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Show I V NEWS THE DESERET GRLUAYOItOF Spiritd A4fhci Gets-- Ii . OHIOIlASffltfY . OFFERS TO TED AMUSEMENTS ' - rn) 7 Desrit? Dr, . tr M - geUjnta-JLhauwieta-f- t er e. te lt How Thin Women May Quickly Build Outdoor Health Increase Pepw and Energy Strengthen Unstrung ' Nerres and Fortify Themselves Against Disease Mastins Vitamon Tablets All Thrtt Necewary YHammea SkfflfuIIy Combined with Tree Organic Iron and Real Lime Salts Which the Body Should Have To Be Strong, Vigorous and. ed The famous Australian sportsman and big janis & CO. ' .mart d.ver- - A tieement of ' mu- - .Lx &C terptichore. FRiNK j IX'" FRED t LIYU5AI FKRJkOY De Haven & Nice - In "The Follies of 177- RITll HOWELL. DIO Kellam & Moss & In ODare the Chm Blues7 Frye How high Is up7 - How come? - Aesops Fables of-tToplos ' I Hats. Paths ho Day Thorn, to Sun. inc lie to tOe IOWA CITY. Is.. Feb. 7. A Diamond Jubilee celebration of the University of lows, on Fob, IS will 441,824 Prisoners MY BOY NOW PLAYING com-mem- rate the 7Sth anniverslty of its establishment with an all day pro gram depicting tho progress made by the institution during of & century. A monster mass meeting will be held In the morning taking the, form of g historical review.' There will nine be distinctive and historically impressive pageants writs ten for the occasion. The University of Iowa was founded Feb. 2S, 1(47, by an act of the first general assembly of the state legislature which approved the establishing and locating of the institution. First instruction was given in IISS, but the University did not begin Its 1167 when the true functiojUng-'unti- l stale eapftol was moved from IoRa City to Dee Moines. Amos Dean of the Albany Law school was Its first preai dent. The attendance this year will surpass the 6,100 mark and the faculty numbere 600. three-quarte- rs Of War Released PANTAGES tHE FRIEND In Past 18 Months YOU TRIED TO (By Associated Press.) GENEVA, Feb. 7. Prisoners of war toJ.he number of 441 82 J were sent to their home Wwwn Miy - HIT. and Dec. 31. 1921, thanks to the work of the Joint Commission of the League of Nations and the International Red Cross The repatriated men were prisoners belonging to various European states. Interned InKunK and Russians interned In various European countries Aevery 'smatL number of prisoners of war atill remain In Russia, but far all the Joint commission can learn, although it has much difficulty in obtaining accurate Information, they are men who have preferred for personal reason not to join the convois of re patrlated prisoners. Tho commission considers thst its work ended Dec. 31. and all agreements appertaining to it will bo denounced on March IS. 1- LOCATE LAST. NIGHT WAS PROBABLY 4 ' AT THE r AMERICAN : door of his home and every visitor Is This Is to present warnings getting to the persons to be arrested. If the visiting friends are not arrested, they risk being held aeveral deya. On one occasion a woman passing a house door heard a cat mewing and entared to pet and feed hungrily It-She stumbled into a Cheka nek and was held in prison for three montha when finally her was accepted as to why she explanation had visited the house. There are montha when great numr bers are la Jail. The Cheka Is not bothered by lack of prison space. If a prison room la Intended to accommodate two or three persona It often happens that In fart it Is made to accommodate ZS or 6 Or People are Just put in. in layers and thats an end to the space problem. held until he appears. coat 1W Tot That TB Ttia simple chert vil of i ik 1 r- ar - abwyeui ill bat oa hat her t of : of art-- to slaariy body is mm Hug fur tbeeevitaL health giving, streugtk-buHdin- g ' MASTlN,S,VrnlMolAjnfs f Uukre actually feel wp to tbe 100 saevh ywe oot at oeo Jwf wbof MASTtR'S tievsslf to faf to k twa 7 VtTAMON TABLETS win do for yoo. vow l anr Injr. Sir with pale Ban, Ifiar a weoM Is tMasndandherscrawny, wkele body Isektag hiMaatct fyf eaaegy, rtngn areas the eyes beeanae ake fklla to get fwn her food the noa rlahlag vltsmisno whaih llataiu intruded should