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Show 'I CAVEMEN TAKE COAL LEAGUE PLAY 1AD j -- ;. . wV ' - JOURNAL THE ""HELPER ' JULY CORONET HONORS. ' PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, 21, m 1..,. S.S. Cards Should Dragerton handed the Spring PENNEY COMPANY FOURTEEN OF UTAH Glen Mudhens .their first league Not Be Used To 2 in Helper loss of the season, The J. C. Penney Company is Cash Personal Checks TO 6 j Sunday. Johnny Byrge was touch-'e- d saluted by the August issue of COUNTIES TOP MERCHANTS for nine hits by Dragerton in. Coronet magazine in an article Social Security- card-- a ... ( nnver - hn tina1v o. .j BY MIDGE The whole ceiling fell in on the eluding home runs by Darrell titled. "Those Amazing Penney in r fi while Tom and Crawford Farliano, of Stores". DRIVE bottom QUOTA BOND for cashing checks. This Helper Merchants in the The article, which was written the seventh inning at American Figgs Hanna held the Mudhens to is repeated periodically br airs. i ueo counties Social Jimmy Ureener visitea wun nis niKht and before the eight hits. A double by Byrge bv Lawrence Galton, describes of Utah's Fourteen Security Administration. was the only extra base hit Spring the Company which in 47 years In the have gone over the top to store Hanna. of Glen a got of from tiny single, sale jgrew the Cavemen had crossed home plate er, last Thursday night, enroute Opportunity Drive for veral diva Manager of the Provo office At Sunnyslde, Sunday the Utah a nationwide chain of more tnan tt c Savings Bonds, each from Denver to Salt Lake City. Trpasiirv 6 times and Angelo Venturelli and year a number of 14-helpand de a Bottlers lost of of friendly the being 1,600 Helper by After enjoying the annual Italian Charles L-- Smith, chairman men suffer loss based on Z, merchandise Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Reid and Ghiar. cision to Sunnyside. Joe ful and giving good Day at Lagoon last Sunday Mr. state bond committee, announcea erroneous delli of the Bottlers and Cyril values. proof of idfinti. TEAM 8TANDING8 family left Sunday morning for a and Mrs. Pete Ciochetto, accom- semi-finreport the two-weePie who obtain Social Secant vacation io lenowsiune here is man- in submitting of store hooked LEAGUE up INDUSTRIAL The Sunnyside Jack the Driggs Mrs. Penney Mr. and In addition, by drive. panled of the cards Park. from the goverC W L Pet. in a mound duel for five innings aged by K. D. Marquis. pnrRon of Price. sDent some state as a whole, has sold 110 do so without having to 2 average 4 .800 the a to with of American ForK caters edge holding Driggs Downard Penney's time Jerry eatable visiting registering quota, home Orlando Sulplzio returned of its $3,500,000 .750 going into the last halt of the American family, declares Coro8 until they or $3,867,-45- 5. their Identity' who is receiving treatment provo hos9 Price, totalling Mark's 15 St. sales the on from July July survivors .500 sixth when Sunnyside drove net. "What Penney's has accompresent claims Z - 2 Magna pital where he underwent a knee at the Shrlner's hospital. adthe all benefits. four a the from combine with mound to is .600 Consequently, the 3. plished ...... Merchants the from a leader "ePer operation July S. He's still hobKrlsscounty, Tnnpio Houseguests at the John that a person desiring to cart? of modern .100 run outburst. Tom Migliaccio fin. vantages 1 of its $70,000 check can bling around on crutches, but man home for two weeks were Brlgham City has sold 191 home-towstart, on old ished for the with hill the the up produce a Social s. .000 Its goal. hopes to abandon them within a Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Krissman BWgnam tiers. Arden Aplanalp and Lyle store idea, sacrificing none of the