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Show CTU I'uHdtd tonight and Thursday; probably showers; little change la temperature. IDAHO bhowen tonight and Thursday ; mod, erate temperatures. , , t . Ms. iiurriuTrpn 4 a.m.'Vedneeday.. , , 70 Min. Tuesday .J. Min. Wednesday... f Tuesday ..... 4S t tm. Wednesday. 49n IS noon Wednesday 7'4 Sunset Wednesday 1:07 Sunrise Thursday to S7 If e PRICE ITVEl CENTS Snapographs Timely Camera Shots From All Paris of The Globe mu arm r is SALT BT WILLIAM & NEAL (Deseret News Stall Writer) WASHINGTON. May 17. (INS) CRIME KEVER POTS : t Sixteen Tear eld Harry March of Queens. Xi Y. Is shown here hit 30 year term for slaying 11 yrar old Willie Bender, a playmate. He geta a newly painted cell but atlll cell. President Roosetelt today asked Congress for legislation which will 0 permit tbs launching of a public works program, and at tbs same time will allow Industry under government supervision, to enter Into agreements designed to prevent unfair competition and disastrous over production. Tbs president reported in a special message that at least 1220,000.-00- 0 of additional revenue would be needed to undertake the public works program. Ha did not make specific recommendations as to bow this money should be raised, leaving It to the discretion of Congress, but ha did say that provisions should be made for the reduction or elimination of such additional taxes as fast as business improves, or whenever repeal of the lftb amendment permits a restoration of revenue laws In asking that Industry be cm- (Please Turn to Page Two.) 11.100.-000.00- FULL TEXT OF MESSAGE " ON INDUSTRY By Tha Associated Press) Following la tha text of President Roosevelts message to Con gress on bis public supervision program: To the Congress' Before the special aession of Congress adjourns, X recommend two further steps In our national campaign to put people to work. My first request Is that the Congress provide for the machinery necessary for a great cooperative movement throuhgout all Industry in order to obtain wide to shorten the working week to pay a decent wage for the shorter week and to prevent unfair competition and disastrous Overproworks-industri- al Chance In Bill To WASHINGTON. May 17. CAP) The following explanation of the administration bill to control Industry and provide public works waa Issued today by Senator Wag-- 1 ner ), chairmen of tbs framing committee: "The national recovery bill eon- sista of two principal parts, the, first dealing with Industrial recovery and tha second with public works. . "Tbs, principal and Immediate object of this bill Is to open op-- 1 portunlties for tbs employment of several million men and women and thus distribute purchasing power which will be effective in starting again tbs wheels of Industry. "Tbs purpose of Title I of the bill (dealing with Industrial recovery), la to secure action within Industry wltb a view) to eliminating unfair competitive practices and thereby to reduce unemployment, improve standards of labor and otherwise to rehabilt- tote Industry. Industry Forme Codes The bill authorises any group or sssocistion within a trade or' 'industry to prepare a code of fair) competition which eats forth that standards covering trade and com- petitlvs practices within that industry. Such a eode Is without! effect until it is approved by the president. "The president may approve such code If he finds: "L That tha group presenting the code truly represents tbs trade or Industry forarhlcb It apeaka. "2. That It admits freely, to membership all who are engaged in tha same trade or industry. I. That the code of rules is fair to competitors, employees and -consumers. 4. That It will hot promote j " com-petiti- - anti-tru- st 5 st J anti-tru- gffibdaysGaniesI st I!,-JO- -- single-hande- lit ,7 EIGHTY-THIR- YEAR D BERLIN, May IT -- (AP) Hitler denied that Germany contemplated an Invasion of Fiance or Poland, emphasising that bit nation is devoid of nil Instruments of aggression. In his speech today. . After complimenting Premier MassoUnl for five "peace dub" plan be recently proposed, tha chancellor turned to Mr. Rooesvelt. "Tlva American president's proposal places Germany ander warm obligations, he sattL "Germany is ready without reserve to agree to this method et relieving the International crisis for It too. Is of the opinion that without solution of the disarmament question no pitting economic rs construction ts possible. "It Is ready unselfishly to participate In this work of patting In order the political and economic conditions of the world. There can be only one task today, namely, safeguarding tha peace of tha world." The fears