OCR Text |
Show . - , 1 I , t , & to ,,," . . flak , 4 -- fN . ,., DESEBET . . ' CARPET CLEANING s w ars esparto with the Hamilton FlOs,"11 II rpet lit ashrr. It washes ond drifts your ?JCS or carpets richt on your floor. ittolorsit original color and briahtooes. sotiqaction suarenterd. it.LILCTIIIC CA14114P (.13:4111tit P. Caste wait( t. ell Mina. SWIt;:. -. i ANL' liftitiliTNICsii RE. COLORS Herod; rugs mod row without removloctric ing: washed and dried with Hamilton !teach carpet washer. Phone I1 DARING.pLoT, Classified Advertising Rates 4 . TOOVERTHROI NEWS WEDNESDAY JUNE 9 1920 FOR SALE SLEIL ron &mai RKAL' INTAITI EVENING ell. ESTATE.. MP. . reels WANTED WANTED AN EXPKRIENIALD AND L14 NT NOV ED. ' . HELP IrLatALE , 1111MOVVD lattortitia por line de set tt'firstrests Vquigra lot lb. tsorrirstut flipip .0 or Ironing to , washing LITTLE e LITTLE, OK A YOUNO , Woo. MIDDLE-ACIE- eteig Still. WOM. D notstk Maio Streit. lia't tatt city. Ulan. ue Tuesday. ins :Pia day tte Jlosne. 113, at foot o'cloots P., n, The motting is tsilg to, the purpose of amtinding the Articles of IncoriPoret tier' of tho tompsny In tho folioslag mirth:attars: . I. Tt provide for Increasist or de crasaing th number ot diroetaro el tbs oarporattoo - os , tito otasaleatders. may determine- -, t 1.. To peovide for th or tempest company. 71 . to corn Into tsar home and amtat cortior close in slid Parsd an , .,se WANT. on both sides la a good substantial with housework. Will treat as One of St. et iidd a aiitt.. wart per , ... 1 It sued hour. , , . IN .110 0 11911Petelleattle OM i I a Zatit .., ,. , - , stage, furnace eto NI family. 00,41 wag, sad .............,,,-'.--,..- tt IA. a . . ,.. t.tot oat 11Ivit think 'ha tnd a1 one id worth 11.500, t 111G . , IV 011104 Now our aom moods The at le house I rithairs. Iliga al , MALE KELP WANTA.D close homas all around and not four appointment of threa addatoeal oor. oast Utah blocks of .nric is hotel; II311. ;worsts Mears. namely. a second and ENIATE No Weal Second South Strata. $1.700, which is very chssp and the EXPERIENCED SODA DISPENSEV- .to buy. tround bl ear. Cream :rthtibrod toltasrd.rsolltleid6irsrl tsonrds.aarOhltmrOft" X thing althe', 1,de cltos.f..tnilelloutsthilultir:da btu . orPoitnbirrir. 1101-- fine the et rwilly. 1ST acres of as good land as thera quallfluatioas 41 duties Ir. 1100M BRICK. molorn teeot lisat: Conspiracy of Startling Na- , swill officers. REAL BARGAIN one-haA Is IS block in Idaho. Idaho near from all Valls. only SRE City level; 3. LI4OLIC1534 NEW wzrtior) CARPET LACVS To AND Ilso fitutforissd ssPi EXPERTCASPET lacrosse . Tesand County building. the lot is , loslient witter-righ- t. taitY Paid: IOU. tura la Uncovered by ' None but ultueristtned men nodal tat stook of Otto corporation trots letill. c1egnina guaranteed the best kn the rich Sealtil feet. and the &rite is layer. black loam; ao sand. rock. Or 111 Co-o- p. 090.00 to Co.. South entilY. 11,6eo.doe to. city. Hy. 143. Ternaurs Itilf DANDY Melia. This Is lass (Lan the Durt,rx grayel; lair improvements. Oakland-Tri- al W. tk MocORNICK, Preaideot. - - talus et the lot- PLEX sttit-I- c Homn WI1 LAPOE timony Datod ('OLORS. nouts. barn and Lranary. IS &era In CLEANINO. REHTORINU at Salt thtt City. Utah. thie AND acres In oats; bal. hand Jonyai removes oil grease or growing wheat; MEN OR ard day of June. 1334. PLACE VOR A MAN WIT11,13KAUTIFUL modern brick. Of Syndicalist. Fronk fortis. :7 ance in alfalfa. Alt crops IN FINK JUMT TUEIP10411,7. staincrreasonoblo. womon, work. Nothing ray FOR S blemoney; OR hardwood with finish. TWO, Was. Mt 1.A",rt 'Price only 1230.0 oer FAMILY:S South West Temple. 1410111ATE AND ter hest. sta.. nd on NEAR 40r110 wY14T or fins to pelt, Can Raymond. 13 to 1. 1 to I P. rAstowisair 1 Cilm.l. will n ler.. part r.."'..-.- . LISER TY PARK , ItOTIC E. , lot that is valued at SLISS tn.. oak for Mr. Molly. 1 AND NEAR NEW meat a good modorn bungalow In unit riClfool,. on LADT: LARUE Ione. located be.. tnd East LARIIE P nu NESS OPP011TrNITIER. Lakd rtIPTICENTH ABOUT JULY "naadind dinadaa, and earns l'HivittEN ,,Clobsu it CIMINO' Clark or (Nit-o- n all for 613300. This houso-lAftn OAKLAND. Cal.. June 1.What is be. respective lots. will bay. openinp for a themefiat exbut must hie Itl'hiri: ALL HoUtill: A good residanc 100 largo tor present owner. signers fro further information. APVCIAL TAXES PAID. 1011 PER CENT PER ANNCMIft . 'Hived to be one of thw most daring sottish $60011. 