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Show y:THH NEW, GRANTSVILLE, UTAH." THE GRANTSVILLE X 3X X X HOME VISITORS X X X X X I LOS ANGELEd X . Western Pacific SAN DIEGO OAKLAND X i trains Daily SAN FRANCISCO X X X X X . v. TO X X X X X X X X- GREATLY REDUCED RATES : n - SALE DATES SALE DATES j is NOV. 24th jr DEC. 20-2- 2 : & 29th 27th s X x 5 . X X X X X , ; 5X X X X CALIFORNIA ui-da- X X X X X X X X TO ACCOUNT X Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. St. Clair, Mr .and Mrs. Tom Ed- wards, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bow- - a man, Mr and Mrsr Wm Edwards, $ Mrs. Ada Hullinger, Miss Mar- Or garet Kelly, George Wagstaff and George Green. $ TO ALL POINTS EAST Jay Smuin autoed to Lehi Sat- -. J accompanied by Miss Rockwell. Via L. G. Button, who is survey-- . ing mining property in Ophir, is spending a few days in Salt Lake EL EL City. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kelly aro receiving congratulations on the The Feather River Route birth of a fine baby boy to them, in Salt Lake City. 2 Dr. J, H..McDonald of Salt, THE' SCENIC LIMITED Luke City was in Ophir last Sun-- ! day. (Westbound Leaves Rurmester 12:39 p. m.) Miss Letitia Rockwell who has (East bound Leaves Rurmester 2:37 p. m.) k-eemployed at Hotel Edwards t Leaves Burmester 11:00 p. m.) (Westbound left for Lehi where she will re-- 1 bound Leaves Burmester 3:56 a. m.) (East main several weeks with her: Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Through mother, Mrs. Daw Rockwell, Cars. Observation Cars. Dining Wm. St, Clair of Tooele was Oil locomotives. Burning calling on friends in Ophir SatService and Scenery Unsurpassed urday and Sunday, returning to Information Tickets literature Tooele Sunday Mr. Davis, the new tallow ' Any Western Pacific Agent or Ticket Office or pot on the St. J. & 0. R. K., lias moved his family here for the1 E. MAYER TICKETS SOLD TICKETS SOLD In November In December Return Limit Return Limit sui-vive- Feb. 28, 1918. Jan. 31, 1918. 3 x For Tickets and further particulars see Agents Salt Lake 5 . Route, or address WM. WARNER, A. G. I. winter. Utah. Burmester, Andrew Pearson has purchas-- . Agent, ed the property of Chas Jack--: son, who has gone to Salt Lake tmUMUW4WMIWmiOMUIRIUWWW4IUllWIW4WMlMWR..WmRt, R City to make his home them by six sons and three T. R. Larson, J. C. Nelson, M, R VERNON MENTION daughters. They are Wilford Stewart, William T. Hackett.and F., William C., Jasper D., all of Frank T. Roberts, their heirs,, Mrs. Peter Hanson , and son, Grantsville. S. D .Hudson, An- - assigns, grantees, and to whom Adanis, were in Tooele Sat in- -; drew J. Hudson, and Sam E. Hud it may concern: son all of Gold Hill, Utah. ' Mrs day on business. You are hereby notified that Mrs. Plant and daughter, May Elsie Hunter of Oakley, Idaho, the undersigned' have expended went to Salt Lake City Sunday Mrs. Amanda Dayton of Brig-fo- r for the 1912, 1913, 1914,. a few dayj visit. ham City, Utah, and Mrs. Emma 1915 andyears 1916 through themThe speakei-- at the ul'ternoon Brim of Grantsville. Arrange-servic- selves and their predecessors in Sunday were Mr. ments for the funeral have not interest one hundred dollars in Shields who was visiting in be- - been made as yet. labor and for improvements half of the religion class, and each of said each of years upon President C. A. Orme and John notice for publication. Undine No. 2 and the Undine, W. Tate. Their addresses were Department or the interior, u. a Undine No. 3 lode claims, enjoyed veiy much by those und office at Salt Lake city, Utah, situated in Cliftonmining DisMining present. October 20. 1917. Tooele cf trict, County, Utah, . Notice la hereby given that Philip County Clerk Fred L. Lng-Reoffice in the of the on Vernon in business tidier, of .OrantnviUe, Utah, who. on land was corder of Tooele County, at Too.March 14, 1914, matte Homestead En- - ele Saturday. City, Utah, in order to hold Mrs Belle Smith went to Salt tl).f soriul. No. oi23i. for wi of nw claims under Section 2324 said Lake City Sunday. ; and wvh of sw. Section 9. Town- - of the U. S. Revised Statutes Mrs. Lar Larson was visiting hhtp s South. Range 5 Weat, Salt ill Salt Lake City the fore part Lake Meridian, has filed notice of in- - and amendments concerning annual labor on mining claims, be' !tention to. make three-yea- r ! proof, to . amount required to hold The Hall which is being built eatabliah claim to the land above ing the claims for the period endsaid W be ard will ready described, before the Clerk of Diatrlct by V enion 31 of each of said December ing SO that dances can be given on Tooele, Utah, on the lat day Qmjft, years. of December, 1917. And if within 90 days from Claimant name aa wltneaaea: the L. personal service of this noWilliam John Watson,' Brigham ON.GUARD AT THE READ- Audoraon, Richard M. Robinson, P. P. tice, or within 90 days from pubING GATE! lication hereof, you fail or refuse Mutthewa, all of Grantsville, Utah. to contribute your proportion