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Show POLIO SHOTS Washington News-Lett- er ROBERT By .Washington - Correspondent, CAN THEY FIVE YEARS JAYCEES RETURN FROM SALT LAKE HELPER PILOT IS GRADUATED WITH DINNER BELL FROM AIR FORCE 8CHOOL AGO Barkydale Air Force Base, La.: 1st Lt. Hilden E. Peterson, bua. band of Laila L. Peterson, Helper, was a member of a group of aviation students who graduated on February 25, frOm the USAP Advanced Multi-EnginPilot School, located at Barksdale. e FAREWELL TESTIMONIAL Helper jaycees, at- tended the annual award luncheon last Sunday at the Newhuse Hotel in Salt Lake City, and even though the local club was one short of having record attendance from an individual state chapter, the boys returned with an award, a very fine solid brass dinner bell, to be used in conducting meetings. A farewell testimonial for Elder The Vernal Junior Chamber of Xeale Zwanien was held in the Commerre aitually won the prize, Kenilworth amusement hall Wed- having more than the nesday night, prior to his depar- Helper (Jul), but graciously do. ture for the western States where nated the award to the Helper he will serve as a missionary for club, which had not yet procurthe Church of Jesus Christ of ed such a bell. Latter-daheau. saints, with TEN YEARS AGO quarters in Denver, Clo. lie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. VICTORY DANCE HELD BY BPW CLUB Xwahlen. IN FINANCIAL SUCCESS AH's. ONE YEAR AGO George Pizza, president of the Business and Professional FROSH FOOTBALL AWARD Women's this cliih, announced WON BY HELPER MAN Van B&singer, son of Mr. and week that the Victory dance sponsored in Helper last Saturday Mrs. V. J. Basinger of Helper, has been awarded a Freshman evening by the organization was man-mile- s TALK NOW? A good part of president Ei- latest press confer- ence was given over to what newspapers generally headlined as a reuke to Senator McCarthy for his handling of Defense De- partment witnesses before his Senate subcommittee. But it was a s ft rebuke, if you could call it it praised General Zwicker, whose testimony Senator McCar- thy had referred to as "double- talk", and did not mention the stormy senator by name. It re- minded the Republicans in con- gress of their responsibility for fair". maintaining "proper and and promised that procedures of the Executive De- employees , tr.e of boys largely their wa'' through school serving" oldsters, is now he into a policemen, reorganized professional The as e1 - the ibalcony, and a fourth afterward us terminal, dieted on forty picked a Washington were speedily criminal counts by a Federal grand jury. Conviction c3ultl mean terms of from 75 to 125 'years. And if any of the live congressmen who were shot down should die "within a year and a day" of this idiotic, attack, the ask new indict- Government nients for murder, in UP first-degre- t. e Meanwhe General was J'e- - Att0rney Brownell, Jr., .... studying iuriner poriea sieps by the Department of Justice to quests of the congress ami its bring the Puerto Rican Nationalseveral committees". unin this ist is It recalled, however, that in der conspiracy m other we control, words, his now famous testimony, Genwas reading the rehe presume eral Zwicker repeatedly based his and warnings on the sb-jec- t refusal to answer varPus ques- ports which the FBI furnished him on tions his duty as a soldier tc mouths ago. obey orders, that a Presidential Additional protection has heen directive foi bade him to tell the about president Eisen- Senator what he wanted to know. thrown The directive, which was is hower, Secretary of State John numeral in football at the Uni- .i financial success. Fost,-'Dulles as' Caracas, county-Victorbv President Truman, Each the sued Carbon month versity of Utah, it was announced ezilela, Henry cabot Iodge, a in president Einot mentioned committee sponsors recently. U. S. Ambassador to the UN Jr., dunce senhower's selectees leaving commentary lengthy honoring Mr. Basinger is majoring in for and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoov-er- , military service. Funds de- on mutual cooperation of the Exzoology at the University. He is all of whom .are said to have s depart-mentare used rived the dances and ecutive from Legislative a graduate of Caiibon High to been threatened bv this terrorist "to make certain that there pu'. chase appropriate gifts for School where he was active in group. the service men. is no subversive penetration". football, wrestling and track. A special iPHise security cornIf the lips of the Army, Navy Mrs. Pizza also announced that the BPW March banquet will he Marine Corps and Air porce are mittee, which recommended real held at the Park Vitw Gardens in still pe;ded on the subject of loy-alt- cops for trie Capitol, is also urgshield of bullet- service per- - ing a seven-foo- t Price on Monday, March 20. Cominvestigations, mittee on arrangements consists sonnel may lespond '(.hcertully" prom giasii De mint arounci me but visitors' gallery. of Rayma Mower, Beulan Bills, ' to a Congressional summonsThere is no doubt some merit we fail to see how they can re-- ' Marie Lopez and Mabel Kiehm. to all of the many protective to the DISH TOWEL spond "completely" BOYS IN SERVICE in ECONOMY size of question-- ! vices that have been instituted. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Bunnell re11 V or discussed. But if II planned nig. ceived word that their sn, LL is mral to this bloody there, any FACE CLOTH Louis Bunnell, had recently been "QOWN" COULD MEAN "UP" sequel to the attempt on Presiin LARGE size sent to Yuma, Ariz., as a resiIn spite of Administration opp0- dent Truman's life in November, LARGE SIZE ECONOMY SIZE dent officer, where he is giving sition, you may expect a cut 1950, it would seem to be that instructions on in the U. S. excise tax our drive .on subversives should prior to April only this advancement Lt. Bunnell was on such "luxuries" as local andjbe an all-oucoordinated effort rail-- by, all the forces of Government stationed at HObbs, New Mexico, call3, telephone j and was selected from a group road and airline tickets, women's under one leadership . . . and not I of 2,")0 students for this position. hand-bags- , with COUPON on page electric light bulbs,' left to a handful of patriots in the Huse and Seuate. luggage, safety deposit boxes Sales books and cafe checks also on Jewelry, The First of March, 1954, will furs, cosmetic' can be obtained at the Journal. cameras be iong remembered and toilet preparations, perhaps as and equipment, theater and sports(long as the ,Ides of March, 44 admissions. BC. For when those five repre- The general tax reform bill,! sentatives of the sovereign Amer-noTHE ENJOY YOURSELF in the House, will cut all jCan people and of the these taxes to 10 per cent, foutJ ideal of free government fell retain present rates on those blazing guns, "Then," quor, ibeer, wine, tobacco, gas- - as Mark Antony said of Julius line, automobiles, trucks, .Qaesar, "I and you and all of us rarts and accessories. fell .down, whilst hioody treason , y ws 'en-an- d - - mst I 1 only Jst t, 280 600, long-distanc- e 1 3 MERC. KENILWORTH AT all-tim- e un-wi- The LaiTallc Club And Annex DINNER - DANCING Sizzling Steaks Beer - Coffee - Sandwiches LaSalle HoteL Building - Two Floors The Acropolis Cafe Is Now Open Featuring Delicious Greek Style Cooking! Serving full course dinners and lunches, and a wide variety of tasty foods. Service is quick, courteous and efficient. Stop in and enjoy a meal. never-to-be-forgott- auto Treasury Secretary Humphrey, flourished over us!" has protested that the Government can't afford to lose the THE WINNING WAY 1912,000,000 he says the cuts will to cost. But, if there is anything the theory of diminishing returns, and the fact of public resentment of these ridiculous imposts, the resulting spurt in business could give Mr. Humphrey more mney rather than less. And such a demonstration culd usher In a new tax era! 212 So. Main St. -:- - Helper, Utah 13 cubic home phone ion. Rom where I sit &y Joe Marsh Kel-rlnato- Waa joat lea Tin home this Morning whem the Missus n to atop at Stert and ATa Meat Market for a pound of ed hamburger. "Be sort to from Steve," she said. "Why?" I wondered. So fet it when I got to the market I asked St ere if U knew. "Ill tell you, Joe," be said. "Al and I tell the same meat, and a pound is a pound. Maybe it'a just that we go at it differently. To your wife that probably looks like a better buy." Froas where I ait, there's al ways aore thaa one way te approach a thins; and still come out fair and square to all. My wife likes a cvp of tea with dinner; I prefer a temperate glass of beer. We get along fine. Gets mt pretty ad though, when somebody stsrta "throwing his weight around" and demands that I see things exactly his way. "Al loads the scales and take away 'til he has a pound. But I put too Mil on and start adding;. Copfrifkt, Sutu$ Brtwtrt FtutUatum i J - j no,i ! Cancer Association for Cancer "We are fighting for small percentages in each U'Pe of cancer and are grateful for the' sum of numerous conquests. De-- i cade by decade they add up to perceptible, if not entirely satisfactory sums." stated that the The ACS is spending almost $5,000,000 annually on a campaign to inform the pulblic alWut the latest cancer facts. It is being present- ECONOMY SIZE 600 on! hi ECONOMY SIZE LARGE SIZE FACE 200 only h hr-T- MI OUT WHO approach problem." SHAMS TNI vry' O. P. SKAGGS SYSTEM OUTSTANDING SPECIALS r ments and rooms. Also housekeeping rooms. S.lO.nsc Chet-type- , freezer. 