0 In .cash balance ta suit Good Perienced. head competent Pur, Boa RUT GrTrK 00INO Write ss,lria. wouryt safe business chaser. clevac home. Near- Itortenced. competellt hoed miller. Good SCARY TERAIN TO 00oD PARTY A.NOTIIIVR AOTICile plots to overthrow authorized govern-Mo- lit Burkbarnett.enterprise. Texas. CILIMITORIL LE GRAND RICHARDS REALTY CO. ON AT $1.661 OR LrAils Tr YOU COME ly new, on a fine corner neer to MblEiMmi. and ottabliab a reign of terror N (I CO.. 7b W. flo. Toronto.. PRESTON )A t 4111. Was. the hardwood fin. . university; ..TIIE SW WITH QUICK THE MONka DISTRICT end revolution bas been uncovered since RANO( OrTICM STORM PITTITIMI , COURT or THS - fah. hotwater bent. PR IritTON. 114 HO, . Sloth Judicial District. laundry. vowtr. A QUICK SALE----11- 6 County of Use. RODS PRONT. the "red" menace sprang up lit the hardwood floors, Stitt of Utah. gars'.. Probate . Division. la the' OF 'LOAN WANTED room brick. $1.400! alItS foot dwelt: CUTLER Amn HOVIK MittTWO (:) RESIDENTIAL IllqAPIS: throughout and sun parlor ad..' blotter :United States was bared today at the Rank. of the ot totai Varied Haiti. 4 so room on Stor Fixture. Office. Wilt twist brick. for all mak reduction MOO ditionA 01. D011itatt C. day. of John trial tor NOTICE TO CREDI syndicalism be. furniture mad to order. Ili nit:laads for cub or taking both. Vnouiro of Ta) MAIN TORS. 110.800 WAN WANT11 ON terms. ars toot on the writ sat aids Thsy 0 fore Superior Judge James a. Quinn. ocorner street owner on promisee, WO Eoutts fievoitth one on ISth Zest- parked email an4 ittrot W ICI property. !Mersin rats Estate of Iforinda Ha !lido?, decesocod one of Piret Avenue, They ars con- CALIPORSIA DtPI.EX house of five per cent. payable $3100 Orel year. 01701 Croaltore r. 8 14116, Called by. the prosecution to teatitY will p so on for 10 year& second and rooms and , two and year claim' win sit CUT 31,0WE.83 to venient bungs. Wesatch school, high wheel to lb understreed vouchers togainet Taylor, Edward Alverson. for. to be loOf all end at le Iowa built on th earn lot, years, 1:dd Kane paid at Staab. and BARGAIN ST Mt &OLD SE THIS university. n Ot wee I. W. W. official and active in, the CUT I10.000 on .bonus County, with Utah. five catod SY ALA IEWIT about of blocks gether IFI.011 Ad. DEr. py before the eget WEEK. and above TOtal of Interest. tint A. day bros. store. Auerbach's for Welker all principal w. $IC. D., meld August, hav of funeral more the fin en communist labor assigns. flowers; erganization hese, SOO. SARAH E. HARMON. Live In ono and rent loan will be about 11 per toent of the RANCR ele ACRES er - Ittom,Y orn mit TKVPI,E, PEAUTISII, Dry tiood Co. Wamatrii PM - petty, gave details of a widelpread It id the impróvements eRA.14 Imo mill an the near-i- n tho then; and your Income will value would in crop. le land all in Improved RAPT vas mit it in two, Dated June Ist, latil. Adrninistrotric bib about PASO per annum and Yea prefer gram initiated by the radicals of Oak. lite ln tame tirty. lee meadow FiENVHOtt than sny throe firms In the ReliGGAGE OR EXPRE:8,1 grain. lt firet mortgage. balanoe oleo. Date of First PublicatiMil. Jails S. Land. and pasture, 430 Inches water. See head business. your rant froAnd you aro liv. one-haorsd mortgage. the 01111 COrryinir 00 late. TRANS-te- r of Ifereford cattle. I lag In a high class location. Call Was. bull. registered abduction to end Murder, second arson, .hav the mortgage profit Date of last horse snit haeileas. full line of ma. . REASONS FOR OCR SUCCESS: trucking. odd job s. to..in and out 110.010, in addition to the I per tent loly I. Itit Joan Jr. brim.Publication, 74t0011 BRICK stucco plasterod, is of aination, of .members of the eitintry, new auto :hogs. chickens. tus of town. Attorney for Admints Intermit. Total income estimated st tratrix. with A bath. left location. for nett . "hated" capitalistic clue keys, beet porch, aim. "OUR Mules ---hay -year. TO nvorymm -------- -110.000 least ory which alt,tyy would on set per year. toilet. sewer connection, newly be and fishing rernerlte lit the AN D OUR In the plot outlined by the "reds" to To CITY to pay the interest on BOTLY21. SIIEFIr incoN WORK famous Copper basin, openright IN TH E DISTRICT 001.1"tr. rallored. lot $01111 foot to al. the eufficieny A , fir-i- t TIT ! NO IV ELL ritngs tw liAl140A I NE " PRO- and Routh left to mrirtgage willew to reserve, establish 1 eystem of government fay- - woo.o....... for HAIL Tours twitter open ley. BOUGHT iind for Salt Labe year IS HALF SOLD." On the second mom-gag- e bate Division,. Interest the. AND pay MAKER CO. BOILEF. : miles moLurs from telephone Counts State to their ends according; to Al- arable of achogi. Utah. As times. se four safe the Mat. governhonors. tanks. smoke Ws have lived on this place. In buy. stoel You cannot make a- misIak repairs steam TIME THET ARE: While you ar making ter of the Eosin ef Timothy Roprden, bonds. verson's testimony. Rear.13I W. S. T. Phone 3417. ono f the aboWe coniy ad. ment stacks. Dersoned..NOTICE. ing a be money the wieners will ' . making Nausea lateaaed I !ethnic. The potitiow- - et Nato- - Connr ati. T. R (IOW. 