quota, and may double card does not mean that curity ' few days. are over the top of Maryland, who left last Mon he is the person named on flu .Driggs of Sunnyside, and Johnny latter's friendly helpfulness to- Other counties San Juan, Emery, Rich, Duchesne, sechome and hit Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gardner and day customers". Zupon their Migliaccio lost had wards card, much less that he hag aal, the Merchants Carbon. Weber. Salt Lake, Uintah, in a checking account. out what in it runs 47 turned Coronet, says family returned home Saturday halt. final finally a were honored For at of years, the 'ball family ond game Tney Summit to be a slugfest. Mr. Ruesch will (be at the Comt has been an ironclad Penney leaver Davis. Wayne, night after vacationing for two.reunlon held at the Krissman Going into the seventh the locals and 22-Morgan. weeks in Tooele. Salt Lake City, home Sunday with the following nad a 4.3 iead. but the props, be. Kenilworth trouncea Price House in Price on Tuesday, jfl. principle not to quote comparative Among the fifteen counties still 26, 1949 between 9:30 a.m. and 3:04 'on the same day but the line prices. "Sales" are not held. "We Ephralm, Manti and Brigham City. present: Mr. and Mrs. John Kriss- - gan to fali as errors, extra-bas- e They report a very enjoyable trip. man, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William hitg and runa tinaiiy brought Max scores and 'batteries are unavai- Don't Deliver" is an unbreakable under the quota, Utah and Cache p.m. to assist anyone who has an ATlA 94- Tier 91 TVPf laaA With lable. Ti.vu I' rule, and not "a single dollar's ILUU f " . CAnt' problems in regards to Kay and Linda Broad bent re- Krissman of Orera, Mr. and Mrs. Pe98etto to the re8Cue of his pal are and scores: sold cent been expected Line has respectively of of children worth Krissman and goods Security. turned home Sunday after spend-in- g Rudy ,0 after tw0 were QUt A to go over the top in the final 010 310 0005 across the counter on credit". two weeks in Provo and Maple Vernal, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Meyers wftlk b Mike Woodi a tr(p,e by Dragerton 000 002 Glen for of 0002 Los Daggett county trails the Nation's Biggest the Spring and credit report. from Much Penney's and Angeles family ton with relatives. and a slngle bjr j Hanna and D. B,00m 8 per cent of its James to success and Mr. and Mrs. John Krissman of Byrge Crawford; goes j list with only spirit Tourist Attraction p.- George Sluga gave the locals two iand Kosec. j Houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. 73 of 1,500 sold. small was born Cash who very quota Penney, per' runs in the ninth, but the damage i Utah Bottlers . John Laboroi last week end were 7 001 100 032 years ago and now is honorary Grand, Box Elder, Sevier,' San-pet- . The Chicago Railroad Ttlt n Mrs. Joe Chesnick is conva- - had been done, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campedel of Oil 014 34x 14 board chairman of the Company Sunnyside .... Juab, Millard, Washington, gaining rank as one of the yur't Oakland lesclng at her home after spending By virtue of American Fovk'a Ghlrardelli, Migliaccio and Hal- - he founded. Today, he still is Wasatch, Garfield, Iron, Piute and biggest toufrist attractions, K hos-'wi- n, y six days In the Provo and Magna dumping versen; C. Driggs and Hill. ' seen at his New York office, Kane counties are still trailing ports the Utah Department of Aann and Darrel Downey drove pifal, where she underwent an 7 to 5, the Cavemen went into the The schedule for Thursday, when he isn't lecturing in church their quotas, according to Mr. Publicity. Early reports from tht to Salt Lake City Tuesday of last operation. game July 21, send Kenilworth to