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Show THE HERALD PAGE EIGHT CHURCHES COP IS BEAR ON CRIMINAL OR BEAR HUNT Cache Stake CHICAGO, Oct. 3 Police Lieutenant THIRD WARD very entertaining program has been arranged for the M. I. Sunday A, conjoint meeting The evening at 7 30 o'clock. 'A , , I j j I !' L. Sullivan long has claimed he's a bear at catchNow he ing criminals claimed he's also pretty good at catching bears Sullivan was called today to do something ibout special theme of the evening's program will be Meeting life with a real friend. FIFTB WARD The speakers at the evening meeting are Bula Morgan, who will talk on "Todays problems o Youth"; John Jenkins whose life; subject will be Facing and Alvin Hess who will talk on the value of friendship A reading will be given by Lila Peters. Special vocal and mstru-- , mental music Will be rendered. a little black bear hich had climbed into a tree at Leland and Sacramento avenue knew Nobody where the bear came from or wha. to do until Sullivan arrived. The lieutenant whistled and clucked his tongue, but the bear didn't move. He pleaded and threw rocks, but the bear refused to budge. As a last resort, Sullivan got a sack of sugar, climbed the tree, followed the bear to the end of a limb and persuaded him to put his nose In the sack. The rest was easy. Sullivan backed slowly down the tree The bear followed. Ill give him to the the officer Boy Scouts, NINTH WARD 1 f The mutual conjoint meeting at the ward is under the direction of the Erea and Publicity directors, with Juanita Peterson in charge. The program will be as follows vocal selection, John Anderson; talk, The word of Wisdom" Jeri. Hansen, retold story, Orlean Jackson; reading, Margaret Egbert; talk, todays problems for the youth, Jewell Jacobsen; piano solo. Fay Sonne; talk, Todays problems for adults, Ernest T. Young decided. TENTH WARD 1 , M I. A. conjoint meeting will be held Sunday evening at 7 30. The program Includes a song by the chorus, a five minute talk by Sylvan Ericks m, a talk by Dr. Rueben L. Hill, retold story. Jean Goodseil, poetry by Carmello Hill, music by the chorus, talk, Warren G. Hansen and vocal music by the chorus, WARD SEVENTH t The Northwestern states missionary reunion of Cache valley will be held Tuesday evening at 8 15 at the Seventh ward All missionaries and hU- Wends are cordially Invited. Logan Stake (UP) John and said unto her. Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God" (St Luke 13.11-13- ). The following correlative passage from page 495 of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy is also included: If sickness is true or the Idea of Truth, you cannot destroy sickness, and it would be absurd to try. Then classify sickness and error as our Master did, when he spoke of the sick, whom Satan hath bound, and find a soverlgn antidote for error In the power of Truth acting on human belief, a power which opens the prison doors to such as are bound, and sets the captive free physically and morally." Local Services Sunday and Wednesday Services of the Christian Bdence Society of Logan are held Sunday at 11 and Wednesday at 8. Sunday school meets at 10 Sunday. The public la cordially Invited, 'lfe-glv-l- lI The EIGHTH WARD following program will He given at the M. I. A, conjoint meeting Sunday evening in the ward chapel: Song, chorus, con ducted by Walter Wuthrich; short talk, Today's Problem of the Youth, Joseph Osmond; talk, Todays Problem for the Adult," City Attorney, Leon Fonnesbeck; retold story, Etna Peterson; poetry, Leah Peter avn: .ipr, bv chorus; Introductory talk, Margaret Johnson; Explanation of a friend, Wallace Secrest. Stock Exchange Issues Warning NEW YORK, Oct 3 (UP) The New York stock exchange today Presbyterian , Sunday services for October took its first official notice of 10 a. m. Bible school. the . campaign against short 4 are: Rally day and promotion exercises. 11 a. m. Worship. En 5.30 p. pa,. Christian deavor society meets. 