'A It A freest deal themselves. and are willing rinisitratris TNT! RELY vertigo bargains. MIMI., call Sormour Young at Wasatch ,1:14. Irony:RN ' A ilozen of the sista, of TenotItY to hove you share ix same. for the LA ROE t BATH leading men et affairs. inHour, RCSINESS COLLEGE . NOME FINELY WHIPPED: 1EN TR doemead, preying for the minut further improvements are put Reardon. , eluding politicians, public officials and & LITTLE LITTLE ottlemont of final account of LARGE PO RcH, AND On the property the sooner the money ad. .bantire in Oakland. were named by 110.004 FARM TO SALT LAKE BUSINESS cota.,ton TRAPP; FOR 1174 Illeint)re Bldg. will be made. Have party who will ministratriz. and for summitry.id the whitey', ,as persons ,pelected for Dor distriOver the home in Bait LS it City. East nide. LOT. MHORT !ARTAWI!! PROM EA ITT versions. and of the residue of the estate. bution one-ha- lt SOUTH tak another it will 'rEm imprisonment as goon ue the---campaign Croheum. voning 7238. E. party STR Bertha Was. ON MP; MET, Stark, Silver City, C.takt. all the property of the deeedeot. P! A UTIFT14 News. brivg tak the balance. Address of terrorism was hettnened. Iverson Boit 140. PARicrD Art. to lb urvivior wire hos beim mit for COIN t4 QUICK AT. $11.0040. TERMS si!gio declared that scores of ether peoITITE ran CILIROPRACTORS the itieventit hooringA. all of WPI MULL THE RARTH. ABSTRACT TO ARMY PARTY. east bay cities had been ooi0000;o00000...0000000000o0000000000 ple of the D. rilaty ISSO Juno. at two 'clockdity LOAN P. II TO MONTT singled out. but that. hts was unable Iticsokors et title and loan money en It. AND. DOOM-blanat the County Court How's tot OFFICS SUPPLIES Lek. Cooney Moo. IcaWa Cottrt the hlt 'LA Rel to recall all of.their ;lames. min VM wilt invest your money on chicle ot all kinds The Deseret Room of sold COlart in Salt Lek City. MONZT TO WAN provere Association 11)RMETorIC Ranks were to be seized and their rarm and imp Security nooms t Beek Cs. In bait Loki EATER. Utah. northarn On County, R Roal L Zstats. Improved twits looted, the spoils to be used for and Pouther Idaho. We deal Witnose the Clork of maid Court. PORCH,LARO E uvy. A. R. Kr5T.ER. P. c. to tormBRPT Ilth Ns Commission. nevrawArrir rRotry furthering the radical,program; with the seal thereof affixed this LOcA TION g to T. wish nothing but tEco very boat.. Write OF Pocvr sPEaAl;Irrs. Bk. Bldg.; Hr. 1011:30. No Attorney's roc ON ALL FT ROT ua V A tor ))aper plants dynamited; Police stations r.s Loans, Invaetmanto and Anal 1..ab woRTH we Eestorn Cerny. Sy. tweety.nintb day of May. lale. taken over, and armories manned, Al- Plom coils. Was. $OC. flirrEll it 444ENrIt, tat'. It you witch the beet. H. A. rod., rry norm.; Li P. DIME GRADUATE CHIROPO J. E. CLARK. , QUICK. FOR , No Delay. oratory. Vereen related. TICle. wean A Co.. Logan. Utak. Itscosti Offico East. Pitiable& (SEAL) , Clark. EL Ill FE dist, No You MINNED POWICTIt TN Tr The piens were so minutely outlined, Comphootiono. M. IL Smolt. US. VisE Ethio&I D. L.- OOTTA1C 160 Ply trsaUsent. , EAST Deputy Clore. You C, HIM YOUR CH A NCO ON Attrortivo Terms. Alverson said, that only one east by .Nmpiqi WE SELL REAL Geo. retitTHATi Goviat 2 ESTATE for to Jar to le ON 13; Attarasi E. 'rum Fo. Temple. Hour,, l U. Tuttle Broil. Co.. III Main St. , rfit TR Dowbr PAYMENT AND TRACT LOAN .1 TRUST CO. newspaper plant wee to be left standAAKIt SALM. iOner. FOOT . . 116311. , illTLERALL A LOAM Was. . inMain FROM trS ArTtl, 91 Ind once the reign of terror- was ftrOot. MAKS YOUR orrzn meats Skillfully trsalsti. . ' FeSitissly was .. This publiestiOn FORCEO TO SELL. 40 ACRES BEET A CASH ON-Eaugurated. Jutlire Bids. patsless. MR& P. M. COLON. 