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Show enca upon the consciences of al ihe Louisiana cciamluee Kcsola-tlouo- f ths Eoaidol Health Jl; Our Gauntry Contemporaries wkoru it touches, as is every day Caster ?Ioi; tiiiieu t Subscription. rXTULISIlED DAILY, BTTHDATB KXCKTTBD AT and everywhere witnessed through O'den Junction, July FOTJB O'CLOCK. The World's Washington special out this Territory." f Gibson's Louisiana committee t hey haro soma skilful anglers in Bo far as our experience and ob says to meets reconsider its or theai had a fine O. ugaen DAVID OALDER, servation go, and they far 'trans port on the evidence taken in New catch theuuo other .day he manaoMl Editor ahd kcbusher. cend the experienco anil.obserya-tlo- n Orleans concerning the custom to put the barbed hook into his own house ringK rThe repoit will be nose, so that too knows how it is of either of the United States on the arraignment of Kel- nlrnseirnow. Dr. Murphy released Wednesday, sharp Joly Id, 1878. judges on the supreme bench in logg, Packard, and others, and the imprisoned hook. Utah, in regard to the important will make startling disclosures At the request of the family of the M'ay the campaign frauds, Mr. Jonathan Moyes, who died at MEWS OP THE DAY. subject under eeneideration, our of raids and were elections carried his residecco in Plain City on Fri sober convictions are that the by the republicans in Louisiana. Gen. Merritt haa driven day last, lr. 5 . I j. Anderson, as statement quoted above is absolute At a meeting of the board of sisted by Mr. K. G. Horrecks, made band of Cheyennea and Sioux back health yesterday the following res a false. and ly palpably examination of the postmortem to their reservation. is a divine institution, olation was adopted: "liesolvcd body of the deceased on Saturday, Marriage Cor be that fifty physicians The Saratoga regatta appointed iu oiuer 10 ascertain Ucyond a When entered upon in a proper lor one nell won the University race. week, or longer if neces doubt the cauHe of his long Illness A colored gentleman shot his spirit, and the high contracting saryj as assistant survey inspectors auu ins ueatu. The examination to visit tenement the houses and revealed a cancerous tumor In CJincin parties are propeily mated, it is wife and rnother-In-Iaof the care the cases of cholera-infa- n nati. five and one- peculiarly divine rstafe. "in no turn for stomach, weighing or other diseases from arising Cin other condition of life can men and the extreme Queen City 2ounds. hot weather, and quarter V. cranney writes from cinnati, opened. women pioperly perforin tup full which are not under medical Logan, Union soldiers and sailors to functions of manhood and woman attendance when necessary, and July IT: "Last Friday, the 14th! as ueorge Uoodwin, of this hold convention in Indianapolis, inst., that the sanitary superintendent hood, nor fully develop their be empowered to fill all vacancies place, was descending a well on his Bi'pt. 20. raucn, tne well caved in from both Large sale of dry goods in masculine and feminine qualifica in this temporary corps. sides, completely covering him New York. and The monument Cutter mental fund has seventeen moral, tions, physical, feet below the Burface. Mrs. Lambert, of Boston, ac nor attain to the perfection of satis reached ?3,0G. a half hours of ardu two After and cidentally fchot at Ban Francisco. faction and happiness' of which Colon Soldiers and Sailors' Convert ous labor he was rescued, and tlon Silver. Officers of the Turkish army human nature is capable. Perfect strange to say, he was found entireto be responsible for brigandage by manhood and The executive of committee the womanhood ly uninjured,except a few scratches perfect a torn shirt." their troops, and the brigand troops 8 Union