Show city council holds meeting the city council met in regular session monday and transacted the following business the finance committee was authorized to tale take up the last of the court house bonds as there was sufficient money in the sinking fund for that purpose the finance committee was instructed ted to keep a strict account of maintenance of the water system forthe for the pu purpose of estimating repair work on same mr roberts of the telluride telluric e power bower co was present to go over th the light elight system with the council as the lights have been of a very dim nature lately and complaints having been made the committee waited on him and called for an explanation mr roberts informed the council that supplies were on the way for the repair of machinery so that the full voltage could be carried mr roberts also said he be would go over the transformer system and see if regulations in in some parts of town could be made the police committee was instructed instructed ted to take up some violations eions s that were reported and see if same could not be stopped the city recorder was ordered to notify all business houses and all places that call for a license that they should take out their license for 1923 at once mr owens and mr goulding was appointed a committee to look after the lighting system and see to the collecting of outage and investigate complaints that come in iii regarding inefficient service |