4511 P. MOUTH end. YOU SONNY WHEN WANT ON scheduled to be taken over by the 04 shares I mf:11 srator stork. hallo& Office hours I. sandaYa. vs- - rom donot and of'whoal. at HEM ralea will A; Womimum preraptly Pout for dissemination of 'their Temple.realty To Wm; - AT' tOirenT - ond out side Pries $1.000; TLAMONET r ails by appoint. I I400 It 'Mita. Waa. 1171. LODGE lititett flintily"t r It TLIL C.. myrrutio 1 propaganda. di Copper Ris, Psoitto Southern Geld cam Call Elle:land 101141 atter ment: -' 1393., Plione.Was. - ing Attila Company. principal "A red guard" molded along the lines $ .i. place MASONIC HITE ON AT THE NioNIT IZWELYtt SocYrrispir PROVIDLNT 4 in Soviet of the famous organizations UOttecINC.,NTA R ITI(11176141 of business, Room 1144 Welker , Se. Bocood East. Isidge BacLots geot411q zas imutis Mitia stlost. iNVYAIT W. H. PYOTT. V. C.. Plf,:c. en.s.gTemple lit t 4 Russia and turbulent Germany was aLlt lak City. Utah. ACENT COMPANY. FOR 117 SALE. hive No. Scottish Ancient Palmer Accepted trdlt graduate. Bldg. Wasatch( Betio the witness dieelneed, and with levee that at a i I No. Rite Symbolic A. M. P. meet AT I AAP X OZ X meeting ofI. thehereby roR II CAL West 24 South. Phoo401foo. t" , I planned, Board of Directors wit to wage. a, this military named TIM Bros. Cs- -FT and 3 Wednmiday at the above'very ON ACCOUNT Or THP3 LATE ISO Mat IP - of orgenization A. 4. Gold South the Pactic 1 Copper Mining Temple at the hour of p. us. Visitors P. M. THEDOATt. Palmer GRAD-oat- s, son we are making a peelal of $340 4 another ! & MiIUng Ca.. held on the tith day r group would take over tbel Wolecyce. 7141.toft ic atmixtent,2!1-11- 3 straw hate MOO. for acCorn. lady an and 1110, lie. 4. eitihres civil emolument. of the May early .4 I government, reigns to 11; 8 to I; get your pirk. Beehive Tailoring Co., PLAYS Was. 1320. Hours. . 4 pent"' per share was levied ea ell the . cording to Alverson's statements. OPTICAL 103 West Broadway. t 11. issued and outstasding hares of 4 - --Plo- t PLAYS Carefully, Planwd.--- -, AKA. Mock et the corimratioa Palable BirrTILYON HOME ISCTLDE113 COLCIIIIIAN OPTICAL CO.. 111 MAIN ours coached -- la their par.. - facial tal 1 WM. W. STARE. D. C., 2014 11011- Co. Alvereon asserted that the plot was FtY owNr,R. On or before Jens id. 11)4. te W. C. roR SALE. ROOM I A1111 make-tr6:30 8. 1:30. to 14 Kellenwan. Seoretery. at elm. offiso of so carefully planned that whenever a p.m pitig. Hours Street; depeadable Is work. Right brick house. Modarn. rutl basement taught. P. L Holds. Ill-P- .. oosta Posrth hostW. one isos. prices. and garage. me East lith Routh. radical fell In conflict of the Hyland thts corporation. Room 1104 Walker . 4 ACRES i near State. a Batik Building. earner Weis Street sad kidnaped fruit, haarly all In aitalta;orelovely PEN.I. R. JORNS01. 31 I BOrrON FOR PALE, rzoxtra. COIVE WHERE PIANO One of the MOVING PERSONAL led South Street. Salt La itd City. Utah. .W414. house. gTehs 0. pee ev: each time wtoorultdrarnaloonle- P1.10. Hours. 1821 bloom. and bloutk State. Ryland that any shares u pos whhi said they barn, flowing well and 4 93I. GOITRE. LITERATI:RR ONI THIS good water right; Iv the witneall at the 0, A. IL Exprass A Trasefor C. Larg assessment shell remain i.000. $1,601 son 34 elk shall cash. BaL on terms. June unpaid by Important subject fres. Ths Washing. padded vane awl apace la Wean wareh- oleos of buslitess on advertised CHTRnPRACTOR PAR. PIONEER i NEW was tor 4 owmt. and be under once W. the conflict 'Was. ate silo s ton Pe seizure Laberstoriss. Ssaitis, III gotioquent TRACTOR; MAKE ash. 't.ir'. we y included: tors. Erickson and Erickron. Hours 11 offer; also ACILF.5 floor 134 B at public auction. and guises payment Mit.oholl. Woo and Stat.: fruit To. nt. 101-1- 1 3 to Constitution I Ilt. to 4412 and Carlemade F. shell he en before. mid J. I. MaYcer John L. Davie. Joseph July FOR a oleo borne, TEARS I RAVE LOANED Pop CORN BAUM. RidtPhons Was. ISA built cigar 14. 1920, to pay the delinquent assess ot beets.good ., J. ton, president .of the Central National coops and money on real stets nvortgagee tor insdcoot brooder . brick; and TOtTNG PIGS with the mint. of together 3. W. good water right A dividuals and have 00000 lest ono rant REDUCE THE bank; Jogeph H. King, capitalist 0$, nrcirraz & C . LIT sod Twines of sale. rim) location. $4,1100; $7611 down. of principal or interaat for any client Stoolic brace. Midvale. 