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Show It' THE LEHI SUN, LEH1, UTAH THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1945 5. 1943 Powei. ' their -o Vet. leasaa' e Werf ovo by suit o: blouse e- Shi ng the s Were of the em. Amu y untu "hen eattie, of the school, t ath- cently ge. s close i mis. honor evious at sister, Orera, "esent. Giles Pleas- mm SAEY PBOCBAM ,N FIEST STAKE STOREHOUSE ID crating the 103rd an-junemoraws an-junemoraws ranizatlon 0f rsaff o - n anniVer-was'heldlnthe : ' j Tuesday aiiernouxj, ' S? direc S o f ward Re-;f Re-;f officers. Edna Fer- fSei by President Mabel renew?"' rfance num- ana iwu " r riven by Joan Jensen 1 clever irlah . Two numbers were 'hv the Singing Mothers' - W hv Phvllis 'accompanied by Lula An- towing the program, a de- .jowu'e served. out a i3"- " pnrtv-five ladies were i U VJ - Lnt Etnei xiungti, o cwaw jf Society pieoiutv, lal guest. The old Darlinir v...i,j! o "wn-i umiuins west of Larsen Bros, grocery has iuwwcu iur use as a temporary tem-porary stake sfnrohmo j - ".vuov;, ttllU work has begun to get it in shape 1V" ijuipue, n is announced by Stake President A. C. Schow Shelves will be installed in the uuiiumg ior ine storing of canned can-ned goods and supplies for the welfare project until the permanent per-manent storehouse may be constructed con-structed on the stake block north of the tabernacle, President Schow stated. Miss Leon a ("Wind era f rA is visiting this week in Lehi with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester vuucugc. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Powell of Levan spent the week-end in Lehi visiting with Mrs. Nicholine Powell. Mr. and Mrs Rtonlo., t r..i ' U"UJ 1U, IttlUl are attending a banquet and dance in the country club at Provo this evening, as guests of the Provo American Legion. Mr. Taylor is District Commander for this area. New Toaster A new toaster has a double cycle. The bread is first toasted slowly to make it crisp, and then rapidly In order to give it a pleasing outside out-side brown color. Renew Ribbons Ribbons, laces or veilings can be renewed by dipping in skimmed milk. Be sure all the cream is removed; re-moved; otherwise it may leave, grease spots. Stretch on a smooth surface to dry. Leave unironed. Ironing Clothing Cardinal rule in ironing clothing, especially shirts, is: first iron those parts of the garment which will be least mussed by handling. Federated Club Women To Buy Bomber Womanpower of the Utah Federation of Women's Clubs, commencing Friday, March 16, will be rallied to the task of selling sell-ing enough war bonds to purchase pur-chase a $280,000 Liberator Navy Patrol Bomber, it was announc ed today by Mrs. warren H. Keate, federation bond chairman. chair-man. Utah's '3,000 federation members mem-bers throughout the state will have 14 days, until the end of the month, to meet their $100-per-person quota. In Salt Lake, the Victory House, 815 South Main, will be opened daily from noon to 5 p. m., for the drive. Pointing out that this cam paign is not only the federation's, but the Utah War Finance Committee's, Com-mittee's, Mrs. O. A. Wiesley, state women's war bond chairman, chair-man, reminded that this is the third special bond campaign the federated women's clubs have undertaken. In a bulletin to federation members, Mrs. Sterling M. Er-canbrack Er-canbrack of Provo, federation president, and Mrs., Wiesley urged urg-ed individual initiative. "Don't wait to be called upon. Volunteer by offering your assistance as-sistance to your district president. presi-dent. There are nine of them: Mrs. Dan Peterson, Brigham City; Mrs. William J. Rackam, Ogden; Mrs. E. G. Stein, Salt Lake; Mrs. J. E. Christensen, Orem; Mrs. Don C. Daly, Pan- gultch; Mrs. E. J. Grandquist, Bingham Canyon; Mrs." C. A Larsen, Price; Mrs. Lucille Green wood, Richfield; Mrs. Dave Seely, Vernal." , More planes, more ammunition are needed, the women were re minded. "We must not fail to supply our gallant fighting lads with every necessity. Every Dona brings victory closer and speeds their return." MRS. PAUL WINBORG Smart Form Fashion Foundations Corsets, Abdominal and Ma ternity Belts. Girdles, Brassieres, Bras-sieres, and Surgical Supports. 