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Show -rtTTTRSDAY, MARCH 23, 1944 THE LEHI SUN, LEHI, UTAH THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1944 I llMTf ' '" " . ... " inifH 'tirt.ii, ,lllt .mi j ftlarch Of Values Through the buyers of over 1600 Penney Stores we have been able to purchase a few of the hard to get items Some of this merchandise merchan-dise will be limited one to a customer. cus-tomer. Buy wisely. CLEARANCE Laides' Dresses Taken from a much higher Price Range 30 only 3.00 REDUCED TO CLEAR Beanies 25 only 25c 50 only 50c CLEARANCE Ladies' Suits 6 only 17.00 FANCY . JACQUARD DESIGN BLANKETS With Fluffy l'QQ Deep Nap ft.IO 72X84 DOUBLE PIECE GOODS DEPT. JUST ARRIVED Shipment of Yard Goods PERCALES 25 Yd. and SPUN RAYONS 35 Yd. Quantity' Limited WAR BONDS i acnooi uays I - . , iWhen our fighters fly at 400 miles 56 tour with a Jap Zero of a Mes-fcrschmidt Mes-fcrschmidt on their tails there isn't time for cogitation so the iy and the Navy show as many rtion Pictures of actual dog fights a air battles as possible to our "Went fliers. abfl-T of trainer flights, bomb-,2 bomb-,2 mghts and flights by fighters are part of the routine for our stu- 7Jl Pilots and mnct u , b . Vs1 as it is necessary for us enund ourselves daily of the ne- k to buy an extra $100 Bond 1 ocPiember. O. S. Treasury Department n.; . lw se csed Spectacles IU-XirT, ilng dynasty In Uftina Vj ib44 spectacles were in gen-fM gen-fM 8nd a well-to-do Chines & 'Wap ' E00d horse for Pair lire, 1 A TOWELS HEAVY Triple Loop '.,, 4Q Large Size , tL WHITE Hand Towels Fluffy ... OKP Triple Loop . tU OILS CLOTH Fancy Printed Patterns 46 Inch ' 33c yard : ... iu FANCY Indian Design BLANKETS For use as a regular reg-ular Blanket Spread "I QO or Couch Cover i-vO Attention School Students Loose Leaf BINDER AND PAPER .. .. . .. .. 5c FIBER Lunch Boxes Reduced - 10c rwi-w'..M,l' J Chevrolet Dealer Wins State Honors C. tt. (Harvey) Hansen, local Chevrolet dealerwas honored by Chevrolet Motor Division last i- i v,o Coif T.afrfi 7one wees wiicii - presented him, through Thad Gordon, zone iviauagci v- area, with a plaque of recognition recogni-tion for having exceeded his "Service for Victory" objective for the month of January. The award was for serving the greatest number of the owners in the dealer's territory and assisting as-sisting the nation's war effort by helping to "Save the Wheels that Serve America." ; , The award came in the form of a richly colored map of the mtermoun-tain mtermoun-tain West which was personally inscribed, and depicted, pictorial-ly pictorial-ly the wonders of this great section sec-tion of the West In making the award Mr. Gordon Gor-don pointed out tt, of the 136 Chevrolet dealers in the Salt Late Zone, which comprises parts of f ive'states, the American Fork dealership did one of the standing jobs of PWgf the facilities for. keeping the transportation Jste fni community, both can i and 1 trucks in good condition, thus maiang direct war effort The unusual map which stress- Local Items im2E" l0 spent Monday visiting in Salt Lake City. Mr and Mrs. Grant Littleford were Salt Lake City visitors on Monday. Mrs. Odell Peterson underwent a major operation at the Bins-ham Bins-ham hospital Thursday. Mutual officers of the First ward and their partners had scheduled a social a the ward hall for Wednesday evening i Dean Evans, who underwent an operation at a Salt Lake hospital hospi-tal Thursday, is reported to be , doing well. I Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ashton last Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Ralph Hawker and family of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Tarvel Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hansen, and Miss Louise ,Chadwick. Mrs. Roger Price accompanied her brother Tpph h tv, , 1 - m&v. uaii punter, who has been here on luuougn, to salt Lake City Sunday, Sun-day, where he embarked for his station, Williams Fields, Chandler, Chand-ler, Arizona. Twenty Fifth ward Deacons and their Dartners pn Invert a jhayride to the creek Saturday j evening, where they played ! games, and held a weiner roast, j Duane Wof finden is their leader. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Price and family Wednes-da Wednes-da yevening were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bushman of Provo, and Technical Sergeant Dan Hunter of Chadler, Arizona. Technical Sergeant Dan Hunter Hun-ter of William Field at Chandler, Arizona, was a guest of his sister, Mrs. Roger Price last week. A family get-together was held at the home of another sister, Mrs. Robert Bushman, in Provo Thursday, where a cousin, Miss Rhoda Flack, who has just returned re-turned from the Panama Canal zone, and Tech. Sgt. Hunter related re-lated experiences. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larsen entertained a group of friends at their home Saturday evening. A hot dinner was served, followed by progressive Rummy. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holmstead, Mr. and , Mrs. Bert Adamson, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Gais-f Gais-f ord, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chip-man, Chip-man, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Moffett, and Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Richards, all of American Fork, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Adamson. Mrs. Thelma Miller entertained entertain-ed members of the Ikon-Oddity club at her home Thursday eve ning. Luncheon and bridge were the diversions. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Alta Hansen, who won the high score award, Mrs. Vera Hutchings, who won the guest prize, and Mrs. Hazel Price, who received the traveling award. Special guests were Mrs. Ruth Kirkham, Mrs. Donna Gardner, and Mrs. Hutchings. Club members present included Mrs. Fern Glover of Provo, Mrs. Roberta Larsen, Mrs. Ruth Wing, Mrs. Vera Trane, Mrs. Alta Wan-lass, Wan-lass, Mrs. Verland Beck, Mrs. Hazel Price, and the hostess. The family of Mrs. Richard Norman met at the home of Mr. i and Mrs. James Norman in Salt j Lake City Sunday, in observance of the birthday anniversary of their mother. All of Mrs. Norman's Nor-man's children and fourteen of her fifteen grandchildren were present, the other grandson, William Canner. being stationed with the U. S. navy at Farragut, Idaho. . A turKey amner, wiwi a huge birthday cake was served, and after dinner Mrs. Norman recorded a greeting to her children. chil-dren. A recording was also made of the family singing "Happy Birthday." Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Dclbert Norman and children, Delbert, Elaine and Edna, Mr. and Mrs. Clive Norman Nor-man and son, Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmerman and children, Jack and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Caper and children, chil-dren, Pamela, Dorothy, Mary and Carolyn of Garland, and Mr. and Mrs. James Norman and children, chil-dren, Jean, Donna, Dick, and Beth. Squint From Bomb Shock After a bombing in Scotland six cases of eye squint in children, at. tributed to shock, were recorded in Dundee. this section may be seen in the showroom of the local dealer-skip- . In connection with increasing service facilities the TIMPANO-GOS TIMPANO-GOS MOTOR COMPANY has added a front wheel aligning machine ma-chine and a wheel balancing machine ma-chine to its equipment, making this service available for the first time to the motorists of north Utah County. A cordial invitation to drop in and inspect these machines is extended to the public by the management. CLASSIFIED FOR RENT Bedrooms, day, week or month. Mrs. Laura Crystal Miller, 194 W. Main, American Fork. Phone 189. 