11 lt-Oakland vertising STOCKINGS. ball EtAkSTIC Os prominene member of the s popcorn dar , C. K,UtAASIULA.14, 11.W. CoPewell. OR $ Commerce: Cho a foractotture. of and had Can 'waver Chamber Doctor A get say tom& hoop away. portoot x PAR OUT.. CHEAP RENT, 'MALL President of the H. C. Copewell corn- par, rent interilin set to you and can holOtly font In the si,EctAlurz,E SUMMONS. ACBSS East Mill Croak . geed water a all your money all the time. W. , 4 rinones. IS why we oan our goods aTons.e trill WE anneyw;p1 lerLirtigbaayndrierrcrtdanteK; p manufacture of bonito.' NOTARY PVILLIO a, Ray. Provo. Utah. TN .Oakland TRIO, TRIAD JTIDTCIAL, Ruffefts, coop. 1.3 serf In alto' a. reel 140.01 ELASTIC S1'0(1E17(68 , 4h, Knowland, ,publisher of the in fruit Thia la & 51EADAIdle LA SHOAT. PlettlEANENT Praia beds MATF-RNIT-T-' Connors, newspaper ABDObIL"I'Mi 11.00 ET 'TOUR 'WORE DONE Qutomy trice Court of Batt lake County. State 7", Tribune; John F. D. good bey. - 527 .13.110; at W. et Davenports.. . editor. and waiter located North Cole, president of 11,100 Utak y rang cash. Tomei. Bal. on Domani No i UTERDIF oorroctiy. Squire. wt. - and Dreeeers a. Narver', plaintiff, wra riot- toren& 10.00 of Commence,. Woatca 1064-the Chamber Reny , SUPPORTE'RS , Round pedestal tables 11.11I R. Itarvey. östsasst. burnmeas. who Is conducting' big own eras Taylor,. SPECLALIBM . rittertt-----the-coTrues, Canterailler-Dandy---wat- or 7 LIDGAItZtaiaillES Or ALL- - DIACRIP4 foug;h1 bittwy whitrer Ilbe Mt ,atUtalk, litAbesal4 , I Linoleum, yard his but S. H. BOWMAR CO. , 1.1a tiaat: right. IIroots nous, barn. uses, strictly et - the Dee-'vstrike out Alverson's testimony, 113. , , -- -G. 00WA2111; EIPMCIALIrt DR. - - Brooks Arcade Bldg.--- -- Inlaid Linoleum. squar-yardII Cs.4.0 In Yea are Itook unavailing.-- - suialsosed ta cm aft In (mop. hereby too,. ilbM beano, OfIfT0 apfear a A lot of Lied ranges. rugs and fur- dye. az. Beset throe t,. litta gloved tit co.4.5 twootY Sari atter the 'wales Salt Lake CIty lid Kearns Building. corn. tomstooe, cabbage. waniture, beis st h tlf price. Term s. PROTECT limn nmarrum of this ummose upon yen, if tarred 237 9 Wasatch Mono See others for prices first. tertnelons. cantaloupee; good patirat. We will eater. rim a patios: Unable to shake the witness from his orithia the musty In whiett this male 117rNIFILII'11311 FOS SALL team. harness . wagon, I cow. that protoeta Patent Dopartzaeati, Dee., COpoeite County Ruildlair. Is breughti welkin thirty story. MICHIGAN - t: ' original GO SALE-AUFURNITURE CO. Omit ISUPOMIMOMOIRMM,1MdMIMMEEMiM,WM11 calve& TOS. News. ret take City. dare after IlerVio and delsad the above cbickene. 1$.000 FOR 431 S. State St. oomb. lialanods on time. AGENTS: NEW ROYAL AND CORO.. Was. 41. in awl of year failotitiod WOOd.Nk tees Parents of Kidnaped no portable. All. tbor makes tor I. ure se tosoil's; do, judentest will be rendered FURS AND FURRIERS SAYE TIME AND MONEY BY 41 ACRES. 14 shares et water. Utahand repotrod. pest the demand te GLOOMDEBTROYER ootAnst Typoirriter you sesording 6 Bra LSO LJGD cII, BE NAIL Wao. Itz. Cog IS 1,,. and improvement. good tChild are Overcome EARL of the oompleia t. which barn hem toed hour, SNYDER AND IrtriudlitkitODIBLZD good J. CA.RS ARE line et USED 100 Scott Building BARGAINS 'IN all in spots. vs11,41, All kinds of tiuridsrmy. Its4 with the cleric of mild court. hie ageism Locetod machinery, 111 REPAIR, trier AND "'MIA ALL Is brought to reeever a 'wigwams' ,. ST nir Co. 1 won Invest MakesI. Z. 11.110; will snake more easily obtained isz mail then any By Grief. Seriously I - Ths T710 writs? Co all tio alsta solving the boodle at matrimony orbit I PAT TOP PRICES TOR GUNS. good term& other way. It saves the time of visiting , Was. 11111. In between you sad the plaistift. dealer after dealer in the search for the rowolvsra. watebee, cameras. diamonds, FUNERAL DESIGNS NORRISTOWN. Pc, June L.George automobile or truck you want. Simply musical Instruments, or anythinff of 11 ACRES,IlleharesCottonwood-Tenne- r RAT VAN corr. of ot ditch; good improvements. all H. Coughlin, father or szchants letter deocribing the kind vain, I buy. soli,to trim!' BAILEY'S PWRAL roMPARTbirrPfT. WAIIITb Atberney tar Plaintiff. drop us a are was who loan tacos D. on 10It kidnaped at Address fl 4014 Jut Money ear you cultivation, anythinw. reasonable formentioning main 'P. Plakeley ,Coughlin, looking t, Ives to D.el&) attention trifloral highway in Cottonwood. lovo- butes by our artistN. 4143 oast Boo. , last Wednesday. collapsed today and snake and price.you want to pay. By rates. Davidson's Loan Mem n East rXPERTTINCED STATE Like City. Utah. ly orchard, good team and cow, oiRti PIPutly .. physicians aaid tonight hie condition return snail we will tell; you what we lit South. Mall orders solicited. Wasatek !IL onlooman wants position. win foil on some chickens. 