390-Rfor informat3,4,2tp 4 HILLCRE8T APT 8. HOTEL program comprehensive entirely dependent on the In- "This Is come from The society fund-raisin- g for a confident ; CASH AND CARRY public contributions. will conduct Its liK4 crunade next goal of mnth $20,000,000. I that this county feeli will generously to the appeal ha8 during the past years cancer fund drives." iwtpond LADIES & MENS SUITS PLAIN DRESSES an it persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong. Rochefoucauld Furnace. MJ.OO unfurNo W.00 furnished; FOR SALE . Kelvlnator deep--, nished. Call Helper. freeie. 259 lb. capacitr. Uke 3.11.1tp new. Inquire 201 Voll St. or, 5 room , modern call 3.11,2tc FOR RENT Helper. F0n Cleaning iw 3 room unfurnishFOR RENT FOR SALE Used furnace and ed modern houe. inquire 129 stoker. Will finance; alno Ivy St. Helper. 2.18.1tp Call after 6 p.m. Helper 387R12. 3,4.2tc FOR RENT modem partment, 2 bedroom. Electric water heater. Just newly decorFOR SALE Brick honw ated. Phone 283 for information. with stoker, electric hot water 3.4.3tc heater, automatic washer and rden St. arage at 68 FOR RENT modern Call 41. Helper. 3.4.HC 3 bedrooms. home $1.00 $1.00 SPRING TOPPERS 75ff SHIRTS 650 PANTS OR SLACKS 65c 137-W- See the 367-W- and Miscellaneous 6KR-- J house In Mrs. Itox Wellington, A use furnished Contact 176, Mary Helper. Mayfidd. Utah. S.ll.ltp CARPET CLEANERS (Oriental and Domestic). Carpet Laying, Rug Pending and forging; Upholstery sod Rag 8hanv RUO CLOTH LARGE SIZE with COUPON on page 3 in one phase of the Society's, to the cancer control tOAD ST DMVINO IN THI MOTS LANS. Mrs. Casella ex.pllned., Ttw 4rbrr wti wIm rtprt "More than four and a half mil-- ' It Mm wriit wk MAX It COtWTISY HIS lion dollars Is being spent yearCOM Of THI ROAD. ly to aid cancer research and approximately the same amount is being allocated to service to which includes helping set and up operate cancer clinics and. inn' mSitJMmmmmmmtmimmd detection center and furnishing needy cancer sufferers with uch Rent essentials as transportation, dressings, sickroom supplies, and indiFOR RENT Furnished apart gent care. DISH TOWEL only Htr mi' Eleetrolu Ssles anl poofng; Service. W. R. Everett 644 N. 2nd East, Trke, Utah. Phons 19S4, Vruttd R. 8TR1NGFELLOW ts. search, l. Steve Tips the Balance DOUGLAS j For foot PAGE FIVE FROM HOT WORDS TO HOT LEAD magazines, newspapers, window displays, special exhibits and on motion picture, TV and radio programs. "Public education, however, is, FOR SALE FOR SALE 11, 1954 CONGRESSMAN poster, OPEN DAILY FROM 10 A.M. T0 10 P.M. CAFE JOURNAL J had been shcoting occurred. called out by mjy Administrative "The National Foundation will Anyone entering the political Assistant, Keith H. jaques, to at. not make the vaccine available arena must ,be prepared to have tend a heajing of the Appropria-plent- y until three elaborate safety tests of barbed remarks thrown tions Subcommittee on Agricuh have been made on every bate" at him from time to time an(j it ture and was Just completing mJ is taken for granted that verbal j testimony as the firing began. As produced," be explained. The vaccine to be used In the brickbats are a part of the occu-- i we left the committee room, nationwide study, was developed pational hazard of being a poli-- j which is directly across the hall by a research grantee of the Na- tician. However, there are few of from the House Cloak Room, Con. tional Foundation, Dr. J0na8 e. us suited to gressman Ben Jensen came stum temperamentally Salk of the University of Pitts- dodge an assassin's bullets wit1! bling out of the door and fell burgh. Dr. salk already has given the same grace and ease that we j writhing in agony from a hullet the trial vaccine to thousands of would shrug off a few well chos-- wound in his back. A moment techildren and adults in the Pitts- en words iby one of our political j ter we saw our good friend i burgh Alvin area, including his own gressman Bentley being three sons. He has reported that the! carried out on a stretcher. I hd Certainly no Member of na untoward reactions followed. House of Representatives was been sitting by his side limned Local doctors assisted by either emotionally or physically! iateljy before I had left the House nurses will administer doses of prepared last Monday afternoon Floor, and had I remained in my" pinkish watery substance to pu- to meet the sudden burst of it is very likely that I too pils in the first, second and third thai lead which cme bursting would be occupying a hospital grades whose parents sign a re- down on oUr heads from the! bed along with my five colleagues quest form. Each child will re- House gallery. The four maniacal wno were wunded. Luckily my ceive one cc of either the trial Puerto Ricans who fired twenty guardian angel has been working vaccine or an innoc.uus sub- rounds of ammunition into the, overtime of late! stance which look exactly alike crowded House Chamber gave us TAX CHANGES in the arm. One week later a he dubous d,h .nct.on of being' UNDERWAY second one-c- c "iise" will be given the most shot at