build healuybedlea. atreaf aervea aik provide 1 noieusee a gals at Alasaaa. pout bate Are a By aapplytng la concentrated tablet fbna hot eelyeowbtaed With the tfue raw food elements th vttnvlnae and real lioe salts. MAITIITS VITAMON TABLBTg help gwd tebnUd the serve fetes and aadnourlab tho shraakea Haanea. - . Pwiltkii the entire digestive and lntastlaal tract. rletiaa of wlmwitf Wsmsa wha have been along for sftn inaad at ea by a Uek of saOeleoO Tltaaaisj-ar- e breaght appearanc after oaly a shaft energy and giaa tDprvwaMat la weight - with their Mala. TABLETVITAMON efVASTINS Ne matter what tonka er pi hew hope leva yev are f ever aervea'that are etrveg. tad a hady abeald Sad this Maple fret aadimaare yrerartf. Kart take nref'M'yMreetr irytag! sad mreeare yenreelf VflJOdON two taMeta with every meal. Thee weto sdeontlnuo taklag MASTIN' VTTAMOJf TABUTTl asUl sarrew-ebeste- , - Stehea D x t.N. tail CumeaeyeeUsparUeT wyH-wer- th Annual Roundup Will "Stress Farm Betterment Farm and hem betterment wDl be Mr seed at the fifth annual roundup of the Granite high school which will Grand Bank. Tbe steamer St. Charles radioed on January 31 that lee fields were observed at about latitude 46 north and longitude 41 west, about 209 miles east of New Foundland or on tbs edgs of the Grand Banks. . Sines the Tltantlc sank in April 1912 with a loss of 1.617 lives, after striking an iceberg, an early ice observation cruise is made off the banks during February and March snd an ice patrol Is established from April 1 to July at the expense of the Maritime nations, tha duty being assigned to the United States coast guard GUAM GOVERNOR INSTALLED. GUAM, Marianne Islands, - Feb. 7. Captain Adalbert Alt house has relieved Captain Ivan C. Wettengil as governor of Guam with the usual ceremonies. Cape and Mrs. Wettengill will sail for tbe United States via Manila on the U. 8. 8. Chaumont: , Placed by frBrilliant Cast, Including LEATRICE JOY CONRAD NAGEL THEODORE ROBERTS . JACK MOWER EDITH ROBERTS And a Score of Others A Characteristic Lavish DeMilk Production with the usual " Wonderful display of gowns and lavish settings. V'rr,Tmrr7 , vitaixci TAnnSooKbcsw-- 1 .j 3 fa vt7 r t a 2 . rv Now Playing RUDOLPH VALENTINO In be held for two daya, opening at .0 oclock Thursday morning. for tho roundup has been secured from officials of the Salt Lake Oounty Farm bureau and the extension division of tho Utah Agricultural college. Various exhibits of work In Try Grandmothers CHd Favorite all departments of the school win be Recipe of Sage Tea and on display and lectures-'wil- l he delivered Sulphur. by a camber of authorities. The address of welcome Thursday mornAlmost everyone knows that Sage ing will be given by D. W. Parra tt Tea and Sulphur, properly compoundsuperintendent of the Granite school ed. brings back the natural wilnr district. TOWrtfTd tsrhur wFen todSSeak-- 7 ed or gray. Years ago tho only way to Women Jobseekers Fight get thla mixture was to make it at home, which is rauasy and trouble- In Argentine Capital some. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store, for Wyeths Sage and Associated Press.) (If Sulphur Compound, you will get a BUENO AIRES. Fsb. 7. Rival large bottle of this famous old recipe, womSH Aboseksra endeavoring to In- improved by the addition of other Inat a amaU cost. terview PreHliat Irigoyen In his of- gredients, fice the other day came to blows and 4 Dont stay grey! Tty it! No one cad attacked wtdahat pins and with finger .pomjbly tell that you darkened Milo (MMMh) Janitor who sought to your hair, os K doee it so .naturally and evenly, You dampen a woage or tho seekers of fetartated eeparate prefermenL The Janitor was soft $reh with H and drew thfe through your hair, taking Ono small pool strand at a time; by morning tho gray tiona who try to get an audience with hair disappears, and after another or two yOor. hair become the preotdeatmf Argentina are so nu merous that one day of the week hat beautifully dark, gt and attractive. set soldo t attend to AdrertiamjrtL and water wont mix. a theme setting forth that x . ; 'qjJHOWS START 12:30, 