Show SUBSCRIBERS stamped I late j j NOTICE: on above Th AND TIME each paper yon receive indicates the due date of your subscription RATES — 5 cents per copy — $150 per year VOLUME GARLAND VII Pert in ent ' Paragraphs By V Wm PIONEER Johns A-- was Delinquent Taxes Fast Being Paid DAY The story of Utah’s beginnings excels in drama and romance that of almost any other state in the “ Union It' PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT GARLAND a forbidding mountainous desert claimed when a nation a foreign by band of earnest level headed refugees claimed it for the country that had refused them protection and set about the superhuman task of making it a homeland Says Treasurer from For the six months period January first to June thirtieth of this tax payments exceedyear delinquent ed the same period last by year $2040566 county says O L Brough treasurer People are generally taking advantage of the law passed by the last state legislature says the treasurer which substituted for the old interest rate of 8 per cent per annum plus 2 per cent penalty on delinquent taxes the rate of 2 per cent per annum only for all taxes that went delinquent in the years 1928 1929 1930 1931 and 1932 The 1933 and 1934 tax years still retain the old interest rate and after January 1st 1936 all delinquent taxes must be redeemed at the old rate of 8 per cent Interest per annum plus the 2 per cent penalty On the firm basis of a devotion to the never failing virtues of individual integrity thrift and will to cooperate was the success District Agr Inspector of our state’s development On Gives Suggestions built Tomato Worm Control Today Utah offers another kind of a refuge to humanity Instead of being a bleak wilderness to which man can flee as a last resort it offers the ideal place to which all can come who seek the ideal year 'round climate the beautiful in scenery the tasty in choice fruits and vegetables and the sturdy in livestock Those who join in rousing celebrations of the day of the pioneers will do well to be reminded of Utah’s sublime beginning and its These triumphal present facts should so stir the souls of Utah’s sons and daughters that every community would feel pleased to honor the diy With some special observahce1 celebrations The’ major in Utah this year will be well patronized and thor-ol- y by the appreciated people of the entire state if they truly depict as they are attempting to do the finest and the noblest in Utah’s history instead of becoming mere commercial Wild West events WARNING The month of July is half gone and only two weeks remain in which you can get a full years subscription to the Garland Times by an advance payment of only $150 Beginning Augist 1st the price goes back to the standard weekly rate of $200 Several have decided not to hesitate longer about signing up for the paper they have been going to take for so long Be among Tell your friends them Save fifty cents by entering your subscription now FILLING OUR NICHE inIt is a fact that-ou- r dividual prosperity and enjoyment can be promoted in and this this community valley if we build up a feeling of opmmnnity solidar- ity We must cultivate the friendship of our neighbors The State Department of Agricuwith the Extenlture in cooperation Station sion Service and Experiment for the have worked out a program control of tomato fruit worm consisting of the following: (1) A spray of lead arsonate (214 pounds to 100 gallons of water plus of casein spreader) applied pound not later than when the first fruits (2) are Inch in diameter An application of calcium arsonate dust used at 10 pounds to the acre (either straight or diluted with equal parts of Hydrated lime) applied If to 12 days after the lead arsonate (3) A second spray dusting with the same material applied 10 to 12 days after Ch 'Tint dust application (4) In case of unusually severe outbreaks a third dusting may be reIn seasons of little damage quired the one spray or the spray and the first dusting may be all that are nec- UTAH FRIDAY At 12 1918 Rogers of Logan November Both were active In the Seventeenth ward In Salt Lake City at the time H of his death Is Besides his wife Mr Welling survived Mrs Effie by his mother Richards Welling of Brigham City a son Lex and a daughter Laneth five brothers Tracy R Welling and Darrell Welling of Salt Lake City Carl Box Elder county ranks second in Riverside Paul and Dale Welling the state for the number of boys and Welling of Brigham City two sisters In girls enrolled clubs reports D Mabel Welling of Salt Lake City and P Murray state leader Mrs S W Beecher of Brigham City Utah has 1124 enrolled county R Welling on duty with the Tracy while Box Elder with 407 is second 145th field artillery in California left and Washington 3rd with 405 Therf by army plane In ample time to be are 4813 enrolled In the entire state at the funeral services for present These clubs are more active In Gar- his brother but became the land and surrounding communities lost and failed to arrive plane 12 hours until than they have been In many years after it was due sometime Monday Five have reported their activities to a circumstance that gave evening the Garland Times The most ac- rise to grave fears on the of part tive judging from the number of refriends and relatives j ports received is the Classy Cooking Club being led by Mrs O A Riley SPEEDERS ON CITY and reported by Geraldine Walker STREETS WARNED About 200 hundred Indian boys and girls of the Uintah and Ouray resMayor John J Shumway has anervation In the Uintah basin are re- nounced that oie city marshals will clubs this be Instructed ceiving training in ’"hereafter procure year as a result of an agreement be- license htomberg and make arrests of tween the Indian agency and the Ex- Individuals who fall to observe traftension Service fic rules within the city Several complaints- have been made Pea with relative to the careless speed which many approach Nears and cross the This is this practice intersections and it Week Crop Good that officials will endeavor to correct 4-- Clubs Are Especially Active This Year Harvest Finish essary District AgriculturLeRoy Marsh al Inspector at Ogden reported splendid results oh a small