Helper es and before business and civic league leadership, one-ha- lf week to visit with their daughter, Smith, but may pick up before exhibit, which opened inn. ahead of the T,mp8' Br,ham Cltv a game with the Utah Bot- groups. indicate that last year's record o( the final count is submitted. Shirley Smith, and family. Their Miss Nancy uryner, daughter 0f fceat Binghara 9.3 ln the otner con for tlers, Spring Glen at Price, Sun. Coronet concludes its tribute granddaughter, Ann, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Bryner, left tegt la8t.n,ght 4,ovv,su paw admissions will be jnyside at Hiawatha, and Rains to the Penney stores with these Woeden Recipe Bores (3x9); topped by this season's crowd. them home and is planning to re. last Sunday with a group of girls at 8:15 the ,Bing. at Dragerton. Sunday night main in Helper until she becomes from the Price Community Church, ham words of J. C. Penney: "Today's (4x6); (5x8) with er without file The fair will continue throngh Canyon kids come to Helper j Both the Spring Glen Mudhens an ardent baseball fan. greatest challenge is human re card and Index. At the HcJeer October 2. to spend a week camping at to meet the Merchants In their and the Utah Bottlers plan week lations. You won't find a finer were Kamas. They chaperoned by second contest of the last half. end trips over the 24th Mrs. Johnny Bianco and daughexample of good human-relatioPessetto no doubt will be on the for ball games out of theholiday A NEW SERVICE ter, Sharon, attended the game at Mrs. William McFadden. Coal than 'between our people and our mound for the Merchants. American Fork Wednesday night, league. fvrt1a Bfttf Taaeo IParrv onnnt customers. The answer lies in CAB WASHING and STEAM CLEANING AB H O A Hjtlnan Mmmmmm The Mudhens will leave Satur- the planning to drive to Saty Lake last week end visiting with rel Wood c spirit within our Company, .. 4 2 9 2 day City Thursday. Of Chassis and Motor night for Grand Junction. built up because everybody has stives at Coalville. Mascara 2b Colorado, where they will meet an opportunity to get ahead and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Perrero and the Eagles team from that city Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gibson and Bloom lb .... "AIR RIDE" U. S. ROYAL TIRES in profits". children, accompanied by Frank 'on Monday afternoon at Lincoln participate ar- - Sluga rf . children 5 of Grand Junction Scavo returned recently from a America's Newest, Most Modern Tire Park. Sunday morning they will Roundup celebration annually held .... 4 s to Center-vill- e, rived Saturday night to attend Bailey 3b vacation Cool-Rid- e travel to Rifle for a game with in that community. 3 Seat Covers Iowa, where- they visited me weaaing or Mrs. umson S, Angelos If brother, Curtis Marchello, which Green cf 3 3 ,0 the Rifle team before returning with relative. exan for last Leaving Friday to Grand Junction took place Sunday. CONOCO PRODUCTS 1 Monday for tended vacation were Mr. and 4 1 U.S. BATTERIES Slmms ss Returning home last Saturday S 0 0 the game with the Eagles. Venturelli p us See and Ed Richeda Mrs. for daughters, Tire Expert Lubrication, Repairing and Vulcanizing from Lovelock, Nevada, was Mrs Val Covvles Becomes The Utah Bottlers leave late 1 0 1 Pessetto p Olive and Lucy, who met relatives who bad Martinelll, afternoon for Monticello, Josephine iMSfrki. 2 Babcock if 0 0 Friday been visiting there for three weeks. where they are scheduled for a in Salt Lake City to accompany 24 8 10 Totals 38 . .... to go to Yellowa.m. game Saturday them. They plan she, was accompanied by her Intermountam American American Fork Main & Locust Sts. H O A AB British Phone 307 Columbia and down Helper stone, granddaughter, Patsy Vieta, who Val H. Cowtes, former state morning with Monticello as ani the coast to San Francisco. 