of France and Poland of Invasion could be Justified only If Germany had modern weapons of aggression, but It is precisely these that she lacks. Chancellor Hitler said. "1 he only nation having the right to fear Inrastos Is Germany, he continued. "Germany Is grndy at all times to renounce weapons of aggression provided the rest of the world does likewise. "Germsny Is ready to Join every solemn non aggression pact, for Germany Is not thinking of aggression bat of security. the real list Ion of the hlghmhvded Germany would see proposals of the American president, by which the mighty United Mates are to be Injected Into Europe a guarantors of peace, a great tranqsili ration for all who sincerely favor pace. "We have no more earnest wish than contributing toward healing the wound of the war and of the Versailles treaty. Ger" many desires to proceed along no other path than that recognised Justified by the treaties themselves. "Every military act la Europe, even fat the event of pints sai cos, would. If measured by Ha sacrifices, stand la letadon to possible fiwa. gain.' GOODS . four-pow- HastPremier ens to Confer With . ' Norman Davit Chancellor Denies Germany Has Aggressive AmbU Hons; Warns Nation Will Not be LONDTN. May IT. (INS) An Destroyed embargo on German goods as part of aa international sanction under BY AEX0 the League of Nations covenant (Deseret News Staff Writer) was proposed la the House st BERLIN. May 17. (LS) Chancellor Adolf Hiller thi afternoon announced Germany Commons today. acceptance pf President Roosevelt's in a speech: to the reichstag. marked by Godfrey Hander, Liberal, taxed disarmament proposals leave to introduce a bill to put the its conciliatory tone. He agreed to proceed toward disarmament .along the lines suggested at sanction into effect to the eoarse Geneva by Prime Minister Macof interpellations of tha govern-- j Donald of Great Britain, whose ment regarding tha European sit-disarmament proposals were recuation. ommended to the world yester"I do this deliberately." Mander day by the American president, on He further expressed willing-n- es said, "to toque public attention to accept tha United State this matter as a possible method of as guarantor of world peace unsealing with Germany If she decides to rearm regardless of wbai Pithy sentences from tha ad- der new security arrangedress of Chancellor Hitler In Ber- ment.any anybody else may say." are lin as follows today reported Made During Address While, demanding complete Mender's Proposal was mads by the Associated Press. the other nations of waa adwhile Chancellor Hitler It is not wise to rob people of equality with dressing Jhs German Reichstag to their Ueonomie means of existence Europe, Chancellor HlUer insistBerlin n bis foreign policy. without taking Into account their ed this need toot to achieved b p Hander Withdrew the bill after right to live. Chancellor Hitler told increasing her armaments, aa appeal by Sir Austen Chajnbsr-Uu- IheRelchsUg. "She is reedy to dissolve her enformer foreign minister. Th idea of rendering aerrlee to tire army and destroy her arms." Mander other In support sf his norg peoples by destroying eco- he said, "if th other nations will told th Commons- nomically a people of 5.004.000 Is do likewise." "Th present sit nation la highly so absurd that nobodyeao dare critical and highly dangerous to HlUer ascribed all of Germanys tbs whole of future civilisation. today openly to espouse It." troubles and tbs woes of th world Th hideous monster of militarism has fulfilled her reparGermany is reared by Germany, and we ations obligations, tha chancellor at large to th treaty of Versailles, must take steps to prevent Its do- said "with a fidelity that was truly which he said created new wounds instead of healing th old ones. , suicidal.' ing 111 again. ConAsks Chairman Strikes At Francs there "If Germany does Is moat of wish tha solemn "It is a possibility of military action to He lashed out at th security national Delethe Hitler Leave government," to deal bnt I with th sugsituation, gress of Franca and tha Ltitl to prevent "Europe going demands gest we use an economic weapon." asserted Entente power. under to Communistic chaos." gates Free "France. Poland and Czecholo-vak- la have thousands of flgnUng PARIS. May 17. (INS) The The chancellor said that moment Chancellor Adolf HlUer purpose of the Nasi revolution plane, tanks and poison gases," Comhe to ITthreefold a r said. First Berlin address this prevent in his totalled WASHfNGTQN. May UP) "Doe not Germany have mors Premier Edouard Daia-dl- munist overthrow: second, to give Opposition of the state departPetticoat Rule Upheld afternoon. ment to