3-24-4tp. FOR SALE 26 acres farming land, Lake road 1 mile south of Main St., Lehl. Free water right, 9 artesian wells, house, barn, corrals, team, farm implements. im-plements. Ideal for truck garden gar-den crops. $9,000.00 Would take meadow land on trade. John L. Stewart, 290 S. 5th West, Lehi. 3-24-ltp. HOUSE WIRING New, remodel or repair. Elec. stove installations, installa-tions, etc. - Duane Wofflnden, 293 E. 2 So. Phone 69-J, Lehi. 3-23-tf. FOR RENT Choice garden spot, flowing well water. About 1 acre. 312 South 2 West, Lehi. 3-3-3t. FOR SALE Seven rayon marquisette mar-quisette curtain panels, eggshell egg-shell color, used only two months. 425 West Main, Am. Fork. 3-10-ltp Newly Repaired Shoes For Sale-No Sale-No Stamp. Deluxe Shoe Repairing, Re-pairing, American Fork. 3-3. FOR RENT 3 room furnished Apt. Inquire Lee Halstrom, 159 West Main, American Fork. i ' 3-17-ltp. FOR RENT 5 room modern house, and 3 room apartment, furnished. Two miles north Pleasant Grove. Tel. 61 -W, Am. Fork. i 2-18-tf. FOR SALE 1940 Chev., five passenger coupe; low mileage, tires good as new. George Deveraux, East State Road. 3-17-lt. FOR RENT Two acres choice onion ground, plenty of water. Phone 332-M, American Fork. 3-10-tf. FOR SALE 3-pc. Maple Living Room Set. For quick sale $79.00 cash. 396 East Lane, A. F. ' V 3-10-2tp.-tf. FOR ..RENT Furnished Apart ment. Arthur Nilsson, Am. Fork. 3-17-tf. FOR SALE 17 acres good farming farm-ing land, 20 shares Primary water stock, close in. See Mrs. John Myers, phone 256-R, Am. Fork., 3-10-3tp FOR SALE Team good worSt horses. Marion Parker, 437 North First West, Am. Fork. 3-3-tf. $4,000 4-room adobe ' and br. modern (ex furnace) garage, . cellar, hay barn,- sheds, corral. cor-ral. 2 apts. ; Rent $27.00. 58 ac- First ward. Faces , East. 'i,f ' V-" Farms, lots, homes, Fire Insurance, Insur-ance, Bonds. H. C. Johnson, Bank Am. Fork Bldg., Room 15. Tel. 7-W. 3-17. PERMANENT WAVE, 59; Do your own Permanent with Char m-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, abso lutely harmless. Praised by thousands including Fay Mc-Kenzie, Mc-Kenzie, glamorous movie star, Money refunded if not satisfied. Wm. Thornton Drug Company. 3-10-10t Have your household electrical appliances repaired. Call 76-R, American Fork. - 2-25-tf. FOR RENT Three room apartment. apart-ment. 50 South First West, American Fork. , . 2-25-lt. WANTED First class auto me-, me-, chanic. Permanent . position, good pay. Alpine Motor, Am. Fork. , , 2-4tf. FOR MOVING See N. P. Christiansen. Chris-tiansen. 193 South 4 East. Phone 244-W, American Fork. l-21-13tp. FOR RENT Nice bedroom, board if desired.- Gentleman preferred. Laura Crystal Miller, . call 189, American Fork. 2-18-tf. FOOD NEEDED LOTS OF IT FOR U. S. NEEDS Poultry ad egr?s m food are not only Important to our own people, think of what our armed forces and allies must have! RIGHT NOW, and lt not too early to start thinking about next spring's CHICKS. It not only is good business, but just plain common sense to figure out how many chicks you can raise and when you will want them. In the present emergency, egg production pro-duction and meat production are equally vital. There's bound to be a big demand for both on the Pacific front In 1339 we shipped 200 chicks Into one county in 1843 we shipped over 50,000. There must be a reason our wonderful QUALITY CHICKS. CHRISTIK STRAIN NEW HAMP-SHIRES HAMP-SHIRES and 100 per cent DRY DEN STRAIN LEGHORNS. Straight run or sexed. Write NOW for open dates, prices and free literature. WILSON HATCHERY, SONOMA, CALIF. Leland Beers, Agent, Pleasant Grove. SALT LAKE TRIBUNE-TELEGRAM Noel G. Knight, Distributor 536 King St, American Fork FOR SALE Weaner Pigs. John Mills 310 N. 3rd E American Fork. Phone 220-W. 3-24-ltp SETTING HENS Nil Reds, extra ex-tra large. Extra good layers. Will sell any amount up to 200 at $1.60 each. A. D. Christof-ferson. Christof-ferson. Phone 301-M, Lehi. 3-23-tf. FOR SALE Team horses. D. II. Jorgenseii, American Fork. 3-24-1-tp. Garden Spot to Let See Mrs. John Myers, 135 North 2 West, American Fork. 3-24-tf . FOR SALE Four rooms furniture, furni-ture, complete. 