Soldiers and Sailors and have impossible outsiue or me mar called a convention to be held In to bo executed summarily. Servia sends her last reserves. riasre estate. Hence, marriage is Indianapolis, Sept. 0, as the call Mm INC STOCKS. not only honorable, but exalting; says, to express your sentiments in More Turkish troops also. favor cf the for which to human develop More about that Austrian it is essential principles MORMNH FOAKI). you contended on Hood and field, earthquake. ment, happiness and perfection. and to tbestandaid bearers San IrancinfiO, July 19, 1376. The Bulgarian outrages are to We are ecripturally commanded to of the endorse which sustained the irn party bo investigated. Impl, 51; 52; 5 be perfect, but without marriage it Union, an I your efforts to preserve 50 Kentuck, in Bristow's letter to Grant. is impossible to become perfect it, while endangered by domestic 330 Alpha, 41; 40; 4v- - 40 Philadelphia wool market. 30 Jacket, 27 nor even approximately so, as foes. firm 4 Id. Silver A police officer stabbed by a human Go Kentuck, 11 J Neither men nor AwollXT very Sale of beings. CooiIf. 190 Belcher, 17 i thief. Lnrjre Dry women can possibly become perfect etc. 20 Confidence, 17i; 171 Congressional proceedings without experiencing the satisfacAnother larire sale of dry goods 440 S Nev, 14; 11 j" Great time in the House. Utah17; 17V development, the culture began by Faulkner, Page & 110 Concerning the Pacific R. R. tion, the can 20 Bullion, 33 voods were from many which ooly be obtained Co. Themill laud.j. bill. 20 Excheq, 151; 15A; 16 in the country, and A number of senatorial con- through lawful marriage, and no leading consisted of flannels, blankets, 2bo overman, 69; 6S; G7J; G7J; GS; firmations. marriage is truly lawiui except cheviots, denims, and some thir ;, 01 Relknap'a trial expected to marriage bv the law of God, as he teen thousand packages, uered at 725 Justice, 22; 21 J; 21; terminate on Saturday. an aggregate value of two millions 13S5 Union, 11$; 11; 1 g; 11' b 5 is the author of that institution. a half dollars. The great sale 400 Union, 11 j; H Congress to sit three weeks liut granting tnat marriage is and room witli buyers 400 Lady Bryan, ytt. conducive and essential to perfect from was thronged of house Julia, 8; 81; 8 every Hendricks denies that he and standing 1145 1320 Caledonia, 9J; 9? throughout the country. Tilden widely differ in the currency human existence, development and &S0 opmr, 4G; 47; consequent happines?, does it ne 46; 46;, b 5; question. Army Bill Agreed To. follow all that cessarily at marriages A Washington dUpatch savs the 3410 Mex, 20,'; 29, b 10; 30; 291; 30. Fires, $20,000 Hardscrabble, $30,000 at Domesville, Ky., are of an ennobling, exalting char army bill has been agreed to by the n o; t) o; SOf, 30, s 30 ?4 ,()()() at Sorel, Canada, S5 G & C, 15; 151; lag; 15J acter, that all marriages, have re- committee of conference. The Porte protests against sults of this kind? Not by any Kutcreil ou 111m Duties ( rouhrU 790 K tc H, 471 174: 47: 46.: 46', 50 O & C. 15 being shut out of Klek. hlskejr t'onflft Want I'nnloa 2415 means. There are too many exCala,62; G21; 63; G3J; 63; 631; condi about the fast nail Service. Something tious of England's agreement with amples of miserable marriages in 01, d o; 013; m 19. Mayor Heath en 615 Savage, 21; 21 S Chicago, the two xumperors. every community. This however, tered on the performance of his 305 Cala. 61; 62 A woman murdered by a man is no argument against marriage, duties y without opposition 720 Con a, 594; 6J; 61; 6U; 611; whom she refused at Leavenworth though it may be a powerful argu- on the part of Colvln, who acqui 59J; 61, s 30; 60; 60; 601; esces in the situation. Fatal afTray between a ment against marriages, ou;: oui, s 30 Emery