any legislation which put In a telephone call lor employment to tr'llions of work-lee- right to demand security than her to would "tie the hands' of American stable Amerihighly armed interallied neighNorman H Davis, special third, GROVER. Colo, May 17 (INS) can ambassador, requesting bor T" economic conference delegates on aa Im- government. o Citizens of this northern Cfioja-d- mediate conference. silver waa transmitted to the House Germany. Chancellor HlUer sold "We and thia young Germany" with are town no aggressive aims. satisfied b has Imaffairs committee entirely foreign today t'Bether Davis will proceed Nazi leader said, referring to "8h is "petticoat rule," so Mrs. D. B. Dy- mediately to Geneva depend upon the Secretary Hull. ready to Join In any new anithis threefold "are purpose, Tha committee was considering a er today had been appointed may- th outcome of bis talk with Dala-dlmated by the deepest understandresolution similar to that approv- or of the town. Bbe succeeds Mrs. (Pleas Turn to Pag Two) similar feelings and attied by the Senate, which would sug- A. G. Lower who resigned because Diplomatic circles Heard reports ing for gest that tha secretary of stats in- of 111 health. Grover has been ruled th disarmament conference would tudes by other people." struct American delegates to work by a woman mayor and women adjourn until Friday. too "This generation suffered or an International 14tOlbi-melaHis- members of tbs town- - board tor much from th lnsanilg of our two years. times to intend to visit th same Representative Fish R., N. T). upon others eald be had communicated with "The Versailles treaty is no dothe state department this morning Akron Blame Fixed tation" for existing and tha following statementi was European WASHINGTON, May IT. (AP) given to him for transmission to troubles, th chancellor declared. A naval board of Inquiry reporttbs committee: (Pleas Turn to Pag Two.) "The secretary of stats would ed today that an "error of JudgWelcomes Washington regret It exceedingly if the Con- ment" on the part of Commander McCord C. Frank "waa a contribuFRANCE CUNCS gress passed any legislation on the Conciliatory Tone . matter which tied the hands of tory cause" of tbs loss of th airTO GOLD BASIS LONDON, May IT. (INS) the delegates and made It more ship Akron. Of Speech British financial circles were seridifficult for them to achieve the PARIS May IT (INS) Flnanea ously perturbed today following rebest possible results. reof a Minister Georges Bonnet today Senator Wheeler (D, Vent.), Blue Nose Brings $2ft01 ceipt by the Bank of England telegram tram tha German Raichs-ba- iterated la th Senate that France VASHINGTON. Mar 17. (AP) (Please Turn To Pago Two) LOSANGELES, May IT (INS) outlining the German posi- has no intention of abandoning the State department officials today Because her nose turned bine tion regarding foreign debt. gold standard. described ths speech of Chancellor The telegram stated the German an automobile accident. Mrs Hitler of Germany on disarmament Woald Kill All Parrots after Anita Woods today was swarded s foreign exchange position ie so ,aa encouragingly conciliatory. - IT BALTIMORE. May. 17 (AP) Jury verdict of 2,041 to her writ 'Unfavorable and the' question Disarmament experts at th de The slaughter of all parrots la the against Nancy Mitchell and J. W transfer of funds for dbt partment noted particularly that advice of Dr. Thomas M. Rivera aa Mullin, Jr, owners of tha other HlUer expressed hi seriously affected that approval of a certain method of putting an In- car In the amashup. An operation discussion with creditors la necea- President Roosevelts dramatic apThe mease stant atop to the disease known as was necessary to correct the requested for abolition of offensive peal h representatives to attend a dts- Mrs. Wools ttaUfled. declared his willingness weapons, psittacosis, or parrot fever. irusalon of th problem to Berlin to accept international oonlroi or . ijilay T. armaments and stated that Gr Financial quart era here inter-manv was willing to count Its napreted th message as preparation tional force and storm troop- "" reduction of long term interest Program Would Halt if ers In police figuring It armed force. by Germany for default, toy a salvHitler announced Reaches New approval of World er of sinking fund payments eno th MacDonald arms reduction plan ' rates. in principle as seen as a hopeful Agreement "Coming but three weeks before for progress at th Geneve sign th world economic conference, II conference scheduled to reopen to further. complicate the situation.' mbrrow. Especial importance was nathe differences with other declared Prof. T E