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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., May 6, 1971 Editorial Whats the answer? What are the options? What can lie done, and what good will it do? These are questions to which there must be an answer, but what is it? SEVERAL WEEKS AGO an appeal was made to the p and their yards for spring, residents of Dugway to clean-u- p to get rid of trash or materials that were never used, and to improve the lawns. The command cooperated by having special trash pick-u- p days and the housing division provided personnel to load dirt and made arrangements for military vehicles to lie used by residents to haul dirt. Though the weather was uncooperative, the two Saturdays designated for hauling top soil, many Dugway residents stiil took advantage of the opportunity and many loads of dirt were loaded. Though there is still room for improvement and the cooperation of some occupants of family housing is still needed, the command is encouraged with the results. A majority of residents have been busy the past few weeks, weather permitting, improving their yards. They have been raking lawns, planting flowers, getting rid of trash, trimming trees and bushes and seeding new grass, and the result is commendable. A major problem now exists. It is the lack HOWEVER of cooperation or responsibility on the part of "smart-ale- c teenagers and to some degree younger children. The younger children can to a great extent lie excused for riding bicycles across lawns or dropping papers in yards as they can be forgetful -but what excuse is there for the teenager who delilierately walks across newly seeded lawns, throws used soft drink cans or other trash from automobiles, or as one resident has stated I have a path worn across my lawn where students take a short cut to high fix-u- school. Now what recourse does the resident who has tried to improve his yard have against this infringement of his right to have a nice looking lawn and yard? Would talking to these teenagers do any good? Would askthem to respect the property of others have any lasting efing fect on their behavior? Would telling them that their parents, in all probability, would not want the same thing happening to their yards mean anything? Would building a fence help, but how can the entire yard le fenced in? Would calling for military assistance be of any value? There must be an answer, but again, what is it? Family pets creating problems for residents The old adage that dog is liest friend has once lieen tossed the air in again up comments. . . especially by citizens of Dugway. During the past six months, the Provost Marshal's Office has reported that eight people have been bitten by uncontrolled dogs the streets and play- ground areas of the Proving Ground. THE PROBLEM of uncontrolled dogs is liecoming a menacing issue and we need everyones help in eliminating the situation, says Cpt. Roliert Tait, Chief of the Provost Marshal Branch. People fail to realize that a normally gentle and behaved dog easily liecomes vicious when he joins a pack of animals roaming throughout the housing areas. When this happens, bowser suddenly liecomes everyones enemy as he jumps, yips and snaps at innocent children and adults. The majority of Dugway's pet owners are fairly conscientious alxiut controlling their animals, with only a few people causing the problems. Owners are reminded that repetitive warnings alxiut wandering pets may result in removal from the installation. One such owner has already lieen asked to remove his dog from the post because of recurring failures to control it. The menace of rabies is per- hups the most dangerous threat that the wandering animals ex- lubit AH pet owners are remind- ed that it is their responsibility to keep the necessary vaccina-man- s tions and shots for their animals Everyone should co-foperate to prevent the night-th- e mare of innocent individuals receiving twelve painful rabies shots in the abdomen from ever materializing," adds Cpt. Tait. There is a definite lack of tern on the part of many pet owners as to the possible results of leaving their pets unattended out of doors. RESIDENTS are reminded of the rules governing the pets on the installation. They include: All dogs are required to have licenses and tags and must lie registered with the Veterinarian Inspection Point by all incoming pet owners. Licenses are not transferable from one dog to another or from one owner to another, and the license tag must