disposition, genial ly, insurgents position, the artillery troops, Aguinaldo has announced came angry at Olsens denial of a der Sparks dedicated the grave, miesed in the circles she making good practice. sadly By the that he will personally conduct the statement she attributed to him He leaves three daughters, many was wont to She leaves a time the forces were within 300 grace. reserves at Malolos and march into and struck him twice. Nielsen grandchildren and a host of friends husband, an infant son anl a host var(jfl 0f the enemys final position Manila within twenty days unless then put in his oar and got three to mourn his loss. of relatives and friends to mourn darkness prevented the charge for the Americans withdraw in the or four good slaps in the face for weex, as Messrs, faul Lar- - her i08g. Peace to her ashes. which the Tennessee men and the meantime. TJie concentration o his pains. That was about all the sen and John Jardine were return- services will be held in corapanies of the Eighteenth on Funeral rebel forces in vicinity of Malabon evidence relevant to the charge inghome from the canyon wilh a the Sixth ward meeting house on 4 therighthad gives color to the statement of the that was "introduced. The Schiff I i ooCts. The,pad,! man girls admitted the striking, rudd? rthW1 W1TtlndW Xo prisoner. and the elder of the two caused across a field. All at once both CHINA REFUSES ITALY. mirthful . demonstration, . when in horses disappeared, having fallen Rome, Itafy March 22. It is answer to a question as to what one down a well. One of the boys understood the Chinese minister of the defendants did after she went a mile into town for shovel a has informed the Italian Govern struck Oh, he and team. Returning, a trench him, she said: Cch, County, State of V tah. KinVcouif b. Vioed by forcing ment thatChina absolutely refusec stood and chewed around, the team-pullout.-was ed Benson r to j dng and the further badH'as.li"' was the demand of Ttaly for ra rcouce8 just until he lost it. rag TheyJi&d sore and stiff necks, bnt : concern sion at San Mun Bay. may impossible with the limited number Nielsen and Olsen testified as to were otherwise uninjured. The of troops to hold the position. The 1 You are hereby notified that the reputation of the two girls neck-yok- e NO CONCESSION. and harness were somehave expended annually $ 100.00 t American troops were exhausted bad morally what damaged. New York, March 22. A 6pecia! mentioned being the fighting and having to wade What is the reason we do not ret I as recorded, in all four hundred by to the New York Herald says and mentioned several rather dis fields acts of theirs at the dance Saturdays Journal until three dollars in labor and improvements knee deep through the rice Attorney General Griggs will ad- graceful and cane, Treasure the Hidden sugar lode, vise Secretary Alger to grant no but the greater part of this testi oclock on Monday, and what is upon Paradise the in situated Mining ruled out by the justice the reason conference people canconcession of rany character, in mony was two defendants not get off at different stations to Dietrict, In order to hold raid . The hule, the who discharged d through RoT. Cuba. He has under consideration of lack for visit proof. SankoJ their friends? several questions in . connection with desired concessions in Cuba Clarkston, March 19 1899, United States, being the amounts I There but he bad determined them ad Card of Thanks. to hold th for the required miraculous were to other Newton Notes. versely applicants. I desire through the columns years ending Dec. 31st, 10 yo, the men advanced amid J pOffCCt DOWNED BY POLITICS. The Journal to express my heart 1897 and 1898 respectively, and if Editor Journal: Last: felt gratitude to all who have day night our Sunday School gave I within ninety days from the serv- - hail of bullets. of the Washington, D. C., March 22. The severity engagement rendered me their kindly assistance a fine entertainment.. The pro- - ice of this notice (or within ninety -- the fact t6at the W. B. Lawrence, an employee b ud the Sfenate appointed through and consolation during the illness gramme, WM well rendered, and days after this notu by pnblica- - L-- f ,eeJnthsresiient slone firea Senator Rawlins influence, has and following the death of my be- much credit 18 due to .those in turn) yon fail or refuse U contra- - 62,800 rounds, It fa estimated been dismissed for political rea loved wife. To the Elders who charge of the affair. Owing, no bute your proportion of such ex- the insurgents, with their more ons merely, and will be . succeeded have so readily responded to the doubt, to the extremely . muddy peuditure, viz: $133.33 as than 2000 rifles fired more than call for their ministrations, to streets, it ;was . rather, poorly . at- - land also, your proportion of law double by a Republican. of our total ammunition. I eu those who assisted in nursing, anc tended. and legal expenses of three Biehl Private in Daly GUBERNATORIAL ACTION. to those who so freely tenderec The matrimonial fever still rages hundred dollars, viz: $100.00, your wounded and brought gave warning to Harrisburg, Pa., March 22. The their services in the performance here. Last week Mr. James C. interest in said claim will become harry up some ammunition as h ballot for U. S. Senator of the last sad offices., May Got Petersen and Miss Louisa Hansen the property of the subscriber, un most of the men were short. He resulted in no election. Quay h&c reward them all, and return their agreed to take and cherish each J der said section 2324. 88 and Jenlcs 75 votes. ' J T. Champnkys. kindness ten fold when their hour other as man and wife for all time I . Continued on 5tk Page ) 8 Governor Btone has sent a com I of sorrow comes.' . I shall always to . come. A fine reception was ! , March 25, 1899. UISFATCDES' UTEST I : . I -- 1 dis-pat- ch -- I i battal-ioruiLth- r I e. r in-sur- ge JONES-STOOT- T t -- -- - whom-tiHe"enem- -- . f MRS y 1 1 . J I sXn232UedX me ' -- tht co-own- er 1 fifty-fourt- . , A I . $ |