3, 5, 7 and 9 Oclock PRICES No Change for Matinees. Evenings After 5:30 Balcony, 25c; Parquet, 50c; Loges, 75c Including tax r v t 5 Vv 1 Popular Prices. CONTI V I Ol S 1 m. Mas. Tuea. TONIGHT-- ASSEMBLY - Aed Alt Tfcle Weefc HALL Jfatteeee Tberadar eterday at Id Freeeata 1 LONDON STRING QllARTET ituMm te puhlle, eae price ealy, a gilts plue Iwrlt pci OD E O N DANCING - TONIGHT Through an. . lmproveoant 4a - ear music aland, the efficiency of our music has been gretlr increased. We offer you a wonderful evening dancing, good mu etc, a good fle and clean, refined dancing. Been. Than, serf 44a. COe Couple, Me gain Lody Tw. toatu lei eel ' Salt Lakes Own Dramatic Stock IM v Company With the - Haw ' lea Favarttee VVhe Arreared Hera All Scaam, With Iva Shepard b4 Lreitoi . Frm Maw Ywrfc. W here He Mae With Betaar S1 Big Acta CeMag Wedaeaday THE BLACK F ANTHERS Hew Iran The SPOILERS SPECiAL-IRADER- N " middle--' haaap4m la tt fares as"nl.9t ftght case In pereaa. rl AU Seals Reserved Telaghaae .Wan. Kcvi ads" ere ISTT-ldT- 5 CTF Afleraaaa A HoLAfC) (Ea. Aead HaL) (Sea.Emkg aOe (Plas Tax) 39a (Plus Tut leoo Seats (tod Bel.) 10 (Na Tax) Itev Beeehe Praathig FHean Seeeatlee vreeldV J- OP LOEW VATDEVILLB Bn ltAlag Pradaetloai the Peat Three t LARCENY" Lyle C. Chilton Hew TO 11 P. M. Feh. 0, g, GRAND" U believed. I 1 - THE SHEIK AT -- . EM G The Healeel Aria Seedety ..l. UASTitra A stray of mismated couples with --oil TONIGHT BE PRETTY! TURN r K uJ munis tg and Cheka agents as freely WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. The coast as any ethers. guard cutter Seneca will leave New ,The method of arrest often incon- Ygrk for Halifax tomorrow and veniences friends of tha persons to be thence proceed into the north Atlanarrested. If the person wanted la not tic on her annual loe observation at home, a guard is placed Inside tha cruise off New Foundland and tbe ALL THIS WEEK NOW PLAYING Cecil B. DeMiDes Production rnB Secret Police of Russia Have Determined Method In Apprehending Surects Cutter Leaves on Annual -' MOSCOW, Feb. 7. That.the Cheka Ice Observation Cruise or secret police, la no reepector of per Through Northern Waters sons. In making arrests, may be net down toulfl. credjt.lt. arrssu Cone, Associated Presa) ' 'LN i!d. pseudo-fraternslis- ts Run-Do- wn WeD-Form- EVE. BEG. TOMORROW ht photographs with the letters. t One Varmer from Kansas wrote elderly that he ow na a farm of over thousand acres and though he has a little hard-eldin his cellar if his suit I successful hell right sooh get rid of and closes that saying by seventy-fivthat though he'll be come next March, to marry woo M fl mayor le h be the climax of my ambition.' Another paid he would by willing to give up hta pay envelope every Saturday nlghtT and not fight about it elther and earnestly requested but Contain hervarn rwe Start Flalah e tv glASL Mat. 2Se, SSr, fie ut speech-througho- of. the writers sent their "Many A Etm, av "One letter begins there is no doubt that when you receive this WJiil pin. from a poor widower with nine motherless children wherein one learns a little farther on that the supplicant weighs iwo hundred and . twenty pounds and yedrns for some one who can make apple pie, save money and love me.' Ha also states thntjhejafS'tTBoit cmiW player-hr-B- ird fen, n, ARE YOU A MASON? gh wKaukc S3t2 LEO. DITRJCHSTEdN'f cast. day Night," with an GEM Rudolph Valentino In The hbetk. KINEMA 'Dont Get Pernonal. featuring Marie Prcvoet and T. l Roy Barnes. WILKES I vs bbeperd and Lyle C. Chilton In The bpoJler. Are SALT LAKE THEATRE ( Kackoneq, youthful and rrrtty. ciirni she Is etRl ab'e to pay strict attention to the business of being mayor and that thus far her heart has resisted the efforts of her num-ciosuitors. Amy-A- The Farce Comedy Hit air-st- ar (By Associated Presa) STOCKHOLM. Feb, 7. Archbishop Nathan 8oederblom, haad of the State Church of Sweden and spiritual advis- , propos, belg diluted with man-laal durlrg the first month or her a mayor of this little town. TONIGHT AND TOMOHHOW NIGHT WED. MATINEE AMERICAN Jackie Coogaa In , My Boy. . Cedi