Gregory. fR WASHINGTON." Mav IT. (AP) sdtached to the statement (By Tha Associated Press)that tions." aa "One well nancial expert. Th naval building program ad' Germany was not thinking of at Comments from th world's far might Madrid Alvarex. abandon about talk International Melquiades meam a as vanced of of corners on th Roosevelt message. Liberal aggression and did not want t Increasing Democratic party leader: obligations." employment probably will be start- rearm but rather wanted other naTokyo Indicate "Pointed the way to the beat eson tions ed and a carried to disarm. until aucb suggestions toscceptahlo if applied cape from present world difficulA willingness to obtain modifitime as new treaty agreements literally to Orient ties" MONTANA WOOL reached. cation bo of may of iho Moscow Arouyed speculation Copenhagen Premier Running This was Indies tad today whan Versailles treaty by peaceful meth-d- o aa to possibility of American rec- "Particularly BRINGS CENTS 25 nato those cheering adminiswas disclosed thst tbs rather than armed fore was t ognition of Soviet Russia. tions. like believing to IN CHINOOK SALE tration's public interpretation officials placed London Hailed as bread con- the ultimata Denmark, victory of peace" control bill contains provision foriupon Hitlers words tribution to cause of peace and Vienne Socialist greatquarters CHINOOK. a maximum of fl00.004.t0t for; economic recovery; official com- ly impressed; others awaited furMonLfc May IT cent wool be- naval construction. (AP) Twenty-fiv- e ment withheld. ther details and Hitler reaction. Th navy champions la Congress Geneva Arthur Henderson, Berlin Official quarters pleased came a reality in Montana today. chairman world disarmament con- noted Arthur Ward, Helena buyer for who contend that tha United States evidence United State ference: "If governments respond abandonment of "Ice cold Isola- several eastern concerns purchas- fleet will not bo brought up to exto president Roosevelt's appeal a tion ed from Miller Brothers of Chin- isting treaty limits even with a disarmament convention should be Budapest Friendly and recep- ook. their clip of between 250 000 three-yebuilding program, were and 00 000 pounds at that figure. quick to not that President Rooao-eelt- 's tive. speedily secured." Rome Meeting of grand councall for world disarmament Prague Been as starting point Th price paid by ' Ward waa the did not cil advanced a week to discuss the of new and mention navies or ah'pa. peaceful disarmament highest line 1120 when an Chairman Vinton of (be House few clip sold at that suggestions: reactions favorable. talks. Paris Won praise; regarded i AP Buchargut Press balled aa mo. figure. Th best previous price In naval committee said b expected WASHINGTON. May IT to go abead The Hoys today approved th mentoua. warning to Chancellor Hitler. Montana thia spring waa 22 cents the administration Stockholm Viewed ns ImportOslo Quickly approved at eabl but th tendency has been buyers with tta ship construction conferenc report on th Muscle plana ant forward step, aa historic event. net etse!on. said to hold ths wool from the and If an agreement war reached Valley develop, Mexico City President. Abtlar-d- o Buenos A! ree Described as out. market In anticipation .of the at the Geneva conference to re - ment bill completing congremton Rodrigues: "Mexico la resolved standing effort to thwart Euro- price paid by Ward for wool of due th tlx cf fleets even more, al action and sending th measure to he a better neighbor and clc tha construction could be halted. te th Whit Houa. fine quality. pean war. j '. 1933 in Arms Equality BAN DEMANDED Demanded By Nazi TO HALT HITLER In Speech To Reicti Daladier , j monopoly. 17 GERMAN Chancellor Denies Desire To Invade France, Poland te That It does not oppress or discriminate against small bust ness enterprises. Employes May Organise "In addition the employers sub milting such a cods of fair emmust agree thst their ductionployes shall have the right to orEmployers cannot do this ganise and bargain collectively and or even In organised groups,singly bethat their right to Join a labor orcause such action Increases costs ganization will not be Interfered and thus permits cutthroat under- with. They must undertake to reselling Ivy selfish competitors unwil- duce the hours of labor to. thst ling to Join In such a public spirited number which the president finds will- b- - most helpful In Increasing endeavor. One of the great restrictions upon employment In the industry. Fin such cooperative efforts up to this ally they must agree to pay a minUrns ha been our laws. imum seals of wages and maintain They were properly