lie attached to Contract Signing the dog and the certificates retained by the owner. Brigadier General Max Etkin, DTC commanding general signs the approved renegotiation of a prior contract beemDogs must lie kept on their tween DTC and NACE Local R14-- as Vincent Rubbico, president of the NAGE Local for owners property, or under concivilian Shown DTC Donald his the seated: turn to awaits are officer; ) Paul, personnel ployees sign agreement. trol of a leash, chain, or cord General Etkin, Rubbico and Robert Kozlowski, 1st of the Local. Standing: Harold Stewart, DTC labor at all times when off their ownrelations officer; Henry Whitaker, Melvin Bushnell, and William Woods, DTC Management Negotiators; and Bernard ers premises. Sabato, a negotiator for the Local. ANY DOG that bites a person hard enough to break the skin shall lie quaranteened An Editorial at the Animal Clinic for ten Zone observation, the expense Safety days to be paid by ihe owner. Females in heat must be 3IotOrCVClc enclosed to preclude male dogs 'Black-Lettefrom attracting or being attract- Hunters and fishermen goin ed to such female, to the extent afield after May 10, 1971 will that either sex becomes a public b Richanl M not have to display their licenses 3 nuisance. Officer . B (L-R- Visible License Unnecessary May 10 r mO(liflCltioHS S. 1 Species Added to List It warns that certain mociili- cations to a motorcycle can sub-stantially reduce its stability, y control and stopping capability. The newly established Wild- - 0ther modifications increase the serious inju,T t0 Je life Resources Code authorizes t'lance the Division of Wildlife Resour- - operator or passenger should the ces to protect and manage spe- - vehicle lie involved in a crash, ACCORDING TO the report, cies other than those designated the length and angle of the as game. i mi1 The new code defines pro- - motorcycle forks are extremely tec ted wildlife as all species of important to the stability and 1. fish or birds, game animals, fur- - high speed handling characteris-bearer- s, f motorcycles, several species of wild- life rare to Utah, and any other During the design -- i u motor-speciare designated by the legis- - cyi,fo the manufacturers very careful to assure that the lature or Wildlife Board. Rare species, specifically men- - correct fork angle and length tioned, are: Aliert squirrel, bull- - are used for the best handling salamander, desert tor-- characteristics for the particular frog, whether it is a toise, gila monster, brine shrimp, motorcycle, street machine, a trail bike or a and crayfish. It is unlawful for any per-- dirt rater- - Alterations from the son- to take any protected wild- - manufacturer s specifications rare-lif- e or for any person to permit-J- y Improve the handling perform-hi- s motorcycle, dog to take protected Hgb handleliars, often refer-Cod- e life except as provided in the ape hangers, create or in regulations set by red to ik INCO Wives Club Officers several problems. They degrade Board Board Wildlife the or the N V. of Big Game Control. It is also control, inergase arm fatigue, Headquarters and Headquarters Company CO Capt. Glen Niedermeyer, (far left), was the unlawful for any person to hold partially block the cyclist s field installing officer for the N'CO wives club Installation of officers held Friday, April 30. in captivity any species of pro- - f vision, and can inflict very officers The new are (I to R) President Miriam Cabrebra, Vice president Carol Tenney; serious injuries in crashes. Re- tected wildlife. Secretary Ruth Leonard, and Treasurer Jonnie Sawyer. search indicates that handleliars 6 to 9 inches high and 25 inches s; MOON DIAMONDS wide are least likely to inflict h,ubanf graphite in smaller bodies that ter. Diamond mining in outer There may be diamonds on had lieen subject to intease shock. Im C, serious betbe a would injury in a crash. p reliably space the moon, according to General With the same process Husband: wonder, RIDERS building customized ... iou . taking ter risk than here on earth be- . Electric scientists. The belief place daily on the lunar surto often data:. 