scale from the ' The pea canning season which beof about 5 pounds of cal- gan in the valley about June 20th Is application cium arsonate dust to the acre the expected by local farmers to practicdust to be applied at the time when ally come to an end this week the crown set or first tomato frultr During the period the largest crop are starting to ripen or showing a of peas the valley has ever produced slight reddish cast Chemical anal- has been successfully harvested Yields such treated fruit generally have been far above average ysis made on of ar- many growers reporting the best crop showed no dangerous amount senical residue of Stacks present says Box they have ever raised Elder county Inspector Blazeard silag at the vlners thruout the valley larger and higher than In any other year stand as evidence of an Mrs David E Manning and Mrs large planting and an exceto unusually Marriott left Tuesday Brigham llent growing season Join the party from Salt Lake City the past month practically During cerethat will attend the dedication every able man In the valley has been monies of the monument at the Hill and at times gainfully employed Cumorah and visit other points of inhelp for some activities has been hard terest In the east They expect to be to procure With the grain harvest gone several weeks under way In earnest now It is expected that there will be no considerable here for some unemployment of ’making few weeks and plan ways this a better place to live No one agency reaches into the homes of so many people as the local newspaper and nothing else contributes so much to community unity and development Should ever the local papers be forced to give to the dailies from disway tant cities the power of the smaller towns to promote the unity and development of their citizens will be greatly restricted Junior Legion Teams Play Close Game At Brigham City The Garland and Brigham American trains Legion Junior baseball met in the season opener yesterday at Brigham ’hnd played a game that was a model of sportsmanship and good playing Scoring was nip and tuck all the way with the Brigham lads finishing on the long end of a 7 to 8 score The teams were evenly matched making the highly play Interesting to the fans In the stands Darrel Wood pitching for the Garland lads thru the first five innings turned in a notable performance alThe Garland Times has lowing only 2 hits and no runs and been supported by this com- fanning 8 out of the 15 batters tc of face him Jim Tazol finished the munity in the interests with a good brand of pitchcommunity growth and in game ing individthe interest of its The totals gave Garland 5 hits 7 ual citizens as well who runs and 3 errors and Brigham 7 thru it derive greater joy hits 8 runs and 2 errors The boys played earnestly and out of living in a small comgood naturedly and not a single demunity than they otherwise cision of the umpires was questioned would We solicit continued support on the basis of Mrs H P Swinyard spent the in Malad at the home of our ability to accomplish week-en- d her daughter this worthy purpose Riverside The M I A outing at Crystal Springs Wednesday evening was again acclaimed a complete social success Harold J Welling until 6 years ago Mrs Mark Nichols of the Y W saj a resident of Riverside and who died M I A presidency While the acof a heart attack at Brigham City the on to the farms due tivity pea harvest kept many away who would Saturday was laid to rest in the otherwise have been present a crowJ Riverside cemetery Monday following a brief grave side service attended fully as large as usual was present and friends by former neighbors Garland ward had the largest reprFuneral services had been held In the esentation of any ward In the stake The archery outfit brot by Bishop 17th ward at Salt Lake City of which was a member the deceased earlier enterMarble of Bothwell provided dedtaining sport for the men in the in the day Milton H Welling icated the grave C E Smith spoke early evening and Mrs Hales and Mrs Tubbs sang the M to Next year hold I A plans the outing a week or ten days later at the final ceremonies Mr Welling was born February 16 In the hope that It will not find the 1897 In Riverside He married Rose people of the stake so busy Valley NUMBER JULY 19 1935 M I A Ildlds Harold Welling Another Successful Laid to Rest Springs Outing State Editor UTAH Stake and Local V WM JOHNS Lumber Co Office Here Remodelled t the Quite appropriately Lumber company has led the way In this summer and has modernizing remodelled' Its store and office The new interior presents a remarkable contrast over the old The office Is conveniently proper arranged and New shelving modern In appearance and pew show cases new windows new paint all combine to attract the attention and please the eye Mr House is to be congratulated on the results achieved thru the expenditure of a relatively small amount oi money Mr House Is Inviting his customer! to come In and look the new quarters over and let him tell them about the 51 Mayors Make Dates Committees Begin Fort Residents Of Work Arranging Two Cities Mayor Williams Peery and Commissioner know what into when they Garland day before yesterday to see Mayor Shumway and Invite our to attend the citizens Pioneer day celebration at Ogden they of Ogden were stopped For Wheat Day didn’t getting in assured Mayor Mayor Shumway Peery that he could promise that all of Garland would be at Ogden on the 24th If Mayor Peery could In turn promise that all of be here on Wheat Day Ogden would show17th Ogden’s premier August man accepted the offer so it seems that a lot of people in northern Utah have at least two dates for the summer social season me Wheat Day rodeo this year will be staged at a considerable Increase In cost over former years it was point-oat the first report meeting of the various committees - held Tuesday evening Those planning this part of the big show reported that owners of two different strings of rodeo animals were negotiating for the Wheat Day event and that this part of the days program would soon be arranged me baseball game of the day will match Garland with the team that seems most likely to play the locals a fast even game that will please