Show V ak IT PLEASES 0 f 4 eastern utah advocate ts readers like it its advertisers like it imra s 41 it pleases one it pays the other and everybody s happy GOO it lias fias a circulation of in castle valley and acty will ill write it in the contract its advertising ad er rates were made to fit these hard times f YOUR advertisement inserted in a first I 1 class weekly newspaper is the most e way of reaching a given section a THE HOME AND FARM horticulture and up tip to date farming i methods will be discussed by prominent local and foreign writ writers of known ability the weekly y news of the valle valley y will be as complete as is possible to make it ve we have reduced the subscript tion rates to boo EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE I 1 aam price 1 D AT Cast ledale utah will practice la in all court courts tot of the state life S K K KING I 1 NG LAW lawior 1111 1 2 3 4 swazey martin BAUK estrivo crry CEO M MILLER ATTORNEY N EY AT LAW A LAN LAND D ACT huntington HUNTI NuTON UTAH in connection T TC C BAILEY IMD tand ft it MIXING 1 ALT SALT laks CITY UTAH bulom ore of 11 ll kloda promptly at era arreno 1 to at les hatim Cr reno 1 our own error if ny corrected iree irm nt plots and information 11 airm girm wk vinelt aa LUIL ach a t ZA Z bt W 10 igims cure billous biliousness ness tabular cure headtke bead head che the wanted an adea aall ia protect tour id 1 chrt ny brine ne artt jahn it N Q wt X R N ya C CO OA A U alt r tor liuo 11 a ct two lavaU ou afla bauko uko bb ta ar MARKS A y 11 kf ml y 4 A 1 n rohi bly 1 U 0 aft 1 MUMS 44 1 la A anne W W arr af 4 ln calt scientific AMERICAN bM aurally lirot e ann aw rr alia x moh raw h rpm lm boylr baja buo laak MUNN a CO kw new I 1 ark ork SENT freed to any person Inte interested restal in humi like matter matters or who loves wal mals wp will wol send fre upon application a cr cor q t the alliance 1 the organ of scatty lu in addition to ie ite intensely interesting reading it contains a liet list of the valuable ral and unusual circa ba the pap pups THE tat tAL LIL rayc L ithee building nuil dIng NW how 1 JK f cleveland bicycles THE K KEEN EEN ba BUYER YER AIWA alhaj compares the price of an article with its it bolest value as ho ike under nU ji tAnile milt it but it I 1 Is not always easy to determine the value ot of a BICYCLE a benest li the gau gautille tilly fin elt exterior erlof of a cheap machine aers lurk defect he sult erial and inferior workmanship our 07 castaing tell tells how to finast or 75 la in a Ilc bicycle cla unil juji get llo tile VALUE of YOUR write tor for it a card will do qUe agg wad ac postage for fir oar loo bochet boo het and the cycle cl 11 11 12 pd delp id colon colors byl opper of pock pack mention this paper our service will SATISFY them we als L e a tp oil ular people our anico 71 will satisfy them I 1 anything will the burlington Is a the bortvit bort obort cit est line from fi um colorado U k the east it 13 s the beet IT 11 h line dren our competitor competitors admit urt that our fattest train la Is the flici er ON lv ly denter denver 9 10 SV 50 IM lv denver abo jim A r lincoln 1 03 pm ar st jweid 50 pw ar oatha 4 W put ar kan city 8 00 pm pra ar 1120 ati am ar st 81 louls 7 18 am tickets and timetables time tables at all rio grande ticket off offices icee W FANI F general agent 11 X r atay pase pass A sk freight aal h a 1 t w I 1 11 I 1 walker block salt lake city utah w V r t i 11 if ij 1 al tu I 1 hon flon win wm Js J BRIANS BRYANS MOK 1 1 44 ALL who are interested in furthering the sale of HON W J BRYANS new book s should correspond immediately with ahe tie publishers 4 the work will contain fd an account of or his campaign tour his biography written by his wife HIS most important speeches the result odthe of the campaign of 1896 o 0 A review of the political situation y X t i 1 N mr Br bryan yaji has announced his intention 1 s 21 of devoting A 0 one half of all T royalties to 1 fur t thet inar 0 the ca cause us e 0 of f bimetal bimetallism cism ta pe tara already indication indications of an enormous sale t p address W B CON KEY CO publishers dearborn st CHICAGO SMITH AND aitt aff IA I A HORSE A SPECIALTY T r OE StERAL i 1 blacksmithing INC a ALL abl guaranteed t 0 i PRICE utan 7 1 rit 1 W aecus rp 1 the do TO SANTA FE rk man ff for AU all points po V I 1 alts u is 7 1 pa 1 |