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Show Magna Times. Miw. Uuh MAGNA NOTES Friday, February 8. 1957 The newly married couple departed Monday, February 4th to spend two months in Mesa, Arizona and points of interest in Marriage Announced Of Fine Couple California. . Mrs. A. E. Bauman and Mrs. J. 11. Harkins were :a members of the Community Baptist Church Ladies Aid Tuesday in the churchrooms. A dainty luncheon was rerved and the afternoon spent Mrs. Vera Culling! Dalrymple of Magna and H. L. Spencer of Salt Lake City were married in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on Monday, January 28th. Following the ceremony, they were honored at a wedding breakfast by Mr. Spencer's trothers and th:ir wives, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Spencer of Magna, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spencer of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mitchell of Magna announce the birth of a d:irl:i' ht'.ie :.:1 on January 15 tii. She has two brothers and a sister. Lake City. The prettily planned Mrs. James Thomas of Magna event was held at the Tempi is the pnmd maternal grandSquare Hotel in Salt Lake City. mother. imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimmiiiiiiiii.il! Vl 57 "If. Mr. a. Iluuck of Magna, by Mrs. Houck's aunt. Mrs. Gertrud; .0:1 . f S.,it Lake City, have h f,o.u nn enjoyable in wie'.s in Las Vegas, .1 Mr. and Mrs. wheie t.ii y da tight r ,mj lamily.'Mrs. Income Taxes I PREPARED I uta:r:l I vae-ti-- Reasonable Experienced CALL Dick Ken! 2551 6239 j fimmmmimmmmimmmmiiimii Thornton. Lut-ll- Mrs. Bourk, Mrs. Thornton and Mrs. Thnmpsun lut.r departed for Los Angelos and went through the LDS Temple there. IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHI CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS ROOF LEAKST-C- all lllllllllllilllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltltllimiHIIHMHI an expert Free estimates. Dial 2154. Wa give S 00 H Green Stamps. THANKS-F- or you patronage to k the Hawkas Beauty Shop operator, I will give a permanent wave MUST HAVE- -2 BR homo in to rent. Please dial 3625. special during the month of Feb- Magna 34 include to wave, shampoo, ruary. cut and set, only 97.00. Dial SOIL 34 Popularity is a crims from the moment it is sought; it is only a virtue when men have it whether Attention Former COLLIthey will or not. ER'S Readers: READ the George Savile conclusion of Luka Short's DOOM CLIFF in the FebFOR SALE-- In Magna, choice ruary 3th Saturday Evaning bldg. lot. 07x171 foot that may be 34 POST. Wow on Sale. divided into 2 bldg, sites. Best otter. Has gas, sewer, water, curb and gutter. Dial 2414 or inquire WEDDING Invitations, serving 3070 So. 3100 West. 34 napkins, etc. finest quality and Counlowest price in Salt Lake TV Sales and Service Prompt ty. We guarantee our work. Cop- dependable, certified factory per Printing Company, dial 3322. work. Famous G-Modal. Don and Dava'a TV. 3131 Wart Main, HIGH-Sch- ool girl would lik dial 2922. 00 and housework. Any baby sitting evening and Saturday. Dial 2713. FOR SALE Excellent clarinet, 34 almost now, will sacrifice tor only 375 or best offer. Dial 8088. 34 INCOME-T- ax returns prepared Phone in your home. Reasonable, FOR SALE U. S. good Beef, SO 2440. cut and wrapped, 39c lb- - Low 8 months to pay. no Falvo'a Supreme down. money BR 2 old FOR Market Locker Storage, dial 8923. brick home in Magna. Lge. 00 LH, fuU bsrnt. 1 BR reugh-ed-iBert location for aU schools, FOR RENT modern apt. churches and stores. 1mm. occu- in Hunter. Gas hciL Inouire 5698 pancy. Pay equity and assume GI Wart 3500 So. dial AM 414 per cent or refinance. Inquire 34 8888 Florence Drive. Dial 2395. 24 MUST Have lmmed. sale, priced at $12,300. Sub, offer. 2 BR NEW Aluminum aiding. Life-ter- brick. 2 rma. in your full bemL Locatcolors. Beautiful guarantee). ed at 2990 So. 0750 W. Phono EM Call 2154. Wa give Green or AM 00 Stamps. 