111,000 ceoh wIll : la serious. We. Coughlin alocr is Under 'have that meets your requirements and OM. Or salary; any territory poser It ' put you on this boautitui piece. FOUNDRY AND STOVE the care of physicians. the terms upon which it may be bought. NEW AND SECOND HAND BiRxrArn Sows Salomon on eteg terms. demanding Or. you can telephone us, and right at cycles tor wale. 1153 So, Slat. Was. liore than thirty lettere v1 TM "pyritic? cotrit? OP TIIPI ransom for the return of the baby have the moment we will tell you how well 4007.. WISTIMPI 70171rnalr ron WANTED; , TOUG MAN WHO Third Judie lot District. in and for Salt 14 ACRES. good water been received by the Coughlina. All we ran suPPIY your need. Last year we wall ion. allCALL right, ktode Water jackets sad stems es. kas taboo partial or full universitY Lake County Stet of Utah. Waal but three of them it was said tonight 'old S260,000 worth. of used cars alone WE MAKE YOUR mArritzsitrs proved, now in trope, will pro-du- o, pairs Was. 4414. Platatift ve, Charles IL lilaotiaing or mschanical courliel Pre ler" Itinsoa. 111 tone boots. end about '. ' have been eliminated as fakes. your furuiture at we know we can please you. You luta and 1UBC11014 PAO the vacation pi. eon, Defondant---ALLAtons Is , reafonable livid Utah ably Ono. who has 'pest Ii) alfalfa. 11,001 cosh., "It Please prices. reasonably certain," this way. save money buying by The State of Vtah I. ths maid Dobai. ' nod la employment In- instal or mil orruATION WANTED. Balance On terms. Mfg. Co. Was. 8764. , family attorney. "that one of the ,let. address; an You outnesoltod to Int: Desirable fol. Intim hereby kidnapers tera was written by the perwiesemt position - tteed Car Division, 31.711T RECEIVED VINE LOT TAILOR 141 ACRES, wear within twnty days after put ewe-ic- e YOUNG or ORADuA7111 16 D. 8. witli advancement opportunities to . the insertion in the newspaper Ida.; ws Iewing geoid LqiI, 'CO. ranrnad sample sults, extra values. Unto. of this ountmeas spoo Poll, If sornad tor right. well spread and in 'wetness Co ro ?ribewrf Ong Chum Is. terod I. as who is a Williams Mutant. TMC DOTTERILL ADT0111DBILIC that we were willing to pay $4,000 which this sotion west WOlt Tailoring - Co som and guarantee the abductors imsot with live meamorstal Writ. AP, lewithin the County St within high state of cultivation. 114) wires portion. Hy. 1194-CS South State St. Wasatch M. label. ' un was returned If 11 aro nem Broadway. scrag Plakeley Smghtotherwim front thirty daya invited alfalfa. triunity new and young plicatioas grain corn. not after persica. and tiotood the allWrIS 11 auras 'wits, 1 &drag harmed. The kidnapers have alfalfa. or who this have those year graduating our demand for preett., , sad la case of your failure boon out ono or two roars. Please igtve titkod action; potatess, 1 acre garden, 21 plied with news - TIRFPROOP STORAGE Selected and tooted us ears. ,,, as te whether the aa to 4144 judgment wtil So mdoned Definite &area old alfalfa pasture. 10 deedueational oecireptioa and personal MOMP dependability. a Insure reliability of negro home. acres glowed, resit in brush. yea ccordisg to tho deisead baby found in, the rotorences. Answers against 50Asios always in tock-- 40 FIREPROOF "FORAGE; ALSO EX. woman in Dallas. Tesec is Blakeley Torwo ,w4w wrntTiintry ?TARS' tails. andheldthree the aomplaint. which haa bees tied 111,000; half cash, ar 1cnsJJ trietly coeridoatiat and el You are sate at tomorrow. The Dort packinte and ettiroing. Norger short oftleo spatialtoo toll intermatioa ?lir school ths Clerk of 'aid Court. This acwith down one Coughlin le, expected nd or payment two moesstang position- tion- is brought Pell position hi office. Stoma., Phone. Walt fall to rammer a Podalloont Can trios eon will WI Oro to Fireproof bousaa In Bait Lake. It pricad photograph of the tplen child, was sent those whom spoil6731. L411. Dallas Sunday. Address and references. Deseret Newt dissolving (hi bends of imotriawray Sirs- tight. IL warrant letters MODEL VW 1 PASS-gooIteloreces cation OVERLAND, 14 , lotara listing bottrosa,You aad the , pee asked to establish aoPilessi'll MOVING. ' ?AMMO. running condition. Owner going STORkGE a.nd ACRES, geed water right. good so alimony ths ' ACTO REPAIRING. Cast. 411 north Second Wait. ing, and will sot bo sommunicatod with plaintiff The Id reliable. Redman boos& cantor, coops. aka lawn, and persoaal prepOrtit deetwilmid Is real shipping. boon haws Hood us. call until want service - REPAIRING assetiatin If you some Compan'. AUTO flowers, shade, S plaintiff's complaint, young f CASH PAID ?OR VRED PARTS-- 4I with applicant.. Addroes 