'choppers k is Showl that diamonds, found in face, the moon could Frost Shelby remove the front wheel brake. Xj? to replace this at contemplate point Friedman meteorites, were created from South Africa as a diamond cen- Since 60 percent of a motorhijackers enroute. cycles stopping ability is in the front wheel due to the weight shift during a stop, this modification may lie the most deadly. bout of motorcycle .rashes involve collisions with ehicles turning or pulling out in front of the motorcyclist. Thus, the lack of a good front wheel brake which doubles stopping distances increases the possibil-er- s quicker and easier if well-wisfollow a few simple rules, ac- - ity of this type of accident, Another popular fad is the cording to Brig Mclntire, local manager for Mountain Bell. sissy bar which is a tubular This year, Mr. Mclntire said, metal back rest rising up from why not call on the Saturday the rear of the passenger's seat, proceeding Mother's Day (Mav Many of these have points or 9). Low long distance rates are sharp emblems . such as stars or the same on Saturday as thev iron crosses which can inflict are on Sunday, and calls have serious injury to operators, pas-- a much better chance of going sengers, or pedestrians, in a crash. through. TELEPHONE company figExperimental crashes involving ures show most people wait un- motorcycles show that the prob? til Mothers Day evening (rates lem of fuel tanks rupturing durgo up at 5 p.m.) to make their ing impact and spraying the calls, resulting in telephone rider with fuel is increased by traffic jams. The most success- substituting a filicrglass tank ,$550 ful callers are those who place for the original metal tank. their calls early in the day IT IS ALSO noted that proor preferably the day liefore. trusions lietwecn the seat and Another way to avoid the the handleliars and on the handleis to dial direct. liars, often produce serious lacer- holiday tie-u- p rag. 10 alion-Mr. Mclntire said. High-spee- d switching equipment automatically selects alternate routes for Fabric Direct Distance Dialing calls much faster than 'an 0ierat(ir Double Knit plain or printed can inquire alxiut available route when direct routes are Loomskill Printed r - 0, P&. a tackle box. Anv person over the age of t'velvc must have a license in their possession while hunting or fishin& AU other h?aseJ? quirements remain in effect. The license is not transferable, and residents must provide proof of residency before purchasing a resident license. Any resident under 21 years of age who desires to purchase a hunting license must exhibit certificate of competency in es Taxpayers Day "bUcl.-le.t- e. . mote ...... .Uy U appropriate description. Thats the day Mr. Average Taxpayer is He starts working for himself thra, the Oirnnher of Com merce of the United States rays. Until then all of his eamlo- and 1971 his federal, state, to earmarked pay ings are j fawIf more than four months seems like a long time before earnings equal the average tax load, look at it on a out. daily basis, the Chandlers tax experts point work more than to needs earner The average wage two hours and work day of every eight-hou- r one-thir- d before his daily income will be 51 minutes, to be exact National Chamber calenough to cover his tax bills, the culates. Unless our various government jurisdictions can learn to lie more productive or unless citizens quit demanding more services of government, it won t be many years beIs a fore HALF our work-loa- d tax-loa- d. - fijE f I s ? mi, S? - S.r. two-thir- 8 Electric Scissors Wiss Dressmaker or Pinking Shears J5 Sewing Baskets Only 7" for dresses Polyester Jersey Polyester Crepes plain or prints ' Voiles Bates VIP cotton prints Many Good Buys - 10 to 50 Discounts on Many Choices Gift Wrapped If Desired FABRIC SPECIALTY CENTER SEW WHATS NEW 15 South Main Street Tooele, Utah v busy. He advised callers to call at times other than on the hour or half-hou-r, since calling peaks are highest at these periods. DIRECTORY assistance for dialing any number in the nation can lie olitained, free of charge, by calling the area code LOBBYING of the dwtant city and the di- The present Tax Code ... Mr. Mclntire aides the large oil gits, companies to pay taxes ut rates lielow those lowest long distance of other industrial corporation rates apply from 8 a.m. to 11 as well as below the rates at p.m. Saturday and 8 a.m. to 5 which many individuals are tax-p.Sunday. During this peri- - ed. The perpetuation of the pre-ocullers can dial direct, sent tax structure In a tribute out- - of- - state, to any point in to the lobbying power is a strong the continental United States (ex- - vested interest; and it is a sad tept Alaska) for 70 cents or less commentary on the adequacy of for the first three minutes. our legislative process. 55o-121- d, ON SUNDAY, MAY FREE Gift Wrapping for Mothers Day 9i |