00 REALTORS. Clings to the road lihe a slrine of paint! E The 57 Chevy can give lessons on taking curves and holding the road to just about any car going. Few cars at any price are so beautifully balanced and bo smooth, sure and solid in action. SALE-3-ysar-- FROM UTAH'S KlxZS - kit-cha- n, A car has to have a special kind of build and balance to keep curves under control. And nobody outdoes Chevrolet in that department! It comers with all the solid assurance of an sports car. Chevy doesnt throw its weight around on turns because it carries n. A BETTER UTAH Tho 1956 assessment of mining property in our stats was 27.5 of tho total assessed value of all property in Utah. As a result, taxes paid by mining waro an important farter in governmental financing. The mining industry is proud of the part it play in halp-in- g to support education and other government services that mean batter communities for the people of Utah. ! honest-to-goodne- m UTAH MINING ASSOCIATION From the earth comes an abundant life for all" IkH ss its pounds in the right places. And if the road should turn upward, Chevy can take care of that nicely, too with up to 245 h.p. Coma on in and take a turn at the T FOR SALE Reg. German Shep- FOR RENT-4-ro- om apt. with gas herd pupa from tho Block Forest-strai- range and space heater, Vi bimL, at Vary reasonable. See glassed-i- n back porch. Located at 8055 Wart 3500 South, Frank Ells- 3038 So. 8800 WesL Dial 0124. 34 worth. . 34 wheel of a new Chevrolet. cars, scrap TV SERVICE Roaaonable rates. WANT TO ByY-Ju- nk Phone 80101 Deuglea TV. 2741 So. iron, metal and batteries. Will 00 pick up. Also Winch truck ser9100 Watt vice. Call Magna 5502. 00 types of sporting goods, tackle, guns. etc. see HAWAII Join our famous spring FALVOT5 SUPREME MARKET tour leaving June 15. AU expense only $497, includes meals and aU In Magna. Our prices are right. expense. Write. Morley 00 ether Tours. 397 East 3rd North, Provo, Utah. Phone FR coUsct to FOR SHOE REPAIRXNG-Fillpp- o 34 ft 31 Noiarianni, beat work and make reservations. materials. Located at 3018 South 9000 West. 2 blocks south of Our WHO OWES YOU If you can't wc can. For information, Lady of Lourdes Church. Phone osllecL Civil Law Enforcement 00 write Magna 0712. Bureau. P. Box 141. Magna. 00 WANTED TO BUY .270 Riflt Utah, or phono 2895. with scope. Please call Magna FOR SALE In Magna. 3322. 38 homo with utility room, gas FOR SALE-5-roomodern home available. Make your low monthwith many lino features. Also ly pymts. pay for your home. Dial 34 available coops, rabbit hutches, 5515. total price. 85900. Only 8750 do. modem apt. and 885 a month. Dial 8470 or see FOR RENT Dial 6017 or inquire at 2764 So. at 2848 So. 8600 Wert. 00 8650 Wert. 34 PIANO-Lesso- ns from an expert unfurn. apt. who will coma to your home and FOR RENT Reas. Located at 5635 W. 3500 So specialise with beginners. Rea- dial AM 34 sonable. Please dial 6865. 00 FOR-A- U fishing ii u saI tfezft h tv n 0 UT0 Mgiw alto asailabu al ixtra tost Swn't, moo th and sassy display this famous trademark AUTO COMPANY Phone 661 1 or 2000 Magna. Utah imiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiminiriiiniiiiimtn v.VaV.w.w.vw.varAWWlvw.v.wAv.w r as LIKE TWO ENGINES IN ONE I Several Openings Available For 50 AS LOW down and $80 month to move In to borne in Kearns, Granger or Magna.. CaU Mr. Caldwell. DA 00 AS-S3- Here's Bourbon as mild and light and free from bite as the most expensive imported Scotch and Canadian whiskies -- yet with a magnificent flavor h Bourbon! found only in fine Kentucky Switch to this Light Straight Bourbon -- its kind of whiskey. Wed Americas fastest-growinbe proud to have you try it. Youll be delighted ! Sour-Mas- g YEAR OLD WHO Mid no relief from dandruff? People with the wont cases say the new Sanidyne is terrific. Magna RexaU Drug. Magna, Utah. 34 Type Classes Adult typing classes sartcd Wednesday night at the junior high school and will SEWING MACHINE- S- 6 brand, new freight claim, paint scratch- continue each week at 7:00 p.m. There are several openings still ed. Reg. 889. sacrifice 825. fuU available. Further infnrmatnr price. CaU warehouse bet. 12 and may be obtained by calling Mrs 5. EM EM 30 LaVon Fox, 2195. FOR SALE-2- 1" Admiral comLake Ridge Garden bination radio phonograph . television. Completely recondi- Club Plans Meeting tioned. Dial 2801.. 