6:157:00 p. m. Social hour and lunch in Westminster hall. 7.0Q Evening serivce in pjn. hall. Westminster All are cordially Invited to these services. Christian Science 5 Is Unreality" the the subject of Sunday, October 4, in all branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts Golden Text: Psalms 64.11. The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity. v. Among the citations are the following from the Bible: And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him. Lesson-Sermo- n. selling which has been gaining momentum steadily since the ban on that practice was enforced for two days after Great Britain's suspension of the gold . standard. , The exchange warned a brokerage1 house that It must hot use-thterm bear- - raid In its letters or other literature unless it could substantiate the" stater ment with proof. No official . announclal of this move was made by the exchange but It admitted Ysending the note to its member. The exchange has been tabulating records of all short sales for some time. It has made no announcement on this subject, and in the absence of a statement, there Is no way of determining the extent of the short interest. Some brokers do no believe it Is large now. Opjxments of the short sale, however have made the assertion that if it were not large the exchange .would not be reticent about making the figures public. e JOURNAL, LOGAN, UTAH, SATURDAY, ALL DOLLED UP LIKE HALF A MILLION Sapphires and Diamonds Run Into Money When You Strew Them Over a Lady Logans First Phone Office In Drugstore Forty years ago Logan was a telephone clearing station for long distance calls between Pocatello and Salt Lake City, according to Mlss Addle McCaus-land. Her mother, Mrs Adeline who died in 1910 at Boise, Idaho, was the second chief operator in the Logan office The late B. F. Rlter was the first telephone office manager here. He maintained one switchboard in the back room of his drugstore, now the Prescription Drug store on Nortn Main street. Mrs. McCauslands now Mrs Georgiana daughter, Williams, succeeded her as chief operator. The mother's service began in 1892, and "terminated In 1900 Her daughters was fiom 1900 to 1910 when she gave up the post because of ill health. During those early days of the telephone line In Logan, Mrs acted also as bookkeeper, the daughter being then night operator, and doing considerable day duty as well. One switchboard did service for about 30 telephones which Logan boasted two score years ago. Mr. Rlters phone was No 1. He placed the first telephone call from Logan to Montpelier, Idaho. The late Dr. W. B. Parkinson maintained No. 2 in his office. H. G. Hayball, a pioneer merchant of Logan, also had one of the first telephones. At times severe lightning storms occurred here, the Hash would follow the wiring into the old switchboard causing the receiver to pop and sputter Jn the operator's ears. Logan's early day centrals, according to Miss McCausland. had many responsibilities they do not take today. So few were the telephones that frequently when calls came for local residents a messenger had to be sent long distances over the town for the person wanted. Then the operates was kept busy showing the user how to manipulate the queer contraptions such as comprised Logan first telejione service. Years ago when telephone lines were strung from one town to another, a control station was set up. This marked the Inauguration of the service for the community. Today a modern building houses the local telephone office. It is a great contrast to the days when the office was Insignificant enough to be In the fear of ' Logans pioneer . drug store. . Irwin S. Thomas of Richmond morning for Salt Lake City on a business trip. He plans on attending sessions of the conference also the state lair-- ' He was accompanied by friends. left Friday Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Stanford are spending the week-en- d visiting in Sait Lake City. printing of The Social Stationery . . . l Commercial Printing Department even ves.s greeted Indiana umver-itand the fust Notre Dame football team which has piaved without Knute Rockno in 20 years as hey went on the' field here this afternoon r, Iid'ana Lyms, 1, it. Nylee, lg Beescn, c, Zeller, Angle ineyr. it n en. ic V Datier, c,b Ope ik, in, Barr, ih, J j! ps lo Nrr- Eme Koskv le; Chi i it II 'ir lg.Yap c. H 'tmaii r?, Knitli rt, Mahoney, ic, Jisxwiiirh. to S'hwartz, lh Sheeket-tk- i ih Hams, fb Ofuciah Referee, umiMictmarn pire, Humes (Yale i, field metre Haelett lArmyi, Graves Lead line mar, Ilium. si Ras-che- r. K-- - j V 4 Torso Of Woman Nailed To Post in PASCO, Wash., Oct. 3 (UP) Complete mystery still surrounded the finding of the torso of a woman nailed to a post east of here today and Benton county the vnus with the rad of a nnc-r- c authorities had obtained the be services of Luke S. May, Seattle scope cluster which may mans