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Show LEIH FREE PRESS. LEHL L'TAH Wlei Worlds Collide By EDWIN BALMER SYNOPSIS and RausdfclL noted aviator, ( Nw Fork from South Africa, been fcatrli.g aeereliy commiasiontd at Capetown by Lord lihondin and deBroriBon, the MiruDumer, to liver a case containing photographic plate to lir. Cole Hendron, in New Vorlt. Tony Praka calla at the PHILIP WYLEE David Copyright a Pro-less- or Hen-sjro- apartment. CHAPTER I Continued 2 Iialcoin, halting benide Tony, reflected the general discontent of the day by waving at the city and murmuring: In the- soup. Everything's In the coup ; and now nohody cares. Why doea nohody care?" Tony disagreed, but be deferred to JJalcom by saying. "It seems to me, a lot of people rare." "I mean nobody who's Id the know cares. I mean the four or five men rho know what's going on underneath. I mean," particularized old ISalcom, "John Borgan doesn't care. Did yon see blm today?" "BorganT No." "Did yon bear of bis buying an, ythingselling anything?" "No." That's It" Balcom thought out loud for awhile. Tony listened. "Borgia's the fourth richest man In America; and normally the most active, personally. He'll be the richest man. If he keeps up. He, wanta to be the richest Oil mines rails steel hipping he's In everything. He's To my way of thinking, only fifty-onlie's smarter than anyone else; and this looks like a market superficially which was made for Borgan. But for two weeks he's gone dead. Won't do a thing, either way; takes no position. Paralysed. Why?" "He may be resting on his oars." "You know d n well be Isn't Not Borgan now. There's only one way I can explain ; be knows something 3 d Important that the rest of us don't There's an undertone don't you feel It? that's different I met Morgan today, face to face; we shook bands. I don't like the look of him. I tell yon he knows something he's afraid of. He did a funny thing, by the way, Tony. He asked me, 'How well do you know Cole Hondron? "1 said, 'Pretty well.' I said, 'Tony Drake knows hlui d n' well' He said, You tell Hendron, or have Drake tell Hendron. he can trust me.' That's exactly what he said, Tony tell Hendron that he can trust N. J. Borgan. Is that all about?" INow, what the h "I don't know," said Tony, and almost added, In his feeling of the moment "I don't care." For Eve was - e. Id via Balmer WNU Servico Hililp Wylia had gone, be met st last the who bad come from South Africa. They shook bands, and for a few moments the three of them Eve Hendron Slid Tony Drake and Bansdeil, from under the Souththe mall-flye- r ern Cross stood and chatted together. There must be presentiments ; other wise, how could the three of them always have carried, thereafter, a photographic memory of that moment of their meeting? Yet no one of the three and least of all Eve, who on that night knew most of what was to come could possibly have suspected the strange relation In which each was to stand to the others. None of them could bave suspected, because such a relationship was, at that moment In conceivable to thera a relationship between civilized men and women fo which there then existed. Indeed, n word In the language. man CHAPTER II Tony's favorite club was usually filled with leisurely men playing back- gammon or bridge or chess, smoking and reading newspapers. As Tony entered, however, be felt that It had emerged from Its slumbers. There were only two games In progress; many men were gathered around the bar. Voices were staccato. Men stood In groups and talked. The surface of snobbish solitude bad been dissipated. Tony knew at once why the club was alive. The rumors, spreading on the streets, bad eddied in through these doors, too. Some one hailed him. "HI ! Tony I" "Hello, Jack! What's up?" You tell us!" "How could I tell your "Don't you know Hendron? naven't you seen him?" Jack Little stepped away from a secret "There's one thing definitely known. They write to each other and cable to each other about It In a code that's so d d good that the newspapers, which have got hold of some of the messages, can't break the cipher and figure It out" "What's the League of the Last Days Eot to do with that?" Tony asked. "It's the League of the Last Days that communicates with its members by the code." That was all anyone knew; and soon Tony left the circle, pushed out of the club and started home. When his cab stopped for a red light, he was roused from his abstractions by the hawking of an extra. He leaned out and bought one from the bawling newsboy. The headline disappointed him. Scientists Form Secret "League of the Last Days" A second paper told no more. Sensational Secret Discovery; Vorld Scientists Communicating in Code When he reached his apartment, his Jap servant smiled at him. He surrendered his derby, threw himself In a deep chuir, had a telephone brought, of the Havel corporation, tas Vrk been on.y To sr-- aii w t..J-- y from Passim- ..... ..rr.