55 Lincoln St., American Fork. 3-24-lt. $5250.00 6 room modern brick with hot water furnace for heating. 4 room basement apartment, with income of $25.00 per month. Large corner lot. Pleasant Grove. Terms. $5750.00 Immediate occupancy 5 room modern brick bun-. bun-. galow with 2 extra bedrooms i n basement. Hardwood floors, gas furnace. Brick garage. Terms. Lehl $4750.00 4 & acre farm with good orchard, plenty of water, 5 room modern brick and stone home. City limits. Pleasant Grove. Homes Farms Loans Insurance ROWAN REALTY INC. 176 West Center PHONE 235 CEDAR TOW Cedar Shaving THE REAL CHICKEN LITTER A Limited Amount Tri-State Lumber American Fork Telephone Lehi 90 With All News and Advertising for the LEHI SUN Address all Communications to LEHI SUN LEHI, UTAn THE OLD JUDGE "That's really a great editorial you just read to us. Judge. Where did you say it appeared?" "In 'The Stars and Stripes'... the newspaper news-paper of the U.S. Armed Forces in Europe. Kind of gives U9 folks back home somethkig to think about, doesn't it, Bill?" "It certainly does, Judge. Particularly the last paragraph. Would you mind reading that again?" "Glad to, BiH It saysYe can remember SPEED FAT 1. 1 'f SV. THE EXPRESSMAN TAKES A HAND AMERICAN housewives are taking tak-ing au active part in the lined household fat salvage program of tho War Production Board, because toey know that every pound they save produces products and byproducts by-products vitally needed in the mak-mkP, mak-mkP, of munitions and medicines, for ur boys on tha fighting fronts. a 1943, they turned in for salvage srox!mately 120,000,000 pounds. Now, the OPA has authorized two nmit ration points and four cents for every pound brought to food tores and meat shops and the 1944 Clover Seed Needed Badly In Utah Farmers in American Fork and Lehi who have land near the lake which has a rather high water table and will not produce alfalfa are advised to try Red Clover, according to an announcement an-nouncement made today by S. R. Boswell, Utah1 County Agricul REOPENING Crookston Beauty Parlors American Fork TAKES PLACE TODAY Belva Bateman and Delia Chadwick, Operators. Latest Hair Dressing and Beauty Treatment, Cold Wave Marcels. SAYS... TUs adtrtutmunt sponxnti J . COLLECTIONS 9' 01 V f - 3 goal Is 230,000,000 pounds. The Railway Expressman is lending lend-ing a hand in hurrying the movement move-ment of fat collections from the volunteer meat dealer collectors to selected rendering plants, thus speeding up production of materials mate-rials for war needs. How about your used kitchen fats are you saving them and turning them la promptly? Whenever When-ever you do, you may be saving the lives of the American boys fighting our enemies on many bat tlefrontsl tural Agent. Red clover will produce as much as 6 tons of hay per acre in a single cutting and will yield an averaere of more than 400 pounds of clean seed per acre. There is a tremendous demand for Red Clover seed in the East ern States and also OPA has guaranteed a price of $.36 per pound in the dirt. ; There is an arrangement whereby fanners can . produce this seed under contract. Those who are interested are urged to contact the County Agent at Provo. ' ' of the V 'ft. the days of prohibition, when moonshine whiskey made quick fortunes for bootleggers, crooked politicians and dishonest police officials. offi-cials. As a result, we claim we know what we want in the way of liquor legislation and fee I those at home should wait until we return before uiitiatingfurther legislation on liquor contror. " "Out of fairness to our boys over there fighting, Judge, how could we disobey such a wish?" by Conference tf Akehlit Baeref Imuetriet, ml j |