2fl 3 4 3 5 .. Mayne Is visiting here for a while. attraction of the Blue Mountain' senator from Carbon county and p pPera 3h ..3 0 0 2 The David Kanes are really from 1934 to 1945 of T' . n . in Price, is the 0wen lb walking on air since the arrival .the .. 4 3 6 0 of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter, ' new managing editor of the In- -' 2 3 3 0 rf born Saturday, July 19, in the termountaln American, successor Djirrant 4 0 8 " " "V E hospital. Mother and to the Utah Labor News, which 4 daughter, Patricia Lee, arrived was originally established in 1929 ' Peters If 4 0 11 0 home Tuesday night, both feeling and managed by M. I. Thompson. uveuy c 2 0 0 0 Marlowe p fine. Congratulations It is printed in Salt Lake City. to all 2 0 The editorial policy of the paper Deavitt lb Totals .... r 35 12 27 7 and pro- pis frankly Ed Casey was called to Sacra- Demoeratlc. Initial 002 011 0026 editorials sup- - Helper STORE CLOSED MONDAY, PIONEER DAY, JULY 24th mento Tuesday due to the death nrrt ProolHant Q rtflfl OAS ffflv Fnflr TV., man'a QnltAna Amprinnn of his Bister. Mrs. J J Flanagan. the Taft.Hartlev iabor attapk RWood 2, Mascara 2, Bloom. 3 law' vifw with aIarl restrictions' Slmms. Mayne. P. Peters. Tate 2. brother of Rch- Ln favoraWe ,abop neW8 ,by the , Durrant 2 0Isen B Wg .. l 1"1 U . , . . . TTl.LI. 1 Can sums at lane press, uiaus Tate, P. Peters, Simras, Wood. my Nebraska's 2BII Green. Venturelli. SH Mr. and Mrs. Steve Salina and Senator Watkins and Steffan, (both Re- - ,mnnm Ppt(,r9 Owon fit. two children of Hollywood are Congressman publicans. cm rwronr Mrs. of Tat 5 n homes the at visiting BEER Fishers DOG FOOD Dash Beckers tabloid size It is an eight-pag- e Case J.39 ; mother, Mrs. Tom Engle-ber- t, atwas issue and the first T Iowe and a sister, Mrs. R. B. paper, 7 in 6. Venturelli. TRY-I- T POST TENS tractively arranged, with exten-- ! Tate 3 in - Venturelli 11 LUNCHEON MEAT 12 oz can pkg Cormani. in 6 sive use of picture material. BB Marlowe Pessetto 1 in 1 CHEESE Velveeta Chateau gQg can 2 Pessetto lAjAv, Venturelli FOR SALE One house. 18 by 24 TateJ' ASSIFI6D DISPLAY to to Olsen Owen, Business building ' PICKLES Aero Dills feet; 4 lbs LARDCudahys 2 lbs to Bloom 26 by 34 feet. Both buildings on Pessetto to Mascara Loser Venturelli. SPRY Shortening two lots. Good for grocery stoe Winner Tate. 3 lbs PEANUT BUTTER, Skippy lb SO 10. Venturelli Marlowe 10. or other type of business. Now 2. U Ablett and Santisteven. Tate VEL as lo. known size Bakery, Helper DREFT Reg. giant OLIVES, Contadina FOR GENUINE Factory Built can cated on New Townslte. Inquire; Parts for Plymouth and Dodge of Carl Webster at the Bakery, HELPER RESIDENTS TIDE Giant size CAMAY Reg. ICE CREA3I Cars, see Bunnell Garage. 154 or Thorlt Hatch, for details ATTEND ITALIAN 10.14,usc ETast Main. Price. Vi4i BY BEATING a IN THE NEWS M71 t,,. I ' . T ,.. I ' bu? 7 I Ghlr-ardel- li n j 2 ( ' -- I e, City-Count- . ns two-week- - - fit v MIDLAND SERVICE STATION ten-thirt- y .5210 ." 12 City-Count- y 110 Be at rJOREEN'S Your Food Dollar Goes the Furthest ! I.. BUDGEtf-UHS- 10 ' v. SHIOP pro-labo- Sliced Pineapple Plantation N0.2V2 HTr.1? I - 's h )5n Kerr Jars )VQ)l r snP Js )Sc or n can IIO-Mar- 2-- 3- 35J 3, 2-- g g vjwiu 35 FOR uuaany's 27 Jar tfQ SALE ggg tall Puretest gg 7.14.2tp DAY AT LAGOON FOR SALE King Alto Saxophone. The annual Italian Day, Good condition. Inquire 77 Lo. held at Lagoon last Sunday was 714-2tcust St.. Helper well attended by Helper residents, FOR SALE Used Furniture, In- who report a wonderful time and cluding Living Room Suite Coal a day full of entertainment and Range; Mattress. See C. C. Ellis good food. at Spring