Show myia BT ri rae rge GEORGE 1 ran ngy 24 J ed editors igors de the water la Is one onia of great importance to the inhabitants of bf this place at present as the gardens already ab show ow a decrease of virle vinea trees aud and other products on account of the great scarcity of water and causes caune our thinking men to realize that the future prosperity and spread of our town depend upon securing more water President Snows the old ing lito pioneer nVer of the south has given this ibis subject consideration and recommends that thal the waters of the cottonwood be brought to this place therefore the claims of those who have water rights in that stream streams have been bought and work nas has already commenced to turn the water towards our city the route proposed to tb bring the water is said to bo be fea feasible siule elble though the cost wili vill be large yet I 1 am informed that mady many hay bay largely subscribed means for th the accomplishment of that purpose and we hope to derive increased pros prosperity from the investment if we had bad plenty of water this ibis people inthe in the bouth south could produce more than thau riece necessary esary to sustain them and all surplus would find ready sale in the convenient markets immediately around Us As it now ie is many labor hard bard to produce and often see the results of their hard toil burned up with the heat ofine of the summer burl auri bun pun not having sufficient water to td cool the buhning burning saad fand president mcallister h has rone gone to washington to meet with and teach the people woodwell who wh dwell in that favored locality where they are elble manufacture their own clothing and some for their neighbors the factory placed there by the late president B young ia ta one of the greatest blessings to the people of southern country supply supplying fris trig n many aby with clothing who otherwise would be destitute lyp daveau occasional game of base ball here herd but it has not struck jn in guite quite so deelas in your city notices of or which have appeared so often that even the three year old ep runt can talk of bathe bawl and some of the older persons languish for fon fora oora a change or ex exclaim clafin clatin 10 of F ave us a rest Is now I 1 hope the ball players will not take umbrage at this slight mention I 1 hear bear that J aj smith has retired from being assistant editor of the st george union and that tile the entire labor now devolves upon J H carpenter editor and sole proprietor which probably ac counts for its bize size but then dont large oak trees from little acorns grow an anti antl polygamist fit paper is published at sliver silver reef called the aliner ariner ll iner but it will have to receive considerable nourishment before its influence will cause tho iho those QC who f hones honestly practise that principle to I 1 abandon it the paper only expresses its own apostate ignorance and unless it receives more milk to sustain it the probabilities aro that the heau beau heat ot of next summer will dry it up ifor for want of sap as g go bet et aie afe are not appreciated by either mormon 11 jew orgen ongen or gentile the weather delightful health of people a good ji ambas AMBAX no 8 FLOYD STREET libdell liw lib well weil massachusetts nov editors desere ct t news during the past four weeks I 1 have been visiting vial ting several towns in northeastern massachusetts that have been the scenes of former missionary labors by myself and companion in 1876 and 1877 1 I have renewed numerous old ac quain quaint ancess visited several scattered saints and done some private preaching but most of my noy time has been occupied in searching old musty records and culling from them the names of those who have passed from this stage of probation into another where their ears cars have been or will be saluted by the sound of the true goppel of 0 jesus christ a sound they wet e enot not privileged to hear while iu lu th dle die flen fien I 1 have been very much gratified at the pleasure and hospitality with which I 1 have been by those whose acquaintance I 1 made ahil wh lleon le on my former mission and I 1 belle believe belleve e that in some ins inE instances their acquaintance with an RD older in Is rael has fias tended to lo prepare their i minds hinds for mhd the reception of the gospel in the ahe near future fut rut re ibave chave 1 made made mada the ic acquaintance of mi many an do genealogists