34 A meeting of the Lake WE HAVE- -3 beautiful landscapClub will be held Weded homes in Kearns that can be nesday, February 3th, 8:00 p.m. purchased for $350 to 8500 down. at the Hal Fowkcs residence, 3381 AU are 3 BR. aU have 2 hatha. South 7540 West. Pay for them Uke rent. Dial AM The gathering begins at 8:00 68411. AWARD REALTY, or AM p.m. and will feature election of 31 officers. Plans will be made for the new year. INCOME Tex forme expertly prepared in my home or yours. Magna Woman Breaks Federal or atato. Walt Malmborg, In Fall On Ice dial 2255. 38 Leg Bnv-V-ban- Ridg-Garde- the Light n sum m HOLIDAY . MV J t ' ft fa J f Its the most oxcftftig engine development sfrtM tho lint RocWf was lavnthodl the furl economy of dual-jr- t carburrtinn and Engineers have drromnl for yrari of an a rnpiw that combined nntpiiimal horsepower compremion ratio. Rut to mrrt the and torque pntrntiul with outstanding furl exceptional driving aitualion. just open the nnrinal in accelerator beyond the J operation. mummy point and raw And today, (tills h.ia it in the nrw additional rarhtirrtora automatically jet into Rnrlrt. You'll find il'a like lira mtinct action. There a an inatant bowl in torque and under the hunt! power. Youll appreciate thr immediate In your drivinc, you rnjov aa another Olda ronirihulkxi to your t , itli thr amooth. alert artinn of the plraaure and aafely at the wheel! i J-- 2 Mrs. C. L. (Winnie) Wright of Shoot motel work, air conditioning, gas appliances. Wo1 2828 South 8850 Wert in M.igna, soil. instsU and service all typos-an- suffered a f:ietured leg Monday. makes. 25 years experience,! January 28th. when she f II on, This is our full time work. GLEN the ice in fron: of her home ft JACK'S HEATING CO 3384! She was taken in a Suit Lake West 3500 South. Dial Shop AM-- ; hospital and ts n w reeupei.iting at her hinie. Res. AM Magna M:s. Wright's many will 2348. 00 be g'..td t J learn she is progressing ' FOR SALE-Upripiano. $75, nicclv. or will trade for milk row. Also can w; expect ae.oliier to' 13 field fence posts. 2 rolls net! wiro and qato. 820. Inquire 2742 keep our cret if wo cannot keep So. 0700 WesL 34, it ourselves? Rochefoucauld i Clenmore COUPS -l HEATING. I Kantucky SlfiilM Bourbon Whiikty IS Proof C1MC. CLENMOK DISTIllEWES COMPANY Wkora Perfection of Product it TiaS'Pun Loulmllt, Kentucky Coup. A CAN STAY WITH Bourbon you can stay with all over. Abova, you'ra looking al tha Bal Air Sport Chevrolet PAUI.0S modern house, Wants quick sale. 86956 FOR RENT home. 3 BR. Sm. dn. pymi. furnishr i or unfurnished. Locata at 8700 W. 3500 So. Phone ed at 2854 South 8800 West dial 8510 or 5530. 34 Mr. Kata. AM 00 Realtors. WANT TO BUY Lot in Magna BRIGHTEN up for Spring. Amus- or vicinity with water end gas avaUable. Will pay cash. Phone ing Clean Tint restores faded, 34 soiled upholstery and ruga to ori- 6830. ginal glorious colon as it banishes FOR SALE-2- 1" TV console set soil and grim all in one operawith year guarantee. Reasonable. tion. HUFFAKER'S. 34 See at 2841 South 8800 West or 34 DOES-Yo- ur home need modern- dial 6270. ization? Lot us give you un esti- CET-nrw home or an old home mate on our Asbestos House aidin low down Magna with 00 ing. CaU 2154. and monthpayment easy ly insilL Move right in. Call 6774 Ornamental Iron Work 34 Porch railings and columns, free avas. estimates. Custom Welding. FOR SALE Used accordian or DWAMCO Welding. 2100 So. 7200 West. Phone Magna 9990 or AM wUl trade for livestock. Phono 2093 or at 7840 Wert 2820 Open 8:30 ajn. to 3 po, 7 South. inquire 34 00 days a week. BOUHBOH YOU 6 itoi'i Only franchised Chevrolet dealers OWNER THE LIGHT VS Z?0-k.- p. a i ght Il-n- TRIPLE-ACTIO- N RESERVE POWER! Suniilt nmlcr (lie the nurk and tiHi rail mil the rnmn '! 'I hr 2 llm-kc- t thru nirrala WI three Inal I arliurrtnr.! 2 i, modr- -l ritra ml. Trv ill available im m y KiM-kr- OILDS rOU CAN COUNT ON RED CARPET" IS BV1 ''''W " Mt. total fafin, o W 111 Lai, apNaaW at aaVa nrf. OBiL TREATMENT AT YOUR OLOSMOBILI QUALITY DEALER'S I PAIJLOS AUTO CO. , ! f"' T'400 m iOOhp.,mmS tjtkl fagne. faWaVAVa V.V.VVVaV WaWaVV W.v!v AVJVSAVVVaVaV |