A. Storrs, counsel for posse and oome horse-thievof persons not 80; 82; S3; S2 Chollar, against marriages in Casey county, Kentucky. Hesing and for several indicted 360 Con Va, 59 h 60; 61; 61. well adapted to each other, and distillers, left for Washington this 1560 II & N, 91; 9J; 9i Kou mania denies that she is of making their morning, with a petition signed 4S0 u therefore incapable her army. mobilizing Point, 10; 91; 10, b5 four to five thousand citizens of 320 27s!; 27;27jj Corn merchant rail lire in marriage conducive to their own by Jacket, of theni prominent, X - . exaltation and ennoblement. There Chlcago.many Liverpool for executive his clemency About trotting and races at are persons who are degraded by asking client. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cleveland. their marriage, to whom their marThe Board of Trade, a to The army bill agreed by riage has a blighting and a blast- adopted resolution regarding the the fast mail sercommittee of conference. FOUND ing influence, but it is not to the continuation of eastern and western Chicago petitions for continu- Institution of marriage that this vice between SOLDIER'S APPLY DISCUAKQE. which cities, urgently requests ation of fast mail service. at this Ollice. this influence to at degradation, blasting once, Congress provide by Petitions for pardon for the is due. No. If legislation, for the marriage is a fail- supplementary Chicago crooked whiskey fellows. of continuation this branch of the JAKE HEUSSER & BR0. of ure is because their with it them, Mayer Heath, of Chica-- , at on all the service, poital (Successors to J. II IIA.OUE,) own injudicious conduct in that lines where it Is atleast enters on his duties. in oper present Slreet. First Door North of tlie Mere intense heat and great estate, or their natural mutual un- ation, and direct that the resolu .Uitlu t.ieinittiu store, Malt I.uke I Ity, DEALS 1(8 IN fatality, especially of babies 100 fitness for that perfect union, that tions be forwarded to tho House of daily. Fifty physicians as assist- close and intimate acquaintance Representatives and to the Post UUSS, PISTOLS, AXMUX1T10S ASD master General. ant survey inspectors In New York. F IS HI SO TACKLE. to and relation each with other, Startli ng disclosures expected lincev. and TroUlug Practical Gnntmitlii.tf and IT'" All work in our line done NEATLY( concerning the N. O. custom house which marriage 19. The first meet- - FmOMPTLY, Cleveland. and Guaranteed. Satisfaotlju which in it order it that Jing. requires d2UL lug of the Grand Custer monument fund may accomplish its perfect work. circuit commencesCentralTrottiug in this city next i v j Soured cynics rail against marri miucuuay. marching along. nas jiivery arrangement SALT LAKE to ensure made THEATRE. and success, age, penalise they are unacquainted the most races ever interesting with its and its excellences design held in this part of the country are EDITORIAL NOTES. POSITIVELY CNE NIGHT ONLY, ed results, yet, notwithstanding anticipated on the second Mrs. Oates broke up her their railings, true marriage in it Lulu will trot against time a day. fast tt ca.icstiay MZv'g, July l!. comic opera troupe at Cincinnati, self remains the same ennobling, trial of speed. Twelfth Annual Tour nf Shot and Killed. July 1. exalting, perfecting, glorifying In19. Alouzo Ander TONY PASTOR'S TROUPE The Iron Age thinks it a stitution that it always has been; Cincinnati, shot his wile last good indication of Improvement in that is, to those who are fitted for son, colored, Tony ra&tor, Sole Propriclor. in a tit of jealous rage. The the business that many furnaces each other, who enter upon it in night mother-in-lainterfered and was Th that had been out of blast for a Its true spirit, and who live in it shot, and will probably