the crowd me choice will depend on the of the Utah Idaho performance league teams during the next 3 weeks The Logan Elks are said to have asked to play tf regular league game here for that day with Garland A report by the group In charge H of grounds and seating arrangements disclosed that prospects for adequate a of Plans for statewide survey are very much seating arrangements facilities housing sanitary conditions brighter than last week The comand plant facilities for Industry were mittee is determined to see that specformulated at a meeting of Feder- tators at this years performance shall al Housing Administration officials be so seated that every event of the business representatives and Works fast moving arena program shall be Administration officials on vlsable to all Progress Friday July 12th In Ogden General chairman C E Smith In every county and city of the elated at the progress made by the state workers will canvass homes and workers during the first week followadefirms business to determine the ing their appointment and predicts and health con- that the 1935 Wheat quacy of facilities Day will be the ditions The campaign will be sponbiggest and most enjoyed of any sored by the state and headquarters event of Its kind yet conducted will be established in the state Capitol With divisions operating during Funds the campaign In various parts of the City Applies state It la estimated that a year will To Inbe required to gain all desired Adequate Housing Surrey to be Made By State — F A For Construct Walks formation Financially the campaign will be supported by the Works Progress Administration mis is the first to be project considered in the state The workers to be selected for this project will come from the relief rolls and will consist of men whose former trainwill enable them to ing and education conduct the canvass intelligently Those selected win remain on work the project until It Is completed and they will be given special training before being sent out me of the Liberalized Regulations recent amendment to Act National Housing Title 1 t Livestock Men Given Grazing Notice application along with requests for by other cities was being conby Administration afflcials at Ogden Thursday the Brigham City office advised An effort has also been made to Secure funds for Improvements at the This is city park thru this agency an addition to the P W A loan apfor water improvements that plication has been before the officials for soma' funds sidered time makes unnecessary that refrigerators machines ironers mangle washing electric ranges and similar equipment be permanently attached to real property to be eligible for Insured modernization loans Credit rating alone will be the determining factor for such loans in the future it Garland City has made application to the newly formed Works Progress Administration for funds for the construction of sidewalks and the gravelling of streets In the city Garland's S Norman Lee To k At Sunday Evening MeetingNorman Lee of the has been engaged as the regular sacrament Garland ward next announces Bishop evening President Box Elder S stak speaker at meeting of the the Sunday Mark Nichols Mr Lee Is v recognized as a capable me deadline for filing application speaker and clear thinker It Is exfor grazing permits will be July 22 pected that attendance at Sunday’s will fully repay the effort 1935 It is announced by the county meeting company’s simple plan to finance Immade to arrange the unusual program agent's office provements on easy payments withAn excellent musical program wilT Stockmen desiring to graze the out unnecessary red tape Disbe furnished ed by the ward chorus public domain in Utah Grazing Fred L Nye trict No 1 must have their applicaScouts Return Front tions filed In the Salt Lake City U S Land Office on or before the above TENNIS LIST GROWING Successful Trip date AH applications must be adThe list of those who would like to The Boy Scouts who took the trlt dressed to the United States Departto Camp Keisel returned last ment of the Interior 422 Federal enter a tennis tournament is growSalt Lake City Utah In high spirits all having enjoyed Building ing dally and now contains 25 names A number of grade school boys and After licenses are issued It will be themselves the hike immensely on food unlawful to graze trail or drift live- high school girls with have put their Moreover they returned of this names on the register In Coombs and supplies to spare left over from their stock on the public domain license a store district without Persson’a more have exHorace so and called menu” grazing by “turkey pressed a desire to play Wofflnden as it was published In the Times two weeks ago New L A Udy Heads Parents who were skeptical about Music Club Formed the value of the hike are now re- Family Organization about is as ported to be enthusiastic vacaa cheap and highly beneficial A music club was organized by the L Udy was elected president of tion for boys of scout age the James Udy family organization at pupils of Mrs Lucretia Rhodes last at Friday July 12 The officers of the of a reunion Udy the family DOES GOOD TURN club are as follows: officer! Other Mary Petterson Springs Saturday to have named were Thos Thompson president Laura J Udy Jr George Hughes is reported secreHolmgren Beverly taken it upon himself to treat the Frank Murins secretary of" the town two young or and treasurer and Charles A Udy tary and the amusement committee youngsters are Alta Bishop Ethel Mae Manning in other activi- genealogist unable to participate mere were 5 sons 40 grandchildren and Lola Jean Gaddie ties for the youth to a weiner roast 5 great The next club will be held at the comment 105 Favorable early this week great grandchildren Is heard for what the scouts 36 other home of Lola Jean Gaddie on July call Mr great grandchildren and 26th at 5 p m “Good Turn” relatives Hughes' present The purpose of the club Is to Inme day was spent in swimming The next reunion date crease music appreciation among the Mr and Mrs Frank Driggs and son and visiting Jack spent Wednesday In Salt Lake was set for Aug 16 1936 the blrtti young people of Garland and have a good time together day of James Udy City |