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Show $ The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., May 1, 1970 - STEPPING HIGH Danny Vanderboegh, Dugway senior, ddms over the low hurdles in last weeks track competition between Dugway and Wendover High Schools. Mustangs 76 Wendover 63 The Dugway High track team Wendover last week 7&B3, piling . up eight firsts during the afternoon. Pacing the effort were double winners Mike Donnelly in the 100 and 220 and Steve Brothers in die shot put and discus. Don- nelly breezed through the 100 in 10.9 and cruised the 220 in 24.6 while Brothers flung the stopped Mike Donnelly pump it out as lie PUMPIN IT OUT races to the finish line in the 220 yard dash competition. GOMIN ROUND THE BEND Danny Vanderboegh turns on the steam as he heads into the bend in track competition against Grantsville High School and the Utah School for the Deaf. Store Hours enn eus ,l ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY Shop At Home m IPenn-IPres- if Sheet Sale thru Sat.! f If you'ro not alr.ady an avid fan of our fine nocotton mutlin ihoott, iron 50 polyoitsr, 50 now's tho tints to gat acquainted! A great value at their regular pricai . . . fabulous now! I SPECIAL BUY! MISSES STRETCH PANTY HOSE only I t'l Lf 1.29, fUttorinf, stretch wylont with nude heel fw ttut barelif IggIi. Tw area leihien suntan end coJan Man. Sisas: petite 'medium and medium taN. Get eneufh far aN summer. Quantities are limited! WHITE PENN-PRES- T Mandsy and Friday aid 9:30 la 9:00 Save dale El.tt.-fi- t how' PtHew 2 cases 4234" Ref. 2 fori. St NOW for Twaa., Wad., Than., and Sal. 9:30 la 6:00 IN TOOELE Sale! All our 5 summer bags now So thru Saturday only! vv so many anv.lop.i, satchels, swagger boas stylos you almost foal like buying an outfit for ovary ansi! And at this prica, you might svan swing two or throe. Just look what you've got to choose from soft visca crochot-lookwoods..W'v crisp rattans, ovan slaak natural-tona- d spiffed thorn up with canvas, cawhldo, and webbing trims; gloaming broutona hardware. Insido, fabric linings, pockets. and enough room for lift's little nocossitios. Boa-bag- s, 2.67 147 a1 mr ants' STioum save o.iei MUSLIN PENN-PRES- T HO. FASHION COLORS! bg.l.ff A NOW JLmOf NOW pi!dc! bcb ml, and or1 'zSSExsaf 3.67 2 hr 2.17 TOOOUTWC IMAGINE! HARDWARE TRIM SANDALS JUST S. cmI end umfort.M.1 Stnppy imJ.Ii of iturdy vinyl with hh tf ImpartMt bjrdwara trim, c.var.4 kv.lt, buy w air my cRmpMi-fwin. Calm hr .1 yavr aumm.r wrffita. Sim I f. Harry, lk.it.4 quantrf ivtl wardrobe of summer shirts! SALS Fries NtwHv. Cm, lat.id.yl WM' ilratcb Mi. CMWttrrtcb aylM SPECIAL! Men! Stock up now with a whole 19.88 S, NOW hetFue lasin lif.lfnl.it U Sturdy lubulor Heel freme widi NOW t!Hw catat 42il6" BARGAIN DAY SAVINGS! STRIPE COTTON KNIT SHIRTS ere cool, 100 combed cotton In smortar than stripes. Stylad with Jiert sleeves, mock turtlo nock. Lots of colors. Sizes: S.M.L They're a terrific buy at this price! Limited quantities. ipw"! tel YOU'LL WANT SEVPAU SHIRTS of polyester cotton in handsome plaids oimI solid colors. Sprood cellar, pocket styling ye Rh. And Penn.Prest to machine wash, tumble dry all tho tench of aa iron. reedy to Sites S.M.L.XL Limited quantities. j wooi-wlth- 1.89 snapL In mIh, Mm, - r whOt. 0.1 HO. S), NOW 2 lm5 Intern' atom cuff cMwl knR. pM, mint Firwb h i (Mdoling. bnesni FowriN 2w2 2 for $5 SPECIALI Vanderboegh with a IT 914 effort in the broad jump. Rich White in the half mile with a time of 2:25, Kenny Vance with a high jump of 5 3 and the mile relay team of Charles Steve Brothers, Mark Shadle, Houle and Don Young - A BIRD! ITS A PLANE! Actually, its only Mark Houle as he sails through the air in the broad jump competition in last weeks track meet between Dugway and Wendover High Schools. irS (L-R- 1.97 tottarn 4. Open Mess is Brigadier General Spencer Simmons Hunn, Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs at the North American Air Defense Command, the featured speaker at the occasion. Shown at the head table are Colonel ) Citrak, Colonel Charles M. Shadle,- Colonel Robert Muldrow, Captain Lewis Worthing, Colonel Sam Roberts, Colonel Jerome B. Bryant, Jr., Colonel Donald J. Metcalf and Major William Rourke. MUSLIN SHEETS! Twin 72(104" discus 118' 8 and put the shot 42 Other winners were Danny sen teig hn vndmlwl I hteV BN. FOR I 2t--2 enM m IS. NOWvl,S3 itayl plnHs snap m pmh hep teby driw. HO. I KM 1.4S, NOW Owl htf 3hr2 Ride my free baby iwi 1 rlS'i. 14b .. HIM NOW 95 AMC Depot Assists Over the past year and one half AMCs Sierra Army Depot in Herlong, California has released over $450, OiX) in excess materiel to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to assist the Piute and Nevada Indians in Shoshone, their farming operations on their reservations. The materiel included trucks, tractors, tires, auxiliary power ammunition containers, units, water tanks and many other items. The ammunition tanks were converted into culverts for drainage and 2000 of the water tanks have been made over for use in irrigation projects. The Superintendent of the Stewart Indian Affairs Agency recently sent 'the Property Disposal Office at Sierra a letter of appreciation for their cooperation and assistance in making the tanks available and for suggesting possible uses for them. Attached to the letter of thanks was a lull report on how the tanks are used by the Indians. The report graphically illustrates how excessive materiel can lie effectively used when the Army and other Federal agencies work closely together. It also shows what a little ingenuity and engineering know how can do when two governmental departments get together at the working level. Perhaps the most important point covered in the report is the fact that this is not entirely y a program but rather more of a project The tanks have to be picked up by the Indians at the Agency and the conversion must he accomSierra plished by themselves. let the Indian Agency know the tanks were available and the agency in turn, detailed instructions on how the tanks could be used in irrigation. In the letter to Sierra the Indian Agency Superintendent said in part: We think worthy of mention is the recent move to help the Indian people of Western Nevada install small water control structures in farm ditches. We were give-awa- self-hel- p Mi-du- Indian Farmers fortunate in acquiring some 2fXX) water tanks from the Sierra Army depot that adapted easily as a conduit, and with the pur- - chase of a metal gate at a nominal cost and his lalior, the Indian farmer greatly improves the use of a limited water iMSPEffliflMte Rapidry-1000-" Spin. Gets out more water. Makes wash lighter to handle, faster to dry. Deep Action Agitator. Creates currents that plunge clothes deep into sudsy water for thorough washing. 2 Rinses. Get rid of lint and scum so thoroughly theres no need for a lint trap. mechanism. No belts. No gears. No pulleys. That's why its dependable. Cold Water Wash Setting. Saves hot water. Saves clothes from shrinking and fading. |