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Show The Deseret Gazette Page 7 August 22. 1975 tUHlttll SKtHI ft" WWWWW VWWW V o v" ) PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE DIRECTORY HOME SUPPUES ALTERATIONS CLASSIFIED FORM FRUIT Alteration is Call Maria DRYERS, slicers, j uicers, wh eat grinders, appl e what I do best.. parers, deep freezers, wheat. Stones to make your own electric wheat grinders, ready to mount on your motor. 255-918- 8. APPLIANCES GREAT NORTHERN 325 W. Summer qiedal 10 off all service charges on T.V. repairs. Call now af Mr. View Showkase 254-072- Write your ad in the space provided below. Enclose 5 cents per word or 10 cents per word for commercial advertising. Pierpont (250 So.) S.L.C. 521-050- 5 9 landscaping MHtsShoftRapair Specialize in Cowboy Boots Includes Announcing 1 SSSTSaTsIK DIAMOND MIKES foosbal refreshments! electronic games 7800 So. 3200 I West Jordan Phono 255-080- 6 Football lournrtr jWlU rrt( Saturday I 571-75- v ; AUTOMOBILE SERVICE at your home Car Tune-u- p for less money. Call 561-096- FOR Orchards & niglil 4. Uceuaed child care, playmates, lunches call 3 254-38- 34 Hydro Swift Boat 75 HSP evinrude engine. Just gone through $1,900 or best offer. Phone REAL ESTATE 24,000 FHA, VA good west side location. 3 bedrooms, air con- 299-96- 24 m Acrobatics, Jazz, Dancing. Reception Center MOUNTAIN is VIEW Receptions Weddings APPLIANCES or 254-44- 66 561-70- 26 Classes starting Aug. 18th Dance 55 561-365- 4. 364-983- Moving., Yard Sale - Misc furniture and appliances Aug 19, 20, 21 only. 2096 West 7800 5a ITT! Gbsed 254-072- . LUMBER HARDWARE GLASS PAINT 0 (Ak PARRYS SERVICE 2295 W. 8200 So. Owners Ray and Ivy Smith W WE REPAIR MOST ANYTHING TMES EXHAUST 90NK lkbale INSPECTION 254-996- 0, McDOUGAL REALTORS MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LAW DEVELOPMENT. LOTS w INCOME FARM w HNMGNN NYMB CMTMCT8 PROPERTIES Ivory & Co. SPECIAUZINQ IN SELLING YOUR PROPERTIES O Main Salt Lake City, Utah 151 So. 531-77- 00 561-14020 14 1. 1700 W. WEST JORDAN RES ; MMIUMUST fX&3SS7tei hvattSh M.STNWTN 3SL3SU SHCaOASG : fliiiiiniiiumry TRICOT ft CUSTOM DRAPERIES KWIK SEW PATTERNS 11743 M 254-049- 2 RIVSTOn DRUG I 3 IUMI WIW08W 262-829- 2 277-089- 3 RIVERTON LAUNDNf & DRY CLEANING 355-327- 2 FKNMT ATTEN0AMTS 561-351- 0 VON It Luanas COIFFEUSE NOTH TOUH 0 PM iUS lots S . 7 MSC0MTM Ml. N M0K IKK 254-997- 254-425- 6 6 WEBSTERS. INC. IN LAWNMOWER 22 SALES . 9 RENTAL 12600SR SERVICE 254-019- 3 sura? 571-356- PAINT A GLASS fiHISOfi PLUMBING sumiEt TWO LOCATIONS .7951 SO STATE 9. 561-51- 1 255-356- 1 84 254-392- SERVING KFARNS, SOUTH JORDAN. DRAPER. oAst PARRYS ' SERVICE WE REPAIR MOST ANYTHING' INSPECTION EXHAUST 90HK TMES 254-996- 0, ILUFFDALE . REALTORS DEVELOPMENT. FARMS V-i- - LISTINGS FINANCING BUYING CONTRACTS . CREATIVE -Q- 1 MCDOUGAL LAND CONSTRUCTION PROPERTIES SPECIALIZING IN SELLING YOUR PROPERTIES PECK A PECKHAM COUNTRY MUSIC... 24 HOURS EVERY DAY KIM asm J&SSt I UAUTT 90NKMANSMP JOHN D. WALL 254-39- 02 MARYS HAIRBENDER LIN6 HAIR SPECIALISTS SENIOR CITIZENS MSC0UNT EON LATE APPOINTMENTS CALL 254-398- 6 HMUNTxmcKir AIPHALT PAVING , LIVE OUR PAPER LUMBER A HARDWARE MEAT DEPARTMENT INCOME PROPERTIES 6 26.000 FAMILIES COMPLETE 1864 254-005- OVER INDIVIDUAL SERVICE COMMERCIAL hhtw 255-688- 3. m , hwujb SAVES OH HIT 571-24- 29 07 DRAPER QUALITY FOODS LOTS 254-07- Visit Taylor Rental 9315 South 7th East, Sandy, Utah SANDY. MIDVALE. RIVERTON. WEST JORDAN. COPPERTON. GARDEN EQUIPMENT HEADQUARTERS uTTOHutilH'iABibian "quipment. 0. 