and gentlemen who do more or less lesa in that kinei line and am often olen much surprised to see th egret khia inia bite reau reat taken in this thia work by many who beem seem to have DO particular ob object act in vie tle w win lir lit what they do dd maur many such auch gentlemen have remarked to me that the pursuit has haa an irresistible at them and that they have a strong but inde indefinable finable desire to trace out tha ha records of their ances i tors tore new works on thia subject are aro aro iro constantly issuing from the press and large larger sums of money are being expended to carry on the work and at the present rate of its progress it will not be many years before most moat all old new ne w england millea families fa will have more or less completely compiled can easily surmise what mysterious potent influence it Is that ia ig impelling ini felling the present generation 6 64 proud jroud haughty conceited learned and ana sceptical englanders to ex work on the d da J af pf P j april AD 1836 in the itin landl landi the to the 1 prophet joseph smith hei bei keys beys of 0 t baptism for the deadens dead deada end fici soon eoon after that printed priti ted fatu ifyu genealogies bommen ced to asue from the theN new tew rew england press ihl ini 1845 about one year aft erthe death or of joseph smith the new jew krig Erig EI agla iania lania historic hla Hia genealogical society wim wlm was waa incorporated by it a few bo 3 t f wod MOD 1 i tiemen tl emen its membership lias ilas tp 1 ily lly liy increased now n numbers i fiers nearly or about three chousa thousand hd bea hea nearly beardall rYall ryail all ali professional won wen an the agents gerlis orthis orthia society have pene penel l 1 nearly e every overy v ery cemetery in nev eyl ner Eh grand giand and searched ft the Je COrds of nearby Y every evely every tonii iid rid lia lla h inlet amlet collecting collect hig fig of fhe he dead deal 3 is of the fullness 0 o ot timea in which all ill things are to be gathered together in one 1 both which ate are in heaven and on ou the earth the dead have heard beard the gospel and thousands believed it and long to be uril united ted in the same faith baptism ordin ardin ance and co vessa t of holy holt erlest priest hood with the former and latter latten day bai sai saints Bal lits tits ibbs they can call only do by razy aad and inot by proxy till the liv II 11 13 ng saints ean can can obtain their records benca the powers of heaven are ar operating for fhe the ment of the latter work to receive evidences evid ances of t the he anxious feelings of the saints in utah on this subject proving that their indeed it turned to their father fathers who lle he lie helpless in hi the grave day C ra received delved 4 fifteen ft letters lik lin id R it a ati te following d more inore nearly aili aill ali all from rom parties partie in utah upon and gerra ana my mv great greatest it dair I 1 of service bervice 16 io ta lidd bidi ahja great work gic maa uma i it a i B JR if r aa la I 1 roi KOI I 1 ruf rux a cl i jairl rz ts dec i i i deseret news 1 talt 2 ibe rde rue i I 1 d of or tse tte I 1 I 1 U wishers of it zou xou xoa thi a roii I 1 is s theil thell I 1 L t v we Y anter tn ter lug visit filin presta urb MIB M A smoot and council and mrs mra floii kimball balla Secre secretary taij of alade rL ade stake 1 organization of when arter after bome some 80 1 timely and in iff remarks w wilm wil M nade ey proceeded to reorganize the y aj M J A and aud then viren to il urani ra knit unit a juven juvenile ltd to for fon childre nabe i tween the tho agea ogea of nive five and twelve t olye elve I 1 we had dib aljo ggs A 1 profitable prof lible libie visit from bror daniel graves I 1 in nt wo lie hlo interest t of bf silk bilk tw ture tule and wid ou uit ap meeting was heid held for the re organ of the Y M mil mii A ar leme lehe bishop and council made very ln andt andi much k clitee remarks on an the occasion after aften which the following brethren bt ethien ethren n i elected to office viz EJ ed W t larre jun president with eh eli and Fred frederick frederiek erick etick his iau lat and sod counselors samuel secretary chas olson abst secretary hudson treasurer Treas trens uron uror the cers ceri df thy above institutions 13 seem anxious to mawe make bem them t a tuc luc cess our worthy bishop george halli halit hay fay day ia Is still eagerly iii lri pursuit of the I 1 general welfare of