designed as the minimum standards of working mean to curthe great evils of conditions a determined by the president. monopolistic - price - fixing The president la further authorshould certainly be retained They as a approve permanent assurance that tha old ised to enter into or trade or relating to any evils of unfair competition shall agreementswith a view to" Improvnever return. industry that industry Bui the public Interest will be ing conditions within Its power to provide served if, with the authority and and increasing employment. under the guidance of government, The initiative is left with Indusprivate Industries arc permlted te try. However, should an Industry make agreements and codes Insur- bo or refuse to ing fair com petition. However It tbs unable president may Impose upon it Is necessary, if we thus limit the of fair cods competition and li-In operation of anti-trulaws to their circumstances original purpose to provide a rigor- extraordinary cense the trade or Industry. ous . licensing power in order of fair competition cods a "Once te csseaef (a approved or Issued toy the prest and abuse. Such a safeguard Is dent. It becomes the standard of indispensable. competition within that trade The other proposal gives the ex fair or Industry to which H applies, and all those who comply with It are Please Turn te Pago Two.y - NOBEL rOKMlll 1 IX Y Blanche exempt from the provisions of the Shoemaker W'agstaff, well known laws and all those who been recommended violate It are subject to legal penalpoet, has Judge at Morkhohn ties the Nobel Prise In "Title II of the bill authorises add ItEm to being a noted the president to formulate a baa been acrlatmed Americaa most 000,008 program of public AMERICAS beautiful woman. works, federal state and local. The to be prosecuted include projects StYauis 01 Ml the construction and repair of Boston non l Ms I It a highways and public buildings, the Battrrfcv Blarholdrr and shea- diminution of railroad grade crossPlpgraa and Ferre n. ings. the conservation of natural resources, the construction under Brtrolt . . . .000 000 010?' public regulation or control of low ji cost New lork .Ml MS Ms 4 housing and alum clearance Battcvto, Fischer and - Hay-- 1 projects, and other public projects. worthl Convex, Wyatt and President Responsible Dickey. work may be don directlv ,The Hg Cleveland ..MO IM loo-i- d federal government or may the by Washington OM Mt Olr 1 jg . bo financed by tha federal govern' 4 Myatti Crowder and ment bv extending loans and rrants Sever0. to states, municipalities and other R. H. E. tobhllc bodies and loans to h limited number of private corporations enChicago ...000 0M 050 g gaged in th 'construction of projPhiladelphia 100 too 006 S g Durham, Faber and - Berry. ects devoted to the public use. d The hill contemplate Grulve; Walherg, Peterson, Diet rich and Oochrane responsibility In the execuof th program and the autive NATIONAL Is therefore vested entirely B.H. E thority In the president Boston 000 0M MO JO 0 finance "To thi' program th Cincinnati .000 0M 0000 S I issuance the Brandt and Hogan; Sen It b. Frey, bill authorises to be retired bonds of by payments Rlxey and Jxmbwrdl, M anion. out of a speinto tha fund sinking ' R. H. F cial tax provided for the purpose.1 THE CVMBFLLS ARE COMING Brooklyn . .00x xxx x x The Royal Scot. crack twitish St. Louts v.lOx sis xxi s x KEBELg TASS CITY train said to be the fastest In the Betmarh and 1lopes; Walker and LONDON. May IT. ((NS) Moa world, is pictured here aa It nr X. Wilson. rived in New York. It Is en route ft iy. e. lem rebels have captured Kashgar In Chines in the World's lair in (liksto so Plrftatelphla MM 004 000 4 f Turkestan after Americans ran see something real- Ptttelrarjrb .SO) 000 10a 0 is revolt lasting a month, an exchange Scots. And the and fast say ly they Beefy Davis; French, Smfcb telegraph dispatch front Simla. brought their bagpipes along too. and Paddea. India, reported today. 1 wide-logg- MAY oir-- ii j LIBEL -- THIS IS A BATHING But it mn-r- i't Kl'IT get wet. trunks are green The and the waist h orange. It la accompanied by a Mexican sombrero. WEDNESDAY Extra Taxes Needed,1 Industry Given . Left to Con-Co-opera- t3L CITY UTAH Special Message Seeks Supervision Over U. S. Industry gressmen mmm(Terwm TAKE D0SCH-FLECR- -- 0T Briefs From a i Hitler Speech st i I ! Secy. Hall Fro wns n. On Silver Action NEWS BRIEFS er s; er Officials of U.S. German Default Pleased By Nazi On Debt Feared nk Uft Navy Expects To Push New Ships T Japan Spurns U. S. Peace Plans; Message Cheers Other Powers works-industrial- th Shoals Dill Goes " To White House ar Shoais-Tenness- , f V ! |