die. largest combination of Vaudeville, Novelty and Specialty Stars in the world. at are and time long work, The Sew Club House Opeue.l. again presenting a varied and pleasinfr entertaln-ineu- t, according to it highest requiresuitable to all tastes. Mr. Pastor factories that had been idle are ments. The Queen City Club House, the takes pleasure 1n announcingthe following lor ino Roison OI isvo : running on full time and some on This may bo said of marriage as largest buildiug of the kind west of uomparty Gun Williams, tho monarch of all German double time. The demand for iron an institution, and it will apply to tne Alleghauies, was formally Comedians U not so much for railroads as marriage polygamic as well as to openeu Harry Krrnefl, the North of Ireland Coined an, Votif-tan- i ianeer. Driven Merritt the Indians Zluek, for farm implements and building marriage monoganiic. In this reThe Bi i, LeUr, Alltn, Smith and 19. The following was Chicago, purposts. Confluence is reu mat spect, within reasonable figures, received tho rroatest Lirline, the Water Queen, at the all aquatic wonders now baforo tho pubbe will main numbers make no essential differ military headquar or the increased activity ' lic, and atmn, th Man Fish. ters uere 10 oay: MUs Jennie Morgan, the distinguished tained and extended. ence. "Fort IS, 1S76. Soprano. Laramie, July be of "To Col. R. C. Drum, Adj't. Auw Mnria VittinJham and HasUr Sew The trees supplying the gum quoted Many instances maj the Hoy To nor. are said to be in miserable mouogamic marriages, ben 1. Militaiy Division of the man, for India-rubbTh Fkl tiny. John and Mairg-ioIrish, Missouri: be also sKricn ana uiaiect Artiuis. many instances may exhaustiMe, the belt of land around and "A Chicago courier iust arrived musical, and Athletes and Crossley ihlcr, the globe 550 miles on each side of quoted of miserable polygamic mar from Red Cloud reparts that on the I. the Stockholm Wonder and Lin Kjrl caso 10th is the vet in neither riaees. Merritt inst., the equator abounding in these intercepted the n Phenomenon. hundred Cheveuues and Antipode liabu Bind'ey, the precocious Musical G- trees, which can be tapped twenty defect with the institution of mar e.ght Sioux who had left their agency to ntui. vocalist and Dancer. t harlcs WorUy, the great Ethiopian Com successive seasons without injury, riage, but it is invariably with inenosiue bands against Crook edian. join themselves take those who so trees upon close stand that and the and Terry, auddrove them back to Frank Girard, tho versatile Artist. Com- ediau and Actor. one man can gather the sap of the responsibilities of that institu their agency A. MAMMOTH ORCHESTRA & not do fulfil either and "Signed, tree a each in them, tion, day, yielding eighty F. "E. BRASS BAND, Townsend, Comd'g." on an average three tablespoonfuls or are not naturally suited to be under ths direction of H. T. DIRING. Boat Race. I'nlversltjr J ee suitable thousand of close companions an daily. Forty-thrUN T rAa I U K. Americas own wasa large I Comic Saratoga, 19.on There Vocalist, will appear in a new and these trees have been counted in a helpsmeet for each other iu that crowd the banks of the original catalogue or Humorous, Motto. tract of country thirty miles lung most intimate and designed to be lake to gathered dlW witness the University boat Inscriptive aud.Local Songs. most perfect relationship. That's race At 11:35 the start by eight wide. was made with Cornell leadine. The Providence Journal where all the trouble lies, when Columbia second and third. UTAH VESTERM RAILWAY ia wants ladies to understand that the there any trouble, and heaven Cornell appeared to beUnion about going of sort is there knows that six strokes. At the end of the small birds worn as hat ornaments enough thirty of trouble in all communities, and first mile Columbia led, with Harare skinned alive. 