-r- VI l.irr - L on to the t t' it the world-tB- in s prouji of the Lat mean. is ctti.eu What I'aVs. ' th:s ..." IttVU- - hi t There as ooli.ii;g i"" I'-"'f lation and wild guesses. J aside the newspajtrs. Ti:c the Lat Days! It ont o, the Lave he. u manufactured by -tsensational newspapers I Lit Tolv hus spread about the city. w.dr..B. . mit meatus tji(-;.,-.r htd t&-- yet Osgood. ; . . i iT.ei taculur features I.of this ,. eminc mys.erT. scientists abated in . t LKk-U- Pleasant Thoughts meo "earth are glad to l, ;.e ;.'.,.aSs All 'e Dutca ,r niest of IMnz memories, but not ail are r..v',j of the ,n a,ear the material for fcucli ,.g ,n.; '"in" structure, and In habits. you would look back by ar .l lr' !;;vl' the Chicago Field Museum somethlrg that you wi. ui . 7 ill. Vn. DIGGER a rery ancient ancestry fP , animals, which are pr..!.- -. ; remnant of an ordt-- r of tvh other species are now exth t k tt name comes T..P - '"' I'.t too vividly reflected Eve n: nigral., Kyto apiarrd witlt thougat-fuiiand Tuny sipped slowly and it niu- -t meaning, tad If this menand unique be that some amazing And It ace threatened human society. more than was at a moment when, dreams. ever before in his life or in his human s.ety. wanted Ton? Drake him and Eve in with him in it-as go on as it was. Or rather, took simply if tilings it would be, their natural course. on his Eve in his arms; her lips To them today had again, as he had completely! her own to her. possess He could dream of no human delight have her! beyond her! And be would D n this League of the Last Days! What were the scientists hiding among with Jtto I themselves? "A h 1 of Tony sat up vehemently. whole "The aloud. a tiling," he said world Is haywire. Haywire! By the to send way, Kyto, you don't happen code messages to Einstein, do you?" "Cold messages?" "Iet it pass. I'm going to bed. If my mother calls from the country, Kyto, tell her I'm being a good boy and still wearing woolen socks against a cold snap. I must have sleep, to be in shape for work tomorrow. Maybe I'll sell five shares of stock In the morning, or possibly ten. It's wearing me down. I can't stand the strain." Four hours later, after twice again having attempted to phone Eve Henindron, and twice again having been was the night formed that service for discontinued, Tony got to sleep. It was the staid, accurate, New York Times which spread the sensation before him In the morning. The headlines lay black upon a'rdv.-.rk- are s throusrb--,,,'- t common you said or did, now Is the tim do or say something wh!.-- ui:j C!t you food for gladness. n,.:ry Pr southeastern Africa, states of Trumbull. curator Osgood, H W'lfrcd are museum. They t,H.!o.'T at the fat hog. lboi:! ,1;e size of a large have a and 150 pounds, up to for accounts n"t. which v.H-the early by them wme given colonists in South Africa. r)..t-are so abundant over so thev That vi'de a range of territory, can grow Individuals on :o such large size as Is eleexclusively, ants 1 diet of of ment evidence of the prevalence they the problem and Africa, ints In present to settlers. g habits and A Few Being nocturnal in Every In burrows, aardvarks are rarely and Morning Osgood. They een savs Doc-toIlk Will Promote Clean, annot, therefore, be hunted un- .nt,r,.is hut instead by the burHealthy Condition! asual method of seeking their HowAt All Drug Stores rows and digging them out. beever this presents difficulties Write Marine Co.,Dpt. W.Chicijo .far Fret Book muse an aardvark can dig faster 'han six men with shovels, and thus The scape farther Into the earth. It Seldom Doet White-Coat- s expediof the members The restless don't want love t tion. Instead of digging directly after the aardvarks, pushed the earth run too smoothly. lown behind them. This Interfered irlth further digging by the anlma s, nd the men then dug In front of :hem and shot them through the rround as their movement in the poorly fosetioDititr Kidntvi and 41 If Bladder make yoaaofler from Gettur ;arth became visible. V Up Nights. Nervousness, Kheumil The teeth of the aardvark have a Pains, Stiifneaal Burning, Smarting, most the guaranteed structure, tubular Itching, or Acidity tryCyatexlSis-texO peculiar Doctor's ) Prescription Muat fix you op or money :losely resembling those of certain tack. Only 75 stdruggiita. This would seem to Indicate UjfSlCX Ashes. . ve--!- e TOUR LYto Hv-'c- Niht r Drops a -- Help Kidneys A Doctor El nows And doctors use a liquid laxative f i i xr e I the page: Scientists Say Worlds From Another Star Approach the Earth 1 Dr. Cole Hendron Makes Astonishing Statement in Which Sixty of the Greatest Living Physicists and Astronomers Concur. returning. She had slipped away from her partner and signaled to Tony. Together they sought the solitude of the end t the terrace. "Tony, can you start these people home?" "Gladly," rejoiced Tony. "But can I Stay?" "I'm afraid not. I've got to work." "Now? Tonight?" "As soon as 1 possibly can. Tony, IH tell you. The Europa Isn't In. but Jtnnsdell was taken off at quarantine and brought on ahead. He's In Father's study now." "Who's Uansdell?" "Nobody I know. I haven't set eyes on hlra yet Tony. He's Just the messenger from Africa. Vou see Tony, Borne some things were being sent