59 East First North. Tel. 128-W, Am. Fork. 3-16-3tp-tf. SALESMEN WANTED MAN OF WOMAN for Rawleigh Route which Just became available avail-able In Tooele Southwest Salt Lake and Juab Counties. Good opportunity for willing workers. work-ers. Apply Rawleigh's Dept. UTC-111-140 Denver, Colo. It. - '.c- w . .... --wsw- ,.-..... F- 2 , " 1 Of o AD J "Product, CLiVSSIFIED LOCAL GIRLS APPEAR IN PIANO RECITAL in Pro-rt 'on k JUoag 'st?'Yh3s - Kjtfvx m, . 11,11 . -w mm iter -? - i r B . . .Mil - - . M w 7 A i , l" i ! If-"J ' l' - i n t h -.1 i :i h h i ,f " ' j. r !x I - ' " X . nWMiKtlHJmm.il nr hii iiMiii'i i , ' lgl .mninn.a ,. hum'" " AGRICULTURAL' ADJUSTMEWA (Jrviiie L. i-et;, fit am COUNTY AAA. COMMITTEE UlAH CONefeon, Chairman UTAH COUNTY EXTENSION AGENT , S. R. Boswell CENTRAL UTAH BEET GROWERS ASS'N Ed. A. Thomas, President Miss JoAnne Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Taylor, Tay-lor, and Phyllis Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold M.. t ox. were presented in a recital with a eroun of advanced p;ino stu dents of Prof. Elmer E. Nelson Monday, March 5, In College Hall at Provo. Miss Taylor played "Seguldilla," by Albenlz, and Miss Fox played "Grand Polka de Concert" by Bartlett. Anions: those attending tne recital from Lehi were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Taylor and daughters, Sandra and Michel, Miss Norine Fox, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Fox and family. FOR SALE Latham Raspberry and Marshall strawDerry plants. Any quantity. Conrad Con-rad J. Petersen, Alpine. 2-9-3tp. FOR RENT Three room modern furnished apt. 86 North First West, American Fork. 3-16-tf FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, $20.00 per ton. Tel. 217-W 6th East and 2nd North, Am. Fork. 3-16-lt, See Frank Peterson for Septic Tanks. Tel. 315-W," American Fork. 3-9-4tp FOR SALE Bendix Washer, ful ly automatic. Tel. 65-W American Fork. 3-9-lt HAY FOR SALE Delivered Phone 45-J, Lehi. 3-9-3tp FOR SALE Estate Heatrola and Monarch range. Excellent condition. Inquire Apt. 16 106 West Main. Am. Fork. 3-9-2tp FOR SALE One good 4 year old colt. Alvin Whitby, Alpine. 3-16-2tp. FOR SALE By owner, new 6 room brick home with full basement. $0500.00. 8-piece genuine mahogany dining suite; radio-phonograph; 4 pair lined drapes. 362 South Third East, American Fork. 3-16-ltp. FOR SALE Team of worK horses and harness. See W. R. Shipley, American Fork. 3-16-lt. for SALE Cabinet RCA radio. Mrs. A. B. Harris, 5th North and 9th East, Lehi. After 5:00 p. m. 3-a-itp. FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet. 184 North First East, American Fork. 2-9-2tp-tf. FOR SALE Lady's black silk quilted robe, red lined, size 17. Tel. 264-J, Am. Fork. 3-16-lt FOR SALE In Lehi, new 4 room homes with full basement and furnace, $32.50 per month; also new. 4 room homes witnoui basement but with automatic gas water heater, $30.00 per month. Tel. 186 Lehi or see Leo Hanson, 277 North Center Street, Lehi. 3-16-4t. FOR SALE Two electric brood ers. 50 caoacity. Tel. 248 American Fork. 3-9-tf. v for SALE Utah common alf alfa seed. D. D. Adamson, Alpine. 