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Show .,“ A NEW 3101? son THE ORDER. KEEP IT DARK, A quarter of a century ago the Lion of the Lord boasted that he would yet make slaves of r new; In Two sown. The numerals all-seeing eyes which have hitherto designated the business houses of the BY unanimous. mercantile lambs of this city, and which were SCENE r.-—'nn LION . authorized by express revelation to distinguish The meeting house at St. George. 0n the stand Prest. them from those of the voracious Gentile B. Young, Presidency of the Stake, Jacob Gates and others. Large audience assembled to decide the ques. wolves, have so rapidly disappeared of late, tlon of organizing the Order of Enoch in St. George. that strangers are now necessarily compelled to Prest. Young. (After dilating on the benefits purchase the admirable photographs by Savage of the Order.) Bro. Gates will now give us in order to ascertain what that eye and inscriphis views on the subject. I wish every person tion were like. This weakening of the eyes is to .speak freely and tell us just how they feel, not a good sign, and indicates, but too seriouswithout restraint. All is free in the Kingdom ly, that they have been abused, in other words of God. Well, brethren church. The old fellow has worked very hard and persistently to accomplish his darling and God-like purpose. and he would have been suc. cessful long ago but for those d—d gentiles and apostates who always oppdse everything he starts for the good of Israel. But he’s hit on the right plan at last, he and old Enuc will fetch them to tin-ir knees in the United Order of Slavery. We advise him to brand alluthe “d—d fools,”—as Jo. A. classically and not inappropriately terms them—a la Potter-Christ. that they are about “played out.” Bro. Gates will now address us. Jacob Gates, (rising) all the people,——-meaning the menbers of the Our beloved see-her and rebel-hater, who is it will more efl'ectually hold them and keep always on the watch-towers of Zion looking for them from apostacy than even polygamy. and sisters, Prest. Young has called upon me to exchanges in the signs of the times for the benefit press my opinion on the order of Enoch; but, of us saints, has concluded to squelch that eye really, I know very little of what its principles and swallow it up in the mysterious absorption are. I know that Prest. Young says he wants of Co-op. by Enuc, it having failed to fulfil its tozestablish the order, and I know that the revoriginal mission. '. ' elations of Joseph Smith speak of an order of As the authorized exponent of all the princithat kind, but further than that I know very litples pertaining to the great Order, we are pertle about it. But as to turning over my propermitted to announce that the vision of a new dety to the Order, what I have to say is just this :sign has been vouchsafed to the first presidenI have made some little propertyfiprough many cy (vision witnessed, by all the members of the years of toil AN m MEAN TO KEEP rr. Mw‘ If the foundation of the temple has cost“: . $2,000,000, as stated at the past conference, we. think Jesus Christ Will look with longing eyes upon it for many generations before it is fit for his reception, unless the superstructure is built on a more economical plan. But, perhaps the “President” will lend him his theater to put up ' iii—provided he doesn’t stay too long—which, ' council of seven)e¥sbme of fire. twelve couldn’t by the way,_was built instead of the temple by Brigham Young (jumping up in a great rage.) see it—by which ther business houses and resi— We expected nothing better than that from“ dences of members of the United Order may be Jacob Gates. He always was stifi'necked. He distinguished from those of the ungodly A} ostalks about his precious property. Jacob Gates tates and Gentiles,and it is expected that all the vote of the people gathered at a conference. Brigham then put the question which they would rather have,—a theater or a temple, and they preferred a theater. owns no property. He hasn’t . anything but mwmubiml‘erritory will;a‘t once-- theirs now? what he