1043, Deseret handlers of , Oldest biggest exclusivewest. CHAR. trult. located on 7th Ease istiand Machine work. SS Richards street. Saved on Parts. Auto.al, Redman - low PArNTER TOOLB household goods in the watt WANTS News. JOHN to 10 Per Cent Wandamerce 7e &eras in Pia titre A teerotoir Jost wood workAkars ' all. , 111 So. State Routh ilth Cev Streit,cis Co., Ilt wage P. O. Addroat till "Aires Fireproof Storage work; first . mechanic 'alfalfa and will produo aver 4313-Yritoatok BRADT.' , 1ef4-1- 40. Tcoll PAM Was. Pell DIAMONDS, Sig. $alt; Phones $O ?mess West tona Utah1100 --Loh 17,100; City. tt oseh; 1500 .W old veld, lkteott, Mc, HI Ciitt 1120 Chevrolet PS 10 Touring. list IITH fall and Milano WEST ea 21 easy SODERBERG, 11110 Chevrolet 43. A- - 11. TXPRESS TRANSIrCit CO. by rend Touring. WANTED MATERNITY CAS KIN, NY Woe. NOTICIII TO CONTIILSCTOSIL Wool Phons Was. 3741. 1911 Chevrolet 400 Touring. I NI handled "dal tars. 2o-- 0 rt 1k0 fro. our. Last In Slat a stprineed 11211. AND ?DUNA POR PALL Was. SW. Was. 1919 Ford One-to- n Truck, 14 Phrtas ',WHIM' tad ACRES. near 20 Cottonwood. So& led shares will be reastood by the BOB GUARANTEED A tyTomorrupt - 19111 Ford Sedan. $e lettreati of Navigation. Hi km data Picard of bide t..!wel,wfomonmoimamvlommiloITmminamonmlowoony water, 11 hours very Vilucation of Oa days. Grant "0" Touring Ignition call Hyland 1111-14 AND FEED. FLOUR Alfalfa. MEMOIR'? School TICKETS. District at their office jrdad in Ow potato, SREFRESD-MITtnIELcrud fruit, MOTOR' CAR 1 end carburetor work a specialty...Work house, Jordan School at Sandy. Viola good Wet Pc IELESSI COVE 011 DEAD OR Co. $40 So. State Street done tn your owe garage it estate& bit.. BATLEY at BONI TO AIL PAn1111 Or TRIC 1540e: term. or wauld trade 4 CO., inciorTs until pouvrfty elock on p. the pt. lith 111114. , horse& rhea. Murray tar and chemist I goo J. G. Tomlinson. world. tor a, home VP ta 11.100. ef June III for the erection of rin. litatemak impplies. titter, bal. gosimal USED PARTS FOR USED CARS irm and camant boiler house and tett. Right prices. Prompt devirias. Ws& 11 ACRES 71440 house et ocenemy. Crlonsisrittutod0:;111 411 brick wafinzlit--J110- T ni.strtSt room,' irT,Mrlyr tag t the Vpper "Ingham 'reads Cram, good waist rtirbt ASSAYERS ANT) entmlisT UTA41 AUTO WRECKAGE &SUPPLYCS twolidifitt 1 lbsuk Dooret IS school. irm. modrdi haulm, At Conran. Separata h4d0 Bingham 421 MAIN STREET. PHONE Was. HIT 2 will ha reoelved far the plentiotafr SOD FOCNTAIN METAL PTRIACIES bay, acres baits balmtee bar,- and SLACK AND DEAPON, ,APHATE119 inzET WATCWEIS. BUT SPITZ oats. of lay. the &poles. Plums, fin boating Urger Sioicham school end Cliemiets. prompt. efficient porr Ilts11444 for Sisk doesditlAs f' of P017NTAr7 lose shads tree( en bars. twe eats hese. & Pleas 100cIttellti0. and ALI, KIND J Or Spa Mar 841 eolith West Temple. fee. WECT 0800, 10 nywArrit im bad by at tho offteo of the learns's., 11 good milk tetra. trowitte; Trd4 tone tomato.. Wsa Sow. Mow. work and rml.tring. 0 Pollak' Mtg. I , O. FL NEEDHAM CO... Board at Zducatlott. A ortigted chack mower. rah. plow, barvas4 , NUL 4 C.B,C0WANt PUCCiosson To BIRD. b far per cant of th salami inert WAII1O ItACTIENCS wagon, 7 raker. rowan. 116 11. W. Tornple. Malt 1,4ks, Including 4 147 E. Ind So. accompany each bid. was. 1411, verythirg. $15,000. goaraimEN wtNTED. It OTTIA The Soard of ISdneatiee mistress thel I BErrTTLYON. ROWE ECTLIDERS co. any ;ad oil bidet LIVIII GOOD Dodge roadator. roil SALESMEN salt. trod. right to reject frogrboitNzTa 210171111. SOARD ',WOLK 2 Dodg iit-7- 0 MDCCATION, Mein. Was.- dat1 . ' touring. la titteea Utah end Idaho county IS Lid Rooms. ITNOLE lit Scheel Jordan I.. District. nets trord IIIdan with starter. rnpair waiklag tie twenty dollars per day. Small taw. JERZTAILAPI IITOKEIS e. "mood miss 11 ROOK. Ds. sod N. clerk. Ply Hudson Thempeon., . touring. tat required. depending on amount of ' , Conans ! joracti,v. tIpcialising le yrItle, Torras are imeatik, Sad ihatita; id& dais. Snedr. I;tak Jana Ith. , . Oakland ...AM tpk territory deeired. Don't atietir V MIMI . za tains. land tttAIL Templeton NOW- Studebakor edan.' ;to buy Clalapor for ItUr3r14 MOTEL SALT LAKE MT. yea inter' blighters: particulate Int. 1110TICE Or APICSIO11111rrCity. , roadoter. Ford ,-write r. o. Dolt Ili?. Salt take TT.. MOO bust soatrally liocittoti. Rites 2 Chandler touring. Waned nraelelag 111T011POKE MOUS VI SOW wrntse ,...............'