the people of his hla ward W C booe TOOELE LE deb dec P des deb cret eret W i the Y M MI M I A A of tooele thoele ftak h continued without interruption oni every week for the last twelve twel ve month mont hig fig through the winter bea a ea sons we hold our meetings every friday evenin evening gand andin the ibe summer seasons e froina fromA april to ber berg every bunday sunday afternoon for which we ara are indebted to our esteemed president JT M iman lyman witla an young leadies dies through gh the summer season seasons 4 each preil pre ding aiding alternate alternately lyk our mission ary labor has commenced coffi mended for the season for which the young men in en feel to improve their theli talents and are alive to their duties jno W tate not late secretary james D stirling corresponding secretary george crane treasurer B 6 croyden co oos cos sd 1678 1578 deseret X www I 1 we number about thirty h families ml lies lles and audd are feat at pre present 5 enjoying good health hla hia alth aith our e r the be last list ceason e were above the average and no person town ia Is wanting for food we have four stores doing a thrifty busin business eps eks owned by the following persons george thackeray Th ackerly son thomas walker co bishop jno hopkin mrs fanny swann the latter dealing principally in home manufacture i there are foter magnificent dwellings be ing erected with also aiso a restaurant at the mouth of the creek a aad nd close id to edwards edwa i adal new saw mill wo we also have a very rich iceal coal mi mine 1 2 oln old in our district I 1 mat has been recently e antly opened up and is owned by loy browning Ss sons of ogden city zhe the thecial eoal coal it is turning out oui has been examined by some experienced coll colliers lers and pronounced a from weber and davis counties will bave save a halff days drive by gol goi going ng there instead of f Co Alville and find a better read our bishop has haa felt very much disappointed poin voin t e d of late years to ao think he lias hap no girls in his family yeste aday his wife presented him bias another boy we sera yera ser yer ncr weather at present 1 yours youra truly i A tek tet t e aw josh billings philosophy x I 1 t T 3 1 J f y I 1 a b f 0 there iz lz jots lots who aint never W with I 1 the CV baat befth ere t all ali ati ahn emeth Dg a little better f W I 1 al tha ehfe fut fuat thing a chIdi 2 lent in ri nu england iz lz to say say alz prayer when be goeston gos try tey bed t h h bj L thing iz to shut thedoor the door after him when he hw gobea out I 1 it dont dono CM mutch tab ren gen lusto fault with the krooks in a do dogs doga gis Y tall taij bud but id td straighten them out does t 1 I 1 to a klear for Is an old shu the iilo illo more ra a man bim him bi m i selta seel the iest left faull fault lie he will vill nind find in hla hia nabon nabor the tho married cond eshun cahun haz sunne some fast klass trials trial the single stare haze hac baz bolme ome second rats raad khz hz young man mall take yure akum lots lota ov oy numble bumble an A resigned bartys in this world only let iet them nav hav thein their own way in all things asa aba As a general rule the folks who tybo ought to are aro those that do one thin thing gyr yu gat n c ly yn U fhi got t 0 divide 1 ici lei d devil ev yh abd and he bb taka the llon lion abare bocar sally bally marry a in man simply debause you bima bita bi in thare may kum klim along a ab phell gilow ow that ju wilk fall in luv with and then the devil will wint be to p py y what a 9 man wan oaf oli olf thia this welds d 1 9 aoda goodsby by he fg Is i very ve fy apt to losole tbt bame way ways waste wayte y ure are tamo t biting to c the pis pia huns buns and appe trots at soth ithe haorld bi begaii Satisfied If ya yu kuli huli thim theca the wan man who never changos changes biz nyun aint A ss going to mulch mutch and R 64 the 0 one na who hauges changes amoo it tod tog iod often iz lz a abin to know leff no hardest w working ind and the poon fc paid people in this world are those who have nothing to do I 1 thib thia to 2 thirds ov all the rich mealy menly men in fhe cou country nt ry make chef most ov your manhy mangy for it makes tile 06 most mose of you mistress come como et how much aoh longer are you going to be filling that pepperbox pepper hox box bridget share maam and ita its cant say how long bo be me to get all this stuff in the thing through the little holes in the top |