stole from somebody. We can get a“. it adept it. ' along very well without him—he is a liar, thief, etc..etc. (Bumping, thumping and roaring of How much of it is , The private Secretary of the Presidency, Bro. _ We have heard our beloved leader many a David,who is an engraver of surpassing cunning “the President” for twenty minutes and utter and ingenuity, was commissioned to prepare a time abuse his dishonest workmen (and accordannihilation of Jacob Gates.) plate for church purposes, and as Bro. Geo. A. ing to his account that included all the men ’Me‘eting closes by singing, saw the necessity of getting the destgn before who had ever worked for him) for stealing from “Know this that every soul is free To choose his life and what he '11 be." him, carrying off his nails inith'eir dinner buck- the people at an early date, he suggested the propriety of loaning it to Enoch‘s Advocate, a ets, etc. SCENE II—THE FOX. them by stealing all theiri'Iaibor, without giving suggestion eminently proper and worthy of Bro. G. A. S. Below is the vision accurately and faithfully private room. Present, Jacob Gates. Enter Brother Brigham. reproduced by Bro. David on boxwood imported ! Bro. Brigham :——0, Brother Jacob, glad to see from Turkey expressly for the purpose. (Some, hours subsequently.) 3. He is now intending to get even with them a show at- his nails oranything else. ADVERTSéfi/I'ENTSNOTIC 3. you. How are you? By the by. I was too harsh with you at the meeting, Brother Jacob. and owe. you an apology. I got vexed, you see, One hundred Cords of Wood wanted. dress, Ad- PEDRO, said more than I meant, etc., etc. Binghum Canyon. Jacob Gates (stiflly.) Well, President Young. I don’t care about that now, but I have made upmy mind that I intend to keep my property, whatever it may cost me. FOR SALE. The undersigned would be glad to dispose of a huge sized squirt gun for a low figure. It was Bro. Brigham ( seemingly)“ Well, well. well, Brother Jacob, keep your property then: I made some years since for anointing purposes, Vu don't want your property—keep it of course. All _[ want 3,, y0,,_ not your property. Keep it . , . . if you Wish; but say nothing against the Order. y 0 I" E 133:1. .~ but owing to outside pressure was but little “ H 01.1“" ‘9 S igfiji/N 1’0 1, H I: LORI! (M) =‘ \}_ \ 1used andis now almost};s good as new. Any j ore rcqun-ing such an instrument will do well ,> to address A. B. (1., (Jilly Hall. : A BL E SSINGS. , Don‘t Work against it, nor intimate that it Will ail. i Co-operate with me. and . help me to intro- duce the Order, and I Wlll stand by 1 you. E giva Patriarchal blessings at the lowest rates. You've fingered much for the kingdom, Brother Jacob and I want to see. van prosper. God ’. _ I\ He . has on hand a fine stock of blessings, rang“fig from onehdollai. toftweipty, and warranted ' t etinest int ecountry ort emoney. bless you Brother Jacob-there, there, etc., etc. (Curtain falls on sceptical Jacob and wily B.igham. Invisible ch’orus singing, in the ' meantime. to the tune of Capt. Jenks:) l'm Brigham Young of the Mormon] d. And work my way u best I cm: Andthus I work “1° M°m°mh day, no claws today, The cat she has no claws today. And thus I work the Mormons. Persons i of all classes desiring blessings, will do well to Victoria C. Woodhull delivered her soul and gire hCim a carillglbefore going elsewhere. . . . , Jack- {5011 0111“} sssmgs at low rates. ) ., . _. as. good as. new, halfSecond .feelu ‘9 stirrin . 8 lecture H Ref at the t. I‘heater onl t.Tues-. h , 111d Iatuarehals, price. orma ion or rexo it 1011— E‘ Horn silver, good ores and bullion taken at day evemng, on . which?" I'm first the lion and then the lamb; Chorus:— The cat she has no claws to-day, no claws to- Jeremiah Smoothly, Patriarch, is prepared to _ market prices in exchange for blessings. After listening attentively to her and i | large stock of non-payable Co-op. order thinking the matter over for several days, we f0 rAsale cheap. Reason for selling, the presen have come to the conclusion that we prefer the ‘ OWUGIS 0mm“! ’ “ ‘him- AFN). 10 “which." ' alas: Crrrzsns. - |