of GOULD B. BLAKELY, It is u fine thing to guard our said expenditure as Rerlater. homes against alien soldiers of interest in sand claims will 1917. Oct your Dale 29, first publication we are all aware. ' whose become the property of the unBut it is also very important to undersigned, your guard them against other insid-- ; terms FORFEITURE NOTICE.. statute. the der of said ious foes that creep in under the WM. Mi LAMB Salt Lake City, Utah, Septem- disguise of friendly entertainers J. P. GARDNER, to plunder and destroy the cher- - ber 13, 1917. ished ideals, the lofty standards, To C. B. Diehl, D. L. Dunyon, Salt Lake City, Utah. the clear views that have given the home its character. If you will familiarize your young people with the best reading, they will not be likely to crave what is inferior and de-- ; A., Salt Lake City, Utah. d s es if(r.iirMWlWllWIUUllUWilWWWKIUUMWAKWe.l'V.KKii,.ltltVllt3tW Geo. Clark, ifr r. 4 and Mrs. Jos. Baild, Mr and Mrs. Wm. BuLler, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jackson, Mr. and Published Every Friday by Mrs. Sam Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. HULLETIN PRINTING CO. Wm. Davis, Mrs. Geo Edwards, Utah Mrs. Alma Nordquist, Mrs. Wm. Grantsville, Gillespie, Mrs Wm. Bithell, Mi's. Ada Ilullinger, Mrs. E. S. BowR. D. Halladay, Editor. man, Mrs. Dark, Blaine Bow' Year. man, Geo. Green, Henry Davis, Subscription, $1.50 per Misses Maggie Kelly and VeronKntered as second class maU matter ica Mr. and Mrs. Swanson Davis, Act of at Grantsville, Utah, under the March 8, 1879. A very pleasant surprise was tendered Mrs. Ed.' St. Clair at her home Saturday by some of friends. All Yeporis having her ADVERTISING RATES a jolly good time. had Inch One Dollar per per Display, Month; Single Issue, 15c per Inch; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jackson Full Position Top of Column, Next were given a pleasant surprise Reading Matter, 25 per cent Additional. Saturday night by a number of their friends, the occasion being O their departure for Salt Lake OPHIR MENTION this week, where they will make their home in the future. They Mr. and Mis. Wm. Davis gave will be greatly missed by their a surprise party at their home many friends in Ophir. A card party was given by Friday in honor of their much esteemed friend, George Wag-sta- ff Mrs. Sam Edwards at her last of her father, , who is returning to his na- week in honor Geo. Wagstaff who has since tive land, England. The evening was spent in var- left for England. Those presious amusements followed with ent were: Mr. and Mis. Chas. the presentation to Mr. Wag-sta- ff Daniels, Mr. and Mi's Geo. Clark, of a handsome traveling Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hendrickson, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Jackson, Mr. bag. Those present were: Mr, and and Mrs. John Bell, Mr and Mi's. The Youths Com-- : G. moralizing. Mrs. Irvin Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis, Mr. and Mrs.-A- . panion is a powerful influence in awakening a taste for what is best in reading. It is on guard at the reading gate! Nothing.1 cheap, mean or hateful passes ' its challenge. But neither does the crabbed and dull and austere. Cheery idealism is The Companions countersign. Put it on guard at your reading gate! The Companion is $2.00 a year. If you do not know it, by all means send for sample copies Striving to giving a forecast of what the ; the next volume bring. By adding satisfy 25 cents you can also get Me-- ! demands of Call's Magazine, the best fash-- j ion authority for women and everyone is for girls both publications The Grantsville News. . , : . - j s pui-pose- rs, j j , WATCH FOR DATA ON THE CHEVROLETS j LIVED IN MISERY. 1 ufltnd greatly front and headnrrvouineM ache. The leant excitement gave me dreadful peln. I began lining Dr. Milea Nervine and a few daya later starred to taka Dr. ment. Milea1 Heart apt to affect the nerves, and continual standing may weaken the Heart Dr. Miles Nervine is invaluable for Nervous troubles, and for the Heart Treat- Dr, Miles I seen got ao much better that X waa enceur-age- d and continued taking tha two renwdlea until I waa ao well thM work waa no bother to & at all." mxe. ixnns blo, Idaho Vhlla, Idaho. Heart Treatment is highly recommended. IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. $2.25. One offer in- - eludes: ' The Youths Companion of 1918. 2. All the remaining issues of 1917. 3. The Companion Home Cal- -' 1. 52-issu- endar for 1918. 4. McCalls Magazine-1- 2 fashion numbers for 1918. THE YOyTHS COMPANION, Commonweal til Ave., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Manr A. Hudson, widow of Wilfprd Hudson, one of the members of the Mormon Batill-io- n, died here Thursday morning She was ' born in Missouri 85 last February and had Sears ago in Grantsville ever since the place ss settled . She is - Graind Before You Purchase a Car. This Car will be carried in stock at Tooele. 0PE1IB HEQ6AQTILE Agent. GO. Ophir, Utah |