3-9-2tp. BALED HAY FOR SALE 376 S. Second West, Lehi. 3-8-3tp. FOR SALE Cream Separator. Mrs. Worthen, 163 soutn inira West, Am. Fork. 3-16-ltp. $4,500 For 30 acre farm, 27 shares Primary stocK, log home, close in to City Limits. $4,500 For cozy home close in modern, sidewalk, etc. $1,500 For 3 room and porch, adobe home, large lot. $6,300 Br. home, 13 rooms, fine location, coop 160x20, barn, pig pen and cow stable. Fruit, flowers and lawn. HENRY C. JOHNSON Fire Insurance, Real Estate, Notary Public. Bank of Am. Fork Bldg. Room 15, Tel. 7W. All Makes Sewing Machines Repaired Buttonhole makers for Singer and Whites. All work guaranteed. V. II. Smith, Phone 1309-J, 1020 D Street Provo, Utah. 2-9-8tp. FOR RENT Unfurnished small house and service station, inquire in-quire Shell Service, East Main, Am. Fork. 1-5-ltp-tf FOR RENT Modern furnished heated apartment. Equipped with refrigerator and electric stove. Call 0276-J3, Am. Fork. 12-22-tf. FOR RENT Furnished smaJX house. Adults. Inquire bheii; Service Station, East Mala. Street, American Fork. 1-5-ltp-tf.. KEECH ELECTRIC Used radios, new and used car aerials. Tel. 0271-J4, American Fork. 3-2-tf. FOR SALE Good team of horses, hors-es, 8 and 9 yrs. 1500 lbs., dou ble harness; also 6 year old roan mare 1700 lbs., John Deere 2-way plow, 10 ton 2nd crop alfalfa. Inquire B. II WriKht. Tel. 107-J. Am. Fork. 2-23-3-tp JOURNEYMAN M E C II A NICS WANTED Must be USES re ferral cards. Apply Andersons, 615 East State Road, American Fork. 2-16, REFRIGERATOR Efficient, de pendable refrigeration service Other arjDliances and electric motors repaired. Call Kenneth Sineleton. American Fork. l-26-4t. WALT'S MOVING Careful efficient ef-ficient men. Tel. 111-W, Lehi. 12-29-tf. HEMSTITCHING Done at 542 East Main Street. American Fork. . 12-29-5tp AT YOUR SERVICE When you need Insurance pro tectionFireAuto Life Annuities or Children's policies call L. O. Johnson, Phone 165 J Dist. Mgr. for American Na tional Insurance Co. 2-16. FOR SALE One cream separa tor, McCormicK-Dcering Electric Elec-tric motor driven, late model. Harold Goode, 91 Wilson Ave., American Fork. 3-2 2t. FOR SALE Used Furniture, beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, dress-ers, washstands, chairs, rockers, rock-ers, kitchen cabinets, heaters, gas and coal stoves. Call at 43 South First West, American Fork. 11-10-tf. NELSON INSURANCE SERVICE All kinds: Fire, Auto, Life. Your satisfaction means my success. C. Vince Nelson, 565 King St. Tel. 242-W, Am. Fork. 12-5-tf. FOR RENT 3 room furnished apt. Laura C. Miller, 194 West Main, American Fork. 1-26-tf. CUSTOM TYPEWRITING Letters, Let-ters, manuscripts, pioneer histories, his-tories, family records, etc. neatly ' done. Biographical sketches, family histories, articles, etc. composed. Ruth S. Banks, 266 E. Main, Lehi. Phone 90. 2-22. Child Labor Ban Only 14 states prohibit employ- j merit ur.cler 16 during school hours; WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS? 200 to over 50,000 Chick sales in one county was one record built up by WILSON ..QUALITY . CHICKS A hatchery MUST have QUALITY QUALI-TY chicks and render a SERVICE, SERV-ICE, such as you want, that makes such sales records possible. possi-ble. RIGHT NOW, it's not too early to start thinking about your next CHICK order. It not only will be good judgment, but just plain common sense to figure out how many chicks you can raise and when you will want them. Be prepared with QUALITY QUALI-TY BREEDS for the next chicken chick-en meat shortage. CHRISTIE STRAIN NEW HAMPSHIRES and 10Q'o DRY-DEN DRY-DEN STRAIN LEGHORNS, two of the most profitable breeds. Straight run of pullets every week. Write NOW for open dates, prices and free literature. WILSON HATCHERY SONOMA, CALIF. 3-9-tf. 1 PERfHAHEM uiMitmm WAVE KIT Xr Complete with Permanent cgj x 7 WTt Solution, curlers, giZ T hmmpoo tnd war set nothir.it "" 1m to boy ftjuirsnobet,ele"tri-ityorn!-riirnes. Safe for every type of hair. Over i rod-l! rod-l! oo add Mosey back guanuitee. Get Chana-Kut Chana-Kut 1 Kit today. SALT LAKE TRIBUNE-TELEGRAM Noel G. Knight. Distributor 536 King St, American Fork i I |