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Show THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 THURSDAY, MARCH i IrtiS LEHI bUH, ia v 0 t - . - 1 Keep Smiling Happiness is the only good. The place to be happy Is here I The time to be happy is now I The way to be happy is to help make others so. Ingersoll "EARTHENWARE" "Boasting of our wealth and vir tues rare. What are we but bits of earthen ware? Fashioned by the one Great Master Mas-ter Hand. Each one marked by that Great Maker's Brand. Some of us fashioned tall and fair. Vases for the mansion, Dresden Ware; Some of us as ornaments are prized; Some of us are useful yet despised; de-spised; Some of us are 'Big pots' lined with gold, Some of us are 'mugs' and bought and sold; Some of us are 'broke' ah, tha's a fact; Some of us are not 'broke', only 'cracked'. Some of us are fashioned fine and true, With every ray of sunshine gleaming through; Some of us are coarse and chipped chip-ped and stained Yet fragrant with the balm of love contained. Earthenware, just earthenware, vessels of clay, just earthenware; earthen-ware; All of us made by the one Great Potter; Some of us as white as parcelain, some as brown as terra cotta; Earthenware, just earthenware, that the Master will repair When we go to the clay that we came from, some day Broken earthenware." George Wood body of life's philosophy. Majestically Isaiah says: 'But now, O Lord, Thou art our Father; Fath-er; we are the clay, and Thou our Potter; and we are the work of Thy hand.' And Paul, more technically, applies the same iripa? 'Hath not the potter power over the clay -of the same lump to make one vessel unto nonor and another unto dishonor?" Just earthenware. But what marvels of beauty have been A - 14- ! V wrougns irum iwt ciajr uk I potter, who, in turn, was shaped by the hand or tne ureas rouer. Valve World O. B. Joyful Comfortable Trousers Trousers that are too short in the crotch can usually be let out about an inch. Rip the seams on the Inside In-side of the leg down from the crotch point for about 12 inches; open the back and front rise just enough to free the seam allowances. Let out the seam at the crotch as needed and resew, tapering oft to meet the old stitching lines. Press the new seam opea Then reseam the front and back rise and press again. WANT ADS Circulating Heater for sale Good condition. See Tom Wof-finden Wof-finden or Phone 47-W, Lehi. . 2-28-tf. GARDEN SPOT WITH FLOWING FLOW-ING WELL FOR RENT Mrs. Annie Fox, 312 South Second West, Lehi. . 2-28-tf RAG RUG WEAVING Mrs. Alice Jackson. Phone 350-J3, Lehi. 12-20-tf WHIPPING CREAM FOR SALE We deliver. Southwick Dairy, Phone 38-W. 11-29-tf. Kitchen heater and water heater for sale. John Southwick, Phone 84-J, Lehi. 2-28-2tp. FOR SALE 1938 4-door deluxe Plymouth. Heater, radio, new 6-ply tires. Ph. 359, State Street Service, Lehi. 2-28-tf. Tomato on Jlmson Poisonous Hope that it would be practical to fortify the tomato against root-knot disease by grafting It on the resistant resis-tant root of its ill-smelling, poison bearing relative, the Jlmson weed, has gone glimmering but not out Scientists of the department of agriculture's ag-riculture's research administration, co-operating with the Alabama agricultural agri-cultural experiment station, find it possible to graft the tomato on. the weed root, but the poisons formed in the root stream to the tomato fruits, making them unfit for the table and even dangerous. BICYCLE FOR SALE Phone 359, Lehi. State Street Service. I 2-28-tf. "The making of pottery is one of the most ancient of arts and the potter's wheel among the earliest of man's effort to bring the machine Into alliance with his labor. It is not surprising, therefore, that the world's literature litera-ture from the earliest times should be dotted with parables of the potter's wheel and of pottery. pot-tery. The skilled hand of the potter, shaping the moist clay of earthenware, has been used since the dawn of letters to typify the hand of