561-39- MEMBER OF MULTIPLE IB tractor equipment yard :ools, partywedding, sickroom, automotive Sandy: New 3 bedroom tax rebate home near completion and beautiful. Unique floorplan, good view, and many trees in back yard. $63,-00Call LaMar McDougal Realtors 12761 SO. 1700 1 oimmc VIEW 111 EQUIPMENT RENTAL - For all your rental needs. Con- 255-65- HOME INSURANCE WORK A SPECIALTY 19 YEARS EXPERIENCE (LIFTS JOES CARPETING RENTALS AUTO COSMETICS WOMEr HELP MOUNTAIN APPLIANCES or 31 RIVERTON GLASS COMPANY 1741 W. 12600 SO. COMPELTf SEWING CENTER S22-26.0- 561-42- 254-391- Mob Fabric Boose Have 3 clients who need homes in the range Urgent Kearns, Midvale or Salt Lake City GOLDEN WEST REA T TY bedrms, dean, home in perfect condition. Will sell at FHA appraised $23,750. McDougal Realtors PHOTO NEEDS CARDS ! 299-28- 84 Merchants Who Are Dependable RIVERTON 111 call 561-42- DRAPER flrrmintitTTrriTv 561-42- 561-14- Stop and Buy - Kearns, 1975 A.T.V. ARGO must sell 561-55- 561-14- Wanted! The Gazette is looking for boys and girls to deliver our paper to the communities of West Jordan, Kearns, Sandy, Midvale, Riverton, and Draper. Recreational Vehicles 30's. Call Vaughn McDougal Realtors 255-515- FOR Utah Jordan: 4 bedroom home with many extras, double garage, landscaping and covered patio. Must see, low 561-52- KMI STYUM RRS-MME- Dept Deseret Gazette West HeP MEDITERRANEAN SOOTH JORDAN IERRIMAN BLUFFDALE co The 0 st Twu part-tim- e salesmen positions now available to sell advertising for the Gazette. Male or female good supplimental income for husband or wife, high school or college students. Call Randy at N A M C O ... For ra mm 255-650- 561-755- 1. any size parcel of ground Subscription , 1550 W. 7800 So. West Jordan, Utah 84084 Splendiferous spilt, Sandy's view area, almost new 4 bedroom. 134 bath, glamorous rock fireplace, queen size kitchen, double garage, full basement, with roughed-i- n family room and bar. Owner anxious. 58.000 below fair market value 533,900. Call Warren or Paulina 0 GOLDEN WEST REALTY - USTMRS or 561-14- 571-143- 1. 1 255-356- 1 254-392- Send To; Golden West Realty Sales Counselors - for Salt Lake's most beautiful cemetary - experience helpful but not necessary we will train. Phone Mr. Catea for appt. TWO LOCATIONS iz7Mio.i7Mw. Voluntary Subscription Rate $9 per yr. Call Wanted; Two cemetery MPPUES 7951 SO. STATE We WanlTo Buy Your Farm HELP WANTED WEBSTER'S. INC. 9 GOLDEN WEST REALTY Hone Hone Horse We are in desperate need of property zoned for horses. . With, or without homes. All sizes and locations throughout Utah. Smpict 12 Will consider Square f 12619 So. Redwood Rd. CARPETING SU 4 4 Anniversaries.;;:..! Club Parties Private Parties 561-71- BatoA Ballet, Tap, ditioning. very clean, over sized double garage, nice fenced yar-call to see. Sherma 3 or John 8 Is. 6flr Bow with new string Land arrow Quiver $40.00. Call 1 believing Solicitation of Subscriptions Note in Progress livery bags. Call today for the sale of your bag. 1 or 17 Gerry Moons Dance Studic Seeing 84 newspaper SALE 1628 W. 12600 So. Co. 561-51- Needed; The Gazette will pay top dollar for old de- Handmade gifts reasonably priced. Quilts, pillowcases, scarves, house slippers, etc Stark Bro's 51 SSSSSSSS53SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 3 9 7940 So. 2200 W. West Jordan 84084 Nurseries Send to: The Deseret Gazette 1550 W. 7800 SoT or West Jordan, Utah 84084 Kiwuakl, ust sell, S350 or best offer. Great condition 1971 561-75- 25S-111- I W. - Fast, Reasonable rates, experienced. 521-05- For brochure and informa- tion write or phone: I MISC. TYPING S.LC. BRIAN SMITH pool , GREAT NORTHERN 325 W. Pierpont (250 So.) quality greenhouse atari I Aaffordable price f I Ad Copy AWta exchange. benches vents I overhead light, E 1 571-563- tread highway caps. $9.88 exchange - same fa n" Number of Issues All millet Lawnmower sharpening and repair; free pick-u- p and delivery. Call 255-195- 1 TIRES - New heater! "exhaust Day Service When Needed 9 77 0 So. 7 00 AUTOMOBILE PARTS COMPLETE GREENHOUSE $397 561-14- 14 M20 8. 2700 W. WEST JORDAN |