first View of infantile criminologist, In an effort to solve it. paralyus geims Now, according The part of the body had to Dr Ebeison he has reached been on the post in the sixth generation from the the sagebrush for a couple of weeks or more. test tube " ( Next Congress Control Hazy Alleged Negro Slayer Guarded BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Oct 3. (U P) National Guardsmen were City returned to their homes Hillman hosSaturday after spending the stationed around Peterpast week as guests of Mr. and pital today where Willie son, Negro accused of slaying Mrs. S. E. Needam. two Birmingham society girls, Miss Eva Adams and Miss lay near death from bullet Ardls Adams of Garland were wounds inflicted by Dent Williams to avenge the murder of vlstiors in Logan Fnday. his sister. Gov. B. M. Miller ordered a Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Peterson motored to Salt Lake detachment of 50 sodiers to City Friday evening to attend the hospital after crowds began the recial of John McCormack, tnronging the streets in the vitenor. cinity. There was a general spirit of unrest. C. H. Luderman of Rockland, Peterson, whom Miss Nell Mass., was In Logan Saturday, Williams claims Is the Negro calling on Ankhon Peterson of who wounded her. killed her sister, Augusta, and her chum, the Peterson Shoe store. Jenny Wood, was brought here Marriage licenses have been last night for a conference with issued from the office of the county authorities, preparatory Cache county clerk to Willis to arraignment Monday. PeterEugene Johnson, Nibley, and son had been at Montgomery Florence Louise Ames, Lcyan; for safe keeping since he was Smith-fielcaptured here about a month John Ed Richardson, and Anne Ranzenberg. axo. Providence: Charles David WatTHE SHOCK son and Anna May Wells, both of Pocatello, Idaho; William FATHER Now. if Louis Smith and Pearl Irene mother had five dollars, and I Smith, both of Pocatello. Idaho gave her five more, what would The last named couple have she have been divorced according to their MOTHER; Hysterics. Smiths statement to Clerk C. V Mohr. Weekly, Sydney. d, Herald-Journa- hot that the 18 000 odd fans shed coats, hats and Holstein dairy herd, of 11 repreanimals from the sentative dairy farms of Cache dairymen, were taken to the state fair, Thursday night All types of Holstein dairy stock are Dan-ccrat- Stationery Announce ments STADIUM Bloomington, Ind .Oct 3 (UP i Clear weather, so In charge of Clarence Meikle of Smlthfield, the Cache county ' Office (UP) The Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Parker of North Logan are proud par- t- Matter 3 Oct. 3 (UP) attempted slaying of Miss Anna Prillei Benoit, noted swimmer of Holyoke, Mass , by stabbing, was reported to police today. John Hunt, her trainer, was sad bv police to have stabbed Miss Benoit with a hunting knife and then swallowed several bicholoride of mercury tablets Hunts condition was critical, physicians at the hospital where he was taken reported. MissBenoit's wounds were not conxiclered serious, however. The stabbing took place in Miss Benoits mother's home here, police said. Miss Benoit was an entrant in the woman's championship 10 mile swim held here recently She is well known in the United States and Canadian swimming circles. half-millio- Cyril Owen of St. Louis, Mo, ents of a baby daughter born son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Owen Thursday at the family home. s visiting fti Logan for several i! days with his parents and , ' i friends. Mr. Owen is associated American Aluminum sAN BERNARDINO, Calif., With the with headquarters at Oct. 3 (UP) The headless body company, of a Irian believed to be Thomas St. LouisSmith. Youngstown, O., , was 'M. M. Reese and Wilford brought ' here today froth the Lpndberg spent Wednesday in desert near Amboy, Mojave Idaho. Falls, where , it, was found "beneath a Idaho A . 