the Creator shaping the clay of humanity. The Psalmist, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Paul, among Biblical writers: Shakespeare, Dryden, Aldrich, Longfellow, Omar Khayyam, among the poets, and a host of others have lent their pens to make the potter pot-ter and the potter's art immortal immor-tal and to draw from them widely wide-ly varying phases of the known 17. S. Roadway State highway systems total 415,-000 415,-000 miles of which 332,000 constitute the primary road. There are 250,-000 250,-000 miles of city streets, and only 95,000 miles have been paved, while 110,000 have low-type surfaces and 45,000 miles are merely graded or drained and have no surfacing. Supplementing Sup-plementing state highways and city streets is a vast network of 2.400,000 miles of county, township and village vil-lage roads serving six million farms with a production of 12 billion dollars dol-lars annually. Forty-two per cent of our farms are still on mud roads. Louisiana Independent Twice Louisiana has been an independent independ-ent state twice; for 10 months after revolt against Spanish rule in 1769 and for six weeks after secession from the Union before Joining the Confederacy In 1861. Hybrid Vegetables An Increased development of hybrid hy-brid vegetables, with advantages for the grower similar to those of hybrid corn, is expected. Hybrid tomatoes and cucumbers already have been announced. Dome water heater with 30 gal. tank and fittings. T. R. Bray, 609 N. 2 East, Lehi. Phone 155-J. 2-28-tf. FOR SALE Three bottom plow, 1939 GMC truck, baled wild hay. Bruce Evans, TeL 349-J3, Lehi. 3-1-ltp. WANTED Rabbits, alive, 3 to 5 nnimd. Tel. 1751, or call at 1008 East Center. Cen-ter. Provo. 3-15-6tp. WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN in i nr nav. w nfi.n vinma riv iiuui w . . Tel. 330-J, Am. Fork. 3-15-3tp , FOR SALE 1 riding horse; 4 good used tires, size 15-700. T. W. Adamson, 461 W. Main, Am. Fork. 3-15-1-tp. FOR SALE 50 head good ewes, start lambing April 1; two sound well matched teams; Minnesota seet potatoes, certified cer-tified last, year; extra heavy good rubber tired wagon. Var-ian Var-ian West. Tel. 3863, Pleasant Grove. 3-15-2tp. FOR SALE Fordson tractor, recently re-cently overhauled. 0276-R4, Am. Fork. 3-15-lt. FOR SALE Baby buggy, good condition. 457 North 1st West, Am. Fork. ' 3-15-ltp. FOR SALE McCormick-Deering Big 6 mowing machine; baled straw. Rieske, Alpine. Tel. 0270-J2. 3-15-3tp. BIKE FOR SALE See W. L. Stewart. Owl Inn. Tel. 359, American Fork. 3-15-ltp. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE SALE Mrs. John H. Smith residence on cemetery road, Lehi. Must be sold March 16 and 17. 2-14-lt. " 4, C. ftHMtr CO.. IMO. i 'Cv : ""' fj' Here Are Good lM-$lMtS TERRY TOWELS ! '111 ly YJ VJk Soft,-, fluffy towels in vC lv glowing pastels Kith 1 vMGXj V while borders. ! VWt '$$k Bright Accen" !n I PVry GAY PLAIDS ! k1 49c Plaid centers w ith solid borders. Men lore j them! So absorbent ! i l i FOR . RENT 22 acre farm, 8 acres under weed control for two years; good water right. Write to Gordon Hawkins, 231 North University Ave., Provo, Utah. 3-15-3tp. FOR RENT on half share basis, lot and fruit trees. 219 South First West, Am. Fork.. 3-15-ltp FOR SALE Good work horse, about 1400 lbs., 9 years old. $40.00. Jim Lee, Tel. 0279-J1, Am. Fork. 3-15-ltp. WANTED TO BUY Spring tooth harrow. Jim lee. Tel. 0279-J1, American Fork. 3-15-ltp. FOR RENT Garage. Tel. 97-W, American Fork. 3-15-ltp. FOR SALE 18 White Wyandotte hens, good brooders. Call 48 in the evening or see W. E. Hoggard. 3-15-2t. FOR SALE Modern 3-bedroom brick home, acre, coops, garden spot, fruit trees and berries. Tel. 619-W, Am. Fork. 3-15-lt. Extra nice home on King Street. $1025.00 For 20.5 ac. West of Lehi, 10 shs. Lehi Irr. Co. $2500 3 rm. home with shower bath. 1 acre, 1 sh. Am. Fork Irr. Co. $3000 4-rm. home, City water, ,10x10.50 rods. sh. Primary water. SE corner, Third ward. $40006 rm. home in Alpine. Cor. lot. 1 acre. V2 sh. Alpine Irr. nENRY C. JOHNSON Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Notary, Abstracts, Bank of Am. Fork BIdg. Room 15, TeL 7-W. LOST One bay and one gray horse. Notify William Storrs, Am. Fork. 3-15-ltp. FOR SALE Carload of used pianos, tuned, delivered $170 and up. J. E. Brown, Draper. Phone Midvale 337-J3. 