legislative body A lew Pol'11 (Hid at least four weeks demagogues are later a in the world, and it also left most third Or booster dose also one-c- of us with a bad case of jitters.' attempting to accuse the Repuib-On-e will complete the series. shudders to think what might ;lieaa Administration of enacting test results the of have happened if these radicals a "Rich Man's Tax Bill" but noth. Preliminary will not be known until some had used hand grenades instead !inS cud be frm the to truthare We lime in 1955. The study will be of pistols, attempting prior to last Monday's act limit r direction of Dr. Thomas! legl8lall" which will be most there were few it Francis, Jr., of the University of; any real security measures in beneficial to all of our taxpayers .Michigan, leading authority on! effect in the Capitol Building tojaI1(1 e1"aUy distribute the burden The Republicans have epidemics. guard or protect the lives of of taction. "We of Carbon-Emerare privl-lege- Members of Congress. visitors aIS0 been accused of helping "big to take an important part ..,ro ent r uflv-e- business" more than the little in this history-makinundertaki- the House and Senate Chambei'S man, but in reality the coi portng,'' Dr. Spenser said. "If this very much at will, with the ex- ions are coming out Cu the short test proves that a vaccine will' ception that no cameras were al- end this year, because the House pi even t paralytic plio, we andj lowed to ibe taken into the gal- Ways and Means Committee ha our children can take pride in' leries. Immediately after the near just voted to continue the corinstead of the fact that we have had this op-- ' tragic incident which hospitalized porate tax rate at 52 47 as portunity to demonstrate its five congressmen, measures were allowing it to drop to on 1. scheduled April taken to protect members of ConExcise taxes on distilled spirits, gress from future communistic wine, cigarettes, gasoline beer, attempts on the lives of our na. Education ic tional legislators. Henceforth, spe and automobiles will also be cn cial passes issued by Congress tlnued at the present tax rate.(Continued from Page One) n Mi.Hwever, the taxes on the lugmen u,iii he rennireH or urs. Jewelry, toilet arti- 'Mrs. Casella quoted the Gallup ge. and a personal lery visitors electric light admissions, survey as showing a 16 per c.entj check of handbags and contents increase in the number Of per.' of other packages will be made bulbs- equipment, photographic and mechanical one or to sons who could name pens, pencils concealed weapons prevent more of the early symptoms of from ""u t"6-- " being carried into the House, cancer over the results of the Chamtber. It has also been proof persons, and 1940 study. The poll, she said, inglass transportation posed that a bulletproof dicated that today 54 per cent of partition be erected to separate sporting goods. adult Americans can name one or the galleries from the HOuse floor nicie cancer danger signs as and thus prevent recurrence of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark spent compared to 38 per cent in 1940. this tragedy. last week end in Grand Junction, "These percentage incxeases in) Personally I feel very fortunate Colo., visitig at the home of Mr. public knowledge about cancer," that I had left the floor of the Clark's brother and slster-in-laTMrs. Casella said, "may seem House only moments before the Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Clark. hut the entire crusade against, the disease hfas' been one of slow, steady pro--j marked by small yearly gress, gains. In the words of Dr. Paul K. Steiner, president cf the Amer-- i ed fanatics branded s Communist dupes opened fire from the gallery on the House of Representatives in session, official Washington reverted to a regime of wartime security and some changes were in tbe making. The Capitol police, a relic of the political "spoils system", and (Utah) Congressman JDOUG. Reports lean LATER THAN WE THOUGHT On the heels of the broody nightmare in the U. S. Capitol, when a handful of Puerto Rican en ACROPOLIS ... COURTESY! i n one) THURSDAY, MARCH working and likely to He also emphasized the safety force of precautions surrounding the test. three Puerto Ricans, seizthey tried w escpe from Herbert , "resnond - would militaiy) made up HELPER The and medical groups, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and an Advisory committee of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officers. TAYLOR N. from fragt. (Continued FOR RENT unfurnished apt. In Helper, Us Palmer St. Inquire next door. .I.ll.ltp Wanted j BABY KITTING phone 24hour Jl. 3,ll,2tp tr-vice- 381 CENTRAL COMM. AND SUPPLY CO. For Your Building Needs Better Materials PHONE , 72 - HELPER Special Rates On AH Types Of DRAPERIES - LINED OR UNLINED Service Cleaners "Quick and Dependable Service" Phone 44 - Helper, Utah - 250 So. Main |