7 WASHINGTON. Oct. 3 (UP) culvert hy a highway brew late Mr- - and Mrs. LeRoy S. Hill The que'-tioas to which paity yesterday. the next congress Sheriff Walter Shay expressed left Friday by auto for Califor- will control today the opinion the man had been nia where they wilj visit with became more complicated when the possibility of one Illikilled by tramps who robbed their daughter. from swi'ched seat nois being the body and then stole his s Mrs. Ellen EcUes Is visiting the Republican side to the automobile. He had been dead arose Salt Lake City during the about a month. Insurance pa- in stands week-enThe home menibn-MiIpers in his pocket led to the and today with Repubucans Identification. Bishop and Mrs. L. Tom Perry Democrats each hnu g 214 seats are conference visitors in Sait and one additional seat being A SOFT JOB held by npp. Val farmer-labo- r So your husband tried to get Lake City. Minn. Six vacancies are to be n Government post? What is he Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Reams are filled by special elections. doing now? in Salt spending the week-en- d Stanley H Kunz, Democrat, Nothing he got the post. claimed m Chuono tncay a reDas IUustrierte Blatt, Frankfurt. Lake City. count .showed he had a majorAttorney and Mrs. J. A. Mer- ity of the voles tast last Norill of Seattle, Wash , arrived vember in the eighth Illinois in Logan Wednesday for a district. The ceitificate of elecweeks visit with Mrs. Merrills tion to this .seat is now held by parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Peter C Gianta, Republican. Watkins. They were accompaThree other similar contests nied home by Mr. and Mrs. J are pending in Pennsylvania, O. Edwards, who will also be Indiana and Oklahoma. However, Tyler Page, cleik of guests at the Watkins home. The couples are spending the the house said today that when week-en- d the house meets, it will seat in Salt Lake. those holding certificates of Mrs. Clark E. Haskins Is visi- election regardless of pending contests, which later W'ould have ting in Salt Lake City. to be settled by the house itself. Miss Edna Mae Earl is a visitor in Salt Lake over the weekend. Advertising Oct. MEMORIAL TORONTO J Doesnt take a whole lot of jewelry to mount up into money. n dollars woith Miss Carol Roberts has a cool here. There is a hair ornament, two earungs, necklace, shoulder ornament, tvyo bracelets, two rings and a belt buckle. All in sapphires and diamonds, set in platinum. Displayed at a jewelers convention in Detroit. Mans Headless L Body Is Found Menus ... ... Liauijtnii SIMTI1 TOLD Girl Swimmer Stabbed By Trainer NOTRE DAME CARRIES ON SANS ROCKNE XOSClS9060a(S8COS3CC(5SOOe!50&& owtoccoosgooo Miss Lenessa Tingey and Miss Margaret Bigelow of Salt Lake ... 1931. Experiments in which he believes he has isolated poliomyeor infantile litis, paralysis germs, were revealed today by Dr Frederick Eberson, director of clinical laboratories and research at Mt Zion hospital here and assistant professor of medicine at University of California Feeling sure that he lias accomplished the f.rst and most important step in combatting the dreaded disease. Dr. Ebeison has sent ins fmchnes to the Smithsonian at Institution Washington and will expiam ins expel iments btfoie a group of scientists at the society tor experimental mpdicine an biology at Palo Alto. Calif , this month If these isolated germs can be pi oven to be nolioinyelitis then we can make stiunis and antitoxin which may cuie victims and pievent others from becoming its victims, Dr. Ebeison said. Dr. Ebersons experiments began witn extracting spinal and brain fluid from a monkey that had died of the disease Diluting and f.'tering the extract he experimented with it for a month At intervals he moved a tmy portion from the parent tube into other test tubs. Finally he found clusters in local hospital, was removed to her home, Saturday. forms, social forms, advertising matter as we create them, are planned in just the right taste and tempo to meet the situation. We solicit on a quality on a price basis basis on a service basis your 3, SAN FRANCISCO. By RUSSELL HESS Mrs. Elizabeth H. Adams who was operated on recently at a Business OCTOBER (to-so- You, Too, Can Horn In On These SAVINGS V So enthusiastically received was the first combi- nation magazine offer of the Herald-Journthat arrangements have been made for another strong combination. These offers are available to the Herald-Journfor a very limited time only, so hurry and get yours before its too late. al al I Just think you get Pathfinder for one year ' Nee decraft for two years Good Stories for one year Home Friend for one year Gentlewoman for one year Successful Farming for one year The Herald-Journfor one year r, , S, 1 al All seven for ONLY $2.90 If you are a Herald-Journsubscriber al $3.90 il If you get the nal delivered by carrier Herald-Jour-ma- This Offer Open For a Limited Time Only! sooQoeoscccsosocccccososococo&eoccocoooooosoccoosooeoooQooeeeooQeea |