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Show t FUNNY ALl'HOXSO. Alphonso sts beside me with a blue inqutr- A host o? questions silently propounding. And presently a florin begins, and round about me fly . . ,,, , A "What H tins?" n What is that!" and Till how Ins toiiRue can serve the need To get them out at such a speed Is quite astounding. I ask him for a basket to accommodate rein re-in oilier words, I leg that ho will hear mc. . ... . , Ho listens to each answer with a pair of roving eyes, For something else, I plainly sec, has awakened awak-ened his surprise, And all his thoughts arc far away, And nothing I can do or say Will keep them near inc. From hud to bud of knowledge like a butterfly but-terfly he goes, And lingers not around them for a mm- Hut off a'gaini unsatisfied, to find tmothct JOSC And if you meet Alphonso and will ask him what ho knows. He'll turn on you a thoughtless look. Then glancing through his "wisdom book," Find nothing in it. Now thoic who will ask questions should be patient for replies. And wncn you find Alphonso, please to mention ... That wisdom asks for knowledge or it never would be wise, But waits to hear the answer crc it seeks a new surprise, For all who d reap the haret fair That truth is rearing everywhere Must pay attention. I Chicago Record-Herald. rAi,nn"oASvouKS. V.IS. UOHTCO lt01U eJiTvTro jet or ' . "j to"55? Ktrr y l Twist n large piece of wrapping paper pa-per into a cone and make n small hole In the sldo near tho point. Hold it with the mouth obliquely downwurd nnd set flro to tbo rim. A Jet of gas produced by the distillation of the I paper will issue from the small hole and will burn If a lighted match Is put to It. HOW SNAKES SPEND WINTER. The snakes arc retiring for the winter win-ter now, but they mnke little preparation prepara-tion for their long sleep. They simply crawl into holes In the ground, Assures In rocks, or bencnth the roots of trees, ami there remain In n torpid condition until tho warmth of spring awakens them. Sometimes n lot of them gather In a hole some distance from the surface sur-face of the ground, roll themselves Into ono largo bnll, nnd thus pass the winter. win-ter. Such n ball is sometimes composed com-posed of hundreds of snakes so closely Interwoven ns to be quite dlfllcult to separate. Womnn'B Homo Companion. - ( INGRATITUDE. "Yes, Towner, after I've served this family faithfully for ten years they've gone nnd bought a phonograph." Now York Journal. TO MAKE A PAPER STAR. The live-pointed star which Is seen upon tho uniforms ot military men is called lu geometry tho regular pentagon penta-gon star. Its construction with the aid ot tho rulo and compass is long nnd complicated, so complicated, lu fact, that the description of tho process would lio useless. But tor those who wish to make the star quickly there is a better way. Take a simple baud of paper in which make a knot as Indicated In the two Uguros on the left of the design. At tie top Is seen tho commencement of tbo knot. Then tmw It, holding tho band of paper very flat and fold it following the Hues A E nnd O D, Ther is thus obtained lu n twinkling the ordinary regular pentagon A B O D & It now It bo folded so that tha edge C V takes the direction A E, nnd then the pentagon bo ; laced before the window or lu front of n light, tho charming star of Ave points will appear ap-pear in tho transparency, owing to tho differences In the thicknesses of tho paper. FLOATING SPIRAL. A spiral of flue wire will float if It Is well oiled nnd laid gently on tho surface ot water. Then if a drop of a strong solution ot soap Is applied to tbo centre the spiral will make several turns in the direction shown by tho nrmv tltnf 4 a Att ! s-1 1 Inn An arrow that is, In the direction In which a clock spring turns "when H is belL'g wound up. When tho motion droi; or sonifsvidB wll renew It nnd tho proais may be repented many times. Alcohol or strong distilled liquor may be used instead of soapsuds with similar sim-ilar results. ROPrT"DANCER. Cut out of cardboard nnd color tho flgurc ot tho dancer nnd fasten it by one foot with sealing wax to tho head of a largo needle, the point of which is stuck in a cardboard circlo ns close as possible to the stage. Out of a larger piece of cardboard cut a clrcuinr holo of Just twice tho diameter ot tlus first card. If tho smnll card is placet! within with-in tho holo in the large ono and mndo to roll around Its edge it will bo seen that the needle nnd tho llgure move lu r straight line along n diameter of the large circle nnd that tbo dancer turns completely round onco during en eh complete trip back nnd forth. If a thread U stretched Just behind the "sure on a level with her toes Bhe will appear to bo dancing to and fro upon it I" general the Hue (called a hypocy-clold) hypocy-clold) which Is described by a point in the circumference ot one circle roll-lug roll-lug Inside of another is n moro or less complicated curve, but It becomes a straight lino when ono circlo is Just half the size of tho other. CONUNDRUMS. Why do girls llko to look nt the moon? Because thero is ft man in it. What table hasn't a leg to stand on? Multiplication tnble. Why s y0ur eye like n man being . whipped? Ho Is under the lash. lift . . . .! - ..l.f.ltnol T Ate What Is the riddle of riddles? Life, because wo nil must give it up. tf'by does a cnlt wB his tail? Because, Be-cause, be wants to. Why should ft sM bo well stamped? It she isn't the malls won't tako her. Which Is tho most ancient of trces7 The elder tree. Why Is n dinner on board n steam-ship steam-ship llko Easter day? .Becauso It is a movable feast. What trade would you mention to a hort boyv Grow sir (grocer). Why , a piuncnko llko tho ocean? Because It contains so many currants. Why 1 a. city In Ireland likely to bo the largc,t city In tho world7 Becauso each year It is Dublin (doubling). |