3-14-3tp FOR SALE 1 half-ton metal bed. Also 4 tons first crop alfalfa. alf-alfa. J. Earl Smith. Phone 144-J, Lehi. 3-14-tf. WANTED Used baby buggy in good condition. Call 71-M, Lehi. 3-14-tf. MOTOR-BIKE 318-J1, Lehi. FOR SALE Ph. 3-14-tf. FOR SALE Building, 20 by 30 ft. suitable for double garage or could be remodeled for home. Rusty Rogers, 409 Jefferson Ave, Am. Fork. 3-15-tf. Fairfield News Leatha Carson, reporter Sgt. Charles Wayne DuBoIs, son of Mr. Ralph DuBois, was honorably discharged from the army Feb. 22. He has been in the service since March, 1943. Mr. and Mrs. JErnest Carson accompanied ac-companied their daughter Lela and Mr. Chester Jacobs of Lehi, to Provo Feb. 23, where they were married. A wedding dance will be held for the young couple Friday, Fri-day, March 15. Friends and relatives rela-tives will be invited to come and congratulate them. A very inspirational meeting was held by the Relief Society March 3, honoring President George Albert Smith. With Our Boys PROMOTED Seoul. Korea, Feb. 16 Sergeant Mmimd r Fnwler of Lehi. Utah, now with Seventh infantry di vision occupation troops in inis Korean capital, has been pro-mntpd pro-mntpd from CorDoral. He is a radio operator with the Hour glass Division's 7tn aignai company. com-pany. veteran of nineteen months in the Army, Sergeant Fowler also served at Okinawa. Prior to entering en-tering service he attended Lehi high school. The 20-year old signal corps-man's corps-man's father is Mr. Daryl Fowler. in Seattle, Washington, and is trpt.t.inc ainnsr nicelv. His wife, the former Mava McAffee, Is "Utah Foundation was established estab-lished in the belief that widespread wide-spread Information regarding taxes is vital to every citizen and to the welfare of our state," ne continued. "And the Foundation's functions are solely to procure and make available unoiasea information in-formation as to state and local taxes and expenditures." , ENLISTS IN NAVY Terrv E. Fenn and . Donald Charles Lee of Lehi have enlist ed in the U. S. Navy, and will receive boot training at san Diego, California. Roy Stokes, husband of the former Retta May Robinson, is visiting here while on furlough. He and his wife plan to leave this week for his base in Cali fornia. March 3 marked the birthday anniversary of Mr. Neuburn Butt. The following couples called through the day to congratulate him: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Chad-wick, Chad-wick, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Faddis, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Butt, and familv. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Butt and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jacob, Mrs. Mary Ann Butt, Mr. Butt's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hansen attended the temple excursion Wednesday at the Salt Lake temple. Miss Helen Jones visited in Tooele over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbons of Magna visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph DuBois. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carson and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Carson at tended conference in Lehi Sun day afternoon. Dean Cook and his wife, Edith C. Cook, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, paid his sister, Mrs. Murrel Carson Car-son a short, surprise visit Friday. Fort Douglas, Utah, March 7, 1946 Pfc. William L. Peterson, son of Mr. W. J. Peterson, 7th N Center St., Pleasant Grove, Utah, and husband of the former Effie Faye Zimmerman, 112 W. 6th N., Lehi, Utah, has been discharged from the Army at the Fort Doug' las Separation Center. Pfc. Peterson, who served 37 months in