rush, by airplane, and by the Europa, to Father from Africa. Well, they've arrived! and I do his measuring for him, you know." "What measuring ?" "The dellcnte measuring, like like the position and amount of movement shown by stars and other bodies on astronomical plates. For weeks for months. In fact, Tony the astronomers In the southern hemisphere have been watching something." "What sort of something, Eve?" "Something of a sort never seen before, Tony. A sort of body that they knew existed by the millions, probably, all through the universe something they were sure must be, but the general existence of which has never been actually proved. It It may be the most sensational fact for us, from the beginning to the end of time. I can't tell you more than that toulght, Tony; yet by tomorrow we may be telling It to all the world. Humors are getting out, and so some scientist who will be believed, must make an authoritative announcement And the scientists of the world have selected Father to make It "Now, help me, Tony. You clear these people out; and then you run along. For I've measurements to make end report to Father; and he has to check over calculations made by the best men In the southern half of the world. Then, by tomorrow, we may know, for certain, what is going to happen to us all." Tony had his arm about her ; he felt ber suddenly trembling, He swept her up and held her against him; and kissing her, he met on her lips a new, Impetuous passion which exalted and amazed him. Then some one came out and he released her. "I 1 didn't mean that Tony," she whispered. "You must have." "I didn't I Not all of It, Tony. It wns Just for that moment." "We'll have a thousand more like !" It thousands--thousand- s They both were whispering; and now. though be had let her po. his hand was over hers, and he could feel her quivering again, "You don't know " or.v. Nobody really knows yet. Come, help nie send them all away." He heloed her; and when the guests AS FAST New ltf Tony "How did you hear about now demanded of Jack Little. "From bim," Enid Jak, Jerking toward 'he maD who had heard that Cole llen.Jrun headed tLe League. "I got It thi afternoon," this fellow said imitortantly. "I tuow the city editor of the Standard. He had a reporter a smart kid named Davis on It. I was there when the kid came back., ir seems that some months ago, the scientists the top men like Hendron fturnbled on something big. So big that It seems to have stared them. They've been having meetings about It for months. "Nobody thought much about the meetings at first. Scientists are always barging around visiting each other and having conventions. But these were different. Very few men and all big ones; and no real reports coming out. Only camouflage stuff like about progress In smashing the atom. But there is something mighty big and mighty AARDVARK EASILY OUTCLASSES MAN mg&m Ila' I'll ftA il "Comets Appear From All Directions; but These Two Bodies Did Not Resemble Comets When Viewed Through the Greater Telescope." cluster of friends who, however, soon followed him; and Tony found himself surrounded. One of the men had been one of the guests whom Tony, half an hour before, had helped clear from the Hendron's; and so he could not deny having seen Hendron, even If he had wanted to. "What In h have the scientists under their hats, Tony?" "I don't know. Honest," Tony de1 nied. "Then what the devil Is the League of the Last Days?" "What?" "The League of the Last Days an organization of all the leading scientists in the world, as far as I can make out," Little Informed him. "Never heard of It," said Tony. "1 Just did." Little confessed. "They began to organize It suddenly, all over the world, In the winter, In absolutely the highest scientific circles and It's just leaking out." "The League of the Last Days?" repented Tony. "What does It mead?" "That's what I thought yon might tell us. Hendron's a member, of course." "The head of It I hear," somebody else put In. "1 don't know a thing about It" Tony protested, and tried to move away. Actually, he did not know; but this talk fitted In too well with what Eve had Mid 1,1m. Her father had been chosen by the scientists of the world to make some extraordinary anBut-t- he nouncement. league of the Last D:ij-8She had not mentioned that to him. League of the Last Days! It sent a strange tingle under his skin. and called Eve. He was Informed that service on that number had been dis- continued for the night "Bring me a highball, Kyto," Tony said. "And hand me that d n' newspaper." And Tony read: "A secret discovery of startling importance Is exciting the whole world of science. "Though denied both by American and foreign scientists, the Standard has come Into possession of copies of more than a score of cablegrams In code exchanged between various physicists and astronomers in America, and Prof. Ernest Ileim of Heidelberg, Ger-man- "This newspaper has sought out the American senders or receivers of the mysterious code messages, who Include Prof. Yerksen Leeming at Yale, Dr. K. Beldits of Columbia, Cole Hendron of the