...Le TREE irtntrAr or urns, Po Si Par day sad hp rooms with or Premier touring. &luster, gear shift ropprt LEAF KIWING ê 111141,DIG Attorney' end B ?Ir Methane. irest. Tuttle. lit Male Ilt. VIF SOIL 1 IAA. without 'lath Call a va limy COMPALlirft. Location af priwripal taws Nfaswell touring. citmotivicrolim . at Lan. 21 111 let Re. ... Cog L teuritill of bmainatta VI Wool Soeoed Suit Cadillac g OFFICE ROOM Mit ItrArr AT tit' L ROKEOT'EA Dal treat. Salt 'Aka W. P. 1,A MORK' AUX. D. C" ORADOvorland touring. WALNER IFLECTAIC ItrIPPLY r0. vtajt. 1 311. Plerto-ArroInset' 1st Pb South. in hereby even that at Wee illit. Natio Was. 4?3 oats ot Palmer aeoat. 1411 71114 Z. R Wr nit g110 ito. W.f. Pit - 2 new Studebaker I touring., of YOU the 1100 LOCATE WILL. bold director the Ottl Isnd Phone. Hy A 1414traffe2:1222Si Fleeting Roo I touring. holed Ile sere - third day of June. DIM. aa simiseseemet ; homestead ' atriallInG MAMMIES. --PAXXENGER TtAltING TC1tRTE11 4 tetcl414 akar Reo pa t.nt pat rev tett portteutere tett er term, Wm& wait 'sal Der hour. Prereirt service. Ex. touring esem, . 714itette11 tOUrint. lilt consrr ITTTING Waft 1Pfas Capital steak of Om cortiortitioa. PI 2 Apperaoa b Lit THE ELlt - AHD Arztamptilt 761 wakes. Vert 'drivers. WILL 12T1. one. tvirTerrwrgo touring. ii.eatt taxidermist lista. Ws sass, setspoiat. JjeCutfitoakttati KT PIABY CARRIAGF8 ItrrritrD as 41 Lahti tolympia touring. Warm NAruNo MACIIITCERY . stock et si9situteo4ioss4 111 Pe. 14 IP ars Irrupt? tourieig. Alb City. Utah 4111.01tre Vaal WIMs. : Lake mach don. Hiresat Hudson isEalt whir tlita toe upon wires wfirtic Tot; WATT. Any CORSIETI paid AYE& VAULTS tee MIACHINMPIT otliattesit lion.pew tars. JL Otoaset rim Co. WI Os. et 01 Oldoemobile S. teat MOT remain aeraid sa tint taiii PT wHEPLA rq FTOCIC. MO Weed led wit dterstch O. AIle blues Nate rile" , 1 EL 4 Hain of JOY. 1cremr Piglet' rant sr trails. dor Mil. will Ira wane N repreee 4 TrIINItitif rev Ne. I W Ot'T?Wt ii le. 1r AS Chavraist resAsitsr. and advertised for ale at dolisqviest sea-ti- e. loolbeetts Wee 1231. Wee. feel ite. ttl 1st ont-r-m k our sat for Iwittos, rlostlogra. temrtutt hissal la sailoido anit, vale sarmast otoodo ito optqler 114060 I ELECTRICAL bk visa.. en wild Ftudebaker Pods& tic fore. lb of $lot vl aem lotoe. Itrotailtottr rici-ctAr11Ats touring IL wy Imo July, itte, at I elrts Torras. PA TveTs PIO. A I mat. 11104 it CO. REPAIR ei,no.m to rPost PI ttre deilliowent too.41. the awesanoweet gt,t.77RIC phe4 pee siivecy WALIETA.vt-teritt- c Pilaff 0r4ers 1114 $s. MAIL lirrrix CO. day. worm-seP.1"r4 Seiko VtiPt 01.9c1atists. loinr driv chassis. bt ER UDTT14 PICYLEPI. 114 DO vt" totetaar with the twat at liewerttotaS Or? ruu.. BENEFIT OF as tat. St. was, 46 It 1 rev, vigeof sed Meter. im4 Oseoraters. RI0001I, k Ill hell, de Illts times .6,6,41E1y, or el.ot a f aeds and body. parnmets irzpress 'species vrfSsi 1 GM(' truck 10117 IPTII411tr, Wirptor sod Onerib ....16., C, Mite ikrtor. . ' - 1 tt E. ProsEw el 001 1 Back chassis. or tor Repairs. Was. 1144. Was SIM 0 I., 116 Orretitil I. omit ....,. ACE-11CLEM" VIM MRS MPYI. Scalia& 'treat Street. El lisiat Or OTriNG rAttt TEAM, Lat. City. Vtak. X 10 ERT IrfolteTIAICIAMI AD MA. ; ot iro to to ipoolpy twee-. othyt a tile et firai, ?ato pittlitiestios. Jima Lk Moo 11. .7 mq0- - rip? Root ay sts'a kot rsmt. 12 11 vmmek112 CO (imolai & liTL-rwo24,Pg: I 1,..,... wootiost twitheittoro s 192. wow, di I lie ft.: 04 otrop, , tr.kirwp000. kyr". 11141.ro4ty toe ,,,e4 or 'ha rnip,,,..4 gib Rao k 01411. Ill0006717.11; "J Call Or wri ft. Po Am 44elsvrv, 2116 Sto,utb I1147 71:.we'llt rron-rAA .,. Cir 2 W. 11 CA.;,001" Col itickarki ottkot. E I4 &o. Wats 4,412 &AUL S Waseteb SIIL Hyland 11031. olusimpeo. 111410, pkg. We& tea& utak trtlt boa fO064 at t "aka , ,I 0 - ft.- -0 fin Oil - , UN IENTr.....x, INVE67. IWORNINORTAR.VO11111,E.R . 111 -....- 114o ,. . 1111.11-RV-Ato lf . - , - at ee.' "I " r,imon. .- WANTMN..-NICAT.TUCN- -- nt , ! ' . - ' , ........m..... - .. MOMMINOMMEMIONOINOMPAnagoolt were-include- I t WIWNpi -- - - 001001. r -- . - mac r . ks --....- PTN-Tw- 5. r ' , , , - I , -- -- t BTACIZ-WANt-Ot- ' 1; r t-- 4; 1; ot t4 -- 4: 29-2- , . , ' 4.. ,.., eftwiNNMW.,,,M.,,0011MPINNOWOONotMMAIIIONNUMOMONIOI 0$. - Tit vet ., ne I ,, gruelling . et - , 41011BOMPROMPWitMEWM - - 112-10- " 1 , lift, , , - so-pe- ar 1111 1. , . sit , HIGH-CLAS- s - 1. i', t L ft" ao. Iv., :; , - ,. - ........"----'--- : 1 ---- , .. roa - 7 1511SWI '".- mow 0001MED - 110. ..00 , Ar'jqoTix cp--- et 1,. RE-MIE- R 011-C- A I. riL,L7 tie g - ar Vim-truc- 1 ; ?7 .411,-- - : t ; err-keetv- lo 4 I .0 M fjii |