Glen. Among those attending from 7.21.1tp here were: Mr. and Mrs. Tony Frugni, Mr. and Mrs. Arco Poloni Miscellaneous and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Foderaro and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Andreinl. Mr. and AN OPPORTUNITY You Want Mrs. Clede Andreinl, Eugene, and one of our STROMBERG Darla, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph AnCARLSON dreinl, Paul Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Combinations, We want your Domenic Perrl and family. Mr. piano or other musical Instru- - and Mrs. Angelo Pascuzzi. Mr. and merits. Let's Swap ! Mrs. Ross Gigliottl and daughters, HOUSE OF MUSIC Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ciochetto, Mr. and Mrs. Vito Bonaccl, Mr. and Phone 748 Mrs. Joe Bonacci, Mr. Frank Bon-acc- i, Price Theatre Bldfl. Mr. and Mrs. Greno Lami 3,3,usc and daughter, Mr .and Mrs. Pete Borla and daughters, and Mrs. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY Sham- Joe Corey and children. pooing, All work guaranteed. See It was reported that winner of W. R. Everett. 644 N. 2nd East the $750 radio television set was 7.8.nsc Price, Phone 955-Dick Mitchell of Price. Three other prizes went lo the NEED MONEY T Sell Christmas Market, the Rainbow Progressive 100 on $1 Cards. Profit to Inn and to Rose Gigliottl of "Leader' Assortment, Personal 1 Helper. Greetings E0 for $1 up. New Plastics, many others. "Leader" Railroads Cater To Tourists on approval, FREE Imprinted As an incentive to secure more 1310 Santee, railroad passengers during Samples. Stylart, the Dept. 35, Los Angeles 65, Calif. summer, the air conditioning of 7.21.1tp trains throughout the U.S. is going ahead rapidly. More than 1,000 For Rent coaches have been equipped with air conditioning units during the SLEEPING ROOMS For Rent-Ra- tes last year, bring the total number or month the week by day, tip to 15,848 air cooled railroad at the Hillcrest Hotel. All-Sta- PIANO VALUES Select From World-Famou- s Lines Of HARDMAN-JANSSO- JESSE FRENCH Ad A 8olo-Vo- x Any Piano To HOUSE OF MUSIC Phone 748 Price Theatre Bulldlna, Price 2,3, use Radio-Phonogra- FOR SALE 61 AM Jeffery Chain Conveyors. Inquire at the COAL CO., Helper Utah, or Phone 290. HARD-SCRABBL- B Business and SALE lots at North Drager- ton. No raperty will be sold for Beer Parlors of Taverns. In. qul'e Helper tnoker Storage, Phone rielper. FOR resl-derti- FOR SALE t fflngte Beds. Com. plete with mafltresa and springs. Phone 201 Helper. FOR SALE Northwest Model 40, Serial No. 1410 Combination 8hc"el and draglinegood condiS1G cf.m. Schramm tion, used. Die l drivna portable compressor, new. Hysto 1000 lb. Fork-lif- t y truck with extra scoop, AT,L ARE overhauled. PPTCED TO SELL. HEINFR EQUIPMENT A SUP501 West 7th South, PLY CO Salt Lake Ctty. Phono 3S979 T.l4.4tc com-pletel- te PEETS Reg. pkg 3 LUX Reg. bar gg WHITE KING Large 27$ Giant 54$ FAB Reg pkg 28$ TIDE Reg. J8C MISSION BELL Soap Deal fgg Half-Pric- e LIFEBUOY Sale TOMATO SAUCE, Hunts POTTED MEAT, Morrells can 5$ 2 cans 1 S Rew Spuds JELLO 6 Quart pkg flavors CRACKERS, by Purity MIRACLE WinP 21bs HOT ROLL MIX, Pillsbury MAZOLA OIL Quart kX CANDY BARS Carton PECTIN M.C.P. 9$ 3 pkgs Pkg J0 m 3.490 . NEW CABBAGE U.S. No. 1 CORNED BEEF Armours 12 oz. can BONITA FLAKES Seaview No. Y can CIGARETTES all brands J. cars. lb NUCOA Lb 330 BISQUICK Carton 2 lbs Large Pkg BEER, Becker's cans case n SPAGHETTI, can PORK and BEANS, Pierces No. 2 can COFFEE, Schillings Lb SALMON, Mountie tall can .. SAUSAGE Country Style lb 35$ SLICED BACON Gold Coin lb 490 ROUND STEAK Tender 'A' Gr. Ib PICNICS Small size fully tenderized lb 4J0 Prices for July 22, to July 28, inclusive -- 3DI Franco-America- in . M LMi MM 1 Helper and Dragerton I III u I mi |