1047 second and Cornell third. At leen from vard A youug man in Wayne Co. every country, and h the second mile Cornell took the ! lead with a spurt, with Harvard Iowa, deaf and dumb for twenty time immemorial. It is, however, positivelj' nst a second. As they neared the stand years, was suddenly thrown from a Che f it Excursions s fact that polygamic maniage, the crowd of Cornell and to the ground, striking his wagon to cheered the echo. was It head, and on arising found that be throughout this Territory, has a soon out that Cornell was had recovered his speech and hear- blasting and blighting influence, first, given Harvard second. Columbia every day witnessed, upon the third, Union fourth, Wesleyan ing. Princeton last. The fol The Omaha Herald eays, consciences of all whom it touches. flftth and AND is the official time: Cornell lowing On the of best the contrary, many ".Same of the frontier counties in 17.01 i; Harvard 17.05J; Columbia Minnesota are entirely depopulated citizens, the purest and noblest 17.181; Union 17.27: VVeslvan 17.- on account of an Indian scare. The characters Jn the Territory, and in 58; Princeton 18.101. OS UOSDAT, The single scull race was won bv inhabitants have left their houses, the whole Union, both of men and JULY 24th, 1876. are lound amon those Francis, of Cornell, Dunford secfields of grain everything and women, and Weeks, of ond, third, Parmely who have entered into the holy Princeton fourth. Time Francis yilK UTAH WESTERN RAILWAY COM- with a few household goods and x rAn x will run Tiaias as follows: 13 42i; Danford 13.56; Parmely H. teams, driving their cattle before estate of polygamic marriage, 21 ; Weeks 14.23J. exConsiderable Leave Salt Laic City at them, have retreated to the more was manifested in this citement O 7 1 SO p.m. populous portions of the State. The race. a 00 wildest rumors prevail, and a Returning, arrive at Salt Lakt City at panic-stricke- n FOREICN. people are flying lest wesTUtx usion Tin line. telegraph 13 40 p m. 9 SO p m. the Kioux horrors of 1862 should be CREAT BRITAIN'. 4 40 3 OO a.ui. S3 til again repeated." DISPATCHES. Ful&urlan Outrages Investigation Each train connecting at Lake Folnt War Inevitable. With the Steamer CONGRESSIONAL. THE INFLUENCE OF MAR- London, 19. The Telegraph' Constantinople special says in con GENERAL &IAGE. GARFIELD, HFN.tTE. sequence of dicpatchea from Earl emrece 19 ved at the lirttlsh Anthony said Derby, Which will sail on the Lake at Intervals Washington If there is any place where men are among visitors to bass3', Mr. W. Baring, second sec- during the day, passlug close to BLACK thedistinguished especially expected to speak truth- the Centennial was the Marquis retary of the legation, has been kuck. during tne sail. fully, it is iu court. If there is any DeRocbambeau, grandson of Count directed to investigate the BulgarHe bad been ian outrages. c!at.s of men who are expected to be De Rochambeau. A Berlin dispatch tays it is Fcr the rounl trip, Including ride on the home and had not called suddenly to very particular speak calmly, time to visit the nu ional capital. agreed here that if Roumania has steamer, soberly, truthfully, without preju- The Marquis had inherited all the really presented the note, as allegdice to any person or party, It is papers of his grandfather, and ed, war is inevitable. those who eit on the bench and among tnem were many or value Stocks. CnTLtREJ, between five aud twelve revolution. years or age, wear the ermine. The statements relating to the American IAS bonds Consols 67'e, 9i a resolution instructsubmitted He new fives 106; Krio 13; of a judge should be so unbiassed, 5 O CENTS ing the committee on Library to 109J; Fa 1 in re. just, and accurate, as to be worthy iuquire into the expediency of obG. W. TllATTHEIt, Geu'l Tas3 Aut. of being considered really oracular. taining the paper of Count De Peteis 1Q. Bros., Liverpool, II. r. KIMBALL, Supt. The misfortune is that. In this Rochambeau, now in possession of corn merchants, have suspended. d')l De Rochambeau re- liabilities estimated at the Marquis. 