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Show UQMyLifetopERjA lttr. McKinley's letter --vm vmA brings cheer to all who may be sufferers as he -was. Read it: a. . "I can honestly say that I owe JLL my life to Pemna. After some of the best doctors in the country f m ' gave me up and told me I could I itMAfi v. - . not live another month, Perunn vlllCi v '' saved me. Travelling- from town to town, throughout the country . and having- to g-o into all kind3 of badly heated stores and build- ISS t ings, sometimes standing- up for v ' hours at a time while plying my vv- 1 trade as auctioneer. It is only (... v natural that I had cold fre- ,, . quently; so when this would ,. - i-irii. ocni occur i'paid little attention to it. oo"drf aT, Sa' ?Ay Mo MerS until last December when I con- --ad f KA nfa.3 ', i; ;' " tracted a severe case, which, ber of the Society of U. S. Jewelry through neglect on my part Auctioneers. settled on my lungs. 'When nl- . most loo late, I began doetorlnp, but, without avail, until I heard Sold Everywhere. Of Perunn. It cured mei SO I f hl-t or Ltnnld Form cannot p-aise it too highly." Tablet or liquid form CARBON! Rid System of Clogged-up Waste and Poisons with "Cascarets." 1 t t t - , t nminnamiigng , Like carbon clogs and chokes a motor, mo-tor, so the excess bile In liver, and the constipated waste In the bowels, produce foggy brains, headache, sour, acid stomach, indigestion, sallow skin, sleepless nights, and bad colds. Let gentle, harmless "Cascarets" rid the system of the toxins, acids, gases, and poisons which are keeping you upset. up-set. Take Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative-cathartic you evert experienced. Cascarets never gripe, sicken, or cause Inconvenience. They work while you sleep. A box of Cascarets Cas-carets costs so little too. Adv. (9 ft fn, I AM IN LOVE with my work and I A 7s A wou not trade my job for any 3 i otner jb in the world. All I know "N-- kV V 1 1 about this business I learned at tfi&'fd tne Lincoln Auto and Tractor Xlt'lAr School. You can step into a & ; I BIG PAYING POSITION KI f after taking training in w piT this 8chooL " M LEJkUN IN EIGHT W WEEKS "5 Complete course m USIr' AUTO & TRACTOR MECHANICS rTi F TTi TJi Our big illustrated book. Cut out P fjpj this ad, sign and MAIL TOD A Y. Niame , Town , State Address 2433, Lincoln Aufo & Tredcr School, Lincoln, Neb. "CAN I BE CURED?" SAYS THE SUFFERER How often have you heard that sad err from the yittims of disease. Per-hsptf Per-hsptf the disorder has ,gone too far for help, but oftener it is just in its first stages and the pains and aches are only nature's first cries for help. Do not despair. Find out the cause and give nature all the help you can and she will repay you with health. Look after the kidneys. The kidneys are the most overworked organs of the human body, and when, they fail in their work of filtering and throving off the poison that constantly accumulates in the system, sys-tem, everything goes wrong. t GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will give almost immediate relief from kidney kid-ney and bladder troubles and their kindred kin-dred ailments. They will free your body from pain in short order. But be eure to get GOLD MEDAL. Look for the name on every boi. In three sizes, sealed packages. Money refunded it they do not help you. Adv. Pneumonia often follows a jtV jJ ft (y) Neglected Cold KILL THE COLD! V HILL'S v) CASCARA&QUiNINE K Bromide- y o.-.-dafd cId remedy for 20 years in tablet form safe, sure, no opiates breaks up a cold in 24 iV hours relieves grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. The JuflfirVK. S. genuine box has a Red (Scpp'-h Mn Hm'' Viii NZk At All Drag Storm, A i SELDOftl SEE V W a big knee like this, but your hone may have bunch or bruise on his 1 ankle, hock, ttifle, knee or throat. M- will clean it otf without laying up I I the horse. No blister, no hair gone. Concentrated only a few drops required at an application. $2.50 per iottl detlferfd. Dtcrlbe your ce for tpeclal initructiont, nd Boole C R free. ABSORBINE, JR., lie intl. fcptte liniment for mankind, reduce! Painful Swellinct, BnUned Glandk Weni. Brttitea. Varicose Veina; atlarl rain and Inflammation. Price SI. 25 a bottle It drcsgiiu or icllTerrd. Liberal trial bottle pottpaid lor 10c W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F.,310IimpleSt., Sorinofleld. Matt. I It's the wise housewife house-wife who serves instead of coffee. For where coffee sometimes disagrees and leaves harmful after-effects, Postum is an absolutely j healthful cereal drink. Made ! of roasted wheat blended with a wee bit of molasses. The extraordinary flavor of j this beverage resembles that of the finest coffee pleasing to particular tastes. Two sizes, usually sold et 15c and 25c Made by Postum Cereal Company, Battle Creek, Michigan J Cuticura Soap Best for Baby Soap Olntmont 25 A fw, Talcnro 2To. Sample naeh mllel fro by "Cutieurn. lVpt. H. Boston.- FRECKLES Bi&Z l'KKE GIFT CATALOG. Wholesale Trices. C. A. Wansberg, llox 1U74, Colo. Spga., Colo. |