the States as a Mili tary Police Clerk with the 615 Military Police Escort Guard Co., is authorized to wear the Amerl can Theater Ribbon, and the Victory Ribbon. Prior to entering the Army Feb, 3, 1943, Peterson was employed as a Reinforcing Iron worker at Geneva, Utah. Fort Douglas, Utah, March 8, 1946 T5 Joseph Banyasz, son of Mrs. Emily Banyasz, 19370 S. 70th St., West Allis, Wis., and husband of Frances Warden Banyasz, Lehi, Utah, has been discharged from the Army at the Fort Douglas Separation Center. T5 Banyasz, who served 9 months overseas as a cook, is authorized to wear the European Thsater Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, American Theater Ribbin, Meritorious Service Unit Insignia, and the Victory Ribbon. He was inducted into the Army Dec. 12, 1942. Hear Ricksha Boys At all hours of the day and night in Oriental cities, the cries of riksha boys can be heard warning others of ruts, shouting to clear the way, or heaping abuse on other coolies. Their summer clothing seldom varies; large straw hats, loose coats, cotton shorts and stra sandals. san-dals. When it rains, they don prickly straw raincoats or cloaks made of oiled paper. In winter they wear long trousers and padded coats. Nut Yield When buying nuts in their shells, homemakers sometimes are uncertain uncer-tain as to how much "meat" they will yield. This yardstick will help eliminate guesswork: one pound of unshelled almonds yields about one cup of shelled kernels; one pound of filberts, about one and one-third cups; one pound of peanuts, about two cups; one pound of pecans, almost al-most one and one-half cups; one pound of English walnuts, a little more than one and one-half cups halved kernels; and one pound of black walnuts, about one-half cup broken kernels. . : XMaiStephe INSURANCE Representative Mountain States a. 301 sh nurtwte) Phone JM BUSKER Sales & Servit' LAC0 OIL IIEATERS GEYSER OIL Burning WATER HEATERS 30 and 40 Gallon Sizes !8ft r.ollAn TT TANK & Copper TuW for Outside Connects) FLUORESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURES $14 00 and up insy) Lloyd Busker 149-W 15 East Third J LEHI Mr. and Mrs. Russel Carson and family visited friends and relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Delias Wall . and family, jMr. and Mrs. Raymond McKinney and family, Mrs. Leah McKinney and family, spent Saturday at the herd with Mr. Ben McKinney. They all enjoyed enjoy-ed dinner and a very enjoyable afternoon together. Mr. and Mrs. Eph Walters of St. Johns, were visiting relatives here Sunday. . ARRIVES AT DESTINATION Don C. Holmstead telephoned his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clar-ence Holmstead, Monday night from Aberdeen, Maryland, where he has just arrived after enlisting enlist-ing with the U. S. Army. He reports the weather there is bitter bit-ter cold, and that he had been ill for a few days, but now is better. UNDERGOING OPERATION . Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Russon received word that their son, Dale, who is with the U. S. Navy, underwent a major operation last week at the naval hospital RicrGrm3e Motor 'la( DAILY, FAST, DEPENDABLE STORE-DOOR FREIGHT SERVICE BETWEEN SALT LAKE CITY PROVO PAYS0N and Intermediate Poiii For Prompt Courteous Service Specify . Rio Grande Motorway For Your Shipments rrf ,rr.-.w.fn.f rtrmArr Our new high octane gasoline won't grow wings on jour car in years but you'll get the finestperformance quick starts;! flashing "pick-up, full, smooth power, thrifty "A mileage Today at the Pep 88 sign, Jell Jthem to "thrill Jer up? j 1 o B-l dJL Get highest quality products at PEP OO VICO STATIONS AMD DEALERS ATLAS, 4 zr Pep 88 Ethyl pep 88 Regular Vico. Quaker State Mas CasoUne Gasoline, Motor Oils . Pfoiuct, UTAH OH BFFINIK UTOCOI rnuHH1 Hi hs. t to m the irain .?Pr jiiity ted. star arm' rate aval kid. Mor ecitj f t; term krici essed of o: kerne ique leys u Ltryb Maim Jlahoi J.R ieUn: lie pai !:dustr onstfc THE yc ch sa 0t US re be ct to C 0. e? |