Universal Electric and Power corporation, and Prof. Eugene Taylor at Princeton. Some of these scientists at first denied that a secret code communication was being carried on; but others, confronted with copies of messages, admitted It but claimed that they referred to a purely scientific which was being conducted by several groups In They denied that the subjects under Investigation were of public importance. "But matters are coming to a head. Today It was discovered that a special courier from South Africa, sent by Lord Hhondln and Professor Bronson of Capetown, had flown the length of the Dark continent with a mysterious black box; at Cherbourg he took the fast express steamer Europa and Tony was scarcely awake when Kyto had brought him the paper. "Dr. Cole Hendron, generally acknowledged to be the leading astrophysicist of America," Tony read, "early this morning gave to the press the following statement, on behalf of the sixty scientists named iu an accompanying column." Tony's eyes flashed to the column, which carried the list of distinguished names, English, German, French, Italian, Swiss, American, South African, Australian, and Japanese. "Similar statements are being given to the press of all peoples at this time. 'In order to allay alarms likely to rise from the Increase of rumors based upon Incorrect or misunderstood reports of the discovery made by Professor Bronson of Capetown, South Africa, and In order to acquaint all people with the actual situation, as it is now viewed, we offer these facta " 'Eleven months ago, when examining a photographic plate of the region 15 (Erldanus) In the southern skies. Professor Bronson noticed the presence of two bodies near the star Archernar, which had not been observed before. "'Both were exceedingly faint and, lying In the constellation Eridanus, which Is one of the largest constellations In the sky, they were at first put down as probably variable stars which had recently Increased In brightness after having been too faint to affect the photographic plate. "'A month later, after photographing again the same locality, Professor Bronson looked for the two new stars and found that they had moved. No object of stellar distance could show displacement In so short a space of time. It was certain, therefore, that the newly observed bodies were not stars. They must be previously unobserved and unsuspected members of our solar system, or else objects, from outside our system, now approaching us. There's a very good reason why doctors and hospitals have always used liquid laxatives! You'd use a liquid, too, if you knew how much better it makes you feel. A liquid laxative can always be taken in the right amount You can gradually reduce the dose. Reduced dosage is the secret of real and sa fe relief from constipation. Just ask your own doctor about this. Ask your druggist how popular liquid laxatives have become. The right liquid laxative gives the right kind of help, and the right amount of help. When the dose is repeated, instead of more each time, you take less. Until the bowels are moving regularly and thoroughly without any help at all. People who have experienced this comfort, never return to any form of help that can't be regulated! The liquid laxative generally used is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Tepsin. It contains senna and cascara, and these are natural laxatives that form no habit even in children. Its action is gentle, but sure. It will relieve a condition of biliousness or sluggishness without upset. It's the ideal family laxative because it's a family doctor's prescription, and perfectly safe and effective for family use. If you are seeking something that will relieve your occasional upsets safely and comfortably, try Syrup until Pepsin. Give regulated doses Nature restores regularity. A 6zMaeMM At all drugstores SYRUP PEPSIN long-perio- d " 'They must be new planets or cometsor strangers from space. '"All planets known to be associated with our sun move approximately in the plane described by the earth's orbit. This Is true, whatever the size or distance of the planets, from Mercury to Pluto. The two Bronson bodies were moving almost at right angles to the plane of the planetary orbits. '"Comets appear from all directions: but these two bodies did not resemble comets when viewed the greater telescope. One ofthrough them, at the time of the second observation' showed a small but perceptible disk' Its spectrum exhibited the characteristic lines of reflected sunlight Mean-whilseveral observations of tion and movement were made posiwhich made it plan that the two Bronson bodies were objects of planetary dimensions and characteristics approaching us from out of stellar distances that : from space. TO BS QjKTINUmj! MfB 11:45 a.m. My! tntSm a D THE 0 TEE, A Distinctive Residence An Abode. ..renowned Throughout the West Mrs. J. H. Waurs, Prpsldpnt Salt Lake's Most Hospitable HOTEL Invites You RATES SINGLE $2.00to$4.00 iK)t:nLE $2.50U$4.50 460 Rooms 400 Baths THE Hostel Mevlioias E. W. SUTTON, Cerieni! Manager C1UUNCEY W. WEST Assist, lien. Manager |