PARAMOUNT- - KMPUFKS B. Dc Muirs productlan, Ratur-- es (By Associate) O.. Feb. Loudon HALL String Quartet. ASSEMBLY or of King Gustave and the royal them-eelvfamily, plans to visit the United States to blame tor corn agony, next summer or fall to. make ate. Trimming and "treating," sometime a aeries of addresses for the promotion i . Yon a Mason. j of International friendship. HIPPODROME Ralph Clonlncer He la the president of tho European and Gertrude Bondhlll fat The section of the fnlversal Christian Con-- ! Prince Chap. mla-J fere nee on Llfo add Work, the LOEWS STATE Grand juvvn" slon of which .1 to heal the splrltaul five ads f vaudeville.. .and wounds of International ausriidon. dls- -, A PANTAGKS Sians .Home" . trust and hatred left by the World and taudctillc. war. This organization numbers among Its active workers some of Americas, COMING moat noted divines. bill wilh Ed. The archbishop s visit to America ORPHEUM New Janls A Co., and Fred .Ltodsay will be made under Ahe auspieee'-- f opens Wednesday uiglit. the World Alliance for .Promoting the ternatlonal Friendship , C burch,"--t he Amnrleau-Bcandllt"as"' lan Foundation of New York City Af XOU A IVlAiOn. and the Augustana Bynod,' an organiAre You a MaeonT Leo Oitrlch-stcin- s of Lutheran churches..,I n. the sod paring merely makes "S zation farce comedy, a bit modified and eatHng had matter worse Millions of others United Ktataa. amplified in' order to be strictly up to are wiser They know how easily and Archbishop Sooderblom fefvently on the prohibition shrivels and peels believes that befors Europe can re- date, particularly Uick!jrGet-ll- " corrs and calluses off la one pioeo cover from her material losses and re. question,- entertained a good-eise- d Oct your money back If it falla Wear crowd at the Kelt Lake Theatre last new shoes with comfort. Get a bottia gain normal balance economicallyof and in tbe first performance of a the night l ha spiritual wounds three-nigThe play Is today. E. la.renee A C6.f Mfr Chi- socially, engagement. late war must be healed. In his cago. Costa but a trifle everywhere. on baaed the rxperieneee of two hue- Aov. the United States the bands who, unknown to ea h other, try archbishop will appeal to the leaders and members of all creeds to work may spend' a marv dontJ'ithig ibmfir'dennmTnnlinne'nd ln wmrwdiww' ing that thej- have Joined tbe Masons snd are required at lodge meeting, e'e-et- c. "A few pi them wanted mo to Ait goes well unlil the two telegraph, at their expense my anare brought unswer to their generohs but urgent same roof Then the complithe der offers. A. gentleman from Missouri in cations pile up rapid order and the forwarded' with his letters eworn affiante n element g tierome Tiopeleealy- - indavit to prove that he was not mara volved when real Mason Is brought ried at present but has hopes " Into the group At every twist and turn In the mixup of events ludicrous Asked for her views on marriage some as them of the audience gets are, the woman mayor replied, "As far a goad laugh. The play was designed aa marriage goe I believe in only one for laughing purpoeee solely kind; marriage that la tbe natural The roles of the tao husbands reresult of true love. Marriage does sponsible for not of the merriment not interfere with a woman's career, red arf rilled b B1I!P Evans snT i Esftiore people married for love and Others In the cast ere Caughklne tf lvr-ane Warf'eld Katherene telle fewer for money and social position Angus, Crawford, Catherine Mae. Claire this world would be far happier." Morrow. Geoe Peres Orrtn Brandon. "No. I have never been in Jove but Harry! Weber. Frank St evens and E c. expect to be perhaps some day," Miss MacDermld. During ihe progress of the Kaukonen naively concluded. play songs by Miss Crawford and Mias Morrow are interpolated blood-poiso- In Office., Sail Lake Theatre TONIGHT Visit United States ; Youthful and Pretty .Doctor .Deluged With Marriage AskYonr Friends They Know ' Proposal During j Month Thousands of people have only 1922 7 I - Of Keg Gustave to Relieves , Corns in SO Seconds FEBRUARY TUESDAY I e, J aira |