150,000 at country least, such desirable to our war for independence; sterling features in enunciations from the lating agreed to. I not bench are nearly bo common as DALMATIA. EASTERN. CENTENARY HIS- Abandoned Without fighting--. 17OR " BARNES' they ought to be. This lack of or ONE TIUNDKED YKARS of Heat Urent Sacrifice or course tends to very much lower The Intense Infant 19. INDEPENDENCE," a superb Lite. Dispatches from AMERICAN Raqusa, sources work. announce the character of the bench, and to New that Sclavonic to A. R. WRrGHT, Immediately 19. Apply The Intense York, Ueueral Agent for Utah. Nevesslnje materially lessen the high esteem heat continues with great fatal- the Turks abandoned Lake City.) without fighting. Tho iasurgents (14th Ward, Salt in which it would otherwise be ities. Uotschko. invested have The Timet says, editorially, that held by the better class of citizens. School District Trustees. week there died every in In the recent decision of the last Simple and Inexpensive as it '1I 'HE taxpayers of the 20th School District New York about 100 babies day under arc hereby notified that thereonwilt be a of a In the is Court Glekn's is, Soap Territory, ene year. This is a monstrous and Sulphur Supreme meeting at tho Friday seven 28th, at half-paJuly the Reynolds case, the following Inexcusable sacrifice of Infant life, most efficient remedy for certain ovealng," of a election board of the for three and after all the allowance made obnoxious diseases, to be cured of o'clock, remark was made concerning poly. on the ensuing term of three .lor Truttecs the score of climate, it is simply DV 11 Hi 1... TD gamlc marriage "Especially too a disgrace to our civilization; 99 which those afflicted with them yearS. Ji. II. crTTMVHT JOHN NICHOLSON, Trustees. when we remember that this crime per cent, or tne mortality occurred often spend thousands of dollars to HENRY FUSEY, d & w 200 no purpose, has a blighting end blasting influ in tenement nouses. d2001w THE EVENING NEWS. l6. w club-bous- rn ML e, TO 3D (0 VLLI -- O 27- - SUMMER OS AT Z, C, to-d- ay Commencing Monday, July 17th 1 M-eh.- I BARGAINS , to-da- es Organdies Lawn, Corded Jaconet, French Lawns, Figured Lawns, Percales, Grass Cloth, Grenadine, to-da- y. 10-ua- y. er , to-d- ay. I070 PIONEER DAY s Har-vard- fck&GK HOOK LAKE POINT! - 12i Cts., 15 Cts., 18 15 -- pro-suppes- es ii - 15Cts., 15Cts., 35 Cts-- , 12JCts., to 45 Cts., to 95 Cts., Dress Goods, Lancaster, Renfrew and Bates' Ginghams, - 13 Cts., 95 Ct.; Chambray, all Colors, 11 Newmarket R R Sheeting, Cts., 32 Cts., Awning Stripe, Camel's Hair Dress Goods, - 17Cts Horse Dusters, 50 Cts., 75 Cts., Linen Pants, r - 50 Cts., Boys' Hats, 10 Cts. per Box, Paper Collars, Linen Coats, 75 Cts. to $150 $1.00 Prints, 12 yards for 1.00, Prints, 14 yards for 1.25, Cassimere, White Shirts, LOOEach, Scotch Tweed, 1.00, Ladies' Straw Hats, Trimmed Hats, Children's Caps and Bonnets, Real Lace Sets, Artificial Flowers, Ladies' Fans, Lace Curtains, Satchels, Parasols- -- -- -- -- -- -- - . By UMMER CLOTHING, Telegraph. TO-DAY- 'S G: . flrst-oia- Mens' Cassimere Coats it Pants, Vests, Boys' Cassimere Coats, Pants, Vests, Mens' extra size Suits, Children's Cass. Suits, Children's Linen Suits, Men's Linen Pants, Vests, Straw Hats, Men's, Felt Hats, Men's, Gents' Silk Bows, Men'slKid Gloves, Etc., Etc., Etc. ti -- if ss Pchosl-uous- , ' ' VI l'' 1 !. e, st . '. i ' i.U t it.. |